
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2016?  (Read 117252 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2025 on: November 03, 2016, 01:54:15 PM »
Actually, I believe that personality trait is what he shows on the surface as to hide away his real feelings. There are actually several scenes already where I didn't describe where he very much acts that part. During the evening discussion for example, he tells Lloyd that he knows of a great place with lots a women that would be perfect for a couple of guys to hang out at after work (he mentions that Ellie's too stubborn to have a good time and Tio's too young to join him). Also, a little later in the morning, he flirts with a shopkeeper that is somewhat acquainted with Lloyd before Ellie tells him to shut it. I just didn't feel they were too overly important. I don't know if you were being sarcastic about that - didn't seem like it though!

One thing I didn't mention that might actually be important now that you mention it is that he teases Ellie by referring to her as 'lady'. The English translation has him call her 'Princess', but my sister and I agreed that it's not exactly accurate. The more likely term in Japanese that was used is 'Ojou-sama', which is what the Canton translation refers to. To be more specific, it's like what a maid or butler would call someone (such as Sharon calling Alisa, 'Lady Alisa' for example). Now obviously, he isn't a butler and doesn't serve her, so it's quite obvious that he's not being serious. Ellie does ask him why he's calling her that to which his response is basically, "Just cause". Seems kind of odd since she hasn't exactly acted very bossy at all. Given the face he does put on, it's likely that he may know a bit more about her background and the ribbing is more sarcasm, likely referring to her position/standing as being upper class.

In terms of translations, the Chinese/Cantonese versions are usually more accurate compared to the English ones. The two languages share some characteristics and have more in relation to each other (like English has more in relation to Latin), so if I could actually digest as much as my sister can, I would probably get a pretty good account to what the original Japanese text was like! But, y'know...
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2026 on: November 04, 2016, 05:10:33 AM »
FFBE:  Beat the Greater Demon Trial.  First run I used my second-best Lightning friend and died on the bombs.  Kefka Blizzaga and Ice Blitz didn't quite kill them and they wiped everyone.  Second run I used my best Lightning friend.  Got through most of it easily enough.  On Architeuth I hit auto to finish it off with limit breaks so I could save MP.  Then I looked away from my screen at Skype on the computer... and left Auto turned on.  Did I think 2 rounds on auto.  Demon killed Lenna.  I phoenix downed her and started Full Break with Warrior of Light, Hyperdrive with Kefka, Crashing Blow with Lightning.  Lenna survived the next round but demon killed BC Lid.  Lenna got stuck doing Curaja every round, no time to cast Cheer.  Revived Lid... twice... finally got everyone back alive.  At this point I was mostly out of MP because I hadn't been doing effective chains with only 3 people attacking.  Bartz used Entrust to give his full limit bar to Lightning, and she barely killed the demon with her limit.

TL;DR I won but made it much harder on myself by leaving it on Auto.

But 417 magic Kefka now!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2027 on: November 04, 2016, 05:33:39 AM »
Pathfinder Adventures - I got mostly up to date on my main group.  Still have Heroic and Legend difficulties to do on various maps, but mostly just doing daily challenges and buying chests.

Tried doing them in Quest mode.  Random maps just starting up are even rougher than the base game, which is the hardest time in the game while you gear up with some magic items and get some skills.  I kinda gave up on it.

Instead I am going to work on carrying through a party member through the main campaign trying to do the harder modes where I can to gear up versions of the other characters and stuff.  More fun than rerolling completely but still progressing.

I still really like Pathfinder ACG.  Even though I roll 1s every time.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2028 on: November 04, 2016, 02:52:41 PM »
World of Final Fantasy: Been playing this.

Just met Shelke from Dirge of Cerberus because that's what people wanted to see...underaged assassin with the soul/mind/whatever of one of the least like-able females in any video game ever who has a love story with a 60+ year old man that thinks he's a vampire, from what is considered one of the worst FF Spin offs.  To be fair, I know Vincent isn't in the game because...well...the game told me!  No, seriously, when you Ultra Ball Cerberus, the game humorously points out that it's the name of Vincent's Gun and states "though he's nowhere to be seen" or something along those lines.

