
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2016?  (Read 122095 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1850 on: September 05, 2016, 10:43:03 PM »
AAI2: Up to case 4.  Good game so far.  I'll have more big-picture comments later, but I have high hopes that this game leaves the player with some interesting food for thought on the criminal justice system.  It's certainly pointing in that direction, just needs to stick the landing.

Re: case 2, Generally agree about the weakness of the logic in the case.  Which is a shame because in broad strokes it's a great case.  What bugs me the most is that the Warden smuggled in forks and spoons - you can see 'em in the tunnel - and now a knife is a big problem.  I thought making the murder weapon that knife - the one only the warden had access to - was a great idea.  But yeah, the game does not come close to selling you on the idea that it is the only possible weapon.  Also, the knife is in the alligator?  TOTAL missed opportunity to make a Peter Pan joke.  Also also, that Cerberus chess piece had better come up again or it will be quite a foreshadowing misfire.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1851 on: September 06, 2016, 01:09:33 AM »
Xenoblade Chroncles X: Been dicking around doing sidequests so I'm sure I'm prepped for the next story stuff.  Also got a 3rd mech, sold my first mech for basically an upgraded version of it.

Plotwise...well...Zu Pharg is basically the best Mech Fight the entire Xeno Series has ever had...low bar is low, I'm aware.
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1852 on: September 06, 2016, 02:47:09 AM »
SO5: Okay, I got Emoter, confirmed OP.

Mostly cutscene today. We need our ship to go faster to catch the bad guys! Emmerson does his best Captain Kirk and suggests using this totally untried, experimental technology. He calls up his science pal, will this work? "You'd probably blow up." What if we have this half-naked alien chick finger paint on the engine? "Approved." These are speed runes, they make the ship go faster.

That except expanded 10x by technobabble. Finally off the first planet though.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1853 on: September 06, 2016, 07:18:27 PM »
Dark Souls 3: Game beat. I can see little flickering flames in the endless darkness.

So yeah. Beat the game with a Greatsword build, which felt a little more challenging in this game due to the number of enemies with very fast attack patterns and surprisingly small gaps between their actions.

Gundy: Fuck your goddamn shoulder rush bullshit.

Armor: Not too bad.

BroBro: Okay, this fight seriously irritated me. The run from the bonfire is unnecessarily tedious, particularly given the number of tries this fight took. This fight, moreso than any other, was a pain in the ass with the Greatsword. The attacks you can -safely- strike after in this fight are surprisingly limited, so you end up getting smacked a lot while trying to do damage. Point blank teleports also really fuck with me. Second half of the fight... same problem, but you realistically want to be EVEN MORE careful about when you strike to maximize positioning. That said, the Greatsword does have an edge in that it is really easy to do damage when behind the boss.

Not Gwyn: Honestly pretty easy.

Completely missed the other two optional areas.

Project Diva X: All the butts have been empowered, but now I must empower them again to get crystals.

I don't like the tracklist as well as Diva F 2nd (or even Diva F, I think?) but there is still fun stuff.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 07:20:19 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1854 on: September 06, 2016, 07:35:43 PM »
I Am Setsuna: Finished.

It's a good game, but.  Feels like a lot of the feedback on Setsuna.  I really like parts of it!  But.  But.  There's always a but.  I guess it's a testament to how amazing Chrono Trigger is that S-E turned out a damn near perfect game in so many little ways.

Some of the good:
* The battle system.  It's Chrono Trigger ripped off entirely.
* The music (mostly).  Some of the music is really good, and much of the music sets a rather haunting, somber tone well.  (The "chase" / "crisis" type music was a flop, though, which is a problem.)
* The non-Endir characters.  A tad bland at times, but still, I liked 'em.

And the bad:
* Endir.
* Modern era graphics games are clearly more budget-limited than sprite games in their ability to create inventive new surroundings.  They built snowy forest, snowy castle, abstract floating dungeon ruins, & icy waters, and whoops no more budget, so we'll force all our dungeons to be variants on this.  Lots o' palette swaps on enemies, too.
* The ending and a few unresolved plot possibilities felt unsatisfying for ways I can't explain without spoilers.
* Endir.

