Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing: 2008  (Read 464355 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2300 on: June 21, 2008, 05:31:53 AM »
I would recommend 2 mages though. Simply for how good they are at killing grunts. Their daamge output also psikes up by the end game.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2301 on: June 21, 2008, 07:28:32 AM »
KoL:  Ascended today with both of my characters.  Makkotah I held off on until after rollover so I could buy a store, and Hermaphrochrist went Hardcore/Oxy, mostly because I couldn't get through all of my turns every day since last week, so a voluntary turns-per-day restriction was just what I needed to make the game feel like less of a chore.

TF2:  Pyro achievements came out.  Huzzah.  Haven't gotten any of the good weapons yet, though, mostly because neither my roommates nor I really felt like achievement farming.  Probably will grind for them once it's gotten to the point where there aren't 7 Pyros per team on every damn server.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2302 on: June 21, 2008, 08:47:23 AM »
EO2:  Hard game is hard.  Lack of defense seems to be the biggest problem - armor upgrades provide few additional points, and those don't affect enemy damage much anyway.  I should not still be taking significant damage from Hedgehogs at this point!

VIT is more important than the defense gained by armors.  Like... two times as important or something?  Haven't figured out exactly.  Defense is divisive based but the game might add a constant to your VIT making it less effective.

What's worked well for me so far was to pump STR and just kill all the randoms before they act.  Doesn't work so well against FOEs, but I'll figure a way around them when needed (or just fill up Force gauge and spam those).

Also, there's a sekrit room on F2 which has a gun upgrade (or at least it was at the time).  Might be worth checking out if you feel you're lacking damage (there's a whip there as well).  Or if you already got them, then you probably just need to stick points into STR Up.


Etrian Odyssey 2 - Cruisin' along!  Got down to F3, found out the deer have been messing shit up, so I returned the favor.  Well, more like I was trying to return the favor when more deer kept showing up and I just retreated.  At least I got the ones out of the way so I could clear the mission!  About down mapping this floor so F4 is soon.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Finished Part 2!  The final cutscene there was filled with much badassery.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2303 on: June 21, 2008, 10:38:11 PM »
OGs - Got the Giganscudo! *Slaps Katina on it, has her 2HKO Peregrins with Twin attacks.* This is refreshing. Excellen and Kyo still are my MVPs, though, what with Excellen dodging and sniping everything and Kyosuke having the offense of win. Actually doesn't take too much to make his durability not suck too much in-game, either. Two Chobham Armors+a few upgrades to both Mobility and Armor makes him actually somewhat durable. Just a few more stages and I can FUB the Alt Eisen as well. Mmmmmmmmm, S ranks on all the weaponry.
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2304 on: June 22, 2008, 05:46:50 AM »
Wild ARMS 4 Arnaud solo - Yay. Beat Jeremy 3/4. We are almost getting to the good parts ladies and gents. That is the world of unexplored Super bosses vs. Arnaud. Just a bit  more. Would go faster if I didnt have to spend like 10 minutes setting the damn camera everytime.

P3 The Answer: Also done. What needs to be said? Not much since most of it has already been covered. Metis destroys worlds. And the team of either Akihiko/Junpei or Ken/Koro provides the other coverage you need. No need to use the other two girls ever. Which is kind of sad since Mitsuru is still awesome. There were a couple of fun parts admitedly despite all the dungeon grinding. Fighting Shadow Minato was fun (especially the reaction of allies). Fighting your own allies was also fun. Gave a good chance to knock some sense into Yukari's behavior after that incredibly hypocritical and nonsensical scene. Final boss sucked. Mm...and the polish level is definitely down due to no compodium + no custom weapon + no heal before bosses and so on. The biggest difficulty is really knowing what type of Persona you want to use. I settled with Odin having Diarahan/Spell Master/Thunder Reign. Which levelled things pretty quickly. Also had a Kohryu with Ragnarok and Fire Boost just in case a battle was Wind heavy. Overall? It's a 6/10 game. Decent epilogue but bah, I got way too hyped up for it. In terms of usefulness, big change from The Journey I feel. Aigis > Metis >> Ken > Koromaru > Junpei/Akihiko > Mitsuru > Yukari. Which...makes sense looking at it. Thanks to Metis, Yukari and Mitsuru are less needed. Ken wins ahead thanks to MT healing if needed and hitting varying types of weaknesses that are not covered by Metis.  Koro beats Junpei/Akihiko thanks to again hitting more variant weaknesses and still has an early game evade edge. He loses to Ken due to no healing at all and not being there early on. Only boss that really gave me trouble was the one with the 2 Archeon Seekers. Garble at getting hit with 2 ID spells back to back.

Pokemon Diamond: Started playing this again and developing/evoing random pokes. Also bred some other ones for better natures and skill sets. As of now, I'm trying to breed Drill Peck onto a Xatu. Why? It amuses me. This is fairly simple since I spent some time getting a Drill Peck/Whirlwind Skarmory.

SSBB: Definitely getting more accustomed to Falco thanks to short jumps + aerials. Ike's my second most used. I've been swapping around a couple of other characters and find myself liking to use Zelda/Luigi/Toon Link. I want to learn how to use Pit/Meta too since they look like fun (and annoying to fight against). Definitely CAN'T use Lucas for the life of me. Or Ganondorf.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2305 on: June 22, 2008, 07:47:18 AM »
OGs - Killing Cosmolions with Twinned units is so very sexy. 14 overall PP per loser killed is very, very yummy.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2306 on: June 22, 2008, 07:49:42 AM »
Finished Apollo Justice. Final case was pretty nice, although the modified investigation segment could have been worked a bit better.

Played through Live A Live. Pretty decent concept that works more often than not. Let's review...

Western: Pretty nice but overly short. I think I failed horribly at the point of the chapter but it wasn't too difficult to beat the fight anyway, even if Sundown died pretty much straight away and I ended up doing most of it with the other character. In any case Sundown wasn't a particularly good fighter in this chapter but he barely had to fight anything anyway so there you go.
Ninja: I'm not sure how it's possible to beat this without killing anyone? I couldn't figure out any way past the guys at the door of the first building ._. In any case ended up with 30 deaths on my hands and ran away with Ryouma, not sure if that does anything or not. I have a suspicion that I was actually supposed to get Ryouma considerably earlier than I did considering he was in most of the credits images whereas when I was playing he only showed up at the boss fight, but that's neither here nor there really... Oboro's a decent-ish fighter but nothing special, certainly more survivable than Sundown but that might just be a difference in enemies.
Prehistoric: Pretty fun chapter overall. Not sure I really care much for the nose system though. It was also too short... on the other hand the low number of items made item combination tolerable. Poko was also a merely decent fighter. This chapter didn't have a kid/father scene unless it was hidden ;_;
Kung Fu: Fairly nice, although the boss was an utter pain. That pretty much sums up all I have to say about it >_> Master was somewhat overpowered, while fatty wasn't. Didn't get enough use out of the other two to really speak for them.
Wrestling: 'Twas fun. I did them in the order of Hawaaiin, Army guy, Kicking guy, Old guy, Great Asia, and Max Morgan; dunno whether that's the 'recommended' order or not. In other news Abise-Geri completely punks out the boss. Masaru's not overly impressive here because of his not-going-up-levels-ness. Also no child/father but I'm not really sure where they could have put them offhand...
Scifi: Decent, if highly derivative, chapter. I didn't end up finding out Kirk's password or why the duct 'maze' existed so I'm probably missing out on some thrilling backstory/secrets but I will survive. Cube is flagrantly overpowered; this is all to trick you later.
Mecha: Quite possibly the lamest chapter. Too much unapparent and necessary plot hooks, not to mention the completely unmarked bar. Golden Sun does mind reading considerably better. Akira was fine enough although he seriously needed some good quick ST, even if Elbow was really good enough for everything in the chapter, Taro was pretty lame until I realised if you equipped the cannon/etc items on him in his accessories spots he got to use them as attacks, and Bricky is a scrubby Giant Robo ripoff.
Knight: The most actual-RPG type chapter. Pretty good, although I had already read about the trainwreck some time ago so I knew what to expect. Oersted's pretty nice, rarely wants to use anything aside from Encage after he gets it though.

Final: Hum de de. Didn't 100% this or anything, but I'm not planning on redoing it any time soon... so. Sundown stops failing once he starts getting actual moves, and especially so after he gets the .44. Still wishes he had more hp though. Fatty becomes passable once he full access to the big move from the Kung Fu chapter but he's still pretty meh, even with his weapon. Akira goes downhill as he still doesn't get any good ST and enemies that matter laugh in the face of his elbow - I didn't find his personal 'dungeon', so presumably he might have been improved some that I didn't see. Masaru starts off being unable to HIT anything because he's such a low level, but once he gets up a bit he's freakishly good... also has somewhat insane HP which is in complete opposition to how he feels in his own chapter. The stats on his personal weapon LOOK insanely nice but they really didn't make all that much of a difference as far as I could see.
Cube is very blah but he does have reasonable MT curing. His personal weapon doesn't seem like it helps him attack-wise either.
Didn't find Oboro, although I found his dungeon. Didn't find Poko OR his dungeon. I'm not sure whether finding them does anything for you or not, although the final segment makes it seem like it may well do so.
Probably should do Oersted's version of the final at some point too, presuming I understand how things work correctly.

The final boss was a pain due to MT more than anything else, whether it was statussing or non-statusing. In the end my strategy consisted of Masaru standing at his top left continually using Tsuda, and Sundown, Akira, and Cube were in the bottom right with Sundown using Neo Shot Storm whenever he got the chance with Cube continuously using Hyper Speed Op and Akira doing whatever felt worthwhile at the time, usually using a healing item or his ST healing (one thing he has over other people at least).


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2307 on: June 22, 2008, 09:56:27 AM »
Etrian Odyssey 2 - Down to floor 5 now.  Apparently there's a quest to stay on F4 for three straight days.  That's going to be fun...

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - On 3-2 now.  First two maps were jokes.  This one also looks like it'll be a joke.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2308 on: June 22, 2008, 12:27:57 PM »
After looking into the question that Trips posed ... I determined I have the vanilla version of P3. Should I be sad?

*Current status - Just done the boulevard. I'm loving having Aki and Mitsuru in my party. Mitsuru joing was a very pleasant surprise for me :) I've been having Yukari on heal/support and her usefulness has been picking up as well, especially now she's learned Media.

*eyes the stat topic though* It looks like I may like Aegis better than Yukari though *flees from Hals* Who's generally considered to be the best party to use overall?

Also doggy! >_> Can I resist ... <_<

SO3 challenge thingy - Got to Blue Dragon Zombie with L14 Roger, L14 Cliff, L14 Fayt, L13 Nel. Cliff/Fayt/Nel for the battle. Roadblocking. Going to do a Gutsy Bunny Albel solo and a Gutsy Bunny Peppita for a while instead.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2309 on: June 22, 2008, 01:38:19 PM »
Ar Tonelico - So, finally back to the disgusting train wreck that this has become.  Shurelia talks about how she hasn't Installed (ie another sex euphemism) with anyone since her "Father".  This is the exact terms she uses.  She hasn't shagged anyone sincer her dad.  What the fuck.  Oh and then she shows you her install point, and she has a tatoo across her lower back that is the install point.  A tattoo more associated with the porn industry than real humans of any intellectual value.

And then this previously dominant strong female entity that we see at the start of the game, well now that she is in the party she is as bad as pedo rape bait and the bondage slave licking Lyners hands and feet clean.  I shit you not, the way these characters are so needy and clingy, worshipping the ground that the man walks on is disgusting.  Of course in her Cosmosphere (equivalent cause she is so special in plot that she doesn't have one but you do something practically exactly the same anyway, so you have brain sex with her anyway, or it might be having brain sex with the giant cock that penetrates the whole world, the Tower of Ar Tonelico itself or something, the plot is kind of vague here.) when she enters Lyners room it *GASP* is SUPER DIRTY, but that is alright -because boys are meant to be like that-.  Now I am as filthy as the next person, but I like to think it is because I am fucking lazy and not an inherent factor of my sex, I think people deserve more credit than that.  Of course being the good bondage slave she is, I shit you not, she immediately offers to cook you a meal and help clean up the place regularly.

Wow.  Everyone knows that strong dominant females at heart really just want to get their bitch arses back into the kitchen and make pie for their men.

So hey, I went ahead and did the "Bad" ending, which consisted of killing the thing that was consistently threatening mass genocide with an entirely uncomrpomising with us or against us policy that had mind raped and possessed someone in our party -twice-.  And then the game was insulting enough to say "Oh but killing her was just as selfish as reviving this woman who has been defending the world and preventing the bad chicks genocide for a thousand years"  OH YOU SELFISH BASTARDS! PERMANENTLY REMOVING A THREAT TO ALL OF THE WORLD.

Fuck. You. Gust.  That shit stinks of an entirely unrealistic moral objectivism.  When your genocidal maniac is spouting shit about how a peace determined by the sword will end by the sword. Cause her Final Solution was so much better.  I especially like the way it is hinting at what I guess is going to be a completely hollow non-violent ending as the "good" ending where we sit down and have a nice touchy feely "We understand why you are an Omnicidal maniac and that is cool, we respect your feelings.  Why don't we all have a hug and go have some Ice Cream!" which ends in you having to kill the big bad anyway.  Making the difference between the "good" and the "Bad" ending being fuck all other than some pointless bullshit morality crap that is ultimately meaningless because the way to fix the world either way ends up being a sword through someones face.

Sooooooo we end with a game that preaches one approaches to all things, places it up on a pedastal while the message it sends out doing so is one of the most ludicrously sexist (complete with double standards for each sex) message I have seen in a video game and some seriously fucked up fetishes.  It is like the plot was written in the 1930's by an ultra conservative pedophelic rapist.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2310 on: June 22, 2008, 04:22:06 PM »
Moved forward in DQ8 a bit.  I took a brief stop to check out Baccarat and got the Cash and Carrie quest.  Kinda, sorta wish I had either upgraded my boomerang or bought the Dragonbane before doing that one, but I managed to get through it with just one wipe (my first one since...  Alexandria Tower I think) brought about by bad turn order and intelligent enemy decisions.  Second time through, I made a good deal more use of Insulatle, and the firebreath attacks did a very comfortable half damage.  Toyed with the casino a bit, but am torn between the insane benefits of abusing it, against the sheer mind numbing tedium that is abusing it.  Ah well, doubled my starting credits, and keeping my options open.

Moving on, I also got the Ultimate Key, in a scene that was surprisingly effective, if you can accept the party standing by as statues the entire time...  again.  The first time it happened, it made sense.  They would have been well and truly screwed if they had tried to do anything.  They were also twenty levels lower and would have been turned into a bloody smear on the ground in a few rounds flat.  This time it would have been doing what they have already done, twice.  Yeah, I can think of a reason why this all happened, but it doesn't change that it feels more like they hung back because the plot needed them to be useless.

Regardless, I am still enjoying the game, and am now cruising the world, opening all that stuff I couldn't open before.

Rondo of Swords

I'm getting flashbacks to the GBA Fire Emblems now.  Mostly the whole, you cannot promote until you have the items to do so, and they are somewhat limited.  It's just, you get told what you need to use a good deal before you actually need to use them, and when you use them the worst you are hurt is not using them for one action (i'd say round, except they're now more useful for countering things, which is half the game).  RoS wants you to give them up for a whole map, which can suck when two of them provide unique benefits that no one else does.

Fortunatly, I've managed to recruit another cameo character, this time Shino-Sis from a game I have played, and she feels like a nice option as a weaker archer who has magic to balance this out.  Her flame attack is nice and powerful, if oddly likely to nuke her allies as well.  Sadly, most of the swordmasters are proving to be utterly useless, with Sasha or Alhambra being the only ones I feel like promoting, despite the fact that I have, somehow, managed to get Owl to level 16.  Rukia is just pure fail, lacking either movement, or anything else that would suggest her as a usable character.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2311 on: June 22, 2008, 05:55:02 PM »
Ninja: I'm not sure how it's possible to beat this without killing anyone? I couldn't figure out any way past the guys at the door of the first building ._.
I forget how this goes. You can run (in battle) from some battle that seems forced, though.

In any case ended up with 30 deaths on my hands and ran away with Ryouma, not sure if that does anything or not. I have a suspicion that I was actually supposed to get Ryouma considerably earlier than I did considering he was in most of the credits images whereas when I was playing he only showed up at the boss fight, but that's neither here nor there really

Getting 0 kills OR offing one of the very hidden superbosses nets you a nice weapon. Inferior to Oboro's final chapter personal ultimate though. And yes, there are a ton of ways to do the chapter. Sounds like you missed the robot ninja clone of Oboro, too.

Prehistoric: Pretty fun chapter overall. Not sure I really care much for the nose system though. It was also too short... on the other hand the low number of items made item combination tolerable. Poko was also a merely decent fighter. This chapter didn't have a kid/father scene unless it was hidden ;_;

Hidden. Go back into the pit after you're almost done with the chapter. You can also find a completely freakish superboss by going back to the first wilderness screen...

Kung Fu: Fairly nice, although the boss was an utter pain. That pretty much sums up all I have to say about it >_> Master was somewhat overpowered, while fatty wasn't. Didn't get enough use out of the other two to really speak for them.

Whoever you trained with most becomes your inheritor. Sammo is pretty clearly the worst one.

Scifi: Decent, if highly derivative, chapter. I didn't end up finding out Kirk's password or why the duct 'maze' existed so I'm probably missing out on some thrilling backstory/secrets but I will survive. Cube is flagrantly overpowered; this is all to trick you later.

Kirk's password (Warp) is just to get a memory card for the Captain Square game. There are a number of optional plotty things in the chapter, though.

Didn't find Oboro, although I found his dungeon. Didn't find Poko OR his dungeon. I'm not sure whether finding them does anything for you or not, although the final segment makes it seem like it may well do so.
Probably should do Oersted's version of the final at some point too, presuming I understand how things work correctly.

The good ending changes if you've had all seven party members in your party at some point, yes. Oboro is found by examining the "To Forbidden Land" signpost just before the mountain. Pogo is found in the hidden healing grass spot in the south forest, and his dungeon is found via smell in the west mountains.

And I highly recommend trying out Oersted's final chapter. >_>
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2312 on: June 22, 2008, 06:00:17 PM »
Gref, go watch some Sailor Moon while you're at it.  Usagi, battered housewife of the universe, loves her enemies until they stop hitting her!  Good times!
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2313 on: June 22, 2008, 06:50:09 PM »
Fortunatly, I've managed to recruit another cameo character, this time Shino-Sis from a game I have played, and she feels like a nice option as a weaker archer who has magic to balance this out.  Her flame attack is nice and powerful, if oddly likely to nuke her allies as well.  Sadly, most of the swordmasters are proving to be utterly useless, with Sasha or Alhambra being the only ones I feel like promoting, despite the fact that I have, somehow, managed to get Owl to level 16.  Rukia is just pure fail, lacking either movement, or anything else that would suggest her as a usable character.

Heh, you've actually played Izuna.  I'm sorry.  Anyways, yeah, Shino's basically a hybrid archer/mage from what I can tell, but more range and less damage on the archer part (which isn't a good trade if you ask me).  Haven't used the magic much, but it's nice to know it's pretty good.

Just use Rukia to buy/sell items or something.  Only use I've found for her.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2314 on: June 22, 2008, 07:43:29 PM »
TF2: Pyro achievements came out.  Played Pyro on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and managed to unlock all three weapons (took around 10 hours of Pyro play to do it without farming).  I was kinda surprised on Thursday when not only would I have the top score on the server but I'd be double the next person's score.  (I was consistently winning Pyro vs Pyro matches).  That didn't really last, though.

On the whole I'd say the unlockable weapons aren't that useful.  On the other hand, the new Compressed Air Blast on the base weapon (no unlocking required) is exceptionally useful, and not only that but useful in about 10+ different situations, meaning Pyro is no longer a one-dimensional class.  The Axetinguisher has some uses, though I haven't used it much since I switched off of Pyro shortly after unlocking it.  The Backburner turns the Pyro back into a one-dimensional class again (but with 30% more HP and 30% more damage); people who liked Pyro the way it was will probably stick with this weapon, but I don't think it's worth the loss in versatility.  The Flare Gun is, in isolation, a mind-blowingly weak weapon, but it does give range to the Pyro.  I'm waiting until the achievement craze dies down before giving it a serious try (since it's absurdly bad when half the enemy team is immune to fire).
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 07:56:33 PM by metroid composite »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2315 on: June 22, 2008, 08:39:11 PM »
Team Fortress 2: I played a few hours today (X360 version, though). I suck. Main use goes Scout > Soldier > Engineer > Sniper > Rest. By god, I hate enemy turrets. Game seems to be fairly balanced, though I can only cross my fingers that the class upgrades eventually come to Live.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2316 on: June 22, 2008, 10:16:07 PM »
I can imagine turrets would be nightmares with controller controls. They lock on pretty quick and take some pretty awesome twitch skills to really effectively take them down solo at max rank even with a mouse.  Unless they have been setup in a horrible spot, you know, which happens.

Edit - At least Sailor Moon is practicing what she preaches and even in episodes where the big bads do the whole "by fighting me you are just as bad as me GWARRRRRR!" stuff she is still beating them with the power of love anyway.  While the power of love saving a world killing psycho is insulting, at least it is being consistent (Except for all of the monsters that get killed in another Sailor Wench's upgrade episode/book where they get burned and electrocuted).
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 10:19:04 PM by Grefter »
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2317 on: June 22, 2008, 10:28:41 PM »
DDS2: ZOMBIE HARLEY. That is all.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2318 on: June 22, 2008, 10:55:24 PM »
EO2:  Slaughtered the Chimera at level 16.  I camped outside his room while fighting one Cube Gel and Defending until all my Force gauges were maxed.  Yay for Regenall on War Magus.

Hatbot rolled a d999 for Caprice and poisoned the Chimera.  Miasma Dominated him and bound his whole body.  Rob hit him with Riot Gun and Stunned him.  CmdrKing hit him with All-Out Attack, and Ciato just attacked him normally.

Chimera took over 300 damage per round from Poison.  He missed his first attack due to being stunned, second attack due to being bound, and his third attack was a normal that did 22 damage to my landsknecht.  He didn't get a fourth attack.

And the best thing?  Since he was poisoned, I got his super-rare drop.  Sells for 30,000 en.  I am now rich, although not rich enough to buy the 231,000 en bow that drop turns into.

Now doing the 3-day quest on floor 4.  Once again, yay for Regenall on War Magus.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2319 on: June 22, 2008, 10:58:47 PM »
Grefter, on the subject of Meul. It is only natural for Tastiera to behave that way, consider she knows from start to the end what happened to Meul, and Meul has every reason on the book to purge humanity for what she has been through. (Why, getting handed up in the ceiling with needles pinched all over your body, acid into your brain since the very moment you are born, the only human tried to help her got murdered in cold blood, her entire race either killed or brainwashed into lifeless doll, and got imprisoned in Silva Horn which is hotter than an astroid that just came down fromt he atmosphere and all that). And no, the good end doesn't involve killing her, and she end up with a major in AT2 in reconstructing EXEC_with.METHOD_METALFALICA/.
And killing her is a bad idea in a practical sense too, she is one of the few surviving people that really understands the truth behind METAFALICA, the last hope to recover the Heart of Ar Ciel. She has been planning to complete METAFALICA since her childhood, and you make it sounds perfectly justified to kill her when she is the one who really cares about returning the planet to its original form. I mean what, Heart of Ar Ciel already had forsaken human centuries ago for what they have done, and you make Meul sounds like she is anymore guilty.
Extreme moral objectivisim? So be it, if the lack of it was what caused the world to get its total population reduced to the 20% of its original, twice.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 11:14:03 PM by Niu »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2320 on: June 22, 2008, 11:22:10 PM »
Totally ripping Ar Tonelico to shreds

Your rants about this game have been immensely amusing and utterly horrifying if even one-one hundreth of the vitriol is actually deserved from the game's content. Much obliged.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2321 on: June 23, 2008, 12:06:07 AM »
TF2 post

I don't really play enough to unlock stuff, so I don't have a lot of comment on the new material except that I generally like the way the whole situation is playing out (allowing generally merit-based achievements to unlock new equips to diversify the game even more? sounds great to me, certainly beats selling the new weapons like some games have done).  It's especially funny right now, because in all my TFC days I never could have imagined anything happening that would make servers fill up with pyros.

I do have to say, though, that mc is a beast and a half.  I've played with him on numerous occasions, and I know.  If he's in the server and you wound up on the other team?  You can pretty much be done, right there, with your aspirations of victory.  On the other hand, if you display naked cowardice and change teams right away, as I have done whenever possible, then you will find that everything is easier.  On mc's team, snipers deliver nothing but headshots, medics pop their invulns at exactly the right times, and coordinated attacks carry the day without fail.  When the round is over, you will look under your keyboard and there will be a twenty dollar bill there on your desk.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2322 on: June 23, 2008, 12:19:08 AM »
Mostly just WoW. I have to say, the new holiday events they came up with are really fun. Me and my two sidekicks played cat-and-mouse in Ogre Mart for about an hour before we finally managed to circumvent them and grab their fire. Lots of fun.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2323 on: June 23, 2008, 01:38:04 AM »
OGs - Stage 19! Katina destroys worlds in the Giganscudo, kinda. Kyosuke and Excellen still murder everything dead, particularly so now that both the Alt Eisen and the Weissritter are FUB'd. Bullet has come to his own now that he has a properly upgraded Hucky Mk. II, as well. Life is good.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #2324 on: June 23, 2008, 02:05:06 AM »
DDS2: Got this a while back and have worked my way through most of it. I stopped at Heat for a while due to how annoying the fight was (I had an underleveled Cielo and barely any elec spells). After a bit of grinding I blew past him and all the events that followed. Currently on the sun level 3 after beating Harley and Bat.
Harley was a laughable joke as I knew exactly what to do (Use Void fire......Win).
Bat was a completly different story however because everyone in bat status + Winds of hell = Game over. Afer seeing that I set up a magic repel (In the second fight) to stop his little combo but I still lost. It worked three times and then he decided to spam physicals on me instead of using winds of hell (Smart bastard).
Third try was the charm though.