
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2016?  (Read 144133 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #225 on: January 27, 2016, 12:46:11 AM »
FE13 is more 'anime' than previous FE games? I mean, I guess I can agree but I always saw the FE13 changes as more of a shift towards 'stupid wacky anime hijinks' rather than 'sleazy pedo-pandering anime bullshit'.

Well yeah, but having seen the face stroking mini game in practice (thanks Magey!), that is definitely in the sleazy camp more than wacky hijinks.

but it is defs a thing about if rather than Awakening.

Is this what it feels like to be a GTA fan?

Nah, its more like how much I like FF8 than liking GTA.  I know FF8 is terrible, but I like it in spite of all its failings.  GTA I have way less of a defense for.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #226 on: January 27, 2016, 01:56:43 AM »
I'm with Fenrir; when I went through FE7 & FE8 for the first time I got barely any supports.

A lot of the supports take literally hundreds of turns to max out.  The method by which you acquire them is also highly counterintuitive in that you have to sit around hitting "end turn" on clear maps for EVER to unlock all but a few.  They're a big part of the game if you're obsessed with collecting everything or min-maxing, but not if you just play through the game normally.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #227 on: January 27, 2016, 02:07:42 AM »
If you know about them (and I'll grant this is a big if), then it's quite possible to still get decent use out of the fastest ones while playing at a reasonable clip, like Lyn/Florina or Eliwood/Hector. Just need to make a point to keep the partners together when you don't have a compelling reason not to.

It's still a bad system and I'm glad it was changed after the GBA games.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #228 on: January 27, 2016, 11:42:10 AM »


I thought Fenrir started playing Crusader Kings for a second and I got really, really, really, really excited to read about it then became disappointed.

I mostly agree with Fenrir because he is bashing Fire Emblem and making Djinn pissy so 10/10 would read again

NEB: The GTA fan and FE fan comparison is a striking one that I am going to keep in my back pocket to piss off both groups of fans in the future. Also you're terrible etc.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #229 on: January 27, 2016, 11:46:07 AM »
I was going to say I don't think it would be a style of game that would really push Fen's buttons.  ON the other hand if you want opaque impenetrable mechanics that you will never understand that make Vagrant Story look simple, well Paradox games is a damn fine place to start.

But they probably don't change rapidly enough to really get going?

I mean this is the kind of game that Super and VSM like.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #230 on: January 27, 2016, 01:23:06 PM »
True. I wasn't even considering if it would be a game he liked. More along the lines of it is a game that is more fun to read about than play and Fenrir is good at making obnoxious-to-play sound fun.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #231 on: January 27, 2016, 11:26:02 PM »
NEB: The GTA fan and FE fan comparison is a striking one that I am going to keep in my back pocket to piss off both groups of fans in the future. Also you're terrible etc.

Glad to be of service.

Super Mario Maker - I have made two of my own stages, yay. I also tried playing random stages from the internet. Apparently a lot of people are really, really bad stage design. Good to know.

Also Splatoon.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #232 on: January 28, 2016, 12:11:59 AM »
FE13 is more 'anime' than previous FE games? I mean, I guess I can agree but I always saw the FE13 changes as more of a shift towards 'stupid wacky anime hijinks' rather than 'sleazy pedo-pandering anime bullshit'.

Well yeah, but having seen the face stroking mini game in practice (thanks Magey!), that is definitely in the sleazy camp more than wacky hijinks.

but it is defs a thing about if rather than Awakening.

Oh god I keep trying to forget that shit exists in FE14. That shit is awful and I hate it and while most everything else about FE14 is cool and amazing, I can totally support anyone who draws the line at the creepy face-rubbing bullshit in FE14.

Doesn't apply to what I said about FE13, but just wanted to let you know what side of the fence I'm on about FE14's bullshit version of Pokemon-Amie with human beings...


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #233 on: January 28, 2016, 12:34:14 AM »
I'll just post this here.

This is actual character art in FE Awakening. Not Hyperdimension Neptunia.
Not joking.

