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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1025 on: May 07, 2016, 02:51:56 AM »
When we cooped my brother and I raced for the wax.  More than once I left him fighting stuff to go Dunking.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1026 on: May 07, 2016, 04:05:01 AM »
Good. I searched for wax on the forums and found nothing but Wild Arms XF posts and panicked a little - Surely I wasn't the only one who noticed and acknowledged Dunk Head in Wax?

Oh yeah I finished Dark Souls. 30 hours playtime.

My first impressions haven't changed, it's a cool game but not revolutionary. I do not know why people refer to it as something -more-, it's just Souls. Mostly linear Souls.The basic story and ending I got are exactly what I'd have naturally expected to happen to that world if there were no plot twists involved Another hero in the future needs to collect X mcguffins from bosses, then link the fire again, except now the fire is way weaker, oh boy does entropy really suck roll credits. For that reason I'm also not even really willing to bother about lore right beyond checking the Vaatividya videos.

Souls is the best and basic Souls still has a bunch of cool surprises up its sleeve so this isn't that much of a problem. There were loads of really lovely items and moments, combat got tweaked a bit so it's eeeven better, bosses are awesome, etc.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 03:14:39 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1027 on: May 07, 2016, 04:09:55 AM »
I was waiting for you. 

As much as I enjoy the games, you guys posting about them is the highlight.  I couldn't ruin that.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1028 on: May 07, 2016, 04:53:19 AM »
FE Conquest: Decided frustration was not worth my pride, so lowered difficulty to Normal.  I lasted until Chapter 24 before I had to crack, I guess that's better than to be expected! 

Anyway, just beat Chapter 25.  I can see why that'd be hell in hard.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1029 on: May 07, 2016, 01:35:30 PM »
Pokémon Picross - gotten to the ending, still several decades 'til completion

Currently I've taken a single exit from each branch, so now I'm heading back to do the other exits. Not sure offhand whether this was the optimal way to play the game with regards to training bonus upgrades, but oh well. Assuming my numbers are right, I currently have 184 out of 304 Pokémon, 75 out of 128 mural pieces, 681 out of 1182 standard mission stars, and 647 out of 1186 alt-world mission stars.

Ended up buying the discount 800-picrite block at the point in the game which is almost certainly designed to pressure you into doing so, and the discount 200-picrite block arbitrarily at another point. Haven't bought any of the full-price blocks, no plans to.

Having made it from one side of the map to the other, I am extremely aggravated that the game has engineered things such that I have yet to run across any ice Pokémon. Meanwhile I have 3 incomplete missions that require literally any of them, another that requires literally any two of them, and two more that require Glaceon and Glalie specifically. There've been a couple that are dual-typed with ice in the regular games, but Picross has single-typing only and they've all had the non-ice type.

Currently around an area and a half behind in Alt World. I'm still divided on whether setting Mega Picross up as copies of every normal Picross puzzle is a good thing or not, but at least here the copies have different missions. Also, I still generally dislike Mega Picross.

I do think that this game's version of Micross is the best I've seen so far, with the individual pieces being handed out piecemeal as you go. Much, much better than just doing all the Micross puzzles in one go. Setting aside that I could easily do bits and pieces of them at a time as I was going through other puzzles in the other games.

JiPS - completed all puzzles on both easy and regular difficulty

Outside of price and not needing a bunch of free space, this is generally inferior to actual jigsaw puzzling. It doesn't help that it doesn't play to the strengths of the platform.

The application takes up something like the central third of the screen and blacks out the other two thirds. The jigsaw puzzles, which are all portrait-oriented and the same size, take up the majority of the space, and half the rest of the space is taken up with a scrolling area of available pieces. Assuming you don't want to do any temporary sorting/etc within the bounds of the puzzle itself, you only get a couple of small areas above and below it.
Even if it wanted to keep to the same set of puzzles, the least it could have done was allow for the other two thirds of the screen to be used for temporary work.

You can't lock sets of pieces together. Build a small segment out of pieces in the outside area before you've built somewhere for it to attach to inside the puzzle? You have to move it all over piece by piece.

