
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2016?  (Read 122086 times)

Captain K

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1875 on: September 16, 2016, 10:10:12 PM »
Making the sword once requires

90 Broadswords ( you can buy these in Town of Mitra)

360 Copper

480 Lumber

80 Cavern Ore (event material)

80 IronOre

80 silver Ore

50 Mythrill Ore

I need 2/3rds of that copper and lumber because I have the intermediary sword from the beta version of this event.  You probably have the Iron, Silver, and Mythril already from regular grinding.

Didn't get anything good from Fencer/Juggler/Thief banner, but first pull this morning got me a duplicate Kefka.  Guess I can make Ribbons?

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1876 on: September 17, 2016, 03:46:58 PM »
Wild Arms XF Elementalist/Geomancer/Berserker/Nightstalker fiesta update:

4-8-A (Chelle final) [7 resets]: Um yeah.

So the biggest issue here is the Stealth Stalkers. They're immune to everything I can do, except Exploder Gems, and only if said Exploder Gems also target at least one of my own allies (ow). There are eight of them, they hit hard and accurately and as if that isn't enough, their attacks carry a 25% chance of instant death. ffff. They're bulkier than the ones fought in the previous Chelle fight; it takes 2 Exploder Gems from maxed MAG to take 'em down. My one PC who doesn't have MAG+25% needs three, even with a book equipped.

Eventually I realise I do need to commit to magic damage with these in a big way. I also have to do so efficiently, which means killing as many as I can at once. To start the fight, four immediately close on my location, I get into position and use rings' property where if you wait on the spot without acting, your evade goes up (still doesn't get their accuracy down that much... to around 70%, as opposed to 100%. I'll take it). Once they do all close in I try to find ways to hit all four at once while only hitting one of my PCs. Two well-placed gems do it. The huge difficulty is not killing my own PCs, and often I have to; it's worth killing one of my own to prevent 2-3 Stealth Stalker actions pretty easily.

I revive, move up the stairs and repeat this with a second group. It's a little easier this time, because there are only three in this group, and I'm better able to prepare. Still the same problems exist.

Finally there is one lone straggler. Easy enough to take out, but it takes 2-3 more Exploder Gems. So now I've used 6-7 and several Revive Fruits, possibly even a Potion Berry as well. Did I mention I only have 16 inventory slots? Yeah.

That leaves Chelle. It's possible to take out her sleep-inflicting bodyguard without getting in her range (which causes her and her other bodyguard to not attack you); this is a bit dishonourable but I'll take it. Elementalist spells rule the day here. Then I get in her range... kinda. I do this with shenanigans: throw one of my allies about to get a turn into her range, then have that ally use Shut Out, so she can't move. Chelle doesn't pack ranged attacks in this form, so Shut Out kinda wrecks her. I quickly move in to try to kill the other mutant, this one uses misery. Misery is terrible, not much I can do about it if it hits. lol packing misery cures with my inventory issues.

Okay, so Chelle herself. Shut Out... isn't near as complete a lockdown as it often is, because Chelle mechanically gets 3 turns in a row, and Shut Out wears off after 20 turns... so there's a far greater chance it wears off when Chelle is about to act compared to most bosses. And it wearing off since she can instantly puree anyone who isn't nicely wedged into a corner and hurt anyone else pretty bad too. On one reset it wears off right before she was getting a natural double. Four turns in a row! She uses this to kill one PC wedged in a corner with two physicals, and then, my formation broken, Predator Barrages the other two into oblivion (the fourth was already dead).

If she does break out at a bad time I can buy myself time by throwing her down off the cliff, then re-engage. I do this once on the winning run, finishing the fight on the lower level. With my inventory entirely gone and two PCs dead, of course, because that's how I roll. I do most of my damage with elementalist spells (the upside of equipping everyone for that; shuriken aren't an option), and though she has 20% resistance minimum this still suffices.

For this team this is essentially two separate but very difficult battles in a row... and one where the inventory limit poses a huge problem. I have to say though, HP Regen (Nightstalker) and Move & Heal HP (Geomancer) both paid off in spades here, they gave me back a lot of HP between phases of the fight and saved me some berries for sure.

4-8-B (Piedras Blancas): oh fuck another boss

Elementalist EQ on everyone to make Sand Eater weaker. Beyond that, the general philosophy is to try to keep most people (especially lower-HP types) away from the sand so that he can only hit them with Sand Eater. The physical 2HKOs the frail and 3HKOs others so I definitely want to keep that down. He gets quite a lot of turns, but nothing healing can't take care of. He can't be grappled, but he has no elemental resistance so I basically just lob spells at him for like, a while. Enough that I run out of MP on my fastest character.

Complicating things are the four Forsaken Mutants which try to make a mess of things. When one appears, dealing with it is a high priority. Grappler attacks work well for the one which doesn't fling misery, spells work reasonably well against all of them. I have to kill them before dropping Piedras below half HP, or he might eat one and become all but invincible.

About the only other thing to note here is that Piedras has so much HP that I actually run out of MP with my main two blasters, but fortuntely I can use MP Shift off Nightstalker OC from one of my physical attackers to recharge one of 'em. Comes down to two PCs with most items gone but I win first try.

