So I actually went and researched the top non-bonus time hours because the salt level on GameFAQs had risen to an appropriate level to pique my curiosity, and...
1. Ninian: 1,251 million (Dragon Gauntlet, Round 3 vs FCorrin, Day 2,10PM)
2. Ninian: 1,201 million (Dragon Gauntlet, Round 3 vs FCorrin, Day 2, 11PM)
3. Shanna: 1,157 million (SHL vs LHG Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Takumi, Day 2 10PM)
4. Camilla: 1,094 million (WR vs PK Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Minerva, Day 1 3AM)
5. Camilla: 1,026 million (WR vs PK Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Minerva, Day 1 10AM)
6. Camilla: 1,018 million (WR vs PK Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Minerva, Day 1 9AM)
7. Camilla: 981 million (WR vs PK Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Minerva, Day 1 8AM)
8. Takumi: 955 million (SHL vs LHG Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Shanna, Day 2 10PM)
9. Camilla: 950 million (WR vs PK Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Minerva, Day 1 4AM)
10. Camilla: 940 million (WR vs PK Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Minerva, Day 1 11AM)
11. Ike: 934 million (Choose Your Legend Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Camilla, Day 2 11PM)
12. Camilla: 914 million (WR vs PK Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Minerva, Day 1 8AM)
13. Camilla: 894 million (WR vs PK Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Minerva, Day 1 5AM)
14. Camilla: 864 million (WR vs PK Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Minerva, Day 1 6AM)
15. Camilla: 837 million (WR vs PK Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Minerva, Day 1 12PM)
16.. Shanna: 830 million (SHL vs LHG Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Takumi, Day 2 9PM)
17. Ike: 812 million (Choose Your Legend Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Camilla, Day 2 10PM)
18. Summer FCorrin: 769 million (Battle at the Beach Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Summer Gaius, Day 2 11PM)
19. Camilla: 762 million (WR vs PK Gauntlet, Round 3 vs Minerva, Day 1 6PM)
20. Tharja: 756 million (Mage Gauntlet, Round 3 vs FRobin, Day 2 10AM)
Shanna ends up at #3 overall. Pretty impressive. She needed to make up a 63 million gap in the last hour to win, and as you can see she got 201 million over Takumi's points that hour. Takumi just wasn't as heavily supported as say, Ninian or Summer Corrin where he could win despite Bonus Time. (Note: Summer Corrin never once got a BT in her entire third round win).
Also, we can be thankful for our bonus time, which prevents another Camilla in a lot of ways. (Lucina was held back by the first gauntlet only getting one set of flags for the whole thing, rather than per round. She still maxed out at 602 million for her best hour, which is still pretty impressive considering.)
From the way things were pre-bonus, people were holding all their flags until Round 3 and blowing them out immediately as soon as they could. The first half of the day for the first three Gauntlets reflects this. I know the Bonus Time started in the Third Gauntlet (Mage Gauntlet) but I think it was more because people hadn't changed their strategy yet, and there were less bonus times overall. It just led to silly, lopsided victories that were boring for all involved (except fans of the characters I guess?)
Bonus time really does seem to
1) Spread out peoples' flag usage throughout the rounds, rather than hoarding for Round 3. Though this still happens to a smaller degree.
2) Spreads the teams out more. People have more incentive to join a possible loser- even in Round 3- since bonus time can improve your later rewards. The Per-Round incentive to join a low-population team was still there before, but the averages support that the "Feather Mercenaries" as people seem to be calling us now (hehe) preferred to support the winners rather than the losers in the early gauntlets. It was more viable back then, but once the Bonus Time started as we know it, the dynamic completely changed. I know backing the losers these days has been way more lucrative overall.
3) Believe it or not, it really does seem to support a team strategy. With resources like
Oreo's Score Predictor people can more easily see when bonus times are or are not coming and adjust their output accordingly, and do. It seems that why Team Shanna had that many flags to blow in the last two hours to begin with- since as of even 4PM of Day 2 it was predicting a last minute bonus hour (which never materialized).
Weird that THIS is the thing that gets me into heavily digging into stats and theorycraft. Being lazy is really exhausting...