I haven't actually seen the hot springs scene in FE Awakening (I mentioned I only played the game a bit), and NVM about that point if that doesn't happen here.

In all my years of travelling animeland I don't think I have ever seen a hot springs scene that wasn't about a male guy checking out the ladies part of the bath springs, then a woman noticing and going "KYAAAA YOU PERV". Either that or you get total fanservice. It is total creative bankrupcy.
And i have seen a lot of bath spring scenes... Too many for one life... Too many for many lives. I am weary.
It's time guys. Time to travel to TV Tropes

"One of the inns in Tales of Symphonia is also a hot spring, and going there with Zelos in the party after a certain plot event results in a cutscene where Zelos tries to spy on the female party members while they're bathing."
"The same kind of situation happens in Dawn of the New World if the party goes to the hot spring at one point and have the ladies go in. Zelos tries to spy on the females"
"The original bathing scenes in Tales of Phantasia had peeping on both sides:"
"They're at it again in Tales of Vesperia."
"Riviera: The Promised Land and Yggdra Union both feature a hidden "hot springs scene" where the games' female characters appear naked."
"Present in all of the 5 generations of Record Of Agarest War. The other present thing with this one is that Winfield gets beaten up by Borgnine every single time.
Whatever Agarest Senki has to offer at first, Agarest Senki 2 turns it Up to Eleven when Janus goes full blown Large Ham at peaking at the hot springs."
"In Breath of Fire IV there is a scene that was removed from the international releases of the game, featuring Nina and Ursula visiting a hot spring during the camping scene in the Tidal Flats. They ask Ryu to stand guard, Nina makes a comment along the lines of "Wow, I had no idea you were so big!" he gets curious, Hilarity Ensues, unfortunately the clip seems to have gone missing."
"Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 and Persona 4. The former also involves a Stealth-Based Mission."
"The remakes of Pokémon Red and Blue (FireRed and LeafGreen) feature a hot spring that heals Pokémon."


"This being a Pokémon game, no fanservice is involved."
"Fire Emblem Fates goes a step further by allowing you to construct a hot spring in your personal castle, letting you experience this between each battle with a random group of your units and also gives you free control of the camera. As it's not gender segregated, there's a chance the avatar might walk in on the opposite gender bathing, upon which Hilarity Ensues."

Anyway NEB This isn't really a question of morality so I don't think the GTA comparison holds well? Technically, on paper, I do not think that anime is quote unquote inherently morally wrong, strictly speaking. Even the sleaziest loli rape stuff. All of you should still feel bad, obviously, but anime is not morally wrong. Do not quote me on that out of context.

Also if there is a Mario Maker fanservice DLC in which Bowser rape-murders Peach and people are like "Just ignore the DLC"?
I like my over the top comparisons.

When it comes to tolerance for games I am like a Star Ocean 3 character with both HP and MP bars , HP being related to how interesting and/or fun the game is and MP to how anime it is. 0 of either = I stop playing.
By putting a big spotlight on supports and streamlining the process, FE Awakening raised HP by 200 but also lowered MP by 100 at the same time.
This is really bad, because nowadays my HP Bar is like twenty times bigger than my MP bar. I can tank Super Hydlide gameplay no problem, but any mere suggestion of tentacle rape for lulz and I'll stop playing your game
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 12:36:39 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #234 on: January 28, 2016, 01:08:36 AM »
In all my years of travelling animeland I don't think I have ever seen a hot springs scene that wasn't about a male guy checking out the ladies part of the bath springs, then a woman noticing and going "KYAAAA YOU PERV". Either that or you get total fanservice. It is total creative bankrupcy.

I think you could argue that Outlaw Star's hotsprings episode isn't that? I mean, it's fanservice as fuck, but it's a bizarrely slapstick episode all told. But it's also been a while since I've seen it, so I might be misremembering and it may be more stock than I recall.

