
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2016?  (Read 144408 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2150 on: November 25, 2016, 02:42:55 PM »
Is there a Kahuna fight where the Kahuna uses 6 Kakunas?

Sun and Moon have a lot of good stuff in it...unfortunately, this was not one of them...

This looks like a solid set up. Believe it or not, I have a similar plan only I'm using Wishiwashi and Skill Link Toucannon over Shiinotic and Zygarde 10%.

My one issue with my team was until recently, once I dropped Rimbombee for Mimikyu (because fuck you, it's Mimikyu!), I lacked any sort of answers to Dragons (since then, Shiinotic has gotten actual Fairy STABs) offensively speaking (though, Mimikyu at level 46 will get Play Rough so that should help as well), and I still have no real answers to Fairies other than a Non-STAB Sludge Bomb and Gyro Ball. 

Zygarde 10% also is disappointing on moveset.  Until it gets Stone Edge, it really has absolutely nothing to use on Fliers, and wouldn't yo know it, a lot of those Fliers tend to be things like know, things with 4x resistance against Brick Break? 

I also don't have a Water type, but that's not as big a deal as I thought.  There's plenty of avenues for Rock and Ground damage to deal with Fire types, and Brick Break is an early TM for Rocks, and pure Grounds can be dealt with through Shiinotic more often than not (and I guess now Toucannon who just got Bullet Seed, alas it's not a Skill Link Toucannon.) 

The lack of Special Attackers as I said is a concern, as I rely heavily on Shiinotic for that role, but I've made due somehow.  If I wasn't so adamant on using Mimikyu (because **** you, it's Mimikyu!), I'd still be using Ribombee, which would have solved a number of my issues.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2151 on: November 25, 2016, 03:19:16 PM »
You will always be Lucio because no one else on your team will pick him for point control.  Give into the Brazilian beats.

I am okay with this!

I'm getting pretty good with his gun too, got 14 kills in 1 match.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2152 on: November 25, 2016, 06:21:27 PM »
Pokemon Moon: Finally got this SOB. Loving all the little additions such as Pokemon Refresh and the ability to switch Pokemon before they go into the box. I've just beaten Ilima who was rather tough by early game standards. I had to sacrifice a Metapod so that I could heal Pikipek and land a Rock Smash to finish his Smeargle.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2153 on: November 25, 2016, 06:36:32 PM »
Pokemon Sun: Finally managed to access this after shenanigans with Amazon. Pokemon is good stuff and this game is looking like no exception. I started Litten because I have a team in plan which just so happens to involve it. Its Nature was Relaxed, which I can accept considering how my Pokemon usually outspeed opposing rosters. I'm just about to head to Route 2 where I intend to catch a Cutiefly to use as a Jagen. I would've taken the fact that I need 100 points to access Island Scanning more seriously had I not accessed a website which allows me to scan every Pokemon in the Alola Dex. Cheating? Possibly.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2154 on: November 26, 2016, 03:30:41 PM »
Pokemon Moon: Beaten.

On one hand, it's more Pokemon, so you know what you're getting.  On the other-hand, they actually managed to change the formula up, both in terms of plot, and gameplay progression and even applied many requested features like the removal of HMs.  While I can understand the argument of "it forces you try out different kind of Pokemon!", Pokeride actually emphasizes the true purpose HMs had in the past, and that was simply Roadblocks and basically asking that you gimp your team to do trivial things, and often wasted your time when you see that one plant that needs to be cut, requiring either you HM a current Pokemon, or run back, get the Pokemon, cut down the plant, and get that extra Max Revive or whatever (basically, if felt like if it wasn't a TM, you wasted your time.)  It was also meant as an incentive to back track because "hey, you have Strength now, go push that boulder!"

Now? Same deal really, only you're not constantly swapping your team and it's not inconvenient.  Honestly, one of the biggest things about Pokemon is emphasizing a "play how you want to" style, between the huge draw of Pokemon, and aspects that limit this kind of defeat that purpose, which is exactly what HMs did, especially since Sun/Moon has actual teeth to it's difficulty, such that you want all 6 of your Pokemon to be battle ready, so losing a slot to a slave to avoid back tracking is bad.  Also it was nice knowing I could play the game WITHOUT requiring a Water type or a Flying type...not that this is a GOOD idea (I definitely had moments where I went "damn it, I wish I had a water type!") necessarily, but why require people to use typings.  Again, I understand the defense for HMs, but overall, I think the pros of removing them far outweigh the cons, especially since it means you avoid bull crap like Sinnoh Victory Road, or "Let's make crappy moves like Whirlpool an HM lol."

