I cannot vouch for season three, though I've yet to hear anything bad about the series. That said, I'm watching TV mostly through friends forcing dvds upon me, and so I have recently seen Firefly, which is great writing and interaction, as well as most of season 1 of BSG, which has the above mentioned awesome of Firefly, as well as the dramatic tension and added depth one gets when the cast is flawed instead of being untouchable paragons of goodness and light, or at least thoroughly tamed by them in Jayne's case (Though Jayne is probably more awesome than anyone short of Commander Adama)
Aside from that, will also occasionally contemplate going out of my way to watch Two and a Half Men, which is a sit com that's surprisingly funny and well written, and which comprises the entirity of what I watch on actual tv outside of the stray bit of hockey I might catch.