So...  to talk more about the ending in an accessible way.  So, you know how in FFX, the fate of summoners on pilgrimage is made to be a plot twist, where everyone is just too polite / shy to tell Tidus what exactly he's doing?  IAS is an FFX-esque scenario, except there's no beating around the bush.  You are told from the start that Setsuna is the Sacrifice, and that means exactly what it says.  (Nobody seems to have any clear idea of WHY we need to send a Sacrifice, and you'd think there'd be some better justification about why this works, but hey.)  So the obvious question is...  how is IAS gonna resolve this?  It's easy to either be too grimdark and have bullshit make an unsatisfying "rocks fall, everyone dies becuz magic" ending, or be too treacly and be all "thanks to the power of love & hope, we can save the world AND not sacrifice Setsuna AND get an ice cream sundae!  Hooray!"  It's really all about how it's justified and sold, ideally with setup from earlier.  Anybody can have an ancient sage from nowhere drop in and either fix our problems by magic, or cause problems by magic; if you want to make that kinda plot twist work and not be a deus ex machina, you need to set this character up earlier.  (Perhaps have them tag around with the party and offer advice...?)

I'll give a few examples from other games:

Too nice (the usual):
Grandia 1 has a situation where Mullen has a perfectly respectable plan to use the power of the Icarians to defeat Gaia, a world-destroying threat.  And Justin doesn't approve because...  because?  Hell, Leen & Feena are freaking volunteers, and Mullen has a thing for Leen just as Justin does Feena, so it's not like he's asking anything that he isn't willing to give up.  Anyway, this plot point is basically fine, but Justin basically goes and has a good cry in the rain, then says "there's gotta be a new path!", and then a new path literally opens up by magic.  Oh hey, a (monster-infested) Spirit Shrine opened up, and you can use this cool Spirit Sword to stop Gaia rather than Icarian power!  Why does it show up in-setting?  Uh dunno.  Was it literally just attuned to Justin's strong desires?  MAYBE you could sell that if you introduced some plot point earlier a la the Room of Requirement in Harry Potter, where according to legend there's some dungeon that reveals itself to those in their most desperate hour, but they totally didn't.  They just had the next dungeon to get a magic doohickey appear and solve the problem with magic.  Hell, Justin's an explorer.  If they literally had him go play Indiana Jones, hit the library, and find out that the Spirit Shrine might just have been buried beneath the city, and make it so that he goes there himself in a desperate hope of finding something useful, that'd have been fine.  As is, it felt like "get Feena out of trouble for free."

Too grimdark:
This is less common, but think of your favorite BS character deaths that happen due to surprise magic where there isn't someone or something to blame other than rules that got introduced too late.  To a lesser extent this applies to crappy fake drama over unbelievable death possibilities that the game later wisely backs off of (think Jessie Cannon in Xenogears).  This can work if you're George R. R. Martin and trying to stress that even if you do everything right, you can still fail, but that's not usually the kind of story video games want to tell.  (Maybe Star Ocean 3, with Ameena?  You can argue the point of that was to show Fayt that he isn't all powerful no matter how much futuristic do-goody tech he packs.)  These kinda inherently involve spoilers so I guess I won't mention too many of these! 

Anyway, specifically for I Am Setsuna...'s too grimdark.  If Setsuna actually sacrificed herself, fine, that was set up.  Instead, someone still dies, but... dealing with a seemingly harmless, spent evil spirit?  And apparently absorbing it then dying is a thing that can be done?  That came outta nowhere.

I kind of expected there to be some further plot twist if we're gonna travel to the past.  Like, is Endir ageless and trapped in some kind of time loop?  If not, who was the older Endir in the game?  Not Haspser, clearly.

Also, I was kinda surprised that the game's title was..., "I Am Setsuna" is a very striking title.  What does this mean?  Is this what Setsuna says when doing something really badass?  Are there mixed up identities here?

My guess (after seeing the early game) was that Endir would be the sacrifice instead, because he's such an incipient badass and holder of magical power.  (Hey, he can see save points of the time lords, aka the players, guiding him forward!)  It'd be some sort of I am Spartacus type moment where he claims to be Setsuna while performing the sacrifice, saving her.  Bit of an FFX parallel, too, where Tidus dies but Yuna doesn't.  Alternatively, this could be some sort of crossdressing / switched at birth thing (I mean, Endir DOES wear a mask) where actually Endir is Setsuna, and Setsuna is Setsuna's twin sister or the like.  Maybe Mana had 2 twins.  Maybe Setsuna was kidnapped to become a mercenary and Raishinn really is "Setsuna"'s father.

