Author Topic: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)  (Read 18818 times)


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #100 on: November 01, 2016, 07:45:07 AM »
Akeha grins with the elation of combat, letting the creature step out of her range and orienting closer to the far more off balance one in spite of the deep wound. She was a bit overextended, and eyed both of them warily. Filled with the power of the Unconquered Sun, she is surrounded in a blazing aura of flame, white hair aglow and ichor dripping from her spear. "I will end your taint on Creation, Un-beasts," she hisses.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #101 on: November 02, 2016, 05:52:27 AM »
Cloud Riders

Akeha: 3
Thing 1: 10; 14 Damage
Thing 2: 1

The other  thing will also attempt to pull back from the encounter, making to spring quickly after its ally.

((OOC: Disengage attempt. I'm assuming the roll in chat was your counter? As such, he fails.))

<@AndrewRogue> .ex 8
<Luna> AndrewRogue: 8: [2: 4, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 1, 8: 1]  - 1 Success

<May> .ex 8
<Luna> May: 8: [1: 2, 2: 1, 4: 2, 6: 1, 7: 1, 10: 1]  - 3 Successes

Thing 1: 10; 14 Damage; Short Range
Akeha: 8
Thing 2: -6

Thing 1 will continue to bail as fast as possible, his leaves rustling with the speed of his departure.

The crowd is doing its best to scatter still.

Former Boat Riders

At about this point, what with Rishi having murder hearing, I believeyou guys will get the first inklings of trouble, what with distant shouting and all.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 09:07:39 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #102 on: November 02, 2016, 06:06:52 AM »
As the group presses on, through the silence Rishi is able to make out the sounds of the villagers, their voices faintly drifting to him through the wind. He turns sharply to the others, "Trouble!" and snaps his hands to his bow, pulling it out and stringing it as he leaps into the trees, bounding from branch to branch, climbing ever higher with his newly heightened athletic abilities until he's able to get high and close enough to have a clear view of the village with his sharpened senses, one arrow already knocked and ready to be drawn.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #103 on: November 02, 2016, 06:47:43 AM »
Lee puts aside her disquieting considerations; considering that they are rushing into trouble, she wastes no-time unleashing a battle-cry as she rushes in Rishi's wake!
« Last Edit: November 02, 2016, 08:34:53 AM by Carthrat »


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #104 on: November 02, 2016, 06:53:20 AM »
((OOC: At full go, let's say... 3 rounds will land you at the village proper. We'll adjust if the battle moves towards you.))

Hunter Sopko

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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #105 on: November 03, 2016, 09:45:04 PM »
<AndrewRogue> We shall pick up on the same day as Lady Akeha's departure. Are there any particular orders of the day you have to make sure of in your normal beauracratic affairs, Vol?
<Soppy> He has his routine, morning at the docks, afternoon in the office, visit the refugees, merchant district before dinner, office again at night. He won't really go out of his way to do anything special yet, and will use this to test his apparatus as it stands to see if it holds under the stress.
<Soppy> Not having to meet Akeha for her morning and nightly report frees up some time, but he will probably use the night slot for a joint meeting with Aiko and Hana.
<AndrewRogue> Then let us go a bit through the day. In the morning, the docks bustle as normal, fishers prepping for their days, merchants beginning the loading and unloading of goods.
<Soppy> Excellent! So far, so good!
<AndrewRogue> The faint fingers of fog burn off as the day progresses. All reports indicate that things are about as busy as expected.
<AndrewRogue> So apparently the rumors of Nine Rivers being a monster infested hell on Creation are vastly overrated.
<Soppy> Woo
<AndrewRogue> To the office. Your subordinates/compatriots/paper pushers are busy looking over various legal documents, crunching numbers, doing all that sort of stuff.
<AndrewRogue> However, one of the younger staff members will call for your attention. He's a plain boy, a little hard to remember. Hiroe, maybe?
<AndrewRogue> "Master Vol? May I have a moment of your time?"
<Soppy> "Yes, Hiroe?" he looks to him, name coming to mind immediately. It's not a huge office. "What's on your mind?"
<AndrewRogue> "I apologize for taking your time, but I wished to speak with you regarding the... refugees."
<Soppy> "That's alright. What is the issue?"
<AndrewRogue> "While I do not wish to question Tetsuzuru-san's civic mindedness or your own expertise, Master Vol, I fear the impact that this sudden influx of people is going to have on our economic safety. The contract you have established with them is quite generous, and we will be funneling a great deal of resources to them to help them establish themselves."
<AndrewRogue> "We are essentially bringing on beggars with the hope that they will both be able to repay an immense kindness through, again, our efforts. We must shelter them and carve out a niche for them in the same strokes."
<AndrewRogue> "What if the rumors of the trouble in Nine Rivers are true and trade dries? What if our coming harvests are disasterous? What if a dragon should swallow the fish in our river?"
<AndrewRogue> "There are a hundred curses that could befall us, and we leave ourselves all the more vulnerable now."
<Soppy> "It's a fair point to make, Hiroe. A calculated risk, admittedly. However, it is just the kind of kickstart the Inaban economy needs. The only drought we've suffered recently is in terms of population, if the figures I've seen can be trusted. Trade stagnated either on purpose, due to Suizasho's policy, or the indolence or ineptness of previous administrations. An influx of population can both benefit our town's economy once they get
<Soppy> on their feet, as well as assist in making our town a more desirable stop for trade traffic. The use of the long stored materials already creates a demand for replacement material the town can fill. The food is a concern, as always, but we've been tracking alternate suppliers from trade prices in case it becomes necessary to import food. A plan for the new worst case scenario is being developed, but let's not give in to our panic
<Soppy> so soon, shall we, Hiroe?" he smiles reassuringly to him
<Soppy> roll 11#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 11#d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
<AndrewRogue> The young man looks askance for a moment before bowing. "I suppose that is reasonable, Master Vol. I still have my concerns, but I shall defer to your expertise for the time being."
<AndrewRogue> "Thank you for your time. I shall have the sales reports ready by this evening."
<Soppy> "Of course. Do keep vigilant on the numbers, though. If you have specific concerns in the future, don't hesitate to inform me."
<AndrewRogue> "Of course, Master Vol."
<AndrewRogue> Everything else seems reasonably in order at the office. Onto the refugees?
<Soppy> Sure
<AndrewRogue> Tora is having a conversation with a red-headed woman at the time of your arrival, but he breaks it off with a polite nod as he catches your approach. "Ah, the master of the contract arrives!" He says with a smile.
<Soppy> He smiles in greeting to them both as he approaches, noting the red head's presence again at Tora's side. "Greetings, Master Tora. And who is this lovely lady?"
<AndrewRogue> She bows ever so slightly. "Subaki, Master Vol. One of Rishi's readers."
<AndrewRogue> Her Forest-Tongue is heavily accented, but not too difficult to understand.
<Soppy> "Ah yes. I recall him speaking of you. It is good to meet you finally." he bows back. "So it sounds like you have something for me already, Tora?"
<AndrewRogue> She smiles brightly and excuses herself.
<AndrewRogue> "Hm? Ah. Yes. I have been involve in interminable discussions with the others determining our particular needs and how they might be best met. While I would have rather discussed our housing arrangements, artists will be artists and they are most eager to get back to work."
<AndrewRogue> "And I must say, I now have at least 6 different concepts for an ampitheatre near the docks. I suspect this open air concept will best serve both our purposes. For what little I know of architecture, at least."
<Soppy> "Yes! I recall that. As I promised, I have discussed the issue with the local inns and craftsmen, and have a list prepared. It is a shorter list than I had hoped, but it should help to bring some money into your coffers. Particularly if they can be flexible." he fishes a piece of paper out of his robe and hands it over with the ten or so requests for singers, painters, and other trades
<Soppy> "I see. You have architects in your midst too? I should have suspected as much. Surely we can whittle down the numerous plans to something workable though." he nods
<AndrewRogue> He shall trade you a sheet with some rough concepts to be delivered to your local builders as well you and Lady Akeha. "Dilletantes, at least. I suspect we can defer to the grand expertise of your people." He scans the paper you delivered him. "I can see to it that we cover all this work satisfactory. I shall put out the call tonight."
<Soppy> "Excellent. Hopefully the limited number of slots won't cause infighting amongst you for the time being. But I suspect if you perform as well as your reputation has preceeded you, more work will come."
<AndrewRogue> "Ah, which reminds me." He fishes and delivers another piece of paper to you. "I believe you requested a list of those among us who might be able to imitate your local crafts?"
<Soppy> "Indeed." he takes it and scans it quickly, chuckling. "Nothing by halves, I suppose."
<AndrewRogue> "They should all be capable of doing the work, though they would need time to study it and make their final assessments, of course."
<Soppy> "So if I am to understand the meaning of this poem, you have no one availible?"
<Soppy> He speaks at almost the same time as Tora, and is a little caught off-guard.
<AndrewRogue> Tora blinks. "What?"
<Soppy> "Oh. You may have handed me the wrong piece of paper." he smiles gently and hands it back to him
<AndrewRogue> Tora takes it back and looks it over, frowning. "...ah. I do appear to have done that." He shall riffle back through the mess in the crux of his arms and makes a face as he jams the paper back into it. "I... will deliver the list to you later. My apologies."
<Soppy> He chuckles. "It is okay, Tora. It is admirable you follow in your mother's footsteps as much as you have walked down the martial path. Suizasho actually has a tradition of warrior poets. I would highly recommend you check the local bookstore for their works."
<AndrewRogue> He offers a somewhat lopsided smile. "Perhaps when we are better settled I shall have the time to investigate the works of Suizasho, but other matters are more important right now."
<Soppy> "Of course. Our masters have both so irresponsibly left town in this important time, and thusly goes our leisure time." he chuckles. "Was that poem for the lady, perchance?"
<AndrewRogue> "Master Vol, a poet writes a poem for the sake of the art. It belongs to no individual." He offers a more genuine smile. "Besides, did that read as a poem intended for something like courtship?"
<AndrewRogue> "It was merely an exercise to take my mind off our current difficulties that, unfortunately, was written at the self-same desk on which I have been conducting business. An apt metaphor for the trials of attempting to mix work and pleasure, perhaps?"
<Soppy> "From a certain point of view. But I'll digress. If you should require a change of scenery, I would not mind hosting you at the office and introducing you to the local bureaucracy. To help build bonds of trust, of course."
<AndrewRogue> He bows. "I appreciate the offer, Master Vol. Is there anything else I might assist you with at this time?"
<Soppy> "Not at the moment. Everything going well with your people this day? Projects moving along?"
<AndrewRogue> "As well as can be expected. We are quite eager to make friends here in Inaba, which distracts many, but my mother's students are consummate professionals and still accomplish their tasks."
<Soppy> "Excellent. Both will be necessary tasks for the future of your people, I believe. So don't be TOO hard on them." he smiles. "If that is all, I will continue my walk. Don't hesistate to contact me if you need anything, Master Tora."
<AndrewRogue> "Of course, Master Vol. The same unto you."
<AndrewRogue> To the merchant district?
<Soppy> Of course. He'll motion his twin set of bodyguards, which were a concession to Akeha in his time as administrator, to follow
<AndrewRogue> Onward and upward! You are unbothered in the merchant district. It is busy and peaceful.
<Soppy> Woo
<AndrewRogue> Nightly meeting with Hana and Aiko?
<Soppy> Which brings us to the first of our nightly meetings?
<Soppy> Yup
<AndrewRogue> The old and young woman are waiting for you and, unfortunately, neither of them looks particularly happy.
<AndrewRogue> "Master Vol." Hana says with a bow. "Vol." Aiko offers.
<Soppy> He expected this, of course. He smiles diplomatically to them and greets them formally. "Hana. Aiko. My greetings. Thank you for agreeing to these meetings. Lady Hakuhi and I meet quite often during the day to discuss things, but I figured it would be more manageable to gather you both once in the interm."
<AndrewRogue> Hana nods. "Of course. It is my pleasure, Master Vol."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko just makes a noise.
<Soppy> "So. It appears you have issues to bring to my attention, or at least opinions to voice. Aiko, why don't you start?"
<AndrewRogue> "There is a problem, and Lady Hana made a report that made it worse. There are items reported missing from the barracks. Not much, but enough for it to be unlikely the fools simply misplaced their belongings. Lady Hana reported to me this evening that some items from one of the warehouses may have also been spirited away, though she is quite unsure as to when it may have happened."
<AndrewRogue> The old woman takes it in stride. "My apologies Master Vol, but it was only discovered in the most recent inventory."
<Soppy> "Alright then. This would not be unusual under the old administration, but it does fly in the face of the strides we've made. May I ask what was taken?"
<AndrewRogue> "We lost weapons." Aiko snaps.
<Soppy> He nods, looking to Hana. "And in the warehouse?"
<AndrewRogue> "We appear to be short 3 sacks of rice, 2 of dried fish, a jar of pickled radishes, and both the crates of textiles we impounded from the merchant Aris Jor last month."
<AndrewRogue> "I currently have the inventory being redone, but I am confident that the first assessment was correct."
<Soppy> "The impound is located in a different warehouse than the food. So that would make three separate break-ins, correct?"
<AndrewRogue> "Yes." "Yes." They answer simultaneously.
<Soppy> "Are we sure the food is not due to a miscommunication from Lady Akeha's party taking them for their mission?"
<AndrewRogue> "It is not an impossibility, Master Vol. The manifests are accounted for, but if something extra were taken, it would certainly explain the matter."
<Soppy> "Well, we'll put that lower on the list of possibilities until the investigation concludes. The weapons are concerning. What exactly was taken, Aiko?"
* Luna has joined #DLExalted
<AndrewRogue> "2 spears, 4 chopping swords, and 2 buff jackets are unaccounted for."
<AndrewRogue> She looks away. "They had been improperly stored after a training session."
<Soppy> "Hmm. The buff jackets may be hard to track, but the others are a little more difficult to conceal if one intends to use them. Still. Were were they improperly stored?"
<Soppy> Where were
<AndrewRogue> "The training yard. The individuals responsible were during cleanup. I have been unable to find out whether they simply forgot the items or they were taken from the unlocked training armory." She is unhappy and quite annoyed.
<Soppy> "I see. A mini-crime spree, as it were." he looks back to Hana. "Tell me about Aris Jor. Was he on the list of names Rishi provided to us that came to him regarding targeting the new administration?"
<AndrewRogue> Hana shakes her head. "Not to my knowledge. He was simply a petty cheat who had been avoiding taxes on goods up and down the Yellow River."
* Luna has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Soppy> "I suppose the value of the goods were also of no import? And no contraband was found in the shipment upon inspection?"
<AndrewRogue> "They were poor imitations of fashions from Nexus. Virtually worthless. If I recall the incident correctly, that could be said of most of what he carried and what he failed to disclose. I can, of course, have the report brought to you at your earliest convenience."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko taps her foot impatiently.
<Soppy> "Well, petty crime is a worry of cities everywhere. As are thefts of opportunity. Hana, if you can arrange some surprise inspections this week to search for the weapons, I would appreciate it. Aiko, impress upon your people the importance of properly putting things back in place?" he prods in jest
<AndrewRogue> Hana nods. "Of course, Master Vol."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko is far less amused. "They will not make that same mistake twice. However, Vol, you should understand that this is -exactly- the wrong time for a rash of thefts to occur."
<AndrewRogue> "I will make sure that among the White Fire none jump to conclusions that would shame Tetsuzuru-san, but I worry if this is not indeed the result of a mistake by the paper pushers in organizing Inaba's goods, we shall have a problem."
<Soppy> "I am aware. But if you'll remember, crimes such as these occurred at a much higher rate before Lady Hakuhi and I arrived, if they were even noticed at all. But your concern is noted." he sighs, considering things. "Yes. We will double-check things on our end, but as per our agreement we left the tracking of troop inventory to you after our original audit. But allow us let calm heads prevail, and investigate these things as they should be."
<AndrewRogue> "I will, of course, bow to your expertise in managing numbers and storage." Aiko says with a cool politeness. "And we will not rush into anything. I simply wish to make sure you understand the gravity of this. Should this spread beyond us, the trouble will be obvious."
<Soppy> "I am curious, what you think the trouble will be and how quickly it will spiral out of control?"
<AndrewRogue> "Should word get out and such incidents continue, blame will undoubtedly fall to Inaba's newest arrivals, no matter how foolish an idea it is."
<Soppy> "Of course. And we should work to prevent anyone with an agenda from hampering the process." he looks to Hana. "Ensure that no one makes counts alone on the follow-up inventories. We might catch something that way."
<AndrewRogue> That one actually catches Hana a little by surprise, but the old woman nods. "Of course."
<Soppy> He shrugs, "Perhaps an excess of initiative, I'll admit."
<AndrewRogue> "No. My apologies, Master Vol. It is a wise choice that I regretfully did not consider myself."
<Soppy> He looks to Aiko. "I will leave it to your discretion to ensure this doesn't happen again on your end as well."
<AndrewRogue> "It will not." She says.
<Soppy> "I'll take you at your word on that, Lady Aiko." he gives her the first look that might be considered stern
<AndrewRogue> "You already have it."
<AndrewRogue> The pair have nothing else of note to report!
<Soppy> roll 4#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 4#d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}
<Soppy> 2 successes
<Soppy> Or 3
<Soppy> 3 successes
<Soppy> roll 1#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 1#d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}
<Soppy> 4 successes
<AndrewRogue> 10#d10
<AndrewRogue> roll 10#d10
<Tarubot> AndrewRogue rolled : 10#d10 --> [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}
<Soppy> So close
<AndrewRogue> To what? You enjoy a pleasant walk home.
<Soppy> I see
<AndrewRogue> Sleep tight, Vol.
<Soppy> Heh
<Soppy> And no one ate dinner that night
<AndrewRogue> I believe when we last left Vol, he was walking back to his place to sleep for the night?
<Soppy> Aye. Can't get enough of that Sugar Crisp!
<AndrewRogue> Unfortunate.
<AndrewRogue> Since you're out.
<AndrewRogue> Seriously though. You sleep through the night perfectly well.
<AndrewRogue> Another misty morning rises on Inaba. What's the plan today, Vol?
<Soppy> To the office!
<AndrewRogue> The office! There are people there! The kind who do work!
<Soppy> Awesome! He has the bestest staff!
<AndrewRogue> Hana is notably absent.
<Soppy> "Good morning everyone." he chimes happily, seeing people in hard at work. He gives the daily call, "Anything to report today?"
<AndrewRogue> But Hiroe is quick to intercept you. "Good morning, Master Vol."
<AndrewRogue> "Hana wished me to report that she would be late this morning, as she personally oversaw the audit of both the warehouse and impounds." He casts a sidelong glance at some very tired looking beauracrats, before handing over a stack of papers.
<AndrewRogue> "She asks for your forgiveness, but, and I quote, 'this old soul can't do these late nights so well anymore.'"
<Soppy> Vol looks to the man with a raised eyebrow. "Did she now?" he looks the man square in the eyes. While he figured there would be a chance Hana would be late this morning, this direct quotation seems slightly off. He takes the papers, but keeps his eye on the man.
<Soppy> Motive Discerning Technique
<Soppy> Substituting Wits for Perception
<Soppy> roll 8#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 8#d10 --> [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}
<Soppy> Ew
<Soppy> 2 Successes, since Double 9's
<AndrewRogue> Stunt 1, so +2 Dice.
<Soppy> 2#d10
<AndrewRogue> (Lemme give you Stunt Dice, bro)
<Soppy> roll 2#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 2#d10 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}
<Soppy> NO
<Soppy> Don't give me stunt dice bro
<AndrewRogue> Perhaps the sleep is still fuzzing up your head a little, but you have more trouble than expected reading past Hiroe's smile.
<Soppy> He'll break off smoothly, flipping through the papers and speed reading. "Just have her meet me when I return from the docks this afternoon then."
<AndrewRogue> He bows. "Of course, Master Vol."
<Soppy> So what's the report say?
<AndrewRogue> The papers themselves will confirm that the previously discussed items are indeed unaccounted for. In addition, she discovered that a missing box of dried fruits and two sacks of cloth were missed in the initial inspection.
<AndrewRogue> A note states that the items were stored improperly, which is part of why it hadn't been noticed previously despite the warehouse organization.
<Soppy> In Hana's handwriting?\
<AndrewRogue> Hm... yes. You are 99% sure that it is indeed hers.
<Soppy> He'll cross-reference it with another report of her's to be sure. If that checks out, he'll continue as normal
<AndrewRogue> Cross-reference will definitely get you that last 1%.
<AndrewRogue> Normal takes you next to the docks?
<Soppy> He'll shrug off the bit of paranoia with a sigh, stretching out before finishing his work there and heading to the docks
<AndrewRogue> Another bustling, busy day at the docks, but there does seem to be a little bit of tension in the air today? A few people from boats that've been in Inaba for a couple days are talking quietly and in hushed tones. A few look pretty stormy.
<Soppy> He'll go to one he's reasonably familiar and has had positive dealings with. "Greetings, Rastlin. How fares the Yarovan Trade Company this morning?"
<Pluck> Jb
<AndrewRogue> "Ah, Master Vol." He bows half-heartedly, just enough to be polite. "Worse than they could be. It appears one of my idiot apprentices misplaced some of our goods." The larger man shoots a dark look at a pair of young traders in training.
<Soppy> "Misplaced?" he looks at the apprentices, then at the tension of the crowd. "This bout of greenhorn inattention seems to be catching. What, perchance, was misplaced?"
<AndrewRogue> He eyes you levelly. "You trying to get an edge on me, paper pusher?" After a moment though, he laughs and slaps you on the back.  "Just one of the pots of Azarel Eels I had. Slimy buggers, but folks down in Nine Rivers love 'em."
<Soppy> "Mm." he smiles graciously for the information, "I shall keep my eyes open for it. I do keep my minions properly driven on inventory. If it turns up, I will have it forwarded to you." he nods. "Tense morning, is it not?'
<AndrewRogue> He shrugs. "I guess? I mean, losing wares certainly..." he considers his words and rephrases slightly, "Annoys me. Don't really have time for other folks problems when you've got a payday coming, though."
<Soppy> "Mm. Well. Don't let me keep you. Safe travels and good bargaining." he nods to the man, patting him on the back in return and moving onto the next to get a sense. He'll visit two or three more in total, to get a sense of what's the matter.
<AndrewRogue> Hm. Give me a Socialize or Presence + Charisma. People are being a little catty about it, so you'll need to talk folks around to get answers.
<AndrewRogue> (Target # 1)
<Soppy> roll 8#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 8#d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
<Soppy> 3 successes
<AndrewRogue> From what you can gather, a couple of things. The troubles in Nine Rivers are, of course, on a LOT of traders minds right now since the rumors have been escalating recently. It also sounds like one or two merchants are claiming they've been robbed, and are looking the way of Inaba's recent acquirees as a cause.
<Soppy> He'll seek those merchants out in particular to assure them that the missing items will be searched for and found. I suppose roll to instill a Minor Intimacy of trust in either Vol or Inaba's bureaucracy or law enforcement?<G>
<AndrewRogue> If you would like to try and do such! Target # 2 we'll say.
<Soppy> Socialize, Charisma, Specialize in Diplomacy, I guess?
<Soppy> roll 9#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 9#d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}
<Soppy> 7 successes
<AndrewRogue> Whoops, should have given you a thing. Yes amd yes. You are successful and those individuals, hwile unhappy, are temporarily mollified.
<Soppy> Well. This seems to be spinning out of control quite fast with thievery. I suppose heading back to see Hana is in order
<AndrewRogue> Back to the office?
<Soppy> Yep
<AndrewRogue> Upon arrival you will discover that Hana has indeed arrived.
<AndrewRogue> "Good afternoon, Master Vol. I apologize for my lateness." She says with a polite bow.
<Soppy> "It is alright, Hana. You did good work last night." he bows in return. "The plot thickens, as they say. Several ships are reporting wares missing."
<AndrewRogue> She rubs her eyes. "I suppose it would be too much to hope that they are simply staffed by incompetents?"
<Soppy> "Ordinarily, I would chalk it up to that. But it's a rather sharp increase, either in theft or incompetence. So either way, it needs to be gotten to the bottom of."
<AndrewRogue> "Of course, Master Vol. We at your disposal. Though would this not be more an issue for Lady Akiko and the samurai?"
<Soppy> "Yes, I do intend to pass this to them. We did what we could in our second pass of inventory, so I'll do what I can with Aiko now. Take a long lunch today, get your bearings back, and be ready for the meeting tonight, okay?" he smiles to her
<AndrewRogue> She bows again. "Of course, Master Vol. Is there any particular information you would like me to prepare?"
<Soppy> He considers this a moment. "No. Prepare your regular report. Keeping your ear open for anything else unusual, of course."
<AndrewRogue> She nods
<Soppy> Instead of heading to the refugee quarters, he will seek out Aiko instead
<AndrewRogue> Aiko is easily found at Akeha's offices, though she looks quite unhappy to see it. "What is it now?" she asks before you can get a word out.
<Soppy> The office or me?<G>
<AndrewRogue> *you
<Soppy> "It appears our problem has spread to the docks. Several merchants are reporting missing or stolen goods."
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<AndrewRogue> "I've got ears. I've been trying to figure out if it's true."
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<Soppy> "Mm. What do you have so far?" he asks curiously, in clear deference to her abilities/knowledge
<AndrewRogue> She throws up her hands. "That someone is making a very big mistake by crossing Tetsuzuru-san's White Fire. But the claims do appear to be legitimate. Of course, there are no witnesses. The night fogs have been bad lately, so it is easy enough to sneak around if someone wanted."
<AndrewRogue> "It took some doing, but it sounds like things were left out, so just easy targets of opportunity."
<AndrewRogue> "Am a little surprised nothing actually valuable has been taken during this apparent crime spree, though."
<Soppy> "Possibly testing, possibly coincidence, possibly just a thief hoping that these are innocuous enough not to be missed..."
<AndrewRogue> "What would you even do with all this junk?"
<Soppy> "Well, it is mostly food and clothing. So one suspect would immediately jump to mind, of course. The amount is getting hard to conceal though... I wouldn't doubt they'll be found soon if someone's dumb enough to hide it all in the same place. Also would work as a bang-up frame-job."
<AndrewRogue> She sighs in irritation. "I will have to put extra eyes on our guests. It can't be avoided at this point."
<Soppy> "I reluctantly agree. If it is them, they deserve to be caught. If not, the extra eyes may spy someone attempting to plant evidence." he sighs. "I will attempt to wander as I can through the camp today, see if I turn up anything."
<AndrewRogue> She nods. "I will also double the active watch on the dock as well. We can't be everywhere at once, but I will be damned if I let a thief run wild in Inaba."
<Soppy> "Well, we know where they've been. They've hit the town's warehouses and the dock's. As far as we know they haven't hit businesses in the town proper, or the warehouse the refugees have been drawing their material from. Night patrols, with irregular timing. Hopefully the fog won't interfere too much..."
<AndrewRogue> That gets a laugh out of her. "You leave your office late, don't you? The last week has been bad enough that you can barely see your own hands in front of you."
<Soppy> He laughs easily with her. "Yes, I know. But dumb luck and bad timing has played a part in many moments in history." he concedes the point, but not the issue
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<Soppy> "By the way, can you lend me someone? I'm about to head to meet with Tora, set him about poking around and see if it's been planted. Having someone with him to keep him honest would be reassuring to many folk, and is probably a better idea before we set more guards out."
<Soppy> "So someone who knows how to investigate those kind of things."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko rubs her eyes. "Yes, probably. Hira Hideki has sharp eyes, and I should be able to excuse him from the remainder of his duties."
<Soppy> "Thank you." he nods graciously. "Please await his initial report before setting the extra guards out. I will meet near the construction zone."
<AndrewRogue> "Yes, I know how to do my job." Aiko growls.
<AndrewRogue> (To the interlop- guests?)
<Soppy> "Of course." he says passively, sliding smoothly into the next moment. "If there's nothing you have for me, I'll see you tonight."
<AndrewRogue> "Yes, yes."
<Soppy> Vol will exheunt, moving towards the immigrant district now. "Hmmm. Really need to work on what we call that. Branding will be important for that. Eh, I'll toss it to Tora. They're the creative types..." he murmurs in self-thought.
<AndrewRogue> ("Filthy Magic Gypsyville")
<AndrewRogue> Do you intend to wait for Hideki, or just expect him to find you?
<Soppy> Whoops. Sorry. Room didn't flash
<Soppy> I'll seek out Tora at first, probably lead him to a public place to talk so Hideki can find him.
<AndrewRogue> Tora is easily located, flanked by a few of his own people, walking briskly about. He'll wave you over the moment he notices you. "Ah, Master Vol. Just the man I wanted to see."
<AndrewRogue> He'll snag a pile of papers from a woman, and then dismiss the whole lot of them. He looks quite tired, to be honest.
<Soppy> "Aha. Such concern, Master Tora. What can I help you with?"
<May> .ex 15
<Luna> May: 15: [1: 1, 3: 3, 4: 3, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 2, 9: 2, 10: 1]  - 7 Successes
<May> .ex 3
<Luna> May: 3: [1: 1, 5: 1, 10: 1]  - 2 Successes
<May> (7 successes total, I forgot stunt dice)
<AndrewRogue> "We appear to be short on some of the goods we've purchased as part of the loan. Nothing much, a bag of rice or two and the such, but someone must have miscounted when things were delivered. But it is another thing that apparently I have to sort."
<May> .ex 23
<Luna> May: 23: [2: 4, 3: 2, 4: 1, 6: 2, 7: 2, 8: 4, 9: 5, 10: 3]  - 17 Successes
<May> (14 health levels of damage)
<AndrewRogue> "I truly do not understand the mind a beauracrat. No offense, of course, Master Vol. You are and admirable sort, but these forms and figures are quite maddening."
<Soppy> "I see. I can add you onto the list of apparant victims then." he sighs, hmming. "Quite a few other people have been reporting missing items. Are those the papers there?"
<AndrewRogue> He tilts his head. "Ah. That would explain the rumors I've heard as of late. And possibly some of the dirty looks." The papers are shaken in your general direction. "Yes. As well as the artisan list."
<Soppy> "Thank you. I'll make use of the latter." he scans the documents.
<Soppy> Is there a name of Vol's employee that handled it?
<AndrewRogue> Why yes. Hiroe oversaw that one, and his signature is on the form authorizing the sale of goods and the quantities.
<Soppy> He'll note that. Anything else seem odd?
<AndrewRogue> Everything seems on the up and up, near as you can tell. Hiroe followed your instructions regarding sales on the loan to the letter.
<AndrewRogue> You'll also have about 24 folks of varying craftskills, with Tora's impressions of their skills noted. He doesn't seem to have listed anyone that he considered less than competent, though
<Soppy> "Alright then. I'll look into this. It's too widespread to be simple incompetence. Everyone seems to be steamed about something today, and the mood is different than the kind of larceny that used to go on here before I arrived." He sighs. "Eyes are turning towards you, yes. I do want to head it off though. You haven't noticed any... extra items appearing in your possession? I'm worried people might try using you guys as a patsy."
<AndrewRogue> Tora shakes his head. "I can ask around, of course."
<AndrewRogue> "Honestly, not many people from Inaba have come this way, outside of a small few who have come... invited."
<AndrewRogue> "Then again, it isn't as if we can see much the last few nights."
<Soppy> "Exactly. That's where my worry lies, really. Crimes of opportunity, at best? Or conspiracy of opportunity at worst. I have to conclude someone is doing this, so if I can cross out some possible motives, all the better."
<AndrewRogue> "Well, to be frank, none of us have had anything particularly ill to say of Inaba's citizens. All told, your town has been among the most welcoming we've encountered."
<AndrewRogue> "A few odd stares here and there, but certainly that would suggest a systematic conspiracy to drive us out."
<AndrewRogue> *nothing that would
<Soppy> "Mm. There were those that disagreed with our stance towards you. Higher on the list are those who would use you to discredit the current administration, of which there are several that come to mind. But as of yet, the theory is as vapor as the night fog. Hard evidence is what I am searching for. Unfortunately, it does mean an increased guard presence around town."
<AndrewRogue> Tora nods. "Of course. We will watch ourselves and make extra sure that we cause no problems. And, if there is anything we can do to assist you and yours, please ask."
<AndrewRogue> "It would be a poor return of gratitude if our presence were used as a weapon against Lady Tetsuzuru."
<AndrewRogue> *Hakuhi
<AndrewRogue> At about this point, Hideki shall arrive and bow. "Master Vol, I have come as asked."
<Soppy> "We are going to have investigators poking around checking for signs of break-in. In your case, the man assigned will also be checking for the possibility of planted evidence. I am assured he is professional and diligent, though I have never met the man myself. Ah, here he is."
<Soppy> "Tora Aaeiko, Hira Hideki." he introduces the two
<AndrewRogue> The two men bow towards each other, exchanging greetings.
<Soppy> "Aiko briefed you on your duty?" he asks Hideki
<AndrewRogue> Tora nods. "I am to determine whether any of the stolen goods can be found here and determine how they arrived here."
<AndrewRogue> "I am to operate discreetly, as these people are the trusted guests of Tersuzuru-san."
<Soppy> "Excellent. Don't let me keep you then." he nods to the both of them, heading off to the office with the papers
<AndrewRogue> Did you have any particular questions/inquiries for the evening report? Neither Hana nor Aiko will have new discoveries at this time.
<Soppy> No, but at the office he will look up the companies from the dock can recall making theft claims and their latest paperwork on file, checking to see who was in charge of them.
<AndrewRogue> Let us see.
<AndrewRogue> Jarik Toir from Nexus claims a loss of 10 dresses and suits (a popular new style). Hana estimated his claim to be in excess of the actual value of the goods.
<Soppy> That ol' chestnut that started it all. Alright. Next.
<AndrewRogue> Biyu Ji cites a loss of a crate of oranges. She's a regular along the Yellow River who generally deals in fruits.
<Soppy> Less looking at the loss claims, more the paperwork and who filed it originally.
<AndrewRogue> Ah.
<AndrewRogue> (Pupper walk required. So going to do that now)
<Soppy> For those that HAVE actual manifests, who accepted the original claims and checked them as cleared?
<AndrewRogue> Hana and Hiroe, case depending.
<Soppy> Hmm. And there are several other employees that do this job that don't have these kind of claims?
<AndrewRogue> Yep. Not to say Hana and Hiroe's names don't show up on some of those as well.
<AndrewRogue> But the other four who deal with manifests have not had hands on the problem cases.
<AndrewRogue> (Now foot soak. BRB again)
<Soppy> So Hiroe and Hana are responsible for the original manifest claims that are being checked against for the loss claims. They also handled the loss claims. It's a pattern for sure, but is it important.
<Soppy> Hmm. It wouldn't give them opportunity, and if there are no irregularities to try and fudge numbers and grab the excess inventory... the numbers on both the original cargo manifests filled out by the companies and the loss claim counts done by us are all kosher, right?
<Soppy> Nor does it tip hand at motive. Mrf.
<Soppy> Dead end here, probably?
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<AndrewRogue> (Back)
<AndrewRogue> Hm. Hm. Hm.
<AndrewRogue> Yes. The paperwork is kosher.
<AndrewRogue> At this point, the thefts do seem to be legitimate thefts, not paper thefts.
<Soppy> Well, it's something at least. He'll scamper to his meeting then
<AndrewRogue> (If you are truly stuck at some point, feel free to make Wits + Investigation to get some additional feedback on possibilities)
<AndrewRogue> Hana and Aiko are both there and their reports will mesh with the information you have discovered thus far.
<AndrewRogue> Aiko is still waiting to hear back from Hideki, who is apparently being -quite- thorough in his work.
<Soppy> Better to be thorough.
<Soppy> "So what to you make of that pattern, Hana? I mean, I know you and Hiroe do the bulk of those checks, but it is a coincidence."
<AndrewRogue> "Well, it is, of course, impossible to deny that it could be coincidence. If we are truly dealing with thieves, then it is not impossible for them to have only hit things that my or Hiroe's paperwork would be associated with."
<Soppy> "You know the docks better than I do. Is there a physical proximity to those berths?"
<AndrewRogue> "While I would not suspect either of us would be stupid enough to be so obvious as to manipulate our own paperwork, framing, is, of course, a possibility. Either I him, he I, or either of us a third party."
<AndrewRogue> The old woman pauses, lost in thought. "Though I suppose a double bluff would be..." she shakes her head. "My apologies. The berths..."
<AndrewRogue> "Yes. They were near each other, I believe."
<Soppy> "It would be hard to pull off. The cargo manifests are written out by the crews, and don't appear to be altered. The handwriting shares no consistencies with each other either." he unfurls a handy map of the docks, a slapdash one made for planning, but helpful. "Can you mark it?"
<AndrewRogue> Marks are made, designating the far eastern berths.
<Soppy> He also marks down the immigrant warehouse where Tora's goods were supposed to be stored after they were claimed. Close?
<AndrewRogue> A bit deeper into town since they were being kept seperate, but yes, in fact, also on the far east side of Inaba.
<Soppy> "Hm. Well, I'm sure Hideki will come back and tell us this as well. But it does start to jump out. And we know where to focus the guards."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko nods.
<Soppy> "We know the warehouse, the docks, what else is in this part of town?"
<AndrewRogue> Aiko looks at the map. "Not much. That's part of why the warehouses were concentrated there. Rocky riverfront further east. The old shrine. Some of the unfortunates live out that way too. Our training fields are right up here."
<Soppy> "The training fields were the weapons were stolen... okay..." he marks those too. "That shrine, that's the one no one uses anymore, right?"
<AndrewRogue> "Correct."
<Soppy> "What did it pray to? Do either of you know? I'm having bad thoughts of this being connected to what Lady Hakuhi may be dealing with."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko shrugs. "Some old god of this land once. I believe it was last used to beseech whatever local spirits would accept the offerings taken there. But that was years ago. It's overgrown and unused now."
<Soppy> "Mm. With the spirits supposedly stirring all along the river, it will be something we'll have to check into if the goods don't turn up in our initial investigation." Is the shrine in a central location to all the other ones?
<AndrewRogue> Nope. Shrine actually sits a bit outside of Inaba.
<AndrewRogue> "You cannot honestly suspect this is the work of a spirit?"
<AndrewRogue> "What, the devil of petty theft seeks to ruin us?"
<Soppy> He makes a mental note to check the area out tomorrow during the day, after his inspection of the dock. He smiles to the speaker, Aiko I assume, "It's low on the list of probabilities., but given the nature of Lady Hakuhi's latest mission, worth keeping in mind should nothing more solid materialize. If nothing else, it presents an opportune place to stash stolen items."
<AndrewRogue> She frowns. "Shall I send someone to look?"
<Soppy> "Yes. Tomorrow morning. The fog's already set in."
<AndrewRogue> She nods. "Fine. Then I will double the patrols tonight and we shall have our thief."
<Soppy> "Mm. That'll do for tonight then. Anything else non theft-related?"
<AndrewRogue> Hana smiles. "No, that aside, things are going quite well."
<AndrewRogue> Aiko nods her curt agreement.
<Soppy> "Alright then. Send Hideki's report over to my office in the morning then. Meeting ajourned."
<AndrewRogue> Meeting adjourned!
<AndrewRogue> Donny work another late night and head out?
<Soppy> This is an awful lot of respect he's getting if he's Donny
<AndrewRogue> *Vol
<Soppy> He'll probably try, but head home slightly earlier than usual
<Soppy> Already distrupted the routine, lots of stuff floating around his head. Hard to concentrate
<AndrewRogue> Once more, give me an Awareness + Perception.
<Soppy> K. Plus a bonus for Danger Sense?
<AndrewRogue> Hm. The answer remains non.
<Soppy> Hm? You said yes last time. And Sensory Acuity Prana I guess. Dat fog
<AndrewRogue> Did I?
<AndrewRogue> I did not. You only got 4 dice.
<Soppy> Ah, I see. Awareness and Perception is 5 for me, I just accidentally rolled 4 and had to roll the last one
<Soppy> roll 5#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 5#d10 --> [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
<Soppy> 4 successes.
<AndrewRogue> roll 10#d10
<Tarubot> AndrewRogue rolled : 10#d10 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}
<AndrewRogue> That's some bad rolling
<Soppy> That's... a botch?
<AndrewRogue> Nah
<AndrewRogue> Both is no successes + 1
<AndrewRogue> *Botch
<Soppy> Ah. Thought it was 1's outnumbering successes
<AndrewRogue> Through the thick fog that seems to muffle even sound itself, you hear the faint noise of something shattering in the distance.
<Soppy> Vol, thankful of Aheka's insistence he at least wear his buff coat to and from work, can't help but stop and try to figure out the direction of the noise
<AndrewRogue> I think we will paus on that unexpected success, eh?
<Soppy> Heh
<AndrewRogue> roll 6#d10
<Tarubot> AndrewRogue rolled : 6#d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}
<AndrewRogue> So. I believe when we last left off, Vol was dealing with a strange sound, a crash somewhere in the distance. What does he want to do with that?
<Soppy> What direction of town is it in?
<AndrewRogue> Why, it'd be towards the east. Over towards the warehouses and all that.
<Soppy> Off course! This is the way. He will head towards it, carefully. Also looking for any of the extra guards Aiko posted.
<AndrewRogue> The fog is like... I don't know, a really thick miso soup. It is quite terrible to see. If you are just looking for one, give me Perception + Awareness (Target 1)
<AndrewRogue> Is miso a thick soup?
<AndrewRogue> I think it is, but I'm not sure
<Soppy> No, but it is cloudy
<AndrewRogue> Opaque
<AndrewRogue> Not thick
<Soppy> roll 5#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 5#d10 --> [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}
<Soppy> 2 successes
<AndrewRogue> You can stop yourself from running headlong into a man carrying a spear as he patrols, struggling to keep his eyes open.
<AndrewRogue> He on the other hand is almost entirely oblivious to you.
<Soppy> "At attention, sir." he snaps.
<AndrewRogue> The guard snaps to attention, his ponytail whipping through the air. "Ah. Master Vol!"
<Soppy> "I heard the sound of a window being smashed in the east district on my way home. Come with me."
<AndrewRogue> "Sir!" he whisper-shouts, aware that the fog gives you all an advantage.
<Soppy> He will continue on towards the sound, doing his best to ensure the guard follows.
<AndrewRogue> How will you be attempting to approach? Swiftly? Steathily?
<Soppy> Stealthily. Easily Overlooked Presence charm activate! 3 motes, down to 5/13 personal.
<Soppy> Better for crowds, but should work in thick fog.
<AndrewRogue> (Guard does not benefit as a heads up, so as you near what you think is the locale, you might want him to hang back)
<Soppy> (I figured)
<AndrewRogue> He is easily commanded to hang back, though just barely.
<AndrewRogue> Based on your recent examinations, you know you're coming up on one of hte warehouses.
<Soppy> Which one?
<AndrewRogue> Loaner one. Storage for traders, locals, and the like. One of the places that had not been hit yet.
<AndrewRogue> (Goods not belonging to or confiscated by Inaba)
<AndrewRogue> Not generally too full given you guys aren't Nexus or anything, but still good to have.
<Soppy> Mm. He'll go back and bring the guard over slowly, telling him to wait outside unless he gives a signal. Then he'll try to head inside
<AndrewRogue> roll 3#d10
<Tarubot> AndrewRogue rolled : 3#d10 --> [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
<AndrewRogue> roll 6#d10
<Tarubot> AndrewRogue rolled : 6#d10 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}
<AndrewRogue> The guard nods. "Be cautious, Master Vol. Thieves are gutless cowards, and a cornered coward is a dangerous one." He speaks in hushed tones.
<AndrewRogue> *and = but
<Soppy> "Right." he says quietly, moving on in.
<AndrewRogue> As you near the building, you will find the source of the noise: a large jar lay shattered on the road, liquid and round shapes spilled out
<AndrewRogue> The pungent scent of vinegar fills the air.
<Soppy> He wrinkles his nose. Damn. The thief probably knew someone would hear. Better to be cautious though. Are there footprints thanks to the liquid?
<AndrewRogue> Not that you can see. Some animal prints?
<Soppy> Animal prints? How big?
<AndrewRogue> Small. Fox or a cat or something
<Soppy> Mrf. Of course. Still calls for vigilance.
<Soppy> He'll go through the warehouse slowly,
<Soppy> -,
<AndrewRogue> You will notice once thing very quickly. The fog is in here too. And not like wispy tendrils. Like actual fog.
<Soppy> Woooonderful. That doesn't strike me as odd or anything. Nope
<Soppy> Can he determine how it got in?
<AndrewRogue> Not naturally would be your guess. You've never seen anything like this. You might as well be standing on the bank of the Yellow.
<Soppy> Nothing to be found in here?
<AndrewRogue> Right. Gimme Perception + Awareness Target 1. It isn't the biggest, but it is an issue with the fog.
<Soppy> roll 5#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 5#d10 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}
<Soppy> 3 successes, since Sensory Acuity Prana is still active
<AndrewRogue> roll 10#d10
<Tarubot> AndrewRogue rolled : 10#d10 --> [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}
<Soppy> Whoof
<AndrewRogue> A little ways into the room you can catch the sight of a pale, slender, grey figure, another jar lifting into the air near it. You think it might be a trick of the eyes, as it looks like a part of the mist, but you can make out what is distinctly a robe and a broad, flat, wide brimmed hat.
<Soppy> Huh. Vol freezes a moment, unsure of whether to call the guard in or not, trying to make sense of what he's seeing. He takes a few steps nearer the figure, sticking close to the shelf and trying to blend into the shadow.
<AndrewRogue> You're ability to be a complete nobody seems to be functioning well as the jar simply floats near it as it turns and begins to head for the door. The fog seeming to wrap around it and trail like a cloak.
<Soppy> He sighs, finally calling out to the figure. "The market in pickled radishes isn't exactly a strong one. You might do better with other things here."
<Soppy> This should be loud enough for the guard to hear, if he's by the door
<AndrewRogue> A surprised sound escapes from the figure, as it turns. You can't see it's face, as the hat, even as it turns, covers it.
<AndrewRogue> The guard will indeed arrive a short second later at the door.
<Soppy> He'll motion for the guard to stay at the door, not wanting to fully panic the thief. "Will you come in quietly? I can assure you we will show leniency if you cooperate."
<AndrewRogue> The figure does not speak.
<AndrewRogue> Though you cannot see its face, it seems to look through you, instead simply continuing forward for the door.
<AndrewRogue> The guard will hold his spear at the ready.
<Soppy> Vol will activate Listener Swaying Argument. "Please, do not so readily run. If you are human, surely we can find you work that puts your skills to use. If you are... spirit or god. Please, allow us to rectify our misdeeds against your shrine or your realm. This does not require the theft of offering when we can change our ways."
<Soppy> roll 10#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 10#d10 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}
<Soppy> 6 successes, 7 with LSA
<AndrewRogue> It will pause. It will point at the guard who only barely shifts the spear nervously.
<AndrewRogue> It will flick it's hand in a dismissive manner.
<Soppy> He motions for the guard to lower his spear.
<AndrewRogue> With it stopped and the extra time to look at it, you can be rather sure that this is proooobably not a normal human, as it's body fades away into nigh impenetrable mist from the torso down. Almost like a robe, but most definitely not.
<AndrewRogue> The man will position himself let's say a half-step back as he lowers the weapon.
<AndrewRogue> The figure will then point at the remaining jars, and point towards the Yellow River.
<Soppy> How many jars?
<AndrewRogue> 4. Which makes 6 total counting the one suspended in the fog near it and the shattered one outside.
<Soppy> Vol calculates the cost and deems it managable. "We shall do as you ask. However, I ask that you cease your theft of your offering from this day on. In return, I will ensure that your offering is made as befitting a god of your stature. Is this agreeable to you?"
<AndrewRogue> Gimme a Perception + Awareness since you've actively paying attention. Have 2 bonus dice as well.
<Soppy> roll 7#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 7#d10 --> [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}
<Soppy> 4 successes
<AndrewRogue> roll 10#d10
<Tarubot> AndrewRogue rolled : 10#d10 --> [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}
<AndrewRogue> It points at the jars a second and third time.
<Soppy> He looks nervously at the guard, then sighs. He waves him over to help him, moving to pick up one of the jars.
<AndrewRogue> The guard offers you a defintie look of "You sure?"
<Soppy> "It's worth trying. At least we figured out what is causing it."
<Soppy> roll 8#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 8#d10 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}
<Soppy> ...
<Soppy> roll 3#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 3#d10 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}
<AndrewRogue> It will point twice again at the jars even as you're moving to pick them up.
<Soppy> My line stands then
<AndrewRogue> "Of course, Master Vol."
<AndrewRogue> The guard will -very- carefully edge around the figure.
<AndrewRogue> And heft one jar, allowing himself to still keep the spear.
<Soppy> Vol will heft one, testing if he can do two
<AndrewRogue> You're a big tough solar. GRR
<AndrewRogue> You can do two.
<Soppy> Of all 1 STR<G>
<AndrewRogue> Oh. I thought you had at least 2
<AndrewRogue> Nevermind
<AndrewRogue> 1 jar for you
<AndrewRogue> The figure itself will set down it's own jar and drift to a nearby bag to lift.
<Soppy> Nearby bag of what?
<AndrewRogue> Sack of some sort with a few others. Might be rice or grain or something.
<Soppy> "Hey. Let's not be greedy, now."
<AndrewRogue> It points at the bags.
<AndrewRogue> Give me... Perception + Awareness Target 2
<Soppy> roll 5#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 5#d10 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}
<Soppy> 2 successes
<AndrewRogue> The more you watch the thing, the more obvious it becomes that it doesn't... ever quite seem to move right. It's almost like a puppet in the way it moves. Very simple gestures and movement.
<Soppy> roll 6#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 6#d10 --> [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}
<Soppy> Damn. 1
<AndrewRogue> Which I believe returns us to our previous action: asking for more.
<Soppy> He will indicate he can only carry so much.
<AndrewRogue> The bag will float behind it as it drifts towards the door.
<AndrewRogue> "Are you really sure about this, Master Vol?" The guard will ask very, very quietly.
<Soppy> "No. Not particularly. I'm going to ask you to stay at wherever we deliver this to, keep watch and see if anyone or anything comes to claim it."
<AndrewRogue> So, following it?
<Soppy> Yes
<AndrewRogue> It shall lead you eastwards.
<AndrewRogue> Unshockingly, towards the shrine.
<AndrewRogue> Give me one more Awareness + Perception
<Soppy> roll 5#d10
<Tarubot> Soppy rolled : 5#d10 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}
<Soppy> 2
<AndrewRogue> roll 10#d10
<Tarubot> AndrewRogue rolled : 10#d10 --> [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}
<AndrewRogue> It shall point at the base of the stairs that lead up to the shrine. You will notice that the fog seems to follow you.
<Soppy> Will head up, I guess
<Soppy> Do we run into any other guards?
<AndrewRogue> Hm. That's... actually a fair consideration. Let's roll back a second.
<AndrewRogue> roll 6#d10
<Tarubot> AndrewRogue rolled : 6#d10 --> [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
<AndrewRogue> Are you following it obediently and not being like, particularly loud?
<Soppy> He's stopped trying to be quiet, at least.
<AndrewRogue> roll 4#d10
<Tarubot> AndrewRogue rolled : 4#d10 --> [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}
<AndrewRogue> Nope. The thing does take a somewhat circuitous route, admittedly.
<AndrewRogue> But assuming cooperation, you avoid additional issues.
<AndrewRogue> And by issues, I mean other people.
<Soppy> Darn
<AndrewRogue> So. It was pointing at the stairs.
<AndrewRogue> The guard will place his own jar down next to the bag it set.
<Soppy> He puts his jar down.
<AndrewRogue> It shall point back towards the city.
<Soppy> He nods to the guard, beginning to walk back.
<AndrewRogue> (Guard is waiting there?)
<Soppy> That's what Vol asked him to do.
<AndrewRogue> Kk!
<AndrewRogue> Back towards Inaba. Interestingly you will find that the fog, while still kind of oppressive, does seem to have thinned a bit.
<Soppy> He wonders if that's a good sign or not. Hopefully it is.
<Soppy> Picking up another jar
<AndrewRogue> Jar acquired.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 05:22:52 AM by Hunter Sopko »


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #106 on: November 04, 2016, 02:44:05 AM »
Akeha presses her advantage against the creature still close to her, launching a flurry of thrusts at its joints and center, her body rippling with Essence drawn from the world!

((OOC: Piercing Attack, Excellent Strike, 7 mote excellency in melee, 10 motes leaves me at 11

[20:28] <Tarubot> May rolled : 19#d10 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4},
[20:29] <Tarubot> [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
[20:29] <May> (12+1 successes before reroll 1s)
[20:29] <May> roll 3#d10
[20:29] <Tarubot> May rolled : 3#d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}
[20:30] <May> (15 successes)

Raw Damage is 17 + Threshhold Successes, their Soak is -4 from Piercing))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #107 on: November 04, 2016, 09:11:22 PM »
((OOC: 15 Dice for damage. Also corrected init above, as self-crashing drives your init even lower.))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #108 on: November 04, 2016, 10:32:07 PM »

WorkMay   roll 15#d10
16:30   Tarubot   WorkMay rolled : 15#d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8} [ 1d10=3 ]{3} [ 1d10=8 ]{8} [ 1d10=10 ]{10} [ 1d10=1 ]{1} [ 1d10=1 ]{1} [ 1d10=8 ]{8} [ 1d10=1 ]{1} [ 1d10=6 ]{6} [ 1d10=5 ]{5} [ 1d10=5 ]{5} [ 1d10=5 ]{5} [ 1d10=8 ]{8} [ 1d10=9 ]{9} [ 1d10=9 ]{9}
16:30   WorkMay   (8 successes)))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #109 on: November 05, 2016, 04:12:43 AM »
Former Cloud Riders

Thing 1: 10; 14 Damage; Medium Range
Akeha: 17
Thing 2: -14

Thing2 barely manages to deflect the attack as it's feet slip on the dirt, your pressure seemingly inescapable.

"Fine. You wish to fight? Then we shall fight. Sun child, sun child, what do you see? How many enemies are waiting for thee?"

((OOC: Activating Marching Fever Dream Nightmare))

<@AndrewRogue> roll 12#d10
<Tarubot> 1,0AndrewRogue rolled :1,0 12#d10 --> 1,0[ 1d10=3 ]1,0{3}, 1,0[ 1d10=7 ]1,0{7}, 1,0[ 1d10=9 ]1,0{9}, 1,0[ 1d10=8 ]1,0{8}, 1,0[ 1d10=1 ]1,0{1}, 1,0[ 1d10=1 ]1,0{1}, 1,0[ 1d10=8 ]1,0{8}, 1,0[ 1d10=9 ]1,0{9}, 1,0[ 1d10=4 ]1,0{4}, 1,0[ 1d10=1 ]1,0{1}, 1,0[ 1d10=6 ]1,0{6}, 1,0[ 1d10=6 ]1,0{6}

The ground around you erupts as strange creatures seemingly made of wood and grass pull themselves out of the ground, dozens of the things surrounding you.

((JB for the shambling hordes.))

<@AndrewRogue> roll 8#d10
<Tarubot> 1,0AndrewRogue rolled :1,0 8#d10 --> 1,0[ 1d10=1 ]1,0{1}, 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}, 1,0[ 1d10=6 ]1,0{6}, 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}, 1,0[ 1d10=10 ]1,0{10}, 1,0[ 1d10=1 ]1,0{1}, 1,0[ 1d10=6 ]1,0{6}, 1,0[ 1d10=8 ]1,0{8}

Thing 1: 10; 14 Damage; Medium Range (1 Success)
Akeha: 17
Shambling Hordes:
Thing 2: -14

Thing1 is in full retreat mode, apparently not worrying about the safety of it's companion.

((OOC: Withdraw.))

<@AndrewRogue> roll 6#d10
<Tarubot> 1,0AndrewRogue rolled :1,0 6#d10 --> 1,0[ 1d10=8 ]1,0{8}, 1,0[ 1d10=3 ]1,0{3}, 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}, 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}, 1,0[ 1d10=2 ]1,0{2}, 1,0[ 1d10=5 ]1,0{5}

Thing 1: -5; 14 Damage; Long Range (Withdraw: 1 Success)
Akeha: 17
Shambling Hordes:
Thing 2: -14

Former Boat Riders

You are now able to see the village in the distance... as well as people panicking and fleeing and hordes of shambling tree things stalking and marching. Oh, and the blaze of a solar's anima.

Yozo hisses and begins to run, his blade coming free of it's sheath.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 04:14:46 AM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #110 on: November 05, 2016, 07:06:06 AM »
OOC: If, as discussed in chat we're doing this join battle thing, Lee will use Inspiring Battle Cry (5m), and she'll slam 7 motes into the awareness excellency for her JB roll.

IBC allows herself + nearby allies to reroll 1s on their JB roll, furnishes them with +1 Resolve vs. fear, and if she gets more than any opponent does she gets +1 temp willpower for the scene.

[17:21] <Tarubot> Euphemia rolled : 16#d10 --> [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=8 ]{8}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}, [ 1d10=8
[17:21] <Tarubot> ]{8}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}

10s, for a starting init of 13.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 07:22:46 AM by Carthrat »


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #111 on: November 05, 2016, 07:33:17 AM »
Using Blinding Battle Feint (3m) and 2 dice of Excellency (2m), all out of personal.

<Magey> roll 15#d10
<Tarubot> 1,0Magey rolled :1,0 15#d10 --> 1,0[ 1d10=9 ]1,0{9}, 1,0[ 1d10=5 ]1,0{5}, 1,0[ 1d10=1 ]1,0{1}, 1,0[ 1d10=8 ]1,0{8}, 1,0[ 1d10=6 ]1,0{6}, 1,0[ 1d10=4 ]1,0{4}, 1,0[ 1d10=6 ]1,0{6}, 1,0[ 1d10=8 ]1,0{8}, 1,0[ 1d10=5 ]1,0{5}, 1,0[ 1d10=9 ]1,0{9}, 1,0[ 1d10=9 ]1,0{9}, 1,0[ 1d10=4 ]1,0{4}, 1,0[ 1d10=5 ]1,0{5}, 1,0[ 1d10=1 ]1,0{1}, 1,0[ 1d10=3 ]1,0{3}
<Magey> roll 2#d10
<Tarubot> 1,0Magey rolled :1,0 2#d10 --> 1,0[ 1d10=7 ]1,0{7}, 1,0[ 1d10=7 ]1,0{7}

The last 2d10 was for the re-roll 1s. That is 7 successes, so 10 initiative. Any enemy who starts at less than 11 initiative cannot see Rishi.

As he finally gains clear sight of the village, he can see the battle raging within and the creature running away, leaking something.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #112 on: November 08, 2016, 02:50:57 AM »
Akeha: 17
Lee: 13
Rish: 10
Yozo: 7
Shambling Hordes: 6
Patroklia: 4
Thing 1: -5; 14 Damage; Long Range to Akeha, Medium to everyone else (Withdraw: 1 Success)
Thing 2: -14
« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 02:55:56 AM by AndrewRogue »

Hunter Sopko

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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #113 on: November 11, 2016, 05:23:12 AM »
<Soppy> Fast forwarding a bit... this will go on unless things change. Does it just ask to set the things at the base of the stairs to the shrine?
<AndrewRogue> Well, actually, on your first return... the guard will be looking put out and there will be a distinct lack of mist wraith
<Soppy> Are the goods still there?
<AndrewRogue> They are. "I took my eyes off the damned thing for just a second and it vanished!"
<Soppy> "It's okay." he places the jar down. "You did your job. The items are still here. Maybe, if it's an apparition being controlled by someone, it realized it would not be able to pick up the items and gave up." How is the fog right now?
<AndrewRogue> Sort of like Inaba. Still pretty heavy but... better.
<Soppy> How far away is the shrine?
<Soppy> I know we're at the base of the stairs, but how far up do they go?
<AndrewRogue> The shrine is... honestly a pretty small one. Barely more than a gazebo, really.
<AndrewRogue> So just a few steps.
<Soppy> "And yet... can you see the fog has lifted some? I worry..." he looks around. "What do you think...?"
<AndrewRogue> "I honestly don't know. It was like no devil I've ever seen." He wrinkles his nose. "And pickled radishes as an offering for a god?"
<Soppy> "Taking what it can get? Maybe we should take the opportunity to check the area for more of the stolen goods... Stay here with everything." he begins looking around the area
<Soppy> He stops suddenly
<AndrewRogue> "Master Vol?"
<Soppy> "Probably best to wait for Hideki, actually. Not disturb the scene."
<Soppy> He sighs. "Well. I suppose a little progress is progress none-the-less."
<AndrewRogue> "Shall we set up a guard here? While I am sure of my abilities, perhaps a little more than just I might be advised. Or did you intend to fetch Hideki now?"
<Soppy> "I will do both, actually. We have a few hours to daylight though. Do you have a way to alert others to you?"
<AndrewRogue> He gestures to a whistle around his neck. "Though I am unsure it would be heard easily from here. Perhaps, though."
<Soppy> "Do it. I'm sure explaining all this to everyone will be pretty entertaining."
<AndrewRogue> He shall take a deep breath as he raises it to his lips... and let's pause there.
<Soppy> Works for me
<AndrewRogue> And by pause, I mean I think that will be the end of -your- portion of session 2.
<AndrewRogue> No. I need to keep the sessions time consistent.
<AndrewRogue> Strike that.
<Soppy> Fair enough
<Pluck> do you
<Pluck> It's probably not that important
<AndrewRogue> It's probably easiest for my sanity if don't desync you guys that much?
<AndrewRogue> But eh.
<AndrewRogue> You're proooobably right.
<AndrewRogue> Yeah. This is end of session 2 for Vol.
<AndrewRogue> Could you collect all this and post it at some point for me, sopkins?


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #114 on: November 11, 2016, 07:38:14 AM »
Growing more confident as her allies join, Akeha flourishes her heavy spear at the beasts surrounding her. "RISHI! Take the retreating beast!" she barks, three headed spear whirling around her, stabbing and slashing at the shambling plants, using her three blades to cut through vine and root even with piercing thrusts!

((OOC: Piercing attack, Excellent strike, 7m Excellency, hey I'm at 1m~~~

[01:27] <May> .ex 18
[01:27] <Luna> May: 18: [2: 1, 3: 3, 4: 1, 5: 2, 6: 1, 7: 4, 8: 3, 9: 2, 10: 1]  - 11 Successes

[01:30] <May> .ex 18
[01:30] <Luna> May: 18: [1: 2, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 4, 6: 2, 7: 2, 8: 2, 9: 4]  - 8 Successes

8 damage to our shambler friends))


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #115 on: November 11, 2016, 07:45:52 AM »
Akeha: 18
Lee: 13
Rish: 10
Yozo: 7
Shambling Hordes: 6 (Size: 2, 8 Magnitude Damage)
Patroklia: 4
Thing 1: -5; 14 Damage; Long Range to Akeha, Medium to everyone else (Withdraw: 1 Success)
Thing 2: -14

Your blade carves through the things as if they were made of dreamstuff, dirt and plant spraying as your trinity of blades cuts and pierces, and, while the horde is large, the hole you've cut in it is significant.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 07:55:27 AM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #116 on: November 11, 2016, 08:28:01 AM »
"Creatures of chaos, we are the sun!" declares Lee, sweeping out of the forest in a gale of leaves. Her anima bursts into few; six golden lines that swirl from her brow and wrap around her like a scarf of shining threads. A song comes to mind; it has a physical force to it that reverberates across the battlefield in a steady, relentless beat that promises only certain victory to the chosen:

"Masters of true creation-
Champions of mortal hearts! Kneel to us-
For you walk on our territory! Sup on our people!
Beg and cry for mercy, as they do!"

The air ripples in the wake of her voice; heard by all, it nonetheless slams into the shambling horde!

Movement: Moving to short range from the shambling horde.
Voice of the Night Bird allows Lee to flurry performance actions and kiai attacks at no extra charge!
Action 1: Charisma+Performance Threaten Action vs. Thing 1, demanding immediate surrender! 16 dice. If he spends willpower to resist, Lee gets +3 initiative.
[19:23] <Luna> Euphemia: 16: [1: 2, 2: 1, 3: 1, 5: 2, 6: 2, 7: 4, 8: 3, 9: 1]  - 8 Successes

Because this succeeds, will reflexively activate Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form for 8m.

Action 2: Withering Kiai Attack on the Shambling Horde! Base Damage: 16
[19:25] <Luna> Euphemia: 15: [1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 2, 4: 2, 5: 2, 6: 1, 7: 2, 9: 1, 10: 2]  - 7 Successes
Beats Defense by 4, so +4 threshold successes on damage. Shambling Horde had 10 soak; total damage pool is 10.
[19:27] <Luna> Euphemia: 10: [1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 5: 2, 6: 2, 8: 2, 9: 1]  - 3 Successes

3 withering damage!
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 08:29:33 AM by Carthrat »


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #117 on: November 11, 2016, 09:24:02 AM »
As Akeha's words reverberate through the air, followed quickly by the blazing poem of Lee, Rishi snaps his attention to the creature attempting to flee. With a fluid motion he pulls the arrow back, the fletching gently caressing his cheek as he prepares to loose the Sun's eternal rage upon His foes.

OOC: Taking an Aim action on Thing 1


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #118 on: November 12, 2016, 04:08:09 AM »
Thing1 shall hesitate and sigh, tossing it's blade forward, the twisted metal cutting deeply in the ground. "Another? I suppose we are beaten by these invaders, then," it shouts, seating itself. "Yield, Aranrhod. We are defeated."

Aranrhod sighs and hops back from, also tossing it's blade, the remaining hordes dissipating into nothing as they also seat themselves.

Of course, the crowd is going to continue panic and flee as they have been doing. Monsters and glowing demon people are freaky.

Yozo shall rush to Akeha's side, blade drawn. "Tetsuzuru-san, are you okay?"

Patroklia shall advance much more cautiously, waiting for assurance that you are all indeed not going to get stabbed before she walks further forward.

((OOC: Init is over, unless you really want to attempt an execution right this second)).
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 04:16:32 AM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #119 on: November 12, 2016, 04:23:26 AM »
"Patroklia, see if you might not calm the people," Lee declares, gesturing towards them with a wave of her hand. "Find out if anyone is injured and bring them to us."

She advances on the fair ones with a glare of contempt. "A wise decision. You have spared us all an exhausting chase," she tells them. "Be you in the service of Fang Deshi, so-called Lord of the Nine Rivers?"


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #120 on: November 12, 2016, 04:30:40 AM »
Rishi keeps his bow and arrow ready and poised to strike the creatures if they attempt to flee, his ears open and listening to the conversations happening below.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #121 on: November 12, 2016, 05:17:33 AM »
Patroklia nods. "Of course, Sensei." She strides away confidently, but slowly, trying not to panic the remaining people as she approaches. "Be at ease, we come as your salvation, not your enemy."

It closes it's eyes for a moment. "We are warriors of Gwenllelian, one thrice-bound to Fang Deshi. Our actions are Gwenllelian's, and Gwenllelian are Fang Deshi's. Your assault on us is... what would it be called? An act of war against our Court and the land of Nine Rivers. It is our territory you walk on, sun child. We hunt the shapechangers that would seek the life of our master's master. I believe your kind would consider this a violation of the laws of your lands, yes? So it is quite rude to interrupt us in the execution of our duty with... what would it be be called... an unprovoked assault?" It casts a look at the gaping wound across its chest.


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #122 on: November 12, 2016, 05:26:37 AM »
Akeha is panting with exertion, anima ablaze about her in golden-white fire that throbs with her very life force. "I'm fine, Yozo... a bit winded holding off these creatures by myself," she nods, spear on her shoulder. She watches and listens, trying to pick up what she could from the conversation in Old Realm. "Go on, watch over Lady Aaeiko's handmaid, make sure we suffer no other surprises."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #123 on: November 12, 2016, 06:59:59 AM »
Lee folds her hands behind her back, staring down at the Fair Folk as she might unruly children.

"In all the lands of Creation that I have traveled, there is no question that your presence is a crime in itself, an inimical wedge that blends reality with dreams to entrap the poor souls within. That is mortal law and that is the law of heaven, to be sure. We have heard of dead gods and of a consumption of mortal life about these rivers; your apparent aggression against these people warranted an intervention. Yet, I am now to consider that you have a legal remit to be here? Passed down by a Lawgiver, one of my own? I wish to deny it, but it seems I cannot easily do so. Very well, then, such is this broken land; we will give appropriate consideration to this situation. Such is demanded by your master's master's rank."

She shakes her head. "Dreamspun warriors, I am Lee Aaeiko, priestess of the Unconquered Sun. Tell us how this came to pass, this bond between Gwenllelian and Fang Deshi."


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Re: A New Day Dawns (Episode 2)
« Reply #124 on: November 12, 2016, 08:33:50 AM »
Yozo bows deeply. "Of course, Tetsuzuru-san," he says and moves to assist Patroklia.

"Creation itself is a crime, a place stolen from us," the fae snorts. "Gwenllelian's chosen feast only on the wicked and the willing, by decree and word of bond. So long as the mortals obey, they are spared. What happens beyond our reach is not our concern. This is the domain we have been granted, and we follow our word. If you wish for more, then you shall bind yourself to us, for if we are to perish, how is it said... then there is little point in us conversing further?"