As I said in a previous post, game has a plot progression that feels a lot closer to a jRPG, which is refreshing for Pokemon.  You leave because...the game says so, to do something more mundane (they make it clear Trial Challengers are not uncommon, and suggest that there have been multiple who have succeeded in completing all of them in the past), even though it's silly because YOU LITERALLY MOVED TO ALOLA THE DAY PRIOR AND ARE BEING FORCED TO EMBARK ON A JOURNEY ACROSS THE REGION!  Hoenn had the same plot but a few differences were...
A. Your father was a Gym Leader there
B. You kind of become Pokemon Trainer out of necessity to save Professor Birch, and basically "eh, what the heck."

Here, they kind of go "hey new kid, Tapu Koko likes you, YOU WILL NOW BECOME A TRIAL CHALLENGER!"  Team Four Star is absolutely right to treat Larenti as a lethargic, unenthusiastic trainer being forced on his journey with the whole "I just moved here!  Can't I get time to adjust?"

If I have a complaint about the plot, actually, it's the trainer character.  The biggest problem is that, and I've heard this complaint from reviews so I know it's not just me, is the trainer has ONE FACIAL EXPRESSION, which is "blank, emotionless smile."   There are some real notable emotional moments that just get ruined when they do a close up on the trainer and they have that expression.  The thing is, there are points where they do break that emotion, like in battles when doing a Z-move, your trainer seems dynamic there!  But no, Lillie can be talking about something related to family, then go "Right Trainer?" and you're standing there with a "=)" even though what she said was clearly NOT something you should be smiling about. 

The other thing is with the game's plot, the trainer isn't really the main character, just the PoV character.  All things considered, this is really about Lillie.  I think I mentioned it before, but Lillie is arguably the most developed and well written character in the series, only competition granted being N from the Unova games.  Won't go into details, but just noting there's a full character arc going on there.  Gladion actually is passably handled too, and I give the game prop for making fun of the "emo is cool!" idea, where Hau goes "he probably thinks he's cool acting like he doesn't care."  Honestly, in a kids game like that, a statement like that is needed as even though it won't accomplish anything, someone needs to point out that this "I'm too cool to care!" attitude is not cool at all.

Granted, pretty much all the plot beats are predictable, even the plot twist with the final boss being Kukui given you've basically taken on all the other major NPCs so the "Whoever is left is the Final Boss!" thing.   That said, I'm glad they FINALLY used the Professor is the final boss twist, since that feels long over due.  Predictable plot twists aren't so bad granted, and you have to remember this game is geared towards a wide audience, so it's to be expected.  It reminded me about Zootopia in that regard, in that yes, I could predict a lot of the notable events, but it's told in a well enough way that I don't care, and being that it needs to be accessible to children, sometimes you have to sacrifice something, so just go with the story that is told, and pat yourself on the back for calling things ahead of time.
That said, also regarding the Final Boss, it was neat how they did a role reversal of the Final Boss of RBY in a sense.  Didn't occur to me til I read this, but now that I think about it, that's exactly what happened.  Your character becomes the Champion, and the final boss is now your first real challenger so you can hold onto the title.  It contrasts where Blue did the same in the Kanto games, and Red challenges him almost immediately after and takes the title.  It only further feels appropriate since Sun/Moon is meant to be the 20th Anniversary Celebration game.

Game is definitely harder than most in the series.  Now granted my team wasn't ideal (again, no Water type hurt), but the Totem Pokemon on average felt tougher than Gym Leaders, the Kahunas were mostly solid fights in their own rights, the Plot Bosses definitely had some bite to them, and the E4 with their level spike and generally well rounded Pokemon within thematics...yeah.  Heck, Hau, despite being the first primary rival with the WEAK Starter to yours actually manages to put up more of a fight than...well...any rival outside of maybe Champion!Blue's team.   The Final Boss is...I wouldn't quite put it at Cynthia level, but it's certainly one I had to fight a few times to get a feel for the team, and figure out exactly what I needed.  That and I needed a few rare candies to get everyone to 49 just because my numbers were slightly lower than needed (Barely missing a 2HKO in a fight like that can get you killed) and the Pokemon Refresh perks really saved my ass a few times, like randomly dodging status moves, which on one hand feels unfair since the enemies don't have it, but then I just go "Well, they also have a dramatic level edge, so this is just leveling the playing field!"  The game actually fights back.  Note that I didn't use EXP Share, which could very well shift the difficulty a lot for obvious reasons.

Final Team:

Yeah, I used Lunala, but she barely saw actual use so more of a trump card, and often if a fight came down to Lunala vs. the world, I'd reset anyway because I often felt with a changed approach I COULD beat the trainer in question.   Yes, Lunala is female as far as I'm concerned, for a number of reasons I won't go into (though, if you just look at Lunala's design, it definitely feels intentionally effeminate)
And yes, technically Zygarde is a Gen 6 Pokemon but seeing as I used him in his 10% form most of the game, and he got no love in Gen 6, and there's a sidequest dedicated to him that you deal with throughout the game, I felt he was an honorary Gen 7 Pokemon.  Also, it doesn't feel cheap using Zygarde as a legendary because, well, all things considered, how is he any worse than using a Garchomp in game?  Same BST and typing, and you're even likely to get Zygarde's 50% form around the same time you'd evolve Gabite into Garchomp.

