
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2016?  (Read 144711 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #250 on: January 28, 2016, 06:46:40 PM »
Well the sleazy loli rape is a lot like driving over bystanders with a car

Gods, no it isn't. 

Yeaaaaah I missed that part.  No, hell no, can't agree with that equivalence at all.  Simulated violence doesn't actually equate to committing the act of violence. Getting your rocks off on loli rubbing simulators... doesn't actually equate to the real act of sexual violence either, but I am inclined to believe that it certainly encourages the actual act more than simulated violence does. Especially given how little we actually know about the development of fetishes, etc.

I think it's a pretty large stretch to suggest playing hentai games (let alone the watered-down versions that have crept into RPGs) encourages someone to go out and commit rape. Sexual violence statistics are pretty horrible to start with so we'll probably never get a study which can support or refute this, but I think it's illogical to suggest that simulated violence has no effect on the rates of real violence while simultaneously turning around and saying that's not true for sexual assault. That seems inconsistent! I don't really see a good reason to hold this view except that the last 20 or so years of gaming have really normalised civilian violence in video games (plus growing up in the sphere of US cultural weirdness where violence is okay to glorify and sex is icky).

(Although in the specific case of GTA, it's moot: it has rape too!)

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #251 on: January 28, 2016, 07:14:11 PM »
I will say (and I'm not gonna research this because I'm at work right now), but I -believe- I have heard, as icky as it is, some studies have suggested that that sort of material might actually serve as a "safe" outlet? But I can't source that right now and might just be hallucinating anime board excuses.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #252 on: January 28, 2016, 07:34:06 PM »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #253 on: January 28, 2016, 07:49:45 PM »
Well the sleazy loli rape is a lot like driving over bystanders with a car

Gods, no it isn't. 

Yeaaaaah I missed that part.  No, hell no, can't agree with that equivalence at all.  Simulated violence doesn't actually equate to committing the act of violence. Getting your rocks off on loli rubbing simulators... doesn't actually equate to the real act of sexual violence either, but I am inclined to believe that it certainly encourages the actual act more than simulated violence does. Especially given how little we actually know about the development of fetishes, etc.

I was just there to make a joke, not to actually disagree.  I do because as much a normalizing violence has done bad things, most people DO in fact still react incredibly negatively if they encounter the real thing.  Fetishizing things on the other hand normalizes the fetish and most people get off on their own kinks.

Edit- missed new page more to respond to. Brb.

Edit - nearly as bad or just as bad as not googling, but this Wiki article is the only thing I could easily find specifically mentioning "simulated child pornography".

It references one correlational study out of Croatia with nothing more than meta data.  Compared to everything else on here referencing multiple studies.

Also that is completely counter to other research on pornography.  The general trend is that repeated viewing and consumption of a kind of porn normalizes the response to that kind of porn.   Giving violent sex offenders porn that actively demeans women normalized and promoted more sexual aggression from them when tested.  I am not convinced on any other behaviours amongst other kinds of sex offender.  Especially when the primary motivator for rape regardless of the victim is about power.

Much like misrepresented crime stats get thrown out as Stormfront copy pasta by rapists, "it is just used as a release" is common amongst circles that want to not be told that it was creepy as fuck to have a countdown to when the Olsen twins were 18.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 08:07:58 PM by Grefter »
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #254 on: January 28, 2016, 08:11:46 PM »
Nah jk game was tight.  Beat all three routes, best bits were the music and the two genocide boss fights.

The characters were charming enough to me that I went pacifist after my initial neutral playthrough (when I was considering just going genocide next and being done).  I didn't regret it either, it's a credit to the writing that I was not bored or annoyed or anything, but looking back I still feel like the game punishes you for going pacifist.  Why not include some timeout bosses equivalent to the fights you get in genocide?  If it's less fun as a game than genocide on purpose then I guess that's a choice but I would have preferred it to be as fun or more fun.

At the end of the genocide run the game suggests to you that you're doing this out of curiosity (given the power of reload, you want to see what happens when you do this or this) or out of a Disgaea-esque compulsion to make numbers go up (hence grinding all possible random encounters) but this didn't really land because I did it so I could fight the two new bosses.  If I wanted to see how it turned out I would have just youtubed the genocide ending rather than go through the hassle, and I would have preferred not to grind the randoms because it was tedious.  The bosses were great so to me it was worth it but the fourth wall break had an opportunity to be poignant that was missed in my case because my motivation as a player wasn't represented.

Apparently there's gossip about a Hard Mode being implemented at some point?  If all bosses get an EX upgrade I'll definitely play again for that.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #255 on: January 28, 2016, 08:21:43 PM »
Well the sleazy loli rape is a lot like driving over bystanders with a car

Gods, no it isn't. 

Yeaaaaah I missed that part.  No, hell no, can't agree with that equivalence at all.  Simulated violence doesn't actually equate to committing the act of violence. Getting your rocks off on loli rubbing simulators... doesn't actually equate to the real act of sexual violence either, but I am inclined to believe that it certainly encourages the actual act more than simulated violence does. Especially given how little we actually know about the development of fetishes, etc.

I think it's a pretty large stretch to suggest playing hentai games (let alone the watered-down versions that have crept into RPGs) encourages someone to go out and commit rape. Sexual violence statistics are pretty horrible to start with so we'll probably never get a study which can support or refute this, but I think it's illogical to suggest that simulated violence has no effect on the rates of real violence while simultaneously turning around and saying that's not true for sexual assault. That seems inconsistent! I don't really see a good reason to hold this view except that the last 20 or so years of gaming have really normalised civilian violence in video games (plus growing up in the sphere of US cultural weirdness where violence is okay to glorify and sex is icky).

(Although in the specific case of GTA, it's moot: it has rape too!)

Yeah, pretty much this. To be honest I think there is WAY more specifically directed moral policing that's going on than people would like to admit, we've come to accept a standard of violence in video games and media that somehow just flies under the radar but you get into sexuality, especially subjects like underage sex/rape/etc. and it's all super icky and creepy and oh god make those go away. The double standard that NEB is mentioning is very real and people don't really stop to think about it.

Games do not simulate the real world, are we going to start being holier than thou on people for their porn fetishes if they keep it private and obviously distinguish between that and reality? Remember when we all laughed off 'video games make kids violent and shoot up stuff' in our childhoods? It really isn't that different here, you are putting a stronger emphasis on a subject that a lot of people are just inherently more uncomfortable talking about and regard as more taboo than wanton murder of innocents which is just accepted as wholesale.

In short kneejerking 'zomg these games with underdressed lolis will encourage the pedos' is pretty much as eyeroll-worthy a notion as complaining that GTA fans will run over hookers with cars.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #256 on: January 28, 2016, 08:49:16 PM »
Gref: Thanks for doing the digging for me. I'll check it out later. I remember the normalization stuff now that you mention it.

Probably was just hallucinating.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #257 on: January 28, 2016, 08:54:47 PM »
Re: Europe Arc - Largely fluff but has the better gameplay portion. Bosses survive more than 4 actions. I like that the story gives you flash backs of SH1 so if you haven't played SH1 in awhile or at all, you can still get the general gist of what are basically the key points (Alice dying, Albert summoning a greater god etc.). Instead of putting inside a library or something that basically says "here, read this if you want to care about the story". I like this for 2 reasons. 1) There is cutscene skip so you can skip all this if you wanted and 2) the fact that it is put into the cutscene makes me feel like the designers are saying "We care about the story and narrative", which at least makes me want to pay attention. If you just dump it into a library I feel like you really don't care either, so then the question becomes 'well, why should I?'.

I've always thought that what makes SH2's recaps worthwhile is that they're presented in crayon drawings that were obviously drawn by Yuri. It's more effecting than pure narration if you present this information to the player in a manner that also informs them what the protagonist felt about these events.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #258 on: January 28, 2016, 08:55:59 PM »
At the end of the genocide run the game suggests to you that you're doing this out of curiosity...

Hm. I could have sworn there were several lines that insinuated you were doing it not so much out of curiosity, but because you wanted to experience what that path had to offer (whether that be plot or gameplay) which should include the boss fights. Might just be a different read of the same lines, though. Or was it that you were more specifically looking for a "you did it because you wanted a challenge" sort of line?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 09:24:55 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #259 on: January 28, 2016, 09:01:18 PM »
Well the sleazy loli rape is a lot like driving over bystanders with a car

Gods, no it isn't. 

Yeaaaaah I missed that part.  No, hell no, can't agree with that equivalence at all.  Simulated violence doesn't actually equate to committing the act of violence. Getting your rocks off on loli rubbing simulators... doesn't actually equate to the real act of sexual violence either, but I am inclined to believe that it certainly encourages the actual act more than simulated violence does. Especially given how little we actually know about the development of fetishes, etc.

I was just there to make a joke, not to actually disagree.  I do because as much a normalizing violence has done bad things, most people DO in fact still react incredibly negatively if they encounter the real thing.  Fetishizing things on the other hand normalizes the fetish and most people get off on their own kinks.

I think normalizing violence via vidjagames is not a big deal for the vast majority of people.  In fact, I thought it wasn't a big deal for anyone at all til I saw this yesterday.  defendyourbase.  Really. 
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #260 on: January 28, 2016, 09:05:23 PM »
At the end of the genocide run the game suggests to you that you're doing this out of curiosity...

Hm. I could have sworn there were several lines that insinuated you were doing it not so much out of curiosity, but because you wanted to experience what that path had to offer (whether that be plot or gameplay) which should include the boss fights. Might just be a different read of the same lines, though. Or was it that you were more specifically looking for a "you did it because you wanted a challenge" sort of line?

All pretty spoilery stuff, but anyway.  I find it bitterly ironic that Sans being such a great boss is the major impetus for doing a genocide run.  That's tragic, really.  If only he were a scrub none of this would have happened (for a lot of people, anyway).
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #261 on: January 28, 2016, 09:58:56 PM »
At the end of the genocide run the game suggests to you that you're doing this out of curiosity...

Hm. I could have sworn there were several lines that insinuated you were doing it not so much out of curiosity, but because you wanted to experience what that path had to offer (whether that be plot or gameplay) which should include the boss fights. Might just be a different read of the same lines, though. Or was it that you were more specifically looking for a "you did it because you wanted a challenge" sort of line?

All pretty spoilery stuff, but anyway.  I find it bitterly ironic that Sans being such a great boss is the major impetus for doing a genocide run.  That's tragic, really.  If only he were a scrub none of this would have happened (for a lot of people, anyway).

Yeah I don't know, the fourth wall break stuff is supposed to make you feel like the game's really in your head, maybe provoke a sickening realization along the lines of "You're right, that -is- what I was doing, oh these hands what have they wrought" but it felt to me like the game's guesses were going wide.  I don't have the lines in front of me but Flowey definitely talks about first making friends with everyone and then starting to kill them eventually just out of curiosity, only to find that curiosity was an excuse all along and the real reason was because it felt so liberating, something like that.  There's no moment of creepy recognition here because I was never curious (would have youtubed) and it didn't feel liberating (I felt chained by the obligation to grind the randoms), it was just what I had to do to fight hero Undyne and Sans.

I did feel like Sans's special attack was a nod to me (you want the ultimate challenge? this pursuit of yours is empty, here's nothing) but yeah the game would have tracked me a lot better if hero Undyne and Sans were both going "you're really willing to kill everyone just for the pleasure of this fight?" or something.  Although of course I am.  The game wants to hit you with a dick punch for doing genocide and the only dick punch for me would have been if Undyne and Sans just hadn't fought me at all because then I -would- have felt like it was pointless, but they did fight and it was awesome so I felt satisfied with my choice instead.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #262 on: January 28, 2016, 10:02:10 PM »
Well the sleazy loli rape is a lot like driving over bystanders with a car

Gods, no it isn't. 

Yeaaaaah I missed that part.  No, hell no, can't agree with that equivalence at all.  Simulated violence doesn't actually equate to committing the act of violence. Getting your rocks off on loli rubbing simulators... doesn't actually equate to the real act of sexual violence either, but I am inclined to believe that it certainly encourages the actual act more than simulated violence does. Especially given how little we actually know about the development of fetishes, etc.

I think it's a pretty large stretch to suggest playing hentai games (let alone the watered-down versions that have crept into RPGs) encourages someone to go out and commit rape. Sexual violence statistics are pretty horrible to start with so we'll probably never get a study which can support or refute this, but I think it's illogical to suggest that simulated violence has no effect on the rates of real violence while simultaneously turning around and saying that's not true for sexual assault. That seems inconsistent! I don't really see a good reason to hold this view except that the last 20 or so years of gaming have really normalised civilian violence in video games (plus growing up in the sphere of US cultural weirdness where violence is okay to glorify and sex is icky).

(Although in the specific case of GTA, it's moot: it has rape too!)

Yeah, pretty much this. To be honest I think there is WAY more specifically directed moral policing that's going on than people would like to admit, we've come to accept a standard of violence in video games and media that somehow just flies under the radar but you get into sexuality, especially subjects like underage sex/rape/etc. and it's all super icky and creepy and oh god make those go away. The double standard that NEB is mentioning is very real and people don't really stop to think about it.

Games do not simulate the real world, are we going to start being holier than thou on people for their porn fetishes if they keep it private and obviously distinguish between that and reality? Remember when we all laughed off 'video games make kids violent and shoot up stuff' in our childhoods? It really isn't that different here, you are putting a stronger emphasis on a subject that a lot of people are just inherently more uncomfortable talking about and regard as more taboo than wanton murder of innocents which is just accepted as wholesale.

In short kneejerking 'zomg these games with underdressed lolis will encourage the pedos' is pretty much as eyeroll-worthy a notion as complaining that GTA fans will run over hookers with cars.

More or less agree with this.

It's worth noting that Jim Sterling had a whole episode dedicated around how virtual acts are nothing remotely the same as real things.  The way he highlighted this was pretty notable too:

You can show as much digital blood as you want, and all you need is a simple "MA" in the corner and no one bats an eye.  You can show someone in CoD gunning down large mobs and no one bats an eye.  In this particular episode, he showed off that clip of a senator who committed suicide via bullet in the mouth in public.  At the start of the video, he was forced to put a warning on the video BECAUSE it showed an actual clip of someone killing themselves.  The video wasn't as violent in the sense of how many people die, how graphic it was, etc. but because it was a REAL PERSON actually killing themselves, the video is actually legitimately disturbing and all the worse.  We can't simply go "oh, they're just actors" or "those guys aren't real", we just watched a man legit kill himself in public, it actually happened.

It's not quite the same as "something in games encourages the act in real life!" but it does highlight how as humans, we are very capable of subconsciously filtering out the real from the fake, which is exactly why these arguments of encouraging don't work, and as noted, in some sense, they're a "safe" outlet for these things.  I mean, if someone is extremely angry, it can be cathartic to go into a game and just murder thousands of people to relieve your stress.  It may not be healthy, but it sure as hell is far more socially acceptable than taking it out on another person, or even simply another object and causing vandalism, because those thousands you killed aren't there, and you know somewhere in the back of your mind no one is actually really being hurt. 

"But some kids played Mortal Kombat and tried a fatality in real life and killed someone!"

Ok, sure, I'll grant that it caused that instance, and maybe a handful of others.  How about the millions of people who played a game with no instances caused?  Is it possible maybe the action wasn't caused by Mortal Kombat, but rather, the person in question being mentally unstable, or even just plain stupid?  Whose to say the person wouldn't have been inspired by some other material not Video Game related to do something similarly stupid?  We know what happened, but there's probably a lot more than meets the eye, but nope, easy for that outlet.

I know I focused on violence, but really, sexual things are not different; the key is that virtual stuff =/= real world stuff.  I'm not saying it's GOOD to go 'lol rapist and run over hookers' in a game but I can recognize that this doesn't make the person anything close to the same as someone who does that in real life.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #263 on: January 28, 2016, 10:22:15 PM »
At the end of the genocide run the game suggests to you that you're doing this out of curiosity...

Hm. I could have sworn there were several lines that insinuated you were doing it not so much out of curiosity, but because you wanted to experience what that path had to offer (whether that be plot or gameplay) which should include the boss fights. Might just be a different read of the same lines, though. Or was it that you were more specifically looking for a "you did it because you wanted a challenge" sort of line?

All pretty spoilery stuff, but anyway.  I find it bitterly ironic that Sans being such a great boss is the major impetus for doing a genocide run.  That's tragic, really.  If only he were a scrub none of this would have happened (for a lot of people, anyway).

Yeah I don't know, the fourth wall break stuff is supposed to make you feel like the game's really in your head, maybe provoke a sickening realization along the lines of "You're right, that -is- what I was doing, oh these hands what have they wrought" but it felt to me like the game's guesses were going wide.  I don't have the lines in front of me but Flowey definitely talks about first making friends with everyone and then starting to kill them eventually just out of curiosity, only to find that curiosity was an excuse all along and the real reason was because it felt so liberating, something like that.  There's no moment of creepy recognition here because I was never curious (would have youtubed) and it didn't feel liberating (I felt chained by the obligation to grind the randoms), it was just what I had to do to fight hero Undyne and Sans.

I did feel like Sans's special attack was a nod to me (you want the ultimate challenge? this pursuit of yours is empty, here's nothing) but yeah the game would have tracked me a lot better if hero Undyne and Sans were both going "you're really willing to kill everyone just for the pleasure of this fight?" or something.  Although of course I am.  The game wants to hit you with a dick punch for doing genocide and the only dick punch for me would have been if Undyne and Sans just hadn't fought me at all because then I -would- have felt like it was pointless, but they did fight and it was awesome so I felt satisfied with my choice instead.

I agree.  Let me be a little clearer: I don't mean that it was intended to evoke this particular tragic irony, just that it does.  Ratcheting up the emotional impact of killing everyone by punctuating it with a couple awesome boss fights actually reduces the impact by justifying the path.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #264 on: January 28, 2016, 10:37:28 PM »
Also that is completely counter to other research on pornography.  The general trend is that repeated viewing and consumption of a kind of porn normalizes the response to that kind of porn.   Giving violent sex offenders porn that actively demeans women normalized and promoted more sexual aggression from them when tested.  I am not convinced on any other behaviours amongst other kinds of sex offender.  Especially when the primary motivator for rape regardless of the victim is about power.

Much like misrepresented crime stats get thrown out as Stormfront copy pasta by rapists, "it is just used as a release" is common amongst circles that want to not be told that it was creepy as fuck to have a countdown to when the Olsen twins were 18.

In reference to this:

The solution to counteracting rape culture is not to ban (legal and consensual, but just assume I obviously imply that without saying) porn of that nature. The solution is not even to take some moral high background and lambast it, as it is so easy and tempting to do when confronted with things that make us uncomfortable.

The solution is to teach people to not fucking rape. This issue is one that has to be addressed at the core, at early education, reinforced as an important societal value, respect for other human beings in general and consent in a sexual context. In America specifically where segments of the population *opt out* of their kids learning the most basic sex ed courses, let alone teach about optional social niceties like proper consent and respect for each other's bodies, there is SO MUCH more vital work to be done here that frankly is much more the problem than what media gets produced.

We have a better track record with this on violence. There is strong, heavy retribution from society when you assault someone. We get taught early on to try our best to not resolve conflict physically. We don't have fucking duels anymore. This plays a large role as to why violence in media just doesn't bother us as much because we already have those instincts built in. That's why the outrage over violence in media really has just stopped being an isssue, media has gotten MORE liberal in displaying violence/gore/whatever and .... guess what? It's not a problem!

Recognizing where we need to address this is kinda important, stamping down and being the moral authority on what sexual kinks you find distasteful and offensive on what people want to create or express is kinda really not your business. I'll try not to soapbox on this too much harder but, again, this double standard really annoys me. <_<
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #265 on: January 28, 2016, 10:42:49 PM »
At the end of the genocide run the game suggests to you that you're doing this out of curiosity...

Hm. I could have sworn there were several lines that insinuated you were doing it not so much out of curiosity, but because you wanted to experience what that path had to offer (whether that be plot or gameplay) which should include the boss fights. Might just be a different read of the same lines, though. Or was it that you were more specifically looking for a "you did it because you wanted a challenge" sort of line?

All pretty spoilery stuff, but anyway.  I find it bitterly ironic that Sans being such a great boss is the major impetus for doing a genocide run.  That's tragic, really.  If only he were a scrub none of this would have happened (for a lot of people, anyway).

Yeah I don't know, the fourth wall break stuff is supposed to make you feel like the game's really in your head, maybe provoke a sickening realization along the lines of "You're right, that -is- what I was doing, oh these hands what have they wrought" but it felt to me like the game's guesses were going wide.  I don't have the lines in front of me but Flowey definitely talks about first making friends with everyone and then starting to kill them eventually just out of curiosity, only to find that curiosity was an excuse all along and the real reason was because it felt so liberating, something like that.  There's no moment of creepy recognition here because I was never curious (would have youtubed) and it didn't feel liberating (I felt chained by the obligation to grind the randoms), it was just what I had to do to fight hero Undyne and Sans.

