
Author Topic: What Games are you Playing 2017?  (Read 72655 times)


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #400 on: April 05, 2017, 08:37:15 PM »
P5: That UI


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #401 on: April 06, 2017, 04:53:11 AM »
One or two people may have suggested that I'd like Heavensward.  That it is, in fact, kinda Excal bait.

They were right, so very, very right.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #402 on: April 06, 2017, 09:02:19 AM »
P5: 6/11. 27 hours in.

Plot's been good so far. I like the Caper framing. Copy Shogun had some freaking great dungeon gimmicks. Reminded me of El Shaddai in a way...

The cast isn't as likeable as the P4 cast, maybe even not quite as likeable as even the P3 cast... I suppose the moodiness fits the Rebellion theme, but man are they hardcore moody teenagers. With good reason! And really everyone is a terrible person. Or maybe I'm just getting old. Party is also -really fucking bad- at keeping their mouths shut about what they're doing.

Random S-Link commentary... Temperance is okay in practice but the setup is -really- fucking skeevy. Moon is an awful character who might just have the best bonuses attached to their link. I'm intrigued to see where Sun will go. Didn't expect him to be Sun at all, really. Grabbed what I could there, waiting on a Sun persona to do more.

I'm at 3 Knowledge, 3 Guts, 2 Proficiency, 2 Kindness, 2 Charm. Knowledge takes way more points to level than the others. Has anyone found a place to read books other than the train? The Movies and DVDs are great though. They really went out of their way to make cheesy dumb knockoffs.

Game is good times so far. The amount of effort is apparent. Music feels lacking, with only the Night theme sticking out. Just going for low-key rather than the WOOO PEP of P4.

Edit: Also, whenever it cuts back to the interrogation and they ask MC to be brief, then the game proceeds to have you continue going through days as normal... I keep getting a picture of MC telling Grandpa Simpson's Onion story from "Last Exit to Springfield." As was the style of the time.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2017, 09:05:46 AM by Hunter Sopko »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #403 on: April 06, 2017, 10:23:39 AM »
Sopko, could you give me five bees for a quarter?


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #404 on: April 06, 2017, 12:29:23 PM »
The main difference between Persona 1-4 and Persona 5 is that 5 is a hostile game (so far) much like mainline SMT. You are not welcome. This makes the earlygame infinitely more gripping honestly.

Also these are the best menus of all time

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #405 on: April 06, 2017, 05:05:26 PM »
I think P4 just colors perception that much. P3 wasn't exactly upbeat, and neither were P1 and what I played of P2:EP. It totally makes sense for the first part of P5, but the level does start to wear on you a little.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #406 on: April 06, 2017, 06:01:35 PM »
It's interesting you bring up color - P5's black white and red scheme - very traditional for stark, powerful imagery - seems inherently conflicted with the super slick coolness of so many other aspects of the game.  Not sure what to make of that yet - I initially thought P4's color scheme was a misfire but I've 180'd on that.
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #407 on: April 06, 2017, 06:32:02 PM »
You mention P2:EP. I was getting P2:IS vibes more from this game, now more then ever. I had to stop due to issues at work but I'll keep playing to see what happens.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #408 on: April 07, 2017, 03:21:00 AM »
Persona:  Not actually playing yet, but watching my kid play.  Igor's voice actor totally lifts.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #409 on: April 07, 2017, 06:36:45 AM »
Final Fantasy Dimesions - Dragoon chapter, middle

On the world map, the main notable new random is the Stray Fang. They're dogs fought five at a time, and they will use Roar, which is stun (ATB reset). They are faster than me. So uh yeah unless none of the five use it I don't get a turn, and this doesn't happen very often. Fortunately stun does not in any way impede my ability to run, so I just escape every time I run into them.

I reach Deist. Storebought L3 magic! Yeeeeeeessssss~ Anyway, the L3 black is a game-changer. -ra spells hit three times as hard as the basics and only cost twice as much MP, a huge improvement. I buy Cura and Protect (not Raise) since I have plenty of money but I'm not sure when I'll use them, Protect is only -25% HP with a duration limit, which has clear uses in a team but probably not in a solo, Cura is outclassed by Sylph. But yeah, -ara spells. My new best friend. Two shots of it MT take out any randoms on the map. I head to pick up some Dragon grass in a totally not lifted from FF5 plot point and... oh dear.

