Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing: 2008  (Read 472559 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #150 on: December 31, 2007, 03:50:32 AM »
Riviera - Picked this up for myself due to recent cartrip.  I just finished Chapter 3.  It's pretty fun so far.  Nothing spectacular but nothing annoying either.  Perfect for a portable, really.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #151 on: December 31, 2007, 04:25:07 AM »
With Battletoads done I figured I deserved a break so I started a much easier game...

Ninja Gaiden-Same thing as Battletoads. Do each level without dying, no savestates. So far it's been pretty fun. Up to Act 5 right now.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #152 on: December 31, 2007, 05:29:17 AM »
Genisis Collections: Just played a bit of Kid Chameleon and Golden Axe to test the game out a bit.  Its working fine and such!

FFTLW: Finished Limberry.  Elmdor was a bitch since my team was poorly designed to deal with Blade Grasp; best strategy ended up being use Threaten -> Attack him with a 50% or less shot from Zero and pray it hits.

...this ended up knocking him into critical but not finishing the fight.  THANKFULLY, the following up Dash killed, so yeah, not complaining!

Argath wasn't too hard...highlight of the fight was when he decided it was intelligent to walk up to Axl, and TURN HIS BACK TO ZERO.  I...think its pretty clear the end result there.

Zalera I just kind of walked all over.  Nothing much else.

Oh, also got Beowulf, Worker 8 and Dragon Reis, Unsure when I'll finish the rest of that side quest and beat up Worker 7...maybe when I'm confident I can get the Ultimate Javelin and Gold Escutcheon.

Devil May Cry: Picked this up.  Just beat this big spider whose name according to people in chat is Phantom.

Um, wow, the difficulty hype is certainly deserved, as this game really does make you work.  Its not unreasonably hard or anything, but the game definitly can kick your ass and keeps you on your toes.  This could end up meaning the game remains fun as it never ends up being dull due to easiness, or it could mean the game just gets hair pulling annoying.  Too early to say this point!

As far as non difficulty things go?  Controls are a bit awkward, much cause of how responsive or smooth they are (actually, there's no real problems in those regards), but rather, its how they configured buttons.  Jump being Triangle, and being unable to alter that, is kind of mrf.  Getting use to it, but it was a weird decision in any event.

Battles are fun; feel like a 3D Zelda game...except much faster paced, you can actually do tricks with your sword, and instead of a shield, you're handed guns which you CAN also do fun stuff with. really, its NOTHING like a Zelda game at all!

The thing that really stands out, and this should surprise no one, is that this game is damn stylish.  As I said in chat, there's something about being able to slash about 3 enemies at a time, jump over them, whip out pistols, and slowly hover down firing rapidly, then spin around, knock the enemy aireborne, and then juggle them with those pistols...all in a manner of like 5 seconds.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #153 on: December 31, 2007, 10:27:15 PM »
SRWOGG: Yuki is an Eldy cosplayer, this is just brilliant. Whose idea to make Psyflash more powerful than it is? You know how hard I was trying to control myself NOT to use it??? Rishu also needs his own mech. God, what a broken old men, almost makes me forget that Sanger existed. And I bow down to to lord Dark Brain. The halo of being the first villian of the company is just too grand. Finally, I'll wait for the Shu's non-Granzon new mech in OG3.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #154 on: December 31, 2007, 11:49:22 PM »
SRW OG Gaiden: Finished. Fun game, if not as good as OGs.

Generally fun throughout, and the new units were awesome. The lategame bosses were fun, too, even if Dark Brain was really whorish. Though Shu really failed, very surprising considering he's usually a monster amongst monsters.

Mmm. I'd go into more detail, but I don't feel like it right now. 8.5/10 or so game? A bit too short/full of forced cast swapping to be higher, but it's still OGs gameplay/presentation, which is always good.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #155 on: January 01, 2008, 06:00:18 AM »
MMBN2: I finished another mission or something!

