Author Topic: What Games are you Playing 2017?  (Read 93793 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #650 on: May 28, 2017, 04:53:41 AM »
Final Fantasy Dimensions - DARK MATTER

Apparently Square Enix disagrees with Calvin on this one since they love this name. Regardless, I have to go find 8 pieces of it. And do lots of other sidequests because I'm a compleitionist nobody is buying that one, NEB I don't want to get pasted by the final boss.

I'm in control of Alba, running Magic Blade Ninja still because it's great. The fused world is a depresing place with most people gone and more importantly a dreary colour palette. It's up to Alba and the Albaettes to save the day! I make a pit stop at Braska to restock on Hi-Potions which I'd burned through in the final dungeons pre-path merge, and then it's on to our next dungeon.

Deist Forest: After some trouble with sleep I eventually run a Chouchou to defend a bunch of statuses, absolutely worth the tradeoff in speed. Once that's in place and I know to take enemies seriously things aren't too hard.

-Ahriman: Oh look who's back. Stoning Slash kills 'em fast though not before they get off Doom. Fortunately I can end fights fast and they never appear with the dungeon's one bulky random.
-Earth Raptor: The dungeon's one bulky random, they can hit reasonably hard against my front-row setup and sometimes counter, while immuning all the status I can use except poison (who cares). No big deal; I control the turn split and Curative Slash patches me up faster than he can hurt me. Always appears alone.
-Goblin Prince: Can doubleact, using physicals or a Goblin Punch which can do 1600! Or can cast Sleep as the second action and that's bad, a couple resets convince me to block that. Vulnerable to Stoning Slash.
-Vorpal Bunny: Can we take a moment to appreciate how awesome their name is? Incisor hits for 2000 if they're in the front row, Smash to Bits is reasonably competent gravity. Vulnerable to Stoning Slash.
-Malboro: I quickdraw them every time I'm not ambushed and Chouchou stops most of their bullshit, but they are nonetheless still the first against the wall, where the wall is two petrify-inflicting slashes.

One cool thing about Dualwield Stoning Slash is that even in the rare time one swing misses, the other does the job just fine. This move is so good. Also good is Osmotic Slash which continues to heal over half my MP so I just do that at the end of any fight where I feel confident and my MP has dropped.

At the end there is a miniboss fight against two encounters in a row, but we've seen them before.

Imperial Elite x3 + Weresolder Z x3: I go in the back row with dual boomeranges to be safe. Both enemies immune petrify but they're vulnerable to Drowsy Slash so I put everyone to sleep then beat them down with more Drowsy Slash spam. This actually works, unlike in FF5 where it toggles sleep. Hahaha.

At this point I gain full access to the world map and I can go anywhere! Here's some of the stuff I do to help prepare for the assault on the Evil Empire:

-Grab the Bunny Ears from Harmonia which is a hat with solid defences and +4 speed.
-Head to the Moogle Cave and do some shopping. I can buy Dry Ethers now, which is certainly potentially handy, although Osmotic Slash has made this far less important. I also get some general equipment upgrades, in particular the endgame claws (for ninja) and bows/axes (for ranger). Armour I mostly am going to use all the utility stuff I already have, so I don't buy much.
-Grab the Tetra Bangle from the Crystal Temple, which has some key elemental resistances I may want later.
-Grab 100000 gil from Mathel.
-Fabrica lets me immediately put that gil to use, buying my second Dark Matter. I also pick up the Argy summon I'll likely never use.

Next I redo Mysidia Cavern to get Alexander. The enemies here are the same from before and can largely be Stoning Slashes or outslugged as usual; the only notable thing is that Alchemists can inflict Blind which matters now so I equip a hat which blocks that.

Alexander (2 resets) - Second very legitimate holy-alligned boss in this dungeon! Alexander can use Holy for around 3000, similar to Protector. The difference is that it's not his strongest turn, because he can doubleact, and Divine Shot (his next strongest magic) does 2000. 4000 total is a lot! He uses that combo first round and periodically thereafter, but he'll also mix in physicals which fortunately are weaker to back-row me. Anyway in order to be more effective I go back to Ranger with Backliner here and hit him with a mix of Quick Shots and Curative Slashes on myself, with Osmotic Slash to restore MP as usual. He periodically counters with either Protect or Shell which slows my offence some but I'm able to control the fight well enough (for all that any miss with Curative Slash is scary, I try to be conservative with healing for that reason). He can also dispel but I don't care.

Onto get more Dark Matter!

Gardenia Slums: There are three fights here against imperial soldiers: a General and two support. Generals look and sound scary, being palette-swaps of the imperial officer bosses who have given me a hard time in the past, but they're no bosses: they can be put to sleep. So can their support, which is either Weresoldiers Z or Royal Lancers, who can cast Slow. Not a big deal. Dark Matter #3 get!

