Beat Doom 2-
Shotgun becomes a lot less useful towards the end, but the rocket launcher still rapes everything.
Also, you don't have to fight 1 legit Cyberdemon the entire time.
1- Room with like 20 Baron of Hells, you let the Cyberdemon see you, he fights the barons, then they give you an invul to finish him.
2- Level 20, you can either get him/super spider to fight, then OHKO him, or you can just stand at bottom of stairs where he can't hit you and BFG away (This is the closest to an actual fight though.)
3- Level 29, he comes out and would be tough, except you just run by to the exit.
4- I think there was a 4th where you get an invul before fighting him, forget what level though.
5- Bonus level, you can run right by him again
Anywho... enemy ratings in terms of in game evilness! (Evilness based on non BFG use, since a lot of these guys are standard BFG fodder, thus not hard in game.)
0- Pew Pew man- They're bad... they shoot you for shit
1- Demon- They get a point for having a little bit of HP, that said they should never ever hit you barring falling right next to them, even then they take a second to attack, giving you time to run.
Sergant-- Shotgun can hurt you, but not that much... and they fire slow and have no HP
2- Imp- Fireballs easy as hell to avoid. They do come in big groups and if you run into them close range they can hurt... a little
Invis Demon- Demon, but invisible!
Lost Soul- They themselves blow, they can be annoying when being fired by Brown Blobs, but they also charge right away, something they don't seem to do alone.
3- NONE, the gap is that large between the fail and non fail
4- Cacodemon- I've seen people bitch about these... I don't know why. If they're close range you 2 shot them with Super Shotgun, if they're not they can be annoying to hit, but they also CANNOT hit you unless you're stupid. That said, they can fly and are basically buffed up imps.
5- Mancubas- They hit hard, but they're slow moving and shooting, also easy to dodge shots. Shotgun fodder
Pain Elemental- Summon lost souls, yawn. Main issue is the waste of ammo they can be because of summing guys.
6- Tubby with a Chain Gun- Yes, I have the heavy weapon guys at 6. They're common, they rip you apart fast when you don't see them in time, and they seem to be placed in spots to shoot you from 7 miles away. They do die fast as hell, but a lot of triggered doors = you dead if you don't react in time.
Hell Knight- Hit hard, but go down fairly easy
Arachnatron- More HP than tubby, probably better firepower too, but they never appear in any tricky spots. They also tell you they're coming a mile away. Makes it fairly easy to deal with them.
7- Cyberdemon- Yes he's this low... I just can't justify putting him higher despite his badass power because of the situations you fight him in. Not cheesing him on level 20 alone could lead to enough deaths to justify 7 though
Revenant- Rockets are annoying and hit hard, they're also quick and tough to stunlock with chaingun
8- Spider Mastermind- You only fight one of these without invul or a Cyberdemon to kill him for you, that said he is a tough fight without the BFG. Quick shooting enemies are a bitch
9- Baron of Hell- Obviously not as astrong as the Spider Mastermind, but he's a LOT more common, and he still hits damn hard, and takes a lot to put down.
10- Archvile- Hi, I'm fast, have an attack that's hard to dodge, and I ressurect my friends if you don't kill me first. Without a BFG these guys are annoying as hell because they always come with support, which you have to ignore of kill very fast. There fire attack is also a bitch unless there's good cover, which there isn't always for these guys. Easily most annoying Doom2 enemy.