FE Echoes - Also on Chapter 3 now.
* Yeah, the game is definitely nice as far as picking what evil parts of the old game to keep as "interesting", and which parts were just chores / technical limitations. BUT. I get why a NES game might only have 2 pieces of battle music, but as far as things to upgrade in a remake, really, you can write some more pieces of music. They tried by having a pretty solid remix that disguises the shortness of the loop by mixing things up, doing variations, etc., and that's good, but just write a few more pieces? Please?
* "They're going to execute Mathilde soon!" Uh. Game. Time exists and passes. Please warn me if by "soon" you mean "when is dramatically convenient, i.e. whenever you show up" or if you mean "by X date, and if you backtracked for conversations to start the chapter or dare grind, looool btw you didn't know you were on a time limit before."
* I stop by a forest village with only one exit to hear some tales of woe, and also shake the rust off a random sword I found somewhere. When I try to leave, a spawned Paladin army is now sitting on the only way out, with no way to usefully retreat from it as best I can tell. Seems like a potential hard stop if you foolishly saved in the village and had trouble with the encounter, which I certainly did - the only fight so far I've accepted a death (which doesn't REALLY count because Casual), because it has the super-spread formation from the Berkut battle I just finished, except you are facing 8 Cavaliers, a Paladin, 2 archers guarding the flanks to make Pegasi nervous, a super-Arcanist, ugh. Also you are sporting squishy new recruits.
* The plot's themes are in a slightly weird place (but, to be clear, way better than FE Fates's nonsense, so I'm not really complaining TOO hard). Alm is a proper proto-democrat. But he also has a mysterious lineage?! Won't that be awkward. "Haha! We thought a commoner was actually good for something, but turns out it was because he really had royal blood in disguise. Guess that explains that weirdness. Back to the way things were!"
* Also for some reason it seems really Against The Pale for Alm to dare claim the throne himself, with Celica accusing him of lusting for the throne, and Alm himself going "huh, better not sit on the throne" if you inspect it. Uhhh. Game you said it yourself, but if you're going to revolt, it really helps to have a replacement leader lined up so that people know what they're fighting for. "I'm a warlord who led the victorious army to save our people" is a perfectly respectable excuse to make yourself King - or, if you're nervous about bloodlines and such, "Lord Protector", "Regent", "Steward of the Throne", whatever. Or if you want to go all proto-Democracy, make yourself a First Consul or something. But.. have SOME leader!
* I'm not surprised they changed it, but I wonder if "Another Hero-King" sounds cooler in Japanese, rather than the extremely lame way it sounds in English. ("Hey Ma, I checked in the drawer, and we had another hero-king there as a spare. Should I get it out?") (Mō Hitori no Eiyū-ō ?)