
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing: 2008  (Read 464265 times)

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4425 on: November 12, 2008, 06:52:44 PM »
I thought Elena was Blair's PC character >.> Could indeed be Welch instead though. Oh well~

Eh, just because she seems to know about other planets and such in Nel's solo ending?


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4426 on: November 12, 2008, 07:35:03 PM »
Remind me again who Elena is? I should know this, having played SO3 three times, but eh.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4427 on: November 12, 2008, 10:19:36 PM »
Elena is indeed a 4D being. But she is not Blair. She was in the devlopment team though, but got cought in an expereimental accident and got stuck in Eternal sphere forever.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4428 on: November 12, 2008, 11:37:42 PM »
Last time, on Fire Emblem: The One With Marth (remake mk II), our hero was one more RNG blessing away from one rounding one of the fastest FE final bosses ever.  Could he make it on the one level up he got before the final map?

Survey says yes.  He capped strength too, just for good measure.

Overall, the game was a bit of a odd experience after the GBA FEs, due to IntSys's conscious decision to mostly-modernize the game but not completely.  The weapon triangle exists on the physical side, but all magic is grouped into a single weapon type.  Supports are for all intents and purposes non-existant, there's no rescuing or con stat at all, no mounted movement for any action, and only Marth can visit villages.  On the other hand, you need 4 points of speed to double instead of just one, enemy attack ranges are displayed clearly (and you can press X to display all vulnerable tiles), forging exists, and class swap is a new feature.  It definately felt like one step forward and one step back.  Compared to FE10/11, it'll probably be more like one step forward and three steps back.

The whole experience is a bit odd, but works well enough on the whole because the game's quite polished; there are a lot of small touches that are quite nice.  The battle preparations shop means you'll never have to worry about running out of weapons, and you can even get Fire tomes and Heal staves before they show up in shops normally for Class Swap purposes.  Having the game highlight every tile that's vulnerable to enemy attack is a nice feature and helps to avoid making mistakes with positioning frailer PCs, which helps since overall durability is down (more on that below).  Partially used up weapons can be combined with each other on the battle preparations menu now.  Weapon exp is saved when you swap to a different class, so you're given decent latitude to play around with different class options.  You can also use this to train up a second weapon type for use after promoting - say, alternating between Hunter and Fighter for a future Warrior PC.

Difficulty is very easy on Normal Mode, but that shouldn't be cause for any complaint when the game has five levels of Hard mode available right off the bat.  Even on NM, the game's not a completely mindless slaughterfest.  As mentioned earlier, overall PC durability is *down* compared to the older games - your evade rates are literally cut in half of the previous values, while Hit isn't much different on the enemy side, but the game still seems to use 2 RNs to calculate hit.  No more Eirikas or Lutes dodging everything while dealing out mass damage, you need to protect your mages at least moderately at all times.  Raw defense does work, pretty well in fact, but the characters with high defense tend to struggle greatly at getting exp... with two possibly gamebreaking exceptions.  Overall, I relied heavily on killing as many enemies as possible on my own turns, to minimize the amount of damage that could be focused on any single PC.  You have to pay attention to the enemies even on maps that are easy overall.

Also, the game has pretty good replay value.  Class swap means there's a ton of different party permutations available with the enormous cast, even if over half of them join too late to be worth much.  6 difficulty levels are available for those seeking a challenge of progressively higher levels.  And multiplayer battles this time around are... well, less of an afterthought than Link Arena, though still not great.  Only 5 PCs still, but at least there's a map this time around.  Too bad it's the only map you can play on.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4429 on: November 12, 2008, 11:58:51 PM »
SN - Began this on a whim. The writing is entertaining, and the system is oddly not bad. The game sorta hands you insane broken like candy, although it's not too intuitive (albeit very simple). What the fuck were they thinking with merging, anyway? This is so hilariously broken it's not even funny.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4430 on: November 13, 2008, 12:10:09 AM »
Looks like Marth didn't need anywhere near capped Str for that 2HKO. Idoun mk 2? (or mk 0, I guess)

Game looks interesting but not a must-buy, to me. The assertion that it's one step forward but three steps back fits how the game looks to me. Good little review, anyway.

FE10 - Up to 3-8. By the end of this map my entire Greil force except Ike should be promoted, which is broken right now. This makes the hawks less uber than I remember, since while their stats are certainly completely broken, they do have gauge issues.

I have no idea how my other PCs are going to keep up. I mean, for example, Zihark and Mia fought in 3-7, and Mia (who wasn't even promoted yet) one-rounded Zihark with a Wind Edge, with no crit or Adept. This is without significant variation on either for stats. They won't be any closer in levels by Part 4. ;_;

Playing the game without favouritism probably makes it less fun, but it's an interesting exercise.

Oh yeah, and for me at least, the Bronze Lance on Black Knight trick didn't work. He automatically switched the Alondite when he moved. I guess you could reach him before he moved, is the idea? (Possible, but difficult.) Oh well. Didn't feel like redoing the map just for that, and I do want to see the full NG+ plot, so I battle save abused until Ike dodged on an 18 listed hit chance (real odds of about 6.5%, but it's a double so it's more like 12-13% in practice; happened on the fifth try or so). Only time I've used a battle save so far this playthrough, should be the last. I feel the exception was justified because gameplaywise there was no way I'd make that attack and thus need that abuse, it was just to see some plot in Part 4.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4431 on: November 13, 2008, 01:29:07 AM »
BvS- Hacking my way through filler. Currently need a note page bingo to move on with the trade though.

Dawn of War Dark Crusade - A friend asked me if I would like a go at this and said it was a very good game. I know bits and pieces of 40K storyline so I decided to have a go. Game smacked me in the face the first couple of skirmishs and to hell with space marines who swarm you in under a minute.
Of course these little raids normally wouldn't be a problem to most armies but I was being the imperium of man. IOM's infantry are more or less cannon fodder. One squad can't beat a single space marine.

Now for the story mode I was thinking of going Chaos but I actually picked IOM. I wasn't about to quit and so what if my enemies heroes have 3 or 5 times mine's hit points and so what if my men are pieces of meat who are blown apart by the weakest of enemy units.
Anyway I began by invading the scum which are the blood ravens. They put up a good fight and my men were being blown apart left, right and centre. Then I got my hands on the baneblade. This IOM tank has enough fire power to level an army and the base they happen to be defending and that was that.
After taking that land I pressed on to their stronghold to eliminate the blood ravens. The leader of the blood ravens put up quite a heavy amount of defences but at this point I had learned how to use the IOM. Strength in mumbers until you can get tanks is the IOM way. Currently I've broken the centre base and built a stronghold there to increase my strength. I am now moving to take the space marine orbital relay and destroy their reinforcements.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4432 on: November 13, 2008, 04:03:59 AM »
Remind me again who Elena is? I should know this, having played SO3 three times, but eh.

Elena Frahm is the head of the Aquarian Research Department or whatever their name is.

And Niu: Lemme guess, another one of those things they release on the side that are never referenced?

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4433 on: November 13, 2008, 09:36:05 AM »
Ninja Gaiden II: Seeing how I got to the very end months ago and never completed it, I finally decided to finish the game.  Honestly had more trouble with the priest guy than the archfiend, since Archfiend didn't have "lol unavoidable throws" of fucking doom.  Second form was trickier, but if you take it slow and run the fuck away from the lasers and lightning, it wasn't that bad.

Completion stats: 2298 kills, 55 deaths, 25 skulls collected.  Wow, I thought I died a lot more especially chapters 9-11 were most of them.  Compared to Trips: more kills, but 305 deaths.  How did you die THAT many times?

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4434 on: November 13, 2008, 10:45:38 AM »
Wrath. And the big hand says it's time to rock and roll.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4435 on: November 13, 2008, 11:00:49 AM »
TotA: Just finished the Zao Ruins, 2nd time around. Ready to head up to Daath again. Abused Search Points, got everyone upgraded to level 3 Din stuff (Mighty Saber, Mythril Rod, Mythril Spear, Full Metal Fang and a Heihachi for Anise). Whee not needing to buy more weapons for a while.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4436 on: November 13, 2008, 02:03:58 PM »
FFTA2: Remember how I said it seemed like they took the broken out?

Well, uh, ahahaha I was wrong. Go go getting endgame stuff in midgame + Seeq Rangers are broken fuckers. 400 ITD damage may very well end up a OHKO in the DL.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4437 on: November 13, 2008, 07:23:59 PM »
Eternal Poison, Thage(Gothloli) path: Okay, yeah, so I picked this up because I wanted a SRPG that wasn't a FE game.

So far, Thage and Ranunculus are damn good in the earlygame, it seems.  Or the enemies are just pathetic.  Either way, Thage already has Lv2 offensive spells, and Ranunculus is doing sickening damage (having two kinds of infinite-use damage in EP is big.  As is his raw power), on top of having solid durability and gamebest movement.  He 4HKOs the first boss alone, as does Thage with Pyro II.

...said boss who I set up an Overkill combo on and captured.  So now I have a boss with 400 HP (where Ranunculus and one of my mercs have the next best at mid-200s) who was OHKOing/near-OHKOing party members.  God knows that either this was still an easy earlygame, or I've just further broken the game, even if this bastard does take up two slots.

Seems like a fun game so far.  I'll probably need to level up some of the captured demons and mercenaries before seriously considering going further in.  ...okay, maybe not the demons.  Being able to make other party members take half-actions is fun (though they should have told me that you can initiate combos without having the main be part of it).

Also, requesting rights to stat-topic this game once I start hitting plot-significant bosses.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 07:27:04 PM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4438 on: November 13, 2008, 08:59:35 PM »
Eternal Poison, Thage(Gothloli) path: Okay, yeah, so I picked this up because I wanted a SRPG that wasn't a FE game.

So far, Thage and Ranunculus are damn good in the earlygame, it seems.  Or the enemies are just pathetic.  Either way, Thage already has Lv2 offensive spells, and Ranunculus is doing sickening damage (having two kinds of infinite-use damage in EP is big.  As is his raw power), on top of having solid durability and gamebest movement.  He 4HKOs the first boss alone, as does Thage with Pyro II.

Thage is good because like every enemy is weak to either fire or dark.  And she's also immune to magic.  having multiple infinite-use weapons isn't that big of a deal because everyone can equip three.  >.>  But Raki's are crazy high on attack power so it's all good.

...said boss who I set up an Overkill combo on and captured.  So now I have a boss with 400 HP (where Ranunculus and one of my mercs have the next best at mid-200s) who was OHKOing/near-OHKOing party members.  God knows that either this was still an easy earlygame, or I've just further broken the game, even if this bastard does take up two slots.

Haven't tried using that guy in battle.  Actually planning on not using any Majin, but capturing it to get a skill/cash is still nice anyways.

Seems like a fun game so far.  I'll probably need to level up some of the captured demons and mercenaries before seriously considering going further in.  ...okay, maybe not the demons.  Being able to make other party members take half-actions is fun (though they should have told me that you can initiate combos without having the main be part of it).

I don't think you can level up anywhere, actually.  If you find out how, let me know.  >.>  Actually, do Majin even level up?  I assumed they couldn't.

Half actions are quite useful in many cases.  For example, it lets you keep a weak PC behind until closer to their turn, have them move, and then move+act on the next turn so they don't get left behind.  Or if someone can't act and an enemy moves in range before the leader's turn, you can have them attack then.  Or delay healing a bit.  It's pretty awesome.

Combos just need people who haven't acted and are next to an enemy, yeah.  Doesn't have to be the leader (I didn't find this out until the first boss either).  Thank goodness because Thage's BOOK WHACKS OF DOOM aren't actually so doomy.

Also, requesting rights to stat-topic this game once I start hitting plot-significant bosses.

I was already planning on stat topicing PCs, actually.  >.>  I have no plans for bosses so if you want to grab those you'll get absolutely no objections from me.  Hmm, not sure if I was going to bother doing Majin either.

Granted, from the looks of it, the bosses are going to be sick Godlikes.  Immuning all damage except for one element until being hit by that element is insane in the DL.  And if you just fought Moon Belator, you have a plot-important boss coming up, but I'm assuming he has multiple forms.


Eternal POIZN - Yeah, playing this too, obviously.  It's actually quite interesting.  Up to... map 5 of Thage's story.  So far, Thage and Raki own face, while everyone else is varying shades of meh and YAY HEALING and fail.  Interesting to note is that every enemy and every PC has different elemental weaknesses and resistances, which are important to keep track of (the game tells you all of them).  Otherwise you might put a PC by some guys who hit its weakness and gets 2HKOd in the process.  No permadeath, but no revival, so losing a PC sets you back for the rest of the battle.  The game's not all that hard though, but that might change.

Capturing Majin is a neat idea.  You can capture them by overkilling them by a certain amount of HP (which the game tells you).  Unfortunately, the game doesn't tell you how much damage you will do on an attack, but it's easy to figure out and there's no variance at all.  After capturing majin, you have may options: Use them in battle (consumes PP/turn), sacrifice them for PP, sacrifice them for a skill, or sell them.  Skills you get from sacrificing Majin can be put on equipment for use in battle.  They range from things like Pyro I (fire spell) to Prc Dodge (15% evasion to pierce attacks) to Ph resist I (+20 to physical resistances) so far.  Needless to say, some of these can be quite useful.  Selling Majin not only gets you money, but unlocks items in the shop, so you can buy them.  Not a big deal, but getting that + getting extra money is good.  Also, the amount of PP/cash you get from sacrificing/selling Majin seems to be twice as much as you get from killing them normally.  Nice.

Battles are normal CTB SRPG.  If a character only Moves or Acts, then they can do the other half of that on the leader's turn, which means you can delay parts of your turn if it's more effective, or if you can't attack anything on your turn, wait until the leader goes and maybe you can attack then.  If multiple people don't act and can attack the same enemy when the leader goes, you can do a combo attack.  This isn't very useful most of time, but it has advantages.  It can't be evaded or countered, for one, and since Majin capturing is determined by overkill damage, having two people attack at once makes that easier (I think their damage is just added together, so no extra net damage).

Other than equipment skills, characters also learn skills by levelling up (original, I know).  So there is an element of uniqueness here as well as customizability.  Characters also have class changes at certain levels, and there's a choice between two classes.

Overall, it's been pretty fun so far.  Much better than I was expecting, at least.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4439 on: November 13, 2008, 09:18:49 PM »
SRWR replay 2 finished.
It's actually somewhat relaxing to play mindless smash SRW directly after having played SRWFF, it turns out.
Beat my first replay's turn count by 60 (285 turns total for this one). Not entirely sure how I managed that, I can only assume that I wasted a fair amount of time that play.
It occured to me that I had a bunch of people who had barely any kills despite this being the 3rd playthrough, which is of course inacceptable, so I changed my usual tack of feeding enemies to whoever had the lowest level to whoever had the lowest kills. Didn't manage to get anyone funny to Acehood unfortunately, although I did get the Kerot pilot up to 29. That the random number god decreed I had to fully upgrade it didn't do anything to hinder matters there, though.

Now I get to go back to not-so-mindless and rereplay D.

Baddest of the Bands played through.
I actually played through this back when it came out but I forgot to mention it earlier ._.
Pretty good, some great moments. Still has the problem with nowhere near enough nongeneric responses, but I'm not sure if TTG are ever going to get out of that. Also still has missable points. This is not the route to take to make me want to replay -_-


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4440 on: November 13, 2008, 09:57:13 PM »

I assume that is Thazi from Poison Pink??

If that's the case....

Note 1: Remeber to capture EVERYTHING if you want to unlock the final chapter.
Note 2: You need everyone's good end to get into the final chapter.
Note 3: Thazi's good end= fighting the water dragon in middle route in second tier. On a unrelated note, special event occur if you fight the death in the right route in third tier as well.
Note 4: Oripahn's good end = fight the dragon on left route on tier 3.
Note 5: Parshe's good end = fight the death on the right route on tier 3.
Note 6: Rondimeon's chapter is NOT the final chapter, and he has a auto good end.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4441 on: November 13, 2008, 10:03:19 PM »
Wait, you need ALL good endings to get the final chapter?  I thought you only needed one.  Well, good to know, I guess.  Thanks for the info on how to get them because I had absolutely no clue and there are no FAQs yet.  >.>

Is there anything that I might easily miss capturing?  Want to make sure I don't miss anything if they're that picky.

Also, are all the stories completely separate?  I ask for stat topic reasons, since it seems like I might have to get stats for the end of each story.

Also, is Thage's Negate (looks like it immunes all magic) skill innate?  I'm trying to figure out where it came from but it doesn't look like any equipment has it, so I assume it's innate.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4442 on: November 14, 2008, 12:48:00 AM »
Looks like Marth didn't need anywhere near capped Str for that 2HKO. Idoun mk 2? (or mk 0, I guess)

Well, he has seven points more than he needs there, and he's beating his strength average by... 7 points.  Go figure.  He still needs a miracle to actually double the Medius, though.

He's actually not that bad a fight (at least by FE final standards... or Shadow Dragon standards), since he can only be attacked from range one in one direction and all the weakness hitting weapons are range 1 only, plus he has a range 1-2 weapon and throne healing.  Compare that to Idoun, who LACKS ranged offense unlike every other FE boss I'm aware of while facing Roy's Sword of Brokeness for extra humiliation value.  His biggest problem is that his HP is too low considering how much damage he takes from said weakness hitting weapons; Nagi does 45 to him if you recruit her, she just will never double.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4443 on: November 14, 2008, 01:07:42 AM »
2HKOed still means that "park Marth in front of him, counter, kill on player phase" works, though. Being outslugged by a single character, without any real effort in how you approach him (e.g. rescue antics), is a distinction shared pretty much only by Nergal among FE big bads, along with FE6's (Idoun makes up for 1 range only with mobility, but it doesn't matter since that still only brings her to the level of "lol 2HKOed even if she isn't doubled".)

Unless he moves or something so he can avoid counters from Falchion, but given you said throne bonuses, I'd assume he doesn't.

Playing FE10 and FE9 HM made me forget how much other FE finals sucked. <.< Well, Dragon's okay.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4444 on: November 14, 2008, 01:23:40 AM »
Valkyrie Chronicles:  Almost done, on Chapter 15 or so.

Enjoyable so far, although the pacing gets slow at times when you have to deal with a harder battle.  The only other real downside is the lack of customization among the classes.  You really just have your 5 classes cloned over and over.  (This is true in many games, but at least FE goes far enough to give people noticeably different stats.)

Still fun, proly 7.5 or 8/10 range for me.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4445 on: November 14, 2008, 01:33:27 AM »
Thing is, I'd rate the "park character for counter, then kill on next turn" maneuver as being above average in terms of complexity for a lategame FE boss.  Most of the time you just bring in a second character to finish the boss off in one round and don't worry about the enemy phase.  Ephraim should be able to 3HKO Lyon for instance if he has supports backing him up to get the kill in the same way, but it's much easier to just finish him off with someone else.

Edit: Also, if you're not one-rounding him, you need to off his support (there's 2 Snipers and 2 Priests hanging around) first.  This still doesn't take any *real* thinking admittedly, but compare this to the Demon King fight in FE8, where you just bring your PCs forward and attack him three times on the first round for the win.

Now there are a bunch of nasty earlygame bosses in FE6 who put Medius (and most other major plot villains) to shame, not to mention the random plotless 13 AS Fighter boss in C3 here, but we aren't talking about those.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2008, 01:37:45 AM by hinode »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4446 on: November 14, 2008, 01:46:25 AM »
Thing is, I'd rate the "park character for counter, then kill on next turn" maneuver as being above average in terms of complexity for a lategame FE boss.

I'd rate that below dealing with any lategame FE boss who moves, and any lategame FE boss with Bolting, so that's... enough to make any such bosses below average to me.

HM Lyon's ability to OHKO (without Barrier Staff/Pure Water, but hey, that's more effort than most FE bosses need!) a lot of the people who might threaten him, and be nearly impossible to 3HKO (Eph can do it but needs good level/RNG luck with Str/supports), make him better than the trash, although still not great.

Moral of the story: most FE lategame bosses suck.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4447 on: November 14, 2008, 02:14:24 AM »
I'd rate that below dealing with any lategame FE boss who moves, and any lategame FE boss with Bolting, so that's... enough to make any such bosses below average to me.

Even MORPH JERME?  <_<

Still, point on the rest of the morphs in Light.  They definately made you think, far more than more FE bosses.  Can't think of any other mobile lategame bosses aside from uh... Riev.  Guessing 10 has more?

Bolting bosses are generally fodder for Warp staff, although some subjectively is coming into play here, as I don't remember using Warp anywhere near as much in FE6-8 as I did here.  I suppose Brunya gets credit for surrounding herself with a bunch of Druids, but their sleep staff spamming was even more annoying than her Bolting.

HM Lyon's ability to OHKO (without Barrier Staff/Pure Water, but hey, that's more effort than most FE bosses need!) a lot of the people who might threaten him, and be nearly impossible to 3HKO (Eph can do it but needs good level/RNG luck with Str/supports), make him better than the trash, although still not great.

I wasn't thinking of HM, as boosts there can change things.  If we're bringing it up though, then on Hard 5 Medius gets 30 in all 3 offensive stats and you don't have many other options besides sacrificing PCs against him.

Moral of the story: most FE lategame bosses suck.

Now this is the truth, even more so if we just talk about finals.  Medius benefits a bit from being compared to the bosses in his own game, who are really, really, really, pathetic, even compared to any other FE game to date.  Just look at these stats, they're downright embarrassing past chapter 3.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4448 on: November 14, 2008, 04:32:51 AM »
Warp is pretty funds-crippling in the games that matters, and seems like it might be kinda suicidal in many cases too.

Fair enough on HM. I'll freely admit I tend to default to thinking about FE9 and FE8 in HM terms, because that's what GameFAQs does, because those two games are so easy on NM. Dunno what will end up being the case with FE11.

FE10 endgame bosses don't move (well, a few can teleport, but they can't attack on the turns they do), they just have MT attacks and some other tricks up their sleeve not seen before in FE games.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4449 on: November 14, 2008, 05:03:45 AM »
Hmmm, I don't post enough. >_> Let's see if I can recall everything since last post~ (Some of this may be redundant.)

Super Robot Taisen Advance Portable: Completed.

The final two stages were, thank god, less of a royal pain in the ass than Don Sauser was.

More to the point, the entire final stage was way easier than A originally was for me, with the dangerous grunts having 1.5x more HP and me having around 3x the offense. (At leaaaast 2x, but no, I really would peg it that high overall.)

Some of that was game over abuse(not that I needed it, but Ace bonuses are so shiny.), but most of it was the much better weapons, comparable-if-not-better weapon upgrades and Valor not being something you dragged out of a sewer for worth.

Add in actual Will rates and the final stage kinda was easier than it used to be. I cleared it in like eight turns out of the ten limit. I'm not complaining.

Warriors Orochi: Got every PC.

Da Ji is silly~

Very fun game. Looking forward to 2 despite the fact that it sounds stupidly easy.

Order of Ecclesia:

Completed this, have a Hard Mode L1 file around...last spot I can recall was the Channel's second pass through.

Unbelievably fun game for boss and area design. Great challenge balance, the hardest Metroidvania definitely.

I was disappointed in weaponry versatility, but that was about it. Honestly, I'd rather have the effort be in overall design anyways, though.

Wild Arms: Crossfire:

I think I'm about to assault some prison.

This game basically reminds me of WA4 spliced with FFT spliced with a lot of gimmick maps. This isn't a bad thing, but that's all the opinion I've developed so far. Probably going to shift to it more soon.

Dragon Quest 4: Chapters of the Chosen:

Completed, beat C6.

Pretty good port of the PSX version. I laugh my ass off at people that think this is anything but a port of that, and clearly they did, in fact, have the drat source code. The game is too similar, unless I missed something, and they had absolutely no reason to keep it that similar(The game actually slows down at points in towns due to keeping the graphics so similar. I mean, c'mon, that's port right there.).

Still, enjoyable overall, better than the original definitely while still basically being the same game. The C6 stuff is kinda shallow, but for what it is, it's pretty fun(Typical DQ added content for ports and remakes; They don't add much, but what they add is generally cool.). Overall very happy with this.

Sonic Chronicles:

Stalled, the fourth or fifth Chaos Emerald? Just did some stupid arena thing.

At least the game's less stupid lately. Unfortunately I got disgusted enough not to want to play it due to how stupid it had been. I'll get back into it in a bit.

Super Robot Taisen 1:

I have no idea why I played this. Beat it in about five hours of dedicated play.

If you ever play this(don't!), make a point to find hidden items, funnel them all into your main(who should be either Getter Dragon or Great Mazinger from what I saw), and savestate abuse Spirit commands so that you can use Heart on hard to get recruits(GET SAZABI THIS WAY IT IS ARGUABLY THE BEST UNIT IN THE GAME JUST BECAUSE OF FIVE RANGE. Too bad it's not a main option.).

Oh and Pikudrone is spectacularly dumb. I understand how Meeple got permastuck there(although I think you could go in, blow up most of your troops, recruit a Bound Doc and one of those 43 attack enemies whose names are escaping me, and maybe do it if you're breaking his defense at all to start with.).
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter