
Author Topic: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1 - Closed)  (Read 17527 times)


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #100 on: September 27, 2016, 07:46:57 AM »
"It is quite different, from the tasting of foreign wine I've had," Akeha agrees, showing no particular reaction to Lee's choice in arrangements. "A bit tart and sweet," she nods, gesturing for both to be brought forth.

The two wines come in small clay vessels, one marked with what seemed like 'West water' in Old Realm, the other as 'Tree Sea'. "Rice wine, plum wine," Akeha labels them respectively. While Vol drinks from a wooden box of sorts, the cups surrounding each selected vessel are small and lacquered ceramic. Another attendant brings a wooden stand, and places Akeha's sword into it, standing on the hilt. "Please, as you'd prefer. Though I recommend avoiding eating rice and drinking it's wine at the same time. They are thought to interfere with each other's taste."

Holding her expansive sleeve with one hand, she helps pour what's desired. The meal's first course consists of a soup with a light broth, mushrooms, onions, and some other elements there as well. A small bowl of rice, and another of brightly colored pickle slices accompanies it, Akeha seeming to take small bits of pickles when she switches between soup and rice. The rice is quite sticky, clumping together and easy to manipulate with chopsticks, though almost ladle like spoons have been laid out to avoid undue embarrassment.

"Any curiosities I can address? I'd certainly like to make sure things continue smoothly, and I... honestly, we need the influx of people to expand Inaba, create new businesses..." she admits. "Or so Vol tells me."


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #101 on: September 27, 2016, 07:51:59 AM »

"The liquor of a town is the taste of that town's spirit. To request something other than the labor of the locals is a grave dishonor and something that I could not abide." Tora seems a bit uncomfortable at the table, but he adjusts quickly. "It is no surprise to discover a town is rotten when their spirits are foul." Sampling the rice win first, he nods. "As expected, a rich and strong taste."

He has either eaten similar cuisine, as he follows Akeha's patterns in eating.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2016, 09:18:25 PM by AndrewRogue »

Hunter Sopko

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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #102 on: September 27, 2016, 08:12:29 AM »
Contrary to the Lady's words, Vol takes a healthy drink from his cup before they indulge. He seems to manage the unwieldy vessel by drinking from the corner at an oblique angle, but it otherwise seems very proper. After that he sets it aside to begin eating, avoiding the rice in favor of the soup and pickles until it seems to wash the rice wine taste out of his mouth. After that he eats normally.

He sighs, half in amusement and half in reflection at Tora's words. "If only such a test were so, Tora. The Nexus, where I am from, sees the greatest of the world's spirits flowing through it, as well as a rich tradition of its own brews. Sadly, it is not the correct reflection. Though perhaps, at least, the negative connection will always hold true."


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #103 on: September 27, 2016, 08:15:07 AM »
"I would like to think we can help one another, shared blessings aside," replies Lee, unfamiliar with drinking from such tiny cups. Why not use a simple mug? She attempts to mirror Akeha's mode of consumption.

The food is easier to deal with. Lee was never a heavy eater, so slowing lifting up small portions and savoring them, one at a time, comes naturally. Some people might eat with a dignified restraint, but it's not hard to read Lee's mind as she takes in the exotic preperations and shudders with delight.

"Although I am unskilled and unwise in matters of commerce and trade, anyone can listen to a song and know have an idea of where it is going and if it is pleasing to the ears. The matter of foreign intercourse is not so difficult see when one paints in the broad strokes of the neophyte. Perhaps you might reveal to me the intricacies of your present phrase?

"After all, the port of Inaba occupies a crucial fragment of the Yellow River, where the occidental flats meet the oriental trees beneath a rich nation strongly rooted to historical grandeur. A noisy mingling of notes could ensue here to the betterment of all in every direction. And yet, I sense that the acoustics of the place and moment do not befit the song that could be sung. Before I add my colleagues to the list of players, perhaps you could tell me why this is so?"
« Last Edit: September 27, 2016, 08:17:27 AM by Carthrat »


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #104 on: September 27, 2016, 08:34:49 AM »
"Ah..." Akeha's eyes twist and glaze a little trying to find her way through Lee's verbal maze. After taking a full drink of plum wine, she seems to recover. "Suizasho is... reclusive, to the say the least. As a result of geography and history, Inaba is the sole gateway not hazarded by hungry ghosts and elementals driven mad, or demons wandering unbound. Rather than develop this sole road, for hundreds of years we have been turned inwards, and the kingdom at large is disinterested to the point of hostility to the wider world," she nods.