Anyway, regardless of the above, there needed to be SOME sort of twist with Endir, like how Tidus, the curious outsider, had his own twists.  Setsuna sensed some grand destiny in him.  Eutess & Aeterna said that this is the first time Endir joined up.  Was it literally just "You, the player avatar, are just so awesome, that's the peanut butter to go with the jelly?"  After the travel to the past, I was half-expecting that Endir WAS the Dark Samsara, a la FE Awakening, and that the DS would be reborn in this era by becoming some baby boy, and would grow up to be a jerk but fight against itself, which is why Aeterna was WTF who's this.  But...  no, he's not that either.  He's just this badass who randomly showed up now to solve all of our problems and be praised to the high heavens by everyone else.  Vomit.

And one other nit / unresolved plot thread that left me curious/uncertain:
So...  Nanase's pilgrimage failed.  And she's also basically the worst person ever for claiming that Nidr not requiting her love was really what killed her, the ache in her heart or whatever.  Deathbed confessions are fine, but keep them non-accusatory, 'k?  But Mana's pilgrimage came later, and was recent, yet clearly didn't help much.  The game's narrative during the Serendale / Purikka arc seems to suggest that Nidr's pilgrimage was the last one which is why monster problems are bad, but that clearly isn't true.  In fact nobody really says boo at Mana's pilgrimage.  Did it succeed, but the Dark Samsara was just too badass?  Or were there 2 failed pilgrimages in a row?  What happened on it?

So.  I do recommend Setsuna!  It's pretty cool.  There are some things about the plot I didn't like, though, and there are some "we are budget title" quirks too.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1855 on: September 08, 2016, 03:19:50 AM »
SO5: Woooo in space. Space Captain's weapons switch to guns once you're off-planet, which is a nice touch. Fast travel finally acquired as well. Drops you off in the wilderness instead of towns, but this is actually justifiable by plot (UP3, not supposed to show off future tech in front of the natives, etc). The drops tend to be right outside towns anyway, so it's good enough.

Wow there are a lot of PAs in this game. PAs and generic sidequests. That's what I spend most of this session doing, until I stumble across a gate to the abyss out in the wilderness. Now, I'd found one of these way earlier, near the start of the game. I walked in, the game told me there'd be a sequence of fights if I kept going and I wouldn't be able to leave until they'd all been won, I immediately left because I hadn't saved in a while and I'm not Fenrir, you guys. Anyway this time it was right outside town so I figured I'd give it a shot. Go through a bunch of fights that are mostly normal enemies, then boss music kicks in and a dragon shows up. Obviously this is the last stage! Let's, uh, let's....wait, why is that healthbar not moving at all? Oh because everyone's doing like 5% normal damage. What the fuck. Okay, so, maybe I'm supposed to gimmick my way about this, do gravity bombs work, poison? No, no they don't. Reserve rush? Chips through maybe 2% of his health. I hack away at this for like twenty minutes seeing if any elements actually do anything special and none of them seem to and he's down maybe all of 8-10% of his health. I figure I'd probably run out of MP-restoration items long before I killed him (he can easily OHKO people, so I'm also burning MP on revival non-stop) and also I need to sleep sometime tonight, so fuck this. Nine easy fights and then one logistically impossible one. Why is this something that can happen?

Game is mostly fun but occasionally does some really dumb shit, is all I'm saying.

Also, I've been meaning to say: Charles D. Goale? Are you...absolutely sure that's the name you were going for there?

EDIT: Oh right.

Gundy: Fuck your goddamn shoulder rush bullshit.

I cannot second this enough. Easily my least favorite non-gimmick boss in the game.

As for the twins, there is a shortcut. To the right of their door, there's an elevator that drops you right outside of Dragonslayer Armor. You don't have to fight anything getting back to the twins.