4-9-A (Tormenta Triad 3) [4 resets]: It's like the first Tormenta Triad fight which already caused some problems, but now there are 9 clones who do non-negligible damage themselves which really adds up. Magic Block/Reflect are good to have, elemental resistance is sadly useless as the attacks are all non-elemental despite names and appearances.

Ball lightning fight of course, blitzing down one of the brothers (I go for Lluvia, the fastest) is key otherwise they OHKO someone every turn, never mind what the clones do. (Illusion can save me, rarely.) Nightstalker + Accelerate gives me some turns. They have loads of elemental resistance but throws work kinda okay (Lluvia has high defence) and Combination Arts and Exploder Gems are absolutely the best. I try to revive people as quickly as possible too.

Once Lluvia falls the battle is far from won, even with the clones departing. This is because the other two brothers still do high 2HKO damage with their own turns, which they now use separately! So yeah, the blitzes continue. Viento dies next because he starts much closer than Trueno (Trueno also has the least range on his attacks, since they're modelled after lightning... if lightning could be used post-movement). He has too much evade for physical anything to be of much value, but CAs are still go.

If I can make it to just Trueno in not totally crippled shape I win, but that takes several tries.

4-9-B (Tormenta Triad 4) [2 resets]: Haha this fight. After a few failed tries to try to get something useful out of things like Item Toss to finish the final brother off, I realise I'm going about it all wrong. The brothers still do respectable damage here, but it's not as bad as the previous fight, and of course there are no clones. I move quickly and toss them all into the centre of the battlefield, onto the tiles with no RFX boost. Then I start beating on all of them with whatever (physicals primarily against Trueno), but especially Exploder Gems, which I can use to hit all three for decent damage. I'm able to survive long enough and chip them all down until one Exploder Gem can finish them all of at once, bypassing their limit. It's so cute how they talk about how badass they are becoming as the others die... in the middle of the Exploder Gem's damage figures appearing which takes out the survivor.

4-10-A (Katrina 2) [1 reset]: Feeble Mind gets set again on one PC to actually kill her. The demons can be taken out with whatever.

Katrina is nasty though! Elementalist EQ and Magic Blocker both help, but yeesh, she has high 2HKO damage (OHKO my Nightstalker) off stupid good speed. It gets a little less stupid good when I toss her onto a desert hex so she doesn't get her speed boost. She doesn't move, so there's a lot I can do to abuse that, even using transport to move my own PCs into and out of her range (Feeble Mind and her spells both have range 5, so that's equal). She's immune to Replace for some reason, sadly. Anyway fortunately she helps deplete her own MP some (though she'll regen it if nobody is in her range) and I'm able to get the Feeble Mind turns I need.

4-10-B (giant bird): The bird's spells are roughly the same power as Katrina, but fortunately she only has about half the speed. Still pretty nasty of course, since this time I have to do 2900 damage (a fair bit). The bird has high Res and resists all elements, but grapple damage works pretty well, as do Combination Arts. Still a big pain to survive what the bird can do without dying myself; I have to heal a lot of course, and hope for help from Magic Blocker/Illusion. Like Katrina, I can escape the bird's range if need be; she'll move, but her spells can't be used after moving. Like Piedras, this fight is rough, but I do win first try.

4-11-A (Charlton 2): With the Tormenta Triad down, I identified two remaining fights I expected to cause me a lot of grief. One is, obviously, the final boss. The other is this fight. I beat it first try anyway, due to shenanigans.

Charlton will only use Call Servant if any of his minions are dead (it's really full revival, gameplaywise), so I don't kill 'em. Instead, I try to toss the ones in my path to Charlton away. It mostly works, though a couple are able to catch up to me as I fight Charlton sadly.

Charlton himself takes reasonably decent damage from elementalist spells, so I use those and toss them around. The problem is his own turns, which come frequently. Dark Destruction not only 2HKOs and forces out my limited healing, but can inflict misery (misery'd PCs can use Combination Arts at least). This is very bad. Less bad at first is Energy Drain, which drains health equal to 16% of Charlton's missing HP. That's not too damaging by the start of the battle, but once he's lost over, say, around half of his HP it starts solidly 2HKOing and adding decent healing. And those are mostly all he ever uses; physicals exist but are rare. So with his speed he threatens to completely overpower me, while occasionally zombies sneak in range and inflict disease. Shut Out is an option of course, but it only forces Dark Destruction spam, and while it means he's not healing that's really no better. I'm not winning this.

But then I spy something. Not too far from where Charlton starts, there is a pillar surrounded by empty void on one side, and a high cliff on the other. If I throw Charlton there, it'll be kinda like Shut Out. By itself that isn't too special, Dark Destruction is range 6. BUT. What about vertical range? Elementalist spells are unusually good about this; the default for most things is 4. Is Dark Destruction 4 too? Seems possible. I eye the landscape, and notice that yes, near this pillar there are a couple panels within elementalist range which are exactly 6 squares higher. So I should be able to use Elementalist spells from there. I try it out, getting my non-elementalists out of range, and... yes, no Dark Destruction! So I cheaply lob elementalist spells until Charlton dies while he can't do anything. Only a small number of combinations of abilities allow this, since I believe only grappler can get Charlton there (he has Anti-Knockback) and only a few things have vertical range higher than 4 (Drop Kick would be another, Berserker's Penetrator would allow ranged weapons to do it, since all paths from above go through the cliff).

