
Author Topic: What Games are you Playing 2017?  (Read 77370 times)


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #75 on: January 13, 2017, 08:52:37 PM »
No, I'm not running hardcore.

I am presently running on hard difficulty, although I'm not sure how much of a boost that is (I started on normal and ramped it up after a couple days). I haven't died yet and only came close to death once (I'd been fiddling with equip options and learned the hard way that the + symbol means regen and that regen really does matter in this game). That is the only time I've manually healed in the entire game thus far.

I've fiddled with different skill loadouts, but the optimal monk setup I keep coming back to has generally seemed pretty consistent:

R1: attack up mantra zzzzzz.
R2: is the bell drop with stun attached, because it's spammable and too, too good. Neither roundhouse kick nor charge seem anywhere near as reliable at shutting down mobs.
Square: AoE stun pretty much always.
Triangle: this is usually the dash, because faster dungeon movement + sometimes you actually do need to escape a mob. Occasionally sub in "No, You're Already Dead" instead, though.
Circle: always always the "fly all over the screen and murderize everything" move. This is an instant-win button against everything but a few plot bosses.

Regular attack I do mix up plenty, though--the warp, the AoE, and the hundred-hand-slap all have distinct uses.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #76 on: January 14, 2017, 01:59:33 PM »
Final Fantasy XV: Yay, I completed this! It was actually fun. And the ending wasn't as awful as everyone had led me to believe. Noctis's voice actor is also good enough to sell all the emotions of every scene he's in even when in the back of my mind I'm screaming "What the hell is ANYONE'S motivation in scene?! Why is anything on screen happening?" - so I managed to enjoy the whole final act, even if I barely understood it. There's something to be said for good presentation, so I think the game ends up as a solid 8/10 due to the story problems not hurting it as much as I thought it would. The game's other good points have been talked about pretty comprehensively, so I'll just say "HELL YEAH THE CAR FLIES~"

Nintendo Switch event revealed that there is a Fire Emblem Dynasty Warriors game in production. How has the DL not exploded over this?

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #77 on: January 14, 2017, 03:07:31 PM »
You aren't in chat enough.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #78 on: January 14, 2017, 06:20:20 PM »
I played Overcooked with my girlfriend
Best couch co-op game guys. So good.

Dragon Quest (ios): Uuuuh I like this?
This looks like absolute shit but I find it fairly likeable now. Oh boy, when you get older you start liking DQ more.
I like the slow pace. I like how rare chests are. I like the open ended nature, dipping my toe into one dungeon and leaving. I like finding magic keys and using them. I like the new, ridiculous dialogue. I like how the remake asks you to be observant but doesn't ask you to read a faq. I like the new map. Best of all I like that I don't get to hear the Dragon Quest shitty music.
I went through it in one afternoon

Dragon Quest 2 (ios): This is very much a continuation of the first one. I heard this port is really easy (DQ1 was too) so I'm going without the first prince you get.
This leads to some weird dark shit like carrying a coffin around, and watching shopkeepers gleefuly put items in them and acknowledge it in dialogue.
I remember the quest to find the first prince drove me insane the first time (both of the princes keep missing each other) but I find it very charming now!


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #79 on: January 15, 2017, 01:42:12 AM »
Nintendo Switch event revealed that there is a Fire Emblem Dynasty Warriors game in production. How has the DL not exploded over this?

I have been uncontrollably Kermit Flailing for the last 48 hours.  Even in my sleep.
It is very uncomfortable.
Please send help.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #80 on: January 15, 2017, 04:01:57 AM »
Final Fantasy 13 - Beat Chapter 12! Game clock now a little past 70 hours (for reference: my file where I beat 100% of the missions, i.e. did the full aftergame outside the Super Turtles, was only 64), HP generally hovering in the high 3000's. Lots of bosses to talk about!

Behemoth King: Lightning/Fang/Hope. I've beaten these before in three-way fights and pre-emptives, but the forced one in Cocoon offers no such opportunities and is a right bastard. The strategy is to NOT buff offence during the first stage, but I do use SAB to give him an elemental weakness, which in turn is to get the AI to have Lightning cast Enfire on Hope. I also try to use RAV as much as possible to get his chain gauge up prior to the transformation when he heals himself to full HP and all status. But I also balance that with staying healed and getting everyone in Protectra/Shellra. Once he transforms, switch to OFFENCE OFFENCE OFFENCE, hope to land Imperil/Deshell fast, Faithra on Hope, etc, and hope to blitz the hell out of him since I can't stand against him forever whatever healing/Sentinel use/buffing I can pull off.

