Author Topic: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)  (Read 19093 times)


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #25 on: October 15, 2016, 06:48:27 AM »
 ((OOC: Okay. You've got three choices for main path. Using the Wu River - Khun had a chat with her once, using the Si River, or using the San River - the one with the supposedly dead goddess.   Wu is the shortest and fastest, Si is the second, and San is the slowest. San has more more small shrines/temples along it, while Wu and Si have less.))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #26 on: October 15, 2016, 06:50:07 AM »
OOC: Let's take the Si River.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2016, 08:40:41 PM »
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> roll 9#d10
<Tarubot> 1,0Heroic_Pudding_Excal rolled :1,0 9#d10 --> 1,0[ 1d10=8 ]1,0{8}, 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}, 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}, 1,0[ 1d10=8 ]1,0{8}, 1,0[ 1d10=9 ]1,0{9}, 1,0[ 1d10=5 ]1,0{5}, 1,0[ 1d10=7 ]1,0{7}, 1,0[ 1d10=7 ]1,0{7}, 1,0[ 1d10=4 ]1,0{4}
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> roll 9#d10
<Tarubot> 1,0Heroic_Pudding_Excal rolled :1,0 9#d10 --> 1,0[ 1d10=3 ]1,0{3}, 1,0[ 1d10=10 ]1,0{10}, 1,0[ 1d10=10 ]1,0{10}, 1,0[ 1d10=1 ]1,0{1}, 1,0[ 1d10=3 ]1,0{3}, 1,0[ 1d10=7 ]1,0{7}, 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}, 1,0[ 1d10=4 ]1,0{4}, 1,0[ 1d10=10 ]1,0{10}
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> roll 9#d10
<Tarubot> 1,0Heroic_Pudding_Excal rolled :1,0 9#d10 --> 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}, 1,0[ 1d10=4 ]1,0{4}, 1,0[ 1d10=1 ]1,0{1}, 1,0[ 1d10=5 ]1,0{5}, 1,0[ 1d10=7 ]1,0{7}, 1,0[ 1d10=10 ]1,0{10}, 1,0[ 1d10=8 ]1,0{8}, 1,0[ 1d10=8 ]1,0{8}, 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> roll 9#d10
<Tarubot> 1,0Heroic_Pudding_Excal rolled :1,0 9#d10 --> 1,0[ 1d10=6 ]1,0{6}, 1,0[ 1d10=6 ]1,0{6}, 1,0[ 1d10=9 ]1,0{9}, 1,0[ 1d10=4 ]1,0{4}, 1,0[ 1d10=3 ]1,0{3}, 1,0[ 1d10=5 ]1,0{5}, 1,0[ 1d10=4 ]1,0{4}, 1,0[ 1d10=6 ]1,0{6}, 1,0[ 1d10=1 ]1,0{1}
<Heroic_Pudding_Excal> roll 9#d10
<Tarubot> 1,0Heroic_Pudding_Excal rolled :1,0 9#d10 --> 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}, 1,0[ 1d10=4 ]1,0{4}, 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}, 1,0[ 1d10=4 ]1,0{4}, 1,0[ 1d10=5 ]1,0{5}, 1,0[ 1d10=7 ]1,0{7}, 1,0[ 1d10=5 ]1,0{5}, 1,0[ 1d10=3 ]1,0{3}, 1,0[ 1d10=4 ]1,0{4}

Roll 1 - 5 suc  Succeed!
Roll 2 - 7 suc  Succeed!
Roll 3 - 5 suc  Succeed!
Roll 4 - 1 suc  Fail...
Roll 5 - 1 suc  Fail...

"I agree, going along the Si seems to offer the best chance of success.  Wu is wary and hostile, while the San is barren."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2016, 04:45:46 AM »
[19:26] <May> Half a day up the Si river, Akeha approaches Lee on the prow of the ship. "Have you ever done anything... even remotely like this?" she asks, curious and yet hesitant in her blue yukata and white hair swept up in a ponytail. "Sweep into a foreign nation like demi-gods, seeking an audience with their pantheon as if we have any such worth?" she asks, her voice tilting nervously.
01[19:38] <@AndrewRogue> The samurai stand at alert at various posts on the ship, while the boatsmen are far more relaxed and at ease. Though a few watch the waters  and shores nervously, as if the beasts could leap out at any moment.
[19:45] <Euphemia> "Something like it? Why, yes! Just the other day in Inaba," replies Lee, swirling about to face Akeha. The singer has returned to wearing her more relaxed brown skirts, with the addition of a heavy padded jacket that hangs loosely from her shoulders and looks just a touch too big for her. "Feudal lords, deities of the land, the general feeling is similar, don't you think?"
03[19:46] * Euphemia_ (uid75559@ has joined #DLExalted
[19:51] <May> "Just the other day? In Inaba?" Akeha chuckles softly. "That's an interesting perspective, though I hardly think we qualify as anything such as this," she gestures at the river. "I guess I understand your reference, though. But truly... what does one say to a God?"
[20:07] <Euphemia_> "It might sound trite, but it depends on the god," replies Lee. "Gods desire homage. Worship. Respect for their dominions, contributions to their aspect. We must begin by making it clear we recognize the Nine Sisters and their sway over the rivers of the land, and though I am not familiar with whatever ritual prayer the locals engage in, Master Khun and I
[20:07] <Euphemia_> have worked on developing appropriate paeans to their generosity to mankind.
[20:07] <Euphemia_> "After all, rivers give us their bounty of fresh water, fish, and easy movement, all vital thinks for the prosperity of mankind. It's important to show we understand that."
[20:21] <May> "Mmmm... it's like praying in person?" Akeha wonders, glancing out at the river, one hand resting on the pommel of her sword. " it always like thid? Have you ever spoken to Gods otherwise?" she wonders, staring towards the glow of the sun through the fog.
[20:21] <Euphemia_> "Not since we left home," replies Lee, turning aside slightly.
[20:30] <May> "And at home?" Akeha wonders quietly, not pushing Lee any closer with her gaze. "I was raised to revere the Dragon-Blooded, and now I find myself their anathema... how do you abandon the Gods you were raised with?"
[20:36] <Euphemia_> "We didn't abandon him. He abandoned us," replies Lee, refocusing on Akeha. "It would be foolish to maintain our fealty to a delusional murderer, which is all he turned out to be."
[20:44] <May> Akeha pauses, her eyes carefully measuring Lee. "You worshipped a single God? And rebelled against him?" she wonders, leaning on the railing of the ship.
[20:52] <Euphemia_> "That's right," replies Lee. "Not the kind of reputation a ruling lady would want in those she takes in, I imagine! But my daughter was killed over crossing a minor theological dictum, and in the dying threw into stark relief the insanity of our former temple. When you know evil, there's no righteous choice but to turn on it. Even if you've served it your
[20:52] <Euphemia_> whole life." She lowers her eyes. "We haven't met, but I think I will admire your father. I wasn't able to prevent Mia's death. Maybe I could have done something, but it's all the past now... But he was able to prevent yours! I think that is a marvellous thing."
[21:08] <May> "It's more a matter of interest than of repulsion," Akeha suggests carefully. "Your..." Akeha shudders visibly, shaking her head. "I'm sorry for probing, I didn't know that..." she struggles, just sighing deeply again. "We were merely fortunate enough that this all occured far from most prying eyes, and my father could control the steps taken..."
[21:14] <Euphemia_> Lee shakes her head. "Don't be sorry, please. I meant to talk about it sooner or later, and I do not mind sharing the story, just... it isn't the kind of thing you just tell someone out of the blue," she admits. "Certainly not during the first few times you talk to someone."
[21:14] <Euphemia_> She clasps her hands. "What do you suppose you shall do?" she wonders. "It would be difficult for things to remain at the status quo for long. There are many Chosen in this part of the world, so sooner or later our talents will be required and there will be no hiding anything..."
[21:25] <May> Akeha laughs bitterly. "We don't know," she admits, shaking her head. "In a time of peace I would have confidence... in Lord Uetsuru's value of my father and myself, of the skills of our Hikoutsur and Kawazuru cousins... but we are at ware with the Lion, and they will stop it nothing to destroy or disgrace us and take the northern hinterlands and their rich fields," she sighs, claspign her
[21:25] <May> hands in unconscious mimicry of Lee. "In Inaba and beyond, perhaps, there might be hope of hiding what I am. It is when things become too tumultuous within Suizasho that I worry the most. If I am called back to repel the Lion, there will be no hiding what I am. And we will have to answer for that to the priests."
[21:31] <Euphemia> "You believe that war is inevitable?"
[21:35] <May> "Wars of one sort or another between the Crane and the Lion have been inevitable for a few centuries now," Akeha muses. "Too many grudges, too many territories changing hands every few decades. The Dragon-Blooded that rules us live long enough to remember the last two, three wars? It felt as natural as tying an obi for us all, to move from skirmishes to bloody and bitter warfare, though the
[21:35] <May> deaths of our friends certainly did not..."
[21:40] <Euphemia> "Perhaps you were Chosen to settle the conflict once and for all?" suggests Lee. "One way or the other."
[21:45] <May> "The only way I can think of to settle it would be to destroy the Lion," Akeha admits, looking closely at Lee. "That would be a remarkable tumult for us... almost unthinkable."
[21:56] <Euphemia> "I wonder if it is that simple." Lee ponders this for a moment. "Might I ask who benefits from this conflict between your clans?"
[21:59] <May> "The Lion do, gaining access to farmlands they never had a right to..." Akeha muses. "The Imperial Families, as it keeps all four clans focused on one another more than them."
[22:07] <Euphemia> Lee nods for a moment. "So, if the Crane were to hypothetically uproot the Lion, it is not beyond the pale that the Imperial Families might well contrive other dangers to keep your clan distracted, if they could not prevent the balance tilting that far altogether?"
[22:11] <May> "At least, those Imperial Families without deep ties to us, yes," Akeha nods. "Most likely they would want to see us occupied by something or other on our rear flank, not just hte outside world that we can turn to our advantage."
[22:21] <Euphemia> "It's an unfortunate state of affairs, where your nation is kept in this constant state of turmoil," Lee replies, sympathetically. "The Lion are your immediate danger, of course. But the root concerns are deeper and more difficult to address, in a way," she muses. "Suizasho is a little too well defended. By geology, the Dragon-Blooded, and so on. Tora was telling me about it, actually. Most
[22:21] <Euphemia> of the Hundred Kingdoms to the west are faced with rivals at every corner, and as such the successful amongst them have very strong hegemons, but because Suizasho doesn't have to deal with that so much, internal conflict is inevitable.
[22:21] <Euphemia> "As well as that, you mentioned the Dragon-Blooded themselves are long-lived and carry old grudges, and are also revered as demigods by the ordinary people, giving them an unquestionable divine mein. Their concerns become holy concerns, their wars holy wars, of a sort. These two factors, I think, will ensure continued strife for some time. A kind of endless civil war which will never have
[22:21] <Euphemia> a victor. To me," she admits. "It seems quite a terrible situation. But perhaps it's not as bad as I'm making it sound?"
[16:49] <May> "It's not quite so terrible when a major conflict isn't in progress," Akeha offers wryly. "For much of my life thus far there have only been small skirmishes, minor quarrels about the terms of our peace... as a matter of national supply, the Lion can only field their regiments in times of plenty, or when the Crane do not stockpile rice at Kawazuru for fear of a Lion siege. But for us to
[16:49] <May> starve them so comes at great financial and political costs with the rest of the Clans and most Imperial Families. So we have been for decades," Akeha lifts and lowers her hands in opposite directions, a balancing act gesture. "Except when our Daimyo insult each other, and only Imperial intervention kept them from blows. Now irregardless of the harvest or costs we must be at war for the sake