"Jade, iron, some other rarities... we import these for our silk, emeralds, and crafts. We mine our own silver, we are almost entirely self-sufficient for food. Inaba has been maintained only in so much as those goods benefit my Clan, and even then only just so. Among half the Clans, the philosophies of the Shogunate is deeply entrenched. They view themselves as inherently superior, the implicit rulers of creation by descent, but disinterested in the world beyond until our small empire is under their sway," she smiles sadly. "I would hope to change all that, to build a more effective trading port that can prosper and flourish on the river, and open up some of my homeland to the world."


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #105 on: September 27, 2016, 08:46:39 AM »
"I know what it's like to live in a reclusive world," muses Lee. "There is only self, and everything else is the not-self, a danger or menace that we treat like a dangerous beast. Unlike Suizasho, however, we had little choice but to trade for essentials, and indeed pay tribute to stronger neighbours from time to time. Necessity forces the child from home to seek their own path, and I suppose that your nation has yet to reach such a stage."

She sips slowly at the wine. "Truly, there are many who would envy your position. Yet you have no choice but to change things, do you? No choice but to succeed and prove your worth. Our worth.

"Allow me to suggest a simple beginning. My people have a large range of skills that might well foster local industry, and a number of homebodies besides who would be happy for a roof that doesn't sway with the waters. But I believe our greatest value to your cause will be- well, to do what we're best at! It is the nature of travelling minstrels to tell stories and pass on the news. To attract foreign wealth, I believe you must have people go out into the world and talk about Inaba. Songs tie the world together, and if you will forgive the lapse in poetry- it's how the ordinary people know of anything at all beyond their doorsteps.

"I would say that it's also necessary for people to go into your heartland and talk about the world..."

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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #106 on: September 27, 2016, 09:13:57 AM »
"Such has been Lady Hakuhi's desire since she arrived here in Inaba." Vol confirms, switching conversations seamlessly. He doesn't seem all that mystified by Lee's patterns of speech, though the laugh lines in his eyes are ever so creased. "Less to leverage her entire nation out from its reclusive nature, but to at least do right by her post and bring honor her father and clan for so sparing her. Either way, hers is a noble cause indeed, to which I owe my own presence here."

"Your simple beginning has merit. To wit, the docks could use a more advanced house of the performing arts to attract the eyes and coin of the many passing merchants. Details can easily be negotiated at our business meeting in a few days time, so I will speak of it no further. These are the times for introductions and making merry, and Lady Hakuhi would be most cross with me talking shop over our dinner." He smiles, taking his cup once more and drawing another deep, contemplating sip. "However, I would advise caution on the insistence of going into the heartland of Suizasho just yet."


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #107 on: September 27, 2016, 09:17:00 AM »
"You've not been there yourself, I take it?"

Hunter Sopko

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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #108 on: September 27, 2016, 09:26:01 AM »
He nods, "I have not. In my few weeks here I have been... labeled as quite the interloper by some of Lady Hakuhi's less restrained allies. The rest seem unable to hide the tenor of their gaze. It is by grace of the trust Lady Hakuhi has placed in me that I am able to work with their full cooperation. It is a welcome difference from the threats of death from the town's more corrupted businessmen, of course." he chuckles to himself. "My assumption is that this is on the polite side should I ever venture into the heart of Suizasho itself." He swirls his drink gently, taking another sip to punctuate the statement.


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #109 on: September 27, 2016, 09:35:29 AM »
"I fear you and I may have much in common," confides Lee. "Yet, then the only thing for it is to dive right in and play upon the excitement of our differences. Fear and desire are close relatives, I say. Attempt to cleave to the common ways and outsiders can only be marked for their inevitable failure to reach the mark. Accentuate the exotic and we may yet carve a place! True, the new becomes the old swiftly, but the first and second impressions weigh heavier than the tenth, you could say."

She sets her chopsticks down a moment. "Ah, in the spirit of proper dinners we should verily turn our talk to the topic of those townsfolk that tell terrific tales themselves to the teeming thousands. Who, pray tell, might seek a broadening of their horizons through my most personal effort to entertain?"


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #110 on: September 28, 2016, 03:09:56 AM »
As Khun mentions that people riding a cloud would be perceived as normal, Rishi just shrugs and mumbles "If you say so." And, to his surprise, it really was.

As they touch down, Rishi grabs his things and walks off of the cloud, thankful to have some solid terra under his feet. As Khun gets off the cloud, Rishi looks around and turns back to him. "So, do we want to ask the locals directly, or split up and try to gather information? I'm not certain exactly how well you know the villagers here."


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #111 on: September 28, 2016, 02:02:25 PM »
Akeha turns to Lee, raising her eyebrows. "Who indeed..." she thinks, pursing her lips.

"The four main silk factors, particularly since my predecessors spent much of their time entertaining them. Yasuki Shiro, Kakita Hiko, Doji Kirito, and Akashi Keiji. You may not wish to make your association with me that prominent in speaking to them. They miss their parties... though maybe the current one will engage them a little," she admits, shaking her head. "Kaiu Kawachi is a... not really 'former', but disassociated Crab clan samurai who runs the dockyard. He is not nearly as fanciful as the silk factors, but will value tales from abroad more than anything. Particularly of your sailing on the river, though beware - he is even more blunt and directly honest than I am. And Kurono Genbu, while he might not be your direct target, he runs the most well known and well established inn of Inaba. He would be your best gateway to the greatest of foreign merchants that visit us. They ask his advice on almost anything - how to gain an audience with me, where to seek entertainment while waiting for their ships to be loaded, whether or not Kawachi is gouging them on repairs..." she snorts softly.


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #112 on: September 28, 2016, 02:21:29 PM »
"Bluntness and honesty are masks in their own right," replies Lee, eyes sparkling a little. "The shortest mode of speech can hide a soul of the deepest passions, just as surely as an overuse of flowery verbiage can be used to conceal an absence of inward contemplation. I relish the struggle; there's nobody who's uninteresting in the world. To find someone a bore, uncouth or otherwise; why, 'tis the mark of the viewer, think ye not?

Lee nods to herself a little. "I shall engage in solicitations henceforth! Not wishing to deny the existence of our sorority, it is inn-keep and the dock-lord that I shall pay visitations to anon; I have decided. Now, might I indulge you tell me more of the four great clans I have heard of? Sounds it to me a tale of wooden crabs, iron cranes, jade chimera and golden manes!"


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #113 on: September 28, 2016, 05:57:22 PM »
"You may yet receive invitations from the silk factors, please do not spurn them overly should they do so... they may just be sour for the moment, and I hope to warm them to my presence," Akeha nods, seeming to relax a little bit from the wine and some strange comfort in new company.

"Our clans... there are the Crab, Crane, Lion, and Kirin Clans. There are also the Imperial Families, which is closer to a multitude of tiny clans with every form and fit imaginable, from which the Emperors are chosen," Akeha begins, working to phrase it all into Forest Tongue. "In each Clan there are a few major families... in the Crane we are ruled by the Uetsuru, I am of the Tetsuzuru, and then there are the Hikoutsuru and Kawazuru. The Lion Clan lives to our northeast and we suffer frequent conflicts over our borders with them... proximity and long differences have made relations perpetually fraught, and grudges only perpetuate it."

"To the immediate north and northwest are lands held by the Imperial Families, and beyond them are the Crab and Kirin clans. The Crab occupy a heavily fortified province to keep out the Earth spirits of the Black Mountains. While we in the Crane Clan find them impolite and stubborn even by my standards, lack of proximity has allowed us to avoid major conflicts. They are known for their strength, endurance, and their capacity to build and make weapons of war..." she hums. "The Kirin in the northernmost land are the most similar to us in their warmth and respect for negotiation. They occupy windswept plains and deserts, and some small northern stretch of the Black Mountains. The frozen deserts to their north are filled with spirits that will try to suck your soul from your lungs, so they say," she hums. "They are also very well known for their horses, having the largest herds and best breeding stock."


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #114 on: September 29, 2016, 12:52:19 AM »
"Ah-! Dread spirits that consume the breath? What a dreadful menace," replies Lee, hand on her chest as if to shield it from such a thief's imminent attentions.

"My sympathies to the Kirin for existing alongside such creatures. At least they can ride away from such terrors."


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #115 on: September 29, 2016, 12:53:26 AM »
"These are simple folks.  They like people who deal straight with 'em, and treat 'em well.  So, I'm just gonna walk into the Tenth River and say hi, catch up on some things, do some business, and ask what they know.  You could skulk around, but I figure they'll be happy enough to chat if you're upfront and clearly with me."

And with that, he suits his actions to his words, walking towards the Inn, stopping every few steps to exchange words with somebody, inquire about their health or someone elses, and answer questions, mostly about where his dog is and if Zhenli is alright.  Though this is usually answered as, 'with a friend,' he happily embellishes it a touch when a child asks, saying that a friend of his and her son could use a guardian for a bit, and Zhenli's the best guardian he knows, so he's with them.  But the next time he visits, Zhenli will be along to play.  In passing, near the end of each conversation (with the adults at least) he will ask if they know anything about five men who would have arrived recently.  Armed, and asking similar questions to the ones he had been asking the last time he had been here.


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #116 on: September 29, 2016, 04:10:36 AM »
Rishi brings a smile to his face, trying to be as unassuming as possible as he follows along behind Khun, keeping an eye and ear out for anybody in the distance spreading rumours of the five soldiers.


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #117 on: September 29, 2016, 07:04:07 AM »

Tota eats and drinks quietly, providing the occasional sound of agreement, smile, or nod. His mother no doubt recognizes it as his behavior when trying to take mental notes.


The people are happy to see Khun and they eagerly chat and engage, asking about little aches and pains that are easily prescribed.

One man nods. "You're asking about those folks that come from the town upriver, yeah? I told 'em they ought to go home. San is dead. The only safe place anymore is here along the Yellow River."

An older woman shakes her head sadly, "There are things out in the forest and the swamp. Men bred with beasts. Animals that speak. They even say San still walks the mists, hunting the things that have come. We've had some folks down south make it this way, saying monsters came and cleared out their whole village. We're safe up here so far, but... well... they were brave soldiers, but I expect you won't be seeing them again."

A young man takes a long drink from his cup. "I told them to go west and find Bajun if they wanted to see if the rumors were true. I left because I knew things were getting bad. Hunting hounds stalking the town. People started disappearing. Ghosts. The San no longer flows. Bad, bad omens."


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #118 on: September 29, 2016, 07:13:03 AM »
"Most don't go far enough north to encounter such terrors," Akeha assures, humming as the next course was brought. Delicately battered and fried vegetables and river shrimp were arranged with pickled ginger, and grilled trout with shredded radish.

"...Do pirestesses where you came from marry?" she suddenly asks, impulsive curiosity overtaking her, it seems. "We almost never see priests or monks here, I just realized. I haven't the faintest idea of religious practice beyond our realm."


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #119 on: September 29, 2016, 07:30:47 AM »
"High priestesses occupying an instrumental rank did not. It was taboo, as total dedication to our god and his cause were intended to supersede earthly relations," replies Lee. "For those uninterested or incapable of reaching those lofty heights- lesser acolytes, commoners, and so on- marriage was common, albeit a touch melancholy. You could say it wasn't a priority of our order, but the celebratory hymns did need their occasion to shine so the practice did secure state sanction."

She looks a tad disgusted at the thought, almost losing interest in the food.

"People are people, after all. Everyone wants someone to love and hold close. Children were often separated from their parents where we are from, which I now believe weakened the institution of the family to an unacceptable degree. It's the pillar of human relationships which all others ought to be built around, don't you think, Lady Hakuhi? Without family, are we anything more than drifting leaves?"


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #120 on: September 29, 2016, 07:49:59 AM »
Akeha's eyes flit to Tora for a brief moment of uncontrolled curiosity, but she quickly gets herself back under control. "Certainly... even for a child of nobility where I did not see my parents as much as others, they still are my first thought for who to seek aid or advice from," she agrees. "I can't imagine managing without them, or my aunts and uncles."

"The priesthood frequently marries in Suizasho. Only certain monastic orders eschew it," Akeha hums, pausing to eat a little, sipping at sake.

"And what role has Tora played in the world thus far?" she prods, turning her attention to Lee's son. "Such a highly placed mother of great performing renown surely must have had some impact..."


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #121 on: September 29, 2016, 08:08:32 AM »
Why, her son's exploits as an officer of Xanafai's seafaring militia are remarkable enough to impress anyone, let alone his achievements since they left that wretched hive! Certainly, there's no reason to question his skills or courage! Lee snags a piece of battered carrot and turns to glance at her son as well.


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #122 on: September 29, 2016, 08:17:25 AM »
At the mention of Bajun, Rishi turns to the young man. "Do you happen to remember how long ago that was?"

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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #123 on: September 29, 2016, 08:42:55 AM »
Vol seems quite content to eat quietly as they talk, though he does comment on a few of the people Akeha mentions with his brief impressions of them. He also takes in all the information he can, doing it a little less conspicuously than Tora, who's concentrated face Vol notes. At Akeha's blunt question, he cannot help the smile that spreads across his face, though he covers it by taking a long sip of his drink, finishing it and requesting another from the servant who brings in the next course. He settles in to eat, munching on one of the vegetables thoughtfully.


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Re: The Town of Inaba (Episode 1)
« Reply #124 on: September 29, 2016, 08:43:27 AM »

"Unfortunately, I was not blessed with the selfsame talents as my most illustrious mother, nor does parentage..." he hesitates for the briefest moment, taking a sip of the rice wine he still has, "...we were all expected to distinguish ourselves on own merits. My talents with song and performance are malodorous, rather than melodious." He smiles at Akeha, "But still, I sought my place and found it in a sulfurous burst of firedust. I have a modicum of talent when it comes to operating such armaments, and my knowledge became indispensable in teaching others to use them as well. While I would not boast so proudly as to compare myself to the skilled warriors under your command, I function quite adequately as a protector for my mother and my people."

"I also dabble in poetics, but it is a trifling affair, a study of the great masters of our land and the merest shadow of their art."


That particular man shrugs. "Couple days, I suppose?" He glances to his companions at the table who nod various agreement on order of -thereabouts- or so.