Proudclad 1: After he recovers from Stagger he will use a brutal counterattack which you can certainly tank on a normal file but for my party it was a bit much. So the second time I fight him I take care to kill him with my first stagger, which just means not raising his chain too fast. Not much to say about the fight otherwise, Protect keeps his offence under control easily enough.

Adamanchelid: argggghhhhh nooooo save me from the wee turtle. The first few times I just get wrecked, no amount of quick buffing or sentinel use lets me survive the first few turns; he just does too much MT damage too fast with his repeated stomping for 1000 followed by an 1800-damage Quake. Turtles shouldn't be fast! Thus I resolve to exploit his vulnerabilities to slow and daze to remedy this. The basic strategy is to use Snow (for those)/Fang/Hope. Fang uses Protectra to try to just SURVIVE while Snow fires those off. Once Daze lands (and Hope is dead, since he always dies during this phase), switch to a double MED paradigm, heal up a bunch, buff a bunch, then revive Hope and begin the assault with buffs and Slow already in place. Snow continues to mainly use SAB to try to keep landing Daze, and reapply Slow whenever that wears out.

There is also no shortage of brutal randoms, especially in the second half of the chapter.
-Proto Behemoths are another behemoth type and hence jerks. Same basic strategy to kill them ASAP after they transform applies, though they also buff themselves with Brave... well worth dispelling! The second time Hope's SAB is useful. -Juggernauts and Tyrants, two of the strongest mechanical enemies from Pulse, return; both deal brutal damage and require Vanille's Barfire to stand against for long. Juggernauts also have crazy durability and half damage at base, so using Sazh/Lightning for Deshell is very valuable (Lightning also provides En- spells for more offence, while Sazh in the later stages of the chapter has Curasa); debuffing them is extremely useful in general because they use Steam Clean to heal status which takes up a LOT of their time.
-Humbabas... well, in case I wasn't sick of Behemoths yet, this is the most badass one yet. Way too much durability to blitz, but they have an Aeroga that does almost 3000 damage! I do eventually manage to beat one with a lot of Protectra/Shellra/Daze/Slow action but there's one fight against two which is just crazy. No thanks.
-Venusaur Vernal Harvester is Aster Protoflorian on steroids; he barrier shifts VERY often which is a problem given my strategy to try to keep up with him with Bar- spells, and hits like a truck; he has a magical seed missile and an AoE spin attack which both easily hit upwards of 2500 damage, hard to buff effectively to stop both especially with how fast he acts. He has no status immunities but I'm unable to get the good ones to land in time since you really need both Pain AND Fog. I probably could have beaten him but I don't, except for when he's in multiway fights where spoiler alert I kill him first.

And then one last boss...

Proudclad 2: He alternates constantly between an offence-oriented ground form which spams big AoE physical damage (a bit over 1000 at base) at high speed with a weaker sky form (which is harder to stagger/launch, neither of which is too relevant for me). Every time he switches his chain gauge resets, and with one RAV who is also on buffing duty staggering him is a huge pain (though prevents him from switching form if you do it, so in the first stage of the fight I do occasionally try). Not too bad, but at around half HP he heals to full and sets Deprotect/Deshell/Haste/Brave/Vigilance on himself. This makes his offence on the ground fast and brutal and to make matters worse, once per form shift on the ground he'll mix in Oneiric Maelstrom, which can do upwards of 4000 base. Be buffed or die. He's immune to SAB and has no elemental or type affinities so no need for shenanigans.

My strategy is to use Fang/Sazh/Vanille (Hope would have worked just as well, Vanille just happened to be in the party after Juggernaut fights). Sazh stays in MED literally 100% of the time though in hindsight I should have unlocked SEN for him, while Vanille largely stays in COM except to switch to SEN for when Oneiric Maelstrom is used. Fang handles buff management duty, keeping everyone in Haste, Protectra (absolutely crucial, I don't think I could have won this with just Protect), and Faithra in Vanille's case. I don't use many potions here; double MED works when I need more healing and anyway I need Fang to have as much physical res as possible to ensure she survives. In fact, I synth a Champion's Belt (Phys -30% when max, requires a 220k gil Adamantite) for her to make that more possible. (Sazh gets phys-25%, Vanille gets MAG+250.) Fight takes 20 minutes due to only rarely having a second PC on offence (Ravager Fang of course), but (a) less than 23 so I don't have to face Doom, and (b) since Rosch is just some dude he's actually a rare major boss who DOESN'T cast Doom.

And that takes us to the final dungeon! I'm sure it will be easy.