Burtgang: Just some randoms here in a relatively small area, but yikes some of 'em are tough.

-Slagworms: They hit super-hard though are slow and vulnerable to petrify. The real problems are Tot Aevis, big birds with full status immunity, loads of health and the ability to petrify. Gross! Athena's Mirror is go I guess? But wait...
-Zaghrems: Monks who appear in trios. While status vulnerable, they can inflict paralyse with Glare then mercilessly punch me to death. So I need to block paralyse AND petrify... which means Gold-Spun Hat I guess. But mage classes get bodied here bad. I try Black Mage but I literally get 2HKOed by Slagworms before I get a spell off despite back row. And Red Mage offence is just pathetic at this point against anything that can't be petrified. So... whatever, this place is short, back to Magic Blade Ninja. Block paralysis and just try to run whenever I face Tot Aevis.
-Mykales: Mages. They hit pretty hard, low 4 digits with their -agas. Red Jacket can ward off one of those elements at least. Sleep works!
-Earth Raptors: Still bulky and hard-hitting but no real tricks. Now they can appear two at once! Another formation which forced me back into ninja.

Anyway there's Dark Matter #4 here, no fight to defend it though. There's also a Fang! I now have 50 FP worth of Fangs, so I take that to Moogle Cave and get a Shell Bangle, which is Auto-Shell (cut magic by 25%). Much later than you get Protect Bangle, but not a shabby option at all.

At this point I'm getting close to JL 10 on Ninja, and all I have left is boss fights. So I decide to go finally take down Odin and Leviathan and get some JP in the process. Odin is a total joke now, I doubleturn him and with his lightning-weak Arcing Slash carves him in half, he doesn't even get halfway through his countdown. Leviathan is tougher! I don't take him seriously and his Slow counter comes at a bad time. Next time he's easy enough since he can't do more than like 1500 or so which isn't much, just have to respect the possibility of Slow. I now have all summons except Bahamut, and I hit JL10! Which means...

BACKLINER. MAGIC BLADE. NINJA. Tremble in terror, enemies.

Hakagure: Has a Murasame for me, a katana slightly stronger than any other weapon available to Ninja at this point, so I run one of those and one Crystal Claw. There is also a boss.

Void Prisoner (1 reset) - He doubleacts with physicals and/or Cursed Gaze. He can alos use Glare for paralysis. My one reset here is having the wrong accessory on, I come back with a Chouchou and no status is a problem. Comet does around 1500, Flare does around 2000, some other spells do less; nothing I can't handle. Dark Matter #5 get.

Rended Void ~ Fire: The last three Dark Matters have short dungeons followed by a boss fight. This one features the return of Tot Aevis (so I block stone), as well as Creatures, who are vulnerable to stone but can use Bite for confuse, so I use the earlygame Headband to stop that too. There are also Belmodars who have decent damage but can be sleep-locked, and Salamanders who hate ice.

Revived Baugauven - Easiest boss in the game so far, holy shit. I run Red Jacket for fire resistance and a Protect Bangle, and nothing he has can do above 1000. And he has no status. He counters with Firaga sometimes I guess? lol who cares. Freezing Slash carves him up.

Rended Void ~ Earth: Not too much to say the enemies here. Creatures and Mykales return, as do Slagworms. Ogre Kings immune most things but aren't very scary. The boss is another matter!

Revived Asmodai (3 resets) - Okay he's a jerk, and certainly the best of the three revived generals. He can used Cursed Miasma to cause paralysis... but like the first fight with him, it's short=lasting so this isn't that bad. (He doesn't use it much, and never below half health.) He can also use Quake for a little under 1000... and can follow it up with a physical for 600 and Dark for around 1000, not a bad combo at all. Worst of all he sometimes counters damage with Comet which does 2200, so a nasty turn and a Comet is a lot of damage. He can also use Forsaken for some MP damage and confuse.

Below half HP his damage moves upgrade, replacing Quake with Upheaval (around 1300) and his physical with Takedown (about 900). This + Comet is now near OHKO. He can also now use a combo of one damage move and Sickly Miasma, which can do poison, frog, mini, blind, silence, and/or confuse.

On the winning run I use the Shell Bangle to make his offence more manageable, and block Confuse with the Headband since that's the one truly nasty control-denying status. A Remedy can cure up anything else, and I have a large speed advantage as always so that lets me control the fight well enough otherwise.

Rended Void ~ Water: Belmodars, Creatures, Mykales reappear here. Tumbleweeds can paralyse but I'm blocking that and they die to petrify. Undines probably have some scary status since they're lamia-type enemies but they die to petrify too.

Revived Styx - The middle of the three revived generals in quality. Double Waterga does around 2500, everything else does somewhat less. She's the fastest of the trio even before she casts Haste, at which point she's similar to me. She still has Siren Song so I block confuse/mini/frog with accesory and hat, leaving only Silence as a problem to be Echo Screened. She counters lightning with Discharge 100% of the time now, but this still doesn't matter! Arcing Slash, Curative Slash, and Osmotic Slash do their thing.