Things to note of my team:
Shiinotic ended up being one of my most effective Pokemon.  Grass was vital in a few spots, Special Attacker in a region that felt paraded by physical tanks, has Spore, and eventually gets Moonblast for high damage.  His Giga Drain also gave him a fair amount of health back.  That said, didn't see much use in the final boss because his one Water type outspeed and one shot him anyway.
Incineroar hits like a truck, but wasn't as durable as I felt she should be (mine is female...yes, I got that 12.5% starter, what about it?)  Granted, that's the levels speaking; most Pokemon in these games tend to outlevel you, and it didn't feel ineffective per se, though, what didn't help is everything seems to be using a coverage move this game...stupid well thought out trainers...
Mimikyu is fantastic.  Having good speed in Alola is huge seeing as this is definitely a slow region overall, and having an insured 1 turn to do whatever (often two) meant it often could do something.  It's even more durable than you'd think, rarely being OHKOed unless a Steel or Ghost move was involved (which aren't common.)  In particular, it being able to come in, throw up Charm or Will-o-wisp, and know it's not going to die in the process before it gets it up...yeah.  It's main issue though is you're basically relying on Shadow Claw and Leech Life for attacks most of the game, unless you want to give it Special Attacks to run off it's assy SpA; it gets so much better at level 46 or when you reach the Move Relearner and can learn Play Rough, being not only a Fairy STAB, but also a straight improvement over Shadow Claw for neutral damage.  Also gets Wood Hammer then, which really helps for coverage (Mimikyu was vital against the final boss' water type since it was faster and could 2HKO it with Wood Hammer, and as I said, Mimikyu is basically insured 2 turns against anything it's faster than, Shiinotic by contrast got OHKOed)

Some disappointments?
All the Tapus seem aftergame.  I kind of want to use one in a main game, but that doesn't seem to be do-able unless I use Pokebank when that drops or something, and playing the game with a legendary from that get the idea. 
Move Relearner is right before the E4.  Ok I get why; they repurposed it such that you can learn ANY move on your level up set now instead of just prior moves, eg a level 45 Incineroar can learn Outrage despite him not learning it until the 60s and it's NOT one of his "Level --" moves, so it might be cheap, and Heart Scales aren't that hard to come by, but doesn't mean I can't want it earlier! :(

Is it the best Pokemon game? Not sure yet, still after-game, but relative to other games in the series, it's hard to find notable flaws, and it's not afraid to actually show forward movement, in that it's willing to change up the status quo, and does so in an inventive way while not actually detracting from what makes Pokemon...well...Pokemon.  So yeah, anyone who likes the series definitely should give it a try.

Also it has Pokemon Snap as a mini-game in there!
« Last Edit: November 26, 2016, 03:35:42 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2155 on: November 26, 2016, 04:15:54 PM »
Pokemon Moon: Saved Lillie's Cosmog at the Melemele Meadow. I actually had little trouble when facing the trial at Verdant Cavern, mainly due to the Brick Break TM I received early on. Because I was playing Moon, it that I fought Alola Raticate and it died to one Brick Break from Trumbeak. I actually planned to use a Crabrawler as a temporary member to get an edge against the Totem Pokemon, though I had no luck getting a berry pile with it inside. I then decided to use that Machop I received from the Spearow trade instead, but Trumbeak's Brick Break is so strong that I've barely had a chance to use it.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2156 on: November 28, 2016, 12:51:35 AM »
Why are there not more people talking about the Pokemon Snap minigame? That shit is awesome and I want a proper sequel to it now.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2157 on: November 28, 2016, 01:05:50 AM »
They did, it is called Pokemon Go.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2158 on: November 28, 2016, 10:13:54 AM »
Pokemon Moon: Arrived at Akala Island. Hala was fairly straight forward thanks to Trumbeak's Pluck and that rematch with Ilima went fast with the All-Out Pummeling Z-move. When I arrived at Heahea City, I actually had a little chuckle at that scene where you had the option to join Lillie in chewing out Hau for his bad jokes. Small moments like that already mean more to me than any of the scenes with the 'Kalos crew' in XY. Speaking of XY; I received that Zygarde Cube from the Defenders of Kalos, meaning that I felt the need to backtrack to Melemele Island to collect any Zygarde Cores that were lying around. At Route 4, I decided to catch a Mudbray as a temporary member as I'm rather fond of its ability which allows it to receive a Defence boost when it is hit by a physical move.