You can't zoom in on puzzles, which isn't much of an issue in the easy or regular difficulties, but pieces in the hard difficulty are very small and it would be helpful there. It's not supposed to be hard due to it being difficult to view.

I've seen people complain about the fact that the pieces aren't rotatable (i.e. they're always in the correct orientation) but I'm not too broken up about that personally.

I did one puzzle on hard and came to the conclusion that it's not particularly enjoyable doing them on that difficulty, so I'm not planning on doing any more of them.

My Nintendo Picross: Twilight Princess - played through

It's Picross in Twilight Princess form.

A bunch of standard puzzles which are as fine as normal.
A bunch of Mega puzzles which are all copies of the standard puzzles as recently normal. I'm still, still divided on whether that's a good idea or not.
A single Micross puzzle which sucks if you do it all at once as normal.

Might've been more nostalgic if I'd ever actually played Twilight Princess.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1030 on: May 07, 2016, 06:26:46 PM »
I was waiting for you. 

As much as I enjoy the games, you guys posting about them is the highlight.  I couldn't ruin that.

So I imagine I've been pretty disappointing there, I just tore through the game.
Overall, a weaker experience than Bloodborne but there are at least a lot of different builds (instead of : Oh all the weapons are in the DLC LOL)
Farron Greatsword is the best Souls weapon and you should check it out at one point. Mercernary blades were a lot better in general, however. Just pick the mercernary class and you get totally amazing weapons that will last you all the way through the game.
I tried to upgrade the anime twinkatanas with the ridiculous anime jump L2, but they were still overall weaker. They had bleed, but bleed doesn't even seem to work on wingmen, the only notable enemies past them...

I imagine the final boss is weak on purpose, but not as weak as Demon's's, which all makes sense lorewise. The fight right before was amazing and one of the best in the series (Real best still goes to Artorias?)

The entire world was barren past the midgame because I missed all the NPC questlines. The requirements are extremely stupid. God damn it From. This is some sub-World Tendency stuff right there.

Also I forgot to react:

I can't stand the Tower Knight theme! The goofy laughing just grates on my nerves. And not the way boss music is supposed to.

2) It's not really laughing though?

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1031 on: May 07, 2016, 08:15:23 PM »
DS3:  Abandoned my cleric and rerolled as mercenary.  I have 40 dex and 11 hp and surprisingly this is okay.  Not even using a shield, just rapier and bow.  In the catacombs now.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1032 on: May 08, 2016, 01:17:33 AM »
Fenrir: it sounds like you got the worst ending! Which isn't a surprise because the other two are SECRET and hidden behind obscura (did you even find the Untended Graves? That's only Ash Lake tier obscure, Archdragon Peak unlock is the real how did anyone even find this? zone). Also I'm pretty sure everybody fucks up all the NPC quests in this game first run. I sure did. Some of the unlocks and timing windows here really are absurdly obtuse.

Speaking of, HERO PATCHES confirmed. So this time I did the following:

-Left Siegward in the well (for a while at least). Pointedly did not buy his armor from Patches.

-Reached Irithyll.

-Told Greirat to go to Irithyll.

-Actually answered Patches this time when he asked where Greirat went. (Patches sounds legitimately concerned in response, it's great.)

-Killed Old Demon King because killing a boss, any boss, is the trigger for the game to check whether anyone's available to save Greirat.

-Went back to Firelink. Greirat is back safe and claims an onion knight saved him. Obviously it wasn't Siegward (who I save after all of this without disrupting his quest).

So the upshot of all this is that Patches is really just tsundere and can't stand to undertake saving someone without a disguise. I guess an act of known goodwill would spoil his image.

Great stuff.

Anyway sorcery run is done. Sorcery is amazing if you go all-in but you also cannot take hits at all because you have both Dusk's Crown and the Sorcery Clutch Ring nuking your defenses at once. It's basically more cost-efficient pyro. Your casting times may be worse (which makes it harder to use in boss fights but doesn't stop it from taking exploration completely to pieces) but you should also never ever run out of FP as long as you stick to the Great Arrow tier of spells. Soul Spear and anything crystal probably not worth using outside of maybe the castle bosses. They burn too much FP, without the extra couple hundred damage really warranting the 3-4x hike in cost. Soul Stream is super cool but you will never ever use this in a boss fight without getting hit. It's great to blast knights with it, though. Bores right through shielded defense like a drill.