The game is light hearted and silly, and the banter kind of works.  I say "kind of" because Reynn is honestly annoying.  I get Lann being an idiot, because self-parody of the Idiot Protagonist trope, but Reynn's purpose is basically just "Lann, you're stupid!"  She doesn't add much other than existing to remind us "Lann's an idiot" and isn't even clever about it.  While Tama is annoying with her "the" speech gimmicks ("I the-hope we can make it!" is an example of something she might say), at least Tama has personality beyond "I'm the smart twin" and she's more creative about her "Lann, you're stupid" remarks in most cases.

It's also funny how they try to implement humor into the tutorials, so you kind of want to read them.  This game has a lot of tutorials because like FF13, they are introducing little mechanics here and there throughout, like everytime a new Not!HM skill shows up, they tell you about it, though they do try to throw in funny lines.  For example, the Flying skill, it says "Why doesn't Tama do this? Because it's Lann's job to carry Tama!"  The humor is a bit juvenile, but it's not in a cringe-worthy way.  It's cheap humor, but nothing on the level of "lol fart jokes!"  Just kind of "well that's silly" and when it falls short, you just shrug and move on.

Gameplay is...well...easy.  To be fair, I have it on Wait, which is essentially CTB mode.  From what I can tell, Semi-Active is the classic Wait mode where the game pauses as you navigate more complicated menus like Items and Abilities, but not the basic one, while Active is...well...ATB ACtive; game doesn't pause ever.  Wait is basically "when someone gets a turn, game pauses entirely" hence "CTB Mode."  So really you get the best of both worlds, as if you want ATB, you can turn it on, but you can also functionally turn it off.  Also somewhat of a difficulty slider, so there's that. 

Also, because I did it in chat...

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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2029 on: November 04, 2016, 03:14:19 PM »
So Lann and Reynn are older versions of Palom and Porom? Real creative there.

Also, who the fuck asked for Shelke?


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2030 on: November 04, 2016, 05:17:24 PM »
So Lann and Reynn are older versions of Palom and Porom? Real creative there.

Also, who the fuck asked for Shelke?

I don't know.

This game even has Xenogears, and the jet from Einhander (when I though Square already forget about that game completely).
Then even has a brand new original super robot showing up in the after game.

I truely have no idea why they are adding the stuff that they are adding.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2031 on: November 05, 2016, 12:51:12 AM »
So, I just drew a 5* Delita in the Daily Draw.

How good is he at...  Whatever he does when leveled up?


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2032 on: November 05, 2016, 02:26:41 AM »
Wiki says he's the number two support in the game, after Ramza.
Similar archetype as Vaan, good all-around stats but no standout
Meditate buffs party MAG/SPR for 45%, stronger than Focus and lasts longer
Crush Armor breaks enemy DEF/SPR for 40%, stronger than Full Break but without offensive reduction

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2033 on: November 05, 2016, 02:34:15 AM »
He's good on a mage team, with Meditate and Helm Break (you most likely don't have Crush Armor because you had to farm it during FFT event).  Northswain's Strike is his big damage.

And geez that's even crazier than my Luneth pull.  Wtf is up with this banner?


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2034 on: November 05, 2016, 09:05:02 AM »
Don't worry, statistics is still working. I've gotten crap out of three pulls so far. The best was a Luna I could merge for more Trust mastery points.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2035 on: November 05, 2016, 02:28:20 PM »
Yeah I got Sabin today.  All is right in the world.

Best thing about Luneth?  His limit break doesn't take a year to execute like Lightning's does.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2036 on: November 06, 2016, 04:16:08 AM »
1cc'd Deathsmiles.  Oh my god you guys this game.  Maximum OHohohoho!  And the final boss is a demon named TYRANNOSATAN.  Seriously, how do you top that.  Maybe I will try to 1cc on a higher difficulty, but probably not.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2037 on: November 06, 2016, 04:49:37 AM »
So I've been replaying Demon's Soul lately, because after DkS3 DLC I kind of wanted to revisit a Souls game that I hadn't completely played to death and back and this was the only one that qualified. I ran a sorcery build and a Faith build and a DEX build (I did strength the first time I played it), because it turns out this is scandalously short on a replay. I probably enjoyed this more than I did first playthrough? There's still a list of questionable design decisions, but it turns out it's still fun enough to try some different things.

Sorcery: is totally OP. So that's a fine series tradition that goes all the way back. In fairness, for most of the game it's merely very good. A couple specific spells (which you can beeline for early if you know where things are) just snap the game like a twig, though. Firestorm in particular is the single most unbalancing object that From has put in any of their games (it might be the most glaringly overpowered thing I've seen included in any professionally developed game). This will easily OHKO bosses that are not either human-sized (those don't collect enough hits) or fire-resistant. Here we go, fair and balanced game design: Dude is obviously twinked to hell and back, but you don't even need to do that for it to break the game in half. I was overkilling things at 40 Magic and w/out those low-HP damage boost shenanigans in play. And 40 isn't even the damage cap--unlike later Souls games, damage boosts from Magic and Faith increase linearly all the way to 99 instead of dropping off with STR/DEX in the 40-50 range. What were you guys thinking mk. 1.

Faith: so this is what you do, you guys. Equip Regenerator's Ring. Equip blessed weapon. Cast Regeneration. You now outpace all of the game's damage-over-time effects, and frankly many enemies' regular damage output. There were plenty of boss fights where I didn't need any manual heals, and I didn't even add Adjudicator's Shield into the mix. I guess there are also status cure spells and God's Wrath but man no it's all about stacking those regeneration effects. I like how Faith builds chart a different course to success in every game. In Demon's Souls, you use it to become an unstoppable regen tank. In Dark Souls, you just throw lightning bolts at everything (or holy explosion at things that resist lightning). In Dark Souls 2, you pump Faith to extend the duration of offensive buffs and become an obscene melee blender. In Dark Souls 3 you hahahahahah no, silly me, DkS3 Faith builds are completely fucking worthless, what were you guys thinking mk. 2.

DEX: my bow is better than my melee weapons. Speaking of, sniping Astraea from afar results in different dialogue than you get while fighting Garl in melee. Spoilers, it makes you feel even worse about that fight than you normally do.

Random observations time:

-Over the course of four different files, there are still some types of ore that have never dropped a single time for me. This is dumb and I feel zero regret about abusing the dupe glitch to max out weapons instead of suffering farming with droprates this egregiously parsimonious. (You need absurd amounts of ore to complete a single weapon, too.) Upgrades are also super confusing. Some of the branches start at +3 and some of them start at +6 but some of these can also start at +0 and I'm never clear on whether I miss anything by branching at +0 instead of +3/+6 and there's like a dozen different kinds of upgrades and most of them are useless and what what what. (Naturally there is a separate trophy for maxing a weapon for each individual path.) The weapon upgrade system in each successive From game has only been progressively simpler, and they've all been better off for that.

-Weapon balance is all over the place. I kept wanting to use these cool unique weapons that I found which scaled with my casting stats, but they kept turning out inferior to my generic, storebought weapons or starting gear. Mage chick still had that crescent falchion as her strongest melee weapon at the end of the game (despite it never getting maxed out for lack of highest grade ore, grumble grumble) instead of the neat fire rapier, and Faith chick was still blessed macing everything even though Moonlight and Istarelle look cooler and have more dynamic movesets. Also the unique weapons don't have the HP/MP regen that your upgraded generics get, so there's even less practical reason to use them. I guess this isn't really a surprise. Dark Souls weapon balance was pretty shaky too.

-Tower of Latria and Valley of Defilement are probably still the most viscerally oppressive environments I've had to explore in a game. I'm still genuinely impressed and it's maybe almost enough for me to overlook the persistent drabness of the other zones.

-Has anyone pointed out how inappropriately adorable the Got Equipped With Cat Ring icon is? It looks so out of place in this game. I have to wonder if it was just a picture of Miyazaki's cat or something.

-S.L.O.W. ladder climbing, you've gotta feel every step. You dearly miss the abrading-your-hands-to-a-bloody-pulp sliding and the Bloodborne Yakety Sax climbing here.

-It's hilarious how little fall damage you take in this game, even on a low-DEX build. (High DEX mitigates fall damage in Demon's Souls, one of those little D&Disms that sometimes infiltrate Souls games.) "There's no way I can survive that drop, it would totally be fatal in any other Souls game." *Cid jumps, takes maybe a hundred damage* Until suddenly it's just a little too much for your ankles to handle and that was 90% gravity.

