Author Topic: What Games are you Playing 2017?  (Read 93725 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #475 on: April 15, 2017, 05:54:19 AM »
Final Fantasy Dimensions - Do you like.. darkness?

Back in control of Alba! We're back to a world bereft of L4 spells and storebought Hi-Potions, but that's soon to change.

Umberwood: BINDING ATTACK nooo- yeah, it's back, this time used by Ghouls. They don't use it quite as mercilessly as Ice Lizards did, but it's still awful. Ghouls can be OHKOed by Fira but that's about it. They are sometimes paired with Glyphed Souls which inflict curse, thus nuking my damage, and I certainly don't have time to deal with that. I often run from such fights. The only other particularly dangerous enemy move I need to watch for is Ents and thier confuse, but as usual the Headband can prevent that.

I run a mix of Red Mage and Ranger in this dungeon. Red Mage is obvious, Fira is cool. Ranger... well, the Francesca axe is long range and they can use it. Once Warrior hits L5 I can run Counter and HP+ on the Ranger and tear into enemies reasonably well, which is nice. This build lacks a way to OHKO Ghouls though.

It takes quite a few resets but eventually I get through. Aule has storebought L4s and Hi-Potions; I stock up of course. I also buy a Flame Bow and Mithring Bangle (curse immunity! Very important), and some new armour. There's a white chocobo nearby and I get ready for my next dungeon.

Cave of Dread: This place is a clear reference to the Cave of Darkness in FF3, despite the slight rename. There are some randoms here, the Outcast and the Cruller, which are particularly problematic. They're weak to dark, but resistant to all magic. So physicals are the way to go. But wait! If you kill them with a physical, they regenerate with 10% HP. If you kill them with a counter, they survive at 0 HP and use Regenerate on their next turn instead. Only magic can finish them off. They also immune all status (I never try slow, it might work)... so yes, the only practical way to kill them is to hit them to low HP with physicals and finish with magic.

I run Red Mage with the Flame Bow here, or Ranger with the Francesca. With Red Mage I run Int+20/HP+20, with Ranger Counter slides in for Int+20. Ranger can use Magic Bomb to finish enemies off. Ranger hits harder and faster and is more durable. Red Mage's advantage? It can cast Teleport.

Why does this matter? Because one of the two regenerating enemies, the Outcast, can use Embrace. A hug from a otherworldly skeleton monstrosity probably isn't as sexy as one from a topless snake-lady, but it's just as effective at turning poor Alba to stone, and I can't block it. It's not used often, and never in the first couple turns that I see, but Outcasts aren't easy to pick off quickly, so I often just run / cast Teleport unless I think I've got a good shot at a quick kill (e.g. first strike, or a lucky counter). This is the source of a lot of resets here.

Crullers aren't trivial either though by any means, as they cast a reasonably damaging Bio or use Slime, which inflicts Slow (if they use Slime while an Outcast is around, it's definitely time to run). They are sometimes accompanied by Abysteel, bats that can inflict curse or silence. Curse can be blocked by the Mithril Bangle (can't be used by heavy classes) which becomes near essential here. Silence is very annoying because I need to lift it to finish off the Cruller, so the usual strategy is to down the bats first, then cure silence and kill the Cruller with the usual combination of physicals and finisher magic.

Oh yeah there's another enemy here, the Death Crawler, which is apparently the tankiest of the regenerating enemies. I wouldn't know because I never actually drop one to 0 HP; I only ever encounter them with a combination of Cruller and Outcast which uhhh yeah is simply the nastiest random formation to this point (at least that isn't rocking paralysis or HP-1); I never actally beat it. Discretion is the better part of valour and all that.

Well that dungeon had nasty randoms, surely the boss will be easier at leas- Hecatoncheir fuck

(5 resets)

6000 HP... kinda. He's a regenerating monster like the others in this dungeon. Fortunately, he isn't magic-resistant; he halves the big three elements instead. So Flame Bow is out, but Bio/Magic Bomb/Sylph all work to full effect unlike against the regenerating randoms. Magic Bomb 1 offers by far the best damage:MP ratio here, so it becomes the attack of choice despite Bio offering somewhat more damage. MP will definitely be an issue here, as we see.

When he drops to 0 HP one, he uses Regenerate, regardless of what is used to kill him, returning with 600. When he drops to 0 again, he uses Hyper Regenerate, healing to full. At this point Graham shows up and everyone revives to 1 HP via cutscene. Fortunately Graham is great at killing himself off, because of Darkness (1.7x damage, then takes 25% MHP). But I still have to kill the boss again, so his absolute minimum HP is 12600, which is actually quite impressive.

His own turns can involve Dark Breath (200 MT damage and Curse) which necessitates a Mithril Bangle, Quake (400 MT), or 1-3 physicals, 1 at the start of the fight but usually 3 as the fight goes on. Sadly, this multi-physical only triggers one counter. The physical barrage hurts quite a bit without Protect, up to 500 to the back row and thus nearly double that to the front, necessitating plenty of Sylph. He can also use Whack which is a little less than 2x physical damage and adds confuse (Headgear takes care of that).

One strategy I try here is a bit of a crazy one: Jobless (yes) with Counter, Summon L1, and Int+20%. Why Jobless? Because it can equip the Dark Sword, and thus hit Hectaoncheir's weakness. Dark swords are also supposed to kill regenerating enemies, but apparently it doesn't work against the boss... even to finish him off. Which is unfortunate because after a couple tries this build does stumble over the finish line of killing him a third time and the game tells me to finish him off with the Dark Knight! Instead he kills me.

So, the winning run is instead good ol' trusty Red Mage flinging magic. Protect is a big deal here, so I make sure to keep that up. Magic Bomb is used for offence, Sylph for healing. I try Slow but he's immune too, unshockingly. The fight is a marathon and I need to use 4 Ethers to get through, while watching my HP carefully. When I kill him off the third time the game tells me to finish him with Graham. At this point I have no choice but to revive Graham (and since Hectoncheir is faster than Graham, I have to hope that he either uses physicals on Alba or misses; after a few PDowns he does). Graham then uses Darkness for the KO, and conveniently kills himself too. All exp is property of Alba!

Mount Falgabard - Well there's another dungeon right away, no map or anything in between. I use some Red Mage here but after I realise that they have no good answer to Ogre Chiefs (2200 HP... they'd be a great choice for Break but nooo it doesn't work). I switch back to Ranger. This dungeon sees the return of Mandrakes (paralysis, but not as scary a version of it as Binding Attack; it never kills me) and Diorites (slow-petrify and physical tankiness). There are also Gremlins who set confuse (Headband!); both them and Wyrms (reasonably bulky) are weak to the Francesca. Counter Ranger puts in some good work, MT -aras do their thing too. Definitely the easiest dungeon of the chapter so far, but I'm running very low on Potions/Hi-Potions by now so that adds some tension. I don't quite run out, though.

Hecatoncheir beaten at around Level 41; I'm a bit higher now.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #476 on: April 15, 2017, 07:07:08 AM »
Think you are good at games?  Nah, get dunked on scrub.
For once I want to just specify that where normally I am speaking with at least a thin veneer of sarcasm or irony, this next part is unironic on smashing on P5 for something.
Persona 5 - So early on it was established that you can pull someone into the Metaverse by being close to someone.  The arc I am up to has been about how the team are coming under closer public scrutiny and they know they explicitly are being watched by another student in school.  They also decided to just go into the Metaverse in the middle of a public square in Shibuya because as Ryuji puts it "now one notices a piece of trash in the bottom of a trash can disappearing, this is just like that".

Literally the single most jarring bullshit break from internal consistency I have seen in the series.

Edit - on the other hand Makoto!   Yayyyyy broken people's neurosis just put directly on the page!   Imposter Syndrome the character done completely literally where it is Peile actually saying the shit she feels!   This is SMT stuff when it is at its best and doing it through the Persona style correctly.  This is my jam.

Edit edit - also for reference that was said before I found out that her Persona is a sweet fucking motorcycle.   That is pretty much the same as Snow FF13 get his Eidolon sequence, but instead of his grief for his dead wife turning into two chicks that scissor to be a motorbike it is the expression of her true self turns into a motorbike and that is infinitely cooler.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2017, 07:49:04 AM by Grefter »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #477 on: April 15, 2017, 09:01:01 AM »
P5: The first big boss was surprisingly easy, I had way more trouble with the first mini-boss (the one who does Charge -> Lunge) Hard mode is hard. So far. But I'll eventually break it.
The game has stopped feeling new and it's good old comfortable Persona now, warts and all. But with awesome dungeons?
New dad wants me to talk to him but I spend my evening time making lockpicks

Planescape Torment on iphone: Uuuuh nothing is made to accomodate for the smaller screen. Holy crap. The dialogue appears on like 10% of the screen, like in the PC version. You can increase font size but the text doesn't appear on a larger part of the screen, so that's useless
Touching any button accurately also requires toothpicks for fingers

Lord Ephraim

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #478 on: April 15, 2017, 09:47:14 AM »
P5: 11/26 up to 12/7 plot dump. huge spoilers

Okay, it's pretty much a given that Akechi was the traitor.  I caught the school trip scene where he heard Morganna talk about pancakes.  Then lied that his persona was awakened recently (it's wasn't).  However I wasn't expecting Joker to catch on at the same time, using his mistrust in Akechi to bait out the true culprit.  I still don't get how they created a fake cognitive Joker that Akechi shot.  When I saw Joker get "killed" I was expecting mysterious Igor powers to revive him or something to that effect.  Now we have to take down Evil Anime Howie Mandel on his giant boat.

Game difficultly was thrown out the door once Strength is maxed where you can use your giant trust fund to fuse personas 20 levels higher than you.  I abused flu season to get an easy kill on the Reaper that just skyrocketed my levels.  I don't have quite enough to make Satan or Lucifer sadly.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #479 on: April 15, 2017, 11:25:38 AM »
Final Fantasy III: I decided to give this one another try as I first played this game through the DS version. The slow speed and the irritating bosses which like to use two attacks in the same turn caused me to rage quit from the game by the Dorga and Unne fight. As I played later installments and, well, got gud at Final Fantasy games, I decided to give the game another try through the NES version. I've just fought Dorga and Unne and I'm rather satisfied with what I've played. The battles are much faster in this one, the bosses are a lot more fair this time around and the game isn't slowed down with pointless scenes involving the four bland mains. Some issues I do have with FF3 though are the limited inventory space, a relic of older RPGs which has thankfully retired for the most part, and a lack of save points in dungeons. Despite these flaws, I've had a decent time with the game so far and I'm optimistic that this will last for final portion of the game.

Pokemon Leaf Green: Beaten the Elite Four twice. This includes the fights with them in the main game and the Sevii Islands. Overall, I found this game to be pretty enjoyable. An issue I've always had with this game is that the player has to catch 60 kinds of Pokemon if they want to access the postgame. Though having a postgame is welcome considering how RBY never had one while GSC did. Obviously I decided to nuke the Elite Four rematches with the Mewtwo I caught at Cerulean Cave, sue me.

Final team:

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #480 on: April 15, 2017, 11:06:40 PM »
Persona 5 - I beat third palace last night.   Probably useless advice since I am behind the curve, but whatever.

For anyone doing a follow the guide, get all the Links play through here is a thing I did because money is tight and you need 100k floating yen after the dungeon and at this point I had just been selling consumables to catch the train because I was a touch to liberal with summoning Registered Persona and buying stuff.

Download the free healing bonus , it gets you a Soma.   Sell that Soma for 50k Yen.   Use that to buy your SP Adhesive 3 at Rank 7 Death.

The guide tells you to level up Sun.  It sounds kind of trashy.  It isn't.

Hold Up enemies and demand Money sounds dumb, it can be, but the upper limit on what they will offer is like up around 10x loot drops.  The amount they will drop seems to stay the same per Hold Up.  If you are really lucky you can demand from them multiple times before they leave or get pissy.

Finding a solo enemy is really easy since spawns are fixed.  Enemies respawn when you go through a load screen that isn't a safe room.

So in Palace 3 from the first Safe Room you can encounter a single enemy in a Dog Shadow and it is right near a shortcut back up a level.  It is weak to Ice.  SP Adhesive 3 at this point was getting my main 7 SP a turn and Bufu cost 3.  It is super easy to just grind out Hold Ups for cash that way and have the SP to keep up with healing.  If you are really lucky you will get a chain of demands for more when it is dropping 5k Yen and walk out of a fight with 25k, but more realistic is coming out with 2k per fight for 30 seconds work.

So doing the bad thing and grinding like a mofo before going to bed, probably 40-50 minutes work just chilling with a podcast on got me 200k Yen before selling treasure from the dungeon.  Should get my gear up to date for the people I want to use.

Also this probably ties a bit into frustration about the reward scaling in the game in that so far at least, the later in the dungeon you get the more enemy difficulty is just more of the same trash mob, which A) isn't really harder because of MT spells and B) give way more rewards than the earlier less dense versions of the packs.  That paired with the fact that you normally want to get levels at the start of the dungeon more than the back half (so you are leveled enough to actually recruit) and it puts you in this weird spot of, you are better off going to the start of the dungeon to recruit some stuff because it is just easier and burns less resources for the same rewards.

Like, it is fine, it is just kinda sub optimal in that SMT way of things.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #481 on: April 16, 2017, 02:47:19 AM »
P5: 11/26 up to 12/7 plot dump. huge spoilers

Okay, it's pretty much a given that Akechi was the traitor.  I caught the school trip scene where he heard Morganna talk about pancakes.  Then lied that his persona was awakened recently (it's wasn't).  However I wasn't expecting Joker to catch on at the same time, using his mistrust in Akechi to bait out the true culprit.  I still don't get how they created a fake cognitive Joker that Akechi shot.  When I saw Joker get "killed" I was expecting mysterious Igor powers to revive him or something to that effect.  Now we have to take down Evil Anime Howie Mandel on his giant boat.

Because at its heart, the game is still a Caper. Outsmarting the villain and running down the elaborate ruse in the heist is the backbone of any Caper plot. I could almost hear the Ocean's 11 music in my head while that whole thing went on. It's not nearly as good if the DEM ends up being "You were revived due to Igor hax" rather than "Thief Club's plan totally worked". My GUESS is that they relied on Akechi to supply the cognitive Joker there because Akechi expected him to be there. Cognitive You reacts how Akechi thinks he'll react, etc.

And it's a Nice Boat.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #482 on: April 16, 2017, 03:08:23 AM »
Hermit is amazing
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #483 on: April 16, 2017, 05:04:32 AM »
Trails of Cold Steel II
Still good, but still not quite as cold in its steel as I'd prefer.  Example: A major villain does a very bad thing with a personal touch to Rean and his family early in CS2.  (Duke Albarea sending Jaegers to randomly shoot up Ymir and try to capture Alfin & Elise, injuring Baron & Lady Schwarzer, and indirectly still leading to their capture.)  Rean reacts furiously at the time, hulking out and going into a murderous rage until he can be calmed down.  So...  the game clearly expects us to acknowledge that this was a *serious* affront, and it's still a quest that needs fixing.  I recently ran into said villain, and...  Rean...  didn't have much to say?  Charitably, Rean was busy with other problems like enemy giant robots, and we can pretend that said villain was much better guarded than it appeared so that Weltall couldn't just lean over and kidnap *him*, but still.  I'd want to f*&k him up!  Even if Rean has regained restraint and is cooly rational about the problem now, aren't you interested in at least trying to mess with said villain solely as a means to an end to get your kidnapped sister back?  There's proper, non-revenge related reasons to want to threaten / coerce this dude.

Gameplay notes:
Nord Shrine randobosses:
The Donald Trump strategy of spamming "Speak Lies."  Only a 5-7HKO, so no big deal, right?  Well...   except it's full MT and applies Sleep at a good rate and there's 3 of them.  If they keep it up, Elliot can't outheal them.  Luckily, they eventually stop the spam, and they're not SUPER tanky, but that was still exciting and close.

Bleublanc & Black Rabbit:
First and only boss battle I didn't deploy Rean for.  There's a forced-ambush right before by soldiers who are frail but with reasonably badass offense, and Rean had to blow his S-Craft before dying to win, and 0 CP Rean didn't seem a super-inspiring choice for the fight.  I'm not sure he'd have been the best fit anyway, amusingly enough.  Ran Gaius / Alisa / Claire / Elliot instead, with Gaius having the Gladiator Headband.  While physicals are still meh in CS2, Gaius can troll by front-lining with Insight while building CP for ults, and spam CHrono Drive to keep everyone nicely sped up.  Alisa helps fuel everyone up with CP and Insight for dodginess with Heavenly Gift, Fortuna, and occasional offense/healing.  Elliot has buffs but is mostly about actually killing shit with magic.  Claire just uses Inspiring Leadershp on cooldown for speed-ups and buffs.  Done right, the buff parade is way too much to handle.  Bleublanc at least *tries*, having status attached to his attacks, debuffs, and can summon more crap to force an S-Craft out of me.  Black Rabbit just spams physicals at Gaius who dodges most of them?  I kept getting worried about S-Crafts after I brought them low, but they seem to have forgot how to do that, or are "holding back" or some crap.  Tsk, Reno & Rude used 'em.  After Rabbit falls, it's all over.  Don't get close to getting the AP bonus for winning fast, though.

Legram / Bareahard randoms:
You know, they could at least *pretend* to try since they give you super-meido for this part.  Maybe double the number of enemies, or more HP?  I stuck Gladiator Belt & Headband on Sharon and speed-boosting Orbments, so yeah, repeat "This won't take long, Shadow Stitch!" a lot.  For those that haven't played, it's a 2x hit craft to a huge area that has a huge speed and movement debuff attached, and each hit has a 30% chance of Nightmare, a 30% chance of a random status, and all the status Orbments for another 10 or 20% chance per (I think I had Sleep & Burn).  This is pretty much gg.  On the off chance a crippled, no movement, slowed enemy isn't horribly statused, she can just use it again next turn.  Which will be fast because she's a speedster.  Yeah.  This goes for the treasure chest randoms too, who stand no better chance of surviving unstatused.

Superbadass ape near Legram:
And...  random uber-badass boss despite having an Enforcer on the team that's more of a threat than anything else?!  wut.  Anyway this ape is extremely tanky (like ~120K HP), has a move that heals himself for quite a bit (~17k) *and* buffs Str, Def, and Spd.  FOr 5 turns.  If he does it again before it runs out, the buffs refresh and stack, so we're talking +50% Spd and +50%Atk for utter SMASH.  His physicals hurt a ton and can inflict Faint, and he has a charge-up supermove, Knockout, which hits an area for massive damage (OHKO if he's buffed) and guaranteed Faint if you don't immune it.  Very monodimensional, but he has what a Trails boss needs to succeed: enough bulk to withstand an S-Craft blitz, healing to require me to set up a sustained, buffed offense, and strong offense of his own.  In fact...  he was TOO badass.  He wiped me like 3 times until I went back with some more Faint-resistance gear (only enough for 2 characters, although I suppose I could go to the shop to buy more if I really needed to), and even then, his offense was too much.  I got him low, and it was then clear that all hope was lost.  Except...   except...  huh?

That's right, I accidentally cheesed the boss with a strategy perhaps better known from Lunar 2: the CORPSE BLOCKADE.  Because he's short-range only, Alisa hid behind Rean & Emma's cooling bodies.  It'd obviously be ridiculous and disrespectful to step over the dead, so Mr. Ape could only watch in frustration as Alisa buffed up then threw fire magic at him constantly, and solo'd the fight.  If he'd spammed healing harder, that would outrace my damage, but he doesn't, and he can't hurt Alisa anymore, so...   gg.

Legram shrine boss:
Haha HP sucks too much, die to S-Crafts suckers.  (Taken in TOTAL, their HP is fine, but splitting it across 3 of them, well.  Most S-Crafts have enough range to hit 'em all at once.)

Stahlritter & Pyro:
MT Insight from Alisa once more saves the day.  Along with Jusis shouting at everyone as usual, Noble COmmand kinda broke.  Pyro's fire blasts count as physical attacks, and while they're pretty good (area-3HKO off great speed), they get evaded a lot once Insight is up.  Stahlritter is a bit frailer than Ape (~90K HP) and doesn't have healing, so Noble-Command buffed S-Crafts finish her off pretty decisively.  I even survive Pyro's All-Cancel cheaty 20K damage attacks phase for a bit thanks to Alisa's Angel.

Divine Knight battles:
Are still lame.  In Cold Steel I, the one relevant DK battle was insanely difficult, so clearly they overreacted.  You can't possibly lose them unless you are truly asleep at the switch.  Not sure how these could be sanely balanced though anyway, forcing your co-pilot to spam healing would be lame too as then all co-pilots would be identical.  Oh well.  Giant robots just not quite my thing I guess.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 05:08:42 AM by SnowFire »

Hunter Sopko

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #484 on: April 16, 2017, 06:42:41 AM »
P5: Stopped at 12/16, about to infiltrate Palace 7.

As a note of awareness for people if you're not following a day-planner: Even though you have mondo free time in December, you lose the ability to do S-Links with your party about a week before the election. Plan accordingly. Unaffiliated links like Tower, Fortune, Hanged Man, etc still appear on their days, but often you're left with nothing to do. If you're not sure of what to do, gaming is always fun. They put effort into those. DVDs are a source of hilarity too. Trophywise, The Guardian only took me 3 sessions to catch. Hitting a home run wasn't as difficult as I'd thought.

All in all, not following a day planner I still maxed stats and came within 9 combined ranks of maxing all confidants (assuming the plot ones go through). Missed out on Lovers (2), Emperor (2), Fortune (2), Hanged Man (1), Empress (2). Not sure if I'll be able to raise any of these in the coming nights. I think my downfall was ultimately forgetting Sun and Devil raised Charm, and instead spending nights watching DVDs, reading books, and playing games to raise it for Priestess 5. Made me play catchup later. Oh well.

Palace 6 had the most rockin music.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #485 on: April 16, 2017, 07:00:45 AM »
P5: 11/26 up to 12/7 plot dump. huge spoilers

Okay, it's pretty much a given that Akechi was the traitor.  I caught the school trip scene where he heard Morganna talk about pancakes.  Then lied that his persona was awakened recently (it's wasn't).  However I wasn't expecting Joker to catch on at the same time, using his mistrust in Akechi to bait out the true culprit.  I still don't get how they created a fake cognitive Joker that Akechi shot.  When I saw Joker get "killed" I was expecting mysterious Igor powers to revive him or something to that effect.  Now we have to take down Evil Anime Howie Mandel on his giant boat.

Howie Mandel? Oh please Eph, get your facts right.
This guys is Char Aznabel, okay? They have everything in place from the voice to the suit.

Serious answer to your question.
They didn't "create" a fake Joker, it was there in the first place because JUDGEMENT cognitively believes Joker is already there, so it naturally is there. The Palace always reflects what its owner believes to be true, and everything is almost the same as reality outside the dungeon area which is the center distortion.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #486 on: April 16, 2017, 12:41:44 PM »
Legram / Bareahard randoms:
You know, they could at least *pretend* to try since they give you super-meido for this part.  Maybe double the number of enemies, or more HP?  I stuck Gladiator Belt & Headband on Sharon and speed-boosting Orbments, so yeah, repeat "This won't take long, Shadow Stitch!" a lot.  For those that haven't played, it's a 2x hit craft to a huge area that has a huge speed and movement debuff attached, and each hit has a 30% chance of Nightmare, a 30% chance of a random status, and all the status Orbments for another 10 or 20% chance per (I think I had Sleep & Burn).  This is pretty much gg.  On the off chance a crippled, no movement, slowed enemy isn't horribly statused, she can just use it again next turn.  Which will be fast because she's a speedster.  Yeah.  This goes for the treasure chest randoms too, who stand no better chance of surviving unstatused.

Don't forget the bit where her locked accessory gives an Impede effect, so she'll also lap all of them even if the rest of the team can't finish them off.  And as long as there's more than two enemies, being two hits means that the move ends up being SP-positive, generating more than you spend.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #487 on: April 16, 2017, 01:48:53 PM »
P5: Morgana :"You should go to sleep"

Lord Ephraim

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #488 on: April 16, 2017, 04:59:23 PM »
P5: 11/26 up to 12/7 plot dump. huge spoilers

Okay, it's pretty much a given that Akechi was the traitor.  I caught the school trip scene where he heard Morganna talk about pancakes.  Then lied that his persona was awakened recently (it's wasn't).  However I wasn't expecting Joker to catch on at the same time, using his mistrust in Akechi to bait out the true culprit.  I still don't get how they created a fake cognitive Joker that Akechi shot.  When I saw Joker get "killed" I was expecting mysterious Igor powers to revive him or something to that effect.  Now we have to take down Evil Anime Howie Mandel on his giant boat.

Howie Mandel? Oh please Eph, get your facts right.
This guys is Char Aznabel, okay? They have everything in place from the voice to the suit.

Well now that I've fought the Shadow version I definally see it.  Also he's the best boss in the game.  Shame about the rest of the bosses being total potatos though.

Fusion above your level is crazy broken but kind of necessary if you want to play around with high level personas.  I made Yoshitsune (he's level 79) and Beezlebub (level 82) at level 59. Cost over 1 mil yen but it was worth it.

All the palaces have great music but fucking memetos is godawful and you spend a lot of time in there. 
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 05:02:29 PM by Lord Ephraim »

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #489 on: April 16, 2017, 06:19:54 PM »
P5: Morgana :"You should go to sleep"

Yeaaaaaah. Morgana is rad but more times than I care to admit I've literally screamed "STOP TELLING ME HOW TO LIVE, CAT!"


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #490 on: April 16, 2017, 06:35:14 PM »
P5: Morgana :"You should go to sleep"

Yeaaaaaah. Morgana is rad but more times than I care to admit I've literally screamed "STOP TELLING ME HOW TO LIVE, CAT!"

Just accurate to being a cat owner, really.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #491 on: April 17, 2017, 03:26:42 AM »
Final Fantasy Dimensions - Building a black/red deck.

Castle Falgabard has an important shop to restock at. It also has two trapped treasure chests; the fights are easy though. Souls of Hate can use curse but that's about the only notable thing. One of the rewards is a hat that blocks sleep, an addition to my all-important collection of status-blockers. In the castle basement there are some Bandits, I beat them up. Then they retreat to their boss, and...

Dundoth (3 resets) - He fights with three Bandits. The problem with this fight is simple: Roundhouse. All four enemies have it; it is a physical attack which always hits and always stuns. Lockdowns are a thing that can happen. Dundoth can also use Eye Gouge for blind and Whack for conuse, and probably has some MT or something. He hits reasonably hard too (around 300-400 to the back row).

Powerful Sylphs and the Red Mage toolkit are useful here, so the usual build comes out to play (Headgear to block confuse, Battle Boots for speed). Slow on Dundoth, Protect on self. However, it still is an extremely tricky fight to deal with, as a bad run with Roundhouse is fatal. Bandits have enough bulk that they don't fall that easily, and additionally, long charge times are dangerous in this fight due to how stun works. (Sylph is still a must, though.) I go for Break a couple times and it never gets off.

Eventually, though, I hit on the winning strategy: Confuse! Yep, this Level 4 red/white spell reliably works on the Bandits, turning their attacks against their fellows. They can still randomly target me, but confused characters only ever use their basic physical, and basic Bandit damage is no big. So the priority order becomes to heal with Sylph when necessary, maintain Protect/Slow, then try to keep as many Bandits confused as possible. I focus my Sylphs on the boss and the Bandits end up doing quite a bit to him once the front one dies (putting everyone else in the front row). Dundoth has like 7000 HP or so, which falls fast enough once he's alone, mostly to -ara spells as always. I use one Ether because the early stages of the fight are a big of a slog.

Passage: A small dungeon after the bandits. A couple enemies from the Underwater Temple show up here, proving that I should have bought the Lightning Bow instead of the Flame Bow, oh well. Souls of Hate return and can curse, but don't do so often; the more important accessory choice is actually a Star Pendant. Goetias (pretentious name for a sewer rat, there, FFD) can inflict confuse and Toxify, blocking both is useful. I mostly run Counter Ranger here; no difficulties.

Commander (3 resets) - Another generic imperial officer who is no slouch. No Roundhose spam here, but he does come with two Lancers as support; all are in the front row. The Commander hits like a truck: his Axe attack does over 700 damage to the back row! That's a 3HKO to Red Mage (4HKO to Ranger who just gets dunked on here). He also has a confuse physical, as usual. The Lancers are less damaging but more damaging than Bandits; they definitely add up. Sadly, the Commander is immune to Slow, so there's no way to stop painful Axes from ruining my day. He also casts MT Shell at the start of the fight (doubleacting with Axe) which weakens magic notably

Priority on the winning run is to use Protect, and then, once again, Confuse the support! They hit hard, doing around 600 to the boss's 6000 HP. I use Sylph to heal; it does a bit less in the first few rounds until Shell wears off (which it does twice as fast as my Protect at least). Again I focus on the boss and let Confuse do a lot of my dirty work; no Ethers needed here at least.

I check out Ifrit's side-dungeon at this point. The first encounter is against bats who mercilessly spam Binding Attack until I die. Paralysis immunity can't come soon enough (next chapter). Fire isn't useful for the rest of this chapter anyway, so I skip this dungeon. (Yes, this is exactly what happened with Shiva in the Bard chapter, too.)

Mt. Gulg: And the reason fire isn't useful is we have this little FF1 reference! Ice is the element of choice here for sure; most monsters are weak to it. Fortunately the game gave me an Ice Bow in the Falgabard Passage so Ranger has a solid source of damage. (It even hits wind weakness on a couple of the few enemies not weak to ice, too.) Anyway, this dungeon is really rough; let's break down the enemies:

-Pyrolisk is an asshole. It has Glare, which paralyses. Fortunately they're only common on the first screen. Always the highest priority to take out, but I can only OHKO them with a Ranger's Strike (and running Ranger with Battle Arts is really problematic elsewhere) and even that misses sometimes. Status it is! Confuse/Sleep both work. If I'm Ranger, Leg Aim (damage+stun) can reset their turn; and I'm faster than them and can complete the 2HKO next turn. They also have Slow-Numb, and thanks to paralysis locks I finally learn how that works: time doesn't make it tick, you just die if it gets inflicted four times. This is hilariosly useless on a random enemy outside a solo; could have done something on a boss but none have it I don't think? You'd think the status-happy Earth General might have used it...
-Magmantis just hits hard. 350 ITE/uncounterable damage per turn to the back row (double to the front; nasty in sneak attacks). They get 2HKOed by the Ice Bow and are the second highest priority.
-Horned Devils can use Fira and Slow and have decent bulk; Silence/Mouth Aim work well. If they get off Slow that's annoying because
-Hell Ligers can use Roar. Not too notable otherwise but slow+stun is a bad combo.
-Prometheus and Fire Gigas have large bulk, are quite damaging, and can confuse (Headband!). Red Mage can own Prometheus with Mini! Otherwise there's not much to say about them; they do a lot of damage before going down. Leg Aim can help if I have MP to burn.
-Fire Elementals are fragile and spam Conflagaration which is MT fire. They're often found in the front row and sometimes keep a more physically imposing enemy in the back, in which case I leave them until last.

Anyway aside from Pyrolisks I don't have many resets here. However, whichever build I run, this dungeon is BRUTAL on my resources. 3-4 Hi-Potions a fight is typical! I come in with 40 and this isn't enough; once I realise this I warp out just prior to the imperial base section of the dungeon and buy 60 more.

In the last section there are some semi-fixed encounters with wandering imperial soldiers. As in the Warship the encounters are random once triggered, but you can't run. They're against the following:

-Sorcerers use various annoying spells, including Slow/Sleep/Bio, but can be silenced, and since both my builds can do that...
-Archers can also use slow. Jerks! They also hit pretty hard. Silence them after doing so to any sorcerers, then kill them.
-Lancers aren't notable and die last.
-Martial Artists can blind (ew) or stun with Roundhouse (EW). They also counter with Whack (confuse). I don't actually fight many which is good because they're a pain; Red Mage handles them better due to not caring about blind and having Confuse to own them.

Finally, our bosses:

Commander (2 resets) - He's back, new and improved! Actually the Commander himself is entirely the same as the one in Falgabard: MT Shell, 700 damage Axe hits, Whack for confuse. The difference is that this time he comes with a Sorcerer and a Martial Artist instead of Lancers. Silence the Sorcerer, Protect self, Confuse the Martial Artist and turtle like mad with Sylph through all of this. Roundhouse is a bad time which makes the start of the fight tricky.

I run out of MP just as I win this fight and I use five Ethers to recover for the next. I'm not sure if this is necessary or if my MP is auto-healed, but I'm not taking the chance before fighting...

Baugauven - He's kind of the loser general. He's a lot like Styx 1 (whom I faced with a very similar power level), in that he's reasonably fast and elementally focused (though you can't block his element), but he has 3000 less HP and there's no status to worry about, so I can equip for stats. Also Protect reduces his physicals. His most damaging moves hit for around 500, either Heat Wave or double Burning Slash. No Sap to worry about either. Red Mage with Sylph does its thing otherwise. He sometimes counters with Fira, which does around 300; no big but something I need to watch. For the second time in a row, the General boss at the end of a Dark World chapter is in fact the easiest boss of the bunch. Should have brought support like his underlings!

Also after the fight he plotkills me. Then Graham plotkills him (I don't even have to attack). He's... actually dead for real, despite this being his first boss fight. I was so surprised by this I didn't even leave a save file for him for stat topic reasons, on my first playthrough. Don't worry, Vata will make up for him.

Chapter complete. Current progress:

Alba Level 51
Ranger L7
Red Mage L6
Warrior L5
Black Mage L5
Summoner L1

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #492 on: April 17, 2017, 03:32:23 AM »
Nord Shrine randobosses:
The Donald Trump strategy of spamming "Speak Lies."  Only a 5-7HKO, so no big deal, right?

I dunno, Trump's "Summon Great Wall" strategy is p.good. Immunes damage from drugs unless you have a ladder.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #493 on: April 17, 2017, 06:21:04 AM »
P5: 12/24. About to hit up final dungeon, I assume. I just BARELY picked up the last request in time to complete it for the trophy, but alas I would still have to do things over again to get 100% S-Links. No re-gerts. Although, as a Caper and not a Murder Mystery the game doesn't lend itself as much to a replay for story reasons, especially when the game goes way out of its way to explain WHO did WHAT WHEN and WHY even more thoroughly than P4 did. To comic excess sometimes! Yay scenes of villainous villains reconfirming their villainous deeds!

Spoiler talk Palace 7 was cool in concept but the backtracking needed for the mouse puzzles was a bit much. Dragged a bit. Shido's Shadow was a great fight though. Ryuji was putting out ridiculous shotgun damage during bird phase (~900-1k? a turn with Taru). Definitely a good marathon fight. I think they missed a good opportunity for a headfake though with the Cleaner. It should've been Akechi, and the yakuza guy you chase is just some random dude. The boss gauntlet there is good times though too. Skadi with Phys Null made a joke of this dungeon.

Speaking of Akechi, fuck Akechi. That is all.

Plotwise... I'm not sure how much I like that THERE IS NO COINCIDENCE AT ALL. Like, if they game suddenly turned around and said Kamoshida was also in on it, I wouldn't bat an eye at this point. Why the FUCK is Shido's group involving random High School Principals in their plans at a level where the motherfucker knows about the psychotic breakdowns and Shido's involvement? Seriously. They showed why/how they might keep people in line, but holy shit is this massive conspiracy a bit too massive. There's a line between making the story tight and connected, and just going out of their way to beat in the theme THERE IS NO CHANCE ONLY FATE YOU MUST BREAK THE FATE.

Also, I never thought I would say this... but poor Ryuji. Dude goes balls out to save the party, has a chance to have a genuinely affecting moment making the sacrifice play, and they keep him alive. Oh well, it is a Persona game and they're not going to take a PC away from you. But then the party GETS MAD AT HIM AND BEAT HIM UP. What the fuck you ungrateful dickfarts. luljustanimehumor

God I really feel bad for the people who get to the true final dungeon and never touched Mementos at all.

EDIT: OH. Yes. So when you're done with the Bugs you have to make for the Strength link, MAKE SURE YOU ITEMIZE IT. The Bear Gloves are the most hilarious weapon in the game.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 06:23:18 AM by Hunter Sopko »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #494 on: April 17, 2017, 07:50:06 AM »
CK: Actually, said accessory doesn't exist yet in Chapter 2!  According to a FAQ, I'm about a minute away from getting it at the end of C2, but unlike Toval, she has free accessory choice.  (That said, of course I stuck an Impede Orbment on her anyway, so still.)

Final Fantasy Dimensions
Due to Elf's FFD hype, I figured I'd give it a try.  It's reasonably cheap, so what's the harm?  I'd prefer to do it on a tablet, but my phone is reasonably big, so we'll see if my distaste for phone UIs wins out.  Early signs not promising, with lots of drunkenly missing doors, getting stuck in corners, and a game that has a lots of hidden crap in barrels.  Also, I'm right-handed, and the Android controls are on the right side of the screen, so it's easy to accidentally press them instead.  Sigh.

Early discoveries: If you idle during the prologue, it's too early to quicksave, so it just boots you back to the beginning.  In general losing data seems kinda alarmingly easy.  At least there's a quicksave on entering floors, as I discover in the first dungeon and get some bad luck - there's an evil scorpion with an MT 4-5HKO, and a possible formation is 2 of them.  And they decide to spam said move when I wasn't perfeclty healthy to begin with.  Yeah RIP, I manage to take down one but the other devours everyone.  Not sure I approve of there being challenge when there's not much I can do to deal with it.  I guess I needed to heal harder in-between battles...?  Do it every time?  Yeah, about that.  Let's do a comparison.  Say your game wants to keep track of healing resources in dungeons.

1. Wait ~2 seconds for menu button to appear in the top right while not moving.  (It's pretty fast, but if you immediately jump for it, you'll get the movement pad instead.)
2. Press "Magic/Abilities."
3. Press Diana.  (Or uh Aigis/Elko I guess later.)
4. Press "White Magic."
5. Press "Cure."
6. Press "All."
7. Press "All" again to confirm.
8. Press "Back."

Persona 5:
1. Press the square button after combat.

yeahhhhhhhhhhhh i dunno if I'm gonna stick with FFD here.  If I do I want the most auto-battle compliant setup possible, so no cheaty Fenrir spell-spam that requires selecting crap on a mobile UI with too many presses.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #495 on: April 17, 2017, 08:25:40 AM »
Isn't fighting with bad inputs the True Fenrir experience?

P5 - Fourth Palace beaten in like August or something?  I normally post in downtime while traveling these days so work from memory.

Generally speaking at this point there is a few feelings that I would need to do comparisons to be sure on, so these are completely just Feels assessments, but it feels like you have just less free time in this than P4.  It also feels like social skills take longer to grind.  Also feels like there is more automatic social links this time.

Overall splitting between Mementos and Palaces I think feels pretty negative.  It adds to that feeling of more restrictive time.  Mementos and Palaces barely even play the same with Mementos being your standard Persona giant randomized dungeon and Palaces being hand crafted sustained dungeons.

It feels like 3 systems competing with each other rather than 2 pillars bouncing off each other like in P3/4.  I wonder if there was a design doc or an early Alpha where you just had either Mementos and slice of life or Palaces and Slice of Life sequences and if the alternate world where those went ahead of the game felt less jumbled and more lean in what it is, because again, I like some SMT, but they tend to be in the upper numbers in time played for JRPGs and Persona games were already even bigger time investments than most other SMT games.  I feel like the last thing they really need is to feel more cluttered and busy.

For the record I would want something that means in even harder on the palaces, all the movement and encounter control you lose in Mementos frustrates me.

Also has anyone worked out specifically what causes you to just get Personas rather than an encounter?  I assume some of it is overlevelling, but I get it a fair bit in Mementos and only once in a palace.  I think it hasn't something to do with ambushing an enemy while under alert?  In Palace I got it the one time I did on a second enemy I ran into after alerting a dog enemy nearby.  In Mementos it is mostly just when I engage from max range on low level stuff, maybe that was facing me ?  It is kinda all over the shop.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #496 on: April 17, 2017, 04:26:57 PM »
yeahhhhhhhhhhhh i dunno if I'm gonna stick with FFD here.  If I do I want the most auto-battle compliant setup possible, so no cheaty Fenrir spell-spam that requires selecting crap on a mobile UI with too many presses.

If you set the cursor to memory then auto-battle will do whatever that PC did last (so yeah Fenrir spell-spam is very possible). Extremely useful in general since FFD's ATB is quick-paced so Auto is actually a notable effective speed increase when you can get away with it. That said I'd probably wait until you can play the game with better UI. It's fine on a tablet but most people seem to agree that it's less so on a phone.

The healing between battles thing is pretty normal for an RPG though! You can complain about it as a general thing (and I'll agree that generally I prefer the WA4/FF13/Zeboyd/Saga Frontier/etc. way of doing things) but yeah it's something you kinda need to do in, like, every actually challenging RPG that doesn't heal you after battle automatically. One-button versions are a nice idea though I rarely use them because they can be inefficient and may not draw from the resources I want them to draw from (e.g. if multiple PCs have MP pools, potions vs. cure spells, etc.).

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #497 on: April 17, 2017, 06:56:12 PM »
I never actually use Auto Recover in P5. Hardcore.

P5: Up to the beginning of Palace 3 because I had a lot of free time. I ditched Ryuji (outclassed) and Morgana (FUCK YOU) and am keeping Mystical Ninja / Motorcycle Pope. I dig that last party member. Ann is the weakest member of that group and I'm looking forward to replacing all the original team with new PCs.

The temperance confidant is some next level sleazy anime shit. Is there a romance option at the end? Oh god I'm sure there is one.

P5 feels in some ways inferior to 3/4 but two things make it so much better it'd be hard to go back : 1) Non randomized main dungeons 2) levelling confidants opening up new, awesome skills
« Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 06:59:37 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #498 on: April 17, 2017, 07:31:14 PM »
I don't think there is anyone who doesn't like Priestess so far; I went for the romance train on her even with pretty much no hesitation.

Temperance has a lot of issues with its setup yes, although the actual S-Link interaction itself is less anime than you'd assume it is. It doesn't really excuse the premise being questionable as all fuck but the scenes won't leave you cringing or anything.

Auto-Recover is bad for the reasons NEB outlined, although the way P5 progresses needing to watch every drip of SP and where it's allocated becomes increasingly less of a concern (pretty much gone by the third dungeon IMO, as you can use out-of-battle party members' SP reserves for healing, can have access to SP Adhesive 3, etc.) The Palace dungeons are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Mementos and anything I ever saw out of P4 so huge thumbs up there, being static gives the designers way more breathing room with creativity and pacing. Plus the aesthetics are just cool really, and the cast having light (unique) conversation banter while running it is a seriously underrated touch.

You get the instakill into free Persona thing explicitly by ambushing an enemy you're overleveled for. You'll never get it if you don't ambush. I don't know if it's tied into security level at all but it certainly shouldn't be more likely at higher security (consistently happened for me at 0% security level). Basically it's a way to get low level Personas without going through the time wasting steps of crushing a weak encounter and dodging the possibility of having too much damage to sanely negotiate with them.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #499 on: April 17, 2017, 09:16:33 PM »
Ambush insta kill came from Ryuji's lv.7