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« Last Edit: November 28, 2016, 10:20:36 AM by LordDirtyBrit »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2159 on: November 30, 2016, 01:57:44 AM »
Fire Emblem Fates Revelation:
Main mission design continues to be crap.  C24 & C25 can go burn.  Up to Chapter 26, TRAITOR mission, where from preview it seems that Rev still hasn't learned that bosses should either have a cheaty Conquest range 1-2 weapon or just a legit actual range 1-2 weapon.  But haven't attempted it yet; I'm grinding up supports and the kid paralogues.  And holy crap the Paralogues are super-tough....  well, a few Hoshidan kids have easy Paralogues I guess (WTF at Hisame's), but otherwise sheesh.  But recruiting them now means they come at L16 with their best skill already learned which is handy.

I beat Forrest's Paralogue in Conquest, where it was challenging but not TOO crazy, but on Lunatic, yikes.  I was two turns away from Forrest getting chopped with the Berskerer having already opened the door and standing at the foot of it, and only saved by the enemy AI deciding to turn around and attack a charging Leo rather than continue on to Forrest.  The problem was that all the badguys come at you in a wave, and they're pretty badass, so you need defensive units who don't die AND don't outright kill the enemies, which is a pretty specific set...  take a look at the results...

That's rare footage of Nos-tank Odin (backed by Onmyoji Ophelia, and sorta Selena as well), Leo w/ Anna for some speed, and Benny w/ Corrin.  Sakura / Elise / Azura / Soleil watch from the sidelines w/ Sun Festals.  Not shown: Yakkity sax as Laslow runs away from like 3 guys and leads them on a merry chase.  I mean, it's Laslow, he sure ain't killing anything by his lonesome, so that's about the most useful thing he can do.  Needless to say, with this kind of enemy wave crashing in (that I'm intentionally trying to kill somewhat slowly!), it's hard to hurry up and go save Forrest.

Anyway, after that stress-inducing "this close to losing after an extremely tough experience" deal, came along Siegbert's paralogue, and HOLY CRAP I had to roll back time and reload a lot there, that might just be the nastiest enemy set I've seen.  Generals who often sport Wary Fighter, hitting you really hard and not being entirely trivial to kill quickly.  Sorcerers with sky-high magic damage.  Mechanists with Shurikens, bows, & poison strike.  And finally, poison strike ninjas with like 35 speed and Silver Shurikens to debuff YOUR speed.  And worst of all, endless swarms of Void Curse Great Knights who have Beast Killers (and Silver Lances & Armorslayers).  Why is that bad?  It's a huge forest with lakes and "Thick Wood" spaces that really prioritize flyers and cavalry, so those Beast Killers do work!  The only vanilla infantry I'd deployed was Corrin & Ryoma (& uh Azura I guess), so yeah, use caution.  And because this is Good Conquest map design, there's also a soft time limit in the form of endlessly spawning reinforcements that you have to race across the map activating Dragon Veins for.  (A less tedious requirement in Revelation at least, where I could do a near full-royal deployment - I think only Sakura & maybe some kids ended up riding the bench among royals.  Takumi was temporarily a Kinshi Knight at the time which was convenient for mobility purposes here.)  Anyway, after a fair amount of battle save use, I did win, but I can't imagine doing that map sanely on Classic, considering that it involved both Corrin leading badguys on a merry chase, retreating with counters while using Galeforce to still score a few kills, and even a Rescue staff usage WITH BATTLE SAVEs.  Fun, but stressful!

In other news, the town of Izumo has been cleared of Ruffians, Faceless, & Invaders way too often.  Almost like someone is luring them there with cash so that they can be effortlessly slaughtered by moving into the center and hitting end turn repeatedly to grind up supports, since this is pretty well the last chance.  Ugh.  The boring part of Fates, I guess.  Also the L3 statues are extremely expensive DVP sinks.  9 DVP?!  Sheesh, you need to be doing this kind of grinding anyway it seems.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2160 on: November 30, 2016, 10:20:40 AM »
Final Fantasy X: Decided to attempt some postgame content. I've defeated the Ultima Weapon, who was a pushover thanks to a certain summoner, even though I don't feel ready to attempt Omega quite yet. I've also defeated most of the Area Conquest monsters I unlocked, they ranged from manageable for my party members to difficult without using Aeons.

Pokemon Moon: I've explored Melemele Sea with the Lapras I received from Lana. For being a water level in Pokemon (bad news); Melemele Sea wasn't too bad, mainly because it was short and linear. While I was at Brooklet Hill, I decided to add a Morelull to help me with the Totem Pokemon and I also caught a Wishiwashi for my final team. Even with Morelull though, the Totem Wishiwashi was rather difficult to fight. Despite the fact that my Morelull resists Water; Wishiwashi's Rain boosted Water Gun working off 140 Special Attack still took out a good chunk of its HP and Soak prevented me from gaining STAB from Mega Drain. The SOS Alomomola's Heal Pulse and Helping Hand also helped to make Totem Wishiwashi rather annoying. Despite the trouble the Totem Pokemon gave me though, I found the added difficulty quite refreshing due to how simple Pokemon games normally are.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2161 on: November 30, 2016, 12:41:00 PM »
My FFXV Day One patch + another update is 9.410GB. I guess some folk who've played it earlier have just 7GB to upload. I's got the blues.