Lieutenant (~10 resets) - So he's basically the same as the Captain from the Warship, which is to say he does doubleact physicals that sometimes add confuse and generally 3-4RKOs me. His stats are a bit worse for the time but a bit better unscaled. This wouldn't be so bad but the big difference is his support is way better. He comes with two Ensigns who can sometimes physical for weak damage (though it's a tech so it doesn't lift confuse), but can also cast -ara spells of their own, with the offensive ones doing 200 damage (legit for the time, my HP as Red Mage is around 700-800) and Cura healing off roughly one MT -ara of mine. Yikes. Worst of all, unlike the captain's support, they seem to be status immune; quite a few of my resets involve trying to land sleep, silence, toad, anything. Nope. Beyond that it's extremely easy to be overwhelmed here (if both ensigns use attack spells... yikes), and even when I'm not it's equally easy to be walled by them (especially since Sylph is now a notable offence cut) until my MP runs out, which doesn't take as long as you might expect with my spamming Sylph constantly. I determine that Slow helps overall but I can't seem to win anyway.

Fortunately there's something new and cool next to this boss fight: a white chocobo! This little buddy will restore my MP but not my HP, which is actually great for a solo because it means that unlike tents/inns, my allies are not revived. Grinding just go easy, blast away with MT spells then heal with Cure between fights, rinse repeat run from any roar-spamming dogs. I gain 2 levels which doesn't actually take long, bringing my HP up to around 800 and giving me a lot more margin for error between Sylphs. Strategy is to Slow the lieutenant turn 1, heal with Sylph whenever needed and blast with a ST -ara on an ensign if I somehow don't. Once one Ensign falls the risk of death falls dramatically and the fight becomes much easier. I may use one Ether, I forget. I'm Level 27 (was 25 when I got there).

Dragon Valley: My next destination. A bunch of resets here, what else is new. -ara spells are still great but there are two problem enemies. One is the Stinger, which counters below a certain HP threshold with HP-1. Do I need to explain why this sucks? Some experimentation lets me figure out that I can OHKO one with an -ara, and if there are two or less enemies left, MT -ara OHKOs them too (FFD does this thing where spells do 100%/67%/56%/50% as they unfocus instead of a straight 100%/50% like many FFs). Otherwise they have bad damage and sometimes poison, so a lot of my resets are just learning how to manage them. There are also Sidewinders who are weak to ice and get OHKOed by MT Blizzara which becomes the only spell I need, Elementals who half elemental magic but still get 2HKOed by it sometimes (though have decent magic offence of their own), and Zuus. Zuus are big fat jerks: they have status immunities (I think), hit hard, and are really bulky. Alone they're not bad, they actually get barely 2HKOed by ST spells. When they appear with Stingers and Elementals then things get hairier. I mostly have trouble with them because they appear later in the dungeon when I'm nearly out of MP and uh yeah fighters get destroyed here.

Midway through the dungeon there is another Drake plot fight. I figure out that you need to hit him twice for 900+ damage or so and he'll use Flee, timing it out doesn't work. At the end of the dungeon there is Barbara who freaks me out by getting three decently damaging turns before I get one and then a fourth while I charge Sylph to not die but after one shot of Sylph she retreats, not sure if that's time or damage.

Moogle shop, I can buy ethers again. I don't, but it's nice to know that I can. Main priority is stocking up on 99 potions again. Yeah I may have run out in the previous dungeon. I also get Barbara who comes with a sexy pair of Battle Boots, +2 speed yay.

Cave of Fulmination: Dynamines counter with Self Destruct at low HP, ironically I have an easier time when I first show up here and I'm at a lower level and MT -aras seem to barely not trigger the counter (maybe it's below 1/3 HP?). Ogres sometimes use confuse but also physical me out of it, bats have terrible damage but also have confuse and only rarely hit me out of it. Thunder Harpies have a MT attack (lol) but unusually strong physicals and good bulk, I actually need 3 turns to win battles involving them. Flamehounds use a lightning attack based on their current HP (no, not fire) which does around 300 at max, but not so deadly once beaten up. And finally there is the Mindflayer, the dangerous enemy of the dungeon. Not only can they use -ara spells for 200 or so, but they can use Mind Blast, which is probably like 75% accurate paralysis + around 150 damage. Paralysis is still awful!