DEX run is started and uh is also done. Wow. See preceding two posts, Sellsword Twinblades are absurdly good. You have the stats to cast Magic Weapon at game start as a mercenary and it's recommended to pick that up immediately (this goes for everyone really, the reqs are so low in DS3 that most classes can cast it right out of the gate). Makes things immensely easier early on. This is some of the most out of control melee offense I've seen in these games, it's just bonkers. I think HLW didn't even last thirty seconds. Combo 1 -> *SMASH* -> Combo 2 -> *SMASH* -> Combo 3 -> *SMASH* after just two swings. Holy shit. This is pretty much exactly the kind of weapon I was looking for. You're just a human blender.

I tried other weapons! Chaos Blade is stronger on paper, but Chaos Blade can't be buffed. All the other twin weapons that look like they should be for DEX builds are actually Quality weapons. Farron Greatsword is hilarious but it's so heavy and stamina-intensive that I couldn't properly make use of it until the game was basically over. There was other cool stuff but just nothing else as completely dominating as buffed Twinblades. You don't have a kick with the scimitars though and that's painful. This run renewed my hatred for everything with a shield in DS3, and especially for greatshields. Holy crap are knights the most infuriating bastards. Hi there, I'm gonna maneuver around you for backstab NOPE SHIELD BASH TO FACE okay fine I'll just walk up and kick your shield away NOPE SHIELD BASH TO FACE. It's like goddamn Psycho Mantis is on the other side of the screen reading my moves. Fuck these fuckers.

Unfortunately, I'm disappointed with the Xanthous set this time you guys. Not yellow enough. Not. Yellow. Enough. Maybe DLC will give Nanami a satisfactorily yellow outfit. Here's hoping. I rocked Sunless set instead because it's amazingly fabulous.

Oh yeah, I did eventually beat Nameless. First win was with the Cidward's Elder Brother along to help, but I soloed it with the pyro after that. Took 6-7 tries? I was ready to rage at the camera here at first, but when I won it was without significant camera problems due to not being positioned stupidly at all times (don't hang around under the dragon you guys) so I think intermittent motion sickness was mostly a consequence of Doing It Wrong. (Just in this fight, though, as I readily acknowledge these games are filled with legitimately BS Camera Souls moments.) All I had to do was stand back a little bit and the first phase became a joke. 3x fireball to the face -> visceral attack -> 2x more fireball while it's recovering = done. Pyro kinda broke you guys. Second half still pretty tough! But Black Flame really came through here. I just stuck to him like glue instead of hanging back and lobbing fireballs and this worked out much better. His ranged attacks are way trickier to avoid.

The only boss I haven't actually soloed is Big Gunther and I don't expect that to change. I have cheesed this fight out with summons every time I've won and I feel precisely zero shame about this. I wouldn't mind this fight so much if the run back to him wasn't long without a shortcut and with enemies that are sometimes tricky to avoid (grave wardens, ugh). If it was a quick trip I'd mind less having to try over and over again against an unfair chain-attacking bastard that literally never allows you an opportunity to heal. But put those things together and fuck no Krusty wants out.

My first impressions haven't changed, it's a cool game but not revolutionary.

Yeah pretty much. I don't think it ever really stretches to do anything the series hasn't done before, but it's a very solid entry in what's pretty obviously my favorite series, so why am I going to complain? I get more Souls combat and the amazing environments that DS2 largely lacked are back again. Score. I'd have to call Bloodborne a more impressive game just for being more adventurous, though. This is funny to consider since there was a lot about Bloodborne that bugged me when I first played it (although that is true of most of these games). DS3 still has it beat for instant replayability, though. BB just lacked that immense build variability. I mean, fuck, look at this, I'm on my sixth run already (it's Luck mode oh god what have I done. Seriously though there will likely be a quality build after this to pick up all the weapons that didn't fit anywhere else and then I'm probably done).

