
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing: 2008  (Read 465250 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1575 on: April 24, 2008, 02:17:27 PM »
FM4 - Wow, Latona is pretty badass. Actual evade? Yes, please.

Because it can't be said enough.

DQ8: Angelo got. Huzzah for having a full party. Now in Ascantha. The residents are The Happiest Fish On Earth.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1576 on: April 24, 2008, 07:13:06 PM »
Crisis Core- Played in entirety.  What's to say really?  Well, unlike most fanservice, it cares.  It cares so much it hurts.  Gameplay is stripped down in a lot of ways, particularly the super-linear dungeons.  But that's good, the game's really fast.  Otherwise, it's really about abusing the sheer volume of equips you can collect in the manner that suits your fancy and abusing Dodge Roll a lot.  Back attacks are good too.  Biggest niggle, and this will tell you something, is levelling Materia, because unlike Zack's levels I don't think that's really rigged in any form.  Anyway, boils down to something incredibly straightforward but addictive and thusly fun.  The sheer volume of Missions is daunting, but you can just skip those if you feel like dying in the far less numerous regular missions >.>

What else to say.  Zack "the Puppy" Fair is probably the best hyperactive hero style main ever, and the big battles have good setup even if they're really, really easy (Sephiroth uses Undodgable Uber Limit!  And deals 1400 damage to 5000 HP. Yes.  (Okay, I used a little HP boosting.  Just 100% or so!))
I have no idea if it's rankable.  It's a bit like FFVIII in the bosses being nigh-impossible to accurately call, and I'm not sure how much skillset to actually attribute to Zack.  Oh well.
8/10 easily.  Left me wanting much more though, holding it back just a little.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1577 on: April 24, 2008, 07:34:03 PM »
FFTA Beta: Two jobs per race done. Huzzah.

FF3DS: Airship exploded. Huzzah.

FF Mystic Quest: Had a save file at the start of Dark Castle. Played through to the end.

DBZ Butoden 3: Shooting spiky-haired blonde midgets with energy beams never gets old.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1578 on: April 24, 2008, 11:20:46 PM »
Speaking of Crisis Core...
Snow, would you play it if I told you that you can beat up Athena?


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1579 on: April 24, 2008, 11:24:36 PM »
Shadow Hearts: In that... palace thingy where you get your stuff sealed off. Saved at the end of the third part. Stuff smashed and such, Yuri makes things die.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1580 on: April 24, 2008, 11:44:20 PM »
Speaking of Crisis Core...
Snow, would you play it if I told you that you can beat up Athena?

No, I can do that in KoF anyway.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1581 on: April 25, 2008, 01:27:56 AM »
Aegil has defense a mage wouldn't have. And her general state is far higher than Marie as well as better healing. Though, the best thing about her is the Protect Me! skill, that boost defense on all units next to her, which you'll really want for the end game. After some leveling, she makes Marie looks like shit, the only reason you want to keep Marie is to use her MP sharing spell. Though, in one of the routes, you might want to drop healers entirely and use a full offensive team.
As for Kay, a certain black knight would join later on if you meet the requirement. Hell be replacing for Kay for the end game, but end game only though, as he has inferior sates all around, but a very insane ultimate. Has like... 13 range with ridiculous damage. You'll be using that OHKO later bosses.

1) Defense on a mage matters?  If they're getting hit, they're fucked anyways.  >.>

2) Martyr is godly right now since I'm trying to use Igraine and she can only cast like two spells.  MP pool of fail.

I think I'll hold out on Aegil for now, but I'll still keep that option in mind.  Are you sure that skill increases the defense of the units around her and not just herself?  Because if it's the latter (and I think that's what the description said), that'd be really useless.

13 range with ridiculous damage?  That sounds pretty awesome if it's actually usable.

However, once you no longer need to double-check every movement range, the game starts to become addicting. The gameplay is pretty original and refreshing, though there are balance issues with the mages. The game is challenging, but the challenge never seems like a bad thing due to the way the restart options work. Like in Fire Emblem,  there are severe penalties for a character dying, but they are permanent, so it's something you can fix. More importantly, if you DO screw-up on a map, you can retry the mission with all of the EXP you gained from that attempt. Now, even if you messed up and have to play the mission again, at least you haven't just spent the past 30 minutes (or longer) wasting your time (*cough*FE*cough*). You can still lose all that experience, though, so there's still that level of challenge - you have to pay attention to your situation, if you're losing, it's best to plan on restarting and keeping the experience rather than charging into certain death. The fact that restarting a mission also restores any items you used is just icing.

The mages do get better.  Selmer is terrible at first, but Cotton is good, and Igraine does seem solid right now.  Don't let the earlygame fool you like it did me.  >.>

Also, there's the fact that RoS missions are much more fast paced than FE missions, so even if Serdic dies and you get a game over, it doesn't seem like as much time is lost (and often times the missions are just plain shorter).

Second try, now I'm fully-staffed and fully-stocked and have learned to abuse the restart option. On chapter 9, trying to get Cotton the secret Mage, and really enjoying myself.
Still abusing Margus' Zone of Control ability. Not really enjoying trying to level up Marie the Healer, and I despise my mage. Ansom might be the most surprisingly useful character ever and I don't think I'd ever be able to finish the game without such a good earlygame Archer. Serdic is decent though the whole "game ends if he dies" thing sucks, it makes him hard to level through restart abuse. Kay the Cavalier is beastly simply because his MOV allows him to rack up EXP like nobody's business. Unlike most SRPGs, this game doesn't throw Cavaliers at you like they're going out of style, so Kay actually feels pretty useful and unique.

Cotton's requirement is actually in mission 8.  You have to make sure no civilians die.  You then get her after mission 9 (which can only be accessed if you saved the civilians in mission 8).

Marie is insanely easy to level up, actually.  She gets more EXP the more HP she heals, so just keep healing and you can get level ups in two turns sometimes.  She's a good three levels higher than anyone but Cotton for me right now, I think.

Don't agree with Kay hype, but I bet that's just a difference in playstyles.

I try to round out my team with fast-moving dodgy sword-users, but those seem to be pretty plentiful in the earlygame, I've already got three (Serdic, Sasha, and Owl). Sasha's easy to level, but not very good, I traded her out for Owl (who's pretty amusing, if unimportant, storywise) and sent Sasha shopping (since she has the best affinity for it plus a skill which increases her chances at shopping well) and sent the Mage or Marie on Errands depending on who I wasn't using.

Screw the sword users.  They have crap for defense and the evade doesn't make up for it.  Unless that gets better if they level up?  I dunno, I only levelled up Sasha a few times and it didn't save her.

In terms of how I think RoS characters are in the DL setting - the skills seem pretty hit-or-miss. Some skills would transfer over tremendously well (the ones that tend to be useless in-game), while the ones which are useful in-game (like Zone of Control or "Heals a Party Member who walks by you automatically") would be pretty useless in a DL-setting. The mix of the two makes me want to see a stat topic for this eventually.

Activated skills will suck a lot in the DL since they all last like one turn, and everyone is average speed.  Passives will likely be pretty good though.

Also, Zone of Control reduces melee damage taken, so it's not useless in the DL by any means.

And I might do a stat topic for this, but the skill point distributions are going to be a pain in the ass to figure out optimally.  At least the physical damage formula is easy~


Rondo of Swords - Fuck mission 18.  It's not hard to beat, but it is hard to get to the prisoners in time to recruit them.  First time, I didn't think there was a time limit, so that obviously failed.  Second time, I tried blitzing towards the doors, but then LOL REINFORCEMENTS happened and raped my mages.  Well, just Igraine, I guess.  Guess I'll just keep the mages moving forward even if they can attack until after the reinforcements show up.  Other option is to swap Igraine out for Kay this mission.

The World Ends With You - I'm on Shiki Day 4.  This game's seriously a mixed bag.

Gameplay is... unique, to say the least.  The dual-screen usage is a good idea, and the variety in attacks is nice.  The problem I have is that the stylus controls are way too fucking picky.  Sometimes I'll do a slash or whatever the pin's attack is and nothing will happen.  Apparently I'm not slashing in the exact right direction or what the fuck?  The concept is nice, but there's some serious issues here.

Plot?  Better than the average RPG quite easily so far.  But since I'm not far in, let's leave it at that.  Dialogue's got style, though.

Music - Meh.  Fits the game, I suppose.

Graphics - Art style vaguely annoys me, but that's a minor complaint.