Played the demo - named Carbuncle after Remington since they are twins. Remy's gonna be Carbuncle next Halloween - super easy: add horn.

BD: I'm moving past some of the sad scenes associated with the water temple. I'm liking the Ranger class at the moment, and trying to get my mages up to 7 so that I can move them on to summoner and finally branch one out to an phys offensive class. I am quite disappointed in this arc. There's too much death of women. It has me thinking just what type of message this game is trying to send about female types and their repercussions. Pretty gross, but playing on.

edit* my posting bad yall.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2162 on: November 30, 2016, 10:33:20 PM »
Final Fantasy X: Decided to attempt some postgame content. I've defeated the Ultima Weapon, who was a pushover thanks to a certain summoner, even though I don't feel ready to attempt Omega quite yet. I've also defeated most of the Area Conquest monsters I unlocked, they ranged from manageable for my party members to difficult without using Aeons.

Unlike most enemies with the title "Omega (Weapon)" in the series, FF10's is not a super boss.  If you can reach the end of the Omega Ruins, you should be able to take him on.  He's really just an "End Side Quest" boss all things considered, and a total push over in the original FF10 (International version added like an extra 0 to his HP, which while sounds excessive, he desperately needed it to not be a laughable fight.)  The fights that are actually difficult are in the Arena (and if playing international/HD version, the Dark Aeons.)

FF15: Got this yesterday, started it today since I received it last night and didn't feel like getting involved, etc.  Anyway, dropped off a package for Cindy and then beat up a bunch of Goblins.

There's definitely a sense of respect for the series and it's roots, despite doing it's best to deviate from the series at the same time.  So while the battle system, setting, etc. are all different, there are little touches sprinkled about that make you go "yeah, this is Final Fantasy."  A particularly cute example is when going to the Weapon shop, it has 16 Bit versions of the 4 heroes shown, and they raise their hands to show they can equip the weapon in question, just like what FF3(o) through 6 would do.  I was actually expecting the artwork lights up ala FF7+ style, but it was a nice little touch going back to the 2D era of display.

Only other thing I can say is Noctis is a lot more cheerful and friendly than I was expecting.  He actually smiles on a regular basis; heck,the game basically opens with him riffing on his dad, like Regis is "Hey, make sure you show respect to the princess!" and Noctis is like "Same to you, and your peace treat, don't go screwing that up!"  He's not like SUPER CHEERFUL HAPPY guy ala, say, Tidus, but so far he definitely doesn't seem to be "emo protagonist who is too cool to smile!"   Still early of course, it's just nice that Noctis' design and renders tend to not do his characterization justice.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2163 on: December 01, 2016, 12:13:50 AM »
Final Fantasy X: Decided to attempt some postgame content. I've defeated the Ultima Weapon, who was a pushover thanks to a certain summoner, even though I don't feel ready to attempt Omega quite yet. I've also defeated most of the Area Conquest monsters I unlocked, they ranged from manageable for my party members to difficult without using Aeons.

Unlike most enemies with the title "Omega (Weapon)" in the series, FF10's is not a super boss.  If you can reach the end of the Omega Ruins, you should be able to take him on.  He's really just an "End Side Quest" boss all things considered, and a total push over in the original FF10 (International version added like an extra 0 to his HP, which while sounds excessive, he desperately needed it to not be a laughable fight.)  The fights that are actually difficult are in the Arena (and if playing international/HD version, the Dark Aeons.)

I'm playing the PAL version, but if you believe Omega is a simple boss even in this variant, I'll go after him.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2164 on: December 01, 2016, 01:38:42 AM »
Can confirm that Omega is easy even in PAL/international..   There might be value in just Bribing him though.  Ultimately and Omega give lots of a rare material from memory and the fights are underwhelming.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2165 on: December 01, 2016, 03:18:36 AM »
Pokemon Sun: Beat this over Thanksgiving weekend, finally got enough time to write about it. Working my way through the postgame right now.

Meeple's largely covered the plot side well enough, so I won't dwell too long on it. One thing I'll add though is that the trial captains in general (stoner art girl is the only exception) have better characterization than gym leaders due to not hiding at the back of a gym waiting passively for you. Instead you get to see how they all decided to set up the various trials for you to face and comment along the way. The kahunas are more like traditional Pokemon NPCs, but since there's exactly four of them and they each have dominion over a specific island Gamefreak managed to work them all into the plot in various ways without getting repetitive.

