
Author Topic: What Games are You Playing 2018?  (Read 44785 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #525 on: November 17, 2018, 05:56:54 AM »
And some more. It's been three days, why are there no other posts here.

Did two more runs, bringing my total to 3, and getting me through every door except 9.

5 -> 3 -> 2 -> Submarine ending.

Room 2 plot developments were pretty great. It's been fun piecing together what the hell's going on here and that might have been the biggest info dump. Definiltely curious to see how the other characters tie in with nine years ago, since I'm assuming that all do. Seven officially off my suspicion list but still plenty of unanswered questions there. Lotus feels mostly exhonerated by this too but that behaviour in front of the casino is still so damn weird.

I bet the 9th Man was a scientist from the experiment nine years ago. He looks the part, and seemed -extremely- eager to escape from the ship ("I'm getting out of this nightmare!") which makes more sense if it's bringing back some bad and/or guilty memories from him.

Submarine ending itself is very unsatisfying since it doesn't really give you any hints of anything, just makes you feel like "the rules" have been broken by having a tenth person aboard, who's a bit of a Stu villain since s/he was able to sneak up and kill people who knew a murderer was around? It doesn't have to be a tenth, but it's even worse if it's Ace or someone who just faked being dead. Like, no, we checked for a pulse. Maybe later revelations will improve my opinion of this.

I had Junpei behave like a total assclown on this run. His insistence on going through both 5 and especially 3 are really bad! He was probably saved by Snake's murder rattling everyone, but man if I were the rest of the party I'd consider him a prime suspect from that point on.

4 -> 7 -> 6 -> knife ending.

Like submarine, it also doesn't answer who the killer is, but at least it provides hints! "Who benefits from having bracelet #8" is the big thing it drops, and the obvious answer is Ace, since Ace + 8 + 9 = exit. And the person with the knife probably has bracelet #9, as both were held by the 9th Man. Ace can kinda be implicated in everything bad now. He, along with the siblings, have received no sympathetic backstory.

What the hell happened to Bracelet #2 anyway? Kinda weird that it was never mentioned, even on the route that Junpei is the first one into that room. But no, even if someone had acquired 2, then getting 8 as well isn't useful to them, as 8+2=10 and the only way to get that to 9 is with a second 8.

Wait a second, does Ace have... that "can't recognise faces" condition? Room 6 seemed to imply it unless I misread it entirely, and it makes Ace's earlier confusion at "the siblings don't look alike" make sense too. Did Spirit of Justice steal its plot ideas from this game? But even if it did, I'm not sure how this would be relevant to the plot, unless there's someone here Ace SHOULD recognize but doesn't. The voices and distinct clothing of all the people on the ship, not to mention their bracelets, should make identifying others easy at most times. Obviously I'm still something missing about this. I mean there are three endings left, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised...

The plot makes a big deal about "hey there are two ninth doors" but why do the characters seem to think the ninth door can only be used once? What supports that? We literally used door #5 and door #3 twice already (although I guess you could say that "didn't count" since we didn't fully complete the process), and we were about to use door #3 a third time until Seven said "nah guys I propped the door open, it's cool". Right now that seems like a poorly-conveyed plot point.

Still no idea how "Alice" is going to be made relevant. It's an open question how supernatural the game is, at this point. I kinda expect not tooo much, but that might be projecting hope; the game being more about the human characters reacting to psychologically grilling situations is just more satisfying.

June's fever is another major unsolved mystery (unless it's FF4-style "is a love interest"-itis, which will be an instant -1/10 to this game). I have no idea what to make of that character in general. Probably one of the abducted kids...?

Anyway I don't really like the idea of blindling fumbling through room combinations to get the remaining endings (since I'd hit every room at this point), so I checked the spoiler-free walkthrough and discovered the hint of giving Clover the... clover. Which I would have seen if I hadn't turned it down on my second run through room 4 just to be different, oh well! Makes some sense but not the kind of thing I have the patience to do full runs of the game, even fast-forwarded ones, to try to find on my own.

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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #526 on: November 17, 2018, 11:54:59 AM »
Well I've just been replaying Symphony of the Night because it's on PS4 PSN and why is there no inventory management of any kind in this game arrrrgh.

Seriously though, game is still a source of amazement just for its environments. It's stupidly easy, there's a million random pieces of junk equipment that you will never realistically have a use for, but wow is it ever a joy to explore.


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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #527 on: November 17, 2018, 08:15:15 PM »
Still playing Berseria. I LOVE the cast writing dynamics. Every PC plays off of every other PC and it is used to shade their characters. The Velvet/Eleanor dynamic is a pair of foils playing off each other while Eleanor simultaneously changes the whole party dynamic by being an above average Tales character in a very not standard Tales game. I love it.


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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #528 on: November 18, 2018, 02:53:26 AM »
Elf on 999: Interesting stuff, I was mostly in a similar place for thoughts at the place you're at.  The only thing I'll confirm / deny…

* I was definitely 100% assuming Ace was the killer for knife ending at the time and also had access to the #9 bracelet.  Axe ending, as you already noted, Ace walks off to talk with Lotus suggests that 1+8+9 = out; in the same way, Junpei seems a little too close to discovering things in Knife where Ace chose another method to get the #8 bracelet.  I dunno, seems reasonable to me that the killer just plain gets the drop on him, Junpei's distracted with investigating Lotus's body at the time and presumably the death just happened 3 minutes ago or something such that the killer was still hanging around and hadn't left yet when they heard Junpei arrive, and wanted to off someone who might sound the alarm.  I buy it.

Breath of Fire 3 talk: Amusingly enough, my friend who played the game and disliked it felt that the game erred *too far* on the side of making Myria sympathetic, to the point that it was a Wait We're The Villains.  Things are peaceful and stable, Ryu is just, what, itching to start a fight again and prove Myria right that the dragons are dangerous?

