
Author Topic: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike  (Read 1105 times)

DragonKnight Zero

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Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« on: September 23, 2018, 10:34:19 PM »
The blue team and the pink team have picked up a second loss and have stepped down.  Blue in particular put on a good show but ended up overwhelmed in the end.  It's been fun and maybe we'll see more of them in bonus matches.

Winners bracket:

Silver - Lenneth (VP), Souji (P4), Chris Lightfellow (Suiko3), Marcus (FE6 only)
Blond - Primm (SoM), Tidus (FFX), Alisa (ToCS), Sonya (Suiko1)

Hassou Tobi banned.  Marcus is FE6 only.

Losers bracket:  A loss here will result in elimination from later rounds.

Brown - Lilka (WA2), Elc (Arc the Lad 2), Towa (ToCS), Arnuad (WA4)
Black - Yuri Lowell (ToV), Zerase (Suiko5), Fang (FF13), Sancho (FM4)

 Sancho has items that work on teammates.

Red - Aurora (CoL), Millenia (Grandia 2), Jessica (DQ8), Agate (Trais series)
Green - Elincia (FE10), Clive (WA3), Emeralda (XG), Terra(FF6)

Short Form

Silver vs Blond
Brown vs Black
Red vs Green

Bonus Match: Purple hair punishment

  Camilla and Neifirst were bored.  With the Dueling League essentially abandoned and having been denied entry into the recent tourney, they found themselves at a loss for what to do with their spare time.  Therefore, they were quite willing to hear him out when Ultros volunteered to sponsor them for a little side deal.

  The mission is a simple enough task.  Handing out beatdowns to the red and blue teams and allegedly take their place in the tourney.  A couple of victories would show the shadowy organizer(s) that they were worthy of competing.  Aiding them in the endeavor were Lucca (CT), Meredy (ToE), Mia (FE9), and Odd Eye (SF).  Hardly a crew that would be inclined to spite; they're in it more for a workout.

The teams, for easy reference

Purple: Camilla (FE14), Neifirst (PS2), Lucca (CT), Meredy (ToE), Mia (FE9), Odd Eye (SF1)
Red: Aurora (CoL), Millenia (Grandia 2), Jessica (DQ8), Agate (Trails series)
Blue: Rena (SO2), Rudy (WA1), Artea (Lufia 2), Magus (CT)

  Yes, their group also has more than four members but Ultros doesn't exactly care about rules when he's seeking amusement.  How will they fare?

- Total victory.  Red and blue are half the fighter that purple is.
- Total defeat.  Even outnumbered, the teams fight off the intruders seeking to displace then.
- They defeat the red team but the blue team coolly dispatches them.
- They defeat the blue team but the red team claims victory while dishing out some slick burns.
- Red and blue join forces and repel the assault as a combined unit.
- Yeeouch, seafood soup.  Purple hair fighters decide Ultros is not worth fighting for.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 04:16:39 AM by DragonKnight Zero »


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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2018, 04:25:07 AM »
Silver - Lenneth (VP), Souji (P4), Chris Lightfellow (Suiko3), Marcus (FE6 only)
Blond - Primm (SoM), Tidus (FFX), Alisa (ToCS), Sonya (Suiko1)

My recollection is that while Yu can't directly block status, he can set a Persona that will heal him of status at the end of every round.  So Primm will have to keep re-applying Blaze Wall's Engulf (or Balloon).  I'm pretty nice about blockers so sure I'll see Chris & Lenneth immuning this (well, Lenneth with a 25% break chance), so Souji/Yu & Marcus get nailed by the status (it's MT because that's fair).  Anyway, Silent Lake goes off fast, but pretty sure the way FFX interprets initiative & Hastega makes the rest of the team faster here.  Not to mention the following up Slowga.  And the fact that both Primm & Alisa have revival.  The turnsplit is just going to be too horrible here, even if Lenneth is seen as resisting Primm's status and gets a turn to blow somebody up.

Brown - Lilka (WA2), Elc (Arc the Lad 2), Towa (ToCS), Arnuad (WA4)
Black - Yuri Lowell (ToV), Zerase (Suiko5), Fang (FF13), Sancho (FM4)
Zerase > Arnaud > Lilka > Elc = Yuri = Fang > Towa > Sancho
Zerase can lay down some hurtin' at high speed (although she might get hurt in some in return from Arnaud's Magic Blocker).  Lilka & Arnaud...  hmm.  Arnaud wants to Illusion Yuri if that's seen as working, but I personally would be inclined to at least let Yuri spend a turn moving out of the zone.  He could also gamble on instant-death daggers, or try Slow Down.  Eh, I think Illusion is the play, Yuri's damage is too good.  Lilka....  I don't think any of her tricky other options are worth just Mystic Healing the team, it'd be too suicidal to leave Zerase's damage unhealed.  Gonna assume the three averageish speed characters act roughly simultaneously..  Elc can either nuke Zerase's MP or set up for invincible and try and solo.  Let's assume MP nuke (unless Sancho's reload is seen as restoring magic?!  Writeup does indicate his items work, but I'm not sure that's close enough, since games like Wild Arms often have separate bullet vs. magic gagues, and Suiko 5 gunners don't use magic...).  Fang probably wants to attempt to drop MT Slowga, it's not something the other team can really immune except maybe Elc.  Yuri needs to spend a turn moving out of Illusion, if that's allowed at all (I definitely don't see Sancho as able to cure it, it's a hex status not a personal status).  Towa...  no real point in damage, Sancho will just heal it off.  Weakener to set up Lilka better?  Fish for freeze off Crystal Flood anyway?  I think fish for freeze is the play.

Turn 2, Zerase has been MP nuked BUT Team 1 has been largely Slowga'd.  If Yuri can get something off before Arnaud gets his turn, then blowing somebody up is probably decisive (as long as it's not Arnaud with the high dodginess).  And if Zerase has ANYTHING left in the tank, any little bit helps.  Fang can start fishing for other statuses since Lilka doesn't have time to set up Reflect to try and mute Lilka or the like.  Not sure team Brown can keep up unless Towa got the right Freeze procs off (i.e. Sancho & somebody else, since Sancho can cure status), but could be argued!

Red - Aurora (CoL), Millenia (Grandia 2), Jessica (DQ8), Agate (Trails series)
Green - Elincia (FE10), Clive (WA3), Emeralda (XG), Terra(FF6)
Back to Jessica & Agate blowing crap up.  Terra might live with elemental resistance & MBlock dodge chance, but nobody else will, and Terra can't solo.

Well it's an honor to fight under Lord Ultros so I can't imagine why anybody would reject the offer, but that's a pretty sorry team.  I guess Odd Eye might be good though I don't know him very closely.  I'm inclined to think this goes about as well as Ultros's other schemes so total defeat.  Red wins easily as usual, blue has Magus pull off some ID followed by Arty / Rena walling & stalling.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 04:31:23 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2018, 03:32:31 PM »
Silver - Lenneth (VP), Souji (P4), Chris Lightfellow (Suiko3), Marcus (FE6 only)
Blond - Primm (SoM), Tidus (FFX), Alisa (ToCS), Sonya (Suiko1)

Alisa vs Souji is already a close match, so in this setting, it's a question of "Is Alisa's support better than Souji's ?". The big thing working against Team Silver is obviously losing initiative. By the time Souji gets to act, most of his team will be Slowed or Statused in some way. Was Primm's status 100% accurate? Snowfire's analysis suggests Souji will get hit by it, but I question that since he does have things that reduces accuracy rates and nulls certain types of Status. Say best case scenario for Blonde is Souji gets hit with something. Figuring out Turn Order here is then important because if Lenneth gets a turn, she can Cure Condition (as Len2) to restore Souji and Chris can drop Silent Lake. Once Silent Lake is down, Team Blond is in trouble since Alisa/Sonya don't have good physical offense and even Tidus (when Haste'd) can't deal with 3 people who deal well against physicals. Okay, so Blond wants to incapacitate Souji, then kill Chris. Can they do that? If they focus down on Chris, maybe. If Souji knows he's going to be eating status, he might instead want to equip something with Auto-Suku so that Lenneth and Chris gain M-Evade. This makes that kill less likely and can guarantee Silent Lake landing. I don't see what Team Blonde can do once SL lands.

Basically if they give Souji an actual turn, they are in deep. And even with the speed difference, I'm not sure they can take out Chris before SL hits, which almost guarantees a Souji turn beat down. Good fight though - can be argued.

Losers bracket:  A loss here will result in elimination from later rounds.

Brown - Lilka (WA2), Elc (Arc the Lad 2), Towa (ToCS), Arnaud (WA4)
Black - Yuri Lowell (ToV), Zerase (Suiko5), Fang (FF13), Sancho (FM4)

The way I see it, Yuri either gets neutered by Illusion or Shut Out. Pick your poison boy. So Zerase lands big ass damage, Lilka heals it off, Elc nukes Zerase's MP, Fang begins lock down on someone, Towa charges up either Ancient Glyph or Crystal Flood. It will go off and probably Freeze someone - maybe more than one person. Sancho doesn't do much but heals one person.

Turn 2 arrives and Zerase maybe has something else left. Suiko charges and traditionally MP busting is weird. Say she has something useful, and hits the whole team with. If Fang went with single person lock down (say on Arnaud), then she has to keep doing that or risk him getting a turn to do more obnoxious stuff. So that leaves Lilka unchecked, and she can do something again (MT Heal again?), Elc definitely kills Zerase's useful MP at this point. Sancho/Towa still doesn't do much but the more random status procs that occur at this point can get really nasty.

Turn 3, Illusion/Shut Out is about to wear off, but Zerase is done. So Brown can now focus on removing Yuri or Fang. Fang might want to consider locking down Elc now since he can keep MP busting folks which will also kill Yuri's offense. But if she leaves Arnaud alone, he can just reapply or Extend the debuff about to wear off. Tough. Say she still goes after Arnaud - Lilka Quicks Elc, Elc begins working on Yuri's MP. Yuri kills someone (Towa/Lilka since they can Res), Sancho still not doing much.

From this point on, feels like Team Brown has too much control. If we go back to Turn 1 and say Fang does Slowga as suggested - I'm not sure things will be that much different. Yuri is still ineffective then. Unless Zerase laps (and I doubt this - if FF13 Haste isn't that useful, my kneejerk is that it's Slow probably isn't either), they can't do enough before one of Towa or Lilka gain a turn and start healing. If Arnaud gains follow up turns, he will Slow Fang down (which ruins the effectiveness of her locking people down) and make things even more of a mess. Think Brown has this.

Red - Aurora (CoL), Millenia (Grandia 2), Jessica (DQ8), Agate (Trais series)
Green - Elincia (FE10), Clive (WA3), Emeralda (XG), Terra(FF6)

This is the easy one. Unless you see Elincia's evade/MDef being able to stop Magic Burst/Agate S-Craft burst damage in some way, team Green begins the fight with everyone dead sans Terra. IF Elincia is alive, Green wins. Terra lands Petrify on Millenia, Elincia heals Terra, then they take out Team Red since  Jess/Agate are now empty. If Elincia is dead, Terra is probably too injured after the initial salvo to really survive 3 additional attacks before she can heal (Aurora/Jess/Agate phys can probably kill her AFTER she eats the burst...right?) so she can't OCV. Would be funny if she could though.
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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2018, 07:11:05 PM »
Team Blond
Team Brown- Yeah, Zerase actually wishes she was slower than Lilka here. Lilka cancels her damage, Arnaud Illusions Yuri (or maybe Arnaud+Elc+Towa S-Craft may take Yuri out all together). Team Black doesn't have the right turn order to make this work.
Team Red- Jessica does her thing

Bonus: Purple certainly loses to Red thanks to Jessica. Might overwhelm Blue since they have a lot of ST damage to throw out and Blue can't disable quickly.
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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2018, 11:22:03 PM »
Tide: Wouldn't Silent Lake already be in effect before VP2 Lenneth could use Normalize?  Would also require letting Lenneth go slightly before Souji of course.  Might not matter if Souji just goes for the status-healing-at-end-of-turn option of course.  (Unless Normalize ignores Silence or something?!  Do only mage attacks get hit by VP2 Silence or the like?)

Also, I wouldn't completely discount Team Blond in a slugfest, although it'd likely require giving up Primm's status on turn 0.  She can also Saber everybody up or use Lunar Power or something - give everybody physials that inflict freeze/engulf / parastic healing / etc.  Granted Lenneth can block freeze and arguably Souji persona shuffling can block some elemental status, but Chris won't block freeze at the very least (Yellow Scarf didn't get that, right?).


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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2018, 03:19:53 AM »
Silver - Lenneth (VP), Souji (P4), Chris Lightfellow (Suiko3), Marcus (FE6 only)
Blond - Primm (SoM), Tidus (FFX), Alisa (ToCS), Sonya (Suiko1): *Initiative* Slowga/Hastega is completely freaking ridiculous. By the time anyone on Team Silver gets turns they'll have been decimated.
Hassou Tobi banned.  Marcus is FE6 only.

Losers bracket:  A loss here will result in elimination from later rounds.

Brown - Lilka (WA2), Elc (Arc the Lad 2), Towa (ToCS), Arnuad (WA4)
Black - Yuri Lowell (ToV), Zerase (Suiko5), Fang (FF13), Sancho (FM4)
 Sancho has items that work on teammates.

Turn 1 order is something like Arnaud/Elc > Zerase > Lilka > Yuri=Fang=Sancho=Towa... Arnaud can Isolate/Illusion Yuri which is probably the best play given his OHKOing.  Elc can... I guess he could either put out physical damage against the other team, put up Invincible, or buff his team's Mdef/Magic damage or Def by 25%. The MT damage is probably the best bet. Zerase can put out the hurt via an MT spell but Lilka can undo that with her turn. Fang can status someone out (not Arnaud and probably not Elc, so Lilka?) or maybe Fang + Sancho can KO Lilka, if Towa doesn't get her turn between them. Towa can cure status so trying to status out Lilka probably doesn't work. The next round Zerase dies before she goes due to Elc's MT damage, Arnaud uses his turn to keep Yuri in check. I'm not sure how that plays out.

Another possibility is Arnaud casting Hyper on Elc and turning his solid MT physical damage (Extract) into a devastating MT attack that KO's at least Zerase, even though the little Sentinel buff. Still another possibility is Elc KOing Zerase with an unbuffed Extract (maybe with help from a fast Craft from Towa), given how sad sad sad she is against physicals.

One thing to point out is Elc's Mind Buster is dependent on target Mdef, so Zerase can likely shrug it off.

Red - Aurora (CoL), Millenia (Grandia 2), Jessica (DQ8), Agate (Trais series)
Green - Elincia (FE10), Clive (WA3), Emeralda (XG), Terra(FF6)
Jessica/Agate unleash hell, which leaves only Terra alive, having negated the fire damage and being tanky enough to take a hit from Agate. That leaves Jessica/Agate out of gas, but Terra would need to KO Millenia in a hurry. Emeralda is probably faster than Agate/Jess (132.6% speed without the speed ring!) and she can lay on the hurt against Millenia to start with, so Terra could do an MT Fire 3 to hurt everyone and finish off Millenia. Then Aurora would get a hit on Terra but Terra halves Light and has hella Mdef. MP/CPless Jess/Agate + Aurora physical + Dragon Dive... would that off Terra, who might otherwise go on to wreck havoc with Drain/Fire3?

Another idea is Emeralda hitting Agate to prevent him from using Wild Rage, leaving team Green in a considerably better situation.

Purple: Camilla (FE14), Neifirst (PS2), Lucca (CT), Meredy (ToE), Mia (FE9), Odd Eye (SF1)
Red: Aurora (CoL), Millenia (Grandia 2), Jessica (DQ8), Agate (Trails series)
Blue: Rena (SO2), Rudy (WA1), Artea (Lufia 2), Magus (CT)
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 03:21:44 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2018, 01:51:46 PM »
Winners bracket:

Silver - Lenneth (VP), Souji (P4), Chris Lightfellow (Suiko3), Marcus (FE6 only)
Blond - Primm (SoM), Tidus (FFX), Alisa (ToCS), Sonya (Suiko1)

Much closer match than all the previous ones. Was really fun reading everyone's breakdowns. Hmm... Doesn't Chris' Silent Lake have a boosted cast speed compared to Chris's actual speed due to it being her L2 spell on the TWR? I presume the Slowga wouldn't effect that?

Losers bracket:  A loss here will result in elimination from later rounds.

Brown - Lilka (WA2), Elc (Arc the Lad 2), Towa (ToCS), Arnuad (WA4)
Black - Yuri Lowell (ToV), Zerase (Suiko5), Fang (FF13), Sancho (FM4)

...What kind of hex formation is being assumed that Illusion/Shut Out completely nullifies an ARPG character like Yuri, who should be able to move and attack?

Red - Aurora (CoL), Millenia (Grandia 2), Jessica (DQ8), Agate (Trais series)
Green - Elincia (FE10), Clive (WA3), Emeralda (XG), Terra(FF6)

I'm pretty sure Red is the overall stronger team here, but Emeralda spoiling Agate's insta-S-Craft by knocking him under 75% should allow at least one of Terra's teammates to survive and help her pick them off/heal her up.

Bonus Match: Purple hair punishment

Purple: Camilla (FE14), Neifirst (PS2), Lucca (CT), Meredy (ToE), Mia (FE9), Odd Eye (SF1)
Red: Aurora (CoL), Millenia (Grandia 2), Jessica (DQ8), Agate (Trails series)
Blue: Rena (SO2), Rudy (WA1), Artea (Lufia 2), Magus (CT)

- Total victory.  Red and blue are half the fighter that purple is.
- Total defeat.  Even outnumbered, the teams fight off the intruders seeking to displace then.
- They defeat the red team but the blue team coolly dispatches them.
- They defeat the blue team but the red team claims victory while dishing out some slick burns.
- Red and blue join forces and repel the assault as a combined unit.
- Yeeouch, seafood soup.  Purple hair fighters decide Ultros is not worth fighting for.

I think Purple can focus down on Magus or take out both healers before Blue can mount enough offense to take out their numbers advantage (for all that Meredy isn't contributing anything...)
Red just Bursts them down.
Why wasn't Pink here? I missed my chance to hype Arche's turn 1 MT ID~!

Random Consonant

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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2018, 04:13:58 PM »
Silver - Lenneth (VP), Souji (P4), Chris Lightfellow (Suiko3), Marcus (FE6 only)
Blond - Primm (SoM), Tidus (FFX), Alisa (ToCS), Sonya (Suiko1)

Initiative Hastega leading into nonsense.

Brown - Lilka (WA2), Elc (Arc the Lad 2), Towa (ToCS), Arnuad (WA4)
Black - Yuri Lowell (ToV), Zerase (Suiko5), Fang (FF13), Sancho (FM4)


Red - Aurora (CoL), Millenia (Grandia 2), Jessica (DQ8), Agate (Trais series)
Green - Elincia (FE10), Clive (WA3), Emeralda (XG), Terra(FF6)

Unless someone wants to give me a compelling reason to see Magic Burst as unevadeable by nigh-comprehensive evasion this is probably right to me.  Elincia does need to be able to dodge that though since while it looks like she does survive Magic Burst, Dragon Dive is ITE and will finish her off otherwise (unless you don't see Trails PCs starting with 100 CP or go by FC where Agate doesn't have a MT S-Craft in which case I'm not sure how Team Red wins).  And honestly if Emmy is faster than Jessica (which it looks like she is) I'm not sure Team Red can finish off Terra fast enough since Emmy will use that turn to attack Agate which means no Wild Rage, and since Dragon Dive is only a low 2HKO to Terra's durability and nothing else Team Red has even remotely threatens her (apart from SBE which isn't coming up) so she can certainly survive three attacks that are going to be weak as they are, since Agate and Jessica now fail at pressure and Aurora has her damage ruthlessly mocked in the face of Morph/holy resistance, I don't see how she'd be prevented from rebounding.

Team Red just needs too many assumptions and I'm not sure if any of them deserve to be made here.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 09:14:15 PM by Random Consonant »

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2018, 09:19:49 AM »
Silver vs Blond

This feels right though they'll need to work for it.  Silent Lake is a looming threat but it is a double edged sword in that it also shuts off team silver's healing and revival.  They have no way of hurting Tidus through Eade & Counter while Silent Lake is in effect.  Ideally they'd take out everyone else then gangbeat him.  Several problems though.  First is the speed difference with Tidus' initiative Hastega + Slowga.  Blonds will get 2-3 turns to one of theirs.  Second is Primm's status options.  If people can block being set on fire and immobilization by balloons but not block petrify as well, Stone Saber is going to turn people into statues unless they also have massive evade.  Third, they're going to be injured from Alisa and Sonya's opening moves plus anything else Tidus and Primm can squeeze in while their opponents start healthy.  Primm also has Defender, attack down from Fire Bouquet (which will land barring outright magic evasion or reflection) and Lucid Barrier to stall any kind of Silent Lake beatdown if Chris can somehow resist all her status options.

So team silver will want to heal, remove any debilitating status, somehow deal with being slowed, maybe buff their attack, and get up Silent Lake afterwards all within a single set of turns at most.  Isn't Silent Lake fast casting and therefore very likely to activate before Lenneth's magic?  That requires so many assumptions with turn order to pull off.

Brown vs Black

  Interesting reasonings for both sides.  Could go either way but I'm voting this way because it amuses me that Sancho is on a winning team and is actually relevant.

Red vs Green

  Terra nulls fire so only takes damage from Agate's opening burst.  Her physical durability is on the high end too.  So assuming Emeralda goes first and punches Agate hard enough to shut down Wild Rage.  Jess and Agate blow up everyone but Terra.  Terra morphs and kills or petrifies Millenia.  Now it's a 3 on 1 but two of the three have burned their high damage resources and the third relies on magic of a resisted element that is further resisted by Morph.  Even injured, the amount of plinking it will take for Jess and Agate to finish her off will likely see a dodge from 37 M. Block.   My guess is that Terra lives to her next turn.  She'll then Drain someone which restores most or all of her health, then revive Elincia the next chance she gets.

  Not all cut and dry.  It may drag out long enough that Jess and Agate regain enough to do something threatening.  This seems to work though.  Also, if one sees Millenia outspeeding Terra, Spellbinding Eye seals the victory for the red team.  Interesting match.

  Being a bonus match, "anything goes" applies.  When the purple team tried to jump the blue team, they didn't realize it was Artea's turn to have the Egg Ring.  So faster than anyone could blink, Artea peppered them with painful arrows and Magus blasted any survivors with dark magic.  Red team just unleashes merry hell; only difference is Millenia getting a speed and HP boost from skill books to join in the fun.  Neifirst is probably fast enough to outspeed Agate but the opening salvo is just too much to handle. Total defeat.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2018, 10:05:46 PM by DragonKnight Zero »


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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2018, 12:36:26 PM »
Can Tidus have both Evade & Counter AND Initiative at the same time? I thought they were both tied to different weapons? (Haven't looked it up or played FFX in ages...)

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2018, 10:13:50 PM »
  Didn't think about that; sometimes I am dumb.   :-*  Initiative is the more valuable trait if that's the case.  Doesn't look like Evade & Counter is needed for a win and if team blond would lose, don't think it's enough to tilt the outcome.

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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2018, 10:54:27 PM »
Silver vs Blond: Abstain, Alisa and Souji specifics are too important.
Brown vs Black: Fang can attack with a short gauge and take out Lilka even if Lilka avoids a OHKO from Zerase. I don't think a nearly-dead team brown recovers from that.
Red vs Green: Doesn't look like much of a fight as a Trails 1 voter? Elincia might even dodge Magic Burst which leaves team red in tatters, but even if she doesn't Terra and her revival are probably too much.

...What kind of hex formation is being assumed that Illusion/Shut Out completely nullifies an ARPG character like Yuri, who should be able to move and attack?

Shut Out stops the moving part, which would presumably restrict him to ranged attacks only. Illusion is useful to people who don't hand out "move and attack" carte blanche to other casts, and/or to people who don't want to consider the hex system at all. One or the other should probably work.

if FF13 Haste isn't that useful, my kneejerk is that it's Slow probably isn't either

It's quite a more effective actually. Haste is like ~130% turns but Slow is like ~55-60%. Of course the downside is it actually has to succeed on a status check, so this disparity makes sense.

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DragonKnight Zero

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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: 3rd Strike
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2018, 12:41:10 AM »

Blond vs Silver
Brown vs Black
Red vs Green

  Some very close matches with both Black and Green teams coming on top by a margin of a single vote.  Blond may have gotten the lion's share of votes but the silver team puts up a hell of a fight in the process.



Well it's an honor to fight under Lord Ultros so I can't imagine why anybody would reject the offer, but that's a pretty sorry team.  I guess Odd Eye might be good though I don't know him very closely.  I'm inclined to think this goes about as well as Ultros's other schemes so total defeat.  Red wins easily as usual, blue has Magus pull off some ID followed by Arty / Rena walling & stalling.

Total vicotry: 0
Total defeat:  2
Blue: 0
Red: 1
Combo: 0
Seafood soup: 0