Oh yeah, Pugilism Souls 3, derailed horribly by Pontiff. After like 30 deaths I just summon other dudes to avoid having an aneurysm. Guy's already the hardest Souls boss for me, I don't need to kill myself trying to take him down with weapons that can't even reliably tag his character model (seriously worst hit detection I've seen in this series, absolutely terrible match-up trying to use fist weapons here). It just got aggravating in ways that even stupid shit like DS1 Indy mode never was.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2016, 03:28:24 AM by El Cideon »

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1856 on: September 08, 2016, 04:57:09 AM »
and a dragon shows up. Obviously this is the last stage! Let's, uh, let's....wait, why is that healthbar not moving at all? Oh because everyone's doing like 5% normal damage. What the fuck. Okay, so, maybe I'm supposed to gimmick my way about this, do gravity bombs work, poison? No, no they don't. Reserve rush? Chips through maybe 2% of his health. I hack away at this for like twenty minutes seeing if any elements actually do anything special and none of them seem to and he's down maybe all of 8-10% of his health. I figure I'd probably run out of MP-restoration items long before I killed him (he can easily OHKO people, so I'm also burning MP on revival non-stop) and also I need to sleep sometime tonight, so fuck this. Nine easy fights and then one logistically impossible one. Why is this something that can happen?

First time I beat one of those it took an hour.  Dragon buffs his physical defense constantly, so you need to control Fiore to do any noticeable damage.  Also absorbs wind so don't use that.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1857 on: September 08, 2016, 07:35:20 AM »
and a tri-ace super boss appears. Why is this something that can happen?

First time I beat one of those it took an hour.  Because a meat wall that you need to grind for and do obtuse optimisation for 30 hours counts as 30 hours of "content" to some people and counts as "value.  Also absorbs wind so don't use that.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1858 on: September 08, 2016, 11:00:26 AM »
Project Diva X: All the butts have been empowered, but now I must empower them again to get crystals.

That's the worst DS boss name yet...


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1859 on: September 08, 2016, 07:01:23 PM »
Gundy: Fuck your goddamn shoulder rush bullshit.

I cannot second this enough. Easily my least favorite non-gimmick boss in the game.

As for the twins, there is a shortcut. To the right of their door, there's an elevator that drops you right outside of Dragonslayer Armor. You don't have to fight anything getting back to the twins.

Seriously, the tracking on that shoulder rush is insane, especially given how fast it is.

And yeah. I found that shortcut. It just doesn't make the run back feel any better since you have to do the run over to the elevator, take a stupid elevator ride, reset the stupid elevator, up huge stairs, etc. It is TECHNICALLY a shortcut. I just don't think it is a good one.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1860 on: September 08, 2016, 09:08:22 PM »
and a dragon shows up. Obviously this is the last stage! Let's, uh, let's....wait, why is that healthbar not moving at all? Oh because everyone's doing like 5% normal damage. What the fuck. Okay, so, maybe I'm supposed to gimmick my way about this, do gravity bombs work, poison? No, no they don't. Reserve rush? Chips through maybe 2% of his health. I hack away at this for like twenty minutes seeing if any elements actually do anything special and none of them seem to and he's down maybe all of 8-10% of his health. I figure I'd probably run out of MP-restoration items long before I killed him (he can easily OHKO people, so I'm also burning MP on revival non-stop) and also I need to sleep sometime tonight, so fuck this. Nine easy fights and then one logistically impossible one. Why is this something that can happen?

First time I beat one of those it took an hour.  Dragon buffs his physical defense constantly, so you need to control Fiore to do any noticeable damage.  Also absorbs wind so don't use that.

Both of those things were noticeable, but it hardly mattered because I had to control Miki almost constantly just to keep the party alive (this seems true of any boss with competent offense). And it just didn't look anywhere near worth the time to keep trying.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1861 on: September 08, 2016, 09:12:34 PM »
On tough fights in general you can disable all of Miki's spells except Faerie Light and Raise Dead (or whatever equivalent you have unlocked currently).  Keep Fiore chaining spells on offense, and throw in her own Raise Dead if too many party members are down for Miki to keep up with.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1862 on: September 08, 2016, 09:21:52 PM »
I actually haven't found a second Raise Dead spellbook, so it's Miki reviving the world right now.