Oh yeah I do kill a John Doe at this point, and learn that Call Servant itself has no vertical range; Charlton is able to summon one on the cliff above. Waste of time. So the grapplers just toss away John Does non-fatally until Charlton dies, then my weakened team goes around and picks them all off. Not a fast task, but not too hard of one either, since John Does kinda suck until they've auto-revived a couple times, and that doesn't happen often.

4-11-B (final puzzle): My team can't actually do this by the strict version of the rules... there are five platforms, so I need five PCs to reach them all, due to lacking Warp or anything with 6 range to hit the final two switches without getting to their platforms. Once I allow five it's simple enough; unequip weapons and toss all the PCs up so I can reach every platform, activate the torch switches with Fire and Freeze, activate the third switch with whatever.

4-11-C (Charlton final): Haha no I have no chance at doing this one honourably, so I do the usual "get away as much as possible and let the fight play out" strategy.

5-1 (Weisheit final): This fight kinda makes me sad. The previous Weisheit fight gave my team all sorts of difficulties; this one is really easy by comparison. Sure, part of it is that I can get Asgard II out of the way via grapple moves (though he has good mobility so it takes a while of having one of my PCs chase him down), and I get that "Weisheit + Asgard, together" is presumably what the design team thought would make this fight difficult. But... compared to the previous fights, the terrain is just so awful for Weisheit; I don't need to Shut him Out and can just kite him with grapples and such. All my PCs have Ignore Move Cost and he doesn't. Additionally, in the previous Weisheit fight, all six of his golem flunkies charged you at once. Here I can take everything out at my leisure, and in fact three of the golems I never engage at all. So yeah, toss him around, use elementalist spells and CAs, etc. Easy by the standards of this team vs. bosses.

5-2 (gate victims): CAs kinda wreck them, as do shuriken physicals to a lesser extent (they actually have poor evade, just flying status to mock other physicals). It's not a trivial fight and I do get in one scare at one point as the status adds up but it's a pretty RNG one so there isn't much to say.

Almost done. The end doesn't look easy, though...

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1877 on: September 18, 2016, 02:15:36 PM »
Oh god there's a boss rush.  First time I've spent lapis on a continue in this game.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1878 on: September 18, 2016, 04:22:22 PM »
It took me five elixirs to beat that boss rush once. Jesus.

Captain K

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1879 on: September 18, 2016, 04:28:48 PM »
Second run was easier once I knew what was going on.  Escape from every battle using Kefka while building up limit breaks.  Burst down Amoeba.  Blow all MP against Hill Gigas, then use a Tent before Ogre.  I have no idea how people who don't have Kefka get through this. Physical attacks are a joke against the last two bosses, and even Hyperdrive is only like 10% of their hp.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1880 on: September 18, 2016, 07:37:33 PM »
Well I made it TO the ogre. Died vs it, because I had no MP left after amoeba. I don't have kefka either, so I'll have to use the 3 friend summon kefkas I have access to to win this.

My team is currently: Rain/Laswell/Vaan/Celes/Krille for serious stuff. I could swap Celes or Krille for Tellah, considering doing just that.
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<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1881 on: September 18, 2016, 10:13:38 PM »
I'd dump Celes for Tellah.  Tellah's pretty legit in this game.

SO5 Universe playthrough:  Finished the Battle of Treikur.  Currently stuck on the second Protect Anne battle.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1882 on: September 19, 2016, 03:28:03 AM »
I could use some suggestions for an A-team against this boss too.

I have a Golden Axe, Golden Sword (broadsword), Murasame, and the Enhancer for weapons worth mentioning. (I am about 5000 mogcakes shy of getting that Lunar Pestle...) I have the Golden Staff, Fire Rod, and Ice Rod for mage weapons.

I have Vaan, Kefka, Amarant, Celes, Terra, Zidane, Tellah, Kuja, Garland, Golbez, Fina, Krile, Vivi for characters that seem to have any relevant worth. Tellah/Kuja/Garland/Golbez aren't max level yet. (level 60-70-ish though thanks to recent Cactuar farming!)

After burning roughly half the Elixirs IN THE GAME on my first run of this event, and needing to run it (at minimum) 7 more times.... I need some advice.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1883 on: September 19, 2016, 04:29:36 AM »
Is your Lasswell leveled?  I'd recommend:

Fina (heals/cheer)
Vaan (Full Break)
Kefka (magic damage)
Lasswell (physical damage+Blizzaga chains)
Either Zidane or Garland for physical damage, whichever is stronger (probably Garland)
Kefka roaming warrior

If your Lasswell isn't leveled then stick in another mage that has either Blizzaga or Thundaga.

Before entering the dungeon buy a tent and possibly some ethers in Felicitas town on the third island.  Equip them on the Item screen on main menu.

Against all the mobs you're going to attack with 5 out of 6 people to build up limit breaks and then Escape with Kefka.  This will get you to Amoeba with full hp and full mp on everyone but Kefka.  Amoeba has very high magic resistance so your physical dds will do the heavy lifting here.  Try not to use magic spells (including cure spells) unless you have to because Amoeba will use Osmose afterwards if you do.  Kefka's Hyperdrive is safe to use because it's an ability and not magic.  This part should be relatively easy.

After Amoeba you can go back and fight some more mobs if you need more limit break gauge or to heal.  Then advance to Hill Gigas.

Hill Gigas has very high physical defense so it's Kefka time.
Use Fina's Cheer for its defense buffing effect.  She can use Cura/Curaga as needed.
Full Break with Vaan *every turn*.  These bosses resist break effects so you won't necessarily get the full effect each time.
Your other physical DD can just use his best attack, there's not much for him to do here.
With your mages chain Blizzaga.  Hyperdrive is a bit more damage but it's MP intensive and you can get similar results with Element Chains.  Also use Kefka's Limit Break on the first round to lower Gigas's defenses.
Gigas can be blinded but his damage is pretty manageable (especially with Cheer) so it's better to just focus on damage.

Afterwards fight mobs to build up your limit breaks again, then use a tent to restore full MP.  Ogre is fought in exactly the same manner as Hill Gigas.  Few things to watch out for.  He can blind, but that's really only a problem if it hits your Full Breaker and Fina can cure that.  He can paralyze which will be a problem for you unless you magically have an Esuna ability hanging around.  When he gets low on hp he uses a big attack called Destruction which hurts, but shouldn't kill you if you keep everyone's hp up.  He skips his next turn afterward so there's plenty of time to recover.

Good luck.  Should take about 7 runs total to get enough Cavern Ore.  I've done five but I'm taking my time with it because it's boring.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1884 on: September 19, 2016, 04:36:20 AM »
XF challenge run finished~

5-3 (giant bird 2) [2 resets]: The bird charges into the party immediately, and uses Widespread pseudomagic versions of the elemental spells it used last time. So Magic Block isn't useful any more. She still hits hard and has decent enough speed so that's a bit of a pain, and has a lot of bulk to cut through... 3500 HP, 10% elemental resistance (not much, really), and high def/evade so physicals suck.

My first two resets were by trying to make my physical characters pseudofighters with shuriken, it makes them just bad at dealing the demons (both due to lower atk and hit), though, and the benefit of increased Combination Art range isn't enough. I also realise that Ley Boost is really useful here, allowing me to hit considerably harder. This is actually the first map with leypoints in quite a while... since 4-3 I think? I may be forgetting one. Way too long anyway. Ley Boost also theoretically boosts the bird's damage but she's too stupid to take advantage of it... usually. However it greatly increases my speed at picking off demons (they die solidly in 2 hits instead of 3-4) and allows me to stay more in control of the fight.

Boss dies to me lobbing elemental spells, using Elementalist EQ on everyone to reduce her to 3HKO (mostly), healing/reviving when necessary. One of my grapplers primarily goes and tosses demons away from everyone else after I pick off the nearer ones.

5-4 (final boss) [5 resets]: Brutal.

Katrina at first starts out much like her bird form, AoE spells which 3HKO against elementalist armour (4HKO Grappler Felius, 2HKO Nightstalker anyone-but-Clarissa). The big difference is she has 6000 HP and huge elemental resistance so she lasts way longer (and my healing is essentially finite), and also she gets super-fast as the fight goes on. Oh and she has Shrine Maiden Glancer, which is awful since it 2HKOs everyone (barely misses on Grappler Felius, but only barely, and still does enough to draw one Hi-Potion). She can't use it after moving so there's that, but basically if she uses that twice in a row on someone on a double (which she gets often relative to one character) that's bad.

After three resets I become convinced that I don't think this is possible. I have very few tricks here which are decisive, and even if I reduce the damage I take from the demons to almost nothing I just take too much unavoidable damage from Katrina's own turns over the course of her 6000 HP (usually 7000 due to a Critical Heal), and sooner or later my resources run out. The absolute furthest I get is getting her down to around 2000 HP, but that's on a run which I feel that I played very well. Obviously I could theoretically win with crazy good luck on Illusion and I could also potentially win maybe by letting her run out of VP (takes 217 of her turns!) but (a) I'd have to find a place I could trap her that she can't escape with 7 move (not sure such a place exists) and (b) this would be annoying as hell, no.

So yeah, five PCs it is! Here's roughly what they look like (everyone has geomancer armour and Ignore Move Cost).

-Clarissa: Mastered Elementalist. Her job is to blast demons and do CAs on the boss with her high magic.
-Felius: Mastered Grappler with a glove. Can start CAs while ATK Charge boosts him up, rarely throws things for reasonably high damaage (if imperfect accuracy).
-Labyrinthia: Nightstalker with MAG+25 and a book, so essentially a Clarissa variant with more move and less magic/HP.
-Levin: Mastered Elementalist, same deal as Clarissa.
-Alexia: Geomancer with a shuriken, so she can activate CAs from a distance while never being in AoE with other PCs (which matters due to her elemental weakness). She also activates Ley Spread during the demon-hunting phase.

Everyone has three Potion Berries and one Revive Fruit. Revival is suboptimum here since the revived PC appears right beside the reviver so both can be caught in an AoE, one reason to set up so many PCs as mages is so that they can actually survive one spell. (Revive Fruit effectiveness is 40% of the user's MAG.)

Anyway, during the first two turns, Katrina will just move forward; I realise I should let her come to me instead of the reverse. Once she arrives I use CAs to attack her, occasionally healing as necessary. Sooner or later she'll teleport for enough away that I have to move forward and take out the nearest two demons; this boosts Katrina's move to 7 and she rejoins the fight at this point. This part is dicy because I need to get her down to 3600 HP as the other demons start charging; I really can't afford to deal with the demons and Katrina at the same time. The faster she gets the harder it is to line up CAs, of course. Optimally I try to drop Katrina to 3600 HP as soon after she gets a turn as possible, because it greatly increases the time before her first turn in the next stage.

Once she drops to 3600 HP Katrina becomes invincible but her speed drops tremendously. Every (rare) turn she gets will be used to heal for 1000. This is of course the time to go kill all the demons. Ley Boost raises my ice damage against them considerably (note: one time I do this while Katrina is still in her first phase AI. Unlike most enemies she knows about Ley Boost and I die horribly very fast), letting me take them out faster. I'm generally able to mess with positioning enough to greatly reduce the damage they deal while nuking them all; on good runs (including the winning one) I take little damage her. I don't kill all the demons; one or two of the Enfants Terribles get trapped behind pits near the back of the map and can be ignored. This is good since killing all of them triggers a wave of reinforcements. No thanks.

Once that's done, 10 hits from CAs break the boss' shield. Sadly I'm never able to stop her from healing once, so that means I have 4600 more damage to go through. At first it's a lot like the earlier stage of the fight. I swarm the boss for CAs though as much as possible try to avoid being in AoEs, and keep the healing up. If someone dies I can revive them, often by first moving away from the boss a bit, though of course this is sub-optimum and I can only do it so many times. Things get harder the lower her HP gets.

Below 2400 she starts summoning demons into adjacent hexes. This is bad. I can anticipate it, though, and try as much as possible to surround her and throw her to a place which has some adjacent hexes blocked by terrain. I then use Replace to get any demons she summons into hexes no longer adjacent to her, and kill them with spells. She'll keep trying to summon more even if she can't, which is great. Unfortunately she still counters by teleporting away, so this is the one part of the fight where I use Shut Out before hurting her some more. Once she drops a little further (below 1800) her AI changes again and she stops trying to summon, so I can relax a little. Shut Out is still useful, though, because she no longer seems to use elemental spells at this point, so I can keep her from killing people if they aren't adjacent to her (or in an unobstructed line for Shrine Maiden Glancer) which is very useful because at this point she doubles people like crazy. The last part of the fight is relatively simple due to there being no surviving nearby enemies or AoE or other tricks... but she gets a lot of turns and things come down to the wire somewhat even so, with my using it almost all my healing and only having three living PCs. But hey, I win. Yay!

Thoughts on the fiesta classes...

Elementalist was great of course. Anything with a weakness is unhappy, i.e. most randoms who aren't golems or undead or certain other monsters. Even against enemies who lack universal elemental resistance (e.g. Weisheit, Charlton, undead and golems), the OC tends to do pretty good damage, from excellent range. Can't be used after moving so working around this is key, but still really useful.

But even when the skillset isn't useful, their high magic and books mean that they have great Combination Arts and Exploder Gems, which get a lot of use. Pretty much always the most important class in this playthrough even if their move could be better.

Geomancer has great armour, and some fun utility in their skillset. Replace has neat applications in a bunch of fights (especially the two Richala Rose fights), Ley Boost is only arely useful but quite good when it is (only because of Elementalists though), Translate to skip parts of the map is nifty in the few maps the game designers let it be useful on. Shut Out cheeses out various bosses and other tough physically reliant enemies, though the way its duration works is kinda annoying.

Unfortunately shuriken are kinda bad. They can activate CAs from range, that much is nice, but their stats are meh, their lack of upwards range sucks, and their inability to be used at melee (and thus activate Formation Arts) is annoying. I still used them some but they're so much worse than e.g. slingshots. Bart Simpson > ninjas.

Grappler gave me some actual physical damage which was nice sometimes, either for Formation Arts or just high-Res enemies (not that there are many of those). But more importantly they can throw enemies around, and even throw PCs around. This (along with Replace) increased my options for striking first with elementalist spells, and in some cases could really abuse what enemies could do (e.g. tossing them over a cliff where they'd be useless). Item Toss sucks though, it was literally never useful. You pretty much need to do search grinding which I didn't bother with.

Nightstalker is mostly just a carrier with speed. I don't want to downplay that, there are times where getting in some more speed is certainly nice (Tormenta Triad most obviously). Illusion is also cool, works on pretty much everything and is a free chance to save me from damage, status, whatever. Their skillset is pretty blah, the physical moves only work with one-handed melee weapons and the only ones I have (sadly including nightstalker's own rapier) has awful attack and thus is pretty useless with it. MP Shift saw occasional use for charging up another Nightstalker mage for more MP after they burned through it. Definitely not as good as Emuator or Extremist from this set of jobs, but nice enough anyway.

Hardest fights were pretty clear: final boss was the toughest to the point where I had to modify the rules, but the town defence (1-14), final Rupert (4-5) and final Chelle (4-8-A) all took 7-8 resets and were certainly very tough too. The prison fight, the black ARMs protect-the-villagers fight, the gate, the first forsaken mutant fight, Asgard 2-3, desert Weisheit, and the final two Tormenta Triad fights were all tough as well, among others.

Fights where I had to relax the rules in some way:
-Detector puzzle: had to use Detector
-Felius/Levin puzzles: had to use Martial Mage
-Strahl Gewehr puzzle: had to use Dandelion Shot
-Katrina 1 and 2: had to use Fantastica
-Final puzzle: had to use five PCs
-Final boss: had to use five PCs

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1885 on: September 19, 2016, 05:07:05 AM »
Fina (heals/cheer)
Vaan (Full Break)
Kefka (magic damage)
Lasswell (physical damage+Blizzaga chains)
Either Zidane or Garland for physical damage, whichever is stronger (probably Garland)
Kefka roaming warrior

Okay, yeah, Lasswell's maxed and can run with the Murasame. I can also grab Zidane, throw him on Shiva for Blizzara, hand him the Enhancer for stupid-good damage output physically AND magically, and bonus! Zidane has Escape to ease Kefka's MP concerns. He also has kind of a stupid-strong Limit Break, so this should work well. No revival worries me, but I guess Phoenix downs are a thing?

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1886 on: September 19, 2016, 05:16:32 AM »
You shouldn't die on the first two bosses, and should have enough to power through the last boss even if he gets a couple of kills.  The game isn't designed around revival at all - only two characters even have access to it currently.

Here I made you a cheerleading squad.

Ready?  O-KAY!
2! 4! 6! 8! Who do we appreciate?

Cloud of Darkness is that one girl who wears way too much makeup and looks too old to be on the cheer squad and is always bending over way more than is necessary.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1887 on: September 19, 2016, 09:14:57 AM »
Cloud of Darkness is my favorite one.

Speaking of... god damn this game. The stupid mogcake event ended and I only had enough for two big items, so I chose the Lunar Shield and Trust Moogle. After all, the only real reason to use the Lunar Pestle is if you have Cloud of Darkness, right? of course today's half-price draw nets me Cloud of Darkness.

I'm happy to finally have a unit that can use Barrage, but at the same time.... (What's worse is that I have like 24000 mogcakes left, so it's just BARELY out of reach... where the hell am I gonna get 6000 mogcakes now? Does the event come back?)

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1888 on: September 19, 2016, 12:10:03 PM »
Most likely never seeing the event again.  Although it's hard to tell because all events so far have been global-exclusive so can't use Japan as a guide.  Shield was a good first choice though because Japan has never gotten a shield with magic before.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1889 on: September 19, 2016, 01:43:12 PM »
Ace Attorney 6: Finished!

It's an Ace Attorney game, not much else to say.  It wisely takes a lot of the design decisions AA5 had like stream-lining investigations, and letting you text skip (though you have to find the option) on an initial playthrough.  The latter is ESPECIALLY a big deal because I played the first case and the investigation of Case #2 without it, and good lord was it a slog.  You tend to read dialog way faster than it presents it, so having text skip is just vital for that reason alone, so game became a lot more enjoyable and easy to play when it was pointed out the option exists.  Likewise, you can continue on the spot if you fail, rendering the need to compulsively Save moot.  Consult returns too, and I did use it a few times, though usually I was on the right track anyway.

Another thing I'm fond of is how the game doesn't force out multiple investigations per case.  Generally speaking, they will only do that if there's a damn good reason. None of this "we will conclude the trial for today, now you can go find evidence that just HAPPENED to show up over night, and witnesses who weren't there yesterday because reasons!"  Nope, you get all the investigation stuff with done at once, and then do the trial.  There are 2 exceptions, but again, they are actually plot justified why there's two because in 6-3, there's a 2nd murder discovered mid-trial, that seems related, so naturally you need to investigate THAT.  In 6-5, it's really 2 completely different cases that are loosely related but there's some unwritten rule that AA games can only have 5 non-DLC cases or something.

I can't say I'm a big fan of the Prosecutor this time around?  He felt kind of boring.  Yeah, he's a monk whose all about spiritual punishment and bringing up creative forms of after-life torture, but he just lacked the allure of Simon Blackquill before him, who somehow managed to be completely serious yet completely unable to take seriously at the same time, which was what made him work.  He wasn't painful, just...I felt like they could have done so much more.  Also has that issue of being too ingrained in the endgame serious plot that often doesn't work so well. 

The usage of multiple lawyers again was nice because yeah, multiple perspectives, and while 6-4 was clearly filler and forced, it was nice that they didn't entirely demote Athena to Maya Fey status.  Heck, that trial almost feels like it was the original 6-1 given the way it's handled, but they needed someone COMPETENT on the other side of the juror seat, and this is Ace Attorney, so you are REQUIRED to have Payne as the opponent in the first trial and we all know he isn't allowed to be competent.   That said, 6-4 was probably my favorite anyway if only because Simon Blackquill being on the Defense side of things was a genius move.  Having one of the prior Psychopath Prosecutors being your assistant was just an amazing idea, since for once we have a character basically IMMUNE to the abuse of the Prosecution, allowing for some amusing exchanges.  Nahyuta does something abusive to Simon, SImon either deflects the attack unaffected, or counters with his own unphased. It's a situation we've legitimately never seen before, and frankly when the character is first revealed in the trial, you're just waiting for that SILENCE! to come out of nowhere and for him to be standing next to Athena. The game did not disappoint at all.

I do also appreciate that they tried to mix it up with the plot twists.  It wasn't always "OMG THE KILLER IS DAT GUY!" and the twist is finding the the misinterpreted evidence that spins it around.  They actually had a legitimately unexpected outcome in 6-3 that I don't think they've done before (closest I can think of is 5-DLC, where-in there was no murderer, just a failed rescue attempt from an accident that various factors made it seem like one, so technically everyone is innocent!) and actually having, for once, a Civil Trial was a nice change of pace even if it does just turn into your average murder case, just like 3-2.

Special mechanics...
Psycho Locks, Perceptions and the Athena Analyses return, so you know what that is.
Finger print dusting I wasn't fond of at all.  You have to pixel hunt and then pay super close attention to detail, and there's times what looks like a finger print is actually just you not removing the dust.  I get they want investigations a bit more active, but this felt like a waste of time.
Seances were...a neat idea, but a bit obtuse at times.  I will grant one in 6-5 had me beating my head against the wall until I thought outside the box and went "...well played game" though another in the same trial I swear I did the exact same thing twice and for some reason the 1st time didn't count.  Consultations I felt were absolutely a must sometimes because it's really hard to figure out what direction you want to go, so you're inevitably going to fail twice, consult, and then get a hint what direction to take.  Not sure if I want to see this mechanic return, but I didn't actively hate it.

Basically, it's more Ace Attorney.  Don't think it's quite as good as AA5, but it's a competent entry nonetheless.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1890 on: September 19, 2016, 11:25:10 PM »
My Rain(mostly useless here I'll grant)/Laswell/Krille/Tellah/Vaan team is taking out the Ogre fairly easily at this point, so long as I bring 1 of the 3 Kefka freind summons I have access to. Rain uses Defense Song to help mitigate the damage, I try to stick the Attack down and Spirit down parts of Full Break, use Kefka's limit to inflict elemental res down, then just lay in with blizaga chains. Slow but safe. Gotta spend a tent between the gigas and the ogre, but eh, no probs. I should get enough cavern ore in 3-4 more runs.

Kier decided to get the game for himself today, after I had him push the button on my daily draw and he got me a 5* Firion. He then proceeded to get CoD and Kefka in his first couple of draws, so.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1891 on: September 20, 2016, 12:15:01 AM »
Blizzard is my life now.

Hearthstone - I did the starter pack.  Got Velen and Sylvanas.  Good packs.

WoW - this pushes you to focus on one character.  So my Warlock main is being followed up by a Deathknight tank at 103 and a Disciplie Priest currently level 95. 

Doing Mythics on the warlock.  Still a few I haven't done.  Mostly just filling in for spaces in guild groups.  Not sure if I will do Mythic Plus or raiding.  Dropped Tailoring which have had since BC and got Herbalism to go with Alchemy.

Priest is Tailor/Enchanting.  Seriously considering dropping everything for Mining/Herbalism for monetary reasons and because Professions are mostly not a big deal right now.

Overwatch - I bought this.  Was playing bot matches the first few days to get a feel for how heroes move and physics.  Jumped on Quick Play finally last night.  First game there is no healer yet so I get on Lucio.  We lose.  One guy spends the whole match complaining that we need a healer.  He changes character from like Reinhardt or something to Pharah.  No one else says anything.  No one else changes character.

Pretty much like you expect.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1892 on: September 20, 2016, 12:17:26 AM »
Death Rally Classic - replayed through

Ultimately it turned out that my memories of the game were better than it actually was, but it was still pretty enjoyable. Been long enough since I played the remake that I can't really compare them, sadly.

Picross Touch - played through

Possibly the worst Picross I've played, although it's still Picross. Lots of the puzzles are very basic, numerous of them have multiple solutions but only one the game will accept, the game doesn't actually tell you what it is you've drawn after the fact and it takes advantage of this to include a bunch of abstract images.

Princess Remedy In A Heap Of Trouble - played through

102% complete - as far as I'm aware, got every ending. That said, the rewards from beating the Gibbosity boss make me concerned that there might be further extra bosses somewhere that I never found, although not concerned enough to look up any information on that. (The final and Gibbosity bosses involve more bullets than I prefer already.)

The first few endings I got had impossible minigames and I assumed that was just going to be a thing, but past those there ended up being a lot of endings with relatively possible ones so I was just initially unlucky. For all that passing the minigame doesn't seem to really do anything for you, assuming you don't need to pass them in every ending or something.

I never dated anyone during the game proper so I have no idea how good any of the date powers are.

Ace Attorney: Spirit Of Justice - played through the maingame

It's more Ace Attorney and I liked it.

Difficult to decide on an order of episodes from best to worst.

I enjoyed the Insight sections, although a minor concern with them is that there's no option to 'run off the end' and have a short discussion with your assistant/yourself like there is in cross-examinations, which could have helped a bit with some of the more obscure ones.

It feels like the backstory is starting to get a bit too involved and I hope that, if there is another sequel in the works, that they go into low-backstory mode for a bit.

Another Century's Episode 2 - played a bit

I was playing this until I got derailed by Ace Attorney.

I'm pretty bad at it, but it's at least somewhat enjoyable.

Currently I'm mainly using the Gunark unless it's low on armour, in which case I was taking arbitrary other units but now I seem to be preferring to use Sandrock Custom as my backup.

Of the other units I've used:
- Don't care for Dragonar-1 Cabarrier-0, its melee attacks are horrible
- Plain Dragonar-1 is decent, although it goes too overboard with its melee attacks and ends up swinging at nothing a lot
- Couldn't really get the hang of using Hime Brain

Hilariously if you select to use the GP-03 Orchis you get barred from bringing any allied units along. I didn't want to take that risk so I haven't tried it out yet.

I hope the game doesn't expect you to start getting good at using combos because I suck at them.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1893 on: September 20, 2016, 06:43:18 AM »
Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice- Fin.

I have to admit, I can't help but compare/contrast with Dual Destinies.

So PW5 felt like they wanted to... recenter is the word that comes to mind.  I mean, Apollo Justice was quite a long time ago at that point!  And they'd released 2 Edge-worth based side games, a crossover, plus Ghost Trick in that time.  So a chunk of the game is reconciling all of the stuff from AJ while reestablishing Phoenix as a lead character and such.  And while they also had lots of plot about Athena, overall they don't really do anything fancy with the plot.  Some character bits, some Athena backstory, and then the final trial seemed to be a tie in to some of the plots from Edgeworth's games (without having played AAI2 myself that's the impression I got anyways.).

PW6 meanwhile has Something to Say.  They ramp up the Presumed Guilty elements quite a lot, but that's used to highlight the deeper assumption that anyone who does a crime is a Bad Person who Deserves What They Get.  No such thing as someone just making a mistake or being coerced into crime: they're Bad, so if you're anywhere around them you are also bad and deserve to be punished.  If your parents were Bad, then you inherit that badness.

So essentially they carry that attitude to an entire country and see how it plays out.  Turns out it's a weird rustic dystopia.  I love that they essentially make this the Dystopian AU for the regular Phoenix WRight universe, complete with Datz as Badass Rebel Fighter Larry Butz.  .  Seances are a little bit frustrating as a gameplay feature (although!  The two in 6-5 were actually pretty cool.  One of those puzzles where you just kinda look at it for a while then "oop, nevermind, I know what I'm doing here") but it ties in really well with this.  It's compelling evidence, hard to find contradictions in, you can definitely see why someone raised with that would just assume trials are a formality.

Ending note: Y'know, halfway through the game I was thinking that they were starting to suffer from a bit of cast bloat, so having a lot of this game be a send off for Apollo made perfect sense to me, and they pulled it off pretty well I think.  Certainly better than Maya buggering off at the end of Trials and Tribulations.  But it also raises a question: WHY DO THEY NOT CLUE IN APOLLO AND TRUCY TO BEING SIBLINGS.  Seriously, you do all this work to build up a fitting send off for Apollo then not only do you not tie up his dangling plot thread, you draw attention to it in the stinger!  The hell.

I think my favorite case was actually 4 though.  It's pretty disconnected from the plot (in fact I feel like it was originally designed as a tutorial, then they changed their minds and made up an excuse to bring back Payne) but I have to admit, the main witness cracked me up.  I may be old.  And generally the assistant bits were in a nice sweet spot I think: perks up when something interesting happens, but doesn't spell out exactly what you should be doing.  And obviously all the bits meeple said.

Although Sarge is such a great design I have to mention them by name too.

So when the game is on it's pretty danged on, but I definitely have to say it's not quite at the same level as Dual Destinies.  Simon was just too good and nothing is quite as amazing as the twist at the end of that game.  Still, lots of fun, can't wait for the DLC.  8/10 I think, but on the low end of that.

CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1894 on: September 20, 2016, 07:44:54 AM »
Reigns - Fenrir, check this one out.  It is a game where you rule a kingdom and the interface is the same basic as Tinder.  Just Left for no, right for Yes.

My dog started frothing at the mouth and Satan talked to me through him cursing me so that the next person I said Yes to would die.  I let bad thing happen until I killed a priest.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1895 on: September 20, 2016, 11:00:24 AM »
I believe I've mentioned it here? I liked it.

The onlt other game I've played in the last two months has been King of dragon pass, and that was like: get in, wait why can't I be a duck, oh god there's too much shit going on, get out.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1896 on: September 20, 2016, 12:07:02 PM »
Oh I am bad.

King of Dragon Pass you can't be a duck, but if you fight the ducks your shit gets wrecked.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1897 on: September 21, 2016, 04:05:18 PM »
Fuck this
Patch duck mode now plz
I want to crush my non-duck enemies

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1898 on: September 21, 2016, 04:38:41 PM »
Yes, the first time I played I kept harassing the ducks because it was fun and easy and then I got fucking murked.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #1899 on: September 21, 2016, 10:18:40 PM »
FFBE: got enough cavern ore for 1 super sword. Don't need more than 1, so I'm good.

DQ7r: got this. About 15 hours in, still don't have jobs(though I'm closing in on them). It's actually pretty fun, if you like DQ of course. From what I understand the chars having Actual Skillsets(if small ones) pre-jobs is new to the remake and helps greatly. Prince(provides most of the bosskilling power) > Snobby Friend(sap for bosses, bang for mobs) > Hero(was mostly just there for heal until 'rangs came online, then got decent) > Doge(doge) for general usefulness in this first section of game. Looking forward to getting jobs and getting real skillsets soonish.

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