Difficulty with exp share mostly off (I used it for most of island one, in an attempt to experiment more with various temps) but +20% exp from Refresh active was pretty high by Pokemon standards. Several of the totems were quite nasty, the climatic fight with Lusamine/Nihilego fusion would've been utterly brutal if I didn't resort to item spam. Elite Four was one of the better ones in the series, as well.

Thoughts on my endgame team, plus the one temp who saw longterm use:

Rowlet/Dartrix/Decidueye: Flying STAB was a net plus early on just for a second option vs the many types that resist Grass, though the ensuing Rock weakness can be a pain if the rest of your team can't cover it. Eventually it trades it for Ghost instead, which is great defensively but a mixed bag offensively, since its matchup vs fellow Ghost types isn't great. The normal/fighting immunities realy bailed me out vs Kommo-o and Bewear lategame, though. No status moves at all is a bummer for a Grass type, but SD+Roost + dual STAB moves worked fine for me.

Magnemite/Magneton: Didn't intend to use this originally, but I stumbled on one early on and Pikachu was too much of a pain to bother catching just to use as a temp. Paralysis is borderline mandatory if you want to catch stuff just to stop the endless chain of reinforcements and Magnemite's one of the best sources of it for a long, long time. The defensive typing isn't quite as godly as it was in gens 2-5 (there's a surprising amount of random Dark moves in-game) but still very strong and it makes excellent use of the Eviolite you get midgame, to the point where I intentionally chose not to evolve it into Magnezone. Ultimately benched for Solgaleo.

Dewpider/Araquanid: Water Bubble's in-game description omits the part where it doubles the damage of all Water moves for some reason. That makes it an offensive juggernaut despite the subpar base stats, and an early evolution (L22) gives it a phase of dominance before gradually settling into its endgame role of slow nuke with very good special/okay physical durability. One of the best Z-move users in-game, for obvious reasons. Bug type is a mixed bag defensively, but STAB Leech Life is helpful since Gamefreak inexplicibly gave it the buff of a lifetime (20->80 power, wtf).

Mudbray/Mudsdale: I needed a proper Rock resist to compensate for running both a Water type *and* a Grass type that were initially weak to Rock, and this looked more interesting than Alolan Dugtrio. Stamina's a very interesting ability, but since it's so abysmally slow it really needs healing to be effective. Potions are obviously ideal (borderline broken, really), but I actually tried out Rest + Sleep Talk once I got those two TMs for I think the first time ever in-game. With experience, I can say that it works well enough to be viable but has enough flaws not to feel cheap. Leftovers would've helped out a lot, but I didn't feel like farming for Munchlaxes during the maingame.

Salandit/Salazzle: Hardest part by far was finding a female Salandit, which took a couple of hours. Once you finally get one and evolve it, Salazzle has a fairly standard special sweeper stat spread with a unique typing. Pretty good, but not Staraptor or Alakazam-tier. I made use of Nasty Plot a couple of times but never really bothered to exploit Toxic+Corrosion.

Alolan Vulpix/Ninetales: The design is fantastic but mine underperformed really badly up until the postgame due to what I can only assume were lousy IVs/EVs. Getting outsped and OHKO'd by a totem with +1 to all stats I can understand, but getting outsped by the final boss's Braviary boggled my mind. It was at a 6 level deficit admittedly, but Braviary's base speed is 29 points lower! My Ninetales had a +spd/-def nature, too, so *that* wasn't the problem.

Solgaleo: Anything with 680 BST and Steel type and a good movepool is going to be strong in-game, but it lacks a gamechanging move (i.e. Dragon Dance) or ability (i.e. Drizzle) to just singlehandedly dominate the game like some cover legendaries do. Steel losing its Dark and Ghost resists last generation hurt too, it definately feels those extra two weaknesses.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2166 on: December 01, 2016, 09:33:46 AM »
Pokemon Moon: Defeated the champion at 35:21.  Overall, game would be a fantastic regular jrpg if the trainer wasn't a 11 year old dead pan.  If they really want to expand on trainer customization, let me be an ugly old man first.  If I had a overall complaint, it would be how small the game feels.  Yeah there's 4 islands but it doesn't give a grand adventure feel.  I dunno, maybe I miss long as dungeons/caverns.  There was nothing that felt like Victory Road either.  Every thing else Meeple overed.

Endgame team:

Decidceye: I think mine was bulky in IVs/nature so I kept Roost/Brave Bird/Leaf Blade/Shadow Claw.  I didn't really like the special ghost attack it gets 80 power 10 PP doesn't seem impressive and I rather have the increased crit chance.

Muk:  Poison/Dark bulky fat blob.  Ran Toxic/Venom Drench/Gunk Shot/Crunch.  For trainers/wild pokemon, I took off Toxic for poison jab.  Bonus points for being absolutely adorable to pet

Espeon:  The eevee that hatch was modest so I kept it around and made it my psychic staple.  I really wanted to try the surfing Raichu but I just wanted to find a normal pikachu and not bother with pichu's happiness garbage.  Didn't find one.  Espeon got early psychic through the TM and just relied on its high speed, calm mind, psychic/shadowball to sweep.  Lots of slow ass pokemon in this game.

Oricorio:  I used this thinking it might evolve, but it doesn't.  However it has form changes so I could have an electric or fire type depending on what I needed.  It's also a good baton passer.  The fire form is my favorite, it becomes a spicy mexican dancing bird.

Vikavolt:  Complete dead weight for a good portion of the game that I put it on the bench temporary until I could find the place to evolve it to its final form.  Result:  A really strong but really slow electric nuke with bug coverage.

Kommo-o:  Late game addition.  It's the dragon pseudo-legendary 600 BST with a fighting type secondary.  It learns quite a lot of coverage moves like Earthquake, Flamethrower, X-scissor, Poison jab, Flash cannon.  Its special move is baby draco meteor (-20 power but 100% accuracy) that instead lowers defense by one stage.

Pokemon I used but benched:

Lycanroc: probably would be a staple if I played Sun.  Its midnight form is lameo.  Moveset is terrible; just generic rock attacks and crunch. But it has SMOGON ROCKS!!1

Crabrawler:  Evolves too late, later than Vikavolt.  A slow frail crab isn't going to cut it for 90% of the game.

Sandslash:  Holy shit is Ice/Steel a terrible defensive typing.  Also its moveset is absolutely atrocious.  Its strongest steel attack is metal claw.  Its strongest ice move is icicle spear.  About the best thing you can teach it is earthquake which begs the question, why not use a regular sandslash?

Zygarde (Zydoge form):  Apparently to use its stronger form I have to find all 100 pieces and there's NO indication of what pieces I've found and not.  Yeah, doge form is cute and all but if I'm sticking with this until the end I want the full HULK SMASH evolution.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2167 on: December 01, 2016, 12:52:38 PM »
Noctis is a dick. He was a dick from the first CG scenes leaving the kingdom, and has dick body language. It doesn't mean he's mean, but he definitely comes off as a young man with angst.

So, I revved up FFXV yesterday. Now L14, Chapter 2. A couple of things:

FFXV feels like FFX12 and FF13 were lovers. Both of them cheated with someone else: Kingdom Hearts and Borderlands. And then KH and B had babies.

Storyline: not enough there yet.
Battle system: I wish there was a hard difficulty setting. It's pretty easy to complete all of the quests/tasks in the area, but what sucks is that the enemies in the area do not level up. That's actually pretty lame, since running and simply finding items is not enough to keep my excitement. Plus, you -can- definitely take down enemies that are more than twice your level. This happened at L8 when I defeated a L22 field enemy. Not quite sure if this keeps up throughout each chapter, but so far chapter 2 is no different.

Finally got a hang of the system. For some time I was getting nothing but Cs or Ds for finesse; now I'm in the A, A+ range. No I do not know if there's an S level.

I'm using the control settings for B, because it makes much more sense. What DOESN'T make sense at all, however, is switching between hard locked targets. You have to press directionally on R3. It's pretty hard to make that a habit, because pressing R3 is the map, moving R3 is the camera. So unless you have a longview of targets right in front of you, hitting a lock button then switching is pretty stupid. I wish they made it simple by letting you hit your locked enemy, and then maybe quick pressing that same button twice to go from soft targeting to switching targets.

I became a L2 hunter in Chapter 1, still L2 in Chapter 2 but there are clearly dark spots on the map and I cannot complete them.

Cindy scene was way too gratuitous.

Prompto's photographs are cute, but also .. yeah, I'll try his filters.

I love Ignis, I love his studded gloves, I love his snootiness and his love of cuisine.

I find myself using their specials with different enemy sets. It makes no sense to really use Ignis's first unless there are more than 5 enemies to battle. So say you phase in to begin a fight, and after the sphere you get up to 1 tech point really quickly. That's a good way to start a link rear attack after Ignis/Noctis and then pressing the crit button in time to perform a successful chain attack. Gladiolus's skills are relevant almost every battle....

I don't quite like how everything pertaining to teammates is on the Gear menu, but I'll get used to it. For example, if you want to create magic, you go to the Elemental screen and craft. Usefully it asks if you want to equip it, and takes you to the Gear menu.. you equip it, but then it takes you BACk to the elemental screen. That's pretty exhausting if you're crafting more than one.

The car makes a LOT of sense. Something 1 mi away will almost always be more quickly completed if you direct Ignis to drive you there. I wonder when gas will get more expensive -- you figure a kingdom overthrow would make the economy rumble.

Game does enough to make me currently not travel at night, barring my running-for-my-dear-life moments when completing the night Flan quest.

I am in love with the graphics: it's not too much but it's also beautifully polished. The sky is gorgeous.

I like these new random Niflheim attacks in Chapter 2. Keeps the challenge in areas I've been already (advancing quickly to areas by exhausting all my quests), because it brings more challenging troops to the area.

I don't think I will stop exhausting quests, because I prefer doing all the work at once and then meeting folk and not having to walk one step further to complete it. Plus, items and stuff.

Liking the game so far, a little annoyed by too many buttons meaning too many things, but I imagine it'll be like clockwork soon.

EDIT: o. right. the game has black folk, and not hideously illustrated ones at that. Shout out to the girl at Hammerhead with afropuff pigtails.

EDIT #2: I'd like to make a #DLFFXV PSN network, to share photos, etc. for trophies. Lemme know if anyone's interested. It could be password protected, etc.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2016, 01:23:07 PM by dunie »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2168 on: December 01, 2016, 01:42:42 PM »
Can confirm that Omega is easy even in PAL/international..   There might be value in just Bribing him though.  Ultimately and Omega give lots of a rare material from memory and the fights are underwhelming.

You get like 99 Doorway to Tomorrows which you can use for customizing/mixing for Trio 9999. Since the fight is so easy, bribing him is not a bad idea since you get a pretty good deal out of it! Problem is, I think the bribe formula is basically 20x the monster HP, so if Omega had like 100,000 HP, you would need 2,000,000 gil, which I think for a team that just read end game, might be a bit out of reach. I certainly found that was the case on my replay earlier this year.

On the other hand, if you plan to do any post game stuff, you might as well start the grinding and Omega Ruins in general has pretty good loot/tough monsters to go through such that reaching that money isn't so far out of reach.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2169 on: December 01, 2016, 03:06:09 PM »

Yeah,I'd be ok with sharing these corny pictures.

I wonder how many identical ones we'd have.

I am liking the throwbacks the game has. Some of the weapons among other things are pretty cool.

This is the bro'y'est of all bro style games I've ever played.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2170 on: December 01, 2016, 04:10:29 PM »
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Finally had enough survey rate in Oblivia to do Prone Sweet Prone. I wanted to do that mission for a while as it could unlock a shit ton of other missions. The mission was fairly difficult as I was trying to build my affinity with Doug and Frye who were at fairly low levels. Eventually I gave up and threw a party of skells at the Prone base I was to storm and curb-stomped it.

Pokemon Moon: At Route 9. The Salazzle and Lurantis totems were fairly simple as I came with suitable team members who were able to defeat them. Defeating Salazzle meant that I was able to call Charizard to Fly me to anywhere in Alola and asides from caves, I can go to any place I want. The developers were beginning to introduce such a mechanic in ORAS and I'm glad that it's finallly a thing in this game. Asides from an introduction to Ultra Beasts, not a whole lot has happened in the storyline. Though I have met Gladion a few times and I got a chuckle out of the Masked Wrestler disguise Kukui uses, mainly because Hau is stupid enough to actually fall for it.

Team so far:

« Last Edit: December 01, 2016, 04:12:49 PM by LordDirtyBrit »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2171 on: December 01, 2016, 06:44:00 PM »
Okay, I made the FFXV community on PSN:

I made it to where you have to request to join. Let me know if I should change that, I'm only friends with two folk on PSN.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2172 on: December 01, 2016, 07:11:08 PM »
Tips on FF15 I have so far:

1. Get Prompto's camera level to 6. One of his side event might have some factors tied to his camera level. Level 6 seems to be the safe zone.
2. Poison is a game breaking spell. Makes a lot and a lot and a lot of poison spells and watch things die from it.
3. Look for the magical coins that gives exp bonus when casting magic.  If you farm them hard enough and get all the exp bonus, then sleep in a double exp hotel = ridiculous level up.
4. Combine with the trick above, go back to one shot weak enemies with teleport attack, which can quickly farms you AP. End game team can be easily completed when you are just 1/3 into the game.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2173 on: December 01, 2016, 11:58:08 PM »

Ain't so bad once you get used to it.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2016?
« Reply #2174 on: December 02, 2016, 04:21:57 PM »
Final Fantasy X: Got the Spirit Lance now, boy was it a chore to receive. Even the lightning dodging wasn't as difficult. I've also defeated Omega, who posed no challenge whatsoever like you all said. While Omega has received an HP buff, Anima's Oblivion was buffed as well, so I decided to use that to my advantage.

Pokemon Moon: At Malie City. I didn't have much trouble against Olivia (Thunder Wave from Nosepass was annoying), though the Hau battle once I arrived at Malie caught me off guard as I did not expect him to switch into Dartrix while I was using Shiinotic against his Vaporeon. I thought that Hidden Power Ice would be able to KO it, yet Dartrix was able to get a critical hit with Pluck and KO Shiinotic. In terms of the storyline, I went to the Aether Foundation and met up with Lusamine. She is one creepy character, especially with her comments about how children should essentially be puppets to their parents.

Team so far: