
Author Topic: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius  (Read 25026 times)


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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #175 on: May 13, 2017, 05:13:15 AM »
Got Zyrus on the daily draw.  Then saw that you get his TM for free from raid coins and dumped the rest of my tickets to get another.  And got... crap.  A lot of crap.  Ah well.
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Captain K

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #176 on: May 13, 2017, 09:47:36 AM »

Pulled Reberta with the ticket from Daily Login.  That's my third 5-star.  Already 40% on her TM.


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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #177 on: May 13, 2017, 02:58:13 PM »
;_; still nothing. I suck.

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #178 on: May 16, 2017, 10:19:00 AM »
Spent yesterday getting Reberta to 100 so I could do the trial.

Refia (Aura Staff, Cat-ear Hood, Great Mage's Robe, Domination Ringx2)[Dualcast, Spr+10%, Hp+15%, Shard of Genius]<Golem>
Reberta (Crimson Blood, Vernard, Imperial Helm, Demon Mail, Ifrit's Claw, Ruler's Ring)[Dual Wield, Dark Knight's Soul, Power of Creation, Atk+30%]<Odin>
Sakura (Golden Staff, Chapeau, Siren's Robe, Domination Ringx2)[Hp+15%, Hp+15%, Hp+15%, Spr+10%]<Titan>
Seven (Empress Birch, Soul Crown, Tabby Suit, Muscle Belt, Unusual Artifact)[Insult to Injury, Follower's Oath, Follower's Oath, Follower's Oath]<Carbuncle> - yeah I was lazy with this one, just grabbed her from Arena setup
Friend Marie

So it was a sloppy fight with several deaths.  Sakura was more of a hindrance than help due to squishiness, although I'm pretty sure her Defensive Barrier helped Refia survive Maelstrom+Megaflare cheese (145 hp left, phew).  Refia was MVP, with Focus up she could survive Megaflares without defending.  This let her keep up everyone's hp.

This boss is pretty cheap, doing damaging attacks on the same turn as charging up.  You really need a healer that can facetank Megaflares.

Reberta did well as solo damage dealer.  Actually a little too well, passed 50% and 40% on the same turn which led to Maelstrom+Megaflare charge simultaneously.  She did die once though to element spamming.  I put Vernard on her instead of a stronger sword so she could take advantage of fire debuffs from Seven or Marie.

Had to slow down at the end to get esper charge.  Got the boss to about 15%, put all buffs up, and then killed the next turn with Titan+Reberta.


The trust moogle was the last I needed to finish Excalibur.  Now I need to work on another Dualwield, because I have too many physical dds.

Also been practicing chaining on Bahamut Elite.  Best result was a 29-hit chain for 10.4m damage.

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #179 on: May 19, 2017, 09:45:37 AM »
Tried the new Echidna trial yesterday.  Beat Advanced and Pro easily enough but Elite... wow that is a lot of damage.  Biggest problem is Toxic Claw which is just a lot of aoe physical damage.  And you can't use breaks on Echidna so... I'll probably put that trial off for a bit.

My two weeks of Giancryst farming paid off.  Got Seven's Yakabe to +2 (all elemental resists to 50%) and Bartz's Wind Shear to +1 (700% damage).  Plus a stock of Guard and Tech giancrysts for whenever those are needed.

Decided to use a few tickets to get some bonus units for the Mog King event.  Get Rem on the first ticket.  After my long drought of 5-stars they're just flying in now.

Edit:  Who likes elemental resistance?  I do I do!

Also holy fuck there's giancrysts in the Mog King.  Time to pull more bonus units.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2017, 10:32:40 AM by Captain K »

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #180 on: May 23, 2017, 09:19:57 PM »
The FF3 rerelease has 250 lapis worth of bonus missions now.

Magic Fanatic

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #181 on: May 26, 2017, 02:05:17 PM »
So.  Spent two hours beating the Bahamut Trial last night.

Used Elza/Noctis/Cecil/Refia/Y'shtola.  I'll go into more detail about how I did things once I can get back to my computer...  But needless to say I basically 4-manned it, because Elza spent most of the fight dead.

Elza - Twin Lance/Gungnir/Green Beret/Power Vest/Ruler's Ring/Morale Talisman - Tablet of Ruin, ATK +25%, Dual Wield - Odin - Spent most of the fight dead.  Tried to cheese things with her Auto-Life skill, but it just turned out to be a waste of time.  Probably did about 800K damage before I said screw it?
Noctis - Blood Sword/Kiyomori/Black Bandana/Cupid's Robe/Genji Glove/Jeweled Ring - Follower's Oath x4 - Diabolos - Did most of the damage with Warp Break and used Cover a lot.  Eventually had to forsake cover with the strategy I was using.
Cecil - Gigas Axe/Snowstorm Shield/Survivor Helm/Force Armor/Defender's Bracer/Magical Egg - HP+40%, ATK/MAG+5%, SPR+15% - Golem - Focus and Curaja while having boatloads of HP.
Refia - Rune Staff/Soul Crown/Great Mage's Robe/Candy Basket/Gold Armlet - Shard of Genius, Demonic Life, HP+15%, DEF+10%, MP+5% - Ramuh - Full Life, Curaja, used nothing else.
Y'shtola - Budding Maple Wand/Mythril Buckler/Beret/White Robe/Muscle Belt/Tornado Ring - Hydaelyn Guard x3, Divine Seal - Carbuncle - DIVINE SEAL LETTING Y'SH TANK MEGAFLARES WAS A LIE.  That said, survived nearly the whole fight, Presence of Mind was amazing, yadda yadda yadda.

Things I found out:
Charging Megaflare technically takes place in the space between turns I guess, so if you force close the game on Bahamut's turn while he's charging, the game forgets that he's supposed to be charging and just beats your face in with elemental magic.
Elza is squishy.  Too squishy.
If a Divine Seal Y'shtola can't face-tank a Megaflare, how in the world did Cecil and Refia?  Granted, good that Refia survived, because she cast Ramuh to win the fight for me.

Other things:
Decided to throw seven tickets at the banner for Wilhelm.
Got one of each the banner 3*s...  Two Gold crystals that both wound up being Gaffgarion (I have 9 of him now...  I swear, any time I get a 4* crystal, it's a 70% chance to be another Gaff, I swear), and I got a Rainbow!

And now for tales from "What the hell, FFBE?":
Continuing on with the story, I get a Rainbow!

Is it Wilhelm?

No!  Dark Fina says hi!

And that's the story of my fourth off-banner 5* crystal in a row.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2017, 04:18:39 AM by Magic Fanatic »

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #182 on: June 03, 2017, 12:25:53 AM »
Titan Trial:

Luneth (Rune Blade, Shining Splendor, Dark Helm, Black Belt Gi, Ruler's Ring x2)[Attack+15%x2, Swelling Power, Power of Creation]<Odin>
Bartz (Holy Lance, Second Knife, Tiger Mask, Black Belt Gi, Hero's Ringx2)[Follower's Oathx4]<Titan>
Orlandeau(Enhancer, Excalibur, Imperial Helm, Demon Mail, Ruler's Ringx2)[Dualwield, Greatsword Mastery, Dark Knight's Soul, Atk+30%]<Golem>
Ling (Swordbreaker, Chapeau, Vestment of Mind, Domination Ringx2)[First Strike, Speed Plusx3]<Diabolos>
Refia (Aura Staff, Cat-Ear Hood, Siren's Robe, Domination Ringx2)[Dualcast, Shard of Genius, Spirit+10%x2]<Carbuncle>
Friend Orlandeau roughly as strong as mine

Three attempts, was pretty close on the first one also.  On the winning run, knocked down to 60% on first turn.  Killed Core in one turn.  Then I did a beautiful 33-hit chain that knocked his hp down to 15% and filled my esper gauge.  He got his ten attacks off but he was pretty nice and didn't kill anyone.  Then esper'd and killed the next turn.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 12:32:48 AM by Captain K »


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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #183 on: June 03, 2017, 07:45:43 AM »
I hate Titan with unbridled passion. First he taunts me in FF14, now in FFBE FF14. Why.

Magic Fanatic

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #184 on: June 09, 2017, 10:43:00 AM »
I think I'm getting burnt out on the game.

I completely skipped doing the Empire of Light and Dark event, and on top of that, I'm struggling for the willpower to actually get the daily quests done for the 50 lapis/day.  Is there a fix for this, or am I just done for?

Captain K

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #185 on: June 09, 2017, 12:47:52 PM »
Haha I'm doing the same thing.  Right now I'm just doing the Titan raid and not spending my energy.  Usually when they stop doing back to back raids/mog king events it gets better.

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #186 on: June 10, 2017, 10:31:59 AM »
...Just decided to look up the TMRs for the new set.

5* base: That is a lot of ATK for a helm.  Still, 5* base TMR, most likely won't get.
4* base Alchemist: That is a disgusting amount of SPR gained, and useful if you wind up using lots of MP Restoratives.  Outside of that...  Pass.
4* base Maid Gunslinger: ...Well, I have to get one or two of her - her TMR is BiS for Olive, even over the Brave Suit.  Bye Laurence!
3* base: ...It's a sword that's water-elemental and gives Dual-Wield Sword.  There is a baseline for how bad this can be, and that's still pretty darn good.


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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #187 on: June 11, 2017, 10:19:33 PM »
I did the titan only for Ysh. Then Meeple gets a bunch of them. my salt was real.

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #188 on: June 12, 2017, 01:21:00 AM »
My impulse control is real.

Most people would whale for game-changing 5*s.  I want to chase a 4* with a TMR that's BiS for Olive.  What is wrong with me?

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #189 on: June 16, 2017, 11:14:35 AM »
Finished Titan Raid, got enough Yshtola for a third Shard of Genius on Refia.  She is tankier than Cecil now.

Finished The Gathering.  Had to run the last stage twice because I missed the bonus requirements on the bosses.  Fuck kill with Esper missions.

Still way behind on story due to laziness.

Decided to use tickets to get some more bonus units for Brave Frontier event.  Daily pull + 28 tickets got me a whopping 8 4-stars... 6 of them off-banner.  Wtf game.  Very last ticket was Tilith, who will get shelved immediately after this event because fuck the Reddit circlejerk over her.

Maxwell is surprisingly hard to make strong.  When you have Reberta's spear and can't even break 600 attack.

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #190 on: June 16, 2017, 08:23:38 PM »
Finished Titan Trial.  Noctis/Elza/Cecil/Y'shtola/Captain K's Orlandeau.  That...  Took me way too long.

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #191 on: June 29, 2017, 02:46:01 AM »
Got caught up on the story and quests with 1/2 energy event.  Gronoa is too long.

Beat Elite Maxwell, but didn't get any of the missions.  Think I'll skip them because I want to farm another Power Purecryst before the event ends.

I have enough lapis for the guaranteed 5-star pull.  Hoping for Gilgamesh or Freyvia.

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #192 on: June 29, 2017, 04:48:18 AM »
Beat Elite Maxwell as well here, just didn't get the No Deaths mission.  Got the other two, though.

EDIT: Got the No Death Mission.

Summon/5 Man Team: Minfilia (Odin)/Elza (Diabolos)/Cecil (Golem)/Y'shtola (Ramuh)/Ling (Carbuncle)
No Death Team: Cecil (Odin)/Olive (Diabolos)/Setzer (Golem)/Setzer (Ramuh)/Minfilia (Carbuncle)/RW Olive (Odin).  This one was done in...  Four turns?
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 05:43:08 AM by Magic Fanatic »

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #193 on: June 29, 2017, 05:51:42 PM »
Once I was able to log in, got Dark Fina as my 5-star.  Nothing special from the 10+1 ticket.  Can't complain.


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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #194 on: June 30, 2017, 02:03:38 AM »
I had over 10k lapis, so I did the G5 Pull, alongside the free daily and free 10+1, and my results were Orlandu, Seabreeze Dark Fina, and Rikku.  Guess I can't complain about that.
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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #195 on: July 02, 2017, 06:13:25 AM »
My G5 draw: Queen.

Nothing special past that, outside of a couple Rikkus from other draws.

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #196 on: July 05, 2017, 03:10:46 PM »
Got Queen from the daily draw.  It feels weird having all these 5-stars after having only Luneth for so long.

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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #197 on: July 07, 2017, 12:13:35 PM »
Pulling for King Mog bonus units.
Free summon:  Agrias.
Ticket #1: Zidane
Ticket #2: Rasler
Ticket #3: Ashe
Ticket #4: Zargabaath

You can't even make up shit that crazy.


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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #198 on: July 07, 2017, 04:50:54 PM »
I got a bone to pick with you, Captain K. I was using YOUR Zabby on the Ixtab boss fight. I get my Esper gauge to max then you had the nerve to counter attack and kill the boss.


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Re: Examining Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
« Reply #199 on: July 07, 2017, 05:23:38 PM »
That mission is bullshit.  I can't even come close to a full esper gauge without killing it.