I did feel like Sans's special attack was a nod to me (you want the ultimate challenge? this pursuit of yours is empty, here's nothing) but yeah the game would have tracked me a lot better if hero Undyne and Sans were both going "you're really willing to kill everyone just for the pleasure of this fight?" or something.  Although of course I am.  The game wants to hit you with a dick punch for doing genocide and the only dick punch for me would have been if Undyne and Sans just hadn't fought me at all because then I -would- have felt like it was pointless, but they did fight and it was awesome so I felt satisfied with my choice instead.

I agree.  Let me be a little clearer: I don't mean that it was intended to evoke this particular tragic irony, just that it does.  Ratcheting up the emotional impact of killing everyone by punctuating it with a couple awesome boss fights actually reduces the impact by justifying the path.

I'm not really sure I agree with that. It doesn't justify the path. It gives you a reason to want to indulge in the path, and it gives you a rationalization for why you went down that path, but that's a very different thing. And something that's important. If there is nothing down the genocide path "worth" experiencing, then it loses all impact because there's no reason for you to do it.

The game hides desirable content behind a "nasty" choice because that's sort of the nature of games. You want to do these things because you want to see them, or you want to experience them, or you want to challenge yourself, whatever.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #266 on: January 29, 2016, 12:14:27 AM »
Wow. Y'know, Fenrir... when your conversation about FE13 leads to a heated debate about child porn within like 3 posts.... perhaps you're right. Fuckin' Anime man.  :'(


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #267 on: January 29, 2016, 12:32:39 AM »
I believe you mean
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #268 on: January 29, 2016, 01:37:01 AM »
I am not trying link shame there Laggy.  It is how about we stop teaching people that statutory rape is cool.  That's a good way to stop teaching them to do it
Burn all copies of Ar Tonelico.

The bondage thing being specifically targeted is that I think the same way that there is some people that violent media is in appropriate for (as victims or not).  I think there is some that sexual violence is inappropriate for.

Also just trying to clarify intent, not wanting to argue, ilu plz don't h8
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #269 on: January 29, 2016, 01:50:01 AM »
Arguing is hot though, people need to not get all wary and scared of having some good rough and tumble ok

Also yeah this isn't picking bones about 'appropriateness', Fenrir hates anime shit and I certainly sympathize with being tired of the tropes and that is his call. Just don't claim the moral high ground on sexuality and saving us from skimpy lolis whilst being totes OK with shooting off every face of every man, woman, and child in New Vegas

and the robots, robot rights bro

EDIT: Otter has pointed out to me that you can't actually kill kids in New Vegas
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 02:01:20 AM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #270 on: January 29, 2016, 02:21:12 AM »
Unless you use the mod that specifically allows you to kill all the kids in New Vegas.  Because Freedom.

(Or you could just sleep with prostitutes and then murder them - ironically I guess? - in GTAV)
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #271 on: January 29, 2016, 04:08:38 AM »
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 04:10:54 AM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #272 on: January 29, 2016, 06:33:27 AM »
Just don't claim the moral high ground on sexuality and saving us from skimpy lolis whilst being totes OK

But that's the whole shtick.  OK is a wholesome freak.  I assume his Bondage Bathrobe looks like Vivi cosplay.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #273 on: January 29, 2016, 03:52:55 PM »
token post stating that I am too drunk to contribute meaningfully re: Laggy's love of simula... nah that's crass and insulting even for me. Anyway will comment later re: shitstorm I kinda sparked.

also MGS3. Right after I quit there was a cutscene summarizing the entire tutorial so that was unnecessary. I've died more hitting wrong buttons than anything else. Getting infuriating. R1 to watch Eva's boobs is I guess building Snake's character as being gross but is itself gross and why the hell are we trusting her? She didn't have the password. You bad at spying, Snake. You're as bad at spying as you are at CROUCHING BEHIND BULLSHIT WHEN I NEED YOU TO RUN AT MOFOS AND TAKE THEM DOWN. God these controls suck.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #274 on: January 29, 2016, 04:42:42 PM »
Hey, I am pretty sure I'm the only one here who's depopulated all of New Vegas!