
Author Topic: What Games are you Playing 2017?  (Read 77377 times)


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #125 on: February 01, 2017, 02:31:42 AM »
MGS: I dunno, Snake always comes off as pretty cool to me, mostly because in a scenario with a lot of madmen, he gets to play it straight then shoot them.  This is often times an appealing archetype to have.

As a totally random comment, something I always liked about MGS1 was how the final fight with Metal Gear REX was a new dramatic showdown, but it still incorporated the fundamental mechanic of the game: stealth.  It really did feel like an unstoppable force if you take it head-on, but if you sneak around and hit its weak point, you just might have a chance.  It was also just one, and its main purpose was launching nukes, so it makes sense that it only has so much close-range defense on it.  MGS2 felt like it needed to top that fight or something and has Raiden fight eleventy zillion Metal Gear RAYs, which are *meant* for close-in combat, and it's unbelievable / way lamer / no stealth.

Final Elf 13: Wait, Orphan 2 is that badass if you don't have a 2 Ravager setup?  So weird, since they're so amazingly bad in a normal playthrough.
<Hope> They're invincible!  Let me dispel that.
<Lightning> Hope, it's not a buff.  That isn't going to do anything.
<Hope> Exactly, it's so powerful it doesn't even appear in the UI.  Didn't seem to work the first time, so gotta keep trying.
<Lightning> This is the stupidest idea ever.
40 seconds later
<Lightning> ...  well I'll be damned, he was right.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #126 on: February 01, 2017, 05:22:17 AM »
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, 3DS version
Finished!  Sorry Tide, I'm trying to sneak in random short games while I can because CS + CS2 is gonna be such a huge undertaking.  8 hours on the clock, all Heart Squids / Cacklebats, although admittedly some mild map/FAQ checking for the last few, because screw getting the bad ending.  I liked it!  This is definitely a charming game that is zany in the right kind of way (felt like a Monkey Island game), and I liked the exploration. 

There are a few nitpicks but most aren't too bad.  Like many Metroidvanias, of the 20 puzzles you encounter, 5 will seem totally obvious to you and 5 will utterly befuddle you, but which ones are which changes between people.  Yes, the actual combat is trivialized by items if you want, but eh, that's fine IMO, do a no-items run if you want to prove your worth, this kind of problem isn't too new.  And some of the platforming segments were decently challenging to get past but with trivial penalties if you failed (final Tower, Run Run Rottytops), which is okay.  The bigger one was that the game gives no indication on if it auto-saves you into the start of some of the special locked-in scenes, so I can easily see being frustrated and stuck there if you were running out of battery and unsure if you were going to lose all your progress.  (Like, I liked Run Run Rottytops, but it's long enough that I'd have been enraged had I lost my progress.  And the very final room does have some BS RNG on the last gravestones.) 

If I had to complain about two things, they'd be this:
A) There's a lot of enemies / scenes where blasting through at full speed will ram you into an enemy.  Thus, the "correct" thing to do is show patience, let the enemy appear, then wait it out or kill them or stop short for the puzzle to be in a known state.  Laaaaaaaaaaame.  Make it so you can blast through at full speed if you time your jumps and evasion right, usually, IMO.
B) The pyramid stealth section.  #1, you lose a crapload of time from being detected.  #2, yes, there's a way to open up your cell once you have access to the main central room, but it's "Guarded."  Except by guards that don't actually arrest you if they see you.  This isn't hinted to the player at all, so I of course avoided them like the plague.  And then of course one part of said stealth section seemed utterly impossible, except, surprise!  There is a new mechanic for this room that enables Shantae to hide in plain sight.  They don't let you notice or practice this when there are no guards around, though, so I of course got caught 5 times trying to frantically figure out what I was possibly doing wrong, before YouTubing it and being enraged.  It's not so bad on a replay I'm sure, but there's multiple instances of "not explaining The Rules to the player" properly before letting you have at it.

I'm definitely up for Half Genie Hero now (sounds like Risky's Revenge is skippable, from reviews of others), but it seems like it's waiting on some DLC + other features, so maybe I'll wait a tad.  (Also, apparently a Vita version but no 3DS version.  Weird.)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #127 on: February 01, 2017, 05:40:57 AM »
I don't really agree that Orphan 2 is bad, let alone amazingly so; when I was doing research on bosses I found no shortage of "how do I beat Orphan 2" threads. You may not be aware of how narrow the margin was when you staggered him; it's a lot like an eidolon fight in that going too far in any direction gets you punished and while it's possible to find the right balance on the first try you shouldn't be surprised if not everyone does. Certainly it was the only one of the final battle chain that gave me trouble on my first playthrough (though I can see having more trouble with Orphan 1; they're different. From the stat topic discussion I recall that you fought Orphan 1 without a SAB, which makes me wince just to think of it).