Dragon Quest XI

So got to the Sniflheim Wastes course in quest of the Blue Orb, where people were very cold.  We warm a few up with some microwaved hot cocoa despite the sneers that stovetop would be better, but - oh no, others are totally frozen into ice blocks!  That seems bad.  The Definitely Trustworthy person tells us that there are some snow bandits who live nearby, and I should just steal 900+ white orbs from their stockpile, because at least one of them is probably a special red orb.  I head on over and play Pac-Man with the extremely nearsighted snow bandit guards, picking up the white dots in their hedge maze while evading them.  I bring 'em back, and suspect I've been had; he just wants to sell the stockpile I brought him, but there is a red orb, a fire ball, in the set.  Using the lightning equipment I acquired earlier, I spark fires around Sniflheim, dip the fire ball in them, then aim & launch the fire balls at frozen people / rocks / treasure / etc. to thaw 'em out.  Tough love.  I also find some icy stone crafting materials about and bring them to a different campfire for some crafting of new items, in a kinda dumb minigame with easy timing of lighning zaps to blow up the icy stones.  Anyways, turns out the bad bandits have the item I want, but when I go visit them, it turns out they weren't really bad at all, just paranoid about people stealing their orbs!  (Yeah..  about that.)  There's also something about a special book that went missing.  The trustworthy person who sent us on the orb-theft quest skedaddles (although hey, it did unfreeze the people), and it's time for a friendly boss battle with the seemingly nameless "bandit" leader to see if I can get the item I came for to begin with.  It's pretty easy, honestly.   Peace is restored, a new ruler for the course is installed, and I can continue my journey.

Oh wait wrong game involving a frozen-over location with people turned into cartoony giant ice blocks and a false friend and a nearby bandit/viking camp, sorry, I get confused, I just ran into that plot twice.  Except one of them embraced the ludicrousness a bit better.  Well, it's pretty fun anyway, just have the final challenges up next.


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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #529 on: November 18, 2018, 01:35:52 PM »
Well I've just been replaying Symphony of the Night because it's on PS4 PSN and why is there no inventory management of any kind in this game arrrrgh.

Seriously though, game is still a source of amazement just for its environments. It's stupidly easy, there's a million random pieces of junk equipment that you will never realistically have a use for, but wow is it ever a joy to explore.

Alucard mode done. PS4 version has a trophy just for getting Crissaegrim, so I figured I'd try and pick one up. About ten minutes of farming schmoos for this, I think? I almost walked offscreen when the thing finally dropped, kill schmoo-->leave screen-->reenter being so ingrained by that point. It says a lot about the breadth and obscurity and relative junkiness of much SotN equipment that I didn't actually know this thing existed (outside of Harmony of Despair) before this run despite having played through Alucard mode 3-4 times before. Anyway, it's the most stupid broke weapon conceivably possible in an already easy game, you're just a walking blender. Shaft lived I think five seconds? This is common for a lot of inverted castle bosses anyway, even with normal weapons, since the difficulty in the game is so incredibly unbalanced, but still noteworthy in this case. Given that, Drac lived longer than I expected--he's got HP, I'll give him that. Still a complete clusterfuck of a fight.

Will probably run Richter & Maria modes too, since they're there, but doubt I'll have anything new to say about those.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #530 on: November 18, 2018, 06:01:59 PM »
Breath of Fire 3 talk: Amusingly enough, my friend who played the game and disliked it felt that the game erred *too far* on the side of making Myria sympathetic, to the point that it was a Wait We're The Villains.  Things are peaceful and stable, Ryu is just, what, itching to start a fight again and prove Myria right that the dragons are dangerous?

There's a case to be made for that, though I'll note the game does allow you to choose to not start said fight!

I have no problem with Junpei's death in knife ending for the exact reasons you said. It's the submarine ending which currently scans as a bit of "what". We'll see!

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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #531 on: November 22, 2018, 03:34:18 AM »
Dai Gyakuten Saiban: so I haven't been in the mood to play vidjagames much recently, so next best thing, started watching translated youtube videos of this Ace Attorney game that never made it out of Japan.  Three cases in, I'm impressed by a lot of what it's doing, but have to give it a big ol' I for Incomplete, because each case points to some future resolution that has yet to occur.  Feels like the AAI games in that regard.  And whatever connection exists between the unresolved elements is not clear in the slightest, heading into case 4.  I have high hopes.

Taiko no Tatsujin: is a drummin' rhythm game.  It's fun!
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #532 on: November 24, 2018, 03:58:40 AM »
999 - Beat.

Non-spoiler version: thoroughly enjoyable murder mystery/adventure novel game. Compared to, say, Ghost Trick, it doesn't tie things up as nicely, but its writing is more enjoyable moment-to-moment; I found it engaging pretty much from the start and was basically always in the mood to see more. Probably rates at around a 9+9-99/9 (in base 10).

So first off, now that I've finished the game... yeah the sub ending is terrible. Ace knifes Santa and Clover, chases down June and knifes her (but not enough to kill even though he'd want her bracelet for room 1), goes back and lies in a pool of blood and trusts the others won't search his body or even check his pulse, then he somehow sneaks up on both Lotus and the TRAINED COP who both know a murderer is around. What. Whaaaat. Nothing about that made any sense! Worse still the submarine room turned out to be a total red herring. The other two bad ends were excellent at setting up some clues you needed to unravel the whole mystery, that one is just useless. Anyway.

Safe ending:

So 5->8 unlocks a bunch of dialog that 4->8 doesn't apparently! Near as I can tell it's because Junpei doesn't piss Lotus off if they take different routes. Sure I can accept that! Maybe the game is saying that when all the other characters make fun of Lotus for being OMG a woman over 40, they're wrong to do so? I doubt it, but I can hope.

Ace reveal, of course. The takedown scene of him was really cool, hello there Ace Attorney. The scene did highlight a big advantage Ace Attorney has over its competition, where figuring out the killer is directly tied to the gameplay. Here we just go through the "right" doors and Junpei spells everything out for us. Oh well. Still good.

Less good was the fact that somehow Snake gets shot five times and grabs onto Ace for several minutes until they both burn to death. I mean, I kinda like an ending where Ace burns to death especially in light of the True End, but they could have done it in a better way than "Snake gets magical anime powers".

This ending definitely left some weird stuff involving Santa and June, in particular their respective disappearances at the end. I finished the route concluding that Zero was one of them.

True ending:

In which we convince Clover not to be an axe-murderer.

This path does a good job of laying out various plot developments throughout. In particular we learn that everyone except Junpei has direct connections to the previous game except June and Junpei, which made me even more suspicious of what the hell was up with her. I figured she probably had a connection we hadn't seen yet, and that just left Junpei as a wildcard, whose only connection was specifically to her, so you knew she was going to be important. I figured she was going to be Zero then the game told me she wasn't and Santa was a strong #2 suspect so I shrugged and accepted it.

Library is the only time I opened a guide for this game aside from ending-hunting, I coulda sworn I hit every bookshelf but apparently I missed one. Not an easy place to investigate!

Actual ending... okay, that was pretty crazy. I'm torn between thinking it's really cool and really stupid. And by torn I mean I'm pretty sure I consider it both at the same time. The realization that the bottom screen and the top screen were telling different (if overlaid) stories, and that the narrator isn't who you thought it was, is freaking cool. The final puzzle is probably the most enjoyable gameplay sequence since you understand what it is you're doing. Oh yeah and I was pleasantly surprised: the explanation for June's fevers is great, she is literally burning to death 9 years ago as you make Bad Choices.

But like, so many details don't work or make no sense:
-Why did Cradle just abandon their Nevada base? It's evidence of one hell of a crime, it should have been destroyed if they weren't planning to use it again. Instead they *sold* it to Aoi and Akane? Oookay. That or they left it unguarded and the whole thing is some crazy unlawful trespass.
-I was under the impression the characters in the game were Japanese (certainly #1/3/5/6/8/9 all have Japanese names, as do the other two Cradle execs). So Akane and Aoi abducted all these people and somehow flew them on an *international* flight?
-Most implausible things about their plan within the game can probably be hand-waved by "they tried everything and this is the only timeline that led to Akane's survival" but there's a lot of crazy shit they do within the game that I wish had a more satisfying explanation.
-I'm not sure if somehow the people who remember Akane dying are remembering a different timeline or if they're in on the charade (I really hope it's not the latter, it becomes increasingly ridiculous if the plot is "and almost everyone in the game was there to manipulate Junpei"), neither explanation is really satisfying.

I kinda feel like the lategame robbed us of an unmasked Akane (and Aoi, for that matter, but Akane would have been more fun). How much of the June we saw was an act? Would have been nice to know. The game seems to overall like them but they're on some level kinda horrible. I guess excluding them from the ending allows the player to decide what to think of them.

To be clear I enjoyed the game for sure. It could have been *really great* but I enjoyed what we got quite well anyway.

Spoilers for Ace Attorney as well (AAI2 and SoJ):
To continue from the previous thought, Akane is strongly reminiscent of the Mastermind from AAI2. Doesn't dirty her own hands, but rather *directly* encourages the deaths of the Cradle execs. AAI2 definitely considers Simon a villain; this game doesn't seem so sure. One difference is that while Simon gets some real scumbags killed, he also gets some innocents, so it's hard to have sympathy for him, whereas Akane is targeting only people who are basically Pure Evil (and actually killed her on some timelines), and just kidnapping/traumatising innocents. Still cold as fuck though.

I'm amused that there are two visual novels that make use of prosopagnosia, hard to imagine SoJ wasn't inspired by this game. Overall I think SoJ made a more clever use of it, for all that I think Ace was the more effective character.

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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #533 on: November 24, 2018, 05:30:09 AM »
Elf: Neat thoughts on 999.

* Canonically, the cast is a bunch of Japanese people who are hanging around in the US for whatever reason.  Not Actually A Localization Thing a la Phoenix Wright vs. Naruhodo Ryunosoke, go figure.  (Well.  I half-suspect Clover & Snake are supposed to be actual Americans who happen to have Japanese names, but who knows.)

* Re paradoxical memories...  yeah, bit of an issue, while ultimately understandable it makes a few plot elements not quite work.  If you remember Junpei's line in the end where he's trying to figure out WTF with Seven not mentioning that Akane survived, that was the creator/writer finding a plot hole in his own plot and deciding the best thing to do would be to just say life is complicated and have Junpei go IT IS A MYSTERY.  Clearly the timelines where Akane dies, he's setting up the info that one kid didn't make it, but in the timeline where she doesn't and this whole nonsense happens at all, he's, what, in on it?  Memory manipulated so much that he might as well be a puppet?  Oh well.  I respect that it'd be very difficult to figure out a way to seal that plot piece back in while simultaneously having Seven inform you in such a way to set up that twist.

* I too wanted to solve the Safe puzzle myself!  Was getting all set to take a shot at it, and Junpei just does the code himself.  Ah well.

* If you give a certain answer to Santa in room 4, he'll mention how he got massively rich off the stock market.  Basically Akane used what she saw of the future to help set 'em up, they invested massively on Ace's pharmaceutical company and got to be teenage zillionaires or something via cheaty future knowledge.  I respect that the game at least realized that the kind of crazy scheme that is a Nonary Game basically requires a fortune to pull off.  So yeah, they bought it off them - I can only presume that Ace's goons cleaned it up before selling it.

* On the AAI2 parallels, I do like that 999's ending does have Akane & Aoi skedaddling the hell away rather than everybody smiling and not calling the cops.  You can argue it was a very, very bizarre form of self-defense that stretched over 9 years (look, I had to terrorize everybody because I needed somebody in my exact situation so I can pull off the bizarre "Wreck of the Titan" = Titanic cross-time mind chat...), but they are definitely grey hats at best.

* If you are curious for more about what the unmasked Akane is like, she is openly in the third game from the start, if you ever get around to it.  You can probably guess a bit, though...   (don't read on if you don't want the minor spoiler)...   ... the later games change a bit of the stance on how the psychic powers work.  My impression in 999 is that it was more about setting up the exact kind of stressful, life & death situation that lets people access the morphogenetic field - anybody could do it, but the situation needs to call for it.  Virtue's Last Reward and Zero Time Dilemma go for a bit more of a "sure, anybody COULD do it, but certain people are really good at it," which includes Akane.  I think the writer said that somebody who could see the future somewhat would have a different view of morality than normal humans, so she's a logical for-the-greater-good resolute type.