Interface - Terrible.  The stats for items show up in this really tiny text that 90% of the time I can't even read.  I went to a shop and looked at the items that they were selling.  It shows you the stats, but doesn't show how they compare to what you're wearing.  The game doesn't even warn you that you can't equip a piece of equipment due to low bravery.  Well, shit, I CAN'T EVEN READ THE BRAVERY NUMBERS SO HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHETHER I CAN EQUIP IT OR NOT.  It's 2008.  This shit is inexcusable.  A simple "Your bravery is too low to equip this item, do you still want to buy it?" would have sufficed, but nooo, can't do that.  Fuck this.

Food system - Is cool.  Way to raise stats outside of battle, but still limited while not screwing you over if you don't do things exactly the right way?  Awesome.

Misc. stuff - Encounter control is awesome.  No random encounters, but as many fights as you want.  Level Up/Down option is something that needs to be in more RPGs, even if there is no benefit to lowering a level, it's still nice to be able to do that for challenge if you want.  Flow of the game is also pretty solid.  It keeps moving all the time, but doesn't rush you.  Shop system... eh, I bet it'd be cool if the shop interface didn't fail at life.

The game's unique and has style, I'll give it that, but there's some serious issues here.  We'll see what happens as the game goes on though.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 01:30:10 AM by Talaysen »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1582 on: April 25, 2008, 01:55:14 AM »
I found that slash pins have a bit of a learning curve, but then again I was trying to slash moving wolves which didn't work out so well~

The World Ends With You - Week 3, Day 6. Still pretty awesome, and I have found a new hobby in chaining Hard level encounters, although Day 5's boss proved I should probably upgrade equipment I bought in Week 1~.

FFXII: Beat this, last string of fights was pretty easy and not especially noteworthy, although the animations got cooler. Game feels like a 4, since it was a change from the usual formulaic style of FF, which is good, but it didn't hold up to a game of FFXII's length. (Actually, it's kind of like FE4 in that sense)
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1583 on: April 25, 2008, 03:08:44 AM »
BoF:DQ did a fresh run of this, not using replay data, to see how a run like that turns out.  Result: fun, challenging, and with demoralizingly durable bosses.  Does this game have RNG?  I ended up with over 100 AP on each character.  granted, that includes about a dozen AP boosts, but even so, more than I remember.  Elyon's defense seems worse than Vexacion's, which is a surprise.  Also had forgotten how durable final Bosch was.  Leech AP, the 0 AP shield skill that regens 5 AP per attack taken actually works per hit, so Elyon's form 1 attack (forget the name of it) regens 25AP.  Sexy.

Plot: funny how having less scenes doesn't really detract all that much from one's understanding of the plot.  Yes, that was a backhanded compliment.

Other obsevations: Gainax just straight out plagiarized Ryu for Simon.  There's just no other way to characterize it.  'Cept he doesn't go for the redhead.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 03:36:40 AM by NotMiki »
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1584 on: April 25, 2008, 03:11:43 AM »
FM4 - Man, linking kicks ass. Really nice way to speed up the flow of the battles while adding management factors into the battle. The tutorial on it was pretty nice, too. Elsa and Latona destroy worlds with massive linked skill activation action.

[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1585 on: April 25, 2008, 06:01:36 AM »
TotA: Just beat the Zao Ruins.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1586 on: April 25, 2008, 06:09:59 AM »
FM4- So in on the fad for this game. Just beat Darill's first map, which is as always annoying.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1587 on: April 25, 2008, 07:37:50 AM »
1) Defense on a mage matters?  If they're getting hit, they're fucked anyways.  >.>

2) Martyr is godly right now since I'm trying to use Igraine and she can only cast like two spells.  MP pool of fail.

1. She won't is the thing. If you get her higher up class change item, you an even make her tank in Margus style. Mastery of Stasis+Forward of the Forward+Magic Disruption+Threatening Life Force+ZOC, she is just not dying ever. With proper tweaking, she is a total Margus Mk.2 that is capable of healing on top of it. Raise her a somewhat, put her next to Margus and see the rest for yourself.
2. If that's the problem use Galahad instead, who has Levi's Code. Or, After Igraine class change, her Mp problem is gone in itself, especially if you have the higher up class change item, she gets Loop Magic and thus have auto Mp recharge.

Gameplay is... unique, to say the least.  The dual-screen usage is a good idea, and the variety in attacks is nice.  The problem I have is that the stylus controls are way too fucking picky.  Sometimes I'll do a slash or whatever the pin's attack is and nothing will happen.  Apparently I'm not slashing in the exact right direction or what the fuck?  The concept is nice, but there's some serious issues here.

The direction is a problem yes. For example, Piercing Pillar must be from bottom to top and Grave Marker is top to bottom. And for those without specific direction like Shock Wave, slash in a greater length actually helps. As for nothing happen... you sure the attack is not under reboot at the moment right?
« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 07:49:24 AM by Niu »


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1588 on: April 25, 2008, 09:43:40 AM »
An Untitled Story: Beat this on normal, 5 hearts from 100%.  There are no more hearts behind heart doors (which require full health to open), which is a relief.  Game is a neat little distraction: Very simple and very open-ended. And no, it's not as hard as IWBTG if you want to just beat the game, except for some points at the end.  Might consider a game on a harder difficulty, but then again...

La-Mulana: This is distracting me, too <_<  Just running around trying to get used to stuff.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1589 on: April 25, 2008, 11:17:07 AM »
Elsa and Latona destroy worlds with massive linked skill activation action.

Because it can't be said enough.

DQ8: On the way to Trodain to look for information about the beached ship. Presumably this means I get access to ocean travel soon. Alchemy equips are shiny and better than storebought stuff, so I've been taking advantage of it whenever possible. Annoyed that I can't find another copy of Jessica's starting Leather Whip anywhere, since she badly needs a new weapon and I could make her a new one if I had that. I sold the old one, though, and it doesn't seem to be sold in stores anywhere. Also bought what is apparently her first costume change in Pickham (dancer's outfit or something). It is surprisingly less cleavagetastic than her normal clothes! Yeah, I do wish she'd stuck with the outfit she had when you first met her in the game. It just looked better.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1590 on: April 25, 2008, 11:25:03 AM »
You can actually grab her original outfit at her house, I think.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1591 on: April 25, 2008, 01:48:38 PM »
You can if you want to equip her with armour with like 5 defense for the rest of the game.  It is better than her starting stuff, but meh.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1592 on: April 25, 2008, 02:25:34 PM »
Annoyed that I can't find another copy of Jessica's starting Leather Whip anywhere, since she badly needs a new weapon and I could make her a new one if I had that. I sold the old one, though, and it doesn't seem to be sold in stores anywhere.

There's one (and only one) in a treasure chest near Pickham. This is why it's better not to sell anything in DQ8, though.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1593 on: April 25, 2008, 05:13:26 PM »
Annoyed that I can't find another copy of Jessica's starting Leather Whip anywhere, since she badly needs a new weapon and I could make her a new one if I had that. I sold the old one, though, and it doesn't seem to be sold in stores anywhere.

There's one (and only one) in a treasure chest near Pickham. This is why it's better not to sell anything in DQ8, though.

Yeah, I'm picking up on that. Which is a nuisance since the new storeboughts are always so expensive and selling off your old gear is the only way to afford more than one or two items when you get a new town. Pretty much decided I'll only sell stuff I know I actually bought (or can buy) at a store. At least hairbands are randomly dropped (bunny ears made. Yay). Guess I'll have to go exploring to track down that second whip.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1594 on: April 25, 2008, 06:42:14 PM »
1. She won't is the thing. If you get her higher up class change item, you an even make her tank in Margus style. Mastery of Stasis+Forward of the Forward+Magic Disruption+Threatening Life Force+ZOC, she is just not dying ever. With proper tweaking, she is a total Margus Mk.2 that is capable of healing on top of it. Raise her a somewhat, put her next to Margus and see the rest for yourself.
2. If that's the problem use Galahad instead, who has Levi's Code. Or, After Igraine class change, her Mp problem is gone in itself, especially if you have the higher up class change item, she gets Loop Magic and thus have auto Mp recharge.

Hmm, if that's the case, I can keep using Marie until Igraine stops having MP issues and then switch over.  Healers are pretty easy to level so I don't think it'll be a problem.

The direction is a problem yes. For example, Piercing Pillar must be from bottom to top and Grave Marker is top to bottom. And for those without specific direction like Shock Wave, slash in a greater length actually helps. As for nothing happen... you sure the attack is not under reboot at the moment right?

It was that first slashing pin you get early on.  It wasn't under reboot, no.  I kept doing the slash in every different direction with different lengths and NOTHING HAPPENED.  Maybe it has to do with enemy hitboxes being fucking stupid sometimes.  They weren't even moving very much so I don't know.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1595 on: April 25, 2008, 06:59:03 PM »
Can you think of a better way of getting rid of an unwanted retarded teenager?

Good point. Speaking of dense teenagers I just found someone who is even dumber! A girl in yellow sailer suit that makes the main character look smart. I mean when you have to get the main character with the iq of a five year old to explain things slowly to you, and then still not get it means you have issues.
Also what was going through her parents head when they named her anyway, what kind of name is Vanilla. She also is out in the wild, is the place I'm in a orphanage for naturally dense children?

This game is a lot less serious then the first one. I mean yeah the hero was mute but maybe that was good because it meant he didn't spout stupidity.

Anyway, heres my current progress.

Went in to the inner forests and faced two of the sweet knights. I faced Vanilla who said she was a sacrificial lamb (She didn't know what this meant by the way) to bide time for the others.
She was as expected a water element fighter which meant my fire beasts carved her up in seconds.
I got a bit confident at this point. I mean Vanilla was pathetic then I met the second of the sweet knights (Choko). I got owned badly. Her damage starts at 2HKO which is bad in itself. However her attack raises by 10% every turn!!! Result was me getting destroyed badly.

Next time I'm getting out the physical attackers as magic is the way to go against Choko.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 09:32:17 PM by Rozalia »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1596 on: April 25, 2008, 08:39:31 PM »
Don't mock characters named Vanilla. She's a crazy good spellcaster in Spectral Souls.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1597 on: April 25, 2008, 11:47:51 PM »
The World Ends:
It was that first slashing pin you get early on.  It wasn't under reboot, no.  I kept doing the slash in every different direction with different lengths and NOTHING HAPPENED.  Maybe it has to do with enemy hitboxes being fucking stupid sometimes.  They weren't even moving very much so I don't know.

That's really bizarre because that pin type has to be the one with the most ease of use as far as I've seen o_O You are lifting the stylus, right? It is showing little slashing marks onscreen as you do it even if he doesn't attack anything?

Up to week 2. Mr. Big was a pain and my battle strategy against him effectively was 'hope he doesn't use that lightning attack'. It's somewhat annoying to use Joshua and his tiny durability after Shiki and her freakishly high defence, but hopefully I'll be able to get some better equipment for him at some point how in the HECK does he have LESS BRAVE THAN NEKU

I don't mind what they're trying to do with the light puck and such, but it's just not feasible. Following the thing back and forth instead of just attacking constantly wastes considerable time which gets you beaten up more (especially since you can't exactly dodge while you're looking at the upper screen) and consequently drops both your time rank and your damage rank, so yeah... not really sure what they were thinking.

Awesome that I finally got hard mode, but I'm wondering whether I can actually access many of the early enemies to use it with.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1598 on: April 25, 2008, 11:58:55 PM »
Time for ChokoAll hype, Rozalia, amirite?

That's really bizarre because that pin type has to be the one with the most ease of use as far as I've seen o_O You are lifting the stylus, right? It is showing little slashing marks onscreen as you do it even if he doesn't attack anything?

I was lifting the stylus, and no it wasn't making slash marks for some reaosn.

The World Ends With You - Chaining is awesome.  That is all.

Mana Khemia -

Ninetails: ONOES YOU CAN'T USE ITEMS!  Actually the damage output here has potential to be threatening regardless, and not having revival means you have to be careful.  Still, support cheese is support cheese.

Advocate: BLITZ THE BOSS.  The end.  Though if you don't kill it fast enough... good luck!


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1599 on: April 26, 2008, 12:06:50 AM »
I don't mind what they're trying to do with the light puck and such, but it's just not feasible. Following the thing back and forth instead of just attacking constantly wastes considerable time which gets you beaten up more (especially since you can't exactly dodge while you're looking at the upper screen) and consequently drops both your time rank and your damage rank, so yeah... not really sure what they were thinking.

The thunderbolts always come after the lightning balls. So just get ready to glide after the balls finished dropping. A long glide can get away all shots of the bolts pretty cleanly. And have Shiki guard when the lightning balls first come, so you won't get distracted by the upper screen. As for Joshua.... endure until day 6, that's pretty much the only thing you can do about him, then he becomes pretty broken.

Time for ChokoAll hype, Rozalia, amirite?

That's really bizarre because that pin type has to be the one with the most ease of use as far as I've seen o_O You are lifting the stylus, right? It is showing little slashing marks onscreen as you do it even if he doesn't attack anything?

I was lifting the stylus, and no it wasn't making slash marks for some reaosn.

Now, this gets really strange. It should always a left a slash mark of sort to indicate which type of command is given.