
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing: 2008  (Read 473195 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1525 on: April 20, 2008, 05:56:14 PM »
AT: Finished. Bad ending final was pretty good! Granted, this owes much to me lacking ten levels and ultimate equips, but hey. A truckload of HP--three truckloads, actually, since she cycles between three personas constantly--regen, MT 2HKO damage, status...yeah. And the second form saw the first PC death of the game, thanks to its ability to hit the reyvateil at will. So yeah, good fight, though I'll grant that it may in part be due to the fact that I wasn't really planning on fighting a final boss at the time. The actual final was the same thing, but with me having better HP and knowing what to expect. Still a massive step up from anything else in the game (though I'll admit that Kanade's low-HP move overkilling Lyner sure took me by surprise. OHKO damage in Ar Tonelico? What?)

Kind of glad to be done with the game, to be honest. The second half really dragged, due in part to combat not changing in any significant way from beginning to end (beyond enemies getting kinda competent in the last couple dungeons) and also to nagging polish issues. Also, it must be said, due to Lyner. Because he is Dean Stark plus bigamy (hey, the cosmospheres did all involve marriage sequences!), and he makes me want to get a sledgehammer and break the PS2 into little pieces. The girls were likable enough, and I can see why the resident AT fanboys hype them, but it's hard for me to get past them all falling for such a totally unredeemable main. Aside from him being a complete moron, there's the issue of him getting to see every intimate little secret the girls have without the obligation (or even the possibility) of him being equally forthcoming. It's just...blurgh. It's just too fucked up for me to ignore in favor of the things they do right, not to mention the creepiness of Misha obsessing over whether Lyner would still like her if she stopped looking like a twelve-year-old (granted, this is only one reasonj why I liked Aurica better).

And, as noted above, polish issues abound. Item inventory is possibly the biggest offender; your items are at least broken up into the categories of IC components, consumables, equips, and plot items, but you have no means to reorganize things within those categories and the game lacks even the option to jump ahead a screen with L1/R1, which really should be a standard feature in modern RPGs. You can only move through your inventory row by row, and since there's a split-second's load time as the game calls up the picture for each item, this makes managing your inventory an unnecessary hassle by the end of the game. At least the actual documentation for the items is comprehensive (the game tells you exactly what an item does, who can equip it, how to make it, what it can be transformed into, etc). Item creation itself is facilitated by the game prompting you to make the components of something first when you don't have them prepared in advance, which is a damn sight better than just telling you, but item management was still more unwieldy than it should've been.

There were other issues, too: cutscene VA would sometimes skip a beat, there were a couple instances where the name in the text box and the speaker didn't match, the script has more typos and missing words than I care to see in a modern RPG, and some of Misha's inn conversations showed her as a little girl even after the plot had returned her to her real age. Some extra time spent on error-checking really would've helped here.

The good things about AT? Yeah, there were some. Gust background music generally comes across as synthetic sludge to me, but the showpiece tracks here are excellent. Particularly both Extraction themes, and I maintain that Claire's songs are the most compelling reason for the game to exist. Good ending's final battle track was pretty nice too (the music for the big ugly form, not the embryonic thing), but damned if I can tell what that one's called (I poked around in the Extra mode's music room but couldn't find anything that sounded like it). I also have to commend the world design just for being so goshdarn weird; the uppermost levels of the tower were a subject of curiosity for a long time, and there's just something cool about looking down on the world from the top of what is essentially an orbital elevator. Also, from a general design perspective, I appreciate how thoroughly IC/cosmosphere/conversation stuff was all intertwined to make progression in one reliant on the others, even if no individual part of that was really outstanding to me.

So yeah, game looks like 5-6/10 quality. It's not horrible, but I'm glad I didn't buy it.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1526 on: April 20, 2008, 06:10:09 PM »
(actually, I don't really kick many people into playing games unless they HAVE THE GAME AVAILABLE, if you didn't notice.  If I do, its usually jokingly.  As far as I'm concerned, don't play a game unless you genuinely want to, not cause some one told you too; this isn't to say you shouldn't recommend games, in order to make it known or try to get some interest, but buying a game based entirely on hype and kicks is a bad move if you aren't really willing.)

Actually, I think MOST people are mostly joking when they kick people into games.  Sure, they want you to play the game, but it's not like they can force you to do so, so it's mostly just a lighthearted suggestion with little seriousness behind it.