Anyway I get through this dungeon all the way to Ramuh's save point with no deaths. I rule! I do run out of MP and potions and straggle through my final fights as I try to win with physical setups, fail, and have to run, but oh well. Then I promptly have half a dozen resets from the save point exploring the bottom floor of the dungeon, whoops, too many Mindflayers and exploding Dynamines here.

I try to fight Ramuh but he has incredible HP (7200! Nearly triple the previous boss). Without Slow I spend too much time healing, with Slow I'm limited by Red Mage MP (since I need both Sylph and -aras, and I don't yet know Red 3 so the only way to get all three relevant spells is as a Red Mage). I could easily win by using the Dry Ether in this dungeon, I think (unless he gets nastier at low HP) but there's no compelling reason to do so now, I'll leave this until after the next area I suppose. Although looking forward it's not like Vata is likely to be any easier...

I'm Level 31.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #410 on: April 07, 2017, 08:50:19 AM »
Trails of Cold Steel 2 - Finished the Prologue, Celdic, & Nord Highlands.  Good times so far, although seems suspiciously easy for Nightmare.  (I double-checked by starting a Hard file to compare monster guide entries, and yeah, this is definitely Nightmare mode.)

This isn't a HUGE complaint, but the game is still squeamish about actually killing people or finishing them off or anything.  This plays both for and against your party, but yeah, ultimate nerf warfare as you unload with huge special moves of doom and knock people "unconscious" afterward.  Well I guess HP being a weird concept isn't new, that's been around since D&D first edition.  It's still weird considering that This Is When Shit Goes Down, and this is taking place in cold-edged Erebonia, not hippie Liberl - if I'd been in charge of writing the plot, I'd definitely use the change of setting as an excuse to draw more of a contrast and not have everywhere feel similar in values and culture.  It still slightly annoys me about how nice everyone is - even in a world where people just don't die and it's impolite to finish them off while unconscious, taking them prisoner and stealing their stuff is presumably above board, no?  An army is at its weakest in retreat.  Don't just drive up with reinforcements and say "haha you should retreat"; cut them off and finish them off and steal their cool stuff, and take them prisoner.  Especially for tanks.  Their whole point is that they're mobile and chase you down forever!

I'm not sure I would call it idiot ball, but there's a plot point that the characters are being weirdly silent about when there's an utterly obvious in-setting assumption to make.  Since she's in the opening video, there's a new antagonist who's a little girl who has an invisible robot friend.  Millium Orion (a party member) is a little girl with an invisible robot friend that looks identical, but is a different color.  Millium's codename or whatever is "White Rabbit", new antagonist identifies herself as "Black Rabbit."  And the opening video - as well as the game plot - quickly establishes that antagonist's last name is also "Orion."  So....  um...  folks?  Care to, you know, comment on this strange coincidence at all?  Like...  there is OBVIOUSLY a connection here.  Maybe Our Heroes don't have the ability to investigate it at all, maybe Millium herself is being inexplicably closed-mouthed about her sister/relative/clone/rival/whatever, but there can at least be some speculation on what this would imply.  And hell, the characters can even be wrong about it.  It's just bizarre to shrug and ignore it, when this has an obvious implication that would be good to consider! (Specifically, that the Intelligence Division may have gone wrong / Lechter showed up in the antagonist side of the opening video?  For all that having Lechter as an independent or Reformist villain would be fine, having him work with the Noble Alliance makes negative sense...  we'll see I guess, but the characters should be wondering about WTF is going on.)
« Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 08:52:35 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #411 on: April 07, 2017, 11:18:27 AM »
Shadow of the Colossus: I promised that I would get round to this one and I'm not one to break a promise. I've currently beaten Kuromori; meaning you could argue that I'm already halfway through the game. I'm actually really enjoying this one despite not being big on 3D action adventure games (I'm looking at you 3D Zelda). I really like how each fight with a colossus is handled. They don't all feel like the same thing as each other; each have their own unique stadium and their own platforming puzzle. My favourite of the colossi in terms of a good fight is currently Avion; nothing is more frantic than trying to stab the wings whilst keeping in a position where the wind won't blow you away. The only colossus which I didn't beat on my first try was Kuromori, mainly because I wasn't quick enough when getting away from his breath. Also, Revived Power is an excellent piece of music.

Pokemon Colosseum: GameCube games now seem to cost silly money, meaning I decided to play the game through other means. However, little did I know that these other means costed the data on my GameCube memory card. Meaning I'm not going to be playing this one anytime soon. Good thing too since I really wasn't enjoying this one. The battles are extremely slow, do we really need to see every individual movement a Zigzagoon makes? The AI is also really retarded, that Misdreavus meme can't have come out of nowhere. My favourite moment with the AI was when Golem and Camerupt kept spamming Earthquake to wipe out their own party, even the Entei. Yeah, this Pokemon game is kinda bad; the original Diamond and Pearl compares favourably to it even in terms of speed.

Pokemon FireRed: I usually play LeafGreen for muh Starmie, but this binge is an attempt for me to  give other versions a try. This meant that FireRed was the one which I picked; although I'm not using any version exclusives in my final party, so the difference will only be what I find in the wild and Charizard appearing on the title screen instead of Venusaur. My friends on Twitter aren't all that fond of this game; they go as far as to say that it's one of the weaker entries in the series. I personally disagree. FRLG manages to improve on most of RBY's problems; even the early-game selection has a bit more variety this time around. The main drawbacks which I have with the game are the bosses are more simplistic than RSE and you can't access some of the Pokemon which got evolutions in GSC, I want my Crobat dammit! I also don't understand the raging hate for the soundtrack. It's as though RBY had a good soundtrack to begin with. The main songs I believe are worse than RBY are the battle themes outside of the one that plays against Gym Leaders, I strangely have a soft spot for that version of the song. In terms of position I've currently got as far as the S.S. Anne. I would've gotten further into the game if I wasn't searching for that annoying electric rat.   

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« Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 11:20:37 AM by MasterLemon »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #412 on: April 08, 2017, 08:30:30 AM »
Since people are playing P5 now.

I'll drop this tweet here. A tweet from last year from a pro translator who had lived in Japan.
If only every translator in the industry has his level of awareness...

Also a few game play tips:

1. Get the Death's co-op level to lv.7 ASAP before Temperance shows up.
You want those SP recovering accessory from Death's shop as early as possible.
2. MAX OUT Temperance ASAP as soon as she shows up. She literally is the MOST POTENT co-op in this game. She can do a lot of things for you so you don't have to waste your time slot. She can even free up some of your class time. Her co-op MAX bonus even lets you keep your night free time even if you dive into Palace or Memento that day.
3. Always keep at least one persona in your inventory that can cast confuse. Most mid bosses eats status this game, and confuse on them = they give you big bucks every turn. You really want this money grind by mid game.
4. Once the Wheel of Fortune unlocks, get her to lv.7 ASAP. Her potency is second only to Temperance. She can raise the affinity of other co-ops for you.
5. Buy the state up drinks in the station every Sunday. It really helps you out in the long run. And I mean buy it every Sunday, even the drink they give you is something you don't want. The type of drink is always sold in a specific order, no randomness in it. The next drink won't show up unless you buy it first either.
6. Do not raid a Palace unless you can beat it in one run. Losing a day hurts a lot more than you think.
7. Almighty damage up skill exists in this game. Shows up randomly if you do on-line fusion after it unlocks.
8. Once you can make skill cards, get the Emperor's co-op level up to lv.7 He can duplicate ALL CARDS once he hits lv.7 Also, you can get Phy Immune card and Charge card just by mid game side quests. So don't use them, but save them for mass production later on.

Random S-Link commentary... Temperance is okay in practice but the setup is -really- fucking skeevy. Moon is an awful character who might just have the best bonuses attached to their link. I'm intrigued to see where Sun will go. Didn't expect him to be Sun at all, really. Grabbed what I could there, waiting on a Sun persona to do more.

Whoever did the Sun and the Moon must have done the proper home work on Tarot reading.
They were done so fittingly to their respective Arcana that's a bit of unbelievable.
I also lament they didn't reverse the Moon's position on the final co-op screen (when they did it to another Arcana). It is a realistically done transition of the Moon's reading from upright into reversed.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2017, 05:32:42 AM by Niu »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #413 on: April 08, 2017, 04:43:04 PM »
honestly I'm enjoying P5 enough that I may just do a replay to get max social links instead of trying to get them all on try 1. I'm 30ish hours in and not remotely tired of it yet, despite massive binge playing.

And yeah, Sun is probably my favorite social link, but I'm a sucker for redemption arcs. And Moon I kind of want to punch repeatedly.

My favorite char in the game overall so far though, goes to the Priestess link. 1000% Gate bait character.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #414 on: April 08, 2017, 05:05:19 PM »
Thanks for the link/advice, Niu.  I juuuuust got to the point where I can choose how to spend my time (5 hours! it's a good thing the game is so awesome because that's pretty absurd) so your advice is timely.
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #415 on: April 09, 2017, 01:15:55 AM »
Metal Gear Solid 2: About to fight Vamp. While I love the bosses in this game, I wish they shown up a bit earlier. There was practically nothing in between Olga and Fatman, the former of which was fought in the Tanker chapter. As a result; Fatman, the harrier and Vamp are fought quite close together, mainly separated by plot dumps. Speaking of plot, I'm rather enjoying it so far. I'm actually finding the Raiden and Rose relationship rather interesting (sue me) and because of this, I am ensuring that I don't read up on why Jack won't open himself up. I hope Kojima was going for a dramatic irony approach with the whole 'Pliskin being Snake' plot point though. Nobody would think that Pliskin and Snake are different characters, especially considering that the game outright states that they have the same actor.

Pokemon Leaf Green: I said I was going to do Colosseum next. I tried the game out and I found it way too slow to play through, even slower than Sinnoh mk1. Not helping things was the issues ThatMasterLemon suffered with the DIOS MIOS emulator, so I just decided to give up and move onto FRLG. I've just finished the Silph Tower. Boy what a difference a RSE point makes; the mechanics are no longer broken, the types are pretty equal for the most part (Dark and Steel are non-existent until the postgame) and the Pokemon selection has improved somewhat. The early game Pokemon have been buffed quite a bit too; Pidgey now has a Flying move before you get the Fly HM and Mankey can be caught at Route 22 like in Yellow. One last thing that helps FRLG in comparison to RBY from the top of my head is that there are running shoes now, good bye going into the menu to get the bicycle out.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #416 on: April 09, 2017, 08:07:14 AM »
Final Fantasy Dimensions - Vata pain

Highwind Tower: Another tough dungeon because they all are. I do this dungeon in multiple runs to restock on potions and save after the cutscenes which occur frequently. Some new randoms, new problems.

Liliths counter with Embrace, which inflicts petrify. I can't immune it. They also use confuse a lot, which causes me to randomly attack... sometimes them, which gives me a nice snake hug. Balrogs use confuse sometimes too. This makes being a Black Mage (for more MP) risky, so I mostly run Red Mage for confuse immunity. Liliths can be OHKOed by ST Fira since snakes hate fire? I dunno. MT Fira just means I eat counter-petrify.

Lesser Demons can inflict silence or sleep. Sleep's annoying, how much depends on who they're with, but usually something will physical me out of it soon enough. Silence means I have to use an Echo Herb and if used when I'm low on health means I can't use Sylph and can get in a lot of trouble. "But Elf, you should just use fighters!" Yeah Monk is kind of an option here with the claws from Ramuh's cave but they take a hell of a beating and I can expect to use like 15+ potions per battle. Anyway Lesser Demons also counter with Curse sometimes which halves my damage. Annoying but at worst means I need to lob one extra spell to win.

Wyverns and Bone Dragons are harder-hitting and a bit bulkier, though Bone Dragons hate fire (so do bats, who return from Ramuh's cave. Fire is good in this dungeon). Bone Dragons use curse on their own turn sometimes. I have some deaths here (especially figuring out Liliths) but it's not toooo bad. The boss is the real problem.

Vata - Unfortunately there's a cutscene before the fight which revives everyone to 1 HP and Barbara to full, so I have to begin each Vata attempt by killing them off. This isn't as bad as it could be because Vata is a softy at full HP, using double physicals which do 120ish to the back (Red Mage has around 1500 HP now, way more than you'd have normally at this point). Slow him, beat him down with -ara spells, Sylph when low on HP. Easy!

Once he loses a third of his HP or so Vata starts getting a bit more serious, using Howling Gale. He'll doubleact, the second move is always a physical. Howling Gale does like 300 and inflicts Sap. Sap drains like 12% of my health over 4 turns or so, not too bad but we're forcing more Sylph now. Vata's got enough HP that MP restoration is a must, I use my Dry Ether during this middle phase of the fight and get ready for the limit phase.

At around 30-33% HP, Vata will start using Buffet (MT damage that also stuns) and Tornado, which is HP-1. Tornado is super-cheesy for a solo. First of all, he still doubleacts with the second action being a physical. He doesn't always do so, but probably at least half the time. Tornado followed by a physical that hits (I am a shield-using red mage) = I die. But wait, it's worse! Sap can be fatal, and can't be cured (short of Dispel which I don't have). If Howling Gale has being used recently, I die, unless I'm right about to get a turn and use a potion (or I was already charging Sylph).

The key of course is to refresh Slow right before entering the limit phase (if not slowed, Vata is faster than me and thus Buffet's stun is extremely dangerous, plus he has more chances to Tornado). I then spam Magic Bomb 2, which costs 16 MP and hits slightly harder than an -ara. (600 damage instead of 550, roughly.) And I pray a lot. Sylph gets used whenever I feel threatened; overzealousness on offence costs me plenty of resets just as cheap Tornado deaths do. After around 10ish resets I win. Chapter complete!

I gain control of Alba. Second versa, same as the first: I switch to Summoner to gain Sylph as a secondary since that's gonna be great again. I leave the shrine, heal up, bemoan my lack of potions, and get on a boat. There's a fixed encounter and... wait, it's actually really quite hard!

Blood Suckers (~5 resets) - They're weak to lightning, and counter it with Constrict which is paralyse. Paralyse means I die. Otherwise, they can use Slow and are significantly faster than me to start with. This gets them lots and lots of turns. They can triple physical which does around 20 per hit to my 200ish HP (400 as a fighter, but that means front row; Dusk made off with my bow). And they're reasonably bulky, needing 4 Sylphs/L1 spells to fall. I get ruined by Constrict, then try to beat them with physicals but always end up damage-spammed to death, and even magic setups often get beaten down. I ultimately retreat to Summoner and just spam Sylph and pray I don't get overwhelmed. Not very elegant or strategic but I'll take it.

Mount Verde: I get a shop at this point, hooray! I buy 30ish potions; should have bought 90 because this dungeon is surprisingly big with just one save in the middle. The randoms here aren't too notable so my usual strategy of spamming MT spells and using Sylph when needed gets the job done until I run out of MP, at which point I switch to physicals with mixed success, then switch to thief when I finally run out of resource (despite not having flee yet, thief is the best job for running away... not because they do it any faster, but because I can steal while I do it). About the only randoms worth mentioning in particular are the Yellow Jelly, which is immune to physicals, and the Megalodoth, which is weirdly tanky for the time, shows up in pairs and hits reasonably hard, so running from them is actually optimum.

After this dungeon I find my new white chocobo location. Yay! I also get Chocobo ASAP this time (I missed the pre-Warship chocobo forests with Dusk), so it actually has a use: at 12 MP it is overpriced, but still hits harder than L1 spells at least.

Mazewood: This dungeon starts with another deceptively tough fixed fight.

Scouts (~3 resets) - Like Blood Suckers, these guys count as bosses and have status immunities. They can use Cura which offsets one of my attacks, or -ara spells which deal like 5-6HKO damage, or weaker physicals. The problem is they're CRAZY fast, like over 2x my speed, and there are two of them. So uh yeah that damage can add up fast. Red Mage for better bulk/speed, then Chocobo -> Sylph most turns, burning almost my entire Red Mage MP on just one fight. I go back out and heal up of course.

This dungeon is pretty tough, and it's mostly due to three specific enemies. One is the Treant, which can use Berserk. A berserked mage is a dead mage. The second is the Mantrap, which can use sleep. Not bad alone, but they buy time for Treants to use berserk, and they appear together. The third, even worse, is the Vampire Thorn. These guys can appear in packs as large as four, and while they're weak to fire, spamming MT fire is NOT gonna cut it here. Once they've taken any damage there's a decent chance they use Drain, which does 100! This not only is significant healing, it's badass damage, 4HKOing me. Multiple ones using Drain = GG. I can put them to sleep and try to overpower them one at a time but it's super-costly and risky.