I will note that I'm at least pleased you can remap battle skills in the middle of a fight.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1863 on: September 11, 2016, 12:29:22 AM »
DS3: Pugilism mode is done. For a given value of done (we'll get to that). Once I picked up the Demon Fist, I couldn't put it down again. The numbers were bigger, you gotta understand. I still hesitate to call it good, just because fist weapon hit detection is so wonky in DS3. Like, against normal enemies you're generally fine. But for some specific bosses I felt like I was whiffing a good 50% of the time even when I could swear I was right next to them (Pontiff's the main offender, but Dancer and the final boss were problematic as well). And the wind-up never stops being a hassle. Definitely failing to continue the DS2 tradition of completely fucking broken punching, but only being functional like 85% of the time is still way better than you could get with the caestus in DS1. On the other hand, the no ranged condition was...not even a problem really at all in this game? I mean, there's no Shrine of Amana. Having to fight giant wolfspider and Pus of Man totally in melee was scary, though (there is a strategy for Pus of Man, spoilers: it's charge at them with a fire weapon then mash L1 and hope you kill it before it breaks out of stun).

Boss deathcount:

Tutorial Boss: 0 (had to use axe 'cause caestus not available yet)
Bort Bort Bort: 0 (ditto)
Big Hat: 2
Testicle Tree: 0
Be Wary of Mob Enemy: 1
Arty Fanboys: 0 (I did 'port out first try when I ran out of healing though)
Giant Glowing Weakpoints: lolno
Ol' Dirty King: 1 or 2, I forget
Darth Popius: 30 or so before I summoned NPCs to avoid an embolism
No I Did Not Punch Yhorm to Death, I Don't Hate Myself That Much You Guys: 0
Slug Butt: 0
Spin to Win: 4 I think?
Not!Ornstein: 8*
Ocelotte? Ocelotte?! Etcetera: 0
Stupid Gimmick Boss: 0
Nameless: 1
Twins: 0 ("I've done this with knives, I'm not afraid.")
Champ Gundy: 8 or so before I said fuck this I'm out. Champ Gundy still officially the worst.
Soul of Parry Bait: 4

(*Half of these were OHKOs. SO MUCH DAMAGE. And this is with 27 VIG. Eventually I popped an ember so maybe I'd be able to survive a hit next time...and next time I won without even getting hit.)

I think Flynn's Ring was actually earning its equipment slot by the end (something like 80 ATK bonus by the end of the game? Yeah). Running naked to optimize it is really painful, though. I didn't expect this. I've run caster builds wearing robes before and thought that was squishy enough to be as good as naked but wow, no, I was wrong. Naked is so much worse. I guess armor matters more in this installment than I thought it did.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 12:32:18 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1864 on: September 11, 2016, 12:54:06 AM »
Like... Legit naked or like Swordmaster's set naked?
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1865 on: September 11, 2016, 01:51:51 AM »
Legit naked. I checked swordmaster's set and it reduced my damage so no thanks (Flynn's Ring again). Armor-free was the plan anyway.

I did run dragonized for the rest of the game once I had it, though (no defense bonuses other than to status resist).


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1866 on: September 11, 2016, 02:06:31 AM »
Yeah you would have been taking like 50% extra damage with less absorption even before the Subteactive part of the formula kicked in.  Did you bust out Carthus Milk Ring for more IFrames at least (and more damage takenlololol)?

Gods dude you are a beast at these games.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1867 on: September 11, 2016, 04:37:14 AM »
No. Ring selection was generally: Chloranthy Ring, Estus Ring, Flynn's Ring, Silver Serpent Ring. Once or twice swapped SSR out for that crappy "+ damage on consecutive hits" thing. Maybe Life Ring at some point.

Yeah well I still felt really incompetent sometimes. I still cannot solo Pontiff in melee (I've only done it on a caster build) or Champion Gundyr at all. And yet Nameless went down on the second try.

I expected the lower level prison to be awful without a bow, but instead of "Shoot dudes, run back to door," it was just "Look at dudes funny, run back to door" and that worked fine. Strange part is the prison giant stood up and smacked the shit out of me when I dropped down next to him on the second floor. This never happens. I've played this game nine times before (and 1x NG+) and he's never given a damn about me unless I'm A) attacking him; or B) at foot level with the rats. What the fuck.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1868 on: September 11, 2016, 04:52:06 PM »
SO5 Universe playthrough:  So the four stooges in Stahl?  They're actually hard on Universe.  Also you think a Reserve Rush will save you during Protect Anne?  HAHAHAHAHA.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1869 on: September 11, 2016, 05:32:55 PM »
I said that part was going to be terrible. Have fun doing it two more times!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1870 on: September 12, 2016, 05:35:48 AM »
AAI2: finished.  Excellent, excellent game.  Not the best in the series, but not far off.  I said I hoped it would stick the landing, and it did not disappoint.  In fact, it exceeded my expectations both in terms of saying something meaningful about the legal system and in terms of, y'know, having an exciting and well-structured plot.

