
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing: 2008  (Read 502751 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4125 on: October 25, 2008, 05:35:57 AM »
Djinn since everyone else sucks and doesn't play alright games, Mass Effect is alright, it stands up on its own fairly well.  The dialogue and plot are not earthshattering but it does the usual Bioware thing and while not being brilliant normally twists in slightly different than you expected, but not far enough to be jarring or unpredictable.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4126 on: October 25, 2008, 08:46:08 AM »
KSSU: Finally got some time to finish this up. Game is pretty much done. Only have helper to hero to finish to get that 100% I assume. Since all the other games have been cleared. Frue arena included.

Also did a tomatoless run with Plasma and an ability less run in the regular arena. Success on both! Now to combine them together for the win.

Thoughts on abilities:
- Hammer: Hammer flip is SMASH. I didn't even realize how much smash until I started playing Helper to Hero with Bonkers. Then it was OHKOs all over the place against some bosses. Was even worth getting hit sometimes to trade off that one hit.
- Plasma: Still my favourite ability. Breaks your thumb though
- Stone: Pretty good. Stone's not really my thing. The shockwave works, but the damage is mehish compared to Plasma's stupid.
- Wing: They improved it at least. The shockwaves got bigger. Still the ass ability of the set
- Yoyo: This thing seems weaker than I remembered. But I guess given the range + invincibility frames on Gazer Spiral and Break spin + quickness per attack makes it that the strength of it has to suck for some balance
- Sword: I need to play this better so I can go batshit insane on Meta Knight mode. Hate the rapid sword chop. Deals so little damage and puts enemies into invincible mode
- Jet: How the heck are you supposed to use this properly
- Ice: Its Finali! Spins~
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Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4127 on: October 25, 2008, 09:01:06 AM »
Djinn since everyone else sucks and doesn't play alright games, Mass Effect is alright, it stands up on its own fairly well.  The dialogue and plot are not earthshattering but it does the usual Bioware thing and while not being brilliant normally twists in slightly different than you expected, but not far enough to be jarring or unpredictable.

Honestly, the thing I like most about ME is the setting. Technology in ME does certain things when certain things happen, and so on. In Star Trek. when your shields go down, you're screwed, and when your Warp Core overloads, you drop out of Warp Speed. In Mass Effect, when your shields go down, the entire hull becomes electrified as doors fuse and everyone is shocked to death, and when your warp drive is overworked, the entire crew is cooked alive inside the ship because your engine overheated. Also: light lag. Why is this the only Sci-fi series that has ever considered the concept?

Anyway, really DO like the dialogue, because it uses one thing nobody thought of: instead of actually picking WHAT you say, you just pick the summary and it's a little surprising what comes out, instead of dialogue being "listen to one guy" you listen to both. I also like the combat, because I like any sort of system that resembles Deus Ex.

EDIT: Would also like to add: Grefter is correct. Pretty much everyone else likes shitty games with cookie-cutter characters because they like math.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2008, 09:04:45 AM by Rob the Stampede »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4128 on: October 25, 2008, 09:23:16 AM »
No no, I like shitty games with cookie-cutter characters because I like cookie-cutter characters. More specifically, I like their character designs and drawing them. And I like fantasy worlds. And math. Anyway, that's just -my- shallow reason for liking shitty games. Occasionally a shitty game will do something fun or interesting and that makes for a nice bonus, but it's not necessary. People like me are the reason why 'classic RPGs' are still being made. Japan has an entire country of us.

I also enjoy games that do genuinely good things with story and character, but they are so few and far between... and so rarely have pretty character designs.

Koudelka: Continues to amaze for all reasons except gameplay. Not earth-shattering, except that it's a PSX game. Still head and shoulders over the 'cookie-cutter' RPG plots. Mostly for stealing a 'cookie-cutter' horror/mystery game's plot.



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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4129 on: October 25, 2008, 10:49:49 AM »
- Yoyo: This thing seems weaker than I remembered. But I guess given the range + invincibility frames on Gazer Spiral and Break spin + quickness per attack makes it that the strength of it has to suck for some balance

- Jet: How the heck are you supposed to use this properly

Break Spin is trash this time, I think they nerfed the invincibility. I found that I couldn't really use it to pass enemies with any degree of safety. As for Jet...max charge, jump to store charge to change positioning if necessary, rush towards enemy with max jet charge, press button again to release jet crackers before collision is pretty much all there is to it. In case that is too dangerous you can just dash through them at max charge for less damage. Yeah, it's pretty boring.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4130 on: October 25, 2008, 12:02:03 PM »
I still haven't played Torment.

But seriously, yeah Mass Effect is alright and if you have access to an X-Box or a PC that can play it then it is probably worth it for you.  (Back to the joking) It is still fairly tropetastic so I am sure you will love it.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4131 on: October 25, 2008, 02:58:04 PM »
You hype Torment to the point that it had better be Shakespeare-level quality given how ugly the art direction for the game is.

Seriously, though, apart from a general "it's awesome", I haven't heard what makes it so good. Perhaps if you give me some incentive? (Yes, I'm -asking- for a Torment rant... *is shot*)

Koudelka: Finished! Battle system was pretty lame. I should have done a DL-legal playthrough though so I could have stat-topic'd it. I guess it would be Koudelka/Blades, Edward/Guns, and James/Magic based on plot scenes and starting equipment? Ugh, the game doesn't really have any unique -anything- apart from starting stats.

In my particular playthrough I did Koudelka/Magic, Edward/Melee/Guns, James/Meatshield/Itemboy.

I enjoy Koudelka and Edward's drunken emo scene before the final battle. All-around good voicework really sold it.

Ending was pretty solid, too. I actually didn't hate James despite all his hate-able flaws.

Also, the Emigre plotline is really stylish, if a bit predictable. Bonus points for being set during the early 1900s in Wales.

Koudelka's an excommunicated gypsy. *snigger*

And now, Shadow Hearts! If I can finish marathon-ing all three SH games before Halloween, I'll consider it properly celebrated. (No horror movies to marathon on Japanese TV since Japan doesn't really recognize Halloween). T_T

Also, it'll be my first time playing SH3. Whee.

My copy of FFT:LW still hasn't come in...

SaGa Frontier seems to be officially stalled... *sigh* And I never even got to Riki's chapter...



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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4132 on: October 25, 2008, 03:28:18 PM »
It is head and shoulders above any other game purely for quality of writing and plot.  There is nothing else there, it is just that good.  Nothing comes close.  It is always put up beside Xenogears for some reason and as everyone should know, Xenogears plot is actually shit.  Torment doesn't suffer from that.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4133 on: October 25, 2008, 03:38:58 PM »
It is head and shoulders above any other game purely for quality of writing and plot.  There is nothing else there, it is just that good.  Nothing comes close.  It is always put up beside Xenogears for some reason and as everyone should know, Xenogears plot is actually shit.  Torment doesn't suffer from that.

Quoted for truth. There's a reason I have Torment at a 9/10 and the writing is it. Granted, the setting does some funky stuff that you might dig too (consensus reality, anyone?)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4134 on: October 25, 2008, 03:50:58 PM »
Yeah milage will vary with how much people will like Planescape setting and none of that stuff is actually unique to Torment (for obvious reasons, but there is a reason Planescape has its hardcore adherents).  The art style goes with that.  I personally like it because it is different than your standard fair with D&D stuff (far to stripperific for its own good, but still outside the norms).  I dunno how you would find that Djinn, but it might flow better when viewed as a whole rather than individual shots like you might have come into contact with here at the DL.
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Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4135 on: October 25, 2008, 06:02:12 PM »
Torment tells a unique story of personal conflict and discovery. It poses questions to the character and you, the player, that you must solve on your own, rather than having 'the moral of the story' pushed down your throat. It has characters who are actually interesting and possessed of motivations, and for the first time maybe ever, finding out about the main characters SEKRIT PAST!!!! is actually an interesting twist instead of being predictable.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4136 on: October 25, 2008, 09:22:37 PM »
Planescape Torment is boring as shit to play, but it by far has the best writing of any game I've ever played.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4137 on: October 25, 2008, 11:47:13 PM »
So I guess that's the one part that fits in with generic RPGs.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4138 on: October 25, 2008, 11:52:31 PM »
How did you pass that wasteland mission? I'm nearly there so it would be helpful to know. As for burgerninja I wish you luck because it was a week before I got the allies needed. I believe Yakumo is correct as I just got the three last chunk parts now with bonus stamina.

You need the three Wasteland allies that add to Ninjutsu.  Think it's Sticky/Palmface/Venus.  It's best if you use Floating on Air so that you're Hanging Out with them the day you use the mission.  I was actually hanging out with three different people, which meant I had to switch teams way too much to do the mission.

Go ahead and upgrade Sticky to level 2, because 3 levels for +1.5 to your average roll is a good trade.  Make sure you're in Bankai and not Cobra Kai though, because +2 to average roll is not worth 9 levels.

The three allies add +19 to your range, and my natural range was like a 22, so I ended up with a 41 Range and 4 strength (Cote, Not Wasteland, Shades, and Palmface).  Used Spinal Tap jutsu for the +2 Strength, so any roll of 19 or better (which was below average at that point) is a success.

Oh, and make sure your Moon is either Gibbous Waxing or Full Moon Waxing, because that gives you +2 range and +3 levels.

The Moon thing may be an issue but everything else seems simple as I have it all right now. Just need boots and a cowl before I can start the mission.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4139 on: October 26, 2008, 01:14:42 AM »
You don't really need the moon.  I don't do Arena and I did just fine in Season 2.  The last mission will probably be kinda close, but you can do it.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4140 on: October 26, 2008, 01:19:59 AM »
NG2-Chapter 4. Hate archers so much. Flying Swallow is still as broken as it was in NG1, except now you can do it 2 or 3 times if you're good! Heads will roll. I find I'm depending almost entirely on the Dragon Sword again, simply because of that move. As soon as I get enough essence to fully upgrade the claws I'm going to force myself to switch just to change things up a bit.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4141 on: October 26, 2008, 04:06:47 AM »
WoW TCG - I am sure Andrew has mentioned it before, but I really suck at this. I have been playing with him at our local game shops ~2 times a week with a small group of regulars, and my record for the past 6 weeks or so has been ridiculously embarrassing. Yet I still keep going, and I still keep trying to get better.

Today there was a Sneak Peek at the set that will be released in a week or two -- Drums of War -- with a limited tournament to kick it off (sealed). 6 packs of shiny new cards no one's seen before (Andrew and I both drew an ultra common loot card, Slashdance), 4 games of single matches. The first flight was ridiculous. I had an overall losing record (won 1 match, lost the rest), but the most painful thing was the door prize: it was assigned to random tables, and the winner of the match would take it. So I got a lucky draw! A playmat (special Sneak Preview Drums of War art) to the winner. My opponent? Somehow who had competed in and just returned from the World of Warcraft World Championships in Paris.


I made a RIDICULOUSLY dumb error in turn 4 which probably lost me the game, and I was pretty sour about it for a while. Played a good fun game in the last match, so I shrugged and moved on.

Signed up for a second flight. Fewer people, obviously, but the attitude was more relaxed as people were getting used to the cards. Didn't pull any interesting rares or anything, but I made a much better version of the Horde Priest deck I ran the first flight. My first opponent was having stomach problems, so around turn 6 he asked if he could go to the bathroom. I sort of hesitated -- we were running on a tight clock -- but I wasn't about to make the guy sit there and soil himself or anything, so I said "Uh... sure." He didn't come back for 5+ minutes, so I asked a judge, who kind of blinked and said I probably shouldn't have done that, but we'd see what happened if my opponent didn't show in another minute.

He shows up, we play another 3 or 4 turns, time is called, I lose because I have 7 damage on my hero and he has 3. Killed by time. I was pretty upset about that, but I shook his hand and moved on.

Started the second match and the judge came by and dropped a playmat by me. He said it was something the judges could do under their own discretion, and he felt what had happened warranted that. That was pretty darn cool and it helped me let go of the loss. Went on to lose that game, but win the next two, and everyone at that point was really relaxed and joking and all. Managed to have a 2-2 at the end, so I also won another pack of DoW, from which nothing exciting came but yay more prizes.

So yay! Fun times. Even if I did have to miss the UCLA v. Cal game AND the fencing tournament in Santa Cruz.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4142 on: October 26, 2008, 07:22:28 AM »
Magna Carta: Just met the hero of water, just got it confirmed who Calintz's mentor was, and just swapped back to Reith's party!

...this game is slowly sucking the life out of me.  I'm worried I may in fact die playing this game.  No, I am NOT giving up!  I WILL PREVAIL OVER THIS GAME!

...on another note...

Final Fantasy 2: Yeah, replaying this, GBA version, etc.  Just finished the Bafsk Sewers.

Firion being raised in like everything, Maria being primarily Mage who uses Bows, and Guy primarily Axes, but secondarying in Swords and Lances just in case.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4143 on: October 26, 2008, 01:29:22 PM »
Shadow hearts 2 - Finished bad ending and youtubed good as it turned out I forgot to save before the battle so I had to do the whole place again. Kato got at one point 4 actions in a row but it was nothing I couldn't handle.
Finished him off with a 7000 Yuri smackdown.

Overall I thought the game got weak at the end. I really do not like Kato crushing nicks head and then going on to try and destroy the world. It just seems like they wanted to throw in a "Good guy" final boss instead of Nick.
I mean Nick does all that crap, releasing malice on the world, being generally cunning, setting up a sequal and then just gets his head crushed by someone who was a minor character up to that point?
Its just weird I tell you.

BvS- I got enough pieces to make the third best cowl and the worst boots so I can do the mission tomorrow. If I finish this mission I may just cheese mono to quicken the process but I'm wondering if theres a point to sticking around. The wasteland hides make the second best cowl and boots which would be handy but I've not gotten any wasteland hides yet so I'm thinking it may be best to just go to season 3 with My low quality Boots and cowl.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2008, 03:46:17 PM by Rozalia »

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4144 on: October 26, 2008, 05:31:08 PM »
Shadow hearts 2 - Finished bad ending and youtubed good as it turned out I forgot to save before the battle so I had to do the whole place again. Kato got at one point 4 actions in a row but it was nothing I couldn't handle.
Finished him off with a 7000 Yuri smackdown.

Overall I thought the game got weak at the end. I really do not like Kato crushing nicks head and then going on to try and destroy the world. It just seems like they wanted to throw in a "Good guy" final boss instead of Nick.
I mean Nick does all that crap, releasing malice on the world, being generally cunning, setting up a sequal and then just gets his head crushed by someone who was a minor character up to that point?
Its just weird I tell you.

That's the brilliance of it. Kato moved in the background, and made it all possible for Nicolai to pull the crap he did, even putting part of the idea in to his head. Nicolai is a pretty normal bad guy, Kato at least adds something new to the mix.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4145 on: October 26, 2008, 07:28:35 PM »
While I can't disagree with that it adds something new I still don't like it as it just feels sudden. Someone close to him dies, so he just decides to destroy the world to make it a better place.
Then again he kind of had to put something big on the table to make him seem a threat. Rasputin was going to engulf the world in darkness and make Yuri bite him and so on, while Nick was generally threating before he went demon and decided to destroy the world. It would have been weird if the final boss simply wanted a manly duel (Never will this happen in rpgs).

Also the other thing thats been on my mind. Is Nick really in love with Karin or is it just him being a Bastard. Its just in his death scene he just screams her name before being owned by Kato which implies he does but right before that he trys to kill her (I think he lunges at her and yuri gets in the way).

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4146 on: October 26, 2008, 07:38:39 PM »
He's infatuated with Karin, yes. Love isn't the word I'd use.

And what? Kato was the forefront villain of all Disc 2, not just after he crushed Nic's head. Ever since Apoina Tower where he basically hauls Nic off to go experiment on him, he's the focus of the party. If anything, Nic is the one who felt completely pointless on Disc 2 to me. But then I found Kato a lot more compelling and central to the game than any of the other villains, who basically operate as demon-of-the-week and then get owned by Yuri.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4147 on: October 26, 2008, 07:40:58 PM »
If it feels sudden, replay the game (at some point, not right away, unless you really want to) and pay attention toKato this time.  It's not nearly as out of the blue as you think; most of why you think that, I'd reckon, is because you hadn't been paying attention because you had just written him off as a minor character.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4148 on: October 26, 2008, 07:58:02 PM »
Wasn't Kato more turning back time to be with her, and the whole destroying the present a side-effect of that? Or was the time travel a side effect of destroying the world? If it's the former, it's lot more telling of Kato's motivations.

I don't see where you're calling Kato a minor character in Disk 2... his cameos on Disk 1 are very ominous after that first "Hey! We know you!", and after taking Nicolai away... it's just pretty obvious.

Don't care what anyone says... Good ending > Bad ending. It's a lot more poigiant... Bad ending feels out of character for him, almost. Only problem I had with the good ending... the time travel stuff was fine, but just leave Yuri the way he was. It's a beautiful ending that way... didn't need to fill some sort of temporal loop with him.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4149 on: October 26, 2008, 08:05:49 PM »
If it feels sudden, replay the game (at some point, not right away, unless you really want to) and pay attention toKato this time.  It's not nearly as out of the blue as you think; most of why you think that, I'd reckon, is because you hadn't been paying attention because you had just written him off as a minor character.

The destroy the world felt sudden. The tranformation to final boss status was surprising because I expected it to carry on for a while and then for it to end at some point with a heart to heart between him and Yuri (cemetery scene for example) and then something else to spring forth because thats what the game was serving you the whole time (Demon 1 dies, demon 2 appears).
I guess the main reason I wrote him off in disc 2 was because when he was showing himself a bigger threat and a villain, Nick goes demon and we're off to save the world again.

I don't see where you're calling Kato a minor character in Disk 2

Well he felt minor in villain terms. I did write him off as I was always thinking Nick was the big bad and Kato was a minor villain that gets in the way for a while and then goes away. I was wrong and big time as Kato is the final boss.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2008, 08:07:56 PM by Rozalia »