...after dying to Quickman.exe Mark 2 about 10 times.  Hate him so much.

DMC: Just got the Guiding Light.  Game continues to be fun and stylish and other stuff.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #156 on: January 01, 2008, 04:12:03 PM »
Grandia 3: Beaten. Final boss wasn't too hard, though if I didn't thoroughly abuse the battle system and pour items down everyone's throats... Ending sucked. Game's probably a 6/10, about on par with the first Grandia.

General cast battle ranking tier, assuming full SP bar, but no magic outside initial: Emelious = Xorn > Violetta > Hect > Kornell > Alfina = Ulf = La-Ilim > Yuki > Dahna > Miranda > Alfonso

As for skillset... I'm thinking I'll allow all buyable magic and skills, but be limited to the eggs and books they're initially equipped with.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #157 on: January 01, 2008, 05:46:25 PM »
P3 - New school term started.  Academics, Charm, and Courage are all level 4.  Have several S. Links in the 7-9 range.  Making Yuko my girlfriend, to the chagrin of several people in chat.   :P

Full moon bosses have all been easy so far, which is good since you usually don't get to save before fighting them.  Only one that was annoying was Justice/Chariot combo.

Tartarus bosses are rather difficult - the main has had to solo the last 3 by equipping a Persona that nulled their element of choice.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #158 on: January 02, 2008, 12:29:08 AM »
Rogue Galaxy - I continue to mock this game as I play it.  Got up to Chapter 6, fucking bar burnt down before I got the Star Key.  I was pretty pissed.

WA5 - Didn't work, just a note for the people that were in chat.  I will look into this sometime.

Radiata Stories - So I was pissed off at Rogue Galaxy so I got it in my head to play this (since it was near the top of a stack).  Oh hey what is a great way to relieve stress?  Do the combat dummy trials!  OH WAIT NO THEY ARE RETARDED.  Was only doing it to get a Blood Orc Horn to recruit the mage chick that wants one (Which is freaking stupid.  If you do it at normal times you recruit a level 16 character at the end of the damned game).  I had horrible luck with the drop rate of the horn (I was doing it without Beckoning Cats because the shop wasn't open, ended up doing some other stuff to calm down and bought the cats.  Still took 6 more tries to get a 10% drop rate boosted to 20% with the cats.  My luck is WIN).  Doing it, I figured hey I would smash the orc better if I finished the trial and got the Icicile Axe.  Get through to battle 20 super easy.  And hey guess what, battle 20 fails more than the "Break Parry Twice" fight full of enemies that don't want to parry ever. LLLLLLLLLLLLOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL SPAM LOCK WITH SPELL OKAY FIGHT 12 GUYS.  Fucking retarded.  Oh sure it would be easy with just a little bit more armour or a stronger weapon, but any stronger weapon or armour fucking takes getting to the point where the Icicile Axe is pointless.

Fail RS.  Just fail.

Anyway, when I wasn't beating my head against a wall I wasn't minding doing the recruiting again.  Going Human route this time, so the game is going to get smashed.  I need to go pick up a VIP badge or two before I forget though.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #159 on: January 02, 2008, 03:38:59 AM »
Yeah, RS combat dummy things are terribly designed.  By the time you're strong enough to beat them, the weapons are pointless.  I did manage to get through 1-handed sword early once, but that was only because I got a good sword drop from Natalie while I was going through it.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #160 on: January 02, 2008, 04:07:14 AM »
DMC: Beat Nightmare.

That fight was a bitch...until I discovered my strategy is what was getting me killed and I tried for something different (ie ifrit beat downs to the core), and it suddenly was a lot easier.

Not much else to say.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #161 on: January 02, 2008, 04:37:48 AM »
Tales of Legaia- Chapter 6: Somebody to Love?

Owing to all the time saved in the Mines of Moralia, Shana decides to lead the crew to finishing her great quest of busy-bodyness.  When we last left them, they had shared a magical moment in front of a lovely fountain.  As so often happens, daddy didn't approve.  Kirk, being the practical sort, simply advises them to elope!  What wonderful morals us heros have.  From there, we find our couple one boat ride over.  Naturally, our first instinct is to... go and tell the father exactly where they are!  Brilliant.  Two boat rides later, we managed to get back just in time for a heated argument.  Naturally, one pointed snark changed the world, and suddenly we're invited to a wedding.  Yet another boat ride later, we're treated to a random scene of love and puppies and kisses.  Shana is rewarded with some insanely lucky gloves for her efforts, as well as the title Cupid!  Shana's arrows always hit their mark, I'm sure.  Naturally, the party takes a small break afterwards to discuss their horrible meddling.  After some light banter, Tigress bursts out with "I wanna get married right now!"  Shiki blushes furiously.  Could it be?  Is it really love?  Naturally, Tigress follows up with "I'm just kidding!  Can't you tell?"  Alas.

Moving along, we head back to the castle to report that Luna's fine wedding band is broked.  The token androgenous mage guy sends us to the desert, to track down some Edward fellow for help.  After running in great circles across the burning sand, we finally discover that the secret to summoning the next plot point is to slay poisonously poisonous Basilisks.  So yet more deadly hours in the sand later, exhausted, partly petrified, swords broken, MP depleted, sand all up in Tigress'... anyway, but loaded down with valuable Basilisk scales, Edward finally appears.  But wait!  That's the Super-Powered Old Man from Act 1!  But first things first, Kirk demands to know what can be done about his beloved feline beloved furry... well you know.  Apparently, we need elven help for this love connection, which means we should in fact just go back where we started.  Great.  But while there, Shiki does inquire about what the Super-Powered Old Man is doing here.  I turns out, this is his ancestor, making him the Super-Powered Older Ancient Dude or something.  We further learn that he's heard of the Ultima spell, but hasn't yet mastered it.  But knowing that his decendants still know the spell has given him new resolve.  Yays.

Heading back to the castle (yet again.  You'd think with this much travelling someone would have invented the Airship), we get passes to the Elven Forest.  However, we're told that they'd shoot Tigress on sight (prudes), so she agrees to stay behind.  By which she means she'll pretend to leave the party and then sneak after us.
After navigating the shockingly maze-like system of bridges leading to the village proper, the Lead Elf tells us that there's a monolith believed to house Origin in the back of the Maze Forest of Death.  Who knew that Xenosaga played a small role in this game?  Anyway, back to the Maze Forest of Death.  Calling upon the narrative gods yet again to obtain the Awesome Map of Win, we quickly loot the treasure and find the Zohar.  The Lead Elf then tells us an elven legend about Kangaroo, the Last Battle, which happened in ancient times and in which Origin saved us all.  So, in this universe, it takes God to beat up a Kangaroo?  Gotcha.  Do not feed the marsupials.  Anyway, one laser light show later, we have us some wedding rings.  Heading back, we find that the elves have taken Tigress prisoner, even though the guards are totally cute but she's not really into that sort of thing, and that she's to be executed.  Fortunately, a suspiciously pink-haired elf runs over and asks to take her place, and we leave without incident.  By which we mean Tigress tries to push the issue and talk to the person who is totally-not-her-mother. 

At this point, and I'm sure Kirk is setting his phaser to kill, we decide to initiate another sidequest!  We head back inside and get some advice on fixing a bow that has, variously, been greased up by Chucky Cheese, chopped in half by Seifer, and been hit with Ultima.  We're told that only a crazy woman living alone in a mansion can help us.  This totally can't go wrong.  We notice some amazingly lifelike statues decorating her front yard, but are welcomed inside without incident.  She tells us that she'll be able to fix the bow... IF we can get the Lead Elf to talk to her.  Easy enough.  Oh, we also have to leave one of us behind turned into a statue.  Easy en... wait, what?  She quickly decides that Shana is the best choice, but Shiki instead volunteers himself (... this entire series of events is one brilliant decision after another).  But Crazy Lady won't hear of that, so she charges her glowy death dome... only to have Tigress jump in.  So even shen she's not in that much distress, people love sacrificing himselves to try and save Shana.  Lovely.  We take a brisk walk back to the woods, and as predicted have no trouble whatsoever getting the Lead Elf along for the ride.  After a lengthy discussion, he decides... to let her turn HIM into a statue, because he loves her and it's the only way they can be together because she's a half-elf and... oooookaaayyy.  Anyway, she does so, and the spell conveniently rebounds and de-stones Tigress.  She subsequently breaks down and cries for a while, so our crew just gets the hell out of there.

So, back to business.  Yes!  The time has come at last to scale the phallic tower of the stars and win the heart of Kirk's one true love!  We soon learn that while Luna doesn't keep particularly nasty creatures in her home, she is very pick about music, and we have to fumble around changing it every time we need a door opened.  However, despite the interferance of some random pixie (... well, it's not as though Kirk hasn't slept around with far stranger things in this trip), we find Luna eagerly awaiting her beloved, and the wedding is held immediately.  It seems to be a Vegas wedding, what with riding around on the crescent moon and the whole Luna Laser neon sign bits, but who cares, we got what we've spent... a good 80% of the game so far trailing after.  That accomplished, we head for Midgards at maximum warp.

There, we decide to put on the full display for the helpless guards at the castle, including the endorsement of the only other Kingdom on the planet, our obvious badassitude, a fully fledged summ... er, Space Captain, a pyschotic sex-starved witch... really, it was a bit overkill.  I mean, this is a kingdom who's getting their asses hopelessly beat into the dirt by Seifer.  SEIFER.  The closest five year old with a pointed stick should be enough, let alone experienced badass fetch-questers like us.  For good measure, we name-drop the Super Powered Old Man, and quickly enough Kirk is appointed head of a special forces division including... himself, Shiki, Shana, and Tigress?  Well, whatever, he is the Captain.  We get a quick tour of the castle, paying special attention to the Magitech research facility.  This will clearly not be important later.
While we're waiting for things to happen, Tigress insists on going home for a while.  There, she yells at her father, then starts crying, then speculates on what could have caused the Elves to sever all ties with humans.  This clearly has nothing to do with the unimportant concept of Magitech.  We head back, only to learn that Seifer has sent an underling to formally declare war!  The underling promptly takes a child prisoner and threatens to kill Shiki and crew.  Baffling as this is, the Super Powered Old Man decides to one-up everyone and test out his Ultima spell, using it to get a critical back attack on the hapless minion!  Despite a fatal stab in the process, he pulls off a good dissolve and we move on to the big war meeting scene.

Anyway, our task is to defeat Seifer's mightiest minion... wait.  Seifer has another minion besides Fujin and Raijin?  This is indeed a disturbing universe.  For simplicity, we assume this to be Ouka and that there's some fucked up reality warping going on.  Anyway, we need to beat up Ouka, which will clear the way for the army (or maybe just us?  The King of Midgards is a bit of a wuss on details I think) to knock Seifer down.  We traverse the fields, which are in fact distressingly mazelike, dodging enemies liberally to speed the whole thing up, and rather mercilessly defeat Ouka with hardly a second thought.  We head back, mission accomplished... but wait!  The enemy is coming from the Skies!  The scientist decide to charge up their lasers, and unleash their Magictech weapon on the enemies... apparently an All-Ultima, from the looks of things.  Neat.  We then get a pointless cut to the Forest of Mithos, talking about a sudden calamity or some nonsense.  Clearly these events are unrelated.  Anyway, the Altima Cannon chooses this moment to blow up, meaning that there's nothing to fend off the whole attack from above.  While pondering the situation, Shiki is suddenly sucked into an inconvenient dimensional void.  There, Lenneth appears before him, riding a mighty pegasi!  Could this hapless death-dealing Swordgirl finally meet her true goddess?  But, no.  Apparently, Lenneth is just looking for a stray Gungnir that was stolen from the tomb of Odin.  Despite tracking thieves, she's willing to pay a fitting reward for Gungnir's return.  Steeling her courage, Shiki mentions that she COULD use a good ride...

Cutting back to everyone else, well, nothing's actually happened aside from general "ohfuckohfuckohfuck" sentiments.  Then, Shiki returns riding a great white Pegasus!  I guess Lenneth didn't quite catch her meaning.  Anyway, Shiki flies off, Tigress at his side and Gungnir in hand, for probably the biggest Romantic Hero moment she could ever ask for.  There, the pair again effortlessly fell Ouka, and head back to ground.  The loser scientist decides to hand over Super Powered Old Man's notes, among which is a spell book.  However, clearly is not the right time for that, it's time to kick Seifer's ass!

We head into UltimeciaSeifer's castle.  Despite being entirely too large, he's clearly running out of useful minions.  So we leisurely trigger traps and raid for treasure until we get board, then jump through some magic mirrors and head off to face the head Knight himself.  Oddly, Seifer doesn't seem to be too interested in owning us, but maybe we just don't look like chicken wusses.  Anyway, the battle begins!  But Tigress gets the first word, a little something like this.

I am the love of my broom
Mana is my body, lightning is my blood
I have cast over a thousand spells
Stand in the light of heaven
Open the gates of hell
Have travelled time to learn so many spells
Yet destiny calls, your life now ends
Thus now I pray: IN-DIG-NA-TION!

And that, as they say, was that.  Well, Seifer fled, but that's really a minor detail compared to learning that Tigress was secretly Archer this whole time!  Shiki, Archer!  True love at last?!
Afterwords, we decide to see what OTHER cool stuff Super Powered Old Man left for us.  Raiding his house, we learn that there might be some ruins called Thor that'll get us some hot Ultima action.  First, though, Shana insists on doing something about the Mithos Tree.  Kirk agrees, something about magic and causality and hot sex and you know, who cares, Shana said it so we're stuck with it.  Our first step is... taking a nap, wherein Shana learns that the best Divine Power requires a unicorn.  From there, we head back, only to learn that Shana isn't nearly strong enough alone for Martel.  But hunting down the legendary phallic horn seems like an adventure for another time.

Shiki- Is love really a dream within a dream?
TigressArcher- IN-DIG-NAY-SHUN
Shana- No horny enough
Kirk- when did Luna get so... artificial?
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #162 on: January 02, 2008, 05:00:45 AM »
Genisis Collections: Just played a bit of Kid Chameleon

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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #163 on: January 02, 2008, 09:00:26 AM »
So many games.

HL2:  Froze up after the second loading screen in Sandtraps.  Reinstalled, started over.  Same place, same error.  Going to call Tech support tomorrow if I'm not doing anything else.

S5:  Blaaah.  Back up to Lordlake visit 2.  Game is boring again.  Curse you perfectionism.  -_-

TF2:  Medic is fun, I'm getting pretty good with him.  I'm terrible with everyone else, though, since I don't play that many shooters.  Been sticking with easy characters (Medic/Heavy/Soldier/Pyro to a certain extent), though once I get better I want to try out Spy.  He seems fun.

Portal:  Okay, so Level 15 advanced map and level 18 advanced map can lick my balls.  Almost through 16, but I keep getting screwed up by the last batch of turrets.  Least portals/steps/whatever doesn't hold my interest.  Might replay for developer commentary. 


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #164 on: January 02, 2008, 09:13:06 AM »
SRW OG Gaiden: Yeah, played through this and finished.

One rounded both of Dark Brain's forms in the same turn.  Enable/Zeal+HTB Cannon abuse is sick and wrong.  Doesn't hurt that they throw two more Enable/Renew users to you on that map, either.