Actually, Bart 3 being competent is what really surprised me. That fight I steamrolled in both my normal runs (Ultima isn't nearly as scary when your HP is 7000 instead of 5000) and I... actually kinda forgot it existed when I reached the end of the game; I was doing mental prep for both Orphan fights, and not it.

That said your dramatic take on the fight amused me.

Also, glad you enjoyed Pirate's Curse! General nod to most of your comments. I didn't personally have the trouble with the stealth section you did but I can 100% see how that could happen. Half-Genie Hero is less Metroidvania, as you're probably aware, but certainly worth checking out anyway.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #128 on: February 01, 2017, 02:10:25 PM »
My girl doesn't want me playing Berseria when she isn't home.


I impulse bought Yakuza 0. Let the soap opera commence!

Bought Yakuza 0 the other day as well, played the first 2 chapters so far and now dicking around Tokyo.  Good times.  Combat is kinda clunky, but you can smash a dude's face into a urinal or chuck a dude out a window, so who cares?  A+++++++++  chuck a dude out a window/10

Homeboy could take a beating!
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #129 on: February 01, 2017, 05:10:54 PM »
FF15: Did some Chocobo Festival Stuff.  It got me an easy Sky Gemstone so upgradable Chain Saw, yay!

Then found another Royal Arms Dungeon.  This is probably one of the worst handled dungeons in the game.  Tight Corridors are fine, BUT DON'T SHOVE HUGE WAVES OF BOMBS IN THEM.  You just watch your HP disappear out of nowhere because "...?", I don't know what they were thinking.

Gets worse when you reach near the bottom, and you have to fight a Red Giant with Flans.  Ok, that's not so bad.  Then you have to fight 2.  That's a bit excessive but ok...
...then 3 and a giant Snake woman...and that set up happens twice  These are GIANT ENEMIES that completely screw with the camera, in a relatively small area, they have massive amounts of HP, defense, etc.  A single Red Giant can take forever to kill, but 3 of them w/ a 4th enemy on the same tier who can use lots of status moves?  What the hell were they thinking?  That's not a fight where Skill matters, that's just a giant middle finger.

My reward for doing all this?

...a Chain Saw Great Sword.  Well I guess it wasn't all bad.

This absolutely does not sound right.
You are in the aftergame right?
Why aren't you curb stomping that place?

I walk in with a lv.60 party. and since this is after game, I have a cumlative of 120+ triple ga spella nd 60+ quadra ga spell.
Corridor with bomb? I magic them and they die painfully.

Giants? Clean all the lesser grunts with magic as usual. Then I unleash Phantom Sword+Phantom link which means one giant dies immediately and other big grunts in low health.
Toss another magic or two. Done.

Each fight takes less than 5 minutes each.
Yes, there is no skill in these fights. You just spam and win.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #130 on: February 01, 2017, 07:52:08 PM »
Bravely Second - I finished this.   It is really good and I am kind of stunned more if the DL hasn't played it. It is more Bravely Default with all the job system goodness of FFV repackaged but frankly done better (5 support slots from the start, more interesting jobs and interactions.  Builds can still really centralise off you go for optimal builds but if you go for any kind of breadth of class choice all your character will slot together differently).  The plot is tighter and treads less water and pacing in general is just way better.   I think the plot is overall better with more fun characters.  It is also cheeses and ridiculous as all fuck but I love that.   Really good game, highly recommend.

Fire Emblem Fates - I was like 4 maps from the end of Revelation, so I bashed that out instead of grinding out supports.  This was good because there was an option to play the game the way I wanted to with the level of engagement with it I wanted.  Easily the best FE game I have played and they got rid of weapon durability.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #131 on: February 02, 2017, 04:24:43 PM »
Fire Emblem Heroes:  I got two Camillas in my first pull, so apparently I won the game?  Not far into the game yet, but the production values are high.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #132 on: February 02, 2017, 09:24:22 PM »
Having spent the morning playing with rerolling and odds, yeah pretty much Cap.  1 x 5 orb pull and 3 x 4x orb pull got me 0 5* characters.  2 of them is pretty good.

Yet another Gacha game that doesn't just let people pick a 5* starter and roll a random pack of trash, promoting people smashing their servers and wasting time.  I don't understand.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #133 on: February 02, 2017, 10:01:23 PM »
I actually ended up rerolling also (Camilla is 4-star base, although the ones I pulled were 5s).  Then I learned I shouldn't have done that.  Now I am in connection error hell.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #134 on: February 02, 2017, 10:39:00 PM »
"Metal Gear?!"

Freezer Raven was definitely the best fight in the game just because it actually gave you ample opportunity to unload all that esoteric weaponry you'd been accumulating the whole time (mines, C4, sniping all very good options there).

I'm with you there. I didn't actually discover you could collect Claymores until the room before Raven believe it or not. Speaking of my lack of skills with MGS, I ended up getting the bad ending. Go ahead, laugh.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds: Decided to get started on this now I've replayed ALttP. I've finished the Eastern Palace, asides from a couple of rupees I can get through merging with walls. It seems as though the Zelda developers have finally realised that rehashing the sluggish OoT formula isn't a good idea. Ideas such as renting items and merging with walls sound small, but they add so much more than the wolf from Twilight Princess and the motion controls in Skyward Sword.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #135 on: February 02, 2017, 11:21:17 PM »
Camilla is 4-star base, although the ones I pulled were 5s). 

Game is trash garbage and might stay deleted when I get home instead of doing more rerolling then.  So many great characters defined as scrubs.  Get out.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #136 on: February 03, 2017, 06:43:04 AM »
Fire Emblem Fates
I actually finished this before Shantae, but eh, it's been said, and mentioned it in chat.  Revelation final was not impressive.  GRANTED, to be sure, the spawning reinforcements makes it better than Dragon/Formotiis/Ashera of the "not really a Fire Emblem", but still, he pretty much sucked and was an HP sponge.  Even worse, the style on the fight sucked.  Both the other paths have a dramatic "get inspired" moment where Corrin gets pumped up from a near-death experience and Azura releases the full power of her dragonstone.  They just kinda skip that and say "whoa big dragon." 

Also.  Hidden Truths DLC makes out Anankos for a bit of a plotter, while other plot points make him out for more of a feral berserker.  For all my complaints about Conquest plot, style points is not one of them; here's the intro video for the CQ final:
That is NOT healthy nor sane.  This shit is on.

The final in Revelation is just kinda there and earns 0 style points.  He's big but somehow wussy, with a mere non-moving range 3 attacks (BR final moves, CQ final has both map attacks, range 1-4, and an offensive pair-up of doom).  Maybe a bit of a whiner, in the "I am unstoppable nooo how I can be losing" sense.  I could think of nothing more insulting than letting Takumi kill him.  (He's good anyway since normally his high damage + crit factory is just ludicrous overkill, so hey, rare HP sponge to make it matter.)

Gameplay-wise, I took the 10 royals + 3 Awakening characters (kids were all too overlevel).  Laslow finally fulfilled his long-destined purpose, to press the "Rally" button and avoid combat like the plague.  Also.  So Garon went crazy because he drank a ludicrous amount of dragon blood.  But...  the 3 Awakening characters all got dragon blood too, from the same dragon?  Same with Corrin?  And just how much dragon power did Garon have, anyway?  Alas, I thought this was gonna be the route where you could save him or something.  Also, WTF at Lillith being completely MIA in this path.  And they don't really clean up a whole lot about the Rainbow Sage plot, although maybe I'm okay with that considering that Yulyana plot was a tad obnoxious in BD, and they're similar characters.  The one thing I will give Revelation credit for was laying out explicitly that being the Dragon of Wisdom = mind control powers along with being associated with water somehow, hence stuff like the "dark water" in CQ Final that spawns Invaders.

Also, the murder mystery in the back half of the game was stupid.  Just sayin'.

Yeah, to be sure, I enjoyed Revelation, but they had their B-Team on it, or were rushed, or put all the ideas that got rejected but someone wanted to stick in anyway in it.  Oh well.  Still good times.

Trails of Cold Steel
Trista police blotter: A young blonde girl was found dead at the outskirts of the Thors Military Academy.  Identification papers on her included an obviously false name, so it's probable she was some nameless drifter merely dressed up as a student.  While her body was covered with slash marks consistent with sword wounds, authorities concluded that maybe those were just old injuries, and that death was likely accidental anyway.  Case closed.