I think my series ranking probably runs something like: Dark Souls 1 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 >>> Demon's Souls. I could shuffle BB and DS3 if the latter has boss enough DLC though. Anyway despite all the welcome quality of life improvements the later games added, it's hard to top experiencing something like this for the first time. Nostalgia may be a factor here but I just don't think anything after DS1 had as impressive a world to explore.


I ended up disappointed overall with Salt & Sanctuary, but I suppose I should have lowered my expectations since a knock-off of Souls is still a knock-off. The game is really rough around the edges; I was very sad that the bow controls are so poorly thought out in particular. Movement was acceptably fluid much of the time, but I felt like it was far too easy to fall off of cliffs at times, which is strange since there was no slippery footing to contend with or anything like that. I'm not big on the rolling and parrying in a 2D space, though I can appreciate the attempt to get the combat right; that's my story, sticking to it.

While I didn't hate the art style as much as some people seem to, and even liked some designs, the graphics were actually a problem for me, as everything looks pretty similar (read: dark) and it's very easy to miss things. I suppose you could argue that adds to the challenge, and in some cases I'd agree, but for me it was frustrating more than it was neato. The music was kind of annoying when it wasn't just ambiance, but the ambiance and sound effects were well-done, at least as far as I could tell.

Enemies seem to suddenly gain tons of HP midway through the game, and it makes fight a real slog. I might have had more fun if I didn't feel the need to just run past encounters before even getting through them legitimately. Maybe my build wasn't on point, though (Polearms). Any flying/mage enemy is insufferable. Several bosses are downright terrible. I must have died to the Tree boss 20 times due to a platform crumbling as soon as my character touched it at random times. (normally it takes a second or two)

I'm not sure how I feel about the skill tree vs something more simplistic, but I guess it's cool if you want to know what you're working toward? Being able to delete and reassign points was a nice touch.

The game certainly has some enjoyable qualities, and I might recommend it to fans of Castlevania and the like, but I wasn't particularly impressed.

Funny thing, I actually didn't stumble off of ledges too much in S&S. I had tons of gravity-driven deaths due to platforming failure, but few if any incidents of accidentally walking right off a fatal precipice. S&S actually does not let your attack momentum carry you off a ledge. Try swinging away at the edge of a cliff, you won't budge. I actually appreciated this considering how many times over-exuberant R1 spam took me for a fatal fall in Souls games after I knocked my lock-on target over the edge.

Art's a mixed bag. I principally disliked the PC's character style. For backgrounds, the color scheme could stand to be less washed-out and pallid, but I think there's variation enough in environment types. The darkness doesn't necessarily bother me. Actually think that was better used here as a strategic element here than say DS2's torch system. Sticking with a light source in S&S actually enforces tactical decisions--if you're used to two-handing weapons or dual-wielding, you're gonna have to find a workaround or be genuinely blind, because there are stretches in these levels that you cannot safely explore and execute combat in without a torch.

Tree of Men is indeed bullshit. I don't think I hate it more than I hate The Third Lamb, but it certainly gave me the most trouble first time through when I was a pure melee build. Then I came back with a gun and it was a joke. I never even tried bows! But the gun and magic aiming mechanics (pretty much identical there) seemed fine to me.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 01:27:13 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1033 on: May 08, 2016, 01:22:03 AM »
FE Conquest - Now The Game Is Being Fair mode: Just beat Chapter 26.  Man, it's so weird feeling like I'm in control of every fight instead of having to be ultra meticulous and one slight mistep = you die.

Also nice to see they brought a 1 time revival item back.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1034 on: May 08, 2016, 03:57:13 AM »
Siegward and Greirat are the worst.  Everything else can maybe be bungled into by complete accident (Archdragon Peak requirement for Hawkwood aside).


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1035 on: May 08, 2016, 09:42:06 AM »
Bravely Second- Into Chapter 2. The Chapter 1 final boss can be a real doozy and that's with Special Abuse. Looking ahead, I see a bunch of cool classes on the horizon, including one that reminds me of an RPG character I designed years back having a skillset that revolved around setting HP, MP, Revival, Dispel, the status it was the previous turn. Very excited to see that ends up translating in game.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1036 on: May 08, 2016, 03:38:43 PM »
Were the untended graves really a secret area? I don't remember having to do anything in particular to get there.
The other, hahah no. To be fair it's less obscure than the Making Contact stuff from Bloodborne.

Up to undead village with pyro. It's a bit weaker than I expected! Managing health estus and magic estus is hard (and fun) Also I realized that I never even found the pyro vendor in my first playthrough, he had stayed in his cage forever. I might have murdered him expecting another Silent Chief, to be fair.
And I never explored that lava room in the lake! I expected some walk on lava boots/ring later on.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1037 on: May 08, 2016, 03:42:06 PM »
Were the untended graves really a secret area? I don't remember having to do anything in particular to get there.

Untended Graves is behind an illusory wall. I only found it when I looked up what bosses I had missed at the end of the game.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 03:47:27 PM by jsh357 »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1038 on: May 08, 2016, 03:45:44 PM »
Oh right. There was an "Illusory wall..." message next so I barely even remember it.

By the way, if you're wondering who's the jerk who's upvoting all the fake Illusory Wal messages: It's me.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1039 on: May 08, 2016, 03:49:40 PM »
In the unintended graves, there was a "Jump for a secret!" message that looked completely trollish. I still checked just in case and actually found a weird blue circle at the bottom.

So I jumped. And promptly died. I wonder what that was all about. No one on the Internet knows. Here is a picture.

Oh, I forgot to praise the one mass of things in a cage that wants to talk to you, in the undead village. The one that sings. Great stuff.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 03:52:19 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1040 on: May 08, 2016, 06:10:21 PM »
Oh right. There was an "Illusory wall..." message next so I barely even remember it.

By the way, if you're wondering who's the jerk who's upvoting all the fake Illusory Wal messages: It's me.

The big man… hass the mesage

In ither news ITT S&S > DS3 and I can play neither of them


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1041 on: May 08, 2016, 10:35:20 PM »
Fen, no one will wonder who is upvoting them.  You can't see whether something is voted positively or negatively, just how many responses it has.  From know what they are doing with the messaging system.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1042 on: May 08, 2016, 10:43:50 PM »
Yeah but messages rates too negatively disappear right?
So the terrible messages rated a lot of times have to be rated somewhat positively.

Knowledge is power, so, as few people as possible must know the secrets of this universe that I know.
Upvote troll messages, downvote useful messages.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1043 on: May 08, 2016, 11:50:20 PM »
Only From will know since we don't see the data.  If the only metric you present me is # of responses I assume that's what you run on.  It looks to me like from want troll messages to remain.

Even in older games I think it was based on volume as well rather than weight.  A massively down voted sign tells just as much as an up voted one (which is why I think they hid it this time).
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1044 on: May 09, 2016, 12:22:20 AM »
I really love the intense, gritty realism of hitting all the walls with my weapon to see if they are real.

In order to increase the realism my toon should occasionally say "WHERE ISS IT."
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1045 on: May 09, 2016, 12:46:34 AM »
DS2 is more authentic because you mash Use to do it.  Which reminds me I forgot to bitch about that when I rolled a new toon to coop in Scholar.  Go to forest.  I know the wall with the catalyst is here.  Fucking what why won't it open what is wrong with my I am broken and this world is wrong.

Oh right, press Use instead of punch.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1046 on: May 09, 2016, 02:23:08 AM »
FE Revelations: Okay, this route has a bunch of gimmick maps that annoyed me. 7 (pseudo-FoW cave) and 10 (frozen city) stand out as having gimmicks that slow the pace down to a crawl while offering nothing strategically interesting, especially with the low deploy counts.

The replicate map was brilliant, but aside from that the only chapter up through 20 thus far that I've liked much is the one where you could (optionally) take out both Xander and Ryouma for xp.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1047 on: May 09, 2016, 02:33:48 AM »
I actually downvote fake "fake wall" messages because you guys that was funny for maybe five seconds the first time I saw it several games ago.

Anyway luck mode is weird. You spend most of the game scrounging up any cool bleed weapon you can find (there aren't many poison weapons/they're mostly enemy drops/poison sucks in DS3). It's pretty cool, status build being a thing they gave you a seemingly useless stat for is a pretty different niche. Then you get Anri's Straight Sword and none of that matters anymore because this weapon is so obscenely good that there's basically no point trying to status anything anymore. I kind of wish this amazing Luck-scaling sword didn't actually exist because now I'm just another melee bruiser. I already have higher attack power than I did with the Butcher Knife and this is a faster weapon that can actually be buffed (and the sword's already maxed, because you can get enough twinklies way before you can get the chunks to max out a normal weapon). The only thing mitigating this is that the weapon and its functionality are hidden behind a wall of obscura, but that only matters for like two days after release because the internet exists.

I also don't get infusion sometimes in this game. I'm looking at the options for infusing the innate bleed weapons I'd been using, and the weapon stats claim that poison infusion will also raise bleed effectiveness in addition to just adding poison. What the hell? Hey Fudo, before I use any rare materials here, is the game straight up lying to me about this. Like ~50 bleed and poison on one weapon sounds too cool to be true, even considering that the attack power gets nuked to compensate. I thought I was gonna be rolling hollow infusion on these weapons, but this looks nuts.

Greirat died again! I thought I did everything the same as I did it last time, except apparently I forget the nonsensically vital step of talking to Siegward in the well and saying No I don't have your armor before the Irithyll segment. This really is the most finicky sidequest ever. I'm trying to think of something comparably dumb and only coming up with Oboro recruitment.

Some odd stuff's happened this run. I'm wearing Kirk's armor this time, right? Because it's appropriate for Everything Must Bleed and might as well because Kirk's sword was my midgame upgrade to the Bandit's Knife and because rolling kills are great, probably better than pushing dudes off of cliffs. Anyway I'm in the swampiest swamp, clearing the ogre room. I never do this, but I know one of them has an axe that I can turn into a hollow gem, which are actually important on this run. So anyway I'm fighting one of them outside, and it does its lunge grab attack like they do, and I roll out of the way and BAM parry sound effect triggers. Wait, what? I walk up to the ogre. It's stunned! Visceral attack.

What the hell just happened. Did I clip his head and stun him with armor damage? I go upstairs and fight that one. Lunge, roll, PARRY again. Hahahahaha.

Also ADOG's arrow rain sticks around like forever, right? It's pretty annoying. I was wondering, what happens if you kill the boss and then die to arrows after getting your reward? Still counts? I discovered by accident today that yes, it still counts. Kill boss mashing R1 to put him down before arrows launch, die to arrows anyway, cutscene teleport interrupts death animation, WHAT'S HAPPENING, I warp across the world, scream and cue loading screen a split second after landing in front of Emma. I'm sure she was confused, except I guess not because she probably had other things on her mind at that point.

I still have no idea why the game periodically gives you another estus flask for no readily apparent reason. This happens even in offline mode so it's not like someone in another world just did something awesome, like in DS1.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1048 on: May 09, 2016, 04:12:34 AM »
I also don't get infusion sometimes in this game. I'm looking at the options for infusing the innate bleed weapons I'd been using, and the weapon stats claim that poison infusion will also raise bleed effectiveness in addition to just adding poison. What the hell? Hey Fudo, before I use any rare materials here, is the game straight up lying to me about this. Like ~50 bleed and poison on one weapon sounds too cool to be true, even considering that the attack power gets nuked to compensate. I thought I was gonna be rolling hollow infusion on these weapons, but this looks nuts.

Stop it.  Bad bad bad.  If the rare material is rubbish you are just going to overwrite the infusion anyway.  Try it out and see, if it sucks overwrite with Hollow.  The only thing you wasted was a trash upgrade path you wouldn't use because it sucks.

You are right though, Infusions do some batty things with random stuff scaling completely out of whack with what you expect it to.  Part of me wonders how much is intentional and how much is just some tables being misaligned in DBs at some point.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1049 on: May 09, 2016, 05:01:55 AM »
Oh right. There was an "Illusory wall..." message next so I barely even remember it.

By the way, if you're wondering who's the jerk who's upvoting all the fake Illusory Wal messages: It's me.