
Author Topic: What Games are you Playing 2017?  (Read 77381 times)


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1050 on: November 15, 2017, 10:17:58 PM »
All the horror stories of Friede make me half-glad that the DLCs were beyond me at the time.

My dude would probably run alright though.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1051 on: November 15, 2017, 10:35:03 PM »
Can’t believe I still haven’t tried the DS3 DLC

I finally got the hang of the grapping hook in Sundered. You need to always press the trigger all the way through and longer than should be necessary. Directing the joystick towards the thingy also helps.

I’m back and beat all mini-bosses.

Gun related boss is going to fuck me up though


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1052 on: November 16, 2017, 05:48:45 PM »
Dark Souls III: Fromsoft's House of Jumpscares The Jail was amazing.  Fromsoft has a wicked sense of humor.  I can only imagine how they plot this stuff out. "Ok this room is going to have two unreasonable enemies that can snipe you.  They'll try and make a run for it around this corner, so let's put a hole there.  They'll panic and fall down this hole, so let's put...a giant rat at the bottom.  With some smaller rats?  Yes, of course smaller rates too.  But put the giant rat right beneath the hole so they can down attack it if they're quick enough.  Ok if they make it through all that we'll give them some breathing room." (That's from the Demon Ruins but same idea)

Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!/10 would Oh shit! again
« Last Edit: November 16, 2017, 05:52:34 PM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1053 on: November 17, 2017, 03:18:35 PM »
GBF- Today is a very bad day. The Limited Light version of the Psycho Lesbian entered the gacha today, and she pretty much is who I need to replace Ferry in my light team for long HL raids.
So I used a minimum amount of gacha tickets, small enough that I won't deviate from my gacha plan for December, to try my luck.

........Titan showed up.

I don't want to grind Baal!!!!! UGHHHHHH!!!!!!!


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1054 on: November 17, 2017, 06:40:28 PM »
Games are not for fun
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

Captain K

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1055 on: November 17, 2017, 06:48:24 PM »
Overwatch:  Got Symmetra's teleport 20 people in 1 match achievement on Gibraltar defense.  I usually put a shield gen on the last point but I already had 14 teles so I said fuck it and it worked.

Terraria:  I die too much.  I made a cross-continental rail system.  Idk wtf I'm doing.

Monster Cry:  Interesting new mobile game.  "Card" game in the loose sense of the word, although there is a nice deckbuilding function to it.  Nice aesthetics also.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1056 on: November 18, 2017, 08:15:14 AM »
« Last Edit: November 18, 2017, 08:20:05 AM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1057 on: November 19, 2017, 03:51:27 AM »
Eien no Filena (Eternal Filena):

An old (1994) SNES RPG that was never ported over to the US but has an english translation. A minute or two of playing reveals why: The story can be summed up as "Lesbian power couple liberates the world"

So Filena is a female gladiator in a provincial capital of the Evil Empire (TM) that has taken over the world. Trained in both fighting and pretending to be male by being beaten up by her loving grandfather since she was 6, she is now 16 and ready to fight to the death for the amusement of the decadent imperial citizens. No one can know that she is a female however, lest she be executed.

But of course even the Evil Empire is willing to show pity on the soon-to-be-dead gladiators on their last night. So they give them concubines! Filena for obvious reasons refuses the generous offer, but the concubine assigned to her (Lila) hunts her down rather than be whipped for failing to properly entice Filena. After Lila INSISTS they go to bed together, Filena relents and they do... cue lila bugging out on discovering that Filena is actually a woman (how she found out isn't really left to the imagination).

Filena swears Lila to silence and they talk for a while, then Filena goes to the colloseum and kills another gladiator to the cheers of the crowd. Hurray?

Filena is set up with a house in the poor non-citizen (Clechia) quarter of the town. She is given a wife too (Lila) who is... surprisingly cool with the arrangement. The citizens of the empire (Devis) have the nice places in the city. They are also assholes almost to a person. That's nice.

Filena trains with her grandfather and fights another arena battle, killing another gladiator who was a bit of a jerk. Then she gets to kill two gladiators again, one jerk and one... not-jerk who wished his wife Sara a good life as he bleeds to death for the amusement of the crowd. You can talk to Sara afterwards who is depressed but doesn't hold a grudge against Filena.

Then for DRAMA the colloseum battle-scenario writer, Nest, writes that Filena is to kill her long-lost brother in the arena. Nest is a miserable guilty wreck at the local bar and willingly tells Filena that the scnearios are of course fake and that she won't be killing her brother. Everyone still refers to Filena as a man even though the name and sprite are pretty dang feminine.

So Filena effortlessly kills her 'brother' who confesses that he was just fighting because if he didn't his wife and kid would be executed. Oh and for bonus points the wife and kid are sitting right at the entrance to the colloseum watching. So Milika (the wife) and Fis (the kid) swear vengeance against Filena for slaying their beloved husband/father. The crowd cheers of course.

Filena is comforted by her wife Lila, but when she goes to see her grandfather the battle trainer, she finds he has been replaced at the training ground. And of course her next fight is against her own grandfather in the arena. Cue dramatic music and sorrow as Filena slaughters the man who was like a (somewhat abusive) father to her. As her grandfather bleeds out on the colloseum dirt, he hands Filena a special crystal and tells her to get it inspected at the imperial information borough (like a high-tec library).

Filena, as a non-citizen Clechia, can't go into the library, but the battle-scenario writer/local drunk Nest can, and feels guilty enough to help her. So they go to the Information Borough/library  and get her magic info crystal analyzed. It reveals that Filena is actually the heir to a long-lost (by 16 years) sea kingdom and that she was raised by her grandfather as a gladiator because... well that isn't very clear. But her path becomes clear: she is to travel to the imperial capital and meet with a man named Uto who has a magic sword named "Filena" that will do... something.

Suddenly the library alarms go off, and it alerts the empire to forbidden knowledge being accessed. This triggers the super-secret-ultra assassins/special ops of the empire to target Filena. The first (of many to come) Black Devils assaults Filena and her friend Nest on the way out of the library. They kill it (1). Then Filena escapes to her home to scoop up her wife Lila, only Milika is there and throws poison in her eyes! Now Filena will be blinded  for the next 1/3rd of the game. This has shockingly minimal effect on her combat efficiency even though she has a perpetual 'blind' status.

Turns out Milika has nothing against Filena in particular, but had to do that because the empire has her son hostage. After killing another Black Devil (2), Filena, Lila, Nest, and Milika escape through the sewers of the battle arena training grounds. Two more Black Devils pursue them and die in a fire (4). In a nearby town at the other end of the sewers, Filena consults a doctor who tells her to go to a nearby cave and get a special herb for her eyes. They do so and Filena has an operation on her eyes to stabilize them... it works! But she's still blind.

So Filena, Lila, and Milika dress up as religious dancers (Meemez) to get out of the city and make their way toward the capital. Nest goes his own way because he's a guy and can't join them on that plan (he's figured out Filena is actually a woman). So Filena pretends to be a man pretending to be a woman dancing... Milika and Lila bond over Miliak's flute playing and talking about her son and how she wants to see him (Death Flag). But the Black Devils catch on to their plot. They lure the three girls to a bridge with the intention of blowing it up. But Milika is able to knock down the Black Devil that plans to blow up the bridge (5). Only Milika falls off too and dies. Whoops.

After much boo-hooing over how unfair it was that Fis would never see his mother Milika again and how sad they were to lose her right after they had gotten to know her, Filena and Lila move along. They come to a frozen mountain that is home to a bandit group. Only it turns out the bandit group is in rebellion against the empire. Right around now two Black Devils attack the rebels and Filena. They get offed (7). So Filena and Lila make their way through the mountain to the secret village of the rebels. After talking with them and getting to know them, they are given access to more herbs to help with Filena's eyes! She's still inflicted with Blind. The blind status outlived the chick who inflicted it by a fair bit.

They are then tasked with helping one of the rebels, Laris, sell herbs to black market dealers. Laris isn't the usual guy, since that guy was killed in the earlier Black Devil ambush. Laris is also A) not terribly bright and B)Confused about his attraction to the 'male' Filena. They make it to the deal area, where Laris gets taken for a fool by the buyer who gets the product and scrams before paying for it. Whoops. Oh well. Laris has learned a lesson.

Karma being karma, the guy who ripped them off is promptly murdered by a Black Devil hunting Filena. Not before blabbing about the Rebel Village and Filena of course. Then the rebel village is attacked and Filena/Lila/Laris have to escape via some mine carts. Filena at this point tosses off her bandage and is FINALLY CURED OF THE BLIND STATUS, YAY! On the way Laris slips and fondles Filena, finally realizing why he had the hots for her despite her manly disguise (which, it should be mentioned, isn't much of a disguise). Laris bravely and stupidly decides to 'buy Filena and Lila time' by trying to fight two Black Devils by himself. He is tossed aside like a rag doll, presumably killed (and yeah he really is dead because he never comes back). Lila and Filena escape in a mine card, chased by two Black Devils in their own mine carts. One falls to his doom on a turn (8). The other crashes into Filena's mine cart and tries to fight Filena and Lila. They kill him (9).

Filena and Lila wake up in a cottage nearby and decide to go on towards the capital by going to a nearby port. They sneak onboard a ship (their actions still being monitored in passing by agents of the Black Devils). On the ship, Lila decides to get in the same bed as Filena because Lila is pretty much head-over-heels for her 'husband' Filena even though she knows Filena is a woman. 100% dedication and all that. Filena seems okay with it.

After landing in the next port, Filena and Lila come upon a mining town. After (a lot) of talking around, they pretend to be miners and go through the mines to the weapons factory at the other end. After more talking in THAT place, they come to an old abandoned mansion that has a path out of the region. But wait! Fis, Milika's son, shows up after being rescued by the same doctor that operated on Filena's eyes. But before they can explain much to him the Black Devils attack! One sets the house on fire and kidnaps Fis again. Then another meets them at the exit of the tunnel and tries to kill them. He fails and they murderize him too (10).

At this point, the power couple are in the wilderness and set out towards the capital. But not before going to a nearby misplaced black market and buying overpriced stuff that turns out to be endgame armor, helms, shields, and weapons. So yeah.

The couple come upon a woman on the beach, Amalda, who is rather pregnant. They also come upon her dog Hunter. Hunter is awesome. Just keep that in mind.

They follow Amalda back to her campsite where she and 'wandering Clechia' refuse to be turned into the empire's slaves, living instead off of the land and hiding from the "Clechia hunters" that want to turn them into said slaves. Of course this being a game the clechia hunters attack pretty much as soon as Lila and Filena show up. Cue both Amalda having her kid and IMMEDIATELY GETTING UP AND FIGHTING OFF THE HUNTERS. Dude... Dude.

After everything settles down over the corpse of the hunters, Lila watches the baby and gets some baby fever herself. She may need biology explained to her as she seems to want to have one with Filena, whom she knows (uh, intimately) is a woman.

The duo moves on to a hut near the capital and gets smuggled inside on a cart full of hay. They make there way around the capital and come upon the blacksmith they are looking for... who reveals himself as a fellow sea-kingdom filoseran, gives Filena the sword 'FIlena' she is searching for, Tells her to take it to the sea of Filosera, and then is promptly killed by the Black Devils who have tracked down Filena AGAIN.

Filena escapes through a secret passage AGAIN, is confronted by another lone Black Devil AGAIN, and adds to the count (11).

More to come...

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1058 on: November 20, 2017, 05:23:29 AM »
Quite apart from any of the content, that sounds like a shockingly lengthy/in-depth plot for a 16-bit game. I think of FF6 or Chrono Trigger as being about as plot-heavy as those games get but either you're embellishing a fair bit or that game's a fair bit more plotty. Sounds interesting anyway.

Fire Emblem Warriors - Yeah nobody is surprised I played this I'm sure. It's fun! Somewhat surprisingly I do have to conclude it's not as good a game as Hyrule Warriors. The strategy elements are improved (because you can give your allies direct instructions which they actually follow out effectively, and also switch between which ally you control directly), and the weapon triangle is a good addition, much more intuitive than HW's secret system of elemental weaknesses. The action elements though are a clear step back; you no longer really have to learn how to fight bosses effectively and counter them when they drop their guard after certain attacks; now you can just combo anything to death pretty effortlessly. There are lots of ways in which the game is easier, too; some welcome (like some of it is just an artifact of the fact that you can be in multiple locations at once essentially), some I'm neutral on (gold skulltula hunting gets a trivial replacement), and some unwelcome (easier opponents as noted, only rarely does the game really try to overwhelm you on multiple fronts like HW did, and the rankings for History Mode are generally super-ridiculously lenient; you're allowed to take up to 320% damage in fights where you have four controllable units and this is insane).

The plot is also super-dumb. Probably to be expected but still kinda disappointing. I don't think the Warriors setup works that well for me when you're fighting humans instead of monsters (only Ganondorf fought humans in the HW story as I recall and it was effective because you're playing as a supervillain) and the game does way too many incredibly dumb excuses for fights. It also stonefacedly recycles plot points from the FE games it draws from. But hey it has Niles volunteering to strike from the rear, Odin being amazing, and Camilla mocking those who treat her as fanservice so it's not all bad.

As far as the cast goes... obviously I like the playable cast more than HW from their source material, although the actual fighting styles can't be as varied because well, so many infantry swordsmen add up. Random unit comments:


-Ryoma has innate Astra which is the best skill in the game, double speed on attacks is even more broken than it sounds because not only is it essentially 2x offence, but it means being 2x better at breaking the stun gauge for critical hits. I have no opinion on him outside Astra but it makes him top-tier automatically.
-Astra is the broken skill, but Chrom's Luna is probably #2 since it just raises damage a bunch. Chrom's pretty smooth and easy to control but isn't exceptional at anything. Lucina is similar, minus Luna (though Awakening is good too), but attacks a bit faster which is nice.
-Rowan and Lianna are the sword-users with staves. Staves are great. The game doesn't tell you they can use staves. Lianna gets Live to Serve which allows staff users to heal themselves and is therefore good. I find their skillsets a big sluggish/not too impressive overall but the C4 which both shows stun gauge and has a decent AoE is a solid enough bread-and-butter move.
-Xander has great mobility, his basic X attack can be used on the run which is great for mowing through enemies when trying to rack up KOs. Not much to say otherwise.
-Corrin mixes in some dragon attacks with her sword work but her skillset mostly just feels kinda sluggish and not very impressive.
-Lyn and Marth are kinda there. Some people seem to think Lyn's really good but I dunno, she doesn't really stand out to me. Don't have Celica yet.


-Well all three pegasus knights are basically the same character! They have staves so they're automatically worthwhile. Past that they are pretty effective at tying up single officers or even groups of them with their ability to juggle them in the air for a while. Can be a bit awkward sometimes. Flight is great, high move AND can fly over enemies AND can fly over certain gaps in the map. Arrow weakness is awful on paper but y'know it's an action game so you just learn how to not get hit; matters more when you're not controlling them.


-I haven't really used Lissa too much; I found her a bit weird. Have watched Magey play her and he seems to get a lot more out of her so at some point I will try more.
-Frederick is kinda Xander minus, both his move stat is lower and his attack while moving is much more awkward. He does tie individual officers up better though.
-Camilla is basically the AoE queen, I thought her giant fireball was the best AoE move in the game then I discovered her wyvern stomp (X while dashing), nobody is better at racking up KOs. High Str means she does heavy damage to officers too, though her combos are a bit slower than most (nothing Astra couldn't fix!).


-They kill fliers really well but they can't gain weapon triangle advantage otherwise which is unfortunate. I've not used Takumi too much due to not really caring for him, Sakura's... okay. She can use staves at least but unless fliers are around I don't really find her "worth it". The Topsy-Turvy skill (makes her attacks run off magic) does help giver her a niche, she becomes rather mage-like with that.


-All three have an attack which breaks guard immediately, which helps make up for no WTA. They also kill armours well as you might imagine, though anyone can with the right skill. On the other hand they're really awful at damaging mages (and there's no weakness-hitting skill for them) so you have to make sure you bring someone else who can take care of those. Robin's got the smoother and more effective combos, while Elise gets staves and a horse. Leo seems kinda like an inferior version of Elise, sadly; lower magic AND no staves? I still use him plenty because Leo (and having a horse really is useful in this game), but yeah.


-Is Young Link, which means she's hot garbage outside of Awakening Mode but better than most in that (and can convert her special gauge to Awakening to get it more often). I don't find this that useful because everyone wrecks face in Awakening Mode anyway and I don't find that wrecking things slightly harder makes up for no WTA + being generally terrible outside it. But I'm sure there are some situations where all you need is a quick Awakening mode blitz and she's useful.

Ryoma ~= Camilla > Pegasus Knights > Elise > others probably works as my super-tentative ranking; I'll be interested to see how others feel.

Anyway I've done the main plot, gotten a bunch more of the art, completed some of the history mode maps (gotten Lyn, female Robin, male Corrin, not that I'd be caught dead using male Corrin). Will probably play at least long enough to finish more of History Mode and then we'll see.

Invisible Inc. - Played a little of this too although it can't really compete with FEW for me, which isn't really a criticism, but still must be noted. Anyway, mm. In some ways it feels like a game I should like a lot, strategy map (it's so number-light that I hesitate to call it a SRPG) with meaningful decisions and is non-random. I do find myself frustrated with the procedural design, though; I once drew a map that I thought just completely dicked me over (nearly linear, more enemies than I had units, the exit point was right by the starting point; I had to reload that mission and don't really see a way I could have done it better besides not do it). And I don't care for the game's kinda roguelike feel. I feel like the game could have been really great with some carefully-designed puzzly maps to get through, don't think what we actually got is gonna work nearly as well for me. But it's interesting enough to make me keep at it.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1059 on: November 21, 2017, 12:09:45 AM »
Dark Souls 3: beat.  Still have the Ringed City DLC to go, but I've done basically everything else.  the Twins were a fantastic boss.  Friede was amazing.  Final boss very strong.  Nameless King was a diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick and made me wish the game had Bloodborne style dodging.  Dragonrider Armor too, but less so.  Consumed King or whatever his name is also good.  Really liked how he freaked out mid-boss fight - it was super thematically appropriate to be able to stand back and say, "man this dude has lost it."  Game is cool, Fashion Souls is VERY strong, especially the profusion of boss weapon special abilities.  Visually the game is fantastic, and the level design is excellent.  The plot kinda underscores how tough it is to make a sequel to Dark Souls where it feels like there's meaning in what is going on.  I'm not sure they could have made a game matching the epic scope of Dark Souls and in the same world as Dark Souls and had it turn out better than it did, though.  Once I've done the final DLC and looked up the very, very many things I'm sure I have missed, I'll reevaluate that.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 12:15:42 AM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1060 on: November 21, 2017, 04:07:49 AM »
Eien no Filena always sounded 100% like a "Why the hell hasn't Cid played this?" game. Why the hell haven't I played this?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 04:14:14 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1061 on: November 21, 2017, 10:16:05 AM »
Eien no Filena is super cool, but I seem to recall its first fan translation was kinda rough? Has it been updated since 2006 or whenever it was I played it?

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1062 on: November 22, 2017, 03:13:13 AM »
Pimping another mobile game.  Spell Chaser came out yesterday, and it's very groovy.  You don't collect characters, you collect skills and equip them to generic characters.  Lots of character design fun and good aesthetics.  End result reminds me a lot of Blade and Soul, which is very impressive for a mobile game.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1063 on: November 22, 2017, 09:49:58 AM »
Sundered: Finished the resist path on hard, now trying corrupt on insane

I’m a bit disappointed that there were only 3 big bosses + the final one. Even if, admittedly, they were all kind of a mess gameplay wise. They all got so awesome and impossible near the end!
I’d think that this is purely a Get Bigger Numbers And Win game but that isn’t actually true. Replaying on insane, I’m actually having a much easier time even with no corrupted ability yet.

It’s a bit disappointing there’s an happy, if bittersweet, ending. I know I shot for this one but I still wanted it to be bad. It’s like playing Drakengard: you want a good ending but actually you want a bad ending.

Also I can’t believe Nyarlie ended up being a mere pawn to some shiny losange from nowhere

I like md this game


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1064 on: November 23, 2017, 02:29:14 AM »
I'd definitely recommend going for the pacifist ending.  Well worth your time.

Took a shot at this, but it just went from too easy to yeowch.  I pacified the Ruins & Snowdin just fine, with the bosses being surprisingly wimpy in a Pacifist route.   (Was kinda hoping for a Toriel not pulling her punches, since she blatantly refuses to kill you in Neutral.)  I liked Papyrus's reactions though (he justifies not using the bridge gauntlet of DOOM to save it for Undyne who'd appreciate it properly).  No puzzles to slow you down in Waterfall which was nice.  That said, it's too bad you have to to stay on the good ending you have to take on MK, he's my ledge-hopping bro and can serve at my side if I was in charge, but so it goes.  Anyway, I got completely wrecked by Undyne the Undying.  Maybe I should have picked up the extra invincibility gear earlier?  Not sure, the def hit seemed bad.  I can sorta deal with the bullet spam, but once the bullets start teleporting around to the other edge, graaaaah noooo death.  Clearly needed more weird rhythm game practice from NotMiki to do this right.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1065 on: November 23, 2017, 04:35:03 AM »
True peace is built on the corpses of men, Mr. Snow "Hauser" Fire.

Anyway yeah part of the point of Genocide is that hey you powergrinded like a crazy person, now you get to OHKO all the bosses don't you feel special. (Undyne the Undying is literally the only exception, though there's an asterisk to my statement there...) I imagine it might have annoyed me if I'd played Genocide blind (I generally do not enjoy bait-and-switch into a joke fight as a rule) but y'know that's probably one of the lighter things that keeps me from playing it, and is honestly part of the point I think.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1066 on: November 23, 2017, 05:07:46 PM »
Elf: Yeah, I'm familiar with Mr. Atk 1, Def 1, weakest enemy in the game. 

On a slightly different note...
Trails in the Sky SC- Beat the towers. The Enforcers were mostly sad bunches (Luciola was especially trashy, having your 5HKO at best damage be MT is not a trick). The game's writers also just seemed to acknowledge that Kloe's princess hair makes no sense.

I think I've whined about this elsewhere, but aside from Kloe's portrait hair, Kloe's SC plot is a little weird since it seems unfinished...?  There's a (dumb, IMO) plotline where she's having doubts about her ability to be a good ruler, and Dunan has inexplicably reformed himself while under house arrest, and then this leads...  precisely nowhere.  (Well, some unrelated revelations about the origin of Liberl's royal house, I guess.  Convenient nobody overthrew it in a thousand years, yeah, right, Japan.)  Considering that the likes of Agate have a full plot, it's weird that they apparently left a JP fan favorite hanging.


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Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1068 on: November 25, 2017, 11:44:20 PM »
Dark Souls 3: finished the DLC other than the dragon boss, who is hilariously resistant to anything my build can do, thanks in large part to being locked out of advanced sorceries due to beating Abyss Watchers before heading to Cathedral of the Deep.  Not amusing, game.  I may respec and give it a go with dex or str weapons, we'll see.

Future Tone: started this up again because my roommate bought a new TV that doesn't lag like the old one did.  Most games you compensate mentally for lag, but for rhythm games at a high level it's just not doable.  At least, not for me.  My current goal is to perfect all the 7.5 difficulty songs on extreme.  12/31 so far, but it's gonna be a long road with the likes of Meteor and Necomimi SwitchStay With Me holy shit how are you even supposed to do that section in the mix.

Odin Sphere remake: beat this.  It's Odin Sphere, but with gameplay!  Cool game, but it doesn't address the biggest issue of the original, being that it is really dang long and items are fiddly.  Combat in the remake is an absolute joy.  Anyway, cool game.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 09:54:06 PM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1069 on: November 26, 2017, 10:34:41 PM »
I’d say the biggest issue with Odin Sphere is that so many attacks come from off screen

Sundered: Embrace path boss is almost impossible on insane mode. I can deal with the first part but then I’m screwed for the second. The embrace abilities were amazing.

Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen: I loved this game when it had like 10 FPS and I love it even more now
Playing as a mage -> sorceror for the earliest Maelstrom unlock

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1070 on: November 26, 2017, 10:45:58 PM »
What were the improvements to the gameplay? I was always interested in the original OS but what I watched of the gameplay didn't grab me.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1071 on: November 26, 2017, 11:00:20 PM »
The changes amount to a complete overhaul of what characters can do other than their basic attack combo.  Basically they add versatility to each characters' basic moveset, plus entirely retool special skills.  Spells and skills are now usable with shortcuts so you don't need to open a menu.  Characters can do a lot more to keep combos going, and have superior mobility options, which is good because (at least on hard) enemies hit hard if they hit at all.  So for example Gwen now can execute a series of midair swoops she can combo into a dive, all as part of her regular moveset.  That's all from being midair and holding attack and the direction you want to swoop.  It feels great, really sells that she's a midair fighter preying on those on the ground.  Probably the best improvement.  Mercedes has a couple ground-based skills like one that arcs over an enemy in a semicircle in front of her while firing, doing damage and (hopefully) getting out of trouble.  Oswald has a normal move that allows him to throw his sword forward then teleport to its position.  Cornelius is still boring, etc.  Additionally, there are some new miniboss fights and they're all awesome - they really demonstrate how far Vanillaware has come in terms of gameplay.  Anyway, look up some gameplay videos - it's probably better to see for yourself.

Also: Gwen's ultimate skill is the most blatant Nieblung Velasti ripoff you will ever see.  It's great.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 11:04:46 PM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1072 on: November 26, 2017, 11:38:10 PM »
It's Odin Sphere, but with gameplay!

I don't believe you.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1073 on: November 27, 2017, 02:26:43 AM »
Path of Exile - I did race, got a level 40 Witch without ascending.   The Exp gain in this league is bonkers.   I am probably looking at playing next League, will anyone else be interested?
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #1074 on: November 27, 2017, 10:57:02 AM »
It's Odin Sphere, but with gameplay!

My interest is piqued.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....