
Author Topic: What Games are you Playing 2017?  (Read 77374 times)


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #675 on: June 07, 2017, 05:13:30 AM »
Fire Emblem Echoes
Finished.  Well....  finished the main game.  Not 100% sure I'm up for the post-game; Awakening's style of "here are some brutally hard / over-stat'd set piece battles you can go to or grind up for at your leisure" is more my style than "brutal Star Ocean Cave of Trials-esque huge dungeon with no save points".  Anyway, I liked it!  It does a lot of things right that more modern Fire Emblem has gone too anime on.  Our Heroes are not crusaders for peace who miraculously spare everyone and use the power of friendship.  Their love pentagons are predefined.  And as noted before, some of the villains are pretty good.  My sole complaint on that note is Emperor Rudolf; he's basically proto-Walhart from Awakening, and Japan treats these type characters *way* too sympathetically.  "Man must gain the strength to move beyond the Gods, so I'll start a huge war that will bring out the true strength of man regardless of who wins!  And also traumatize my family!  Aren't I noble?"  If they treated him as someone with the germ of a good idea who became a loon about it, or just plain had him switch sides rather than fight you, it'd be fine, but whatever.

(Okay, fine, Jedah paraded his evil plan in front of the heroes a little too much as well, before someone complains he was lame.  But I don't think he was ever intended to be much more than a "munch munch evil is awesome" type villain.  It would have helped if he'd either kept his evil plan to himself more - tell some subordinate so the player knows, but not the party - or just make him straight-up sincerely believe that his plan won't usher in an age of chaos and despair or whatever.  Oh well.)

Anyway...  most of Echos's dungeon crawling is very direct, eschewing twisty mazes where you might get lost.  They do do some classic big NES dungeon in the final dungeon which is less my style these days, but whatever, I read the map / guide on Serenes, so.  The last battles are suitably epic, though, which is p. cool, complete with cheaty enemies that you get to out-cheat.  I did turn back time after I found out the hard way that it was a moving final boss.  I'm not really sure how to beat him without losses without illusion targeting cheeze; I think that you might just have to lure him away from his badass support while staying out of range of it, which is doable but painful.

I liked it!  Recommended.  If I had to nitpick, the smaller cast size means that there isn't tons of replayability; you can try a playthrough with promoting your Villagers into different options, or try evolving weapons slightly differently (only matters by Chapter 4 really due to money shortages, though), or aim for the Blitzkrieg (LTC) achievement, but that's about it.


Also, incidentally, I'll be curious if the game lets you revive neutrals you never recruited, Elf, re having Leon die on his initial map.  I kinda doubt it.  Have fun with 0-1 Archer (depending on how you use your Villager) on Celica path, aka the path with tons of enemy Cantors with crappy defense but who hide behind waves of summoned crap!
« Last Edit: June 07, 2017, 05:20:59 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #676 on: June 07, 2017, 02:51:13 PM »
Pokemon Black: Got to Mistralton City.

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Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: Beaten the game. Damn is it leaps and bounds ahead of the first game. The stealth is more interesting, the bosses are much better, even though the final boss is way too ambitious with its swordplay, and the story really appealed to me as an IT student looking at the digital age. I can't delve too much into the story without reducing the size of the text, even though I found myself at the edge of my seat whenever there was a major plot twist. The cast is pretty solid, I especially liked what they did with Raiden, Otacon, and Solidus. Then again I liked the cast of the first game as well. The main issues which I had with the plot were with some of the villains, particularly Vamp, and Rose. Vamp is that anime villain who they like to ninja into the plot whenever they feel like showing off something that looks cool, and Rose is a rather dull love interest who has some very stock dialogue. Being dull is a major issue here as it causes you to become apathetic about the plot twist that she was sent to spy on Raiden's life.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 04:15:25 PM by MasterLemon »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #677 on: June 07, 2017, 03:49:21 PM »
Spirit of Justice: started this, up through case 3.  Very impressed so far - the game really nails the authoritarian religious setting, where causing trouble in the form of being accused is your crime, irrespective of whether you did it.  The game puts Phoenix in a position where the only way he can win his cases is by tarnishing the reputation of venerated religious figures, which is an act that has the peanut gallery screaming for his head, even though he turns out to, y'know, be right.  It's an unsparing criticism, and gives the game a focus that Dual Destinies lacked.  Looking forward to the rest of it.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #678 on: June 07, 2017, 03:55:38 PM »
About 110 hours into Persona 5. Soooooo gooooood. I have no real interest in ranking it against Persona 3 or Persona 4, but it's a Persona game, and it's what I love about Persona games, and I'm really enjoying the little quirks they re-introduced (well, mostly - demon negotiations and dungeon puzzles can get tiresome) into the series, and the design just makes me so happy.

The worst thing about getting older is not having the time (or energy) to binge on a good game. We've been playing since the game was released on April 4. Two months in at 100 hours is like an hour and a half a day. BOO.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #679 on: June 07, 2017, 10:13:55 PM »
Fire Emblem Echoes
I did turn back time after I found out the hard way that it was a moving final boss. I'm not really sure how to beat him without losses without illusion targeting cheeze; I think that you might just have to lure him away from his badass support while staying out of range of it, which is doable but painful.

If you made Faye a Cleric, she gets the Rescue spell at a lowish level. What I did after taking out Jedah was warp Alm in to kill the Medusa caster, then immediately Rescue him out the same turn. Did the same on the next turn to take one the Witch boss on the left side, while the one on the right got baited out while safely out of the final boss's range. Once the fight was down to just the final boss + Mogalls I sent in only Alm + people who gave him support bonuses and whom I could count on to take a few hits, with one Fortify and two Physics for safe long range healing.

Warp/Rescue/Fortify/etc. not limited by finite staff uses is pretty abusable lategame, once you get the tools to not care about the HP penalty.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #680 on: June 07, 2017, 11:09:11 PM »
Yeah, I made Faye a Pegasus Knight.  I'm actually glad about that in retrospect; she's good but not game-breaking there, and infinite Rescue staff uses in an FE = totally busted, I agree, maybe too busted.  I didn't have any Rescue or Fortify users.  (Since Faye has better Atk than Clair, I made her the damageless tank with a shield that relied on her Anti-Terrors bonus to do damage.  Still, being able to body-block with a tank wherever needed was more helpful than you might expect.)

That said, I think I may have made the wrong call in rewinding drawing the final out if I wanted to win without resorting to AN ILLUSION WHAT ARE YOU HIDING cheeze.  It was actually Falcon Knight Faye that drew him out and survived (with 2 HP), and the Medusa caster doesn't move + left witch doesn't move until aggro'd, so there's no reason why you can't slowly drag the final away from the Medusa caster.  As is, I D-Day'd the Medusa guy & the Witch and killed some of the Mogalls and relied on Illusions to do their thing, which they did.  (It was especially great vs. the previous boss's dialogue - You took everything from me!  You will suffer!  Who knew illusions could be so rage-inducing?)