Neo Granzon was a complete joke.  His support was harder than he was.  Fail.

Fun game overall, but it really needs to let you deploy more people.  I ended up not using a bunch of my favorites because there just wasn't room for them, and other people were objectively better.   Also needed to not throw a bunch of PCs at you to use for like 2-3 missions.  Think it's sitting at a low 9 for me right now, but might drop down to an 8.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #165 on: January 02, 2008, 03:50:02 PM »
Viewtiful Joe: This game is hard. First level wasn't too bad, but ouch and pain at the helicopter boss. Maybe I shouldn't have started on hard mode.

OG Gaiden: Beat Jurgen. Yeesh, that was a stupid amount of durability. For reference, HTB Cannon, the best attack I've got at the moment, did 20,000 damage to the sub-boss of the level. HTB Cannon with Soul, which increases post-defense damage by 150% (that is, multiplies net damage by 2.5), did 22,000. Yikes.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #166 on: January 02, 2008, 07:43:59 PM »
Haven't posted about this but:

I Wanna Be The Guy: Made it to the last room before the final boss. This game contains such a fine mix of awesome and wtf. And requires a good amount of insanity to complete.  And no, I'm not spoiling anything <_<


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #167 on: January 02, 2008, 09:04:30 PM »
WA5 - Woo, fought Elvis. He killed me the first time because he made it to the water leypoint and spammed uber death Hydro Pressures. Went back, equipped my Muse Badges, captured the leypoint early with Carol (Sea Medium, various sources of MP recovery.) Spammed Sonic Vision with Dean for much pain. Luck Medium Rebecca stole, then switched out, only appearing to use MP Recharge on Carol. Otherwise, used Avril with a Mountain Medium for buffing, and giving turns to Dean. Should probably put it on someone a little more appropriate, maybe Chuck, but gamebest HP Avril with Dragon Fossils pumped into her ARM is entertaining. Also, at the moment she has  the third highest potential attack if Sword Mediums are given to all, behind Greg and Dean.

Duel was easy, but long - Carol with Sea Medium, Muse Badge, controls water leypoint, alternates attacking and healing when needed (Rapid Fist 3HKO OMG!). For a long time, given Carol's damage.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #168 on: January 03, 2008, 12:56:11 AM »
DMC: Finished, at least first run through.  Not sure when I'll replay it (definitly intend to at some point though.)

Not much to say about the game...well, the plot sucks, but that's to be expected or something.  Game was generally very good on all game play fronts, and damn stylish too.  Can definitly see why this game got so much hype, and can also see why so many other PS2 action games are compared to it.

Also, having witnessed the ending of FF7:DoC, I must say that VMC is more fitting a name than I possibly imagined, as I didn't realize they more or less ripped off the style of the final battle in DMC.

Damn shame DMC is so much better a game from what I saw of VMC though, since comparing the two feels insulting to the former.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #169 on: January 03, 2008, 02:05:59 AM »
Tales of Destiny II - I'm at the Ruins of Volt.  The game is getting kind of tedious, as all Tales games do during the stupid "find every summon imaginable to help your cause" segment of the game.  I think I only have a couple more but I can hardly bring myself to play more than 20-30 minutes at a time.  Keele is annoying, but Max is MORE annoying and far more worthless in battle, which figures.  I think I must be underleveled (or maybe just out of practice) because the battles seem harder than they ought to.  I was hoping I was more than halfway through the game, but a quick look at a walkthrough seemed to indicate I'm just a bit less than halfway.  If the tedium keeps up I'll probably just quit and play something better.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #170 on: January 03, 2008, 02:20:22 AM »
Volt place in ToE is out of whack with the difficulty curve of the game.  Thunder Blade is obnoxiously strong.

Edit - So if you stomach through that then it will get a bit easier again.  I also think it might be the last spirit you need to get.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #171 on: January 03, 2008, 05:35:09 AM »
Don't Paralyze Checks or whatever they're called resist lightning as well? That can help some.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #172 on: January 03, 2008, 05:57:30 AM »
They do help yeah if you have them in decent supply.  THe spell is still way out there for what you are used to.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #173 on: January 03, 2008, 07:35:00 AM »
You really want the Stun Checks in Ruins of Volt anyway since there's at least one enemy there causing paralysation. As for Thunder Blade, I found it manageable as long as I could keep Meredy and Max far away from the enemies.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #174 on: January 03, 2008, 08:40:31 PM »
Portal - Played, beaten. Obviously I'm a little late to the table here, but yeah it's completely awesome. Not much more needs to be said.

DDS2 - Been playing some Hard mode. Karma Society building, just beat the Loser Trio for the second time. The extra Hardness only really shines through in the boss battles, so far. Well, and occasionally being hax'd by enemies, but I guess that's there in any SMT game on any mode, isn't it? Main party is Serph with Fire/Boost, Cielo with Ice/Healing/Status, and Roland with Earth/Physical/Hunting. Worked well enough on normal mode, and is doing fine on Hard as well.

Bioshock - Beat this a while ago but never really posted my thoughts. So let's see if I can get some thoughts in order.

Atmosphere gets this game so many points right off the bat. God, Rapture was just painstakingly and amazingly constructed. Fort Frolic is particularly fantastic in this regard, because Sander Cohen is a freaking maniacal nutjob and it works so well. The music and voice acting was impeccable throughout the entire game, and it created an immersive experience only second to the good Silent Hill games, in my opinion. And there's one room in Fort Frolic that equalled some of the best Silent Hill stuff for scaring the crap out of me. Giant flooded room with the dressforms that turn into statue splicers when you look away from them, anyone?

Story? The story... was good. For all that it's kind of silly to have everyone's audio diaries just strewn all over Rapture, it's a really interesting way of feeding the story to you in tiny little pieces out of sequence. And oddly enough I found myself really caring about some of the characters even from just those few entries. Sullivan, Bill McDonagh, and Diane McClintock, specifically. And man, the big plot sequence at the end of Hephaestus? Completely fantastic. I'm almost tempted to avatar Andrew Ryan. It wasn't all great, though. I'm still sort of on the fence regarding what I think of... well, the specific way in which the story impacts the form of the gameplay and vice versa. I can't decide whether it's some really brilliant storytelling or... just sort of a clever trick. Also, the whole "moral decision" touted by the creators really could have been developed a lot more. Give me an ending that's more than thirty seconds long, at least. I think the ending was a bit of a ripoff. For the most part, though, it is a solid plot.

Gameplay, now. Hmm. Well, my first complaint is that by the end of the game I was carrying around a pistol, a tommy gun, a shotgun, a grenade launcher, a chemical launcher and a crossbow, each with three different types of ammunition. Not to mention the fifty or so batteries, copper tubes, jugs of water, cans of kerosene, horse wieners et alibris for sticking into the U-Invents. Even aside from sort of hurting the immersion when I thought about where I was carrying all this junk, there was just no challenge at all by the end of the game. Perhaps I should set it to a higher difficulty setting next time. One of the things I always admired about the Thief games - I bring them up as another example of FPSs that broke the mold - was that I needed to manage my resources, whereas in Bioshock you get access to Electric Gel by midgame which means Big Daddies are no longer a challenge (and hell, neither is the final boss; it's a little sad), and by the end you're just Rambo. That and the Vita-Chambers, which I never actually used because I compulsively reload my last save if I'm ever about to die, but the more I think about it the more I wonder why I didn't just constantly die and respawn and beat up all the game's Big Daddies with the wrench. Hmm.

Despite that ranting, I enjoyed the, uh, gameplay part of the game. It generally felt kind of vanilla compared to the world of the game's story and atmosphere, though.