That's all of 'em! Next up, the (very big) final dungeon! Current level is 93, Ninja Level 12.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #651 on: May 28, 2017, 09:23:46 AM »
P5:  Dating Fortune on this playthrough because she's cute.  Actual line of dialogue:

"Weeaboo-san, are you interested in older women?"

> Hell yeah I am.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #652 on: May 28, 2017, 06:38:54 PM »
We bought a big TV - I think something like 55 inches?
I returned to Nioh on it. All these graphics guys.
I had an amazingly hard fight against a snow lady. I really love how the hard bosses feel different from Souls bosses, but I really don't feel like I'm doing amazingly well. Victory happens because boss durability is low enough that I can get lucky sometimes.  This isn't necessary worse than having to master a boss to beat it. I quite like the total panic I feel when both the boss and I are at low HP and I throw all my bombs at it in a panic.
New patch added a new weapon class, the odachi AKA big ass sword. My stats aren't geared towards it unfortunately.

I'm grinding for a female skin, this might take ages


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #653 on: May 28, 2017, 08:10:52 PM »
Fenrir just lemme know when they patch the game to make that an option at chargen.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #654 on: May 28, 2017, 10:13:15 PM »
The Witcher 3 - Started this.  Finished White Orchard.  There is probably a massive post about the mechanics of this game boiling up in the back of my mind.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #655 on: May 29, 2017, 09:56:46 AM »
Fenrir just lemme know when they patch the game to make that an option at chargen.

I think you're out of luck. These are skins and the Witcher Dude Doppleganger is still the guy playing, he just oooks like other people because magic. I don't think this is going to change.
Even if the cost is reduced to 0, unlocking the teashop takes a while.

I got 12000 glory for checking my clan ranking victory/defeat thing, I think you can get that every week. Dunno if doing online stuff could help raise that rank.

At least I'l astonished by the game's quality + can change my dude's beard / haircut


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #656 on: June 01, 2017, 03:02:33 AM »
FE Echoes -
Such a strange game.  I'm liking it, though.  Just go to Chapter 4 recently, and now found the part where you have to go through a dungeon to get between two map areas.  Uhh.  I guess going back to do sidequests is a tad annoying now.
* I really like lots of the stages being so heavily themed, with the archer stage, the myrmidon stage, the cavalry stages, etc.  Your average combined-arms FE stage hugely favors the player, which is nice in that you get to feel awesome because you match rock up against scissors and scissors against paper, but you know what's also interesting?  Throwing rock at you 20 times and having all 20 rocks charge you at once.  Your papers can only handle so many of them...
* ...that said, the archer fort that Fenrir mentioned wasn't THAT bad.  mostly because phantoms are made of cheese if you want to.  Move over Jade Curtiss, Genny is truly the necromancer here.  Go slow, lure out the other guards, then let the archers pincushion the dead while your real troops move in for the kill.
* After the generally low bar set by FE Villains from FE11-14 (barring a few memorable ones like Gangrel & !Robin), the villains here are a bit better.  Simple but relatable, and having decent reasons to hate Alm's guts but not being some sort of ludicrous "should we make Corrin suffer or should we try to kill them?  let's change our mind about this six times" plotline.  Berkut & Fernand are both solid enough.
* I also like that this game, being an older one, is much happier to embrace canon pair-ups.  Getting to play construct-your-own-anime-soap-opera is cool & all, but just telling a romance story is nice too.
* Similarly, while the writing is nothing special and many of the subquests are very underwritten and involve get X for Y, I like that you're never quite sure how they'll end.  In Echoes, they let you kill / capture some villains early in the game, and not all subquests are entirely happy - "find my son" gets resolved as "return my dead son's journal from the cave where he died."  In a game like Trails of Cold Steel II, you would never ever possibly capture a "real" villain anywhere close to before the final Act of the game, nor rarely even defeat them in battle, BUT you'd be practically guaranteed success if you were told to go rescue a missing villager.  Our Heroes would never arrive too late there.  I like the FE Echoes approach better (even if Trails writing & characters are as usual way better).
* I whined about this in chat, and it's not a big deal on Casual, but the game does feature one notable 0/10 mechanic: if an enemy squad attacks you on the world map, they get the first turn (that's fine) and you aren't allowed to set up (that's....  not fine.).  And furthermore, some maps can have the enemies in range of your defenders on turn 1, so if you have a squishy unit in the wrong "spot" in your order (say Genny at #4 or the like, because that's where she joins, or Silque up there), well, too damn bad, they're dead on turn 0 before you get an action.  You can't Turnwheel that usefully either, so better hope you saved earlier, but not, in the worst case, after a battle with the other team!  Oh well.  An issue for Classic players, that's the kind of death I'm happy to fallback on Casual EZ mode for.
* I *am* a little alarmed at how little game there appears to be left, at least on Celica's side.  I'm only just getting everyone promoted to their final class levels, and there's only like 2 maps worth of enemies left on the map, and maybe a dungeon?  Well, we'll see.  Maybe it's a big dungeon.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #657 on: June 01, 2017, 04:46:34 AM »
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Beaten.

Overall I wasn't too impressed with this game. As with its predecessor I think it does some fun on-rails sequences involving mine carts and/or ROCKET BARRELS, which are slightly more forgiving this time due to having two health and honestly that's probably a good change. The stage design of the more "normal" stages remains not that impressive, and Donkey Kong in general manages to still be a platformer where it feels like you can't do very much besides jump and roll, and one where the controls don't ever really feel that great. Like I don't want to compare every non-retro non-Mario modern pure platformer to Rayman and say "Rayman did it better" but it applies here again, sorry!

Like Rayman it is bad at boss fights. Most of them take 4+ minutes which is just excessive for the type of simple platforming bosses they are. Most of them took me a few tries of but they're definitely more long than they are challenging. Final boss wasn't as satisfying as DKCR's for sure.

The game is very pretty, which is nice! The environments were often just outstanding to look at. I don't have much to say about the music.

And one last minor quibble but as I mentioned the game often felt like it was without an identity. Like the whole point is I'm trying to kick some winter-causing fiends off MY island, right? (And let's be clear, it's definitely mine: it's called "Donkey Kong Island" and I've seen his banana stash, DK is the 0.001%). But for most of the game this winter theme is forgotten entirely. Meh.

I dunno, probably like a 5 or so. Not really a bad game but never really threatened to take my attention away from the other games I was playing.

Fire Emblem Echoes - In Celica's chapter, which so far has been quite easy because mages seem kinda great? At least if they get stats. Busted up a bunch of pirates. Failed to recruit Leon because despite moving at my usual brisk pace Leon died to the enemies before I could reach him. Oh well.

Soldier seems like a very shitty class. Lukas was quite easily my LVP in Chapter 1 sadly. Every other class seems to have a definite niche and there's a case to promote your villagers into them.

I'm enjoying the game for sure, it definitely has its good points and brings some nice new (old?) things to the series. It also has some stupid clunky points which will prevent it from being in my top tier of FE games most likely. Will go into more detail later.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #658 on: June 01, 2017, 11:56:34 AM »
As usual, 1000 years in the making.

Pokemon HeartGold: Beaten Red. This game didn't outstay its welcome like Platinum did surprisingly. I wonder if my stay with the game would have been longer if I decided to do them Gym Leader rematches? You know, that wild goose chase to get every Gym Leader's phone number. Other than that though, the superbosses weren't up to much; especially how  they were swiftly beaten by Lugia and that Mewtwo which you can nab at Cerulean Cave, and fling Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam to. It was going to be either that or grinding. You know, everyone's favourite past-time.

Final party:


Superboss nukes:

On a side note....

When you need to create a sprite design in 5 minutes.

Final Fantasy V: Beaten that game as well. Holy shit it was good! The only real slumps the game hit were late World 1, going around the world to look at meteors, the higher floors of Exdeath's Castle, dude I just want to get to a Save Point, and that stint where Lenna is MIA in early World 3. Other than that, this game was really damn fun; way better than I remember it. There were plenty of areas in World 3 which each provided you a new toy for you to fit into your arsenal, which used to be such a crawl for me during my first playthrough. Although as good as my characters were on Neo Exdeath, Dragon Power + Zeninage = 9999 damage, they couldn't hold a candle against Omega and could barely beat Shinryu; I never even used the Ragnarok on Neo Exdeath. So I know who I'm not fighting in future runs.

Bartz: Mime with Summon, Time, and White

Lenna: Freelancer with Rapid Fire/Zeninage and Two-Handed/Mix

Krile: Mime with Summon, Time, and Black/Mix

Faris: Freelancer with Throw/Zeninage and Blue (who could Dual-Wield)

Metal Gear Solid 2: Finished that fight with the Harrier and leant the obvious truth that Pliskin is in fact Snake. That boss fight was pretty fun if a little too generous on the rations. Then again, that harrier does fling missiles like nothing else, and it runs circles around the Fatman fight in terms of design. I didn't mind the idea of the Fatman fight, but it felt rather luck-based to me. You gotta love that final cheap trick he pulls off on you though. Outside of bosses though, the stealth is still as fun as it was during the tanker chapter, and it tries to hide the backtracking which you have to do in each strut by making you go into different floors which have a different dynamic going for them. I know some people didn't like Raiden when the game first came out and they were thrown off by the change which was never told to them, but I honestly think he works better as the player than Snake did during the first MGS. Mainly because Raiden being a rookie means that it's more understandable for him to constantly ask questions during the infodumps, even if they're mistaking “nodes” for “nerds”, whereas we were meant to buy Snake as experienced in the first one even though he does parrot exposition comparable to the main protagonist of the game which I discussed above.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 04:16:47 PM by MasterLemon »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #659 on: June 01, 2017, 12:37:19 PM »
Pokemon: Magikarp Jump - I started this, I recommend the first 20 minutes to everyone.  I am going to keep playing it because it is dumb and cute.

I started off naming my Magikarp after DLers.  Elfboy got taken by a Pidgeotto.  Sopko got blown up by a Voltorb.  Andy couldn't beat a league.  Jim couldn't beat a later league.  Then I gave up and just started calling all my Magikarp Andy because it is just too perfect.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #660 on: June 02, 2017, 01:41:15 AM »
Speaking of Pokemon:

Pokemon HeartGold: Beaten Red. Decided to throw Mewtwo and Lugia at him, Choice Specs on the former is just downright brutal. Pity the process of catching Mewtwo involved me having to use Rock Climb throughout Cerulean Cave. For some reason, Game Freak believed players wanted Rock Climb in HGSS so they shoved it into several locations. Sadly; one of these areas was Mt Silver, which meant that the journey to Red lasted for way longer than it needed to.

I addressed my thoughts on the game and why I believe it's the most overrated title in the series during my previous post so I won't repeat myself here.

Final team (Kanto):

Final Fantasy V: Beaten Neo Exdeath. Decided to use Dragon Power from the Mix ability to power up Zeninage in order to end the fight quickly. I also decided to try my luck against Shinryu so I could have the Ragnarok for the last two bosses. While I was able to dispose of Shinryu somewhat quickly, the Ragnarok really didn't make that much of a different against Necrophobe and Exdeath.

Overall, my opinion on this game has improved thanks to this replay. I already enjoyed this game quite a bit during my first playthrough, but because I wasn't trying to go for the postgame content exclusive to the GBA version this time, it meant that I could relax a little more and not have to worry about grinding for the Dualcast and Rapidfire abilities.

Shadow of the Colossus: Lemon wouldn't shut up about the game so I decided to try it out. I've just beaten the third colossus (Gaius); while I never died on the fight, it took quite a while to defeat as the constant head shaking prevent me from striking the emblem. Currently, I'd say this game definitely deserves the hype it gets from the gaming community. The battles against the colossi manage to succeed as both puzzles and bosses, and the points when they start fighting back against you crawling their bodies makes the player feel like they are Wander when clinging to that R1 button in order to stay on the titan. It's a feeling of immersion which I have never felt from the likes of a Zelda game and I hope that this feeling will last throughout the entire game.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #661 on: June 02, 2017, 05:10:22 AM »
Final Fantasy Dimensions - Avalon

One thing video games really need less of is "Empires" that don't seem to actually have any towns, cities, or non-military citizens in general and just seem to consist of soldiers who unthinkingly exert their emperor's will for no given reason. FF2, FFD, Bravely Second all fit the bill. Not that I'm expecting anything remotely worthwhile out of FFD's story by this point, obviously.

Anyway Avalon Castle, despite being only round 1 of the final dungeon, is a large area and can be divided into several sub-sections.

Entrance area: Many of the enemies here are the same high-level soldiers encountered earlier. To a man(/woman) they can be put to sleep. Royal Lancers can cause slow so are higher priority. The exception are two mechs, the Satellite and the Io; the former gets OHKOed by Arcing Slash and the latter gets 3HKOed and always fights alone so neither gets a chance to be a threat (I never see anything better than Laser, 30% gravity, out of them anyway). Humpties can cause confuse but can be petrified, and I run Red Shoes as so often to immune confuse/paralysis and get a nice speed boost. Overall this section is easy.

Shango's area: Many enemies here have a lightning theme. This includes the presumably mistranslated Flameknight which can cast Thundaga for about 1200 or use Arcing Slash for somewhat less (they're still soldiers, so sleep works), and the Plasma which can use Thunderbolt for a rather ridiculous 2800, a high 3HKO even to my inflated Level ~95 HP. Plasmas fortunately can be petrified and are the second highest-prioity kill. What's the highest? That would be the Bandercoeurl, asshole cats who can use Blaster. Blaster can cause instant death, ending a couple of my runs. It can also cause paralysis. Sadly I can't block both paralysis and lightning as a ninja, so I accept full lightning damage and just make sure I go into battles at full health. If I see two Bandercoeurls, I use Ninja's Smoke Bomb which I recently acquired to instantly run. If I see one I put it to sleep. So the plan becomes to sleep a Bandercoeurl, then petrify any Plasma, then sleep anything else, then sleep-lock everything to death.

Shango (2 resets) - Although he's the lightning general, Shango very much has a heavy fighter stat build: not that fast, but surprisingly tanky, with good defence and 66000 HP which is uh a lot since I do around 2000 per elemental Spellblade doublehit. Fortunately my usual arsenal of healing and Osmose is up to the task... or is it?

Shango is light on status: he only has one move, used rarely: Pommel. Pommel is, unfortunately, paralysis, and it landing even once means I die because Shango's damage is very good. So I block paralysis... same dilemma as last time, I leave myself fully open to lightning damage. This wasn't my first plan but so it goes. I could block paralysis and half lightning as a mage but yeah that's really no longer practical at this point, I give up way too much speed, damage, and/or healing.

Above half HP he can use Sweep for about 1200 MT to the back row (instantly overkills anyone else, and everyone does start this battle alive), or Voltage Cross for about 3000 lightning, or 2-hit physical combos (the physicals can be some low-multipler techs or Pommel) which tend to do around 1000 per hit or so. Not too bad although Voltage Cross keeps me honest. Below half HP he'll open with Divine Storm which is mostly a joke (1400 lightning MT, Sweep is better against most setups to be honest), but signals that has real skillset is coming out to play: physical + Voltage Cross combos (can do over 4000), 3-physical combos (including Pommel/techs), and two-physical + Thundaga (Thundaga doing around 1400 for a total of over 3000). Since my HP is only around 6000 this would be a heal-lock, except I'm almost twice his speed on the dot. Still, can't take him lightly: Curative Slash can occasionally miss and only restores 2000 per swing; a double-hit is 4000 which is obviously good enough but a single may not be, so heal first just to be sure. Anyway with the right setup and proper play he's not too bad.

I teleport out after beating him.

Cocytus's area: This area has an ice theme. Which means fire damage is quite good, so Burning Slash does good work when I'm not statusing things. There's also no Blaster here! Yay! I wear a Tetra Bangle to half ice. Ice Knights are kinda like the Flameknights in the previous area, doing ice magic and ice physicals and are vulnerable to sleep. Icicles are immune to my relevant status tricks and take rather little physical damage normally, but still get 2HKOed by Burning Slash. Itztlacoliuhqui (that's some Aztec ice god apparently) are also immune to status (the only non-boss humanoid in this dungeon who is) and can either use Blizzaga for decent damage or Lovely Lullaby to cause sleep. Fortunately I can block sleep with a hat. She's not vulnerable to fire like you would think but she gets 2HKOed by Burning Slash anyway. This area is both shorter and easier than Shango's area was, and gives me a cool new claw, the Dragon Claw, to raise my damage further.

Cocytus (2 resets) - The reason I did this area second is simple: I was more worried about Cocytus herself. She can inflict Stop and I can't block that (I try a Chouchou once just in case; doesn't work). She can also inflict confuse. Not blocking confuse would be fatal, but it turns out not halving ice just means I take way too much damage. Cocytus has lower defence than Shango AND has a relevant elemental weakness (so I do 5000 a swing to her 66000 HP rather than 2000) but she is faster (still notably slower than my overlevelled Ninja) and hits harder.

She seems to be rather patterend. On her first turn she will open with Spellshock to cause Deshell doublecast with Blizzaga which does around 1200 (all figures are with Deshell active and ice halving considered). She'll then use Benumb, which does 1700 and causes 100% Stop. This sucks! Fortunately it's got a short duration; it lasts a little over one of her turns. Her next turn will be Slap + Roundhouse which together do around 1800, always hit, inflict confuse, and stun. So in total Benumb really means 3500 damage total when it comes out. After stun resets by turn gauge and stop wears I have to move quickly to get my next turn before hers, but fortunately I can. She will then use Glacial Dance (around 1300 + Sap), then Benumb again, then back to the start with Spellshock/Blizzaga.

So she does a lot of damage despite my precautions, but fortunately as long as I stay above around 4000 HP I'm relatively safe. I do get reasonably frequent doubles (though not constant) when not stopped so that helps offset how often I do get stopped. Not too much to say past that during the first phase.

I'm very worried about any sort of improvement she'll get below half HP but it's not actually much of an improvement, as Benumb actually gets used less! She adds Blizzaga onto the end of her physical-combo so that's now really nasty. Benumb gets replaced by Arctic Reverb, which does the same damage but there's no Stop (it's MT, so not fun for a non-ice-resistant party). And Spellshock+Blizzaga is replaced by Spellshock+Benumb. So overall even more damage, but less Stop is a huge help. Not a particularly easy boss but not as much as a wall as I feared she might be.

With Cocytus defeated I teleport out again, and this time decide to go hunt down the Moogle Charm, which does what it did in FF6. It's guarded by Earth Eater, who can counter and is quite hard-hitting, with physicals doing up to 1700 or so after Auto-Protect. He's also almost as fast as Ninja so there's actualyl not much margin for error with my 6000 HP. I beat him on the second try. Back to the dungeon!

Imperio - The holy-elemental general. Despite not having a resets this is a scary fight. On a hunch I run a Shell Bangle knowing that he and the boss after him both have some hard-hitting magic. This proves a very good idea as he also likes to use Spellshock for Deshell, which Auto-Shell protects me from. He'll combo it with Divine Shot which does around 2000 (all figures are post-Shell). He can doubleact Right Arm and Flare for some solid damage (1000 + 2700). He can also doubleact Protect or Shell with Swing which does around 2000. And he can use two physical techs, usually Right Arm and Critical, for around 2000. Nothing too bad so far, but shit gets real when he pulls out Judgement. Not only does it do over 2500 against my Shelled self, it also inflicts Deprotect (all his physicals get 25% stronger) and Debrave, which reduces my healing by 25% and my damage by even more (not sure why... I had thought it was independent of subtractive defence but maybe not?). My damage starts out at around 2000 as it did against SHango, but Protect cuts it by a quarter and Debrave roughly halfs it which makes my offence rather pathetic. It also makes Osmotic Slash suck too; I use Dry Ethers in this fight for the first time in forever.

Anyway while rather scary there's not TOO much chance I lose to this stage unless I get really unlucky with my healing; it just takes a while. And I do have fixed 60% healing through the ninja skillset if I need it, although with its higher cost I mostly stick with Curative Slash. Like the previous generals I have a clear speed edge, which helps a lot. After he takes 37500 damage (which takes a shockingly long time), it turns out this isn't even his final form!

Gehenna - The light general is also the dark general what a twist. He uses Soul Purge several times, which is a joke (800). Then Tornado for HP-1. Shit! Heal from that. After that he'll use a mix of physical techs (Right Arm is back, and Bane is the real threat because it inflicts Sap; they do around 2000 together) and I'm worried about a cheap Tornado/Sap death, but he seems patterned not to do that, thank goodness. I wait around whenever he's about to get a turn when I'm in Sap for a long time just in case. At this point he'll use a mix of Dark Star (2000) and Blindga (mostly just misses).

If this damage sounds bad, that's because it is. Even Dark Star's not great. He's honestly a bit of a joke, but with some caveats:
-The threat of Sap + Tornado. Never manifests, as I mentioned. I think that's due to a pattern but I only did this fight once so it could be luck!
-He counters with Comet (1700 or so) sometimes. So I don't attack if my HP is below 4000. Since I have a speed advantage this isn't too bad.
-The wiki claims he can cast Death, though I have no memory of this and I never see it in this run either. Death would SUCK. I actually considered getting a Reflect Bangle just for this fight but the optional boss who guards it was very tough so I decided to go without and hey it worked.
-If I had died I would have had to redo the (longer) first stage of the fight too.

All's well that ends well! All generals dead, first stage of the final dungeon complete.

Alba Level 98
Ninja L17
Red Mage L16
Ranger L13
Dark Knight L7
Summoner L7
Warrior L5
Black Mage L5
White Mage L1

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #662 on: June 02, 2017, 11:00:18 PM »
I forgot that I don't have PSN + so I can't do any online mode in Nioh

Will have to get girl skins the old school way

Magikarp Jump:

This is a pure F2P numbers go up game
You've seen everything the game has to offer after 20 minutes and then there's only the grind left

Anyway I've played for a while, and restarted to min/max the shit ouf of this by abusing a mechanic.
See you get xp by eating fruit or training. You have 2 fruits and 2 training options, you can get some better ones later. But the training option is chosen randomly and the foods are too (but worse food has a % higher chance to appear) Best strategy is to just never buy anything new and to upgrade your basic options all the way up to infinity. Yes.

BTW the magikarp can meet some gruesome deaths, jesus christ


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #663 on: June 03, 2017, 02:31:49 AM »
Did you click the TV and watch the video?

You can also evolve them.

Aaaand the achievement for "social media shares" can be pasting a link into Notes on iPhone.  That will let me buy a Charizard.

Edit - Andy evolved into a Gyarados and crashed my game.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 04:17:59 AM by Grefter »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #664 on: June 03, 2017, 12:09:33 PM »
- Yes
- Yes
- Woah I didn't know that. I just #shared 100 magikarp pictures on #social media because of this.
I named my newt Magikarp Grefter. He had sick training bonuses. Unfortunately, he exploded later on. Sorry.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #665 on: June 03, 2017, 05:35:37 PM »
Hey, there's a new (and free!) Shovel Knight expansion! I was going to play Phoenix Wright during this vacation, but I need very little excuse to play through this game again.

Three stages down so far, and Specter Knight continues the trend of mixing up how the game plays in interesting ways. His basic movement and attack are way more similar to Shovel Knight's than Plague Knight was, but the more advanced stuff is very different and he has a sub-weapon that trades weapon energy for health, which really changes risk/reward. Also one of his armor upgrades lets him surf his scythe over spikes. Good stuff!
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #666 on: June 04, 2017, 09:04:24 PM »
Of course, you are required to get the ULTIMATE ROBE UPGRADE, which makes him float instead of running followed by a silhouette, and we all know that's important!

...though Scythe Surfing puts up a compelling argument...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #667 on: June 05, 2017, 12:02:17 AM »
If you have the scytheboard you can do kickflips while jumping.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #668 on: June 05, 2017, 04:23:43 AM »
Future Tone: I can quit any time.  But since I haven't quit yet, I perfected every single song on hard difficulty, for some reason.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #669 on: June 05, 2017, 01:28:56 PM »
Persona 5 - Current real life schedule is cramped as hell, so I only get to play this during weekends. I'm currently on Palace 4, setting up to handle the first miniboss. Bael Kaneshiro was honestly a chump - his gimmick is the easiest to deal with so far and his offense isn't particularly scary even though one of his AoE attacks is fire-elemental (i.e. punishing Yusuke's existence). Tarunda is just way too good, though, it takes so much of the bite out of the bosses - and having Ann get it in time for the -first- Palace master is kinda ridiculous, honestly.

I also like how accurate status is on your end in this game, though it'd be -great- if it were AoE for the randoms. As is, I mostly use Pulinpa for controlling Palace midbosses and Memento bosses - or sometimes problematic individual randoms like Palace 3's Shiki-Ouji (first motherfucker without any weakness to exploit, packs a mean physical) and Take-Minakata (another mean physical, weakness isn't easy to exploit). Dormina also provides an alternative for Pulinpa, but it's awkward due to being cancelled by damage and providing regen to them. I just fused a Pisaca with Tentarafoo and Stagnant Air along with Pulinpa, so I feel some lucrative times are coming. Past that, just running an Ann/Makoto/Yusuke party. Morgana's healing is more useful in the reserve than in the frontlines right now, Wind isn't anywhere near as exploitable as it was in P4 and Morgana's stat build kinda sucks, so I'm just frontlining for speed and offense (Yusuke's good at both and he gets a pretty decent physical array - both ST and AoE, while Makoto's just overall very solid with both types of offense, MT status healing and Diarama to round things out alongside Yusuke-level speed. She's good). Ann provides more Diarama and Tarunda for bosses while bringing in some status on Dormina and good fire offense. MC is a Persona MC post-2, so we all know what the deal is.

Also advancing pretty well on the Confidant Links. Sun 6/Death 7/Chariot 8/Lovers 7/Moon 4/Temperance 6/Priestess 3/Emperor 4/Devil 4/Hierophant 4/Star 3/Strength 5 so far for the unforced links. Temperance's setup is indeed pervy as FUCK (and there's a bunch of male gaze shit that seriously bothers me in this game in a way that makes it feel worse than P4 at times), but on the other hand, the game at least gives a serious attempt to address the issue at hand and the character herself is -really- good, both in terms of arcana symbolism and the character arc itself. She's just portrayed in an immensely -human- way that connects with her presence in the main plot very well. Priestess is another highlight for that in both senses so far (though I'm nowhere near as far with her), but it's really hard to bungle Makoto overall, she's just a very tightly written character. It's kinda crazy how likable they made someone as neurotic and emotionally stunted as her - maybe it's the whole intelectual honesty and self-awareness thing. Imposter Syndrome the character is seriously fun times.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #670 on: June 05, 2017, 02:57:07 PM »
Magikarp Jump: level 41 carps

Genetically engineered oran berries so they give 20000 xp instead of 2
I always chose to gamble my carps if given a chance, the mayor tells me it teaches me a lesson but no
One carp goes from level 1 to max in 10 minutes
They are monsters

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #671 on: June 05, 2017, 07:34:16 PM »
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #672 on: June 05, 2017, 09:52:04 PM »
Shit, that means I have to get all those battle trophies and unlock the maid costumes all over again.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #673 on: June 06, 2017, 10:58:30 AM »
I wasn't going to post about it again, but Fen has overtaken me.  you are the real monster fenrir

Magikarp Jump - So watching a youtube video that came in my suggested viewing (HOW DO THEY KNOW) while I was eating dinner told me nothing of use other than one thing.

Fen.  Click the TV 14 times, just cancel.  Do a training session.  This game is made by some interesting people.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #674 on: June 06, 2017, 10:15:20 PM »
Gumballs and Dungeons:  This is a roguelike mobile game I stumbled upon.  There's huge list of characters, and they each have access to one of three skilltrees.  Each dungeon has a gimmick, so there's a lot of variety in what you're doing.  It starts out pretty lame, but once you unlock more stuff it gets deep.  Really deep.  Like mc would do pages of theorycrafting on this deep.