Past a certain point in the dungeon, though, you get a Slasher (31-power axe). And holy hell, for the first time I'm pretty sure a physical setup is actually OPTIMUM for a section of the solo. See, axes hit weakness on plants, which all the problem enemies in this dungeon are. Those Vampire Thorns which need Sleep + Fire x2 to die, or Sleep + Sylph x3? They die to a single hit from the Slasher; I don't even need to use Strike (the basic physical tech). The others don't fare much better defensively (they die to one hit + one counter, or one crit/Strike), and berserk is no longer a winning play for them. My counters hurt too! The physical setup is relatively less potent against the dungeon's other enemies but whatever they're not the threat. I burn potions fast as with any physical setup but it's worth it. Somewhere in this dungeon I get a creepy old man on my team, he's easier to kill off than Barbara though. Good.

I reach Alfheim, which means -ara spells! Definitely catching up with Dusk reasonably fast; I'm already Level 25.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #417 on: April 09, 2017, 10:26:43 AM »
Persona 5 -  okay actually started because I wanted a break from Mass Effect.  Was trying to work out which Bro Ryuji was.  Then it turns out he is a moron and gives you toy guns, mess and fucked up metaphors.  Hey Sopko finally a Bro that is definitely me and not you.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #418 on: April 09, 2017, 01:24:53 PM »
Persona 5:  Why are the camera controls so bad?  2017 and we don't know how to make a working camera?  Also the controls during "hide" sequences in palaces are way too twitchy - protagonist bounces around like a flea on caffeine.

Not sure if I like or don't like the UI.  I can see it giving people seizures.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #419 on: April 09, 2017, 02:10:27 PM »
I hope Kojima was going for a dramatic irony approach with the whole 'Pliskin being Snake' plot point though.

Kojima 101. I'm pretty sure somewhere else during that conversation chain Snake says something about his headband giving him infinite ammo.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #420 on: April 09, 2017, 02:55:29 PM »
He does yeah.  More specifically, he just says "Unlimited ammo" pointing to his headband or some such.

In any event, there's no question the game wanted dramatic irony there; any player would figure it out immediately, and the name on top of that is further evidence of "we're not even trying to hide this fact from the player, it's just there to hide it from Raiden."
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #421 on: April 09, 2017, 03:50:54 PM »
The only thing causing me to doubt the 'dramatic irony' aspect about Pliskin was that Kojima seems pretty adamant on Raiden representing the player. Especially considering how Raiden was meant to have covered the Tanker chapter as part of his VR training like how the player had played it before starting the Big Shell chapter.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #422 on: April 09, 2017, 05:47:54 PM »
DirtyBrit: It's been a long time, but my recollection on Raiden plot was that he played Metal Gear Solid 1 in VR training - i.e. that he did a VR simulation of the "Shadow Moses Incident" where he played as Snake in Alaska.  Not the Tanker, which is a little too recent.  And of course video game training will make you a heartless killer who only follows orders!  Could be wrong though!  (Either way, it fits into Raiden = YOU THE PLAYER OF THIS GAME RIGHT NOW of course.)


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #423 on: April 09, 2017, 06:06:38 PM »
DirtyBrit: It's been a long time, but my recollection on Raiden plot was that he played Metal Gear Solid 1 in VR training - i.e. that he did a VR simulation of the "Shadow Moses Incident" where he played as Snake in Alaska.  Not the Tanker, which is a little too recent.  And of course video game training will make you a heartless killer who only follows orders!  Could be wrong though!  (Either way, it fits into Raiden = YOU THE PLAYER OF THIS GAME RIGHT NOW of course.)

Once Raiden learns about the Patriots, he discusses to Snake and Otacon about the Tanker chapter and how he covered it during VR training. Snake and Otacon then tell Raiden that he was played a version which didn't cover the true story. Either way, OF COURSE VIDEO GAMES MAKE YOU INTO HEARTLESS KILLERS!


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #424 on: April 09, 2017, 09:51:47 PM »
P5 - forgot to save in a safe room, wiped to some trash after a miniboss, quit for the night, lost one sprint of Safe Room stuff in Castle 1.  Not sure if I can clear this in one day without being wayyyyyyy more conservative with SP.  Feel slightly catfished after P4 Golden where they were much more free with SP with send For Help and just general dungeon pacing.  It felt like the first dungeon is like twice as long as your intro dungeon in 4.

Debating what to do, I could check how much SP I have on the save and evade all the trash from here on out (which actually feels doable with the tools you have) and see if the 15 SP of drinks, Snuff Soul and Chewing Soul from a Locked Chest will do the job.   On the other hand I did buy like nothing going in, I could roll back further and go shopping.

Another option is to just put it on face roll mode and move on with my life.  Will wait and see.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.