
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing: 2008  (Read 464297 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1075 on: March 11, 2008, 06:22:29 AM »
Didn't unlock anyone new today, (Save Ness), because I played some SSE with a friend. And I did the co-op events I had unlocked.

Yoshi is still probably my favorite character, but I'm really depressed that he lost the ability to throw eggs backward.
Squirtle is good, but has a useless knockback only! move. That's a shame.

Getting the 10 enemies on Cruel is gonna be a bitch. I can get 4 with Ike....

I left out the main part of my post! Has anyone managed to get online play to work? I either get the "server is full" error or it just endlessly waits for opponents who never ever ever show up.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1076 on: March 11, 2008, 11:31:29 AM »
So yeah, spent most of this evening unlocking stuff on a friend's copy of Brawl.  He'd gotten 100% on SSE and touched literally nothing else, because he considers WoW raiding his full time job.  Good part of this is that I now have some experience with all the characters.  The following is all written from my skill level, which is around mid-high casual and sub-tournament.

Samus is nerfed to the point of completely changing her playstyle.  Keepaway is no longer viable.  Her projectiles are now universally weaksauce, in addition to most people packing better recovery than Melee.  The vastly increased move degradation (use the same move multiple times and it gets weaker) hurts the keepaway style even more.  Downsmash and forward smash, formerly go-to moves for KOs and clearing, have had their hitboxes greatly reduced in size in addition to losing impact.  Nair also has less knockback.  Unfortunately those are all her moves that can potentially KO someone.  In exchange for losing any sort of kill potential she gets a slightly faster throw (but still slow), better roll, and much better up-B.  Yeah, she still has tilts and airs, but she had those before, and they're still hard-pressed to actually finish someone.  And don't say "The game changed" because Snake has what her game used to be.

Oh, and just to add insult to injury, there's that thing about her FS forcing her into ZSS, and she lost her crazy grapple recovery.  This hurts, especially since Brawl seems much more prone to trapping people under the edge of a stage.

Pikachu, on the other hand, is a monster.  He stole Peach's downsmash, and kept his speed (actually he seems faster) and most of his range.  Uair juggle is a little harder, the ridiculous tail reach is gone, but this is more than compensated for by Thunder gaining a much wider horizontal range and KO power.  It's almost enough to make me forgive dropping Pichu.

I can't get into Sonic's style at all.  Dunno why.

Snake is amazing.  His strong projectile/trap game is exactly the deal I used to love Samus for and more.  Probably going to main Snake/Pikachu.

Ganon... maybe I just don't know how to play him.  He really shouldn't have trouble taking out Zelda, Link and Better Link (Pit) on Temple.  Yet that event match is far and away the hardest in the game and everything I tried to do with him failed.  I wasn't very good with him in Melee, but I knew a few things... and they all failed here. Failed hard.  Quickpunch is gone.  Tilts are slower.  Down-B doesn't come out fast or knock back much.  Airs, I didn't get much of a chance to try but I didn't see anything special.  Man, what happened?  I want to see if Hal can do anything with him. 

Marth seems worse, he plays exactly the same as Melee but he lost a lot of sword arc hitbox and things that would be solid power hits before are now nicks or total whiffs.  If you're actually good with him and can hit the right spots, it doesn't matter, he still has the speed and power and I hear he's still tops at tournament level.  But on a casual skill level?  He's a lot more balanced due to having less margin for error on hits.  You can't C-stick him to victory anymore.

Jiggly I still haven't tried much.  She seemed the same... but with one major change.  She lost KO power on Rest, which made her useless for unlocks and takes a lot of the fun out of her.  It used to kill at 30%, now you need 70% or more, so you might as well never use it since at that % you can KO with other means.  Rollout also seemed weaker but it might be my imagination.   


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1077 on: March 11, 2008, 12:20:35 PM »
There has to be something Ganon is just awesome at. I haven't found it, but it has to be there, right?

Also does anyone know if Jiggly's judo punch move still has priority over pretty much everything else anymore? And, they screwed with her insta kill move. :(
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1078 on: March 11, 2008, 12:21:34 PM »

Beaten the game, which was oddly easy even if the final few worlds did wear me down from 40-50 lives to single digits. Going to be some time before I finish it however because I really don't care for the coins/exits that they don't give you the form for in-level, not to mention that the shell form can only be found randomly and the mini form is extremely rare. Completely finished worlds 1 and 2, got all the coins in world 3 and just need to find the exit to the cannon which I am assuming is in the ghost house which is being extremely uncooperative. After that things drop off somewhat rapidly. I don't even have access to world 7 yet >_>

41 coins and only two signs I have access to that I haven't bothered taking down yet... unless there's considerably more than 6 signs in world 7 to account for all the coinage I'm missing, the only other thing you can do with them is buy different backgrounds? What the heck is the point of that.

I believe amongst my initial impressions I was aggravated at the game's floatiness. That stands. I probably died more times due to the annoyingly low friction than most other things.

AWDC - I haven't really progressed because I've continually failed to S-rank the megatank level, although I did improve my B to an A. I don't really understand what they're asking for. It seems like the speed rank has been somewhat de-emphasised in favour of the technique rank, which is somewhat bizarre considering the game (although I will concede that it matches the plot) and this doesn't mesh particularly well with my playstyle. Not entirely sure what the deal is with allowing scores over 100 either, but it seems like it's impossible to get a perfect score (presumably 450) now. Played a bit more AWDS which is somewhat friendlier and got my three fighters built medals. Then stopped again.

SRWF - Up to the opening Adelaide map. Dumping a heap of Poseidal units with MAPs on top of your spent team is evil and I haven't been bothered to replay it yet. A fair amount of the time it seems like the maps were designed assuming that the player was going to sit around at let the enemy come to them which is completely beyond me, because that sort of way of going about things is highly boring.
Currently on 256 turns after 26 maps. My last playthrough came to 483 turns after 33 maps at the end of F. I might have a shot at mildly trashing that, presuming I can average better than 30 turns a map for the remainder.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 12:27:08 PM by Twilkitri »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1079 on: March 11, 2008, 10:51:36 PM »
SRW@2 - Just beat... stage 15? That last earlygame stretch on SRWs is usually really fast. I have no idea of what the hell happens in the plot other than "wow, that's a lot of anime characters" and "wow, Bullet, just put a pink jeweled dress on already, you're Kusuha's princess in all other regards". He's a glorified damsel in distress, it's really sad. But who cares about SRW plot, the gameplay and shiny are what I'm hangin' around for, and the game delivers both in spades.

I said this before, and I'll say it again: the squad system is one of the best things to ever happen to the franchise. Before I delve into it more, I'll talk about the basics: You use squads that accept a maximum of four slots per squadron, and have a maximum of four points to allocate (each unit can cost from 0.5 to 2 points). The squad leader does the main attack, and the squadmates provide support fire (based on what their PLA attack is) that deals reduced damage compared to the damage they deal were they leaders, and they always have the option of giving support defense depending on their support levels, units with combos inside a squadron have their combos available all the time as long as the resource requirements are met and certain units give extra bonuses for being squadmates (healer units give the entire unit 10% HP Regen, and resupply units give the entire unit 10% EN Regen, and there are other secondary effects that apply to an entire squad to boot beyond these). All pilots have a special leader squadron skill, and its benefits extend to the entire unit they're leading - including themselves. And all units in a squadron receive about half of the XP and PP the leader gains... the XP being scaled to the level difference bonuses, which makes it, in practice, often 80%~90%. Also, you can swap unit leaders in a squad at any time as long as your unit hasn't used up its turn. This really widens the possibilities in placement and considerations over what is an effective squad, as well as giving the possibility of very versatile squad arrangements due to the simplicity of swapping. It's a flexible system that widens the array of use of way too many would-be fodder (usually trashy units like the Boss Borot, Methuss and Dianna A suddenly become valuable for their continued free support, amplifying resources just for existing and having notably increased survivability (if not lol immortal: ALLs exist and enemies aren't afraid of using 'em). Swapping squad leaders is also great, since it means that, if you have a squad with a good melee P fighter and a strong sniper, you can simply switch them whenever you need a niche more. There is still a lot of fodder, but having more people in a squad is almost never a bad thing, if not that productive (PLA attacks matter, and you'll want to take advantage of people who have strong PLAs but may be lacking in battle in other regards enough to shy them away from a steadfast leader position - like, say, Trowa). In short, it's really sexy and interesting. Not sure I'd say particularly deep, but it's a cool feature that works very well.

Unit-wise, I've just been gathering a bunch of supers and my reals are beginning to enter the ranks right now. Kusuha is my MVP, with Heero quickly getting up to par due to both having excellent survivability, stats and a freaking evil ranged ALL. Everybody else who is a leader sans Jeeg is a shade of efficient, the ones that aren't that feeding squads for some meat.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1080 on: March 13, 2008, 03:16:23 AM »
G2: St. Heim, plotness, filler dungeons. In Cyrum now, hate it so much. At least I get Tio soon.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1081 on: March 13, 2008, 03:40:51 AM »
YsII completed. Well, not entirely completed since it keeps freezing on me before the final boss but no matter. Both games are fluffy as fuck, mostly just run into things and they explode. Decent time-waster I guess since both are short.

Fuck if I know what I'm going to play now.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1082 on: March 13, 2008, 04:48:14 AM »
PW3 - Case 3 beat. I was a bit worried at first, since the case brought back one of my least favourite characters (reprising her role as the weak-willed, annoying defendant) and initially the fake Phoenix seemed like he'd completely fail as a villain. Ended up enjoying the case quite a bit though - good for more laughs than I can remember in a while, and a reasonably neat villain motivation (I should stop being too surprised by this, but PW1 really did set the bar low <_<). Worst case 3 in the series? Very possible! Still great. The only real dark spot was the prosecution sucking yet again. The character portrait chosen for Case 4 leaves me with hope that this will shortly be remedied, though.

Mm. So far I'd say this is the most solid, but also least impressive, PW game. The game seems pretty polished, with no weak cases so far, and no headdesk-inducing investigations. However, it's also done very little that is honestly NEW and interesting; PW1 was first, PW2 introduced psyche-locks and presenting profiles, PW3 feels recycled by comparison. It really is all going to come down to case 4-5; if PW3 can avoid falling off the way the first two games did it could end up the best in the series, but if it continues to be relatively uninnovative it could end up the worst. Interested to see where it goes from here.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 05:26:33 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1083 on: March 13, 2008, 05:24:28 AM »
Lufia 2: Up to.the tower where you fight Gades with Guy and Dekar. Done with the Tia testing at least! Just.. two more PC's to go. And tracking down useful IPs for the rest of the cast. Sigh.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1084 on: March 13, 2008, 06:02:54 AM »
VP2 - Why did I pick this up back again. That was what I was asking back when I decided to try the SG out of boredom. Then, Gabriel Celeste and dog theaters arrive around the corner and show me the glory of VP2's Seraphic Gate. This is golden, and manages to salvage the horrible mess that C6 made in a sense. Still not getting the spotlight out of @2, though.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1085 on: March 13, 2008, 06:26:07 AM »
SotN: Got a Crissaegrim!  This thing is every bit as broken as it has been hyped, I am pleased.

Also defeated Death and Galamoth, and am trying to find where I'm suppose to go next (yes, I have all 5 treasures.)  No, please don't tell me.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1086 on: March 13, 2008, 11:10:14 AM »
I worked out what was wrong with SO2, default file output has square brackets in it and the game doesn't like that......

Vagrant Story - Finished up my play of this, it is still genius.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1087 on: March 13, 2008, 06:47:56 PM »
Excellent, excellent. Going to give in and finally use that Noel/Celine/Leon/Ernest team you've been dreaming about minion?

Been enjoying the L2 replay even with combat skip (Egg rings). I'll grab Gades 2 notes for anyone who goes off those forms. Definitely curious as to who the worst PC is going to be. It may not be Tia, she has full healing when she leaves and  isn't horrible OHKO bait. Mostly. Mmm. Guy maybe? He's not even a horrible middle.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1088 on: March 13, 2008, 08:37:40 PM »
Brawl: Played this for a minute or two while at EB today. It took me three lives to figure out how to move and attack (I'm not very intuitive with the Wiimote). What I played seemed all right enough.

Diamond: Still plugging away with my team on the Elite 4. I can beat Bertha 50% of the time (it's all dependant on Sudowoodo's first move, because if he doesn't 1HKO Bibarel, Bibby goes to nearly sweep her entire team.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1089 on: March 13, 2008, 09:15:17 PM »
Ugh, Wiimote + Nunchuk controls? Screw those. I use the Classic Controller myself.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1090 on: March 14, 2008, 12:02:56 AM »
SO3: Now that the comp is back, the playthrough is slowing some, but still making my way. Sidekick got me through the Urssa Cave part 1. Biggest thing I was doing wrong though apparantly was that I didn't know Hammer of Might was Fire elemental, so switched that out and was fine. Popped on Fists of Fury when he got it, so all is well. Heading to the Aqueducts to get the item I need, then I can wave bye bye to disk 1.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1091 on: March 14, 2008, 08:07:10 AM »
Ugh, Wiimote + Nunchuk controls? Screw those. I use the Classic Controller myself.

Seconding that!  Also, I thought the whole point of allowing Game Cube controllers to be used on the Wii WAS for the pure sake of playing Brawl <_<?

(...ok, fine; there's also the whole backwards computability thing...and how a few other games are easier to play with a standard controller, but quiet!)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1092 on: March 14, 2008, 02:04:40 PM »
Soma Bringer: Jaja. Just hit Act 3 and am trailing through it just fine as it is hilariously easy. I've been hyping just how borked Lvl20 Dragon Claw is, dealing +670% damage at the cost of 6 SP (which is... 3~5%-ish mSP?) and that is crazy. Yes. Also, I don't know why I chose Millers when I should've used Forte.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1093 on: March 14, 2008, 02:42:34 PM »
FF6a: Bet Megalixir, fight Siegfried.

Siegfried has: basic physical, non-elemental magic attack for ~2000 to Gau, and Hyperdrive, a non-elemental ITD magic attack for 7500 to Gau. He also has 32760 HP. And this is an arena fight so you can't just hit him with status and win.

About 100 tries resulted in Hyperdrive death. This time, Gau Raged Land Grillion (SNES Insecare). And Wing Snapped. The fight has now devolved to Siegfried doing 1 damage to a max Defense, 70% evade Gau, who alternates between Wing Snaps and doing under 600 damage with his physical.

Epic slapfight is fucking epic.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1094 on: March 14, 2008, 03:15:21 PM »
Protip: He's weak to all elements, so Jump with a Pearl Lance will do horrible things to him. That or you can try for Jump with Stunner.

Unless you were doing a Gau SCC or somethin'.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1095 on: March 14, 2008, 03:23:52 PM »
Alternately, FF6 Arena system is one of the worst "arenas" in RPGs ever and you swear at it brutally until it does what you want it to.  ENDLESS SWEARING ASSAULT.

Edit - I did it again, missed the whole playing games thing.

Disgaea - Been playing this on the train still.  It is still freaking shit.  Remember that I am cheating in this so my characters can essentially not die as long as they don't get hit for 65535 in a single hit (to lazy to refine the codes).  It still takes a good while to level something up high enough so they don't get OHKOed by Rose Thorn on the Adel and Tranny Whore fight.  So I have like 20+ hours logged into the game now (Still in Chapter 2) and finally beat that fight.  For your efforts in what would doing things for real take probably 10 hours of levelling I would guesstimate, you are rewarded with a 30 second piece of dialogue, maybe 4 fucking lines.  WHO WERE THEY?  MAYBE THEY ARE THE MAINS IN NEXT GAME.  NO I WILL BE THE MAIN OF COURSE.  AHHAHAHAHAHAHAH THE JOKE IS SUPER FUCKING FUNNY AND WORTH THE TIME.

That is an example of the OMG UBER after game plot that people hype?  Fuck that.  I have also done the Prier one and the Marjorly, none of which are even remotely funny.  This shit is massive fail of epic fucking proportions.  Next time I see the plot elements used as hype for N1 after game I am going to tie the person up in a sack of oranges and smash them into the ground repeatedly until the stupid drips out in a juicy orange juice, iron and protein filled shake.

There is only grind for the sake of grind.  Everything else is a complete and total fabrication.  WoW has a better Skinner box than this crap.

They should just stick to making Anime instead with their mildly amusing overplayed anime tropes.  With demons.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2008, 03:31:30 PM by Grefter »
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1096 on: March 14, 2008, 03:32:06 PM »
Another strategy is send Gogo in with 3 Tools and hope he uses Noiseblaster...

Granted this strategy is very risky, unless you sell all your Tools but Noiseblaster, which isn't a bad idea until you remember Chain Saw is a one of a kind (and you'd be silly to skip it til that late for the sake of beating Siegfried.)

Siegfried was pretty much meant to be the hardest fight in the coliseum and that's pretty much the case!
...barring Chupon whose not strong, just hard to kill for obvious reasons.

Did you get Excalipoor yet, Tai <_<?
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1097 on: March 14, 2008, 04:05:03 PM »
SRWF - Up to Colonial Rebellion. Current state of the level is Sety mocking me with everyone relevant having 0% hit on her having ran out of SP killing Zeb. I'm thinking a restart is in order since it's around turn 25 and she shows no signs of scarpering at turn 10 as some lousy webpage said she would.
I had _4_ big guns out (Dancougar, ComV, MazZ, Goshogun) it is still far too early in the games to be forcing me to waste slots on more -_- Tsk, this sort of situation is one of the main major problems with big bosses in early SRWs. With SP: You trash them. Without it: You fail horribly. There's no middle ground. Arguably this hasn't been completely expunged from the modern ones.

I was also enragened by finding out that enemies can blithely ignore taunted status if they feel like using a MAP attack. They're not even forced to use it such that it hits the taunter. Taunt is not cheap it should not be able to be gamed like that or at all -_-

Currently have 3 Jeigans, which is nowhere near enough. Stop hogging Jeigans you crazy game. I don't care if I'm only using two of the ones I currently have.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1098 on: March 14, 2008, 06:00:09 PM »
Excalipoor and Giggymesh gotten. Cultist's Tower and Hidon's Rock which I've never done before remain.

I wasn't having any luck with Jump strategies. Kept getting Shadow/Edgar/Mog killed by a Metal Blade/Hyperdrive while landed.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1099 on: March 14, 2008, 08:16:51 PM »
Ok, for the first time ever, its...


By this I mean I'll Meeple Rant about 2 games, so here we go!

Odin Sphere: Completed!


Ok, the game had some ok core ideas, but egads did they do NOTHING WITH THEM until the last two fights in the game.  Seriously, before then, every fight is pretty much just "ok, learn the attacks, and exploit, heal if necessary!" combined with some bosses having moves that are flat out impossible to avoid (Onyx vs. Mercedes comes to mind; Mercedes is SLOOOOW and he's a boss who likes using Charge Attacks, and will match your height, so avoiding him doesn't work.)
The PCs...4 of them felt more or less the same with slight quirks, Mercedes was the only truly original one being ranged and all that.  The others? Its more "They're all melee, but they have one special attack and their fighting style varies slightly!"  No, if you're going to have 5 different PCs, try to make the differences more pronounced.  For example, Velvet uses chains...yet most of her moves were still close range?  They really needed to do something like "She can aim her chain around in various directions" instead of "YOU CAN ALTER HER COMBO SLIGHTLY AND SHE HAS HOMING CHAIN!"  Such wasted potential.  Further more, being a witch, wouldn't you expect her to have, I dunno, ACTUAL MAGIC?

The game starts off hard, but eventually degraded to a point of such simplicity that everything was very standard.  Yes, even Belial and Beldor I didn't find hard.  Now, before someone says "You were overleveled!" I'll note that it was actually AFTER that fight that I did a lot of my building up on Velvet.  Also, I don't consider it "overleveling" if you are using a faster, more cost efficient method of raising your character by simply holding onto resources rather than expending them.

That's how I played; I used the Pooka Shop for most of my HP.  The HP Boosts are dramatic there.  Yeah, ok, +13 HP doesn't look like much...but they add up with the rest.  I am convinced that HP is more important than Psypher levels after playing this game, cause, well, its a Solo game; surviving matters a hell of a lot more than hurting things.  Despite this, Psypher levels were typically higher cause after a point, it was much easier to raise those.  No, Yogurt is not more efficient than the Pooka Shop. Let me show you an example:

Napple Sorbet: 1 Ariel Coin, 1 Napple, 1 Milk.  2200 HP EXP, +13 HP
Napple + Yogurt: 1 Napple, 1 Milk, 1 Even Numbered Material. 1125 HP EXP, 2 Phozons (this can be higher if you use double digit Material, mind, but you can't assume those.)

Napples are easily gotten anytime in the second half of the game, Milk is storebought all over the place (and usually in the Pooka Village), and you typically get Ariel coins by just progressing through levels (Now, Valentinian Gold, that's a different story; those are genuinely rare, and should NEVER be spent outside of the Pooka Shop unless you absolutely have no choice.  Same can be said for Mixes, though Mixes can also be used for far more important things like, I dunno, Heal Tonics, Elixirs and Pain Killers? (also Napalm and Unlimited Powers are useful too, possibly Regens but those are harder to get.)
"But you get 2 Napples for every tree, that's 2250 HP EXP!"
True...but wait, that uses *2* Napples, vs. a Napple Sorbets 1.  So that OTHER Napple can STILL BE CONSUMED for an extra 750, and we still have a clear winner. 
Granted, you don't get the Napple Cores for some extra Material enhancing (or 1 Ragnanival Silver!) but until Elixirs pop up, that's not a big deal, especially since you're handed so many Grape/Muggle/Mulberry seeds that can be used for the same thing if you just want level 2.

Napple Sorbet is just one recipe, mind; there are other ones that work too.  Heck, some are FLAT OUT STOREOUGHT like a Cheese Omelet is Cheese + Egg + Ariel Coin, and that's a quick 1400 EXP right there (and like 7 HP), from things that give you absolute garbage at EXP.

So long as you conserve your resources, the village can be done rather easily, just wastes a few extra minutes to go there and back.  Which is pretty much the entirety of Odin Sphere actually...
The whole game is resource management.  The final levels made that clear; take your characters with the exact inventory they had from their final battle, and put them against a boss!  Thankfully, most of my characters were well set for that anyway, though Cornelius was a bit lacking on healing, so that fight got dangerous, but otherwise, I lucked out (well, no, in the case of Velvet, they give so you many carroteers that you can't realistically run out of healing <_<)

Game play was repetitive, getting back to that.  As I said, it took until the last 2 fights to finally come up with something truly unique (Cauldron was a cool fight, Leventhan would have been cool but was poorly handled with things like "No Butterflies + HEY LOOK AT MY MEGA FLARE THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DODGE AND THERE'S NO WAY TO PREDICT IT! DO YOU HAVE INVISIBLE? NO? BWAHAHAHAH!" so meh.  Didn't help my least built up PC was facing him.)

Also, this game makes it so easy to take damage and NOT KNOW WHAT HIT YOU.  So often I have been killed and went "Wait, what the hell just hit me?"  That combined with how damage on the enemy end is hard to predict (those Axe Knights did 150 and 250 damage with the SAME ATTACK IN THE SAME FIGHT, and no Pain Killers involved in each value, what the hell?  So now I gotta be paranoid with healing cause I don't know how much HP is safe to be under?)

Music is utterly forgettable, voice acting was good though!  Not much to say here. The game is also pretty, can't argue that!  Also does have some fun lines, most particular is Velvet's on Horn Mountain (FINALLY a game makes fun of a character going to an icey region when she's wearing practically nothing.)

Plot...well, the story itself isn't too bad.  My biggest qualm with it, though, is its story telling style.  Now, yes, multiple main characters work...but it goofed up big time in a few areas (comparing this to Suikoden 3, the other big game that used this).  Observe:

1. Forced Character Order.  See, yes, Suikoden 3 has a "Canon order" where watching it like that helps you understand the game best and yields minimal spoilers.  HOWEVER, it never once forced you to play, say, Chris 1 after Hugo 1; you could choose either one if you wanted.  That worked, that's letting you move the story along at your own pace.  OS, however?  Forcing the order of Gwen to Cornelius to Mercedes, etc. was a bad move.  The game had little spoilers to work with and little dramatic irony as well, so it was wasted.  Not to mention some characters were obviously a lot easier to use for beginners (Cornelius comes to mind) and are not the first character anyway.
2. Not reshowing plot scenes.  What I mean is, well, Velvet's comes to mind.  See, in Gwen's chapter, she fights off Brigan, kills him, and he outright said something treacherous that should have let Gwen been pardoned for her actions, at least some (killing Odin's generals = bad, but when said general is planning an uprising, I think you can safely say he'd be more lenient.)  Odin seems like a dick as a result.  HOWEVER, then we see Velvet's side which...outright shows Gwen going against Odin's orders by protecting Velvet rather than saving her, and such.  Now, this was good scene...but my problem is WHY WAS IS IN VELVET'S ONLY?  It was a scene that was pretty big for Gwen's development and explains stuff, and Gwen is a big player in it (possibly bigger than Velvet), and they don't show it?
Compare that to Suikoden 3.  Lulu's death comes to mind.  We see this scene twice, from both point of views.  It doesn't randomly show the village burning down in Hugo's path, and then show the next chapter it shows Lulu's grave and Hugo pining over it, and we don't see what happens til Chris' chapters.  No, we OUTRIGHT SEE WHAT HAPPENS IN BOTH CHAPTERS, from BOTH POINT OF VIEWS.  Suikoden 3 also didn't go out of its way to merely touch up on random allies (like how Borus, IIRC, runs into Geddoe and Queen on his own.  We only see this in Geddoe's chapter, cause Geddoe is a direct participant in it.  The game doesn't go out of its way in Chris' chapter to show it cause it'd be a waste of time), I wanna say OS did this at points, cause I do remember myself going "wait, why am I seeing this scene?" here and there.  Oh, right, I know an example!

Oswald's chapter, there's a scene with Melvin pondering what he's going to do.  They randomly pop Mercedes in and she whines about Melvin failing to protect her mother.  Ok, fine...BUT WHY WAS THIS SCENE IN OSWALD'S CHAPTER?  It had nothing to do with Oswald; it was all Melvin and some Mercedes.  Its like some scenes were picked at random and shoved into other chapters.  Now, that Oswald w/ Haljia scene in Gwen's chapter was fine; it takes place *AFTER* Oswald's scenario, so it couldn't really in there, and felt like its better to see the scene rather than just hear what happened.  That Mercedes Scene, though, clearly takes place during Mercedes chapters though, so why was it in Oswald's?  Really made no sense there.

These were two things that annoyed me.  The actual scenes were good and the plot is passable enough once you connect all the damn scenes finally, but...I don't want to play a jigsaw puzzle with plot, nor do I want to rewatch all the scenes in order.  It needed to connect scenes better.  Leaving integral scenes out of a character's own story (see the Gwendolyn example I noted) until you see other characters, or forcing you to remember that character's action in a previous book is pretty blech.  Again, its one thing if the event happens outside of the character's book (Oswald situation I indicated0, but that wasn't always the case.

Another thing was the excuses the game had for you to expand each book to 6 chapters, a prelude and an epilogue.  Some were just stupid fetch quests (Yes, we have to go out of our way to watch Mercedes get the object for the bow to become stronger!), others just felt completely pointless (Lets randomly have Oswald get injured so Gwen can save him!)  Even more ridiculous was the bosses being refought.
Now yes, I am a fan of WA3 and you do refight bosses a lot there...except the game generally had good reasons for it.  I mean, the Prophets were the main villains of WA3 for a good part of the game, and there were very in your face type villains, instead of behind the scenes; ditto to Janus.  Naturally, you'd expect lots of confrontations, and given how much your ideals clash, you are expecting to fight them a lot, especially when they're not these overpowered creatures, or you're facing them in an area where collateral damage will be minimal or just doesn't matter.
OS though? Its mostly just "Umm...we need a boss...Oh I know! LETS BRING BACK BELIAL!"  I really wish I wasn't kidding with that; Belial pops up just cause he fucking can.  Other bosses aren't much better.
In fact, only boss offhand I can think of that you fight only once is Oswald, and 3 of the last 5 fights (well...ok, technically the last is the same character, but the fight is so different that it might as well be another character altogether).  Granted, Darkova does change between his two fights, adding some differences, so I'll give him that.  Everyone else is fought at least twice.  Some of them had good excuses (Onyx vs. Oswald made sense; basically a duel for the same thing and they were leading up to it.  Onyx vs. Mercedes fit as well for different reasons.), I'll grant, but its a minority.
(no Urzor (or was it Skuldi?)  doesn't count as a new fight; he's identical to Beldor when you face him, just with different support, and Beldor had different support anyway.)
What's worse is THEY HAD THE POTENTIAL FOR MORE FIGHTS.  Why didn't they make, say, Ingway his own boss in Cornelius' chapters, instead of making him pull a tranny stunt and pretend to be his sister?  That's just stupid.  Chance for a unique boss, but instead they recycle shit for a lame excuse.
Another thing that pops out to me is WHY DIDN'T OSWALD FACE GWENDOLYN?  We see the aftermath of that fight in her intro, and we even see Oswald participating in that fight in his own chapters...but instead we get a lame ass "Dual Halja fight! Yes, beware the double mini boss!"   See, fighting Gwen could have been interesting cause it'd have been a unique fight, but instead they degrade to being lazy.

That's...a lot of what OS did wrong.  It has wasted potential written all over it.  Its ideas are there, but it screws them up one way or another.

As for characters? Most were decent enough.
Gwendolyn was fine for someone whose development was purely internal, as she herself didn't change much in the way she acted, just the way she did things. Cornelius doesn't have much, but again, he was more a victim of circumstances, so its more watching him deal with shit, instead of him actually changing.  Mercedes...I ranted on, as I said, I think she's horrible since OS tried to make a character who grows up in as few scenes as possible, and I found it utterly unbelievable; she's the exception.
Oswald worked for what he was; raised as tool, learns he's not loved, all he wants is someone that can remember him when he dies as something more than that (hence why he wanted Gwen to genuinely love him), as well as someone dealing with the fact that he was raised as a tool for war.  Not a great character, but worked for his role.  Generally good chemistry between him and Gwen to.
Velvet...hard to say.  Someone who basically wants to give Fate and Destiny the big proverbial finger, and was generally rational about things.  I guess she worked, but there wasn't much there.  I also felt her relationship with Cornelius was wasted cause they avoided it for too long, then its suddenly "Oh my love, we are reunited!"

NPCs now...
First off, Odin isn't really much of a dick.  Considering the time period, the views he took made sense; when you rule over an entire country and you're in a bit of a medieval setting, your children aren't going to seem much more than property to you.  The fact that Odin actually felt remorse for his actions is proof enough that he had morals, but he was definitely someone who took more of a "Duty first, family and personal shit later."   Contrast that to VP2 Odin, who does something bad...and then is proud of it.  OS Odin would do something, and then regret it, despite knowing the consequences of not doing it.  He's not what we call a good person, no, but I can't find myself to call him a dick either; he's a nice grey character. a bitch.  "I RULE THE UNDERWORLD FEAR ME LOLOLOL!" Yeah, sums her up.
Elfaria lacks scenes to really matter.  Ditto to Onyx and Cornelius' Father (Edmund, I think?)
The 3 Wise Men were typical cliches.  "Rar, we're evil power hungry old men who want to destroy the world!"
King Valentine was the REAL emo of the game. "I AM HURT! TIME TO DESTROY THE WORLD!" sums him up.  That scene with him, Odin and Velvet was great though, mostly cause he tried to gain remorse, and then Odin basically says "Your words are empty" and leaves (sounds like a dick statement but...well, when you see the scene, Valentine was so obviously trying to gain sympathy and pity and felt like he was forcing everything, Odin was basically just saying "its not working" and at the same time, insuring Velvet realized it was just a stunt too.)
Melvin was interesting.  At first glance, he's a dick.  But really, that's just how he treated Oswald.  He was just being rational about going about things.  From his perspective, he felt Elfaria wasn't taking the best course of action, but was obliged to follow, just kept wanting to get his two cents in hoping she'd listen.  His rebellion makes sense when you see Oswald's chapters; Mercedes really wasn't suited at all to become Queen (and how fast she suddenly became this strong queen I still stand by felt forced, and unreasonable), from where he was sitting, and figured she'd doom them all.  Thought that'd be the perfect time to get things going and with him as king, no one could question him...yeah.  Can't really say he's completely evil as, well, he didn't really do anything against Elfaria cause it was clear he respected her, where as Mercedes was a case of "shit, with her as queen, we're fucked!"
(if he really wanted the throne that'd badly, he'd have killed Elfaria a long time ago, instead of waiting for Odin to do it, which seemed more by chance.)
Granted, Melvin's issue? Lack of scenes.  They did get some stuff done with him (unlike the likes of Elfaria who we see enough to say "strong benevolent ruler!" and then she dies), but there was definitely more they could do.  Again, OS tried to do things in as few scenes as possible at times, and it actually hurt it more often than not.
Ingway was fucking stupid.  Really, there was like no sense to be made with him.  He's this incredibly saintly character in Mercedes chapter, a random road block in Cornelius, and then suddenly he's this "HA! I AM THE TRUE EVIL!" in Velvet's?  Then they try to make it all come together with "Time to repent for my sins, DIE CAULDRON!" but that just means "watch Cornelius kick the shit out of him again!"

The ending...well...what happens to one of the characters I can't argue with!  The result of two of them I saw coming as well (well, no, when they said "two crownless lords" I was wondering how one of them would fit in...but after that character's final battle, it became dead obvious), the last two is...random.  Its like "oh, yeah, lets have this happen based on a loophole!"
Though, speaking of the final chapter, I must say, the game felt like it really just wanted to forget Mercedes existed.  She pops up purely for her own fight and that's that.  The other 4 all play a much larger role.  They try to sneak her in at the last scene before the silly merchant talk (which was...about as random a way as you can end a game by just showing the title), but that kind of felt forced and pointless.

Anyway, overall, its a 3-4/10 game.  Its got some neat ideas but its so obviously flawed in most areas that I'm unsure how much credit I can give those.


Now, for the *OTHER* game?

...that'll be in the next post, only cause I want to avoid glitching and such.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A