That said, I actually would like more hotsprings stuff just played straight. No pervy, just people chilling in the water and talking. I find the idea and environs relaxing.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #235 on: January 28, 2016, 01:15:18 AM »
Hold on, are we talking about the Awakening hot springs DLC, or the Fates hot springs stuff?

The former is mainly about the four kids who won a popularity vote temporarily putting on yukatas, which is pretty far from what people normally refer to as fanservice.

Edit: I just skimmed the in-chapter dialogue and the Sain-esque wannabe casanova character (Inigo) does not appear to attempt any peeping, so I feel safe in presuming that nobody actually does that in the whole chapter. It really is focused on yukatas rather than nudity, which is admittedly really damned rare for any sort of hot springs episode in anime/video games/etc.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 01:31:16 AM by hinode »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #236 on: January 28, 2016, 01:19:55 AM »
In all my years of travelling animeland I don't think I have ever seen a hot springs scene that wasn't about a male guy checking out the ladies part of the bath springs, then a woman noticing and going "KYAAAA YOU PERV".

That actually isn't what happens in the Awakening DLC, and even if it was, then don't download it.  (Nor the Bowser rape DLC.)  Problem solved!

Look I think I have pretty good cred around here at hating on stupid anime bullshit, and some of it is indeed bad enough I ain't playing the game.  Growlanser 4 was notably worse thanks to it, vocaloid culture can creep me out, and I wouldn't touch the likes of Agarest or Neptunia with a ten-foot pole.  Awakening is not that bad.  It has anime tropes, yes, but it *actually does cool things* with them and keeps the skeevy to a minimum outside the marriage supports, which are almost totally optional and usually err on the bland side rather than the creepy one.  The existence of one uncomfortable character in Nowi doesn't undo the rest of the game.

And i have seen a lot of bath spring scenes... Too many for one life... Too many for many lives. I am weary.

Yeah this is the weird shit!  We've seen your posts about Persona 3 solos and the like which is way worse.  I dunno, it's like someone going on a diet and declaring they won't put sugar in their coffee or tea anymore while eating chocolate-covered donuts.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #237 on: January 28, 2016, 01:53:44 AM »
I don't think I've seen anything on par with Nowi in even Persona 3.
Anyway, people change, Snowfire. People change. You are not looking at a man who would actually finish Tales of the Abyss anymore.
There are enough amazing games nowadays that I don't have to deal with the ones that have awful shit I have to pretend I'm not seeing. Nowi here? Nopenopenope


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #238 on: January 28, 2016, 03:15:37 AM »
Pretty sure I have you 1-up'd as I never finished Abyss.

FE Fates might yet be some kind of pulsing catgirl maid attacked by tentacles Gomorrah of Japanese decadence, of course, but Awakening isn't in that deep.  I think this is where we link back to the earlier discussion of anime scores from a certain Fenrir and also my post on some of Growlanser 4's awfulness:,6222.msg152586.html#msg152586,6222.msg152660.html#msg152660

I'd definitely add "takes place in high school" and "everyone inexplicably drooling over main character" to the warning signs that you might be anime.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #239 on: January 28, 2016, 03:30:15 AM »
Neither here nor there, but the anime hot springs fanservice thing is an outgrowth of the 'whole plot goes to a resort for some reason and hijinks ensue' trope.  So yes, you will actually find examples of hot springs episodes and the like that are not there for the fanservice, and not even there to parody the fanservice (looking at you, Ranma 1/2).

I would hazard a guess as to why: in real life - which the sharper among you may note is not anime -  hot springs resorts are part of the Japanese cultural landscape.  They're a vacation destination for normal people.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #240 on: January 28, 2016, 04:01:08 AM »
in real life - which the sharper among you may note is not anime


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #241 on: January 28, 2016, 05:01:21 AM »
In all my years of travelling animeland I don't think I have ever seen a hot springs scene that wasn't about a male guy checking out the ladies part of the bath springs, then a woman noticing and going "KYAAAA YOU PERV". Either that or you get total fanservice. It is total creative bankrupcy.

Do the bath vignettes in Suikoden count?  I mean... none of them are substantial enough to be SCENES but I can't recall that happening.  Maybe it did in 4, though, because there were only bad ideas in that game.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #242 on: January 28, 2016, 05:36:55 AM »
Suikoden V has a bath scene which is definitely kiiinda like that, except instead of "KYAA YOU PERV" the reaction is more along the lines of the girl brandishing a knife and saying "there are no men allowed in here... of course, if you weren't a man any more..." I dunno, I laughed.

Anyway NEB This isn't really a question of morality so I don't think the GTA comparison holds well? Technically, on paper, I do not think that anime is quote unquote inherently morally wrong, strictly speaking. Even the sleaziest loli rape stuff.

Well the sleazy loli rape is a lot like driving over bystanders with a car, it is doing something which is disgusting and wrong, but hey it's just a simulation so it's harmless (maybe? I'm not sure how I feel about this issue myself!). Of course, I was assuming that the objection to sleazy loli rape was bad because it was, well, rape, not because it was anime. If your objection is strictly to anime-related stuff, then yeah that's fair. (The comparison holds well for me, though, because for me it is the rape/murder that's the problem.)

Although, and this is rather timely, apparently it was just announced that the rubbing mini-game will not be in the international version of the game. Huzzah!

Also if there is a Mario Maker fanservice DLC in which Bowser rape-murders Peach and people are like "Just ignore the DLC"?

Agreed, which is why I made the comment about optional stuff no longer getting a pass for being optional once it's bad enough. But things like hot springs scenes should not be "bad enough" for this even if you can't stand them.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #243 on: January 28, 2016, 06:40:04 AM »
Suikoden V has a bath scene which is definitely kiiinda like that, except instead of "KYAA YOU PERV" the reaction is more along the lines of the girl brandishing a knife and saying "there are no men allowed in here... of course, if you weren't a man any more..." I dunno, I laughed.

And I thought Miakis was only in one egregiously awful scene in that game.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #244 on: January 28, 2016, 07:16:24 AM »
Well the sleazy loli rape is a lot like driving over bystanders with a car

Gods, no it isn't.  Next time I am visiting we are going to practice murder until you know how to do it right.  I thought you would know how to do this by now.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #245 on: January 28, 2016, 01:10:40 PM »
Ori And The Blind Forest - played through

I enjoyed it, mostly. A couple of the chase segments could have done with being a bit shorter. (The tree one could have done with not being rubber-banded.)

Missed a health upgrade and an energy upgrade, although there wasn't anything on the map. Since I never found the map fragment for the final area it's possible they were in there somewhere.

Bashing through strings of enemies is pretty entertaining.

Half-Life: Blue Shift - played through

I've ended up with the impression that it was the least aggravating entry of original Half-Life, but given that it's by far the shortest it could just be that it didn't overstay its welcome. At the least, I don't remember there being any black ops soldiers in the game, so that's one point above the other two.

The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - played through

I enjoyed it. Nothing really standing out about it, though.

I think that everything I didn't collect is either locked behind that terrible cucco dodging game or the higher levels of the Treacherous Tower. Not bothering with any of that.

I ended up looking up the location of the Pegasus Boots because I figured that they were going to be a dungeon chest, then they weren't, then I figured that they were going to be a prize for the race, then they weren't. Hadn't even considered the actual location because I expected to need the boots in order to interact with it in the first place.

Highrise Heroes: Word Challenge - played through

I sometimes enjoyed it.

For the longest time it was good fun outside the accursed timed levels, but it seriously started to overstay its welcome and spike in difficulty on the lower floors. Ended up shelving it for a week or so, then didn't have any real non-time-related problems after that, so I guess it may have been more an issue of fatigue. I did also go in with a fresh outlook on using the character powers, which I'd generally tried to avoid previously, so that could also have had an impact.

Meeting the three-star requirements on most of the later timed levels pretty much requires that you queue up another chain while your previous chain is still resolving. I hate that.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #246 on: January 28, 2016, 01:29:28 PM »
Well the sleazy loli rape is a lot like driving over bystanders with a car

Gods, no it isn't. 

Yeaaaaah I missed that part.  No, hell no, can't agree with that equivalence at all.  Simulated violence doesn't actually equate to committing the act of violence. Getting your rocks off on loli rubbing simulators... doesn't actually equate to the real act of sexual violence either, but I am inclined to believe that it certainly encourages the actual act more than simulated violence does. Especially given how little we actually know about the development of fetishes, etc.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #247 on: January 28, 2016, 03:54:10 PM »
Shadow Hearts 3 in 4:19:21. Sub 4:20 time, which happened much faster than I thought! This time is only about at most, 3 minutes behind WR. Still, I have the itch to go back and do more runs of the game cause I should be able to get a lower time just based on past performances.. Theoretical time assuming everything goes right at this point is probably like a 4:05:XX but getting all those pieces to line up is probably unlikely.

Erick Theatre to Dark One - I think this is the first time I get the perfect on Dark One and three round him. Shame about the formations on the thugs within the dungeon, cause otherwise this should be a 7:50:XX instead of an 8.

Arkham University - Frank had stock for Ignorak so the Schofield II was pretty much a lock.

Grand Canyon - I had between 60-100% stock which is optimal but IIRC didn't get first turn. Doesn't change too much so this was looking solid at this point.

Chicago and Gangsters - Gangsters suck hardcore when the don't group together. Also, I lost more time here thanks to Dazzle dying on me, causing me to miss a ring and having to fix the capture.

Alcatraz - Pirate Fort - Pretty much minor time losses all over. Some of it is just due to unfamiliar menuing with Natan. Some of it was just bad formation/boss luck.

Vegas - This wasn't bad but not as good as it was in my PB. I finished Vegas at about a 1:57:XX. Most of the gangster fights were ok. They weren't optimal mostly due to positioning. Still, I was able to minimize the time loss because the Malice Edna fight went really well (lots of strikes on Red Bounces and Entrance!) but my stock situation was worse due to the gangster formations, so I couldn't bounce turns to Hilda as much as I wanted. I'm about 90 seconds to +2 minutes at this point.

Chichen Itza - I basically go into the red here significantly and don't recover at all until near the end. Why? Jeb Nigas refused to get POIZN'd despite me taking RICHARD approved YOLO tactics. I nearly get myself killed because of that but the fight ended up being long drawn out slug fest. Pictures were solid, but I did have to force 1 encounter just due to bad formations on the way to the boss. About +5 minutes at this point.

Machu Picchu - Kerufe goes down without a hitch. Having Natan at this point out made things a little easier and saves a little time each fight since I didn't need to fuse to access any of my options.

Vilacabamba - After the disaster in the last Killer fight on my PB, I was certain to gain time here. And I do! I made up only about 2 minutes though because Daoros is still a nuisance. I also take him out with a Double Combo from Johnny which in retrospect is a mistake since it really hurt me for the next fight. I'm developing better general rules now about this fight and I want to see if full Bat in actual practice makes this fight much faster cause it could be worth the risk.

Aito Cave - Lol. So after the disaster last run, I was like 100% certain I would save time. Nope. I ended up losing the 2 minutes I gained, meaning this fight is about 6 minutes slower overall than what it should be. Half my problem was just the turn order not lining up correctly so I could never Entrance Hilda after she was revived. If I had stock, I could just pass turns to Hilda and this wouldn't be an issue at all.

Salt Mines - Killer doesn't get one shot but I also kill him before he can benefit off Gale so this was not too bad overall.

Garland Residence - Lost time here too against BabyRage. I think it was just randoms though. I'm about +2:20 at this point. But now the end game comes and the Bat reroute takes over.

Before the Gate - Skipping the Roswell Hit Expands saves like 2 minutes. It's pretty damn good and you minimize the backtracking involved as well.

Malice Killer - Excellent turn order. Killed him with a 20 second save to boot, so yeah, this was great.

Malice Soakers - Much faster. The first tree is the biggest issue and I managed to get Ricardo to go before they did. Strike Barrier and it was pretty much coasting from that point on. Bat's big advantage over Mask Curvy? Energy Charge. Since the Keys give you a lot of stock, it enabled her to freely use Energy Charge Standard Doubles without significant risk. Not to mention, since she attacks almost all the time, she gets stock back every turn. I save at an estimate about 6 minutes on trees overall thanks to this. Of course, good turn orders and not getting too many run failures helps a lot too.

Malice Gilbert - Gilbert goes and does Gathering into Deep Grudge. I proceed to basically wipe him out from the ensuing lag on the Double. Hilda did about 6400 damage so lulz.

Lady - Stock situation was Ricardo at about 0.5, Natan at 0, Johnny and Hilda at 2. It was an awkward situation, but I make the best of it. Energy Charge Standards deals about 1400 damage, so they are the best source of secondary damage after keys were exhausted. I almost split early a couple of times because I did about 7000 damage and thought she would already be dead after the Third Key. Cue Ricardo's turn, hit a strike. Still not dead (7122 damage at this point)! I was a little worried after that because Lady would cure herself. Luckily, mah boi Johnny Garland could get a turn before her and did a Gale Blast to push the damage right into a kill. Lost about 40 seconds compared to PB because of stock situation basically.

Shadow Hearts 2 - AFter 10 years, I finally make it out of the train tunnels! So yeah, I want to play through the rest of this game now to see what I missed. Gameplay is a step up from 1 but down from 3 - main issue is just the overall difficulty. The combo system is also very superfluous (due to the above) and the mechanics feels entire unnecessary. Very much do prefer how it was eventually handled in 3 which was much more intuitive. Some tentative thoughts:

Re: Rings - Are a joke in this game. This is probably because I speedrun FtNW, which more or less requires you to get decent strike rates off tiny strike zones. Covenant's Ring *is* smaller and the speed of the dial feels different so the timing does change of course. However, the strike zones are like 3x as big as they are on TECHNICAL compared to FtNW. My favorite though is Energy Charge, having a strike zone about 8x as large as the one in FtNW. It's like Intrude! They realized, "oh hey, this ability was kind of good, we should nerf it".

Re: Randoms - Because of the above, enemies are *really* easy. And I mean pathetically so. They don't have the same level of damage as the ones in FtNW and with such a convoluted combo system, they can't even combo to make you worry about them more. You can get ambushed and not have anybody die. Meanwhile in FtNW, you get ambushed and it's potentially fatal. Now add in the fact that you can regularly one shot them (not even requiring you to use the best mage in the game!) without hitting weakness and it's all kinds of amazing. Really, the main reason I fight them is because a) I needed to improve my strike rate back up since this file was from 10 years ago and b) I want to see if I can be prove wrong as well as remain somewhat within the relevant level curve.

Re: Bosses - Are largely wusses. Having Energy Charge super early is probably a mistake. As is getting Entrance really early. Then there are so many multipliers. So ridiculously many. Like it reaches the point of VP2 silly. I'm okay with this though since it just means I get to crush everything into fine powder. The highlights so far include ORKOing Rasputin and Nicholai as well as OHKOing Hojo. Even if I don't OHKO, a 2HKO is super likely just because of how much damage the first hit deals. I am sad that I cannot stack the Mind's Eye with the Extreme. But given how the bosses just basically explode at this point, I suppose it is just gratuitous overkill.

The good news for SH2 bosses is that if you are boss that is Veronica or earlier, I will view you as much more durable because that is before where all the really broken stuff is gotten. For the record, after Veronica you get: 2nd copy of Entrance, Mind's Eye and Lucia's crit oil as available options. These all add up to making boss durability much worse. I suppose I could do a learning curve scale (so the later you are the more likely you will feel the full brunt of the effects on some of these abilities) but I rarely vote in the DL anymore, so this is just speculative.

Re: Europe Arc - Largely fluff but has the better gameplay portion. Bosses survive more than 4 actions. I like that the story gives you flash backs of SH1 so if you haven't played SH1 in awhile or at all, you can still get the general gist of what are basically the key points (Alice dying, Albert summoning a greater god etc.). Instead of putting inside a library or something that basically says "here, read this if you want to care about the story". I like this for 2 reasons. 1) There is cutscene skip so you can skip all this if you wanted and 2) the fact that it is put into the cutscene makes me feel like the designers are saying "We care about the story and narrative", which at least makes me want to pay attention. If you just dump it into a library I feel like you really don't care either, so then the question becomes 'well, why should I?'. 

Also, the joke characters are a little less obnoxious I suppose. Joachim/Ana are much better than Frank and Mao. But just like in FtNW, the supporting cast doesn't really get a lot of screen time. This is largely Yuri's story (or a continuation of it from part 1) and to a lesser extent, Karin's story and the game makes that pretty clear. Even Gepetto who is Alice's uncle and Blanca don't do much (although I guess for Blanca, this is excusable). Still, nothing too exciting happens. They spend about 70% of this arc just talking about the mysterious powers of the mysterious mistletoe or mysterious activities of the mysterious assassin group. 

Shout outs however to Lenny, who is the rising star of the villain cast, which is largely forgettable. I didn't care much for Veronica or Rasputin or Nicholai, but Lenny is genuinely cool and its great to see that they didn't kill him off AND bring him back in part 3 as Johnny's butler. Well done Azure.

Re: Japan Arc. I'm about halfway through this is I were to guess. I just got out of the Hojo lab. This is kind of where the game starts picking up. The mistletoe curse becomes more relevant, what Kato is doing becomes more obvious and they do less beating around the bush overall. I guess hiding the mysteries are starting to pay off but we will see once I completely finish the game. The one thing they are *not* being mysterious about is regarding Karin's true identity. This is kind of strange, but I guess they didn't want this to be completely out of the left field and are making it well foreshadowed.

Re: Character Balance. The way I play, this is also kind of messed up. In general Yuri > Blanca > Lucia >>> everyone else for bosses. Magic multipliers just isn't as good here as they are in FtNW so going physicals for boss fights are largely the way. Since Yuri has sole access to Energy Charge, he is by far the best at it. Since like FtNW, you really only have one set of good physical boosting accessories, you really only need one good support, which in this case is your fastest character, Blanca. Shout outs to Lucia for adding an additional 2x multiplier for free basically, which negates the thought required from me  to consider other characters in this scale

For randoms, this is a little more interesting. Magic is superior here because they have AoE. Physicals don't. Obvious choice should be that the best mage is the best at randoms right? Well, not quite. Because enemies once they get their turn, move out of formation and since tech rings are so easy to hit, it's actually the fastest character who is usually the best here. Scale is something like Blanca > Ana / Lucia > Yuri / Gepetto > Karin > Joachim/Kurando. Ana and Lucia have stronger magic than Blanca so they take out stuff that aren't weenies. Also, Ana has a camera, which is very valuable. Yuri still has ST OHKO off decent speed so he's still good, but not great. I don't like fusing in randoms and think it's basically a waste of time since Blanca or whoever can waste half the field beforehand anyway. Gepetto's game worst speed bites him since he often can't move before enemies do, but his innate bonus + high MAG means he can take out more durable enemies that the other can't, which is something. After that, Karin is better than Kurando and Joachim because she can actually use magic, unlike the former and has better int/speed unlike the latter. She's worse compared to the others at the top because she doesn't offer any advantages in comparison.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #248 on: January 28, 2016, 05:49:12 PM »
Fire emblem sold out for pre orders.

I also purchased the last copy of final fantasy explorers in tampa.

Anyone else gonna play that game? Can you have multiple characters?
"It took hundreds to kill me, but I killed by the thousands."

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #249 on: January 28, 2016, 06:12:36 PM »
Oh god I forgot that Snowfire.
FE13 gets a solid 2/5/4/0 I think?

Can God make a game so anime that even he can't play it?