Ugh. Either I completely and utterly fail ... or Fhanatos does. Shadow's End was no where near as good as I expected =/

Fanatos is pretty underwhelming in general.  I suggest just changing to Plua or Jiptus for tough boss fights.


Mana Khemia: More night time bosses.

C9 boss: Extremely easy once you know its gimmick.  Harder than the C8 boss still though!

Dualblade Emperor - Hey look he 3HKOs at night... OH WAIT TERAFLAME OW.  Too bad that's only at low HP, so he died right after that.  Still, MT overkill with no charge time is respectable.  Anna barely survived while defending.

Witch Trio - ...uh, still working on this one.  ;_;

Rondo of Swords - Up to mission 9 now.  Game's kind of fun.  Unique gameplay, actual challenge (while being forgiving), but has its own issues.

Unlike normal SRPGs, in Rondo of Swords, to attack, you must make a character run through the enemy.  This makes the MOV stat matter quite a bit, since higher MOV allows you to go through multiple enemies, and attack them all.  Enemies don't seem to attack multiple of your allies very often though, for some reason.  There are skills and magic... but they cannot be used after moving, making them practically useless.  Well, mages can't attack by moving through enemies, but they have low MOV stats, so they rarely get close enough to actually be able to use their magic, making them... quite useless.  Add to the fact that they have poor HP/Defense (so that they get overkilled by every enemy ever), and that hiding them behind other allies DOESN'T WORK DUE TO HOW THE GAME WORKS, they just become a liability much of the time.  I've been using the one mage I have to just pick off enemies that the other people just barely miss killing.  It's not like they do more damage than fighters either... though I think they don't hit a defense stat.  They do have some spells that hit a range of panels, though, I guess, but those don't seem as useful since I think they hit allies and uh, you have to be close, which again, is bad.  There are archers as well, who are actually good.  They can attack AFTER MOVING (so... why can't mages now?), but they can only attack one unit per turn.    It's worth it though, as they are good for sniping enemies from afar, and the ACTUAL MOV STAT and ABILITY TO MOVE AND ATTACK make it much easier for them than mages.

So as the above already made obvious, the class balance in this game is pretty bad.  Fighters have a huge advantage of being able to hit multiple enemies and actually take hits.  To put things into perspective, Margus, the tanky guy, has about 400 HP and 40 Defense right now.  He takes probably like 30 damage per hit on normal?  He also has the skill ZOC which stops enemies from moving through him (so they can't hit other people afterwards) and lowers melee damage received.  The other fighters I have have somewhere in the 200-250 range of HP and take closer to 100 damage per hit.  The mage?  Has 70 HP and basically just dies if a fighter looks at him.  Healer?  50 HP, same thing.  Archer has like 150 HP and can take one hit (I think he has decent evade too?  I don't let him get hit often).  So basically your fighters do all the work (Especially Margus.  Margus for Godlike), while everyone else is left picking off the stray ends, or trying to catch up/stay out of the way of enemies.

Now, the mages wouldn't be so bad if they could use magic after moving.  It would allow them to get out of the way and attack the enemy at the same time (and with a low MOV stat, there WOULD be times where they couldn't get all the way out of the way, but that's fine because that means you fucked up), but lacking that ability makes it hard to make them useful, since most of the time you're either moving TOWARD the enemy because you're out of range, or AWAY because enemies will kill them if you don't.  Healers are a little better with this, since you can control where your allies are easier, at least.

Now that I've finished the ranting, on to other stuff.  Good things about the game: Lack of permadeath.  Now now, before all the FE fans start going "that makes the game 2 ez lol", there's a better system in place.  Instead of dying, the character becomes Hurt, which halves all non-HP/MP stats for one battle, making them, uh, not very good for that battle.  They ARE still managable (I cleared a map with 5/6 of my team Hurt just a bit ago) if you use proper strategy, but it does hamper you quite a bit.  They also can't run errands (Quests/Shopping/Training, kind of FFT-style, I guess?) during the next mission either.  So either you use them in the next battle with nerfed stats, or let them sit around uselessly and use other people.  This means you lose out on whatever errands you would have those people do that mission.  Makes dying really suck, but doesn't force a reset.  And the game IS hard, so if you fuck up, someone likely WILL die.  See, FE?  You don't need to be retarded to try and make a game difficult.