[16:49] <May> of honor. There has been a pause with my exile, as courtiers maneuver for favor and try to play the sacrifice my father has made or the rumors of my status as a Forsaken against each other... I fear conflict will resume all too quickly though."
[17:09] <Euphemia> Lee inclines her head. "I can only assume they have the perfect religious excuse to recommence an assault. Calling you 'Forsaken', what rot..." She sighs. "I want to change that stigma. Perhaps by doing so, we can create new opportunities for you, and for your people? But I'd hope to avoid a war for as long as possible, for no matter the outcome it would only feed into the worst suspicions
[17:09] <Euphemia> of our religious detractors."
[17:23] <May> "If they could prove what happened," Akeha agrees, shaking her head. "For now it is only rumor, the tales of Lion soldiers that fled in fear... and among the Lion Clan, that paints you as quite an unreliable figure. And their Captain fled first... and accusation from Matsu Kita will be viewed with skepticism by the Lions and the other Clans, so until they can find some other proof than her
[17:23] <May> word..." Akeha smiles coldly. "We are at a standstill. The stigma... that will be hard to scrub away, certainly. We are proud descendants of the Shogunate that overthrew the Celestial Rule... I have some trouble reconciling myself with my own status..." she admits.
[17:30] <Euphemia> "Perhaps it would be a good time to discuss your doubts?" suggests Lee. "Why do you feel troubled still, in this regard?"
[17:34] <May> "Are we not the Celestial Harbingers of Tyranny that ruled Creation with iron fists, and were driven mad by the crimes of our creators in the Old Realm?" Akeha asks, the characterization of history flowing off her tongue with the ease of lacking any other belief.
[17:35] <Euphemia> "Are we?"
[17:38] <May> "I have never heard otherwise."
[17:42] <Euphemia> "But do you feel compelled to conquer your foes? To rule like a tyrant?" challenges Lee. "Certainly you are a warrior and will one day chase victory through bloodshed, but so what? You're in good company throughout the Hundred Kingdoms, a land filled with would-be conquered and warlords. And as for ruling with an iron fist, I've heard much of the Realm to the west and how it ruthlessly
[17:42] <Euphemia> subjugates states throughout the threshold. They talk a lot about Anathema as well, but have a poor sense of irony, to my reckoning..."
[17:42] <Euphemia> *conquerers
[17:51] <May> "I feel as I ever have, I think... my place is at the head of an army, seeing to the perpetuity and prosperity of the Crane Clan and Tetsuzuru family," Akeha shrugs. "Even if none of us have yet gone mad... don't the legends say we are bound to? That it's a perpetual curse on the Celestial orders?" She sighs, leaning onto the ship's railing. "More, I think, I just don't know what I am. Before
[17:51] <May> I was a mortal destined and foreshadowed to Exalt one day under the Dragon of Air, as my father did. I would be the champion of the clan, the eldest Exalted child. And now... now I have been granted yet greater power, but feel helpless to fulfill everything we could have hoped for. I have no purpose but to lead armies, that I still feel. But now which armies?"
[18:00] <Euphemia> "Is that what your legends say?" wonders Lee. "The ones I have heard say we are demons in human skin! Possessing the bodies of unfortunate mortals and plotting to bring darkness to all Creation!" She laughs, shaking her head. "All nonsense. Dragon-Blooded propaganda. I won't say I know the past, but I know those must be lies."
[18:00] <Euphemia> She frowns, though, and paces across the deck. "What is worth fighting for? We have our people to protect, to make proud, so that's obvious. But if we were alone in the world, I still think we would strive to achieve some purpose, some ideal."
[18:08] <May> "The standards of honor and civility taught to me as a Crane Samurai?" Akeha suggests wryly. "I have little else for purpose in the world... to be a guardian for my charges and see their lives administered with decency, to be a sagacious or at least competent sovereign or aid my sovereign in achieving such..." she sighs a bit. "In some ways that is a relief. I would make a poor family Daimyo,
[18:08] <May> and this insures one of my brothers will take the mantle instead. They are much better suited to court and administration."
[18:14] <Euphemia> "You feel that you would make a poor leader?" wonders Lee. "Inaba does not seem such a bad place, you know. And here we are, boldly striking out to deal with a threat before it can injure your people. A sound decision." She leans on the railing next to Akeha, turning her head to her with an encouraging smile.
03[18:25] * Euphemia is now known as Kallen
[18:28] <May> "Inaba offers a comparatively simple arena, and has handed me competent aids I can trust," Akeha admits. "Not the least of which is another Solar with a penchant for bureaucracy in Vol, who has few other loyalties to concern me," she shakes her head. "I wonder how well I would do with the more intricate politics of Imperial Court, or even just the Crane families. And I am happy to see my
[18:28] <May> brothers attend to that over myself. I still worry that something... some aspect of what we are now will be detrimental to what I hope to be, with all the tales of curses and madness... but what can I do?"
[18:37] <Magey> As Rishi's shift in the crows' nest ends, he drops down and notices Akeha and Lee talking to each other entirely separate from the rest of the crew, and wanders to stand with them, catching the last of what Akeha mentioned. "Sorry for intruding, but when it comes to curses and madness? You can keep your head up and do your damn best, and that's all anyone can ask for."
[18:39] <Kallen> "Exactly right. Besides, it's a blessing, not a curse. What else can you call it, when it affords us such power and skill?"
03[18:42] * Pluck ( has joined #DLExalted
[18:43] <Magey> "Oh, no, it's still a curse for sure, but that doesn't mean it's not also a blessing. We are blessed with power and skill limited solely by our imaginations, but we are also cursed to suffer the fate of a Destined, and that is either a gruesome one or a lonesome one. We will be bound to fight great foes and undertake epic tasks, such as this, but that also means greater risks, no?"
[18:46] <Pluck> "It is in no way a curse," Lee replies. "Our fates aren't set in stone. And how can we be lonesome? Why, we had one another to confide in, do we not?"
[18:49] <Magey> "I apologize, I am... not very good with my words. I meant that the ending to our tales will be such. We shall either be slain in a horrific fashion, driven to madness, or we shall die alone and forgotten in a dark corner somewhere. I fear that last one shall be mine, if my dreams are any indication."
[18:51] <Magey> "However! Regardless of what fate we shall see, we must keep moving forward, keep trying, keep aiming to do right no matter the obstacle. We are only Forsaken if we give in and let the innocent suffer, if we let evil reign."
[18:51] <Pluck> "Why do you say this will be our fate?" asks Lee, looking slightly shocked.
[18:51] <Pluck> M
[18:53] <May> Akeha just raises her eyebrows at the back and forth. "Clearly, in spite of our shared attribute, our myriad origins are on full display today," she laughs.
[18:56] <Magey> Rishi sighs audibly as he thinks to himself. "Dreams, stories, tales that I was told were mere myths and have proven true." He laughs with Akeha a small bit, then looks at both of them quizically. "Have neither of you been having strange dreams since the change? I sleep, and it feels like I am living another life, like it is more than just a dream, but I am lucky if I ever remember more than
[18:56] <Magey> the tiniest of slivers, such as a certain smell or a name I do not know."
[18:59] <Pluck> "Not as such," replies Lee. "I have received a command from the unconquered sun to make the world a righteous place, not prophetic visions."
[19:01] <May> "I receive none of this. Merely the confidence of power, the same urging of battle and victory in a new and soaring power commensurate with the blessing of the Unconquered Sun," Akeha adds, shrugging a little. "Were it not for being considered Anathema, I would have hardly changed perspectives."
[19:02] <Pluck> "Had I not been chosen, I would have died. It's hard to see it as a curse in that light."
[19:04] <Magey> "Hmm..." Rishi turns and looks over the landscape ahead. "I suppose it is more like this feeling that my life is not my own, that I am part of something more. Though I can't put a finger on why or how, so I suppose it is pointless to discuss. Especially as Khun would probably have a proper answer to why we all feel and experience our change so differently," he chuckles
[19:08] <Pluck> "There's no need for a special answer. We're not the same person, of course we will see things differently." Lee gestures to the ship, turning to lean her back against the railing. "But I can understand your feelings. We've been guided together by an invisible hand, have we not? And that's a blessing for certain. Let's look to the gifts we've received,
[19:08] <Pluck> rather than an imaginary dire fate."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2016, 05:38:18 AM »
Boat Folks