Case 4: So it's been totally obvious that the head of the P.I.C. would be the final boss and...he's a fake final boss?  Excellent.  And the case itself has urgency, emotional heft, and (contra cases 2 and 3) robust logic that doesn't wilt under pressure.

Case 5: I am frankly amazed at how tidily this case brings the rest of the game together.  I am ashamed to admit that it took me a long time to figure out who the mastermind was.  So many great elements - Edgeworth figuring out he is being bugged, the entire kidnapping sequence, Debeste's emotional growth - I expected something like that, but it was much better executed than I had anticipated.  And some meaningful commentary on the role of a prosecutor in the legal system - the game acknowledging that the law itself can have flaws and asserting that prosecutors must take the lead in fixing them.  Good stuff.  Also Gumshoe gets a raise! That was really sweet.

All that said...did the game ever explain why Blaise and Jill and whatsisname the victim from case 3 all have similar tattoo/burn marks?
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1871 on: September 12, 2016, 05:50:56 AM »
What Lawyer games are you going to play now?  How do I get you a copy of Devil's Attorney to play on your phone between rhythm games?
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1872 on: September 13, 2016, 07:58:41 PM »
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Finished the main story.

Ok, Chapter 11? Fine, no complaints.  Straight forward, feels well balanced for what I had, etc.  Chapter 12 though?  It is short mercifully since just a final boss rush, but unfortunately it doesn't feel well planned.  It's multiple fights scaled around having Skells, and for a first time player who won't have grasped all the game's intricacies, using only level 30 Skells, it's VERY hard to get through all this with keeping your skells alive.  I eventually just said screw it, took, the difficulty drop...and still struggled at that.  The 2nd fight in particular seems fine but near the end things go crazy and he whips out stagger tricks, and has support that just barrages you as soon as you're staggered and lol wipe.

See, the Skell thing wouldn't be so bad if there was anyway to make up for lost Skells in this.  It's a temporary Point of No Return (though the game bans you from saving after you make the decision, so you can't be perma-screwed), so if a Skell dies, you either reset, or try to do without it.  Skells are not well handled in that regard; yeah, ok, I get it, losing a skell needs to have a penalty, and they gave you one ins STEEP monetary costs, I get it.  The thing is, here, Skell loss is basically a perma-death, and at least 3 of the fights are scaled around them.  In particular, in my 2nd attempt, I got to the 3rd fight, and yeah, there's no realistic way to beat that without overleveling a lot or having your skells since the enemies are just too massive on damage.  The game does at least have the foresight to scale the final boss around NOT having Skells, despite how he looks.  In fact, if you use Skells on him, he opens with a Fuel -> 0 move, so it's obvious they didn't want you to sue them and he's perfectly acceptable as a result.  Way better handled than the rest of the rush before him.

Yeah, chapter 12 doesn't feel well designed and I had to do some grinding just to get a little stronger, buff my skell weapons a bit, etc.  It's irksome really.

The plot in Chapter 12 was...well, I'll give the game one thing: It basically subverts all the tropes you think it's aiming for, giving actually interesting twists on the idea.  Could have stood if some of those reveals happened earlier rather than going FULL ON XENO MODE in the final chapter because they realized they hadn't gotten convoluted enough and need to at least try.

The big thing that stands out to me is how the villain talks about Humans = Scum, need to die, they're a horrible abomination, etc.  You think there's going to be a big reveal about how HUMANS ARE BAD FOR THE UNIVERSE AND NEED TO DIE philosophy...but the game doesn't do that at all.  Quite the reverse, the Villain wants humans dead because they're a threat to his EVIL EMPIRE, and humanity has done absolutely nothing wrong beyond that.  So yes, it doesn't spew philosophical nonsense, just humans just so happen to be kryptonite to this particular race, and said race brought it entirely upon themselves by constantly poking the proverbial bear, rather than leaving them alone.  Elma I think even calls him out on the whole "you know, if you left us alone, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED.  We would have been content to just live our lives on this new planet and have been none the wiser."

Also handled SPACE JESUS better than most, since the whole savior thing is not fantastical at all.  Simply just an alien (namely Elma) came to Earth about 30 years prior it's destruction to warn them that there's this big war that Earth is inevitably going to be caught in the middle of and there's nothing they can do to prevent or stop it, so they should start working on various contingencies just to SURVIVE, and she's going to help them by revealing secret technology.  IOWs, shit happens, sometimes you can't stop it, just make sure you're prepared for the inevitable.  What also made it work is that it's clear Elma has nothing to do with the two warring races, she just knows about them, so it makes sense she'd go the route of "Warn potential victims" rather than "try to prevent the outcome."  She's not going to do much against 2 warring races, and they also made it clear she has no ulterior motives other than "see that humanity survives because they're completely innocent!"

That's really something that can't be stressed enough; XBCX never delves into making humanity seem like bad guys ore "we deserved this!"  Now, it DOES do this with POLITICS, sure, but even then it's downplayed, more just attacking the idea of "rich get privileges!" and that was more just being realistic.  They establish that "they only saved 20 million people because it was pretty much impossible to save anything more" even noting that the alternative (which they lied about) would have only saved 50,000 people, hence why they went with that.  They also establish that the lies made by the government weren't done to trick people, but rather, just keep them from worrying, and the actual scenario really wasn't THAT much worse than the lied one, since the outcome of "You'll get your organic bodies back!" was still true, just "it won't be your original bodies, it'll be a genetic duplicate."  Basically, yes they lied, but in truth, is it really a big deal?  Just easier to accept when you think your organic body is still around.  And really, all those politicians are backstory stuff we never see.
There's one Politician in the game, and while they make him a bit of a hardass, they do show he's reasonable and good hearted.  You really do expect a moment to come where he tries to pull a fast one, where he does something morally questionable, as he even has moments where he undermines BLADE to get something important from the enemy, but when all is said and done, his motivations were entirely rooted in just being a strong leader the people of New LA need, even willing to compromise his own demands for the greater good (case in point, one instance involves him demanding a certain alien assist in fighting threats and after the whole mission is finished, he eventually brings up the alternative of "we can have you work in construction, at least that way you're still servicing the city and not freeloading" and the team is like "awww, you really are a nice guy even if you try to hide it."

Lastly, the thing that stood out to me right after I beat the game is how it completely inverts the Hero/Villain relationship.  Normally, the heroes set out to stop the villain's EVIL SCHEME from taking over the world or something, and the villain of course gets 99% of the way there until the heroes inevitably stop him and save the day.  Some variations of course depending on game, but you know what I mean; heroes are reacting to the villain.'s the opposite.  The Heroes have a mission to find the Lifehold unit because they need it to survive and this has been their goal since they first landed on Planet Mira, and the Ganglion are doing whatever they can to make sure they fail.  Even at the end, you're not making one last ditch assault on the alien stronghold; you're rushing to the Lifehold Core and the Luxaar, the villain, tries to stop you himself since all his other plans have failed.

So yeah, kudos to keeping the plot original and sticking to it's guns, rather than falling for all the jRPG cliches.  It's a unique premise (colonize the planet), with a unique Ticking Clock plot device to add a sense of tension, and the villains are clearly just there as a complication because the story would be a boring goose chase of misleading nonsense.

...though, one thing they couldn't avoid is a blatant KOS-MOS reference in Elma's real body which the game goes basically until the last cutscene without doing.  Seriously Monolith, YOU WENT NEARLY 80 HOURS WITHOUT DOING THAT!  At least it's only a reference in terms of visuals, and not anything else.

Characters are alright, but nothing special.  I've already stated why I like Elma plenty in other posts, though I won't deny she's not the most developed character, just one that is competent.  Lin is surprisingly not annoying since while she's a "young mechanic prodigy!" they tend to side-step a lot of the "Young kid!" tropes, outside of her obsession with cooking Tatsu.  Speaking of which, Tatsu was obviously made for people who hate Riki, in that he's clearly made to be annoying and the characters never miss a chance to make fun of him (in particular Lin.)  Heck, this exchange sums up how Tatsu is treated perfectly.

