Crisis Core - Final Fantasy 7: Finished.
Overall pretty good, WAY better than the previous FF7 spinoffs by an order of magnitude. The gameplay was inoffensive, actually had some cool ideas, Materia works a lot better in a solo character game than it does in a full-on RPG and the little slot machine thing worked out way better than it sounded. It also had the occasional okay boss[might switch the game to hard mode and see if it gets more fun or just stupid].
Plot was better than I expected, partly because it didn't retcon the hell out of much of anything like other spinoffs did, but it's still FF7 at heart in terms of flaws, though I guess you could call that a point in its favor.
Characters were definitely a higher point than I expected, and I'd be willing to say I liked the cast more than FF7's. Most importantly, Zack is very likable. Tidus minus all the whining and bitching and laughing scenes. Works very well, and he interacts great with the other cast members. The only gripe here I have is that they make Sephiroth's betrayal stuff a lot less... realistic. He's really level headed and nice before that, so it just feels way too sudden and forced :/. The other characters[particularly Angeal] filled their roles very well too.
Music was decent, not great stand-alone but it almost always fits the mood of the game, which is nice. Some of the remixes of older songs are pretty good, though.
Graphics are very impressive for a handheld, and are a definite standout. They went all out on the style, and it's better for it.
The only real beef I have with the game is lack of sceneskip, but fortunately the game is only like 15~ hours tops anyways, so it's not nearly as bad as it could be.
But yeah, easy 8/10 for me, I really enjoyed it and might replay it sometime in the future[NG+ and lots of extra missions left].