(Also, whoa.  We went from "there is exactly one computer in Liberl as of a year ago" to "Btw Crossbell invented the Internet?"  Fast times.)

(Also also.  The game made a big deal of the ARCUS, and makes a big deal about choosing to pick to be in Class 7, but doesn't really connect these two thoughts.  Um.  If I get accepted to West Point, and get told on my first day "hey here's a new cutting edge ludicrously expensive battle helicopter specifically customized for you!", this is, like, the ultimate early Christmas gift for budding military types.  You're going to accept immediately just so you can keep the damn thing which isn't even publicly released yet.  MAYBE Alisa R or Jusis might be jaded enough to pass it up, but come on.)

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #137 on: February 03, 2017, 07:13:07 AM »
Rev final is a bit of a straightforward HP/damage sponge but the multiple parts and reinforcements make it somewhat interesting, which is an improvement over many FE finals. It is certainly better than the Birthright final which I was able to one-round on Lunatic with half of my main team dead including Ryoma. Agreed that Conquest's is good, of course.

Didn't like the style much either; agreed with comments there. Both Birthright and Revelation kinda had me shrugging at the final battle conflict. I actually felt it more acutely with BR but that's because the Xander/Elise stuff is the emotional climax and punching Garon in the face afterwards feels boring and formulaic. To be clear, I'm not saying that Anankos has a better style setup than Garon, and I don't want to give him credit for, essentially, the Rev Gunter plot being <<< the BR Xander/Elise plot.

Also can I hate on Garon's appearance in Rev? Man there were opportunities here. He could have had a moment of badassitude where he throws off Anankos' mind control. He could have had a tearful reunion with his children. OR if you're really dead set on keeping him as pure villain even in this path (a mistake IMO given the backstory) you could at least do some epic battle with him super-charged by Anankos; this guy is supposed to pretty much be the strongest mortal in Fates. But the writers once again ruin what potential his character had and make his role as bland as possible, in this case a throwaway sacrifice to LOOK HOW EVIL ANANKOS IS.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #138 on: February 03, 2017, 11:54:25 AM »
I was going to comment specifically on how shitty that part was, but like, I have had a game of FE Fates in some variation going since DL Con so I really don't have any emotion left to put into its plot.

I did generally like the DLCs though.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #139 on: February 03, 2017, 12:56:04 PM »
My girl doesn't want me playing Berseria when she isn't home.


I impulse bought Yakuza 0. Let the soap opera commence!

Bought Yakuza 0 the other day as well, played the first 2 chapters so far and now dicking around Tokyo.  Good times.  Combat is kinda clunky, but you can smash a dude's face into a urinal or chuck a dude out a window, so who cares?  A+++++++++  chuck a dude out a window/10

Get back at me when you get the chicken.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #140 on: February 03, 2017, 12:59:34 PM »
My girl doesn't want me playing Berseria when she isn't home.


I impulse bought Yakuza 0. Let the soap opera commence!

Bought Yakuza 0 the other day as well, played the first 2 chapters so far and now dicking around Tokyo.  Good times.  Combat is kinda clunky, but you can smash a dude's face into a urinal or chuck a dude out a window, so who cares?  A+++++++++  chuck a dude out a window/10

Get back at me when you get the chicken.
PS - one of the best parts of the game is that both main characters take everything really seriously so when they do minigames like playing video games or disco dancing, they pose dramatically like it's a fucking robot gundam anime.



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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #141 on: February 03, 2017, 07:41:22 PM »
Grand Blue Fantasy -

At long last I acquired Class 4 jobs.
Screw The Order Grande, screw her so hard!
Just how in the world Tal think that the Grande grind was not annoy. The Creed and the proof grind was way easier.
Anyway, now that I have the Sage job, Celeste Manga solo no longer takes forever now.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #142 on: February 03, 2017, 07:42:26 PM »
Final Fantasy VII: I decided to replay this game for the sake of it being 20th anniversary (and the remake could also be considered as an excuse to play it). I've gotten up to Sector 5, the parts where I'm escorting Aerith home after being ambushed in the church. I'm replaying this one through the Steam version, meaning the translation isn't quite as bad here. One thing that doesn't seem to fixed is that line Cloud has to Barret during the fight with the Guard Scorpion, then again is that even an error? Depending on the tone how you say "attack while the tail is up", you could be issuing it as a warning.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #143 on: February 03, 2017, 08:30:11 PM »
It is correct, the sentence continues on to the next message where they close it with a full stop.

Obviously it is terrible at acting as a warning though.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #144 on: February 03, 2017, 09:22:24 PM »
Played some of the Odin Sphere remake.  Thoughts:

1. it is super pretty and you would never guess it started life as a PS2 game. they've done a superb job with the graphics.

2. just having played Gwyn's first-and-a-half chapter, the increased movesets and abilities are a joy.  she gets a couple new midair attacks on base and a boatload of special moves (which you still access from a menu, but it's a quick "tap L1 and select" dealie and not very obtrusive)

3. still wicked easy. I started on normal and it's a joke. not sure if it'll remain so, but wow.

4. inventory management still kinda sucks, but the items themselves and growing seeds and the like still kinda rules.

5. did I mention it is super pretty because holy shit you guys
« Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 09:35:42 PM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #145 on: February 04, 2017, 06:54:46 PM »
Mighty No. 9

Beaten all the Mighty Number stages. It's... decent? A bit frustrating in that it should obviously be better than it is. Boss designs are a lot of fun, stage design is uneven but overall I'm happy. Lots of checkpoints, but lives are still a thing which makes you care; turns out I still enjoy this way of doing things. The dash which gives you limitless horizontal movement but no ability to move up makes for an interesting platforming paradigm, and stat absorptions are pretty interesting.

The load times are facepalm-worthy (though apparently they're particularly bad on the Wii U version, which I am playing), and there's sometimes lag which also sucks. Game isn't much aesthetically either, and changing between weapons once you have a lot of them is incredibly clunky (like I'd straight-up take MM1's implementation over this, which is bad because this is a place where MM has made a lot of progress!). I do appreciate that the robot masters all definitely have their own (sometimes rather memorable) personalities, similar to MMPU. The robot who thinks he is an entire TV news team is my favourite. "Breaking news: boss attacks Beck!"

Cryo > Pyro > Avi > Dyna > Mic > Bat > Brand > Shade for how much difficulty each boss posed; I didn't bother with weakness hits. I will save that for the boss rush if it has one.

Also the most unbelievable thing about this robot sci-fi game: the two Japanese dudes are obese and all the Americans are really skinny.

Tonfa Fantasy 7

Just posting to note I am playing this, through Kalm now. I'll post actual updates in the TF7 thread though.

Final Fantasy 13

As mentioned earlier, secondary role challenge is done, took somewhere over 80 hours because yeah I ended up with way more CP (= getting into way more fights) than on a normal playthrough and then fights of course do tend to take longer on average. Anyway, final thoughts on the PCs:

Lightning: She's certainly the best Sentinel in this, and in fact has definite merits as a sentinel even compared to primaries (biggest weakness is Fringeward coming way too late; I didn't get it). As long as the attacks she is drawing can be dodged she often ends up taking very, very little, and a surprisingly high number of attacks are evadable; PCish magic attacks are the biggest exception (but enemy-only magical damage such as LASERZ usually can be dodged). She's a good Synergist too, since she's the only one who gets En- spells (double your COM damage against a weakness), and also gets Brave/Faith/Protect/Shell (the latter two take a while), and a good Saboteur, getting the Vanille set. I have mostly positive things to say about her but later on she wasn't in the party as much because there are other sources of buffs, and Sazh eclipses her and has the same Saboteur build. But she was a mainstay for much of the middle parts of the challenge.

Snow: Is a similar Synergist to Lightning (though he gets Brave/Faith late instead) but lacks the En- spells. He gets Haste but it's really late. As a medic his fast casting speed is nice, but his Curasa is really backended and since I wanted other things. His unique thing is his Saboteur line, which has the Fang set of spells (Slow, Daze, Pain, Fog). Pain/Fog are occasionally really, really useful against key enemies who are vulnerable, Slow/Daze are generically terrific against things vulnerable. Snow has a lot of cool stuff, just a lot of it takes a while to get to. His main issue is that very little of his set helps offence (nothing at all until he gets Brave/Faith late) and FF13 often rewards more offence, but if I wanted to dig in, chances are Snow would have a spot on the team.

Sazh: Sazh is light Lightning; their Saboteur progression is near identical (Sazh improves late with Dispel and then Pain/Fog instead of Deprotega/Deshellga, though I don't get Pain/Fog in time). He also has Sentinel, though he's worse at it. Honestly, there's little reason to use Sazh over Lightning for much of the challenge, since her SEN (once she gets it) is often more useful than his MED. But... this changes late, because Sazh gets Curasa, which is extremely powerful at healing, especially late when your HP is over 4000. It just makes a ridiculous difference for keeping up with enemy offence. After getting that, Sazh went from my least-used PC to possibly my most-used, certainly in any fights that couldn't be ended quickly.

Fang: Okay Fang may well be the most-used still, I dunno. Her Synergist is extremely good, but different: she gets a very powerful set of buffs (Veil, the -ra spells for offence and defence, Haste) but they mostly have short durations, so the more you want to use the more you have to spend a LOT of time reapplying them. Sometimes it's worth it, though. Always interesting decisions about which to use for sure. Aside from that she's the only Ravager which often means amazing things for long-term offence, and is a shitty Medic, though early on the differences between the Medics aren't as potent. Still, Haste/-ra buffs/Ravager gave her a spot on the team most of the time.

Vanille: The last two PCs were ultimately similar. Commando! Commandos mean way more damage and you often don't want to go without one (though there were times when I did). But neither PC's other secondary roles are that great. Vanille's are the better, for sure. She gets the Bar- spells on Synergist, which are sitationally great, as well as Veil, and late there's Protectra but I didn't get too much out of this. She also has a kinda tolerable Sentinel since Mediguard exists without too much investment. But usually she spent most of her time in Commando. She has less magic than Hope so for a while she felt like th eweaker choice for this, but then she gets Adrenaline which tilts things her way at high HP.

Hope: See Vanille. Hope's non-Commando secondary roles are mostly useless... but in his defence a lot of value can be found in the gap between mostly useless and entirely useless. Hope's Sentinel is rather trashy; it's similar to Lightning but his base HP is lower and it takes five tiers of the crystarium to actually get Elude, which is essential (Lightning gets it in three). I didn't make this investment. His Saboteur includes the MT spells which are trash... and Dispel. Dispel is only rarely useful but when it is (Dahaka is the biggest) it is great. So that's something. Hope/Vanille basically play the same role and which I choose is often based on which one's non-damage actually can find some use. I never use both, even though two Commandos would sometimes be tempting for damage, because the skillset is just too narrow; more offence can always be achieved with Commando/Fang/(Sazh or Lightning).

Teams I definitely got use out of at some point:


Probably more. That is definitely one of the cool things about this challenge, the team variety. I really do wish you could save paradigm sets between teams, though; it's a significant oversight and would not have cost much memory space. It seems like the type of thing 13-2 might have fixed, except that 13-2 got rid of the idea of different teams. :(

Well, that was a lot of fun! Although next time I play this game I will definitely do something less stressful. <_<

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #146 on: February 04, 2017, 06:59:40 PM »
There's 2 issues with the "Attack while the tail is up!" thing.

1. It has an explanation point, suggesting it's the end the statement.

2. ATB system, people see that and with full gauges, attack immediately, without letting the game finish.

So the exclamation point is misleading, and the way the ATB is structured, very easy to just "OK I"LL ATTACK NOW!"  And unlike the prior 3 (Mist Dragon, Wing Raptor and Whelk), it's not a blatantly defensive stance.  Also the way FF7 is structured in ATB, easier to have full gauges and just go all out(which is the mistake many have from my understanding) between statements.  FF4 and FF5, you tend to not have that opportunity, and the warning is more obvious, while FF6 tells you before the fight actually begins.

So it's not wrong, just poorly presented.  An "If you" at the beginning or "..." instead of an "!"may have avoided some problems, even cutting off the line at a different time.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #147 on: February 04, 2017, 07:02:37 PM »
"Don't attack while the tail is up!"
"It'll counter with its laser!"

It literally just needs ONE word to be added to fix the issue.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #148 on: February 04, 2017, 07:59:44 PM »
Final Fantasy VII: Like ThatMasterLemon, I'm replaying FF7. Like ThatMasterLemon, I'm escorting Aerith home. Like ThatMasterLemon, I can't wait for Sephiroth to kill her.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #149 on: February 04, 2017, 08:06:00 PM »
Well, that answers my question. I'm guessing they forgot to put in the "Don't" when Cloud made that statement. The greater mystery is why wasn't it fixed in the PC version? Were they unable to alter the text which appears during battles?