Also, while there's a finite number of missions, EXP isn't really finite.  At any point during a mission (except the first), you can quit the current mission and keep the EXP gained, and then try again.  But wait, couldn't you abuse that to make people who died not get Hurt?  Nope.  People who died in that mission can be used again, BUT they have Hurt status for that mission, so yes, you get those nerfed stats.  However, clearing the mission with them alive cures them, so they won't be Hurt for the NEXT mission.  So it becomes a choice of whether or not you want to try again with current EXP and dead people being Hurt this mission, or keep going and try and win and have dead people be Hurt for the next mission.  Usually if you screw up in a short, relatively easy mission, you want to go with the first one... or just reset if you really want.  Having that choice is kind of nice.

Skill system's okay, I guess.  Characters get skill points (I haven't figured out exactly how, but I know level ups give them, but I swore Serdic got some without levelling up too...) that can be used to learn/level up skills, which include both passive and active skills.  Some increase DEF, there's one that increases DEF but lowers counter rate, and there's also the ZOC skill I mentioned earlier.   Mages learn magic in this way, too.  As for fighter active skills, Margus gets some that reduce damage taken from certain enemies for one turn (which would be more useful if he had a higher counter rate, I guess, due to ZOC and high defense), several get a skill that increases Momentum Counter (which I forgot to mention, I guess I'll do that next), and several also get a skill that raises ATK while lowering DEF.  If counter rates were higher, or they could be used after moving, they would be more useful, but as for now, they're pretty situational.

Momentum Counter is weird.  Each character has an initial MC stat, and that goes up after attacking or healing.  Killing makes it go up more.  There are skills/items that lower and reduce it as well.  What MC does is this: The higher the MC stat, the more likely the enemy is to target that character.  Theoretically, this could be used to allow mages and other weak characters get close, but it seems like enemies like to focus on them more unless the MC difference is quite large, so it's not always practical.  Regardless, it does give you an idea of WHO the enemies will most likely go after, which is nice.  I'd need to figure out the mechanics behind it more to be able to use it better, but eh, it's something, I guess.

I've probably missed stuff, but whatever.  Overall, the game's kind of fun right now, since it's unique, challenging, but also forgiving.  Has quite a few issues, though, so I hesitate to call it good, but it might be worth checking out.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1527 on: April 20, 2008, 06:24:35 PM »
(though I'll admit that Kanade's low-HP move overkilling Lyner sure took me by surprise. OHKO damage in Ar Tonelico? What?)

Now go refight her multiple times.  She gets stronger every time you fight her, and you get a prize after you do it five times.

And, as noted above, polish issues abound. Item inventory is possibly the biggest offender; your items are at least broken up into the categories of IC components, consumables, equips, and plot items, but you have no means to reorganize things within those categories and the game lacks even the option to jump ahead a screen with L1/R1, which really should be a standard feature in modern RPGs. You can only move through your inventory row by row, and since there's a split-second's load time as the game calls up the picture for each item, this makes managing your inventory an unnecessary hassle by the end of the game.

I believe Square+Up/Down will scroll by page.  Easy to miss, I know, but it's there!

The good things about AT? Yeah, there were some. Gust background music generally comes across as synthetic sludge to me, but the showpiece tracks here are excellent. Particularly both Extraction themes, and I maintain that Claire's songs are the most compelling reason for the game to exist. Good ending's final battle track was pretty nice too (the music for the big ugly form, not the embryonic thing), but damned if I can tell what that one's called (I poked around in the Extra mode's music room but couldn't find anything that sounded like it).

I believe that's EXEC_RIG=VEDA/. on the OST?  At least I think that played during the battle as well.  Nice song, yeah.  Also, definitely agree with the Claire songs hype.  They're both amazing.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1528 on: April 20, 2008, 06:54:22 PM »
And, as noted above, polish issues abound. Item inventory is possibly the biggest offender; your items are at least broken up into the categories of IC components, consumables, equips, and plot items, but you have no means to reorganize things within those categories and the game lacks even the option to jump ahead a screen with L1/R1, which really should be a standard feature in modern RPGs. You can only move through your inventory row by row, and since there's a split-second's load time as the game calls up the picture for each item, this makes managing your inventory an unnecessary hassle by the end of the game.

I believe Square+Up/Down will scroll by page.  Easy to miss, I know, but it's there!