Meanwhile, poking around the postgame...   the DF->Villager->DF loop is so stupid.  Deploy a solo Saber to some respawning Graveyard enemies for EZ level-ups, watch his stats shoot through the roof.  He's only a Myrmidon and it's already crazy.  Why the game decided that DFs and only DFs get a free break-the-game button, I don't know.  (Maybe make it so that DFs can access Villager at L10, and everyone else requires L20, if they insisted on making DFs super speshul?  Or, to give other non-DFs a fighting chance of competing, either make it easy to farm Forks rather than have them be super-limited, or make it so there's an L20-30 at greatly reduced XP gain?)


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #681 on: June 07, 2017, 11:51:29 PM »
Snowfire using WoW memes?  Something's not quite right...

BG1 - Kensai Halfing using daggers run.  Even without exceptional strength and the "worst" weapon class, still bonkers.  Aec'tlek os much easier when you use Potion of Mirrored Eyes.  Had to reset once because someone got inflicted with Death Gaze after pots ran out because Chaos move one of the trash adds into a corner I didn't see.  That fully heals it. Moving on to Seige of Dragonspear next time I have time for games.  New BG content feels weird.

Imoen isn't usable, they gave me Safana to replace her.  So I am down an arcane caster.  Debating what to do.  I could swap out Khalid and Jaheira for another fighter and get a caster.  I could use Minsc and Dynaheir, but blehhhhh.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #682 on: June 08, 2017, 01:25:48 AM »
Also, incidentally, I'll be curious if the game lets you revive neutrals you never recruited, Elf, re having Leon die on his initial map.  I kinda doubt it.  Have fun with 0-1 Archer (depending on how you use your Villager) on Celica path, aka the path with tons of enemy Cantors with crappy defense but who hide behind waves of summoned crap!

Interesting; I guess that helps me decide what class I'll make Atlas, sure. I haven't had much trouble with cantors yet, or... anythin on Celica's path, really. Because mages. Have I mentioned mages are ridiculous in this game? So much terrain with ridiculous avoid bonuses... which they ignore. (Even things like "indoor hallways" have a substantial boost.) And then of course almost everything you fight has more Def than Res, sometimes by a lot. And their weapons don't take up valuable inventory slots. My only complaint is their lower move.

I agree with most of your comments, with one major exception, at least so far: villains. The villain cast in this game seems kinda wretched, especially if Rudolf turns out as badly as you say? Like uh... there's Jedah and Desaix have both already monologued about how evil they are. There's Berkut, whom the game obviously wants me to think is cool and competent but has done nothing but hold the idiot ball. And Remia who you can tell is the Token Female Villain because she has no personality beyond being smitten with a male villain and being kinda anti-violence. Really the only bright spot so far is Fernand, and that's because he's the only one who both acts in a vaguely believable way and actually is given a character motivation, instead of just being evil for the sake of being evil. A shame that he does seem to fall into the FE trope of anyone who dislikes the main character being objectively wrong, evil, or both. Maybe some of these characters could improve (I can see ways to make Berkut's derpy scenes so far retroactively have payoff, for instance) but I'm not really expecting it.

I'm certainly happier with the PC cast. Mae and Boey's interactions with each other and their lord are often quite fun; Tobin and Grey aren't as effectively-written but they're decent enough too. Alm and Celica themselves are both pretty likable/well-executed, though there one scene together so far did dial the melodrama higher than I personally would have. Also 100% approval for full voice-acting at last; it's really surprising that it took a lower-budget side entry to finally get this into the series.

Map randoms are weird in this game. I had one camp on a story battle and the resulting fight was brutally hard! I left to go promote someone and came back; the random moved off and I took it out, now much easier. And then the story battle it had been camping on was now a complete joke. This... isn't a huge complaint; the fix was easy enough, but it does make the game feel weirdly unpolished.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #683 on: June 09, 2017, 06:05:35 AM »
Final Fantasy Dimensions - void

Part 2 of the final dungeon. It's broken into lots of parts, again. First off we head to the World of Despair. Sounds like a fun place.

World of Despair: The randoms don't give me much in the way of problems. Natural-looking animal enemies like the Death Hornet, Hellhound, and Nightmare, along with the Mother Brain, can be petrified. Followers of Nil don't count as human for human-slaying, but they're vulnerable to sleep nonetheless; so are Albinopedes and Eales (Eales are kinda nobtable for having a nasty 2500 damage Wind Slash). Stunner is an option for the sleep-vulnerable enemies too: it does no damage and has a slight recharge time attached, but it does allow me to use basic physicals on them after. I also gain Assassinate (ID with a huge recoil) during this time although it's only situationally useful at best; still, it hits the enemies vulnerable to sleep/stun but not petrify. Enuo and Electrum don't have status holes, but they are weak to fire and lightning respectively so that wrecks them. The one bulky status-immune enemy here is the Hydra, who can use Triple Breath for over 2000 damage, but by neutralising any of its support fast I can just use standard boss tactics (Curative Slash when needed) and win easily.

Of the above the problem enemy is definitely the Death Hornet, which like previous bugs occasionally throws out HP-1. Since they can appear in formations of up to three this is definitely somewhat scary; my huge speed advantage does often let me stone them before they move at least.

I had Level 99! There's a fixed fight with four Followers of Nil which is easy. Then a little later on, a boss!

Despair (2 resets) - This guy is definitely not worth 2 resets; he's actually quite easy. The main problem move is Caustic Spittle which does around 800 and inflicts slow and poison. Poison can add up so I heal it. He can also use Sandstorm for blind (can be blocked by a hat at least). Fortunately he's half my speed so even after Slow we basically trade turns. I say "basically" because one of my resets is a butterfingers moment where I don't hit the right command fast enough and he's doubleturns at a bad time and I die. My other reset is just being overconfident and caught off guard by his "limit". It's not much of a limit. Aside from his status moves he can double physical for 2000 or cast Flare for 2700, which off his speed and lack of counters isn't much. Below half HP he can triple physical for 3000 and yes being at 2900 HP is what kills me, oops. I block both blind and poison and accept the slight stat hit (neither Protect nor Shell are that important here with his damage being about equally distributed).

After this a quick check of a guide reveals I missed a side area, with a rather important prize, so let's do that!

Under Castle Lux: It's within the World of Despair and has the same randoms. It has a Gladius, a knife which boosts speed a bunch, and a Ribbon! Hooray~. Ribbon is my new accessory for most fights from here out although Red Shoes can still see some use if I'm not worried about status.

Sworddancer (1 reset) - Like here. She uses initiative MT Doom, 10 ticks to deplete 40000 HP! Can I do that? Well, of course... I equip two human-slaying weapon and set Aim for Quick Shot instead of Magic Blade and spam that until I win, using a Rejuvenating Pill once to recover from her damage (she'll use Saber Dance on her other turns for around 2000, and sometimes counters with Drain or Osmose dances).

World of Misery: Mostly the same enemies but a few new ones mixed in. Chaos Claws can use Death Claw, which has a chance to cause HP-1. I don't like this and since I'm level 99 I just run if I face more than one. There's also the Red Dragon who can Firebreth for over 2000 but only appears alone or with an Electrum as support (who dies first). I hit JL19 Ninja here which gives me an extra slot, I use it on HP+20% after some experiments with Counter.

Misery (1 reset) - One reset from foolishly not running the Ribbon; why do I do that? Anyway he can Bite for poison+confuse, which is bad. Otherwise he uses various physicals and can do somewhere a bit over 2000 a round with them. Pox causes Deprotect and does around 1500. Deprotect is bad. There's also Devil Claw which dispels and inflicts a random debuff (Debrave, Deprotect, or Deshell). Deshell's not relevant. Fortunately dispel gets rid of the previous debuffs.

World of Anguish: Again, some recurring enemies, some new. Fossil Dragons are big and scary looking, but they can be petrified. So can Ixtabs, which are floating skeletal monstrosities. The one new unpetrifiable enemy is a Hecatoncheir palette-swap called Demon Warrior which has 2000ish damage and decent bulk/immunities but that's nothing I can't handle by now. I hit JL20 as Ninja here and there's honestly very little reason to keep fighting randoms although I'll fight some just to prove I can. I could go back to Red Mage for Dualcast but noah.

Anguish - Dark Breath does like 2500. He can counter sometimes with Claw which does around 1500. He has some status which I'm blocking. Stay above 4000 and I win.

World of Suffering: Some new enemies mixed with the old again. Glasya Labolas are ogres with pretty good immunities and some status moves I don't care about. Mirror Mages have reflect! Drowsy Slash works though. Blue Dragons are a lot like red, but a different colour.

Suffering - Two sources independently claim he has Blaster, but I never see it. Might be a counter to magic? Either way the question of whether the Ribbon stops ID in this game is one I can't answer yet, fortunately. He uses Aero for 2500 or so, or double physicals for about 1000 each. Below half HP he'll cast Enaero (doubling it with physicals) which makes his wind magic stronger: around 3300 now. No big deal. Without Blaster he's not taking me down.

Defeating Suffering unlocks an optional fight against Soul Eater, a killer squirrel kinda-superboss with 3200 HP but who takes like 50 damage from my strongest weapons under Dualwield (and even that requires a switch to Ranger to use). I try using Throw but he counters ITD by summoning five other Soul Eaters, which is bad because he's almost as fast as me and can use Incisor for 3500 to the back row. I might be able to beat him as a Ranger with Curative Slash and Quick Shot or something but it'd take a huge number of resources and his reward, while cool (Miracle Shoes, Auto-Protect/Shell/Regen), probably isn't cool enough to justify that, because the Ribbon is pretty great and Auto-Haste is coming soon too. So instead, it's on to the main plot and the game's penultimate boss...

Nil Vata (1 reset) - The start of the fight is weird because he keeps talking and this revives everyone to 1 HP. Stop that! I kill them off repeatedly. Fortunately he doesn't do much in this phase, aside from the odd Flare. Once he finally fully transforms we get the real fight.

He can Jump for just over 4000, Wild Dance for slightly less, and cast Buffet for around 2500 and a chance of Stun... all tricks we've seen before. 4000 is a lot, but since he doesn't counter it just means I have to stay above that threshold. And since I'm faster than him unlike in previous fights (yay ninja~) stun isn't as bad as it used to be. The usual strategy works; the one reset is just an execution fail.

This also unlocks one more optional boss which I fight for the hell of it:

Bahamut (1 reset) - Gotta catch 'em all (the summons, that is)... even if I don't plan to use 'em at this point. Anyway Bahamut starts by counting down 3-2-1, and then fires off Megaflare for around 4400 base. During this countdown he can also counter with Devil Claw, which as before, dispels and also adds a random debuff. I get hit with Deshell and this really sucks; Megaflare now does over 5500 to my 7000-odd HP.

For the rest of the fight he can cast Tribreath for around 2200 base, or Flare for around half that much again. He can use double physicals as well; double Claw does around 3200. Deprotect or Deshell can make these worse of course.

Once below a certain HP threshold (60%? Didn't count, but it seemed like before he hit half) he'll charge Megaflare again, this time attacking on the turns he does so, and continues this for the rest of the fight. This part is quite scary especially since Devil Claw counters can mess with things quite a bit. The threat of Devil Claw + Flare/double physical is over 5000 damage, even more with Deshell in the mix. The threat of Devil Claw + Megaflare is fatal from full HP. Defending against Megaflare's not a bad choice. Oh yeah and one of his physicals can now be Rend, which sets Sap as well as dealing damage.

He doesn't use status so on the second run I equip a Shell Bangle which both reduces the effectiveness of Tribreath/Flare/Megaflare AND makes me immune to Deshell, so Devil Claw now sometimes does nothing, and sometimes does Debrave/Deprotect which are annoying but not nearly as dangerous. This brings his damage very much under control and I win without too much more difficulty, though he's hardly a pushover.

The final stretch is next! I'm sure the final boss won't be a problem.

Alba Level 99, Ninja Level 20

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #684 on: June 09, 2017, 06:47:33 PM »
SO3 HD Note to the Ciddys, JP version of SO3 HD was prone to crashing, and apparently western NTSC version has been kind of buggy/crash heavy for people as well. PAL version I've had two crashes so far, one was vs those dragons that guard the doors if you mess up the flute sound in Ruins of Barr, to be fair  kept screwing up there since I was unsure of the new PS4 controls for the flute so I had to fight a lot of dragons, and another was while I was trying to quickly switch between characters for their status with a Laser Weapon equipped, when I went to try to check the Laser Weapon on Sophia on Moonbase the game crashed. Crashing/freezing and weird shenanigans with graphic bugs, etc could be a thing on the PS2 anyway though but PS2 gave you the option to try to wait the thing out or something where PS4 hard crashes with error code and reboot to PS4 menu after.

Also I heard from people that JP PS4 had different cancel frames for some moves, including Blade of Fury, Crescent Locus, and Peppita's dances, apparently for the dances they removed both PAL and NTSC cancel windows from them >_>

I've done two runs so far. One was a quick run to see what things were like on PS4, made it to Planet of Styx, optionals were Nel/Peppita, now doing my Galaxy run, made it past Styx and to Gemity, and Eternal Sphere transport thing, went back to Elicoor, Moonbase, Styx and did things~

Getting kind of carried away, Peppita is L63, Maria is L52, Cliff is L50, Albel is L50, Fayt is L30, and Sophia is L50 >_>

I made a thing, Spike Shoes, Shoots powerful balls of ice while attacking, adds water based damage, shoots balls of lightning while attacking, Raises normal attack decision by one.

I also made six Star Talismans while Crafting, obtained seven more Lunar Talismans in the process, and also made six Brooches of Footwork. However Maria, Fayt, and Sophia trolled me on Moonbase and refused to make any Tattered Tomes~

Peppita did make a Philosopher's Stone though so I picked up Ansala back on Elicoor. Also picked up Stanice. Have picked up Misty Lear, Grats, Ansala and Stanice so far.

Contemplating if I should now go and pick up Osman, the pen thing from Kaddan, and do some Writing shenanigans including for getting Convert Damage to MP for Maria, Sophia, and Peppita. Also with Alchemy I could maybe make the thing that gives Sophia +500 INT. Then also with Writing I could make the things that give adds elemental damage, could do adds fire damage on Laser Weapons for Maria and Peppita for Azazer and earth/wind for Belzeber and Berial >_>

I thought about Ring of Mental Power for 6% MP Regens but apparently I can't make this until I get Chilico :(

So far I have 76/300 Battle Trophies and have unlocked the 2P Color alt costumes, and Universe mode :)

Oh yeah I've been streaming too~
« Last Edit: June 09, 2017, 06:59:51 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #685 on: June 10, 2017, 01:27:20 AM »
Pokemon Black: Got to Icirrus City. Looks like they finally got a DS Pokemon game right. The battles flow as fast as they did in RSE and the core game doesn't feel padded out with dungeons involving HMs like DPP did. In fact, until Sun and Moon swapped them for the much better Poke Ride, HMs became a lot less noticeable in this game. Cut is the only one that the game forces the player to use, and even that's extremely early on. Two issues that always bugged me in this game though were the extremely high encounter rate and the limited Pokedex selection, both of these were thankfully fixed in the sequel.

I'd discuss more about the game right now, but Lemon summed up most of my thoughts in his post and I obviously want to avoid repeating them.

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Shadow of the Colossus: Beaten Dirge. The feeling of immersion has definitely not left since my last post. Each fight with the colossi up to this point has brought something new to the table, my favourite so far being the fight with Hydrus due to the suspense of trying to deactivate the electric spines before it dives back into the lake to electrocute you. The only two fights I haven't enjoyed so far are Avion due to the tedious nature of having to swim to the platforms and waiting to get back onto him if you fall off, and Basaran due to the game's camera not being able to capture both him and the geyser you want to lure him onto. Asides from those two, the game is a blast so far and I hope it stays this way.

Street Fighter 2: Turbo: I'll come clean, this is the first time I've played this game. I'm a bad person, I know. I'm playing against Lemon to try to determine which characters are the ones that I am best at using. So far I'm enjoying Ryu and E.Honda quite a bit; though I've only used the two I mentioned, Chung Li, Ken and Blanka so far.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #686 on: June 10, 2017, 04:48:57 AM »
Spirit of Justice case 4: Eat your hamburgers, Apollo.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #687 on: June 11, 2017, 03:52:45 PM »

Time to crush Super's idol
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #688 on: June 11, 2017, 04:22:31 PM »
System Shock 3 Prey: Played and beaten over a week.  Saw one of the groups I follow do it and it seemed damn spiffy so I bought it and it didn't disappoint.  Great atmosphere, good enough combat a nice sense of exploration and Talos is an excellent fun playground.  Typhon make for a fun enemy, if a bit unvaried.  Number of weapons is low but they're all damn useful so I'll take it.  You superpowers in Neuromods make a noticeable effect on making you horribly powerful.  Ran basically pure Human-side with some small utilities from the typhon-side and was just wrecking typhon not-face.  Already started a playthrough 2 with the intent of going pure typhon mods, with minimized human effects as a whole.  No shotguns for me.  Starting over let's me really appreciate all the foreshadowing they've done.  The amount of neuromods in the Lobby alone is nuts when you know your way around.

Story is kind of difficult to get into without spoilers but it's decently engaging despite the whole thing boiling down to endless fetch quests.  Things get obnoxious late-game though with all the constant loading screens though.  Also has the rarest goddamn thing in video games with these types of "outbreak of bad shit" with an actual group of NPC survivors.  Who don't all die the second the walking death aura that is a protagonist comes through.

Push the fat man.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #689 on: June 12, 2017, 06:06:22 AM »
Spirit of Justice: done, other than DLC case.  Very strong entry.  3>1>6=AAI2>>2>AAI1>4, offhand.  More thoughts later.  I think this and AAI2 are at the very top of PW games that seek to make a broader point and succeed in doing so.  Well, 1 has to be high on that list as well.  (2 I love as a game but the moral of the final case is pretty incoherent, for all that the case particulars are great.)
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 06:07:58 AM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #690 on: June 15, 2017, 03:49:37 AM »
Final Fantasy Dimensions - The power of Nil is absolute!

So I'm at the final section of the final dungeon. Near the start of it, I get a Hermes Sandals, which are, as you might expect, really badass: Auto-Haste! Sure it's only 150% speed and not 200% but that's still amazing. Ribbon has some definite competition for randoms, I go back and forth. There are some pretty tough randoms here as you might expect.

-Gomory can use Break, so taking them out fast is important if I'm not running Ribbon. If I am they're no threat.
-Great Malboros can use Bad Breath (scary if I don't have a Ribbon), but they're vulnerable to stone. They can also use Tentacle which damages and inflicts Slow, which Ribbon doesn't block (but Hermes Sandals does).
-Pisco Demons can Mind Blast for paralysis, so again no Ribbon makes them scary. They have no status holes but they get 2HKOed.
-Abyss Worms have like 20000 HP and hit pretty hard. They are, however, not totally status immune. Assassinate works! Har.
-Prisoners of Nil can use Death which makes them grade-A assholes. I don't learn if Ribbon can block it or not. They're vulnerable to silence, though nothing else useful: silence is good enough.
-Giants of Nil are bulky and reasonably damaging but even two at once is far less dangerous than most bosses now so whatever, take out other enemies first and cruise.
-Red and Blue Dragons aren't new, technically, but fighting both at once is, and this makes for a nasty fight. Both can do a bit over 2000 damage with their stronger moves... but worse, both can counter for around that much too, so potentially I can face 6000 damage! I do have 7700 HP so I can manage that but it means I have to be very careful when fighting them. Red Jacket can cut the fire damage/counters at least, allowing me to take out the Red first since their counter is always fire, though they can still Bite for 2000 on their own turns.

There are more, those are just some of the ones sticking out in my mind. There are also mini-bosses! These have to be fought.

Electric Image: Is Shango unscaled pretty much. Pommel remains a threat so I do have a Ribbon.

Frozen Image (1 reset): Is Cocytus. I learn the Ribbon doesn't block stop (and die in the process), so I pull out the ol' Tetra Bangle again to keep her ice offence under control. Hermes Sandals might block her Benumb's Stop but I don't feel like chancing a reset to test.

Light Avatar: Is Imperio. Judgement is still a pain but not too much to worry about past that with a Shell Bangle, and fortunately he isn't consectuve with another boss this time.

Dark Avatar: Is Gehenna. Is easy. I run Hermes Sandals here.

Finally, there are two monsters in a box against one of the absolute nastiest random encounters in the game, the Nil Protector, a palette-swap of the Protector which caused me so much grief. They can also be fought as randoms near the end! Run away if that happens.

Nil Protector (1 reset): Nil Protector can triple-act, using physicals for around 1200 (back row), Laser for 30% CHP, or Magic Bomb 3 for about 3000. I've never seen Triple Magic Bomb 3 but uhhh you can see the problem; two Magic Bomb 3's and a physical is already almost fatal (my HP, as noted earlier, is about 7700). So I often have to heal twice between his turns. Fortunately he's pretty slow so I can do that. Shell Bangle reduces the chance of an outright KO and increases the chance I only need to heal once, so I use that one last time.

And that brings me to the final boss!

Elgo (3 resets) - Everything is awful.

He has 130000 HP, a bit more than the previous bosses. For the first half of the fight he isn't too scary, which is to say he roughly 2HKOs me (his best move, Flare + Slice'n'Dice, does 4500; his worst is Holy which does 3400, just enough to heal-lock). He can counter with Slow! Slow would be horrifying. Fortunately Hermes Sandals blocks it, so my accessory choice is locked in. With that, I get slightly more than 2 turns to his 1, which makes him faster than most bosses ignoring my Auto-Haste though not extraordinarily. First half of the fight is a simple hurt-and-heal as a result. Since his 2HKO is low, one Curative Slash should pretty much always patch me up nicely. I learn to Osmostic Slash him to get my MP back shortly before phase 2; the last time I'll use this handy skill.

The second half of the fight are when things get ugly. See, he can now doublecast Holy and Meteor. Combined, these do around 7500; once I'm dropped to double-digits from full HP. Flare is now comboed with elemental Magic Blades (Elgo ripping off my strats) for around 5000 to the back row. His other moves are worse due to being MT: Ultima does 3000, and Pandora's Box only a little over 2000, though the lightning spell it creates can stun and the ice spell inflict Stop... and yes, I do see this land once, so that ends the possibility that Hermes Sandals block it. I guess nothing does! Fortunately, just like Cocytus, the stop doesn't last very long; he gets one turn while I'm stopped only. In theory a Pandora's Box (Stop) followed by Holy/Meteor is completely unavoidable death

However, it gets worse. Not only do I have to heal twice after some of his stronger moves (Holy + Meteor for sure), but he can counter with Gravity (50% CHP). So... yeah I can't actually attack him safely when he's about to get a turn. All I can do is either:

(a) try to wait for when I'm going to tripleturn. Very dicy because if I'm slow on command entry I can pay for this.

(b) if he uses a strong move, heal twice. If he uses a weak move, attack once then heal. If he Gravity-counters the first attack, one heal may no longer be enough, so if I don't think I'm getting a third turn I'll need to use an Elixir. I have 10.

There are no good options; I mostly go with (b). One nice thing about not banking on tripleturns is that when I manage one and I'm at full health, I can defend so that I'll be in better shape next turn.

Thank goodness he has no status besides slow/stop so I don't need a Ribbon. This is probably one of the most difficult fights in terms of sheer execution. I use two Elixirs.

Elgo is then eaten by the power he sought to control, never seen this before! There's a long cutscene. And then mercifully, a save point.

Chaos Elgo - Actually he's easier than human Elgo by quite a bit! Not easy by any means but the first form prepared me for the biggest shit he can throw at me. Chaos Elgo mostly has the same stats as the first form, near as I can tell, except that his defence is a bit higher.

At full HP, Chaos Elgo has:
-Grand Wall is a row-ignoring (IIRC) physical for 3200 or so, or can instead hit twice for a bit under half that.
-Flare, Holy, Meteor. They do what they did in the previous fight, which is a high 3HKO except for Meteor which is just over 4000.
-Pandora's Box. Also does what it did in the previous fight. The rare chance of stop is scary but assuming the duration is unchanged it's manageable.
-Eclipse. Around 2000 damage and supposedly can add Curse. i equip a curse-blocking hat because I'm a cheater and read up on this fight before I did it.
-Dark Flow. Relatively weak damage (1500 or so), but heals him a little. The first time he uses it it wipes out the party instead but the power of friendship revives me; fortunately he uses it again for its real version right after so all my puny 3-digit HP loser friends die instantly.
-Black Hole. MT Dispel. Irrelevant to me! He always doubleacts this with something else so it's not a wasted turn.
-White Hole. 5000 healing and puts self in Protect/Shell. Once used he's in Protect/Shell forever. With Protect up I do about 2000 damage per offensive action, about half

Chaos Elgo has three forms which he shifts between: a neutral form, a dark form, and a light form. The forms vary in physical defence, elemental defence to holy/dark (two elements I can't access so whatever), and some skillset details. Dark Flow and Black Holy are only in the dark form, White Hole is only in the light form. Several moves are used across two or even all three forms, I don't really keep track because it's not too relevant. Anyway, the good news is that shifting forms takes a turn! So that's quite a few wasted no-actions.

The other good news, if you read all the above, is that he can only do 4000 damage at once! Yeah sure that sounded impressive back when I was describing Nil Vata but after Elgo phase 2's 5000-7500 from his best moves this is nothing; most of his moves don't even heal-lock me!

Really the only bad news is that Gravity counters make their return. A Gravity counter followed by a Meteor is still fatal. So I do have to use the same basic strategy as against regular Elgo: attack first, THEN heal. Fortunately, double-healing isn't necessary; one Curative Slash gets me out of Meteor death range. Rather than try to go for super-high execution moves, I just accept a strict 2-1, healing then attacking, over and over.

When I run out of MP, I use Elixirs. This happens pretty often. Chaos Elgo has 200000 HP which means I need around 100 attacks to win, plus 2.5 for every use of White Hole and some more for every use of Dark Flow. That's a lot! I use three Elixirs.

As his HP drops, Chaos Elgo does improve, as is the FFD boss norm, though not that much as far as a solo is concerned. After he loses about a third of his HP, the screen will flash. On his next turn, he'll use 10000 G's, which is MT HP-1. No big. I Curative Slash twice after it because nooo way am I finding out what a Gravity counter does at 1 HP. He can re-use this move hereafter.

After he loses the second third of his HP, the screen flashes again, and his next turn is Big Bang. Big Bang does just under 4000 MT and sets Sap. This is NOT a fun move for a full party and highly encourages you to use Shell/Mighty Guard. But for me and my stupid HP total, it's just another Meteor. Except it's worse, because there's, I eventually notice, a definite lag after he uses it, so i can safely attack 2-3 times before healing. I should also mention that, due to some act of colossal mercy by the game desigers, 10000 G's cures Sap (and maybe dispels some other things for all I know), so there's no danger of a cheap death.

Otherwise as his HP drops he starts acting on the turns he form-shifts, and can double White Hole with an attack as well. But he can't double any actual attacks so his overall offence doesn't really get more dangerous.

It takes a good while and I use three Elixirs, but victory is mine on the first try!

Alba Level 99
Ninja L20
Red Mage L16
Ranger L13
Dark Knight L7
Summoner L7
Warrior L5
Black Mage L5
White Mage L1

I thought about going to Red Mage 20 (for Doublecast Magic Blade) or Ranger 20 (for a powerful offensive F-ability which would outdamage everything I have except Quick Shot, and without Quick Shot's increased counter risk) and if the final boss had walled me harder I might have, but it wasn't necessary.

Move valuable jobs!

1. Red Mage. So yeah this is obvious. Best carrier for most of the game due to great equips (light armour AND mage armour which includes many key statusblockers, shields, rods/bows/swords), solid magical stats without horrid HP or speed like other mages, and a great skillset (status, Protect, -aras are great offence for a long time). Eventually their primary skillset falls off but then there's Magic Blade, which provides an amazing swiss army knife skillset for a physical solo.
2. Summoner. So hey I'd like to put Ninja here, I really would. Ninja is obviously better when it's around. But Sylph is pretty much the only reason solos are viable for like... half the game. It's the best healing until Curative Slash/Restorative Pill (Curaga heals a bit more but is attached to a way worse job). I used it all the way until the pathmerge. The job has some uses otherwise when MT damage is called for but its bad HP/speed are limiting.
3. Ninja. Okay yeah, I've ranted about it before, Ninja is the uber-carrier and cries out for a switch to a physical build to deal with the endgame. Amazing speed, good stats otherwise, innate Dualwield, good innate skillset.
4. Black Mage. Largely inferior to Red Mage (yes, they do more damage; it's not worth the speed/HP hit) until you get Black L5, then it turns out that Stop/Osmose/Tornado are amazing. I really felt the lack of good black magic when raising Alba as a red mage late in the pre-merge.
5. Ranger. So if you can spare the skill slot, and can run a physical build, it turns out that Quick Shot is really good! Best DPS in the game. Otherwise they're fast and have good back row options.
6. Dark Knight. Only really contributes one important thing, but Backliner is pretty darn important for allowing me to use full-powered Curative Slashes in the back row (as well as better offence). Their skillset is junk in a solo.
7. Dragoon. Good stats and the breaths are pretty nice MT on a mage. Jump loses its downside in a solo and becomes the best physical move on the light side.
8. Warrior. Of the early physical jobs, it's the best due to Counter and the ability to use bows and thus be in the back row. Almost never BETTER than magic, but sometimes you run out of MP and this is the best thing to do that doesn't burn through valuable earlygame Elixirs. Outclassed by Dragoon and Ranger pretty fast though.
9. White Mage. Mostly useless due to wretched stats/offence, but it proved essential in the hardest fight in the game because Shell is that great.

Not useful in a solo, but I respect them normally: Monk, Bard, Paladin, Seer, Magus
Not useful in a solo, and questionable normally: Thief, Memorist, Dancer

Most challenging bosses!

Just genuinely nasty:
1. Asmodai 2: No question here. Deshell combined with really high magical offence for the time AND needing to keep another unit alive? He'd probably be the hardest boss for the solo without the invisibility mechanic; with, he was just nuts, especially since my primary strategy relied on pseudo-draining. Made me use the weirdest setup to win.
2. Protector. Dusk's final boss was tougher than the real final boss. Him countering Sylph and Holy hitting super-hard for the time was a brutal combo to overcome.
3. Elgo. That said the real final boss, or at least his first, more human form, was pretty evil too. An extremely difficult fight on execution, and I wasn't going to grind my way out of trouble on this one; insane damage AND gravity counters.

The trio of praying to the RNG:
4. Argy-2. More frustrating than hard, Argy-2's ability to throw out unblockable instant death at any point in the battle wasn't very fun, but it did challenge me to optimise my damage to a large degree.
5. Owner?. Stupid name, but essentially the same problem as Argy-2, as Break was unblockable and fatal. Not as durable at least, also made me optimise his damage.
6. Vata 1. Fortunately no other Vata, or boss in general, was cruel enough to combine Tornado doubleacted with other things. The mercy of this fight was that he had a much lower HP range where he could use the egregious move, and that he could be slowed, but that's not much of a consolation.

Other major worries:
7. Lieutenant. With his Ensigns support he could just output way too much damage. Fortunately he was fought early when grinding was both quick and effective, but I did pretty much have to do that and then find a way to efficiently take down one of his support.
8. Green Keeper: Big regen is not fun for solos, especially when you cast Haste to make it happen more often. I had to optimise a blitz to have a chance here; a rare early fight where Sylph wasn't worth it.
9. Tobikage: More ID cheese, but this time it's actually manageable. Shockingly high damage from a spiritual successor to Wendigo though, it made me use an unusual strategy based around Summon.
10. Styx 2: Lots of offence and necessitated a very specific set of statusblockers. As with Green Keeper, it turns out Haste on a boss is a bad time.

Honourable mentions: Hecatoncheir, Dundoth, Commander (1st), Elder, Revived Asmodai, Cocytus.

Fun times. File was around 56 hours, so probably 70+ in practice. Longer than I really had time for at the end of a busy school year, but the DL is all about poor life decisions.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #691 on: June 16, 2017, 01:39:13 AM »
Pokemon Black: Beaten Ghetsis. I've decided against completing the postgames for the rest of the Pokemon binge, mainly because I've gone through them before in previous playthroughs and I would prefer to just focus on the next game. I'll still complete Episode Delta though as I feel that was what the developers intended as the true ending of ORAS, not unlike Red in the Johto games. Back to Black, the game is still quite solid even with Sun/Moon stealing the 'best narrative' niche. 'Best narrative' is a statement I never thought I would associate with Pokemon.

Final team:

Temporary members:

Shadow of the Colossus: Beaten Celosia and Pelagia. For all the hate the smaller colossus fights get, I still didn't have many gripes with Celosia. I felt the method of breaking the armour was clever and the small size meant for a neat twist where it is the player who is striking fear into the colossus as opposed to the other way round like the preceding fights.

Street Fighter 2: Turbo: Tried out every character. Out of the entire roster; I'd say Ryu, E.Honda and Guile are my favourites to use, Ryu being my main overall. Despite its age, I had a great time with this one. I can definitely see why this game popularised the fighting game competitive community as well as the genre in general with developers. Though I'd be lying if I said I was a pro at the different combos you pull off in the game. Maybe I might get better at this game over time?

I'm not sure where to go with the series next. I managed to buy a cheap copy of Super Street Fighter 4 at my local GAME; do I go for that next or do I give Street Fighter 3 a go?


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #692 on: June 16, 2017, 11:51:46 AM »
Pokemon Black: Beaten Ghetsis and N. N wasn't all that though considering how his Zekrom is predictable, and Reshiram could easily beat anything which wasn't the two fossil Pokemon he had. Ghetsis put up more of a fight though. Ghetsis is one of my favourite fights in the series; along with Cynthia, Red, and the Champion of SM.

Final team:


Used against N and Ghetsis:

Pokemon Black 2: This game feels like a logical step up from BW in most aspects. The selection is twice the size now, meaning there is more to choose from and the encounter rate is lower. I've just beaten Burgh in the game, that place where the Harlequin trainer class has that weird encounter theme. The main issues I have with the game right now are the forced tutorials and the dip in quality which the story has taken. Granted the plot is still better than the previous Pokemon games, even though Team Plasma are less interesting here. I like the idea of them being reduced to petty thugs, even though their motivations become more grandiose and dull later on. Also, your rival Hugh has a character motive which is so generic that it gets to the point of making most of his dialogue cringeworthy.

Current team:

Street Fighter 2: Turbo: Been playing this game with Brit in order to broaden my interest in the fighting game genre, fun stuff. It's a good starting point for fighting games. The game has a fast running speed and the mechanics are simple enough to get into; although they're difficult to master. Out of the 12 characters, my mains were Guile, Chun-Li and Ryu. The ones I didn't enjoy as much were Balrog and Vega. I like it when my characters can take a fair few hits, not just 2.

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia: Just got to the Kalidus Channel. Currently this game is very promising. I like the variety in the areas which you explore, and the Glyph system is fun to experiment with. In fact, I think it has the potential of being better than the Soul system from Aria of Sorrow if my views on it don't change as the game progresses. I've only fought one boss so far, even though it seems more experimental than previous fights in the series; this is by no means a bad thing. The main issue I have right now is the Ruvas Forest area. There isn't much to it asides a straight line, and they felt the need to add “Metroids” into the game. At least in the Metroid series you're given the utilities to attack upwards when you first encounter the titular species; Shanoa has no such privileges until you get the Glyph which allows her to throw axes.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 04:14:38 PM by MasterLemon »

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #693 on: June 16, 2017, 03:05:12 PM »
Persona 5 - Just started September and the only confidant link I mastered so far is Sun. Granted, I'm almost there with Lovers, Chariot and Temperance, and I'm past L5 with most others (only 4 on Hanged Man, though). Incidentally, the relatability levels with Futaba are pretty much -off the charts-. After Imposter Syndrome The PC, we get Panic Syndrome + Social Anxiety The PC and it's been downright delicious.

Mishima continues to be complete human trash.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #694 on: June 16, 2017, 09:03:10 PM »
NotMiki: Glad you enjoyed Spirit of Justice.  It's definitely wacky because *some* of the "political" points in it were pretty great.  Just...  some were nonsense as well, and worse, the plot sometimes wanted to talk about the nonsense parts really deeply rather than moving along and acting casual.

Also, I think you liked case 3 more than I did (and Elf, IIRC?).  The final witness had pretty badass presence points, but that case makes negative sense.  The culprit committed, literally, the PERFECT KURAIN CRIME.  Someone with no past and no known real name is dead, and you know this.  And their body is hidden in a ludicrously inaccessible spot that people can't visit.  There's zero proof he's even dead!  And to the extent that people in the government know about his "other" activities, they'd assume he got killed in a secret mission!  Rather than just burying him, or even trying to transport his body down the mountain than out of the city hidden (and having it inevitably fail due to surprise inspection/accident, if we want some gameplay), you frame your *guest* instead?  And furthermore, a guest whom the story gives 0 hint at them having an antagonistic relationship toward?  GRAHHH. 

For Case 5....  I dunno, I think the game made a bold but unwise call when it decided that everything you did in court didn't really matter and everything just bent to Garon's will.  Sure that might make sense, but then what's the point of the game?  What am I fighting for?! etc.  And then, given that they WERE going to do that, the way the writers decided the heroes could extricate themselves from the situation was idiotic, even if we assume the spiritual powers plot makes sense.  IF Garon has been ruling all these years without actually demonstrating her powers, then it's not a shock she'd refuse to do so on demand and just order the heretics executed for daring to ask.  She's just being a moron by even trying.  Pretty huge disappointment that the doohickey from the first half of case 5 wasn't even useful to her in the end, which kills the tension of trying to stop her from getting it!  Of course, backing up, the plot point that Garon didn't have any Kurain powerz, and Seances were performed by ??? during the last 20 years or so, was really dumb as well. 

Fire Emblem Echoes - I did the bonus dungeon, but skipped the final and YouTubed him.  I only brought along one looped DF (Saber) as a hard-carry in case of emergency, which led to about the right amount of challenge; he could hold off an entire side, but the rest of the party had to contribute as well, and he wasn't quite invulnerable against dragons and the like.

The final does look like a cool fight, but having more looped DFs or Forked units seems like it'd help quite a lot, and yeah I don't care enough.  Maybe if there was a save point on the 10th floor.  Alas.

I did the 4 "Deliverance" DLC maps which were pretty cool, even if the rewards were hideously out of date and clearly aimed more for doing the DLC in Chapter 1.  (Also, WTF are Fates Vallites expies doing in some random tomb in the DLC?  Whatever, bit o' fanservice I guess.)  The other DLC is all grindfest support when you already have free grinding, so not the most useful.

Anyway I posted a stat topic over in the unranked forum for like the 4 people who could possibly care.  The cast is amusingly wacky in the DL at least, they definitely play different than Yon Average FE duelists who can get a tad samey.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #695 on: June 16, 2017, 10:27:47 PM »
NieR Automata- Not actually playing this at the moment, but I had some thoughts I wanted to commit to paper.

So as a rule 2B hews fairly close to a relatively stock female characterization, the idea of Roses Have Thorns- cold and closed off, actively hostile to intrusion into her life, but generally a front to conceal deep inner pain.  One of the more basic ways to paint your Badass Warrior Woman character, especially in the animes. 

But then there's 6O.  The game isn't coy about her falling for 2B, or at least rebounding onto her, but it's incredibly coy about how 2B responds to it.  In fact her entire reaction seems to be playing off as not really noticing or caring that this happens despite increasingly obvious passive-aggressive hinting at it from 6O's part.  She'll generally do whatever 6O asks even, but this seems to be because she does that for everyone.  She's a video game lead and all.

The odd part is that this is an almost exclusively male characterization, the dimwitted harem lead reaction to women throwing themselves at him.

And it's weird this comes off as so subversive to me because they make sense existing in the same character.  2B intentionally holds people at arm's length, so of course she, whether as a consequence or by intent, misses social cues for how others want to interact with her.  But you never really see it that I can think of.  Seeing two sets of tropes played so straight used together in a way that makes sense, but still creates dissonance.

Or I'm tired and forgetting tons of other examples.  I dunno.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #696 on: June 17, 2017, 01:33:13 AM »
For Case 5....  I dunno, I think the game made a bold but unwise call when it decided that everything you did in court didn't really matter and everything just bent to Garon's will.  Sure that might make sense, but then what's the point of the game?  What am I fighting for?! etc.  And then, given that they WERE going to do that, the way the writers decided the heroes could extricate themselves from the situation was idiotic, even if we assume the spiritual powers plot makes sense.  IF Garon has been ruling all these years without actually demonstrating her powers, then it's not a shock she'd refuse to do so on demand and just order the heretics executed for daring to ask.  She's just being a moron by even trying.  Pretty huge disappointment that the doohickey from the first half of case 5 wasn't even useful to her in the end, which kills the tension of trying to stop her from getting it!  Of course, backing up, the plot point that Garon didn't have any Kurain powerz, and Seances were performed by ??? during the last 20 years or so, was really dumb as well. 

Regarding Case 3 you have to make a few assumptions for it to make sense.  You assume that Garon had good reason to believe that other people in the government had already been informed that he was suspected of being a rebel, that others in the government would know about the secret chamber and search it regardless of whether the body were moved, and that the search would inevitably lead to his wife's conviction.  These assumptions are not THAT unlikely.  If Garon doesn't believe that a divination seance can be performed on his disciple, that kinda makes sense under this scenario - if it can't be performed you have a rare death that can be pinned on someone.  If it CAN be performed (and he may have assumed the government could do so because they would know his disciple's, um, Real Name, then maybe his angle was to have Maya convicted and executed before the murder could be discovered, with the fingerprints on the murder weapon forestalling the need for a seance to be performed.)  Anyway, yeah you need to do a lot of speculating for the case to work BUT IT CAN!!

Regarding Case 5 I pretty strongly disagree.  The point the case is making is that the Queen's legitimacy derives from the will of the people, and that Apollo is able to win by calling into question her legitimacy in a way that matters to them.  Now, that's not 100% true, because what he really does is call into question her legitimacy in a way that matters to the people with guns, and that's an important distinction that the game doesn't make.  More broadly, it seemed to me that the Queen acted in the trial in a way that demonstrated that she felt that pushing things too far would create a political climate that could erode her authority.  Given the rising popularity of the rebels' cause, and throwing into the mix a coup attempt by her husband, that's a logical assumption.

Anyway, I appreciate the broader point the game was making about how Authoritarianism is Bad, Truth is Good, and The People have an inherent wisdom that makes them receptive to choosing Truth over Authoritarianism.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #697 on: June 17, 2017, 03:20:05 AM »
Case 3 is stupid in a lot of ways to be honest. Datz's massive time-waste of a testimony. The Inmees somehow deciding that killing Tahrust AND Maya (essentially) was a remotely sensible solution. The things Snowfire noted. The game expecting me to have sympathy for the Inmees at the end (nope, sorry, you tried to an innocent killed; you're scum). YOU'RE GUILTY HAHAHA but we'll let you investigate anyway. The main thing which keeps the case out of the trash tier for me is some good setting work (I broadly agree with Jim about the game pulling off its message, though I don't think it does so perfectly) and watching Reyfa's development. And hey I'll give the case props for aging Maya up in a way that makes her feel like her new age but still Maya, which is a better job than DD did with Pearl.

I think Spirit of Justice has a bad habit of raising the stakes way too high too fast and it doesn't work very well for me narratively.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #698 on: June 18, 2017, 11:24:08 PM »
Persona 5 - Another weekend binge-playing this. Done with Chariot, Lovers, Temperance, Devil and Death, while being 9 on Priestess, 8 on Strength, 4 on Tower, 1 on Empress, 6 on Hierophant, Emperor and Hermit and 7 everywhere else. I really hate the arbitrary mid-link social stat walls - this wasn't anywhere near this bad in Persona 3 and 4, where they could wall you from STARTING a link (and even then, mostly lategame), but didn't slam your door midway through half the links in the game - a bunch of which are actually walled by STARTING stat checks as well! Seriously, why does Makoto have to be walled by a Knowledge 3 AND a Charm 5 check? The sidequests attached to most of the lategame links also kinda suck because they make you spend precious in-game timeslots, but they make a lot of sense given the narrative. Gameplay remains SMT-ish, really. Pyramid Palace boss was pretty scary because MT Despair is just horrifying (I almost thought I'd bite it when Queen got hit by it, since Energy Shower was my way of dealing with it, but SMT revival be borked and allow your PCs to get turns just after being revived). Space Palace boss's gimmick was kind of uh cute, but it's sorta underwhelming a fight in practice. Also, Casino Palace's theme is way too catchy for its own good.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 11:29:03 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #699 on: June 20, 2017, 03:24:25 AM »
NotMiki:  Re Case 3: Phoenix Wright games ask the player to accept that things which, logically speaking, certain secrets that should be EXTREMELY HARD TO KEEP are in fact secret until they come tumbling out at trial, and if there was some confidant who knew about it, they were totally out of the loop.  And I accept this!  Sure fine we'll assume that the Amazing Nine-Tails trainer / scheduler doesn't step forward to clear up some obvious confusion and do some simple note-matching to prove a certain person couldn't possibly be him.  Anyway, within the context of Case 3, the game wants you to think that Rayfa / the gov't are totally clueless and haven't matched up the mysterious Lady Keery and Puhray are the same person, and only a supergenius like Phoenix can figure it out.  So...  I kinda accept that.  Anyway, considering that Puhray *lives* with the Zealots, it just seems completely implausible that they wouldn't have had free reign to lie as much as they like - he went on a trip, he's ill, whatever - unless he had already told the gov't to arrest them or some such, which would make all this moot anyway.

Case 5: Yeah, I'm totally down for a good revolution plot.  My problem is that the Cunning Plan for cutting the Queen down to size with not cunning at all and worked, uh, because we said so.  At the most generous, this one REALLY WAS a wild ass bluff.  Let's hope that Garan A) has no powerz to begin with (despite using them being a key duty...), B) doesn't suddenly GET vast cosmic power from giving her an artifact that people were trying to acquire for this purpose, and C) doesn't simply ignore the taunts and has Our Heroes shot on the spot.  Maybe her gov't falls afterward in a riot, but it'll be too late for us!

Now, in the realm of simple alternate scenarios...  after all the buildup, nobody ended up caring that much about poor Jove Jupiter.  What if Apollo had conclusively proved to the soldiers with guns that the Queen had set the fire herself and killed Jove?  And that was enough to upend her power?  And this conveniently enough is what defense attorneys in PW-world usually do, crack old cold cases, so you can feel clever and then rewarded for being clever by plot developments in your favor?  Implausible?  Maybe, but still less so than what actually happened, and let your actions feel like they had some meaning!

Persona 5
Brutal.  Savage.  Rekt. (To quote memes from games I don't play, thanks Grefter.)

I was complaining in chat before about the fight immediately after recruiting the Palace 2 PC, which features an Embittered Blacksmith with utterly insane damage - like 200-400 single-target.  His backup crew of Foolish Monks are not a huge threat, but if you don't kill them quickly through their Sukukaja buffing, they will start attacking and taunting you, and that's just utterly horrible when you're already potentially losing party members from round 1.  I eventually settled on the Git Lucky strategy of "hope Blacksmith attacks whoever I Sukukaja myself on round 1, AND that it misses."  After that, Tarunda + Slime on Joker + Suku'd Ice to eventually clean up the Monks did their work.  And this still cost me a DLC'd Soul Balm or whatever, aka CHEATING.  Sigh.

Anyway, I got to the boss of the Palace, and got DESTROYED.  No mercy.  Annihilation.
The good: I ranked up Ryuji's bond a bunch, so have a really badass Shiisa which resists physicals, is L19, no relevant weaknesses, and has Rampage on Joker for some MT physicals.
The bad: 5 boss parts means the action economy on Ann spamming Tarunda isn't very good vs. the Tarukaja spam the boss does.  Tradin' turns to be 3 of my turns vs. 4 of their turns.  Nose's MT damage outdamages Morgana's Media healing too.  The ST damage is all solid 2HKO level if not resisted/weakness'd.
The horrible: Did I mention that the bosses spells can hit weakness on my party members, nearly OHKO'ing them from full health, and surely OHKO'ing them if they aren't fully healthy?  And yes I'm wearing stuff like the Fire Ring on the fire-weak character, Ice Ring on the ice-weak, etc.  And that the boss part gets a One More off this?
The execrable: So I got him down to just the Mouth once with Joker alive at 22 HP or something before dying.  Let's say I sweep 'em.  Well hahaha the fight isn't close to over then, that's just phase 1, I even double-checked OK's stat topic.  That's "okay you can start the real fight now."

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah.  I'm obviously running our recent recruit for plot reasons, wouldn't be right to deny him his rival showdown.  Of the others...  Ann has Tarunda to stop the buff spam, if inefficiently.  Morgana has MT healing, but playing slow still gets me plain out-DPS'd, my healing won't cope and even if it could, eventually an elemental weakness will get hit and that's that.  Ryuji can speed up the clock on wiping the physical-weak parts (most of them), but he's only ST unlike Joker's MT physicals; Fox has the same problem.  Yeah...  this looks dark.  Not sure if there's a way out of this short of grinding my way up, unless some of those armor purchases are a lot more potent than I expect....  although checking, OK's stat topic claims that they work against magic damage too, which is something I guess.  Everyone's L16 except Ann & Morgana who are L15, but I could grind a tad on Ann to get her to L16, she's really close.  If I need to go to L17/18, it probably means burning a day grinding in Mementos, which is probably the plan now I guess.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 03:41:58 AM by SnowFire »