As the afternoon of your first day travelling down the Si wears on, you arrive at the first destination on your somewhat long journey: one of the many shrines dedicated to Si. This is a particularly large one and, according to the local boatsmen you brought, very well maintained. And indeed, that assessment seems accurate. The shrine is well maintained, an altar seemingly built into the weeping trees that line the riverbank, a scant few feet from the river. Incense burns en masse, and a few people kneel before it.

The man at the boat's helm, Jinhao, a former Nine Rivers boatsman who came to settle in Inaba over a decade ago, grunts. "Odd. Don't get people at these shrines much."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2016, 06:15:15 AM »
People often find their faith in times of crisis, Lee muses.

"We'll stop here," she says, instead. "Patroklia! Please go and fetch us some of the wine. We'll need to make an offering as well," she suggests, glancing at one of her handmaidens.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 06:31:19 AM by Carthrat »


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2016, 06:33:35 AM »
Boat Crew

Patroklia bows. "Of course, sensei. Will we also be offering a hymn for the mistress of this lovely river?"

Jinhao grunts, casting a brief look at Akeha for approval before he begins barking orders and directing the boat towards the small dock/tie near the shrine.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #32 on: October 17, 2016, 06:43:53 AM »
"Of course, just as we've practiced. Please tell the others to begin when we pour the wine," Lee instructs her.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #33 on: October 17, 2016, 06:44:42 AM »
Akeha nods her approval to Jinhao, eyeing the crowd curiously. She tries to gauge the group for what kind of persons have come to the shrine - peasant refugees, defeated soldiers, fleeing priesthood?


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #34 on: October 17, 2016, 07:03:19 PM »
As the boat begins nearing the crowd at the shrine, Rishi wanders over to find Khun. "Hey, is everything okay with the spirits around here?" He keeps his eyes focused on the surrounding area as they speak.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #35 on: October 17, 2016, 07:09:42 PM »
The samurai none-too-subtly take up defensive positions as the boat is brought up for mooring.

The people praying look up for a moment at the disturbance, but relax after a moment and return to their prayers. At a glance, they appear to be just simple locals, although one of them is dressed in the fine robes that you might expect a priest to wear.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #36 on: October 18, 2016, 06:48:25 AM »
Lee dismounts the ship once it arrives on the dock, taking slow and measured steps in the hopes of maintaining a respectful demeanour. Whether the god is worthy or not is unknown, to be sure.

"I see you, petitioners," she says, though her words are directed to the priest. "Might we make an offering to the goddess Si in our own style?" she continues, deciding that it never hurts to ask permission and it is a good chance to size them up besides.

Read Intentions, 3 motes spent on an excellency. I want to determine what kind of intimacies this group seems to hold towards Si- true belief, desperation, frustration, and so on. Pool sits at nine after normal stunt bonus.

9: [1: 1, 3: 2, 5: 1, 6: 2, 7: 2, 8: 1]  - 3 Successes


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #37 on: October 18, 2016, 08:15:22 AM »
The handful of people are again briefly disturbed by the interruption, but most of them, with the exception of the priestly looking fellow, return to their prayers. From what you can hear and see in their plaintive voices and hunched bodies, their prayers seem earnest.

The priest himself smiles, though it is a tired look. "Of course you may. Any who travel the rivers are welcome and encouraged to pay their respects to Tranquil Si. She is no stranger to strange offerings, for she welcomes all who would travel her domain in peace, even in these trying times."

((OOC: The four general petitioners all have a Minor intimacy of Faith (Si), while the individual you are speaking to has a Major intimacy of Devotion (Si).))

Hunter Sopko

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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #38 on: October 18, 2016, 08:21:03 AM »
<AndrewRogue> We shall pick up on the same day as Lady Akeha's departure. Are there any particular orders of the day you have to make sure of in your normal beauracratic affairs, Vol?
<Soppy> He has his routine, morning at the docks, afternoon in the office, visit the refugees, merchant district before dinner, office again at night. He won't really go out of his way to do anything special yet, and will use this to test his apparatus as it stands to see if it holds under the stress.
<Soppy> Not having to meet Akeha for her morning and nightly report frees up some time, but he will probably use the night slot for a joint meeting with Aiko and Hana.
<AndrewRogue> Then let us go a bit through the day. In the morning, the docks bustle as normal, fishers prepping for their days, merchants beginning the loading and unloading of goods.
<Soppy> Excellent! So far, so good!
<AndrewRogue> The faint fingers of fog burn off as the day progresses. All reports indicate that things are about as busy as expected.
<AndrewRogue> So apparently the rumors of Nine Rivers being a monster infested hell on Creation are vastly overrated.
<Soppy> Woo
<AndrewRogue> To the office. Your subordinates/compatriots/paper pushers are busy looking over various legal documents, crunching numbers, doing all that sort of stuff.
<AndrewRogue> However, one of the younger staff members will call for your attention. He's a plain boy, a little hard to remember. Hiroe, maybe?
<AndrewRogue> "Master Vol? May I have a moment of your time?"
<Soppy> "Yes, Hiroe?" he looks to him, name coming to mind immediately. It's not a huge office. "What's on your mind?"
<AndrewRogue> "I apologize for taking your time, but I wished to speak with you regarding the... refugees."
<Soppy> "That's alright. What is the issue?"
<AndrewRogue> "While I do not wish to question Tetsuzuru-san's civic mindedness or your own expertise, Master Vol, I fear the impact that this sudden influx of people is going to have on our economic safety. The contract you have established with them is quite generous, and we will be funneling a great deal of resources to them to help them establish themselves."
<AndrewRogue> "We are essentially bringing on beggars with the hope that they will both be able to repay an immense kindness through, again, our efforts. We must shelter them and carve out a niche for them in the same strokes."
<AndrewRogue> "What if the rumors of the trouble in Nine Rivers are true and trade dries? What if our coming harvests are disasterous? What if a dragon should swallow the fish in our river?"
<AndrewRogue> "There are a hundred curses that could befall us, and we leave ourselves all the more vulnerable now."
<Soppy> "It's a fair point to make, Hiroe. A calculated risk, admittedly. However, it is just the kind of kickstart the Inaban economy needs. The only drought we've suffered recently is in terms of population, if the figures I've seen can be trusted. Trade stagnated either on purpose, due to Suizasho's policy, or the indolence or ineptness of previous administrations. An influx of population can both benefit our town's economy once they get
<Soppy> on their feet, as well as assist in making our town a more desirable stop for trade traffic. The use of the long stored materials already creates a demand for replacement material the town can fill. The food is a concern, as always, but we've been tracking alternate suppliers from trade prices in case it becomes necessary to import food. A plan for the new worst case scenario is being developed, but let's not give in to our panic
<Soppy> so soon, shall we, Hiroe?" he smiles reassuringly to him
<Soppy> roll 11#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 11#d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
<AndrewRogue> The young man looks askance for a moment before bowing. "I suppose that is reasonable, Master Vol. I still have my concerns, but I shall defer to your expertise for the time being."
<AndrewRogue> "Thank you for your time. I shall have the sales reports ready by this evening."
<Soppy> "Of course. Do keep vigilant on the numbers, though. If you have specific concerns in the future, don't hesitate to inform me."
<AndrewRogue> "Of course, Master Vol."
<AndrewRogue> Everything else seems reasonably in order at the office. Onto the refugees?
<Soppy> Sure
<AndrewRogue> Tora is having a conversation with a red-headed woman at the time of your arrival, but he breaks it off with a polite nod as he catches your approach. "Ah, the master of the contract arrives!" He says with a smile.
<Soppy> He smiles in greeting to them both as he approaches, noting the red head's presence again at Tora's side. "Greetings, Master Tora. And who is this lovely lady?"
<AndrewRogue> She bows ever so slightly. "Subaki, Master Vol. One of Rishi's readers."
<AndrewRogue> Her Forest-Tongue is heavily accented, but not too difficult to understand.
<Soppy> "Ah yes. I recall him speaking of you. It is good to meet you finally." he bows back. "So it sounds like you have something for me already, Tora?"
<AndrewRogue> She smiles brightly and excuses herself.
<AndrewRogue> "Hm? Ah. Yes. I have been involve in interminable discussions with the others determining our particular needs and how they might be best met. While I would have rather discussed our housing arrangements, artists will be artists and they are most eager to get back to work."
<AndrewRogue> "And I must say, I now have at least 6 different concepts for an ampitheatre near the docks. I suspect this open air concept will best serve both our purposes. For what little I know of architecture, at least."
<Soppy> "Yes! I recall that. As I promised, I have discussed the issue with the local inns and craftsmen, and have a list prepared. It is a shorter list than I had hoped, but it should help to bring some money into your coffers. Particularly if they can be flexible." he fishes a piece of paper out of his robe and hands it over with the ten or so requests for singers, painters, and other trades
<Soppy> "I see. You have architects in your midst too? I should have suspected as much. Surely we can whittle down the numerous plans to something workable though." he nods
<AndrewRogue> He shall trade you a sheet with some rough concepts to be delivered to your local builders as well you and Lady Akeha. "Dilletantes, at least. I suspect we can defer to the grand expertise of your people." He scans the paper you delivered him. "I can see to it that we cover all this work satisfactory. I shall put out the call tonight."
<Soppy> "Excellent. Hopefully the limited number of slots won't cause infighting amongst you for the time being. But I suspect if you perform as well as your reputation has preceeded you, more work will come."
<AndrewRogue> "Ah, which reminds me." He fishes and delivers another piece of paper to you. "I believe you requested a list of those among us who might be able to imitate your local crafts?"
<Soppy> "Indeed." he takes it and scans it quickly, chuckling. "Nothing by halves, I suppose."
<AndrewRogue> "They should all be capable of doing the work, though they would need time to study it and make their final assessments, of course."
<Soppy> "So if I am to understand the meaning of this poem, you have no one availible?"
<Soppy> He speaks at almost the same time as Tora, and is a little caught off-guard.
<AndrewRogue> Tora blinks. "What?"
<Soppy> "Oh. You may have handed me the wrong piece of paper." he smiles gently and hands it back to him
<AndrewRogue> Tora takes it back and looks it over, frowning. "...ah. I do appear to have done that." He shall riffle back through the mess in the crux of his arms and makes a face as he jams the paper back into it. "I... will deliver the list to you later. My apologies."
<Soppy> He chuckles. "It is okay, Tora. It is admirable you follow in your mother's footsteps as much as you have walked down the martial path. Suizasho actually has a tradition of warrior poets. I would highly recommend you check the local bookstore for their works."
<AndrewRogue> He offers a somewhat lopsided smile. "Perhaps when we are better settled I shall have the time to investigate the works of Suizasho, but other matters are more important right now."
<Soppy> "Of course. Our masters have both so irresponsibly left town in this important time, and thusly goes our leisure time." he chuckles. "Was that poem for the lady, perchance?"
<AndrewRogue> "Master Vol, a poet writes a poem for the sake of the art. It belongs to no individual." He offers a more genuine smile. "Besides, did that read as a poem intended for something like courtship?"
<AndrewRogue> "It was merely an exercise to take my mind off our current difficulties that, unfortunately, was written at the self-same desk on which I have been conducting business. An apt metaphor for the trials of attempting to mix work and pleasure, perhaps?"
<Soppy> "From a certain point of view. But I'll digress. If you should require a change of scenery, I would not mind hosting you at the office and introducing you to the local bureaucracy. To help build bonds of trust, of course."
<AndrewRogue> He bows. "I appreciate the offer, Master Vol. Is there anything else I might assist you with at this time?"
<Soppy> "Not at the moment. Everything going well with your people this day? Projects moving along?"
<AndrewRogue> "As well as can be expected. We are quite eager to make friends here in Inaba, which distracts many, but my mother's students are consummate professionals and still accomplish their tasks."
<Soppy> "Excellent. Both will be necessary tasks for the future of your people, I believe. So don't be TOO hard on them." he smiles. "If that is all, I will continue my walk. Don't hesistate to contact me if you need anything, Master Tora."
<AndrewRogue> "Of course, Master Vol. The same unto you."
<AndrewRogue> To the merchant district?
<Soppy> Of course. He'll motion his twin set of bodyguards, which were a concession to Akeha in his time as administrator, to follow
<AndrewRogue> Onward and upward! You are unbothered in the merchant district. It is busy and peaceful.
<Soppy> Woo
<AndrewRogue> Nightly meeting with Hana and Aiko?
<Soppy> Which brings us to the first of our nightly meetings?
<Soppy> Yup
<AndrewRogue> The old and young woman are waiting for you and, unfortunately, neither of them looks particularly happy.
<AndrewRogue> "Master Vol." Hana says with a bow. "Vol." Aiko offers.
<Soppy> He expected this, of course. He smiles diplomatically to them and greets them formally. "Hana. Aiko. My greetings. Thank you for agreeing to these meetings. Lady Hakuhi and I meet quite often during the day to discuss things, but I figured it would be more manageable to gather you both once in the interm."
<AndrewRogue> Hana nods. "Of course. It is my pleasure, Master Vol."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko just makes a noise.
<Soppy> "So. It appears you have issues to bring to my attention, or at least opinions to voice. Aiko, why don't you start?"
<AndrewRogue> "There is a problem, and Lady Hana made a report that made it worse. There are items reported missing from the barracks. Not much, but enough for it to be unlikely the fools simply misplaced their belongings. Lady Hana reported to me this evening that some items from one of the warehouses may have also been spirited away, though she is quite unsure as to when it may have happened."
<AndrewRogue> The old woman takes it in stride. "My apologies Master Vol, but it was only discovered in the most recent inventory."
<Soppy> "Alright then. This would not be unusual under the old administration, but it does fly in the face of the strides we've made. May I ask what was taken?"
<AndrewRogue> "We lost weapons." Aiko snaps.
<Soppy> He nods, looking to Hana. "And in the warehouse?"
<AndrewRogue> "We appear to be short 3 sacks of rice, 2 of dried fish, a jar of pickled radishes, and both the crates of textiles we impounded from the merchant Aris Jor last month."
<AndrewRogue> "I currently have the inventory being redone, but I am confident that the first assessment was correct."
<Soppy> "The impound is located in a different warehouse than the food. So that would make three separate break-ins, correct?"
<AndrewRogue> "Yes." "Yes." They answer simultaneously.
<Soppy> "Are we sure the food is not due to a miscommunication from Lady Akeha's party taking them for their mission?"
<AndrewRogue> "It is not an impossibility, Master Vol. The manifests are accounted for, but if something extra were taken, it would certainly explain the matter."
<Soppy> "Well, we'll put that lower on the list of possibilities until the investigation concludes. The weapons are concerning. What exactly was taken, Aiko?"
* Luna has joined #DLExalted
<AndrewRogue> "2 spears, 4 chopping swords, and 2 buff jackets are unaccounted for."
<AndrewRogue> She looks away. "They had been improperly stored after a training session."
<Soppy> "Hmm. The buff jackets may be hard to track, but the others are a little more difficult to conceal if one intends to use them. Still. Were were they improperly stored?"
<Soppy> Where were
<AndrewRogue> "The training yard. The individuals responsible were during cleanup. I have been unable to find out whether they simply forgot the items or they were taken from the unlocked training armory." She is unhappy and quite annoyed.
<Soppy> "I see. A mini-crime spree, as it were." he looks back to Hana. "Tell me about Aris Jor. Was he on the list of names Rishi provided to us that came to him regarding targeting the new administration?"
<AndrewRogue> Hana shakes her head. "Not to my knowledge. He was simply a petty cheat who had been avoiding taxes on goods up and down the Yellow River."
* Luna has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Soppy> "I suppose the value of the goods were also of no import? And no contraband was found in the shipment upon inspection?"
<AndrewRogue> "They were poor imitations of fashions from Nexus. Virtually worthless. If I recall the incident correctly, that could be said of most of what he carried and what he failed to disclose. I can, of course, have the report brought to you at your earliest convenience."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko taps her foot impatiently.
<Soppy> "Well, petty crime is a worry of cities everywhere. As are thefts of opportunity. Hana, if you can arrange some surprise inspections this week to search for the weapons, I would appreciate it. Aiko, impress upon your people the importance of properly putting things back in place?" he prods in jest
<AndrewRogue> Hana nods. "Of course, Master Vol."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko is far less amused. "They will not make that same mistake twice. However, Vol, you should understand that this is -exactly- the wrong time for a rash of thefts to occur."
<AndrewRogue> "I will make sure that among the White Fire none jump to conclusions that would shame Tetsuzuru-san, but I worry if this is not indeed the result of a mistake by the paper pushers in organizing Inaba's goods, we shall have a problem."
<Soppy> "I am aware. But if you'll remember, crimes such as these occurred at a much higher rate before Lady Hakuhi and I arrived, if they were even noticed at all. But your concern is noted." he sighs, considering things. "Yes. We will double-check things on our end, but as per our agreement we left the tracking of troop inventory to you after our original audit. But allow us let calm heads prevail, and investigate these things as they should be."
<AndrewRogue> "I will, of course, bow to your expertise in managing numbers and storage." Aiko says with a cool politeness. "And we will not rush into anything. I simply wish to make sure you understand the gravity of this. Should this spread beyond us, the trouble will be obvious."
<Soppy> "I am curious, what you think the trouble will be and how quickly it will spiral out of control?"
<AndrewRogue> "Should word get out and such incidents continue, blame will undoubtedly fall to Inaba's newest arrivals, no matter how foolish an idea it is."
<Soppy> "Of course. And we should work to prevent anyone with an agenda from hampering the process." he looks to Hana. "Ensure that no one makes counts alone on the follow-up inventories. We might catch something that way."
<AndrewRogue> That one actually catches Hana a little by surprise, but the old woman nods. "Of course."
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<Soppy> He shrugs, "Perhaps an excess of initiative, I'll admit."
<AndrewRogue> "No. My apologies, Master Vol. It is a wise choice that I regretfully did not consider myself."
<Soppy> He looks to Aiko. "I will leave it to your discretion to ensure this doesn't happen again on your end as well."
<AndrewRogue> "It will not." She says.
<Soppy> "I'll take you at your word on that, Lady Aiko." he gives her the first look that might be considered stern
<AndrewRogue> "You already have it."
<AndrewRogue> The pair have nothing else of note to report!
<Soppy> roll 4#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 4#d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}
<Soppy> 2 successes
<Soppy> Or 3
<Soppy> 3 successes
<Soppy> roll 1#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 1#d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}
<Soppy> 4 successes
<AndrewRogue> 10#d10
<AndrewRogue> roll 10#d10
<Tarubot> AndrewRogue rolled : 10#d10 --> [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}
<Soppy> So close
<AndrewRogue> To what? You enjoy a pleasant walk home.
<Soppy> I see
<AndrewRogue> Sleep tight, Vol.
<Soppy> Heh
<Soppy> And no one ate dinner that night


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #39 on: October 18, 2016, 09:44:07 AM »
Lee smiles, advancing to remove the stopped from the blue-tinted bottle of wine, such that she may respectfully pour it upon the altar and allow it to drink into the river. With a raise hand, she signals her crew to begin a gentle song that evokes a simpler, peaceful time- a comforting melody that is an entire world apart from the much more impassioned compositions those present may have heard in the past.

As the strings and peaceful flute merge with the land and transform their surroundings, Lee adds her voice to the fray- long notes, individual words that rise and fall slowly over time, encapsulating a world of emotion within the breath.

Praise for the deepest rivers
Running still, a mirror to the world
Showing to us our depths through yours

Oh! Gleaming with the sun's carress, you coyly hide your face
But we feel through the smoothness of your surface
Your blessings as we float on by
Never forgetting us
For the depths remember all

Through mists and fog
Rock and beast
Guide us with your love
And your tranquil, quiet strength

For the world and time are rivers too,
And as their trials are unending
Gentle Si, teach us to step through danger
Towards the shining lands beyond the hill

OOC: Inspire attempt, using performance+charisma to try and inspire hope in everyone present, attempting to play off intimacies to Si. Using Masterful Performance Exercise,Perfect Harmony Technique, and 2m of performance excellency on the roll (cost reduced to 1 by HPM). Total pool inclusive stunt will be 11(perf+cha+speciality) + 3 (harmonious presence meditation) + 2 (excellency) + 2 (stunt), with +1 success, rerolled 1s, and double 9s, costing 3 motes. phew.)

('Everyone' includes the actual goddess if metaphysically possible, since this hymn is also a form of prayer...)

[19:42] <Kallen> .ex 18 d9
[19:42] <Luna> Kallen: 18 d9: [1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 3, 6: 2, 9: 4, 10: 3]  - 14 Successes
[19:42] <Kallen> .ex 1
[19:42] <Luna> Kallen: 1: [10: 1]  - 2 Successes

17 successes total.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #40 on: October 20, 2016, 05:20:18 AM »
The performers lapse into a peaceful, smiling silence. Patroklia will step up to reclaim the wine from you.

Although the petitioners do not look up from their prayers, the observant can see their shoulders occasionally shake with gently restrained sobs.

Even the priest wipes at his eyes. "A beautiful tribute to a kind goddess. These ears feel unworthy to have heard it."

"Warm and wise words should be heard by all," comes from a voice by the riverside. Standing at the edge of the river is a tall woman, her ebony hair cascading down her shoulders and over the azure robes that seem to ripple and flow. She smiles faintly at all in attendance.

The priest kneels and the petitioners, having turned, also kneel.

"It has been some time since I have heard such beautiful words uttered in my name. I welcome you and yours to my domain."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #41 on: October 21, 2016, 05:30:49 AM »
Lee turns to the approach goddess, offering her a bow rather than genuflecting; never again, she suspects, will she go so low for a terrestrial deity. But there's nothing wrong with being polite.

"We brave and lucky few are pleased to greet you, Tranquil Si," she says. "I am Lee Aaeiko, Priestess of the Unconquered Sun. Forever may he illuminate the sky and chase away darkness, in and out our hearts. My compatriots and I have heard of dire news from these lands, and now, from places near and far, we have come to see for ourselves, to lend our hands and shoulders if need be. For there are things in the world that must be protected, never besmirched."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #42 on: October 21, 2016, 05:59:44 AM »
"I am Akeha Tetsuzuru, daughter of Iron Crane on the banks of the Silver River." Akeha bows more deeply than Lee had, but likewise treats Si more as a revered elder than as an overwhelmingly superior being.

"As the Unconquered Sun does shine all the same on my home river and your tranquil demesne, so I feel compelled to offer my arm in aid to our neighbors upon the news that foul unbeings had inflicted themselves on the noble Nine Rivers. Please accept our presence in the spirit of charitable concern, for our waters flow closely together."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #43 on: October 21, 2016, 06:17:31 AM »
She looks at you curiously, and then adjusts her tone. "It is my pleasure, Priestess Aaeiko. The Land of Nine Rivers is one that wishes to welcome visitors, even in these troubled times." As she advances, it is possible to see that the surface of her robes really do seem to move, with lilies floating over them and perhaps even the dark wisps of fish within their depths. "You speak brave words, though you know not the truth of the ill that poisons our land. The rot of the Wyld seeps through our land, and though we wish to wash it away, we must bide our time, for the one who sang us such lovely songs and won our treasures is the one who now welcomes the taint that poisons our source."

She offers Akeha a smile. "Welcome, child of the Proud Silver. Your promise of aid is welcome, but think carefully about such things before you say them. To rush into things often delivers one to their end faster."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #44 on: October 21, 2016, 04:58:42 PM »
Rishi is immediately distracted from his question as Lee begins her song, enraptured by the melody despite being unable to understand the lyrics. He tears up a little, and wipes away the tear as he quietly applauds.

As the strange figure appears and begins conversing in two separate languages, one with Lee and one with Akeha, Rishi moves to be with the two of them and follows their lead in bowing, though he remains silent so as not to interrupt their conversations.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2016, 01:48:54 AM »
"Trouble comes whether we wish it or not, and without action is like a weed. The Wyld more so," replies Lee, drifting a step closer to the goddess. "Tell of this one, this singer who charmed you so. For to use song for perfidy and the spreading of epitomized disaster is a terrible event that strikes directly to my core, beyond even ordinary devotion."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2016, 05:14:19 AM »
"He came to our home long ago, with a clear and pure voice that charmed all those who heard it. The fools who ruled the land were won over by his gentle words and soft smile, and we the same. He hid it well, but we could see the glimmers of the shining light of the Unconquered Sun burning within him. But we welcomed him and his warm voice and simple promises. We entrusted our lands to him, and, eventually, our sacred treasures. So kind, he was. Too kind, perhaps."

"The things he could not change ate at him, and he began to lose himself in worldly pleasures, unable to see beyond each moment's joy. When the fae came, they offered him new joys, and filled his ears with whispers and promises, and he has traded his lands and his people to have them fulfilled. I once hoped his senses might return, but fear little remains of the kind man who ruled Nine Rivers remains. He barters the lives of those on the edges of our land and opens the door to the lands beyond Creation wider by the day."

"But impetuous action has already cost the lives of two of my sisters, one lost for fury, one lost for love. I, Patient Si, bide my time and wait and for that my own banks are spared that my people might live longer and see the day when his madness is ended and the Fae banished."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #47 on: October 23, 2016, 05:27:15 AM »
"It cannot be so!" declares Lee, with an uncharacteristic hint of anger. "The Unconquered Sun does not bestow his gifts on those who would turn them to the service of chaos!"
« Last Edit: October 23, 2016, 05:31:46 AM by Carthrat »


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #48 on: October 23, 2016, 05:36:45 AM »
"As filth can be washed away and reveal unknown beauty, so too can the purest river be choked with mud and weeds." Si meets Lee's eyes levelly.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2016, 05:41:24 AM »
"I cannot accept this! Where can I find this ruler?" demands Lee, becoming agitated; her words reverberate through the air, causing reeds to stir and the waters to ripple. "I will uncover the truth! I will destroy someone presumptuous enough to wield the Unconquered Sun's holy name in inequity!"