-Some random details in Demon's Souls are just a little too unsubtle to fit with the rest of the village's rustic aesthetic. Sticky White Stuff is the obvious example. The item description for Hands of God also deserves mention here: "There was once a strong man who slaughtered dragons with his bare hands. His God-like fists earned him the title of the 'Legendary Big M.'" Okay? Learn to cryptic harder already, From.

-The Demon's Souls sports bra: best Fromsoft underwear or best Fromsoft underwear?

-Tendency is still shit conceptually and in implementation. I also still hate the half-HP in Soul form thing. I've always gone out of my way to stay human as much as possible in this game, and perhaps consequently I've constantly found myself saying, "That boss attack nearly OHKO'd me from full health in Body form, so there's no way it could be survivable in Soul form."

-Plague lasts for-freaking-ever. I got tagged with it outside the door to Fool's Idol, figured I'd wait a couple minutes for it to wear off (I didn't have any cures handy). Nope. Five minutes maybe? Okay. I guess I'll read and mash the item button to heal until this wears off. ...Okay, does it wear off? It's looking like it doesn't. Fuck it, it's just Fool's Idol, I'll manage. (It finally wore off about halfway through the boss fight.) By the way, I'm still trying to figure out what's in Fool's Idol's non-book right hand. It looks like a baguette.

-I actually fought Old King Doran this time (optional boss, I didn't find him until NG+ on the first file and it was impossible for a slow bruiser without maxed weapons to outslug his healing). Brought the mage to the party. Open with Poison Cloud + Death Cloud, dodge a lot until he says okay, take the sword. Neat, that was easy. While I'm taking the sword, his health keeps ticking down. He passes the HP trigger for THOU HAST CHALLENGED ME FOR REAL HONORABLE DUEL TIME. Then backstab OHKO happens right through 40 VIT and Body form. Holy shit. (It turns out even his normal attacks are near-OHKO territory at max health. What were you guys thinking mk. 3.) The solution is run away and shoot a lot--he dodges almost everything, but the status is still tearing him down the whole time. Eventually I reach his aggro limit and he stops dodging because moonwalking to his start point is more important. Success! Dude has the goofiest death scream, it's right up there with Wilhelm.

-Bosses are still mostly shit as far as challenge is concerned. Flamelurker is genuinely terrifying, but otherwise Maneaters might be difficult if fought fairly and that's about it (sorcery, faith-based explosions, and shooting arrows through the fog wall do not in any degree count as fought fairly). That said, From actually did more of novelty with boss rooms than they generally have in successive titles. Relatively few are just "here is an empty circular arena, or maybe a rectangular one if we're feeling randy." There's a lot going on with elevation, whereas other Souls games rarely if ever give you boss arenas with multiple floors.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 04:58:25 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2038 on: November 06, 2016, 08:37:41 AM »
Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation
Trying to finish this one up before committing hardcore to Cold Steel.  Unfortunately, Revelation is still bad and should feel bad.

Okay, that's a bit of an overstatement, but this is definitely the worst path, which is a damn shame since it's the canoniest and the one with the most team choice.  It's too bad, because 3-4 of the maps are *great*, but the most horribly unfun maps in the game are all here too, and the standard middle-of-the road kill'em all maps tend to be worse than the way, say, Birthright has them.  (Birthright has a few maps that are arguably too easy, but hey, it's a breather to train up your units and it isn't frustrating or boring, and moves quick.).   The plot isn't even good melodrama.  BR & CQ plot has...  issues...  but at the very least, Big Dramatic Anime Showdowns are happening.  Valla arc is a zombie parade, pls don't ask me to care.  The "traitor" nonsense is also extreme nonsense, but I guess just as bad happened in the other arcs, so eh.

Also, I was initially somewhat unimpressed with Fates' music, but I eventually came around to it.  Alas, the Valla arc music is back to being unimpressive.  I guess it's fitting as far as being spoooky or something since you're basically fighting in Hell, but bah.  Compare: Alight - Hoshido big awesome battle music A Dark Fall - Nohr big awesome battle music Land Below - Valla, Boo!


*C23 was EXTREMELY BORING since it doesn't really pressure you aside from occasional reinforcements in the forts which are more annoying than interesting.  So it's all about setting up then invading.  I foolishly only brought my 3 built-up flyers; this was rare footage of wishing I'd kept Subaki more up-to-speed, and arguably I should have deployed him anyway strictly as a ferry unit.  (Alternatively, recruit Shigure.)  You have these moving platforms that fit 4 people and take them on a one-way trip to enemyville...  except flyers totally break this equation, which is good, because 4 people are gonna get wrecked on Lunatic.  I had Camilla / Hinoka / Caeldori, but frankly could have used even more.

* C24, WTFFFFFFFFF.  Like hinode said, why the hell do you troll the user with a stealth mission that you can't actually stealth all the way through.  It'd be one thing if it was "stealth, then kill a solo boss", since a Corrin + Locktouch pair-up can probably handle a boss, sure.  But no, it's a boss + really badass friends.  Awkwardly enough, this would have been fine if they'd just made it so that there was a third way out through neither door that the game doesn't prompt you about at all, and you just had to notice, since completionists would probably still go for a kill 'em all route if they wanted treasure drops, but people who just want to move on can stealth it up.  As is, it's just a huge troll that stealth doesn't really work unless you stealth like 6 units through, which, uh, no thanks.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2039 on: November 06, 2016, 10:44:23 AM »
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Realised that heart-to-hearts were in this game, so I decided to go after a couple. The heart-to-hearts I went after were Elma and Lin's, so I couldn't view any information that would help the less developed characters in the game (Irina, Gwin, Doug, L and the unlockable characters). A feature that I enjoy about heart-to-hearts in this game that wasn't in the original Xenoblade Chronicles was that choices within them can provide an affinity boost towards the other members of your party. With this factor in mind, I decided to put Lao in my team to unlock The Matchmaker affinity mission. Is it just me, or did Lao just join your party near the end of the mission just so he could say "family huh" to the Ma-non?


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2040 on: November 06, 2016, 06:28:02 PM »
World of Final Fantasy: Got to top of Crystal Tower.  Been streaming the last 2 sessions so people saw some of my stuff!

The boss fight at the bottom of Crystal Tower was probably one of the better ones in the game.  It wasn't hard...ignoring that I somehow didn't step on like the 3 save points I walked past right before it and thus went in not fully healed...but it definitely felt like the boss could do something threatening.  2 enemies, one who has 3HKO ST damage, and the other mostly hurls 4HKO damage but can whip out the occasional MT 4 digit damage...again, it's not like WOMG HARD, but I actually felt like the boss was fighting back to some degree.  This game is easy and obviously intentionally so, so a fight like this does indeed stand out.  Granted, I did wipe on the boss before it twice, because he pulled out an MT OHKO move...I thought "oh, that's a limit phase, I just need to hit past it!  Or maybe it just does massive damage based on dead targets because this is Tonberry King!"  No, it just murdered me again, probably works like Everyone's Grudge in other games.  Seems like it's just a DPS race so adjusted strategy? Blast him -> Summon Cloud when he's halfway dead -> KO!  Not sure I'd say that fight is harder because it's a pure gimmick that's essentially just "DPS Race" and if you have any Summon Stars, it's trivial once you know it.

Anyway, this is obviously the "Disc 1 Final Dungeon"  because the game has been all "You got all the Macguffins!" but they've thrown plenty of "SOMETHING IS SUSPICIOUS ABOUT THE CRIMSON PROPHECY!!!" and no doubt some big plot twist is going to occur going "yeah, you're only half to 2/3rds of the way into the game!" 
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2041 on: November 06, 2016, 07:56:34 PM »
FFBE:  And today the daily draw hands me Refia.  Bwahaha.

This was unintentional, but it's the most beautifully OCD thing I've ever seen:

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2042 on: November 06, 2016, 08:53:49 PM »
Snowfire: I enjoyed C23 reasonably well, you have fliers to help out and figuring out to get people to places where they'll be useful is fun in its own way (also you can get up to 8 on each lift with pair up). Not the best map but a fun enough puzzle in how to deal with some reasonably strong enemies in an efficient manner. Took me 12 turns which doesn't feel that slow for all the distance covered. Certainly a map whose value only shows up Classic, I would think, since the main risk is screwing something up and losing someone.

I definitely agree that Revelation is the weakest route plotwise (by quite a bit honestly, Conquest is a mix of good and bad, and Birthright is largely boring with the odd good moment, but Rev doesn't really have good moments and it has by far the worst examination of the Xander conscience crisis of the routes). Gameplaywise I liked it well enough; it has a few maps I dislike for sure (7, 8, and 12 all come to mind) but I was fine with both maps you described (I didn't do C24 as stealth though, I learned my lesson from PoR 11 that that sort of thing is not very fun so why the hell would I do that without a Bonus Exp reward like PoR had) and it did have some really good maps (Fuga, Hans/Iago, C25) mixed in with what feels like reasonably standard fare for the series otherwise. Its music does suck though. So overall the worst route probably, I will agree with you there.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions - I haven't had a huge amount of time for gaming lately, so I've only been playing one game and not very quickly at that. I've reached Chapter 26. Game's fun even if I'm completely fed up with the serious plot by now.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2043 on: November 06, 2016, 09:19:51 PM »
Oh, yeah, to be clear, Rev *does* have ~4 or so totally awesome maps, notably including Hans/Iago, which also plays the "good" music from BR/CQ too!  I liked the ships frozen in ice map, too, and sure, Fuga's map is still interesting even if we've seen it before.

I took ~25 or so turns for C23, I want to say.  Stuff like "ferry units to the north-central island so that I can rush the top-right island from 2 different platforms" and "wait for Corrin so I can have the one tank unit I trust to go block the way for the surviving enemies".  The enemies stand still until you rush 'em, and there isn't a time limit like, say, CQ Ryoma map, so there's not a lot of reason to go fast.

Anyway, as another nitpick...
...yeah, Anankos's power is a big hand-wave for what's convenient, but I liked the way it was portrayed in CQ / BR a bit more, where it seemed that he could basically possess people who got too close to the Rift to Valla and slowly suck out their soul, and the Vallite invaders were basically Anankos doing just that to the existing Vallite army - these people are sort of alive, there's no point where they 'died', but they're now mindless puppets.  In other words, they aren't zombies, they are living bodies infused with evil power that has since mostly expelled their soul, but it's still just attached enough for dramatic death speeches.  That's basically how Takumi's soul explains it at the end of Conquest, at least, and it fits with what Azura says about Garon.

Revelation entirely tosses this out the window and basically makes Anankos more of a berserk god of the dead, able to teleport in people who *physically* died way the hell offscreen and resurrect them as zombies.  Then how the hell is it even possible to beat him if he can create zombies of basically any dead person?  At least in the above case, eventually Anankos runs out of former-Vallite-army members.  I dunno, maybe Mikoto is a special case, but I don't like it.  (And you'd think he'd ham it up and do something more special for his *wife*!)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2044 on: November 06, 2016, 09:56:21 PM »
FFBE:  And today the daily draw hands me Refia.  Bwahaha.


...So have you beaten Xande yet? I was using my A-team, complete with Cheer and Focus, and he still trashed me with the stat-down+Meteor, even when I pulled out some Elixirs. Maybe I need more Provoke? Is it RNG such that I just need to try again and hope he misses more? Do I need Sealing Blade? What's the trick?

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2045 on: November 06, 2016, 10:17:28 PM »
I agree about Anankos, and I think you hit the nail on the head with your comments. His powers had better setup in the other paths and the way they manifest in Rev is rather blah. Oh well.

The enemies stand still until you rush 'em, and there isn't a time limit like, say, CQ Ryoma map, so there's not a lot of reason to go fast.

Except for the fact that, as our respective experiences show, it's a heck of a lot more fun!

I dunno, this is kinda like a standard problem found in FE games(/many other SRPGs, XCOM's another big one): yes there is some slow boring turtle way to do a map and it will be easier but it won't be enjoyable. The solution is to play it in a way that is actually fun, even if it is more challenging (in this case: by pushing yourself to defeat it in a more reasonable number of turns). Would the game/path be even better if it avoided this entirely? Sure. (Conquest does a better job of this, for instance, one of the many things I will praise it for.) But ultimately it's not a game-breaker.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2046 on: November 07, 2016, 12:26:13 AM »
...So have you beaten Xande yet? I was using my A-team, complete with Cheer and Focus, and he still trashed me with the stat-down+Meteor, even when I pulled out some Elixirs. Maybe I need more Provoke? Is it RNG such that I just need to try again and hope he misses more? Do I need Sealing Blade? What's the trick?

Actually haven't fought him yet, I did Pro once and angered a Red Dragon so that didn't go well.  Busy leveling Luneth right now.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2047 on: November 07, 2016, 07:27:29 AM »
Should probably get around to detailed thoughts at some point, but it is late and just want to get some general observations out for now while they're on my mind.

Finished AA6.  Generally agree with folks about the seances, they are great and I hope we get to see the Fey's learn the technique so they can be used in future games in the series.  Mot entirely sure about how I'd rank the cases, but think 5-2 > 3 > 5-1 > 1 > 2 > 4.  Despite this, Athena felt really, really underused, especially her psych profiles.  Psyche locks also felt underused.  Still don't like Apollo's tells.  Last current impression, really liked the final villain.  Reminded me a lot of Manfred.

Finished RE:CQ as well.  Short impressions, great battles!  Great PC cast!  Jostling with Grandia 1 for story quality.  I mean, the writing is better than Grandia 1, but it isn't half as good at pissing me off and exasperating me as Conquest was.  Potentially, playing this at the same time as Crusader Kings 2 was a bad idea, since Garon is kinda run of the mill and potentially even kinda on the virtuous end of the activities you kinda get up to there.

So, started up Birthright.  Played CQ on Normal, BR on hard.  CQ is, despite this, the harder game, and I haven't even availed myself of any of the grinding opportunities yet.  On...  what, 8 or 9?  Regardless, plot right now is pretty bog standard FE plot, and I'm hoping it will stay that way.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2048 on: November 07, 2016, 08:48:22 AM »
Excal: Yeah, you don't really need to grind in BR, but it's nice that the *possibility* exists so that you can build a nice big team and not worry about "but maybe there'll be some uber-hard map up next and I'll regret building an over-large team up rather than focusing XP!"

I imagine that Garon's ability to somehow move armies into the middle of enemy territory without even his own vanguard noticing would be handy in Crusader Kings II.

By the way, two minor BR gameplay warnings / spoilers you may or may not want to know about...

* You may want to get an A support between Corrin & Kaze in BR.  Something bad will happen if you don't.  (but hey, maybe it's more dramatic to let it happen...?)
* Some of the paralogues scale quite brutally in BR if you wait too long, similar to how Silas / Sophie will get Berserkers w/ crit rates.  Notably, if you get Ryoma married and want to recruit his son, delaying a long time on that mission will make it nastily hard.  OTOH who cares about his son, but still.  I think Saizo's son may have a similar issue although I'm not sure, I did that mission pretty fast anyway.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2049 on: November 08, 2016, 10:44:59 AM »
Blazblue: Central Fiction - Punching through Challenge Mode to see who might be a good fit for me.

Izanami - This is not an easy character, but her Time Stop Grab super seems like it'd be a lot of fun to play around with.  Definitely going to try to play with her more.
Nu-13 - Standard for me, though not as good as Lambda-11.  Stuck on a 6B 3C 623C 66 6B 6A 6C combo due to my issue with microdashes.
Lambda-11 - Really simple for me.
Nine - Stuck on an easy Challenge that involves 2A 5A 28 j.A j.2A.  Not...  Quite sure what the worst part of what's throwing me off is.
Naoto - "Yo dawg I heard you like microdashes so-" "No.  Go away."

Pokken Tournament - Still blasting away Mei and one of her friends with Braixen.  Haven't gone into Ranked, and I can't seem to get the timing for her FCC down reliably.

RS:MS - Kind of playing this with my nephew.  Been helping him play as Gray.

FFBE - Drew a 4* Refia.  She's good, right?  At least, I can bounce her in around my three Lennas.

Gitaroo Man - OH GOD WHY DO I SUCK?!
« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 02:05:43 PM by Magic Fanatic »