Clearly I should've bitched about this earlier! Anyway, time to go download that song.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1529 on: April 20, 2008, 06:56:25 PM »
And, as noted above, polish issues abound. Item inventory is possibly the biggest offender; your items are at least broken up into the categories of IC components, consumables, equips, and plot items, but you have no means to reorganize things within those categories and the game lacks even the option to jump ahead a screen with L1/R1, which really should be a standard feature in modern RPGs. You can only move through your inventory row by row, and since there's a split-second's load time as the game calls up the picture for each item, this makes managing your inventory an unnecessary hassle by the end of the game.

I believe Square+Up/Down will scroll by page.  Easy to miss, I know, but it's there!

Clearly I should've bitched about this earlier! Anyway, time to go download that song.

Well, for future reference, every Gust game uses that button combination.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1530 on: April 20, 2008, 10:09:39 PM »
El, repeat this after me:
Lyner is the enemy of women and Misha is a saint.

Also, the Hymnos for the last boss is EXEC_HARMONIOUS/. (Also, I highly recommand you look up the lyric of this track, it contains hints on AT2)
EXEC_RIG=VEDA/. is after the second battle.

Rondo of Swords - Up to mission 9 now.  Game's kind of fun.  Unique gameplay, actual challenge (while being forgiving), but has its own issues.

STAAAAYYYYY away from thsi thing, Niu has warned. The game balance is hate inducing by the late game.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1531 on: April 21, 2008, 12:32:09 AM »
Tried F-Zero for the GC Elfboy? I tried playing that one and it's too hard. I love the game but.. I can't even win races on the hardest setting. It beats my ass like none other.

Given how much I enjoy this game, I should maybe track that one down, too. N64 one was just too accessible though. Virtual Console for Godlike.

F-Zero GX for the GC should be really easy to find. Cheap, too, I would imagine.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1532 on: April 21, 2008, 12:38:42 AM »
I got my copy for like $8. It's very easy to find nowadays.

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<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
<+Ranmilia> MEGA MAN PLOT

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1533 on: April 21, 2008, 01:08:33 AM »
SRW@2 - *Gets the FAZZ, the HWS and the Hi-Nu.*

*Checks the Hi-Nu's base stats and weaponry.*


[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1534 on: April 21, 2008, 01:49:52 AM »
SRW@2 - *Gets the FAZZ, the HWS and the Hi-Nu.*

*Checks the Hi-Nu's base stats and weaponry.*



It's like 120. 125? That area. I have no clue why yours is 136. >_> You must've upgraded it.

And yes, it is collosally awesome and helps make up for AMURO IN MP NU AGOLHSEKHLSJKDH er sorry replaying A2 has given me new appreciation for that fail.

Super Robot Taisen Alpha 2:

Replaying this. Kusuha route. Just cleared Stage 31.

Ryukooh is freaking broken as expected-and marginally disappointing due to limited ALL shots, as expected again. Less expected was the oddball CSCA or whatever ranks that Koryuoh runs around with on most of it's weapons-though, I suppose it owns the Alpha -s on air. Well, whatever, nothing a Minovsky Drive can't fix when I get one. (Or just using Ryukooh for most things. That works too.)

Oh, and the game's pretty fun when you can give every support pilot SP Regen and Learning off the bat and give them some mobility boosts. They don't blow up! YAAAAAAAAAY~

New Super Mario Bros:

Luigi replay when I'm out places. Got everything but Stage 8 re-cleared.

The game overfreakinguses minishrooms. You have two other new items! There are things like those ice melty blocks you could use to shove coins in! NO LOL MINIPIPE. LOLOLOLOL. Ahem. Otherwise just as awesome as the first time, but this grates even more on replays. At least 7-A finally gives you an easily accessed minishroom.

Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time:

Another game to play when I'm out places. Got to Yoshi's Island.

Bad: Humor? What is that let us make 31337 speek jokes instead.

Good: Much better battle system.

Overall: ??? Who knows, I'd need to beat it to be sure, but underwhelming is coming to mind.


Replayed on Hard some, with Dante, today. Went from Stage 1 to 10 in about three hours. Haven't died yet, but had some pretty close calls due to halfassery. <_<

Yeah, mostly been screwing around gaming-wise. Will probably get back to new games...decently soon.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 01:54:15 AM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1535 on: April 21, 2008, 03:32:35 AM »
KOTOR: Cleared Light Side ending. The slowdown on the 360 was very apparent and irritating in the final fight. Dark Side ending is so much more fulfilling.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1536 on: April 21, 2008, 04:05:24 AM »
I've decided I'm done with Brig for now. It's great fun, but I'm ready to move on. I played through all of New Almekia, Iscalio, and Leonia - and I'm pretty happy with how it all went, but I played some Smash Bros Brawl and it's put me in the mood for something less like an SPRG.

I may keep going with WA4 due to the fun platforming.

Also, a friend of mine bought Arcana Hearts, which is Fanservice-tastic, yet still a pretty awesome fighter. The art and graphic are pretty, and it plays like an all-girl Marvel vs. Capcom game (surprise!), so it's a fun diversion from work.

I still highly recommend the new PSX fantranslation of Tales of Phantasia, it's really well done - nothing hilarious or quirky about it like the DeJap translation of ToPo, but engaging enough for ToP's story. The skits are a fun addition.

Tonfa, I want those Brig GE fmvs.



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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1537 on: April 21, 2008, 06:10:49 AM »
TotA: Apparently, I'm about to go to some castle to deal with Arietta, or at least the game said "Do not do this!" but its an RPG, so its synomous with "DO THIS NOW!" of course.

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1538 on: April 21, 2008, 06:58:36 AM »
Prepare for the hardest fight in the game! hard mode, anyway.

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-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1539 on: April 21, 2008, 07:19:56 AM »
DQ4DS: Got everything Zenithian that isn't the sword. Game is still polished, but it's starting to drag a bit~. Also SARO PLOT~

The World Ends With You: Joshua Day 2. Josh wishes he was as fun to use as Shiki, and that he could jump. I do, however, approve of dropping cars on things. Doesn't stop the game from being as fun as hell still~. Villian for Josh's week is also complete and utter win with mass math references.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 07:40:17 AM by Nitori »
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1540 on: April 21, 2008, 08:59:30 AM »
Joshua becomes the best partner after his Day 4. His aerial is so very broken, packed with finisher attack of highest multiplier.
Also, I demand your entrance to the Minamimoto fan club.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1541 on: April 21, 2008, 09:23:42 AM »
I started up a game of GalCiv2. I was really kicking ass, too, had 77% of the galactic influence, and now i just had to find a way to make peace with the other superpower in the galaxy (not an alliance, just peace, and then I'd win an influence victory). Guess what happened? Pirate fleets spawn. These fleets somehow have like 200 logistics, so their total defense?

Beam: 1172
Point Defense: 2196 (!)
Armor: 500

And they only mount one weapon: Missiles. 4000 points worth of missiles.

I couldn't build a damn starbase or run a freighter without them blowing the hell out of it AND any ship I built. FUCK those pirates.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1542 on: April 21, 2008, 10:35:08 AM »
Arcana Heart: Is so freaking moe that I'm amazed its mere existence hasn't caused the universe to implode into a black hole of kawaiiness. Anyway, I've just spent enough time on it to try out each of the characters for a couple minutes. Dunno who I like using most yet, but Yuriko clearly wins for humor value. The game's animations in general are hilarious, but yeah.

Also, there's a dog-girl ninja, so this game is clearly Snow-bait.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1543 on: April 21, 2008, 11:04:07 AM »
MMBN1 - Got everything currently obtainable except damned Dropdown WHY MUST THEY TORMENT ME SO
I was looking through my games for something and found I still had MMBN2, which I was sure I had thrown away because it's a copy and the sram fails at life. Played through Airman for the heck of it and the game wouldn't save as expected. Yeah, I'm gonna need to play a ROM for when I get back up to 2.

Went game shopping because Professor Layton had come out and got that. Also got FE10 that I had forgotten was coming out a week or so beforehand and The World Ends pretty much purely because I'd only heard it existed a couple days ago and I was shocked that we had it already. Only played Layton of these so far though. It's pretty awesome; a tad reminiscent of Dr. Brain games in some ways, although considerably different in general. Solved 81 puzzles so far.

Also downloaded Anachronox because apparently there is no such thing as too much of a backlog. I bought Super Paper Mario last month and haven't started it yet -_- It's not like I even have a lot of time on my hands or anything.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1544 on: April 21, 2008, 03:31:34 PM »
Prepare for the hardest fight in the game! hard mode, anyway.


Quoted for truth.


Mana Khemia - More night time boss fights.

C10 boss - Defeated her without taking a single point of damage.  And people say this fight is hard.

Berserk Koalaria - I thought it was going to be tougher to get an A on this assignment but it was actually really easy.  How sad.

Rondo of Swords - I was wrong, restarting the mission does overwrite Hurt status if they died in the battle.  Doesn't if they died in the last battle though.  Anyways, character analysis!  Up to mission 9, anyways.

Serdic - Solid all around, but doesn't really excel in anything.

Kay - Lots of MOV, so able to attack multiple enemies at once and then try and get out of the way.  Probably the most offense oriented character?  Pretty useful in general.

Margus - Is God.  High HP, high defense, high attack, and ZOC for more tankishness/protecting the weaker people.  His biggest issue is lack of MOV (5 on a fighter is... not so great).  I got a Black Ring from the first mission (MOV+1) and equipped him with it.  Definitely worth it.  Easily MVP so far.

Selmer - Is a trap.  Mages aren't all that useful, like I said before, but he can pick off enemies that the fighters miss or narrowly miss an OHKO on.  But lots of times he's just moving closer to the enemy and not attacking.

Sasha - Only used her a little bit.  A fighter with poor HP/defense?  No thanks.

Ansom - Archer.  Great for picking off enemies from out of range, since he has good MOV AND a bow.  Definitely one of the better characters so far.

Marie - Healer!  Actually very useful in certain strategies, such as one of my favorites called "Margus lures in enemies and tanks attacks while Marie heals".  Low MOV and durability hurt a lot though.

Owl - Haven't really used him.  Seemed to lack a niche like the other people on my team.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1545 on: April 21, 2008, 04:59:46 PM »
Rondo of Swords: I just started it, okay! I'm only... uh, in the second chapter thing... Well, I am occupied with other things.

Moemon Kichiku: Still stuck in a cave in Water Route 20. Anyone can help me here?

Moemon Gold/Silver Edition (Japanese FR): Yaaaah. I start from the beginning, and then made it all the way to defeating Koga and Giovanni at Silph Co. The trainers are quite hard, but not as hard as Moemon Kichiku, it's just harder to grind in this game. I replaced all Pokemon with gen 4 evolutions straight to the Gen 4 Pokemon themselves, which is either a kick in the nuts or heaven - this means I have to contend with trainers using things like Weaviles and Tangrowths, on the other hand I can train up a Togekiss or a Rhyperior. Or even an Electivire. Also, there are a crapload of rebalances made. For instance, Ampharos becomes Electric/Dragon. Sceptile becomes Grass/Dragon and gains Power Whip, Dragon Dance and Leaf Storm. Mhm. Fun times are had. This is much easier than Moemon Kichiku. If you want a challenge in FR, get this romhack, it is very worth it.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 05:09:04 PM by TranceHime »
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1546 on: April 21, 2008, 08:39:25 PM »
Rondo of Swords - Finished missions 9 and 10, got Cotton!  A mage with damage AND Move?  Woah.  What the hell.  Too bad about those MP issues though (seriously, enough MP to cast her only spell once at first?)  Raised her MP so she could at least cast two now.  Her OB (limit-like thing) does restore HP/MP, but... not by much, it looks like (AND SHE STILL GETS OHKOD BY EVERYTHING QUIT GIVING MAGES STUFF THAT IS ONLY USEFUL WHEN THEY AREN'T AT FULL HEALTH STUPID GAME).


Yeah.  And apparently my archer has a lot more HP than I originally thought.  Good to know.  Also got some... catgirl?  I can't even tell.  She has a lot of HP but other than that I don't know good she is yet.  Will try her out in the next mission while Margus is class changing.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1547 on: April 22, 2008, 04:20:22 AM »
DQ8: Started, played up to the first boss. Still no savepoints in dungeons, Enix? Blah. Still, game has a lot of personality and the accents are awesome. Looks promising.

Captain K.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1548 on: April 22, 2008, 04:28:47 AM »
Also been replaying DQ8.  Using a FAQ to get everything, because the World Map still fails so much.

AW2:  Stopped Advance Campaign and bought Sturm, then used him to blow through War Room maps.  Mmm, brokenness.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1549 on: April 22, 2008, 06:08:15 AM »
TotA: Just beat Dist!

Dist is awesome, that is all.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A