
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2016?  (Read 144370 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #975 on: April 30, 2016, 06:06:48 AM »


That was the final boss,  really?

I mean, piggy back bros was harder.

OK credits role, sure. I know I missed stuff.

Looked up some guides, and...yeah...missed things. I don't think u had 1 npc help me out past the one ff3 guy with a mini boss.

Also missed one area. Obscure much? Cool.

Used the dark sword against the late game bosses. That sword is stroooong.

Used the greatsword for farming. Loved it's stagger potential.

Hardest boss was....I dunno. Maybe pontiff? Maybe champion or the dragon armor guy.

That game was tooooough. But I  guess I'm not quite done!
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #976 on: April 30, 2016, 05:14:47 PM »
Congrats dude!
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #977 on: April 30, 2016, 06:50:39 PM »
Congrats! And now if you go back to the previous games, you'll probably find them quite easy.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #978 on: April 30, 2016, 09:53:52 PM »
Congrats! And now if you go back to the previous games, you'll probably find them quite easy.

Yep yep. First Souls game is always hardest Souls game.

I keep hearing Dark Sword is totally broke and needs to be nerfed. But this is Souls and a lot of things are always going to be broke.

Anyway miracle run is done. I feel pretty confident calling miracles the worst class of magic in DS3. The healing boost is incredibly helpful early in the game, you basically just don't ever run out. But then by the halfway mark you've got tons of estus so casting heals just matters less and less, and other types of miracles never pick up the slack. Offensive miracles really never carried their weight. If I really twinked out I could maybe make Sunlight Spear something approaching Great Chaos Fire Orb caliber firepower, but at much higher FP cost and with no lava patch and anyway that's a postgame spell struggling to compete with a midgame pickup, so barf miracle fail. Wrath of the Gods is powerful but just so slow. So what's really left? There are buffs. The buffs are good until they run out. I even ran with Lingering Dragoncrest Ring on and they still typically ran out well before a boss fight was over with, and without buffs my melee offense was ass because lol raw weapon. I definitely missed the DS2 "buffs last longer if your casting stats are higher" thing where you could slap Sunlight Blade and Sacred Oath on a lightning weapon and just be a human blender from fight start to finish. I felt way gimpy by the end of this game.

So yeah, invest just enough in FTH to use heal spells, they're nice, then do something more useful with the rest of your levels. Don't try to go all out FTH like you could in previous games where you could obliterate everything with Lightning Spears in DS1 or be a holy engine of destruction like in DS2, because it's just not going to work here.

Anyway now it's sorcery time. I heard sorcery was awful at launch? Evidently the last patch gave it an overhaul. It's...substantially not awful now. Heavy Soul Arrows OHKO most things right out of the gate. Midway through the game now and I have Dusk's Crown + 3x sorcery+ ring on and numbers are very satisfactory. I don't think anything is hitting GCFO for craziness, but it's still pretty good. The only real problem is the casting times--Heavy tier spells demand use of the Sage Ring to be practical, and managing to use these spells safely between boss attack sequences is hard. But it's still reliable spammable cheese to suck all the challenge out of exploration, at least. I'm totally walled at ADOG though, the dude just takes like no magic damage and it's awful. I switched in dark spells and that's not any better. I am probably just gonna have to get lucky with sunbro roulette here, but I haven't so far.

Also I encountered a certain NPC in a location that I had heard he could appear but hadn't personally seen before. I really think this is Patches' finest hour:

I'm approaching Rosaria's hangout from the opposite side of the bridge for the first time and find an onion knight there. Talk to onion knight. He says there's some amazing treasure on the other side of the bridge and sounds completely, very deliberately, dopey the whole time. That's not suspicious at all!

Anyway I walk across the bridge because there's no way this could be a trap, right, but if it is a trap I might as well see what happens. SHOCK, somebody hits a switch to lower the bridge into the swampy area. The onion knight takes off his helmet, it's Patches! Patches taunts me about the giant waiting below who's about to murder me.

I've actually already killed that giant before coming to the second floor. Gratifyingly, the game acknowledges this and Patches gets EXTREMELY pissed off about one of his traps finally being foiled in the act. Then when I talk to him later he pretends none of the above ever happened, unless you call him out on it and then he's his usual Aw Shucks, I Don't Mean Nothin' By It self. Patches is the best.

I've also read that if you don't buy the catarina armor from Patches, and if you tell Patches about Greirat's second mission, then an onion knight will STILL save Greirat in Irithyll--it just won't be Siegward. There's obviously now a precedent for Patches impersonating Siegward, so I'm going to have to test this next time I run a new file.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #979 on: May 01, 2016, 01:29:54 AM »
Yeah I was going to say, there was patch notes specifically about your Seigward issues El Cid.

Also how Pyromancy works has been puzzled out a bit.  Faith scaling kicks in when you meet an Int threshold and Faith has the stronger scaling of the two stats.  So for a cleric your best bet is probably just get 18 Int and be a shitty Pyromancer.

Edit - Oh and there is an astounding number of things that Vow of Silence works on.  Like say Aldrich or Two Princes
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 02:07:19 AM by Grefter »
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #980 on: May 01, 2016, 02:44:22 AM »
Spoilers woulda been great to know about a week ago. (Even though I didn't really have access to Vow of Silence until super late in that run. Well, my brother's running NG+->NG++ for the platinum, maybe I can cheese those fights out as a phantom.)

Also, re: Siegward: Yeah, I noticed that in the patch notes, explains some things retroactively. I also suspect that Siegward dies even if you complete his quest successfully. Narratively, I have no idea why he would, but mechanically speaking, I'm sure that the game "kills" Siegward after the Yohrm fight. When I rested at the Yohrm bonfire and reset the area, I got a pile of souls at the same moment Siegward disappeared and got replaced by item drops.

I forgot to add one of the more nonsensical things about cleric run: why in the hell does Bless Weapon drop so late? Why is that a castle pickup. This makes zero sense to me. It should've been available since like Undead Settlement/Road of Sacrifices. By the time you actually get it: the attack boost is insignificant; you have vastly superior elemental weapon buffs; there are no longer even any skeletons to prevent from respawning. What the hell. This absolutely should've been an earlygame cleric tool.

I'm just now picking up on the fact that you can see the entire rest of the game's geography laid out before you after the Vordt fight (and, vice versa, the preceding entirety of the game from ADOG's front door) and that's great.

That INT/FTH thing is weird. It also reminds me why the hell are there so many weapons in this game that scale with only INT or FTH but have a higher requirement for the opposite stat. (Again this is mostly to the detriment of FTH build.)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 02:46:39 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #981 on: May 01, 2016, 04:53:41 AM »
Spoiler stuff that goes way off the deep end.
I am pretty certain that is just them playing off revenge/duty tropes.  Putting down his (? Catarina in general?)friend that went mad with power to fulfill the wishes of his pre Lord of Cinder self.  There is pretty clear evidence of absolute power corrupting absolutely as part of all the Lord of Cinder stories I think?  Aldrich is pretty clear and apparent, my read on the Abyss Watchers is that they were a group that became the Lord of Cinders and then ultimately tear each other apart seeking the power for themselves (thus the boss fight). Lothric?  Fuck man there is a lot going on with Lothric just on the edges.  He is clearly pushing back against becoming a Lord and all of the Lothric areas you see are the most Demons's shit in the game.  From the Castle being 1-3 to his Father transforming into a terrifying inhuman beast (who is Seathe instead of a Demon Lord?) who is shut away in a corrupted garden.   I don't even know what the fuck the ultimate deal with Lothric is.  Is that what happens when you DON'T take up the mantle?  Is that better or worse than when you do?  Because the Profaned Capital and all of Aldrich are fucked as well.

Yhorm himself has the line

"Yhorm once lumbered on the frontlines with a greatshield. But one day, in place of his shield, a left-hand notch was added to his machete, enabling the smashing technique that would become the legacy of his later years."

Which is some nice poetry with fairly dread implications.

All of that of course just ties in to Dark Souls core stuff in that Gwynn wasn't really much of a saviour himself.

Also tying in stuff.  I love that there is the Stormruler back from the reference in Demons's, which was put there as a reference to Stormbringer, but even more importantly that when you go in to the character creator you can pick a premade of Irithyllian and they are pasty white elf dudes.  Which to quote Wikipedia  Centuries before Elric's birth, Melniboné ruled its world through sorcerous might and sheer power. However, by the time of Elric's birth, it has slipped from its preeminent place, being one of many nations. Its people, the Melnibonéans, are not wholly human, resembling instead the elves of legend — skilled with magic and beautiful, though psychologically similar to cats, with a callous nature. They are bound by many ancient customs.

Melniboné's capital and only surviving city is Imrryr, known as The Dreaming City. Most of the rest of the island has been allowed to revert to wilderness in Elric's time. Caverns exist below the island, in which dragons sleep, awaiting the Melnibonéans' summons to war.

Dark Souls 3 is self referential as FUCK, but it is an even deeper well than just on surface.  When From go back to the well they go back in deep.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #982 on: May 01, 2016, 09:45:53 AM »
Miracles even worse than in Dark Souls 1? Oh boy. Cid you should do dex next because the farron greatsword might be as cool as the pizza cutter from Bloodborne and divekick from Dark Souls 2. Big words I know.

Anyway I'm at the ice level and just beat the ice dog.
So far there haven't been any memorable tracks. Looks like a step down from Dark Souls 2 which was alrezdy a step down from 1. Oh Sakuraba.

The Ninja Gaiden guys are making a Soulslike called Nioh, and there's a ridiculously large demo available on the psn store. It looks pretty good unlike Lords of the Fallen. Like Lords of the Fallen though you can only play as one white dude (who's probably supposed to look japanese but looks just like a polish witcher instead)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #983 on: May 01, 2016, 10:31:41 AM »
PXZ2 - Wherein the leader of the Imperial Assault Force is almost as Heroic as pudding.

So, sadly, it looks like the Ylisseans are almost the last ones to join.  Got them in Chapter 20, though there's still the Tales folks who haven't shown up yet.  That said, they do get a pretty cool intro as it looks like you're going to have a rescue mission, and instead plot happens and they simply show up and save the day.  Outside of Phoenix and Maya, most of the folks I was looking forward to made a late appearance.  Granted, this is mostly because the late appearances are the Sakura Taisen folks, and I really liked the Gemini/Erica team from PXZ1.  Sadly, neither team quite works as well as that team did, but when all four of them are together Gemini does get some good snark off on the love triangle.

I am also amused that one of the scenes felt like something out of Desmonds and Dragons.  Namely, Captain Commando really, really makes me think of the friend who plays Alexander, and well, Alexander himself.  There is also the quintessential merchant, Sylphie or something like that.  Super opportunistic, super capitalist, totally goes where the money is.  Because the team works well with her, Captain Commando tries to recruit her by appealing to rightness and justice.  She, kinda shoots him down, hard, because that isn't profitable and would force her to neglect all of her more morally flexible customers.  However, she is willing to give us all a free ride not to where we want to go, but where we need to go.  And completely coincidentally, a lot of our enemies manage to very quickly find out, from a mysterious informant they all paid individually, separately, and handsomely, where the party happened to be.

Love that merchant so much.

Finally, gameplay.  the gameplay is kinda braindead easy right now.  Only buying one of each weapon and armour each map, which seems to be more than enough.  Game is actually less threatening than PXZ1, but it's also going by a lot faster too.  Notably, in spite of the hardcap on attacks, enemies are dying faster.  At this point in PXZ1, mooks were still killable in one chain, but nothing else was.  Here, mooks are killable by support+solo attacks.  With a back attack, a good weapon, and a Super, I can still kill most bosses with a single Pair chain.  Which is insane.  Also insane are the damage numbers getting pumped out.  I've managed to rack up 60k damage in a single attack sequence.  That's a good score for PXZ1 endgame.  And because you're fuelling skills with SP instead of XP, you're a lot more likely to spring for marginal/situational skills, since they won't detract from pumping out supers anymore, which means you can get your attack boosters a lot easier.

Also interesting is something I missed until halfway through a level.  Heck, I might not have even noticed if it hadn't hit Aty (I enjoy both her attack sequence and Holy Prama is a nifty skill) and Phoenix (yeah, all about the attack sequence.  I get a kick out of Maya's killer confetti).  They've made it so not all the maps use all of your people.  In fact, from about 15 onwards, it feels like if they haven't split your party or are doing something special you'll be benching some of your units.

To end this off, I've only caught one reference to the Street Fighter movie thus far, but it was honestly inevitable that this one would be referenced.  That said, despite Bison effectively being the co-big bad at this point with Saya, he has nothing to do with it.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #984 on: May 01, 2016, 11:39:44 AM »
Like Lords of the Fallen though you can only play as one white dude (who's probably supposed to look japanese but looks just like a polish witcher instead)

It probably says all you need to know about me that this is kind of a killer for interest (at least insofar as games of this type go, where designing a character from ground up is actually part of the appeal and I want that to extend to appearance as well as mechanics).

I am gonna hit DEX next! I think I have Luck mode lined up after that. Or maybe I'll do those the other way around because twin swords just looks the most fun.

The soundtrack really is a bummer. I think they lean too much on wall of chorus and there isn't enough variety in tone for a lot of the tracks to really stand out. They almost always go straight for the throat and wax Wagnerian right out of the gate. There are times when this is appropriate (disco pope and battle on the big bridge I think justify it, also see Sir Alonne for the saving grace of DS2 music) but it makes it very difficult to distinguish individual tunes when they're all set in the same mold. It's kind of a shocking step back after Bloodborne (which I think squarely had the best soundtrack in the series).

Grefter: My read on Lothric specifically is that he resents having to give his life a second time for a cause someone else dedicated him to. This seems really more apparent with him than any of the other Lords of Cinder. The description for his armor set says the robes were made from his swaddling clothes and are all that he has ever worn. Gross! I hope they washed that shit well. Anyway you read something like that and get the impression he was raised for this one single purpose and never had any choice about anything ever. It sounds like a pretty shit life. Unlike the other three, he didn't just die for this cause, he had to live his entire life for it first, so it really isn't difficult to imagine why he'd reject going through this again. It's stuff like this that makes me wonder whether extinguishing the fire is maybe the best ending. Maybe something better will turn up when the world restarts* somewhere down the line, as the Firekeeper suggests it will. As it stands, this tradition of sending someone to link the fire ever more frequently sounds it like it's done some pretty fucked up things to humanity.

Aldrich is a jaded sociopath who took to eating gods to alleviate boredom after eating other dudes failed to continue alleviating boredom. Fuck Aldrich!

I have no particular reading on Yhorm.

Abyss Watchers I read as the standard Nietzschian Looked Into Abyss So Abyss Looked Into Them trope that crops up in so many Fromsoft games. They copy Artorias to such an extent that they echo his fall as well. I presumed they finally fell to the Abyss since their HQ's surrounded by blobby-headed mutants. It's also possible that they were just power-mad, as you suggest, because it sounds like they felt entitled and empowered to wipe out kingdoms on a whim if they were tainted by the abyss to the slightest extent. Being consumed by what you perceived as a noble cause is the kind of antagonist narrative I can get behind, though, so that was my immediate interpretation.

*It's nice that you mention Elric in this context. I haven't read any Moorcock, but my brother's told me that this is pretty much how Elric's story ends. It's been on my agenda for things to read for some time.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #985 on: May 01, 2016, 12:32:00 PM »
Yeah this is kind of a bummer.  Nioh at least has better art direction than the Wowified Lords of the Fallen.

I don't find Bloodborne's OST that hot honestly, it also suffers from Dark 2/3 OST syndrome of having lesser tracks being sort of an indinstinct mess. It didn't even have more memorable tracks? The stand out tracks for me would be (note: i like crescendos):
Demon's: Opening / Tower Knight ( Best in the series) / Astrea .
Dark: Gargoyles / Capra / Golem / Sif / O&S / 4K. Gwyn's also memorable but it blows. Pinwheel's has a cool crescendo that you never hear because Pinwheel dies in 3 hits
Dark 2: Sentinels / Chariot / Alonne
Bloodborne: Cleric Beast / Gascoigne / BLB. One also has a good track but it doesn't really fit well
Dark 3: NONE (so far)

I initially really disliked Demon's OST at first but now find its uneasy and grotesque nature very cool. They are less Boss1.mp3 and more Dread.mp3.

Also, what is the point of a luck build?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 12:34:47 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #986 on: May 01, 2016, 01:16:24 PM »
Also the Elric series is all about cycles El Cid.  Like it is literally them going back to the well and dipping in deep.

There is an Infusion that scales with luck Fen.  It is pretty late in them game tbh, I would trade a weapon to a new dude myself just to not run Raw forever.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #987 on: May 01, 2016, 01:30:24 PM »
KHUx:  So the game's less than a month old and they release an event where you have to beat one of the super hard battles by May 4th to get an exclusive medal.  The idea being that you spend premium currency on continues because it is that hard.

So last night I beat it without continues.  To relate this to FFRK terms, this would be like beating Elite Vargas without mythril when the game was new.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #988 on: May 01, 2016, 02:02:03 PM »
I initially really disliked Demon's OST at first but now find its uneasy and grotesque nature very cool. They are less Boss1.mp3 and more Dread.mp3.

I think that's why out of the Dark Souls OST I like Moonlight Butterfly's theme best. Not your average boss track, reeks of atmosphere.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #989 on: May 01, 2016, 02:38:47 PM »
I enjoy listening to the Demon's Souls OST as an album, even though it has few stand-out tracks in my opinion. It has a wonderful atmosphere that is consistent and sets the mood of the game perfectly. The rest of the games I find have much more hit and miss music. Like, O&S's theme is great, but why would you want to listen to Capra Demon's song? For the most part I thought Dark Souls 3 sounded pretty good, but yeah, not much was memorable in particular.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #990 on: May 02, 2016, 12:00:22 AM »
Capra's theme is great in game if you're having a long battle.

DS3: Beat pontiff fancypants, got further in, and now I feel like I am enjoying fanservice. I feel dirty.

Nioh: tried the demo, it is definitely cool. Much more unfriendly than I thought, which is a plus (protip: equip a weapon)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #991 on: May 02, 2016, 01:09:08 AM »
Capra's theme is great in game if you're having a long battle.

So never?
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #992 on: May 02, 2016, 01:26:57 AM »
Hey, my fight with him wasn't super-short or anything, he definitely struck me as offensively inept rather than defensively inept (though he was no tank or anything). Not that I remember the music that plays during the fight anyway.

Breath of Death VII - I decided to give this a try. Unshockingly it is Cthulhu Saves the World minus pretty much? Definitely feels like less thought went into the balance. (or most other things) It is still breezy and playable and makes me consider my decisions sometimes so hey I'm enjoying it well enough. Two hours in and I feel like that's a decent chunk of the game already, currently in the water cave. Ghost cars were the most dangerous thing so far.

FFX - At Gagazet on my current run, which is basically a normal run (with some build weirdness, mostly Yuna and Kimahri are both imitating Lulu) except nobody has more than their base HP + 200, so randoms need to be blitzed or I die and bosses need some solid tactics.

Captain Toad - Near the end!

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #993 on: May 02, 2016, 01:42:14 AM »
PXZ2 Chapter 21 - Bison continues his role as the co-villain of the piece (seriously, he's proactive going into this and is causing all kinds of problems for non Street Fighter people, whereas all the other non-Ouma folks are pretty reactive and just taking advantage of the chaos).  As well, Sagata Sanshiro = Poochie?  I think yes.  On the plus side, Yuri's gone up in my estimation with the non-stop stream of sarcasm he levelled at the guy.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #994 on: May 02, 2016, 02:34:17 PM »
Breath of Death VII - I decided to give this a try. Unshockingly it is Cthulhu Saves the World minus pretty much? Definitely feels like less thought went into the balance. (or most other things) It is still breezy and playable and makes me consider my decisions sometimes so hey I'm enjoying it well enough. Two hours in and I feel like that's a decent chunk of the game already, currently in the water cave. Ghost cars were the most dangerous thing so far.

Ghost Cars are the -devil-.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #995 on: May 02, 2016, 03:34:51 PM »
I have a heroine addiction.

<3 <3 <3

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #996 on: May 02, 2016, 05:24:27 PM »
I have a heroine addiction.

<3 <3 <3

Alex dropping the Hedberg quotes.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #997 on: May 02, 2016, 05:41:55 PM »
Dark Souls 3: Pope train defeated. Took me a bit to figure out where I could go next and only worked it out thanks to getting invaded back in a previous area. Doing some general exploratory backtracking though.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #998 on: May 02, 2016, 05:51:20 PM »
Civ5 Community Improvement Patch- Played a few games of this. The Civfantatics crowd did a rebalance patch for Civ5, drastically altering game mechanics. It... rather reminds me of the Mod of Balance in FF1. There's a lot of thought and effort put into rebalancing the game, but overall the changes end up detracting rather than adding to the game. In particular, the tourism system is not well balanced like at all (It's too easy for AIs to get culture victories pre industrial era, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it). It also has really bad interface. You get a million popups per turn thanks to the changes (Bonus yields, etc) and it just makes it painful to hack through at the start of turns. It also has some absolutely dumb design choices. Really guys, you made Artillery -better-?! What the hell.  It also tends to crash a fair bit, as it is a very heavily modded version of Civ5.  It also tries to nerf the relative value of population by no longer tying food to science and nerfing rationalism. I don't think it's that effective- more food still means more ability to work production tiles and specialist slots- but it's at least an attempt to change things up.

It was fun for a game or two, but I can't really recommend it.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #999 on: May 02, 2016, 06:48:16 PM »
PXZ2 Chapter 21 - Bison continues his role as the co-villain of the piece (seriously, he's proactive going into this and is causing all kinds of problems for non Street Fighter people, whereas all the other non-Ouma folks are pretty reactive and just taking advantage of the chaos).  As well, Sagata Sanshiro = Poochie?  I think yes.  On the plus side, Yuri's gone up in my estimation with the non-stop stream of sarcasm he levelled at the guy.

Segata is... hard to get unless you really know about the Sega Saturn market back then.
He is completely random if you don't have any foreknowledge. But a glorious peice of nostalgia if you do.