No more Arena quests? I sure hope they get replaced with something, as the feather intake rate was already very slow. If they aren't replaced, it's gonna get even slower, and the Orb uptake rate is gonna take a big hit too.
Anyway, before I knew Arena quests were going away, I decided to whale it up in hopes of spending money now to see what 5*s I got naturally. Winner is... Laggy Emblem. Got a natural 5* Palla off the Peg Knights banner. No Hinoka, but I did get PERFECTION for my blue... sheesh, weapon-triangle-the-team with both Ruby & Sapphire weapons. No Eggmilia for a mage, but I guess running Ninian for magic damage + coverage + dance dance revolution is still not horrible? So Palla/Subaki/Minerva/Ninian?
Looking at CaptainK's team... hrmm. Having a Resistance tank DOES seem like a very smart idea to bait out Reinhardts and the like, so upgrading Gunter probably not so wise when I can just steal his cavalry buff, so Horse Emblem may have to wait. Specifically... dang, I could REALLY use Cecilia or Priscilla. Cecilia would offer green coverage and with Roy's Weapon Triangle, she'd also be a Kagero hard-counter and Takumi soft-counter, as Elf noted. Priscilla would have sustain and better RES (although still not quite Captain K's Jagen's). Sadly, good luck at guaranteeably drawing them. I think this is punishment for nominating Cecilia in a CKDL awhile back to laugh at her. Now I need her, and she's still insulted and ignoring me. Alas. (Hell, I could even break theme and take, say, a Felicia or something instead for the purpose. Which I don't have either. Although maybe sticking with the default "just throw in Ninian as a 4th" works too.)
As for Dragon Emblem, the whaling (and general good luck) got me 5* Young Tiki and... Nowi... as well. (Read: I can have Young Tiki steal Nowi's Lightning Breath+ if I want, because haha no to using Nowi.) Still want Fae though. Problem with a green non-dragon trouble-shooter is that some of the trouble that needs shooting by a Dragon team are Red Falchion users, who mess up your average green anyway for free. Suspect that if Fae still never shows, overloading on Blues with some Lancebreakers or the like is the way to go, and maybe running a colorless non-dragon - certainly Dancehax on my 4* Jeogre has served me well for dealing with problematic Lucinas and the like even in my current team that isn't Dragon Emblem. So Y. Tiki / Ninian / Corrin-F / (Jeogre or Klein) or something.