WoW TCG - I am sure Andrew has mentioned it before, but I really suck at this. I have been playing with him at our local game shops ~2 times a week with a small group of regulars, and my record for the past 6 weeks or so has been ridiculously embarrassing. Yet I still keep going, and I still keep trying to get better.
Today there was a Sneak Peek at the set that will be released in a week or two -- Drums of War -- with a limited tournament to kick it off (sealed). 6 packs of shiny new cards no one's seen before (Andrew and I both drew an ultra common loot card, Slashdance), 4 games of single matches. The first flight was ridiculous. I had an overall losing record (won 1 match, lost the rest), but the most painful thing was the door prize: it was assigned to random tables, and the winner of the match would take it. So I got a lucky draw! A playmat (special Sneak Preview Drums of War art) to the winner. My opponent? Somehow who had competed in and just returned from the World of Warcraft World Championships in Paris.
I made a RIDICULOUSLY dumb error in turn 4 which probably lost me the game, and I was pretty sour about it for a while. Played a good fun game in the last match, so I shrugged and moved on.
Signed up for a second flight. Fewer people, obviously, but the attitude was more relaxed as people were getting used to the cards. Didn't pull any interesting rares or anything, but I made a much better version of the Horde Priest deck I ran the first flight. My first opponent was having stomach problems, so around turn 6 he asked if he could go to the bathroom. I sort of hesitated -- we were running on a tight clock -- but I wasn't about to make the guy sit there and soil himself or anything, so I said "Uh... sure." He didn't come back for 5+ minutes, so I asked a judge, who kind of blinked and said I probably shouldn't have done that, but we'd see what happened if my opponent didn't show in another minute.
He shows up, we play another 3 or 4 turns, time is called, I lose because I have 7 damage on my hero and he has 3. Killed by time. I was pretty upset about that, but I shook his hand and moved on.
Started the second match and the judge came by and dropped a playmat by me. He said it was something the judges could do under their own discretion, and he felt what had happened warranted that. That was pretty darn cool and it helped me let go of the loss. Went on to lose that game, but win the next two, and everyone at that point was really relaxed and joking and all. Managed to have a 2-2 at the end, so I also won another pack of DoW, from which nothing exciting came but yay more prizes.
So yay! Fun times. Even if I did have to miss the UCLA v. Cal game AND the fencing tournament in Santa Cruz.