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero - Started this up. This definitely has less of a Metroidvania feel and more of a Mega Man feel with the way stages are designed; I'm not sure what I think about that so far. Giga Mermaid was pretty tough, especially for an earlygame Shantae boss.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #81 on: January 16, 2017, 05:16:13 PM »
Final Fantasy XV: Yay, I completed this! It was actually fun. And the ending wasn't as awful as everyone had led me to believe. Noctis's voice actor is also good enough to sell all the emotions of every scene he's in even when in the back of my mind I'm screaming "What the hell is ANYONE'S motivation in scene?! Why is anything on screen happening?" - so I managed to enjoy the whole final act, even if I barely understood it. There's something to be said for good presentation, so I think the game ends up as a solid 8/10 due to the story problems not hurting it as much as I thought it would. The game's other good points have been talked about pretty comprehensively, so I'll just say "HELL YEAH THE CAR FLIES~"

The ending sucks because it's just general incomprehensible Nomura stuff that doesn't really explain anything, but it's not stand out in any particular way.  It's not offensive like XS3 for example, nor does it feel like the developers were trying to ULTRA JESUSIFY THE PROTAGONIST TO PROVE THEY ARE BETTER THAN SUPER MEGA GOD like a certain other game in the franchise.  It's just...kind of bad.  The big reason it gets so much flak, though, is let's be real, it's Final Fantasy.  Being the franchise is it's, suddenly everything about the game gets magnified in response.  Good becomes "BEST THING EVER 11/10" while bad becomes "WORST GAME EVER DO NOT BUY!!!"  That's really what was happening there.

In terms of spectacle though yeah it's fine, so all of it is ok if you turn your brain off and enjoy the "Matrix Revolution Done Right" final boss fight.

Also further emphasizes that Tabata can't write a story without killing off all his main characters for some bizarre reason.  Granted, Crisis Core, it was kind of unavoidable and had to be done but what's Type-0's excuse?
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #82 on: January 16, 2017, 08:22:06 PM »
Metal Gear Solid: Beaten Psycho Mantis and about to fight Sniper Wolf. If I was playing MGS 13 or so years ago and I didn't use the internet that much, I probably would've loved the Psycho Mantis fight. Too bad pretty much everyone is aware of the strategy now.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #83 on: January 16, 2017, 11:48:13 PM »
The best part of that fight if you were playing it new was just that Psycho Mantis would comment on other Konami games you had save files for. "I can read your like Suikoden!"


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #84 on: January 17, 2017, 11:31:32 AM »
The best part of something was anything to do with Suikoden.

Stay on brand.

Diablo 3 - So at some point this game got really good and I ignored it.  Been playing Adventure mode with my brothers and sunk some time solo tonight.  Running rifts and bounties in Torment 5.  Then see a guildmate that started yesterday is running stuff twice my level.  Okay!.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #85 on: January 17, 2017, 03:58:35 PM »
The best part of that fight if you were playing it new was just that Psycho Mantis would comment on other Konami games you had save files for. "I can read your like Suikoden!"

If I still had my Castlevania: Symphony of the Night save, Psycho Mantis probably would've mentioned it.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #86 on: January 17, 2017, 08:52:36 PM »
Yep. There was another big one he'd call out on too, but I forget what it was.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #87 on: January 18, 2017, 01:10:18 AM »
Vandal Hearts.

And Policenauts and Snatcher if you somehow had access to them.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #88 on: January 19, 2017, 03:55:33 AM »
So... that Fire Emblem direct, eh?

FE2 remake? Looks kinda awesome. Also I'm down for more FE amiibos!
New mainline FE game in 2018 announced? Good to know!
FE Warriors?! I didn't know I wanted this but now I realize that I want every series I love to get it's own Warriors spinoff...
FE Mobile? Seems like it's a good time to quit RK and EXVIUS! Will this be the app that finally drags Elfboy into the future? Only time will tell! I hope it's a better game than Valkyrie Profile mobile is...


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #89 on: January 19, 2017, 04:01:26 AM »
Project Diva: Future Tone: Much rhythm, much game.

Titanfall 2: I never talked much about this, but the game was rad as fuck, as was the multiplayer. PC playerbase is dwindling to the best players though, and the game is way too fast for me to succeed against good players.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #90 on: January 19, 2017, 05:35:51 AM »
Bravely Second - Got wrecked by the prettyboy boss a couple of times. Game is pretty tough on Hard Mode. God, why do these characters talk about food so much?
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #91 on: January 19, 2017, 06:08:47 AM »
Because Croissants and Rice are staple foods.

I am up to chapter 5 but there is less to talk about without picking jobs.   Game is really good and I like how deeply it is but is really internally consistent.

This game is Andy.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #92 on: January 19, 2017, 07:28:04 AM »
Fire Emblem Fates
It is finished.  Well...  no, not the game, but whatever.  I have recruited all the kids and filled out quite a number of the supports between them.  As a result, I have now spent more time on Chapter 26 as far as the save file is concerned than the entire rest of the game.  This is a bit of a lie due to using the game as a music player occasionally which counts against your time, along with far more lottery farming and the like than I should really have bothered with, but yeah.  (~60 hours going into C26, now at ~130 hours, still on C26.) 

It's completely insane, since I'd surely have stopped had it been clowning around post-game, but it feels like C26 is the best time to recruit kids, so time to spend time totally filling the roster with a bunch of characters I don't need and probably won't use.  And it'd be a shame to waste all that XP, so run the gold map for some Eternal Seals, and now I need to see some supports, which means grinding because there's no way there's enough time to build them organically with like 3 missions left.

As a fun fact, you'd think that the final Paralogue would be EZ due to being radically overlevel and having L30 Corrin or whatever.  Well, not really, it was actually the hardest Paralogue, though part of this was me playing sloppy!  I put in a lot of recently recruited kids who were "only" L16 or the like, and I saved Percy's Paralogue for last, because holy crap I don't care about Percy at all.  And...  well, Percy's Paralogue plays with Conquest AI, so it won't needlessly charge Ignatius for 0 damage.  And on Lunatic has enemies packing tons of Seal Defense, Luna, Lunge, Savage Blow, etc. type nasty skills to bust past defenses anyway.  And tons of Dragonslayers, Hammers, Beast Killers, etc. to make things more exciting!  Also all the Wyvern Riders charge you.  Fun.  Yeah I actually just didn't even attempt to play this "right" after I realized I screwed up and accepted a Casual bloodbath, with one dude getting to kill both Corrin AND Kana with his Dragonslayer, and 3.5 survivors limping off the field afterward (3.5 since Midori had a clone).  I wasn't THAT much in danger of losing because a paired Ignatius with no real enemy mages is still devilishly hard to kill, but still!

Maybe I'll actually advance the plot soon.  Or maybe not.  We'll see.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #93 on: January 19, 2017, 03:45:02 PM »
The best part of that fight if you were playing it new was just that Psycho Mantis would comment on other Konami games you had save files for. "I can read your like Suikoden!"

If I still had my Castlevania: Symphony of the Night save, Psycho Mantis probably would've mentioned it.

I just did the fight against Psycho Mantis myself. Because I had a SOTN save for a playthrough on YouTube, he ended up stating that I "liked Castlevania". The best part is that he's absolutely right.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #94 on: January 19, 2017, 06:51:39 PM »
Project Diva: Future Tone: Much rhythm, much game.

I feel like I'm the bad guy at the end of a bad action movie/RPG and I've gotten the power I sought but it's TOO MUCH POWER and now I am melting.  I've played like a quarter of the catalog.  Maybe.

Bravely Second - Got wrecked by the prettyboy boss a couple of times. Game is pretty tough on Hard Mode. God, why do these characters talk about food so much?

Bravely Second is a F/SN sequel now?
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #95 on: January 20, 2017, 03:44:05 AM »
Not enough mollusks.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #96 on: January 20, 2017, 05:02:01 AM »
Bravely Second - Got wrecked by the prettyboy boss a couple of times. Game is pretty tough on Hard Mode. God, why do these characters talk about food so much?
Bravely Second is a F/SN sequel now?

What's that, Tiz-chan?  You want burgers?  But I made all this ramen already!  There's too much of it!


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #97 on: January 21, 2017, 10:05:32 AM »
Metal Gear Solid: Got past the communications tower chase. It's not so hard once you pick up the stun grenades at the start of chase. An issue I have noticed throughout the last couple of hours with the game is that a heavy amount of backtracking is required in order to progress. You have to backtrack to get a sniper rifle to fight Sniper Wolf and you also have to return to where you fought her after the torture sequence.

Super Smash Bros for Wii U: Unlocked all the characters and all stadiums, outside of DLC anyway. Me and ThatMasterLemon are now working towards completing the rest of the events.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #98 on: January 21, 2017, 11:32:15 AM »
Smash talk: Who's your main? If you say Fox, you get kicked out of the forums.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #99 on: January 21, 2017, 01:26:27 PM »
My favorites are Jigglypuff and Zelda. Sadly, I don't like playing either of them in Smash 4 and have not yet settled on a main in it.