Golf Story

Finished.  If not obvious, this was what I was rambling about above under Dragon Quest XI, what with the "white orbs" (aka golf balls) and all.  Anyway, it was really fun!  And I'm not even remotely a golf fan.  Similar to the Homer Simpson quote, in the world of Golf Story, golf is the cause of, and solution to, all life's problems.  It really is a Golf RPG, complete with gathering items ( clubs and the like), leveling up, doing sidequests, learning the new gimmick mechanics of an area via helping people and then getting to apply it in a real boss battle, and so on.  Won the final Pro Tour by a single stroke getting a -1 score, so I'll take it.

The main oddity the game has, and I realize it's an indie game developed by like 3 Aussies, is that nobody has names.  The UI, where text bubbles just pop up live next to sprites, means there isn't a good place to stick titles or names, so I could understand somewhat fewer names, but come on, sheesh.  Our Hero literally just comes up as "PLAYER" in the Open scoreboards, he gets to sarcastically ask if Greenskeeper is the Greenskeeper's actual name, and so on.  It's weird!  You can't even input names or select sprites in the half-baked 2-player mode.  The other oddity is that the game kinda runs out of antagonists for the Final Showdown.  You know how your Pokemon Rival always is inexplicably hanging out with the Elite Four at the very end?  They kinda needed to do the same thing here, make it so you have to play against your rival at the end, at least if I was writing things.  Oh well.


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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #534 on: November 24, 2018, 09:59:52 PM »
Super Metroid- hey we done!

I can't help comparing this to Castlevania, because well Super Metroid surely influenced the game Symphony of the Night became, and I played a lot of iterations on SotN.  So in some ways Super Metroid does suffer because I've played more recent games in its genre a bunch: like not getting full-heals on save points threw me for a while, and putting in rapid-spawn bug holes explicitly to grind out refills is an... well it's better than not having them but gosh it seems older because of that.  And I think I lost like an hour at one point backtracking for items because there's not really any way to tell on the map where entrances and exits are, so it's like "oh hey I missed this entire room over here, let's go... okay and I can't remotely get there from this entrance.  Bah."
If I'm honest the fact that some enemies are immune to a portion of your weapons is not something that clicks with me.  It's a valid choice for a game that emphasizes platforming, which Metroid absolutely does much more heavily than Castlevania.  But I find that trying to both manage my selected weapon or charging shots while also picking up movement patterns or trying to correctly execute platforming moves... yeah, it's a bit much.  One of those things where familiarity with the series would completely erase the problem but I dunno, I think I'm old.

All of that said damned if it's not screamingly obvious why people make ripoffs if this (well, moreso SotN, but SotN would absolutely not exist without Super Metroid) in large quantities to this day.  While I gather the NES Metroid games had fairly similar core gameplay, the techniques in Super Metroid rewarding replay and the game consciously cluing you into how well you did at the end would set it apart even if it wasn't almost certainly much, much better at them regardless.
 Much as the core gameplay doesn't lend itself to too much atmosphere (Samus is too mobile and explodey for that) they put a handful of sequences in there that did a great job.  The first dip into Brinstar not having any enemies, the entire sequence with enemies dusting to reintroduce the baby Metroid, the way they handle Crashed Ship?  Brilliant stuff.

I suspect I'll probably have this lowest rated on my year end lists and stuff (it's kinda at the low end of 6/10 I'd say?) it does a lot more to sell itself to me as a complete experience than most other "well I may as well play it its this huge foundational genre-making game" experiments I do.
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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #535 on: November 25, 2018, 07:02:16 AM »
Gave the Super Metroid x Link to the Past randomizer a try and have lots of thoughts about it.  I have experience with both games' randomizers individually.  Short version: it's one of those that I might try once or twice more and then abandon forever.  I can admire it as a technical achievement.  Playing it, didn't really offer anything new from playing with them separately.

  It does exactly what it says on the tin.  Combined that's 316 hiding spots to search which will keep a player hunting for a long time.  To me, the combo felt like it was struggling under its own weight.  With two worlds to search, the playing time feels to long for racing.  Not a deal breaker since there are other ways to enjoy randomizers besides racing.  And the extended play time will be welcomed by those looking for that sort of thing.  Double the worlds also makes for twice as much mop-up for when the player has everything needed to finish and is just rushing to the ending.  If you get stuck missing just one last progression item like I did and not knowing where to find it, things feel less fun.  When I finally found the cane of somaria behind Crocomire, I felt more annoyed than pleased.  Been hoping I could skip that area.

  Granted, Super Metroid randomizer itself, let alone combined with another game, I would suggest being able to 100% the base game before diving in.  Not a problem for me.  I do disagree with the normal SM logic expecting infinite bomb jump.  It isn't that hard to do but it's really slow and doesn't make sense why it is that way when several speedrunners were involved in the creation process.  i still got enjoyment out of this (finding bow, hammer, and hookshot in the wrecked ship to take back to Hyrule was a high point), though also felt like I was going through the motions at various times too.  Moreso in Zebes since it only takes a few key powerups to go nearly anywhere.  In my game, Samus was geared up to finish long before Link could complete his quest so felt a bit disjointed.  Theoretically possible to be the other way around (and part of why I'm willing to give this another try or two before retiring it) though believe probability favors being able to clear Mother Brain first.  Overall, an interesting curiosity that I have plenty of reservations about and best done in short sessions if attempting it at all.


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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #536 on: November 25, 2018, 06:52:07 PM »
CK types words about Super Metroid

Pretty much why it's solidly in the category of games I enjoyed to watch speedrun more than play myself. It's an amazing construction, but yeah.

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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #537 on: November 26, 2018, 07:21:21 AM »
Dragon Quest XI: Main game beaten. Final time was 61.5 hours.

The first half of the game really failed to hook me. I found myself playing other things instead of this which is not normal for a DQ game. The second half is better, but this is still disappointing compared to previous DQ games. At the very least it's worse than 7, 9, and 8. Maybe the postgame will clear up some of the hanging plot threads.

Game was easy overall. I had main character on Follow Orders and rest of the party on Fight Wisely in DQ tradition. AI was fairly competent. Used the "Don't run from battles" Draconian quest since I never run anyway. I only had one gameover, to some Robo-robins in the desert. Which is understandable since they've always been among the most bullshit enemies in the series. Final boss was a pleasant challenge and I had a bit of luck beating him with Serena doublecasting Kazing multiple times.

Problems with the game: The world map is too small. The game is extremely linear. You don't hit your head on the ceiling when you cast Zoom inside a building.

I think the Sylvando controversy is a bit overblown. Yes he is flamboyant as fuck. But his sexuality is never discussed and nobody ever makes fun of him for his behavior. Apparently the Japanese version is worse, but this one is fine. He's just out to make the world smile.


Luminary: Greatswords and Luminary skills. Greatswords were great damage in general. Unbridled Bash destroys single targets. He's a silent main, what else can you say about him?

Erik: Boomerangs and Guile. Boomerangs suck even more than normal DQ games. Don't use them. He was a decent character but the leadup to his secondhalf plot was dumb.

Sylvando: Knives and Litheness or whatever it's called. Pretty bad in combat overall. Basically a worse Serena in the earlygame. Has massive MP issues. I did end up using him against the final boss though. Hustle dance is good healing compared to Multiheal. Mardi Garb scene > all.

Veronica: Heavy Wands and Vim. Earlygame MVP. So much aoe damage. Characterwise she was rather annoying.

Serena: Harpistry and Light Wands. Pretty poor early on but really comes into her own later. Has the best scene in the game.

Rab: Heavy Wands and whatever his personal abilities are called. Much better Serena in the earlygame. Pretty useful throughout, but the AI spams Pearly Gates too damn much. Was an okay character but kind of all over the place. Is he a martial artist? A mage? Pick an archetype and stick with it.

Jade: Claws and that's about it. Pretty bad character. Maybe better if you don't go claws. Also boring.

Mystery PC It's Yangus: Axes and Shields. Mostly spammed Parallax, so good damage and durability.


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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #538 on: November 26, 2018, 07:22:58 AM »
Dragon Quest XI

Got up to "part 2" of the game, did a bit of poking around, and I have my ship back. 

Gameplay: Interesting, with the usual "it's Dragon Quest" provisos.  Party balance is decent and interesting.  (Okay, Serena is basically a backlines healing battery, but everybody else has some worth.)

Plot: The plot is...  bad.  The setting is charming enough, there's some good characters, some of the local vignettes are okay, and the localizers did a great job of salvaging the best they could from the situations, up to and including the wink & nod that this doesn't make much sense (which I genuinely appreciate!), but.  A lot of sideplots are uninteresting, and a lot of the maingame plots feature Lazy Writing.  Sometimes it's a weird NES homage, sometimes it's meant to evoke a fairytale-for-kids don't sweat the details vibe, but sometimes it's just hackwork.  Like, there's a lot of things that happen in-game which are only remotely explainable as being Destiny With a Capital D, like the really intrusive read-the-script kind.  Which might be okay if you're writing Tales of the Abyss or something, but here it's really just an excuse to have whatever the writer wants to happen happen. 

Now that I think about it, you know those villains who always babble about how everything is going to plan despite the fact that the kidnapees have been freed, their base is in flames, and their generals defeated?  DQ11 is the reverse of that, where all-seeing all-prophesizing good tree Yggdrasil totally has this under control, guys, everything is fine, please ignore the bad stuff happening, it's all going to plan.  Basically this:

I'll add that the game has an eerie tendency to write plots that could be really really dark, yet seem utterly blind to the implications.

Also, spoilers for part II nitpick:

* Good god the writers can't remember their own plot within the span of a paragraph, or else don't care.  When exactly was Carnelian possessed?  The game bluntly tells us that it was right after the fall of Dundrasil, because Rab & Jade skedaddled after he was talking crazy about the Luminary then, and everybody shrugged that a newborn did this.  Fine, although Carnelian's excellent reputation suggests that Mordegon too is an excellent leader, which I doubt was intended.  But hey, it totally explains why he has Hendrik & Jasper & the knights under his thumb, he's been sculpting them for years to blindly trust his every command.  And yet - despite Carnelian claiming he doesn't remember much of anything from when he was possessed - he knows all about Hendrik (well, grown-up Hendik), knows he's treated him like a replacement son, etc.  He knows enough about the situation to not seemingly be 20 years out of date on everything.  And, the clincher, Jasper's motivation seems to be that he thought he wasn't getting enough respect from Daddy Carnelian and the adoring masses.  It would be very weird if Mordegon mistreated Jasper for years, and was rewarded with his loyalty!  Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe you could argue that he pretended to be Carnelian and was intentionally formenting his grudge, then pretended to possess him later and offer him Ultimate Power, Revenge, etc., but that sounds too complex for something that isn't in the script at all.  No, the simple answer is that the game is just inconsistent: for most plot points, Carnelian was possessed very recently.  For the purposes of giving an excuse for Rab & Jade to wander the world, he was possessed ages ago.   

*And while we're at it, as usual the DQ series has no introspection whatsoever on its own plot.  The saga of Heliodor in retrospect should have been about not trusting orders just because they come from a wise and respected king; that if President Obama tells you to kill all Canadians, you need to stop and think even if you like the dude.  Yet Carnelian is boldly telling Henrik in part 2 to quiet your doubts, just do as I say, I've got a plan, trust me.  Henrik should have a big f'ing problem with this by now!  At least have that discussion that you can't just insist and get your way anymore.

To talk a bit more gameplay.  NotMiki can attest that the boss of Phonm Nomh in the painting was, uh, quite exciting.  Toughest boss so far, I ate ~4-5 resets on her.  Came down to AI roulette a bit, although that isn't as bad as it sounds; in something like FFT, the RNG is whether the smart enemy's Steal Heart makes it's 47% chance to land and ruin your day.  Here, it's on Steal Heart being used on the wrong target, or not at all.  Anyways.  Triple turns incoming, which can include:
* 100% Beguilement.  Only resistance of any note is a Luminary-only accessory that offers a paltry 30% resist to it. Beguile causes you to attack your own party, doesn't fall off from magic, and is only healable by Sylvando's Sobering Slap.  Even worse, since you count as an enemy, MT stuff now nails your own party member.
* 100% Ability Block.  If this lands on Sylvando, or he's Beguiled, good luck un-beguiling your party, since his Slap is an ability, as is his MT healing Hustle Dance.  This is hard to block and impossible to fix as well.
* Passable MT laser damage (3HKO or 4HKO or so?).  It isn't magic nor a breath, so no, you can't resist it.
* A defense-ignoring critical attack that can nearly one-shot anybody and actually one-shot Veronica, and definitely combines with the fire breath for a kill on nearly anybody.  It is not uncommon for her to do both!
* HP Draining attack.  Not super-great on damage, and the healing wouldn't really scare a properly buffed up aggro party, but hahaha at being able to run that here, so she can lock you out of having a low-damage unit hustle out the last bit of damage as the rest of the party falls.
* Regular attacks.  Pray she does these as often as possible, since they undo Beguile and are her worst damage.
* Did I mention the triple turns again?  This also means that effects like Sap fall off three times as fast as they normally would.

End result is that you are desperately praying Sylvando stays active, that she doesn't use crit or uses it when she didn't breath.  Usual party of Hero/Veronica/Sylvando/Rab was go here, Sylv & Rab have MT healing and Sylv has the status curing, and then pray that Hero doesn't get beguiled or ability blocked or killed and have him throw buff'd greatsword hits at the boss, throwing in Veronica magic if there's time. If Hero dies, he can be sorta replaced with Jade, and Veronica can sorta be replaced by Erik, but it's completely terrible if Sylv or Rab bite it, Serena doesn't have Multiheal here so she's really bad.

That boss was way tougher than the next boss (Sniflheim) even unscaled I bet, and you get a bunch of gear before the next boss.  The next boss "merely" double turns, and wastes some of those turns on moves that just aren't that bad.


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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #539 on: November 29, 2018, 12:31:25 AM »
Finished watching Dai Gyakuten Saiban.  I'm going to save extensive thoughts for when I finish watching DGS2 but for now: it's good, and if you like Ace Attorney games, you'll like it.
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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #540 on: December 09, 2018, 05:34:52 PM »
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn - I am doing a run where if the characters dies, they are dead. I won’t call it a no reset run because Leonardo died in 1-3 and that causes a game over, and I had to reset. I did eliminate Leonardo from the team, though, so it was like he died.

Anyway, the Dawn Brigade, after 3-6, has just Leonardo in the dead column. I feel like I am very knowledgeable about the Dawn Brigade maps and do everything in my power to prevent character loss. Edward and Fiona have been abandoned, but everyone else has promoted to tier 2 aside from Laura. Jill in particular has gotten quite a few good levels.

The other maps have been a little less straightforward. I think part of it is rustiness and part of it is playing a little fast and loose with some of the maps / underestimating the difficulty of RD, but I have lost several characters in the Crimea/GM maps. First I lost Calill on 2-E (got crit by a Crossbow), then Haar (Bolting mage), then Titania (boss of 3-2), then Mia (Killing Edge crit), then Heather (random Halberdier). So things have been a little more interesting than normal. The defense map (believe it’s 3-5) was much more challenging than normal and I was frequently scrambling to prevent enemies from breaking my defensive formation. Even 3-7, which is usually an joke, was a little bit trickier because Haar wasn’t there to intercept the Wyverns (although the map was still a joke). It will be interesting to see how Part 4 goes without those core characters.

I promoted Soren once he hit capped magic/speed/res so he is my token tier 3 character. It’s usually Titania but lolwhatever.
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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #541 on: December 09, 2018, 08:42:15 PM »
Elfboy points out that I forgot Rhys, and Boyd just bit the dust too.
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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #542 on: December 09, 2018, 10:51:16 PM »
Elfboy points out that I forgot Rhys

doesn't everybody forget about rhys in fe10

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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #543 on: December 09, 2018, 11:17:39 PM »
Got through the rocks map without anyone dying. Aran being doubled by some of the enemies was pretty sadface. 16 speed in Part 3 is pretty unacceptable.
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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #544 on: December 10, 2018, 02:28:34 AM »
Transistor- I have done the Grefter thing.

On the whole I feel like the ending, in both the final battle and how the story wraps up after, don't quite stick the landing.  Having a physical struggle with Royce for control of the world just doesn't really fit anything that's going on here, because ultimately it doesn't matter and they both know that.  But by putting it there, Red taking time to fix one bridge before ultimately making a point of making sure the narrator knows she's not going to keep going is a lot more off-putting.
I dunno, feels like a writing problem where they knew they wanted a final boss that was a mirror match, and an ending featuring the character making probably the last choice the player would (since I mean that's the game's thrust, that superficial player choice is worth far less than a single story with actual emotional stakes), but ran out of dev time and just crammed them in there.

Otherwise it's pretty solid.  I do find the gameplay a bit chunky (albeit that was probably me not thinking through my setup very well), but the way they handle environmental story telling is pretty nice.  The narrator gives it a lot more emotional connection than this sort of thing normally can.  Then in the third arc where they use terminals to suddenly communicate between Red and the Narrator... woof.  That was a moment.
But yeah this feels fairly directly inspired by the *shock games, but I think it's an overall tighter experience with a more interesting cast and message.  Just... yeah, doesn't quite all come together.  Bit worse than Bastion, but still in the same 7/10 ballpark.
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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #545 on: December 13, 2018, 04:41:51 AM »
Chrono Cross

Played through this with a friend, after finishing Xenogears. It was a little while ago now - I was wanting to play PS1 era RPGs I had missed. This didn't exactly come highly recommended from chat, but it was still a game I kind of wanted to play, so what the heck. This is another wall of text with me just typing whatever comes to mind, so fair warning.

Well... There's good, and there's bad. Plot stuff will be in small text.

 - The graphics are solid for the time.
 - Some of the songs are excellent.
 - The battle "system" is very interesting.
 - The early game dialogue was surprisingly touching, and got my hopes quite high - just the NPCs in the starting village impressed me.

So, this is a good start. But now I'll refute most of those points.

Some of the songs are absolutely excellent. But you know what one isn't? The regular battle song. Heck, all of the boss songs that aren't just the field song continuously playing (which is what I kept hoping for, because those were the best songs) aren't great. And you hear these all the time! It's a shame, because Chrono Cross has some stellar tracks, but you spend most of the game listening to the songs that aren't the best.

The Battle system is really interesting. I was REALLY into it early on. I noticed you could pass turns, spending a bit of stamina on each character. I was thinking of ideas like, say, having one character go into negative stamina and passing turns between the other characters to make sure it doesn't go to waste.

And the customization is cool, too! Spells you can only use once? That's really interesting!

Unfortunately - And I suppose part of this comes with a JRPG being aimed at anyone completing it that doesn't really allow grinding - anything can work. And the reason anything can work is because AOE healing is plentiful, and you get way, WAY too many spell slots for your own good. When AOE healing is so common and strong, the only way the bosses can kill you is with OHKO damage, since healing is rare. And that's dissapointing?? "Stay at full health at all times" isn't really interesting?
Seriously. Why is AOE healing so strong and plentiful? Why does that make certain colours like Blue and White and Green stand head and shoulders above the others?

I dunno, I guess I overthought it, but I was really getting excited in the first few hours of the game. The field effects seemed interesting (they aren't, always make the field the opposite colour of your opponent), the spell limits seemed interesting - maybe you'll run out of healing? (you never will since you can equip 20), and the techs made the characters - which I haven't even mentioned yet - interesting, too. (They don't. Techs are useful early game, in particular AOE techs. But after the halfway point of the game, they became ridiculously weak in comparison despite having exciting animations. Maybe I missed something.)

And the characters, gameplay wise. There's like 40 characters, and I get the idea - have so many that it's exciting, the biggest roster ever, or whatnot. And that's cool. But if you're going to have so many characters in the game that aren't plot related... At least make them interesting gameplay wise? Like, every time we got a new character it was like "they seem bad", we had to force ourselves to change characters. For example, pretty early in the game you get Luccia, thought she might be an interesting character to use (she was absolutely useless), why give you a character that's just worse in every way, with no redeeming traits or "ooh, I want to try out this move" or no interesting statlines or no interesting dialogue. Why do they exist!? I guess you might like the character designs.

As for other things... The random battles. Okay, so Chrono Cross has on field random encounters - that's great! Random Battles in videogames tend to only be good if they are balanced really tightly. Chrono Cross also has no EXP after battles, though there seems to be a system in place where the first few battles after you fight a boss gives you minor stat boosts. That's also interesting, and not a bad system at all! No one really likes having to grind for a long time. Chrono Cross also has a third system that automatically heals you after battle depending on your remaining "MP" (I wonder if this is the sort of thing that people were abusing in playtesting so they made it automatic.) This is also a cool feature. That could really let you make interesting, difficult trash encounters (they don't)

So, none of these ideas are bad. But the combination of all of these ideas means that there's no reason to fight any random enemies, ever. All they do is waste time. You will dodge every enemy - and why not? They don't give EXP. They certainly can't kill you. They can drop some useless elements you can sell for 5 gold if you're really interested in that, or you can buy them at a shop for a pittance. If an enemy does happen to catch you, it does not matter. You will lose some real life time, killing this enemy that has no hope of doing serious damage to your party. And you will be healed at the end of it. So what this results in, is you kill every enemy that is in front of a treasure chest that you can't avoid (by the way almost every treasure chest is completely useless consumables, way to go), and dodge the rest because they will just waste your time (and boy will the game make you waste your time with the cavemen that you have to kill about 40 of to make the... Yellow? Dragon appear, which have a way, WAY too long animation and come in groups of, like, five.)

And those animations are impressive, and I realize this is a problem with a lot of games of this era, but if I have to watch this random shadow cat enemy fade into the ground and slowly do its attack animation that is sort of cool the first time and not cool at all the 20th time, then... I have no idea what I'll do, but I won't like it. (To be fair, the animations are nice. They're just too long.) I'll also excuse, though it annoyed me a bit, some of the guide selling parts of the game.

Anyway, party members that got serious usetime were Skelly, Razzly, Fargo, Marcy, and... The mermaid girl... Whose name I've forgotten. Looking at stats at endgame, though, I felt we should have been using Draggy. Really could have used his high accuracy, and his other stats seemed good.

Okay, so I've gotten this far and I haven't even mentioned the plot yet.

....Man, where do I start...? This is just going to be a ridiculous rant (I guess like the rest of this post).

OK, we'll start with the only characters that exist in this game, Kid and Lynx.

Kid is an okay character. I didn't use her because it felt like the game wanted me to use her, and she probably had a lot of dialogue (and she probably should have been forced, if that was the case, or at least showed up in cutscenes regardless of whether you had her in the party. Goodness knows the party needed a voice.). She is a likable enough character, though. No real strong opinions about her.

Except, for some reason, the silent protagonist loves her? Since when? My recollection is I told her off a couple times, begrudgingly accepted her help, and benched her? Huh?

But the most offensive part, is the credits. Where, at least as far as I could understand it, the game was trying to tell me something along the lines of, "Look, Kid is in the real world now, and she's looking for you, the player! Find Kid (Or your own Kid! Don't you love her?)". I mean, how else could I take that? Kid is walking around Japan looking at the camera in real life places - that's absolutely what they were going for and did not deserve because - why would I feel so strongly about Kid!? Because she's the only character in the game? Like I said, she's okay!

So, Lynx. Lynx starts off cool enough as a villain. And then you swap bodies with him in what is actually a really cool scene. Actually, as an aside, there are a few cool scenes in the game. That one, the burning house (If I didn't get lose looking for the Lucca Ice Gun and wander around for 20 minutes, I also "love" how they programmed in a "Dragon Power Doesn't Work Here" message if you try to use the water dragon blessing item to put out the fire like you did earlier in the game, basically telling me no do our pixel hunt please and ruining all tension the scene had.) And the part with Miguel is pretty cool too and the music works well there. Then the game goes on a 10 hour padding fetch quest, but that aside...

But yeah, you swap bodies with him! Wow, what interesting things will they do with you now that you're Lynx? (The answer is nothing. Every character goes OH DO NOT WORRY THIS IS NOT LYNX and there is basically no change at all. Woohoo.) You could have done really interesting stuff with that situation but they did not.

And Lynx himself, in your body... Also does nothing? By the way, I know Villains will always let you get away with it, but "I'll deal with you later" after he takes your body is the laziest thing I've ever seen. Why? He clearly still intends to kill you, at least going by that dialogue??? At least have someone save you, or him ham it up with an "Now watch as everyone in the world hates Serge" or whatever!

So anyway it turns out that Lynx was a robot that wanted to control the future but actually he was also your father but his schemes were foiled by Robo from Chrono Trigger and Harle from an alternate Dinosaur future.

(At least that's what I got out of it!)

Like.. I just don't understand. I complained about Xenogears plot moving too fast earlier, but at least it honestly had the core of a good plot. This has... A plot...? Where random things that aren't connected to each other happen? Oh, but it's all explained don't worry, everything has an explanation, just look at our text dump at the end of the game explaining every plot point (I did understand most of them, but that didn't make them good.)

Anyway, I'm sure I missed some stuff, but this is probably too long already. I don't regret playing it or anything, because I still enjoyed parts of the game despite these complaints, and heck, it made enough of an impression on me for me to want to write this much which is something I guess. Just dissapointed. Especially in the battle system, which I was super excited for.

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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #546 on: December 13, 2018, 06:03:18 AM »
That's an excellent summary of the game. I like how you hit on the points that had real potential/promise; it helps me remember what drew me into the game at first, even though I ended up coming away with not-so-keen feelings on the game overall.

I've mostly been playing Metroid: Samus Returns. It's good! Just got the Screw Attack (earlier than normal for the series, it seems, though definitely in the back half from what I can tell). I've only played ~10% of Metroid 2 so I don't have many comparison comments there, but this game is basically its own beast anyway from what I can tell. The melee counter and aeon abilities put a nice little spin on things without changing the core formula that worked so well in Super/Fusion/Zero Mission, the controls are nice and smooth (pretty obvious playing it right after Super which was certainly clunkier), the gameplay is solid with reasonable teeth, a la Fusion. The boss design is an obvious place where it could be better, such is the lot of a game faithfully retreading Metroid 2's "well you fight variations of the same 3(?) bosses over and over". Except for that one time the first boss of Metroid Fusion showed up and kicked my ass repeatedly. Still, the fights themselves are fun the first few times. I miss the speed booster (unless it shows up very late) since that's definitely one of the most interesting Metroid powerups in terms of the platforming options and puzzles it opens up, but the aeon ability replacement for it is at least fun enough.

It'll be interesting to see what spin the game has on the fact you're basically exterminating a species and the moral implications of that. So far the game's pretty plotless, but hopefully the lategame has something to say on the subject.

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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #547 on: December 15, 2018, 02:07:51 AM »
I actually played a game. I actually beat the first playthrough, too. nier:automata. Now, I'm all about radiating storylines but I'm finding it sort of hard to enjoy the gameplay of the second. It's slower. Battles that had an impressionable anxiety around them are sort of just mute, in a way. I imagine it becomes better. It has to. I haven't like a "female" lead this much in some time, so I hope I get to keep interfacing with her more and soon. nier is really dark, really dark.


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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #548 on: December 15, 2018, 06:50:50 PM »
Chrono Cross

Really interesting write-up! It really demonstrated how CC could have been a good game (at least from a battle system perspective).
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Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« Reply #549 on: December 15, 2018, 11:08:18 PM »
Yeah, your Chrono Cross writeup sounds about right to me.  There's a lot of good in it, and some good ideas, but so many head-scratchily bizarre-to-terrible ideas.  (Also, "levelling" vs. randoms does help a little, in the alternate version of CC that is actually hard outside of, like, maybe Miguel / Garai / Dario.)

FWIW, the bit with Lynx is one of the things that most annoys me about the game as well.  It's a cool idea, but way to drop the ball on actually executing with it.  Also, while many games are bad at figuring out what villains and NPCs "should" be doing based on their own knowledge and objectives, CC Lynx is a particularly egregious offender because the game DOES give him a (totally batshit) motive, but he blatantly fails to even attempt said motive, and instead just harasses poor Serge until you beat him up.  WTF.  And if he is just gonna make Serge's life miserable, he misses out some obvious plotlines to do with this - ask Serge's friends for favors, ask to borrow stuff, etc.

For what it's worth, and Niu / CK can correct me on this, but re the robot stuff...   so there's some weird war between FATE / Lavos / technology, who want humans to flourish so that Lavos can eat them or something, and Nature / Dragons / Reptites, who just want to wipe out humanity flat out.  When Serge, Miguel, & Serge's dad washed up at the Chronopolis, for insane reasons tiny Serge was the first one into the Secret Chamber or whatever, so the door DNA-locked to him or something, because let's ramble about DNA for no reason, and also the dimensions split where one Serge died (maybe locked inside the room?), and another Serge somehow made it back to the village.  And then in one of the dimensions, damned if I can remember which, FATE decides to mind-control Serge's dad and also turn him into a panther because this is obviously something a supercomputer can do.  FATE then sends Lynx - who, while not a robot, is being mind-controlled by one - off to go body-swap with his son so that he can come back to the locked room with the Frozen Flame and unleash the power of Lavos within which will enable FATE to win the time-war with the Dragons or something and thus guarantee humanity survives to become delicious food.  I would say to maybe try breaking the door down myself, but what do I know.  Anyway Lynx blatantly doesn't even attempt this, so that's why Serge himself gets to go fight FATE and go to the room with the Frozen Flame later in the game on Disc 2.  In terms of after-the-fact writer suggestions, if they'd toned down the craziness in Lynx plot a little bit and created someone who actually followed through on perhaps simpler motivations, it'd definitely have helped, since he's kinda the main villain for Disc 1!