Tastu: Mamapon, worry not! The evil monster will have to deal with the wrath of Tatsu...'s incredibly strong friends!
Lin: ...and there he goes...
Elma: Yep, definitely saw that coming.

I feel like they could have done more with Gwin, Irine, Doug, and L, namely the 2ndary characters who are introduced relatively early and clearly have SOME plot, but you only really see it through optional Affinity Missions then "ok, final chapter time, WE WILL REMIND YOU THESE CHARACTERS ARE IMPORTANT BY HAVING THEM TAKE PLACE IN THE FINAL CUTSCENES!"  It was a nice chaneg of pace to see scenes focus on characters other than Team Elma and I do get the game established that Irine and Doug had their own teams, and Gwin is on Irine's team, so they had their own missions (and Elma's crew is basically the "#1 best team beacuse Elma is just that awesome.")
As far as L goes, would have wanted more of him because his gimmick is silly.  Alien who learned english and Earth culture by studying a Lifehold core unit...but never quite got it 100%, so he's screwing up common Earth idioms like "Early bird is the worm!" which lends itself to amusing dialog, but alas, being someone who wasn't Elma, Lin, or Tatsu, got less screen time than he deserves.

Another thing I will give credit to is how it handled Cross (namely the player character.)  For once, you're NOT a super special awesome Mary Sue; you just happen to be someone Elma saved and joined her team, thus are a proxy.  You are an average, if skilled, member of BLADE who gets to do all the fun missions because of what team you are on.  Game isn't about you, it's clearly Elma's story, you just are the eyes by which we see it.  IN fact, early on, I feel like the game tried to make that clear, where when you wake up, Elma goes "Oh, you lost your memories?  Makes sense, not an uncommon side effect of waking up from Cryogenic sleep" and that's it.  The game basically uses that excuse, combined with your recent awakening, to justify why characters exposit details they take for granted, since it makes sense Cross doesn't actually know them.   I think the moment that really established that you are nothing special the most is the Mimiesome reveal where Cross loses his/her arm and OMG YOU'RE A ROBOT and Lin's response isn't "Gasp, what is this!?" but rather act in a way someone who needs medical attention does and then the game goes "oh yeah, all of us are like that, guess we kind of take it for granted which is why we didn't tell you."  It almost feels like the game is teasing all those other CHOSEN ONE or MARY SUE Silent Protagonists by putting Cross in situations that at first seem to suggest s/he is special...only for the game to quickly go "oh, actually, that's completely normal in this context."'s a variation of XBCs, won't get into details.  It does a better job of structuring a battle system where you don't need a dedicated healer since Soul Voices are common and work surprisingly well to keep your team alive, and even does a good job of encouraging you to use certain skills at less than ideal times since "well, if I use this now, it'll do less damage but I'll get a Soul Voice healing bonus, which may be worth it"  Skells are fun as well, though the penalty is a bit steep and probably could be reworked.  I guess it's worth noting the only real dungeon the game has is Chapter 11, as everything else is just overworld hot-spots and maybe an occasional optional cave for the purpose of expanding the world a bit.

And honestly, the game is just REALLY FUN to just mess around and run around Planet Mira in, especially once you get your Skell and flight mode, then you have free range to do whatever you want basically.

Music is unique and works well in game, so I'll leave it at that.

So yeah, I enjoyed the game, though I hesitate to say whether it's better than the original or not.  It's certainly different enough at least though at the same time, I get the feeling if someone didn't enjoy XBC, they would probably not get a lot of this game.  Still, I had fun and I put about 80 hours into it, and honestly, the game didn't FEEL that long, partially because a lot of that time spent is you doing stuff you want to do, not wasting time with meaningless plot things.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1873 on: September 15, 2016, 10:14:58 PM »
FFBE:  This was me last night:

If you're planning on getting the sword in the upcoming event, start spamming Earth Shrine Exploration now.  You will need a fuckton of copper and lumber.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1874 on: September 16, 2016, 05:49:05 AM »
Cap: how much of a fuckton are we talking here? I'm already sitting on 90ish of both. Should I start building up multiple stacks?
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist