Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing: 2008  (Read 472176 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #800 on: February 15, 2008, 06:16:40 PM »
When you get her, Maria is BEST used in player control; She's also notable for having starting attacks that remain good throughout the game.  Don't let the AI ruin her if you opt to use her.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #801 on: February 15, 2008, 06:57:24 PM »
Eh? As long as Maria's Attack and Defence is upgraded in the status skills section of the battle she's usually fine from general experience. I usually control Peppita (who's AI does suck by comparison) w/th Maria on AI and I find her to be one of the most reliable to have by my side. Agreed on Nel though. All of the optionals bar Roger tend to have subpar AI. Maria, Sophia and Adray have the advantage that they have long range physical attacks which don't bring them into range like everybody else's so as long as they are able to cancel combo effectively then tend to stay at range keeping them safe. Then again Adray tends to suck at cancelling offensive moves and prefers to spam support spells but meh. Personally I'd only control Maria if I was using her as my main damage dealer and not using any of the other maingame power resources (Nel, Peppita) or those not that great at using their best moves (Adray, Albel)
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #802 on: February 15, 2008, 07:06:48 PM »
Backing up Grefter that Cliff on AI works well enough, so he can be left alone, and someone like Nel and Maria can only really be used to their potential via human control.

Though, of course, use who you like most/are most comfortable with.  Just best to consider how characters work on AI when choosing your other 2 <_<
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #803 on: February 15, 2008, 07:21:23 PM »
As someone who used Cliff/Nel/Maria as a party regularly and rotated between all three for PC control, I found all of them decent when used by the computer, as well. Of course, they are BETTER in your hands but that's a given.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #804 on: February 15, 2008, 07:22:38 PM »
Well I'd agree with that when it comes to as damage dealers Maria and Nel bringing out their full damage under player control yeah (S/R in your face Scatter Beams for Maria which the AI tends not to do) yeah but it seems to me most people tend  to have difficulty chosing which female to use and in that respect I'd say Maria and Mirage's AIs are better than the other three.

VPII - Dylan just did 50'000+ damage to the Hydra. Nuts.

Edit - Basically agree with DHE.

Edit 2 - Dylan has Full Swing now.

Went on a skill learning spree earlier, had Alicia learn all the available red skills and then basically taught Dylan everything but Triple Edge, Victorious Vitality, God Destroyer, Demon Destroyer, Dismantle, Giant Killer,  Forcefield 1000 and Forcefield 5000. There may be something else that I'm forgetting that he hasn't learnt yet though.

Dylan - Bahamut Tear + Brilliant Peacemaker + Power Bangle + Great Eagle Heart + Fists of Iron + Descaling Might + Solitary Struggle + True Seeing (I don't know if this triggered though) + Sword Blessing + Wrath of Force (not sure if the two sealstones stack but had them anyway) w/th Full Swing -

63'000+ damage at full HP.

I'm going to miss him =-(
« Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 07:46:23 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #805 on: February 15, 2008, 10:48:00 PM »
Xenogears: Finished disc 1 and went trough a long "OMG, we're almost at the dealine!" segment. Well, I doubt I would have enjoyed to see how Elly turns into some sort of saint in greater detail, but still, that fast forward mode hardly helped the story. Other than that, I do find the story rather interesting. It just kept getting better and better. Now it toke a nosedive though. Oh well, I'll see if the game can recover.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #806 on: February 16, 2008, 12:17:30 AM »
SO3 - Okay, I'm at Kirlsa Mines. Now that I'm getting used to Nel's controls, she's being the most benefitial to control: I like being able to control my healing, and Cliff/Fayt can take care of themselves. The interaction continues to win - more for the generally well-written dialogue and enjoyably nuanced vocabulary than for moments of badassery. It's a verbose game so far, but I'm fine with that if the writing works. Farleen's voice is also the most hilariously jarring thing ever. She's totally ICE COLD with that helium-loaded pitch. Complete win.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #807 on: February 16, 2008, 12:37:55 AM »
VPII - I think the game broke ;p

S03 - Using Mirage extensively for the second time. Again on 4-D mode which probably isn't the wisest of choices when it comes to Mirage since Galaxy/Universe would utilise her DEF better but I enjoy 4-D mode in general <_< Just defeated 4-D G w/th Mirage (L64), Nel (70) and Peppita (L77) without item creation. Thought it'd be interesting to try. Took a few tries mainly due to making stupid mistakes like forgetting to change skill set ups/getting caught in AoE attacks, won on the fifth try. I'd been trying a Kaboom + Triple Kick combo in a couple of the previous attempts and that'd worked well until I got the boss into it's final phase of specials and then made stupid mistakes but then I realised that my problem was that I wasn't playing as offensively as I usually do, instead trying to hit and run while alternatively trying to keep everyone alive on manual which sucked as the boss tended to chase whoever was in the corner ;p So in the winning fight I turnt his corner trick to my advantage by having Peppita cancel combo Power Dance > Kaboom in a corner to 300% if it didn't knock the boss away (which is good anyway cause it briefly keeps him from attacking >_>) and having my manual Nel as my item user/AAA bait. Nel sometimes had to revive Peppita when I mistimed PD's invincibility frames. Mirage was in the other corner for when both Nel and Peppita died.

When the boss was cornered in Mirage's corner I also added some powerdanced Triple Kicks to Peppita's Kabooms. Due to the boss's relatively solid size Kaboom managed to land a decent number of hits (6, 7, 8) on it each use and Triple Kick has nice damage mods anyway even though it only hits three times so depleting the boss's HP wasn't hard. It was mainly trying to keep all three characters alive for the EXP that took time ;p
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 12:42:17 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #808 on: February 16, 2008, 06:45:27 AM »
Odin Sphere; Started this last night (by which I mean Thursday Night), just beat Velvet.

Gameplay isn't bad at its core, but the game has some glaring flaws from the get go.  For starters, its very easy to take damage and not even know WHAT hit you.  Not going to say much else, game has potential to be good and frustrating, hard to say which it'll be at this point.

Demon's Crest: Completed, got the best Ending finally!  Infinity Crest Phalanx is a whore, mostly cause he cheeses out invincibility stages.  See, in a game like Mega Man, invincibility stages are fine cause its a fast paced thing you're constantly moving in, and you rapidly fire, etc.  But in a game like this, which is much slower, and more about precision in your positioning and such, its just annoying.  Granted, True Final also implies you have Legendary Gargoyle form (Halves damage), Armored Talisman (more damage halving, so that's quartering) and 5 Urns (basically, LoZ Pots when all is said and done, so do the math <_<.)

Otherwise, game was generally fun.  Pity its the last game in the Gargoyle's Quest subseries (I say sub series cause its technically a spin off of the G&G games), as the game was creative and an interesting direction to go in after Gargoyle's Quest 2, which was already kind of fun (sounds like it did very little new compared to the original GQ, but never played that, for all that it sounds like it mainly was just generally better in terms of stage design and such.)  Makes me wanna replay it too, in fact!  That aside, it was nice to see where the idea for MMZX series got its roots too.  The Bio Metal system was so obviously a Mega Man adaptation of the Crest system in this game its not even funny.
Heck, even utility purposes have parallels; for example, Aerial Gargoyle and Model H are both wind elemental forms that are meant to be the sky combat (granted, in DC, you fly, so this is translated to "Ignores Tempests that force you to move, and you can fly vertically" while in MM games, its "Air Dashing and Hovering" <_<)

The secrets...weren't as obscure as I thought they'd be.  The ones I missed and had to FAQ were basically 2 Life Forces (one of which I had the right idea for, the other...I would have never have guessed since the rewards for the OTHER two mini games was simply cash, and I sucked at the hard one! Glad that's over with), and the Hand Talisman.  I was running around looking for the 5th Urn only to learn that I got it completely by accident thinking it was a different power up <_<;

Anyway, best form is Legendary Gargoyle.  That's pretty much a "duh" statement.  Its the base form (technically Fire Crest), except the weapon is a combination of the Buster (breaks stuff) and Demon Fire (hits hard as hell), and halves all damage.  GRANTED, its suppose to be turning Firebrand into his Red Blaze form that I guess was what he got in GQ2, for all that it didn't change his appearance in that game.

Played around with Ultimate Gargoyle after getting the password from beating the game.  That thing, yeah.  Combine the best features of ALL forms, give it an attack better than Legendary Gargoyle's *AND* give it a charge attack akin to the Mega Buster (though it takes forever to charge) and that's Ultimate Gargoyle.  I didn't expect anything less, granted, but its nice when big super secret abilities actually live up to their name, and aren't just cheap "oh, its the best but not by much!" nonsense some games do.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #809 on: February 16, 2008, 08:50:24 AM »
Finished Zork Nemesis.

Game's main problem: No describing what you're interacting with (why is this such a common problem?). This is especially annoying in the concert puzzle where you can't see what you're supposed to be clicking on, and anyone who brings up the picture that shows where all the instruments are supposed to be located gets a kick in the head since they are not arranged like that whatsoever.

Was not expecting the twist near the end which presumably says more about my anticapitory skills or lack thereof than it does about the game's storyline.

To be honest I don't even understand what it was you did that ended the game.

In any case pretty good all up, although it could easily have been improved. My favourite areas were probably the temple for its simplicity, followed by the conservatory for prettiness. Monastery gets points for having more flashbacks than the entire rest of the areas put together though (at least it seems like it does).

"Yah want some rye?  Course yah do!"  (No clue if that's from ZN or Return to Zork, but it had to be said.)

That would be Return to Zork, yeah. I tried to play that years ago and didn't do much more than flounder. Did manage to get past that guy without killing him, though!

I love how the manual had an example of using one item on another being that of using matches on tickets and choosing to burn the tickets or something similar, then says 'Please don't actually do this in game, only highly skilled players can beat the game after having done this' or thereabouts. I wonder if that was actually true.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 08:52:15 AM by Twilkitri »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #810 on: February 16, 2008, 12:19:24 PM »
Going to try Grand Inquisitor sometime Twil?  Never really did the Zork thing myself, but interested in your overall assessment.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #811 on: February 16, 2008, 12:50:50 PM »
I'll have to try it some time, yeah. I should play the text-based ones and suchforth at some point too.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #812 on: February 16, 2008, 01:32:27 PM »
Text ones would be especially interesting with their insane ball crushing difficulty.

Sam and Max season 2 - Episode 3 is pretty good.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #813 on: February 16, 2008, 05:57:56 PM »
SO3 - Kirlsa facility now. I'm supposed to go back to the first floor now that the girl wanting in Fayt's pants gave me the key, right? Also, Side Kick is yummy cancel-bait.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #814 on: February 16, 2008, 06:48:15 PM »
Side Kick is stupidly awesome. It and Charge make a weirdly good combination, since Charge does good damage and a good 50% of your time in the combo will be spend in Side Kick's invincibility frames.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #815 on: February 16, 2008, 07:43:24 PM »
God of War - Cliffs of Madness.  Minotaur fight was fun.  Easy to screw up, but pretty easy nonetheless.  Game's gotten much better now that my Chaos Blades are level 5 and I've gotten used to the controls.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #816 on: February 16, 2008, 08:01:11 PM »
AW:DoR: The trial missions are all damn easy.  At least most of them are easy and short--the ones with multiple opponents don't even have that going for them, though....

TF2: Been a while since I updated this.  I've been playing this farly continuously, and have an actual team with matches and practices now.  Still playing primarily Medic, though I've been branching out a fair bit more.  I play a decent amount of Scout now.  I also do a decent amount of Demoman.  Pyro and Heavy are falling behind a bit--generally at times when I would use them, I'm Medic instead.  Starting to get into Soldier; my rocket jumping is still so-so, though I guess I'm sufficiently used to the game now that I'm able to juggle people.  I've sworn off Engie--for a while it was my second most played class, and I really felt that didn't represent how much I dislike the class.  Spy I only play on 2-Fort, though I play it decently often there.

The new map (Badlands) is neat.  It's in the Well/Granary style, though the second/fourth CPs are on top of a strip-mine mountain with a spiral ramp, which adds an extra complication.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #817 on: February 16, 2008, 08:54:17 PM »
Soul Nomad: Median is a much bigger asshole in person.  Also, the win ending for that is even more assholish.  Seriously, that's annoying.

That ending is non canon, so don't be bothered with it.

Betterman has an enemy that shoots FLAGS of various countries at you. what.
Betterman player units seem pretty good, they both have repair/resupply on one form and reasonable attacks on the other, and they also both have godly C3 Scan -_- Betterman itself is ugly (as is the pilot) and consequently not worth considering.

Wait wait, you say you find the player unit to be prettier than Betterman? How wrong.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #818 on: February 16, 2008, 09:53:54 PM »
Lost Odyssey: 360 RPG #3. A game about an amnesiac 1000 year old immortal and his journey in the current world, filled with politics, magic, family issues, and all that RPG stuff. I'm up to the point where I recruit the little boy and girl.

The good:
- Music. The soundtrack is quite pleasant. Nothing that stands out as awesome, but well put together.
- Visuals. Its a next-gen RPG, etc... Though I will say Eternal Sonata is prettier. On the *other* hand, there is actually a zoom function in this game, which lets you see things in better detail and enjoy them. Something ES badly, badly needed.
- Nice and simple system. Turn based RPG with characters having unique stat spreads but still being customizable.
- Customization system. Its fast. Its easy. It actually lets Immortals live up to the plot hype! Immortals can take any skill any mortal in the team has by selecting it and fighting 1-3 battles. They can also do this with equips. Its pretty sick.
- Boss battles being good. Thus far all the bosses have been perfectly capable of winning if you screwed up.
- Thousand Years of Dreams. Nice little side-story in the form of a visual novel that adds some form of depth to Kaim's character. They do run the gamut from awesome to pointless, but the game is improved by their presence. And if you don't want to watch them or are in a hurry, you can skip and rewatch the sequences as you please.

The middling:
- The main plot and character interaction is just standard fare. Except for Jansen. He is excellent comic relief.

The bad:
- Random encounters. Come on now, even Blue Dragon managed better.
- Silly minigames and fetchquests. Minigame at the freaking funeral of someone pretty important to the core plot? I lacked words.
- Dungeons. They are pretty and have nice music, but most of them are just pointless, and the threat of randoms is less from the randoms winning as you running out of resources.

Character thoughts thus far:
Kaim: Strong silent type. Started off as a colder Squall, but is gradually opening up and is actually a decent guy. TANK in battle, and can generally do most magic things, if rather poorly.
Seth: Free spirited, but she really doesn't make an impression. Fast physicals but the magic is as poor as Kaim's.
Jansen: One of his scenes involves him walking out of a bar wasted and with three beautiful girls hanging off of him. Yes. In battle he's a glass canon, but is sadly slow. Still useful.
Cooke: Spirited little girl. Seems to be a great healer. Just handed both my Immortals healing doubling!


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #819 on: February 16, 2008, 09:58:02 PM »
Soul Nomad: Median is a much bigger asshole in person.  Also, the win ending for that is even more assholish.  Seriously, that's annoying.

That ending is non canon, so don't be bothered with it.

Still doesn't stop me from wanting to punch someone at the sheer nature of it.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #820 on: February 16, 2008, 10:15:57 PM »
Not really in the mood for an RPG at the moment, so I looked around for something else and settled on finally replaying Cave Story for the good ending. Still an excellent game, and Sacred Ground was fun. Took some absurd number of runs before I finally beat Ballos 2, but 3 and 4 went down easily after that (woo, missile spam).
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #821 on: February 16, 2008, 10:41:13 PM »
SO3 - Thank you, Star Ocean 3, for letting me ditch Roger. The cage scene was absolutely hilarious and an odd display of genre-savviness from the characters. It warms my heart that they actually were set on leaving Roger behind before the bandits came.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #822 on: February 17, 2008, 12:01:34 AM »
Not really in the mood for an RPG at the moment, so I looked around for something else and settled on finally replaying Cave Story for the good ending. Still an excellent game, and Sacred Ground was fun. Took some absurd number of runs before I finally beat Ballos 2, but 3 and 4 went down easily after that (woo, missile spam).

This is not playing the new Sam and Max.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #823 on: February 17, 2008, 05:06:10 AM »
AWDoR:  Finished campaign again.  Have S ranks on all but two campaign maps.  Up to 119 medals.

EoSD:  Beat Easy with ReimuA and MarisaA.

PCB:  Beat Easy with SakuyaA.

Samidare:  Getting better.  I can almost beat the stage 2 boss now (using three continues).  Again, this is saying a lot.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #824 on: February 17, 2008, 07:15:09 AM »
Odin Sphere: Beat Chap 5.  Game is getting a bit repetitive with how its run to older area, fight for a bit, get stuff like Mandragoras, sell stuff, buy healing items and such, go do dungeon, beat bosses.  Its...too formula really.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A