
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing: 2008  (Read 473537 times)

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1900 on: May 18, 2008, 08:14:58 PM »
I'm not complaining. Yum, Genesic GaoGaiGar+475,000 credits to blow on shinies.

Only 475,000?

The four-turn limit scared me a bit and I didn't want to lose nearly two hours of fighting. Also, I didn't bring my Zeal/MAP/Bless-whores.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1901 on: May 18, 2008, 11:01:00 PM »
DQ8:  Beat the Monster Arena.  Used Talos, Dumbking, Cybot for the dreaded B rank.  Dumbking never cast Oomph, but I got lucky and none of the enemies used their desperate attacks.

Used Skeledoid, Octurion, Talos for the S rank.  Came down to 16 hp Talos (asleep) and Skeledoid versus sleeping skeletal warrior.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1902 on: May 19, 2008, 12:28:12 AM »
Wild ARMS XF: Completed

Whew, so I've played roughly 100 hours of this game, thanks to the Jap + Eng versions meshing together. Jap was obviously harder due to being unable to read anything. Eng version got smashed. I had a couple of resets (on the two really stupid maps anyway), but in general, the game is begging to be smashed. No thanks to Creeping Chaoses that appear around halfway through the game and make it easy to max out some classes. The bosses in general are decent and even really good if you don't twink. But as I did, splat~

Where to start? I think this is probably the one Wild ARMS game where I really enjoyed the plot. As in, it was actually really good. Shock. Between the little themes, flashbacks, and some of the hidden plot twists, the game really rocked on this front. There are some plot holes (more on that later), but for the most part, story's good.

Characters were decent. The cast was mixed with some good, some meh and fail. Specifically, Spoiler PC and Ragnar are good (one's realistic in how she behaves. The other has good motives and tends to have a good amount of character and charisma). Levin's an idiot, but he gets a couple of nice scenes. Clarissa and Labrynthia are there. Clarissa's decent above averagish. The plot pulls together her motives together, but she just didn't inspire much out of me. Labrynthia didn't impress. Felius basically sucked! The villains play similar, with Charlton being very good, Rupert having some style. Chelle existed and Edna fails. Meanwhile, Weish wins the stupidest villain award for the day. More on this later too!

Now gameplay! I think for the most part, the game worked fine. They balanced classes, although some classes have ludicrously good skills while others are junk in general. Map design was mostly horrible. They needed to be much smaller on average since movement time alone hogs up a huge amount of time. VP was also unnecessary and was more of nuisance than anything. Random battles or quests are also kind of boring. Item synthesis is uninspiring as it felt really slapped together if anything. In terms of tactics though, the game delivers since you often need a good balance or certain classes will be more prominent in certain levels. They also managed to fit puzzle maps into it, which is interesting. The actual combat was good, since you can mesh a lot of skills together, although this leads to some of the most broken set ups imaginable. Bosses who would normally be durable crumple after 2 hits >_>. So the challenge is kind of sort of there. But not really at the same time. Enjoyable overall, but I'm a bit disappointed since the flaws need to be stated. felt like the final act wasn't really needed. Just group it together with Act 4 and it would've worked fine. The final act felt sloppy and also made one of the villains who was kind of good in the early going to become utterly retarded. Game is decent, but not impressive. 7/10 sounds around right. Probably the lowest score I've given to a WA game minus the original. Again, the map design really frustrated me and made the enjoyment level lower than what it could've been. That was probably the biggest thing. On to actual characters...

Clarissa - Her tale comes together and makes sense! In the beginning she mentions how she hates lies, you don't really find out why until much later. She's typical in that she's much more idealistic than imaginable. Her early game character and her late game character don't differ much in terms of that aspect. Although having her assume the role of false princess in the beginning was a interesting gesture. Otherwise, don't have really much else to add on her as weird as that sounds. The hidden plot twist was full on win. Scenes with the spoiler PC were always good. Gameplay wise was mostly support. Encourage was awesome. So was Sacrifice, although I had much better tools later on. Infinite horizontal range for sniping and Decelerate win as well. DL wise is completely different in that she relies mainly on Sacrifice. See Pyro's post in the XF stat topic.

Fierce/Felius - Was basically there. He had some backstory, but it was largely full of meh and his early game character is about as interesting as a rock. BUT EPIC STORYLINE WITH WEISH. If only Weish didn't end up being a total idiot. In the end, his subplot was resolved, which was nice, but his character was still largely uninspiring. In game, his stats are suited to being a frontline fighter, and he was my boss destroyer easily. Thanks to Amplifier/Hyper/Invoke existing. Giving him Secutor EQ and Six Shooter was hilarious. DL wise, kind of boring. Disarm exists, although the skill is largely useless in game >_>. Otherwise, he has physical durability and some semblance of damage. Which is passable.

Labrynthia - Hey! An intelligent PC in the cast. That's a good start. She wasn't much other than that though. She had some good scenes with Charlton and King Hranthnir, but other than that she didn't do much. She's more entertaining than Fierce at least. In game, she was LVP (aside from TONY) since she was slow and couldn't do that much damage. She worked as a heavy support mage though. DL Yeah. Weapon block and Distortion I guess gives her some wins, but that speed/durability combo is entirely epic.

Levin - He's more of an idiot and way too gung ho in the beginning. Gradually shapes out better, which is good. The subplot between him/spoiler PC/Clarissa could've used some more expanding on. But the scenes he got with Ragnar from that were awesome. Levin's entire thing with his dad worked in that, towards the end Eisen really did need a good slap upside the head. Glad to see who was more sensible out of that duo >_>. In game wise, broken as hell. He's not impressive in physical or magic attacks, but he has lots of speed and movement, two stats that are much harder to work around. So he becomes a highly twinkable character. Blast being 1.5x stronger than regular magic and can be used after moving was horribly wrong. And Cancel Strike works on bosses. IT WORKS ON BOSSES >_<. So you could shape him into one form or the other and he would still kicks loads of ass. DL wise, Cancel Strike+Assault Rush both exist. Blast is largely unimpressive now, but has 100% innate accuracy. Which is good, since his base accuracy also sucks.

Ragnar - He's very likable. Aside from Laby, he's the only one who's more or less acute to what's going on. Ragnar's scenes with Chelle/Levin made him work. Former adding more to his motive and serious side, while the latter works more on his comic relief side. Also possibly has the most realistic motive out of everyone else. And he turned out pretty well since his revenge plot was soon dropped for something else that worked a lot better. In game, Hyper does horrible things to people. He's already pretty strong, so that + Orbital Ring will slice most randoms in one or two hits. Ravaging Rush being able to push enemies back was also good and it deal loads of damage from it. His only big thing in game was low MP, which could be worked around. DL wise, Hyper + Ravaging Rush = ow, pain. You either kill him with some sort of ranged attack, start off faster than him, or be really physically durable because otherwise, he just rips you apart.

Spoiler PC - Awesome. The scenes with Clarissa set a new high in yuri undertones. But otherwise, she's probably the most realistic out of all the characters. One of the scenes where Ragnar asks what she would do with Elesius before he renews his pledge demonstrated this. Her response was more along the lines of "I can't promise that I would be able to make it better, but I give you my word I work towards the same ideals as my father and I will do everything in my power to bring it down", which I felt was better than a typical "Yes, no worries guys. We will succeed" type of schpeel. The various deaths of people relating to her and her reactions from those worked out really well. Of course, the hidden plot twist is also associated with her, so that wins. In game, WAY THE HELL TOO SLOW. There are ways to curb this thankfully. But that speed really really hurts, and is what makes Fierce a better boss slugger than her ultimately. DL wise, initiative + 2HKO. Weaknesses hurt, speed hurts even more, and less ways to curb the speed problem.

Rupert - He had style. And the game does a fairly good job of making him quite despicable. And then of course, when you finally get to fight him, they make sure his defeat comes as a direct form of nemesis. He wasn't part of the Final Act fiasco, which helps his character some. For the most part, he appears as a lowly scum who worked off his own philosophy, and yet that gets him killed in the end. DL wise, not as strong as his ingame counterpart, who had Crisis RFX. Crisis RFX works because every enemy you kill perma boosted his speed, which lets him tear apart your units. He dies to a good old speed busting of course. Crisis RFX is also useless in the DL. So he has...something. I'm not sure what. Maximum Risks exists! Someone test it. *pokes Pyro*

Charlton - aka. the competent villain. His last stand and battle was good. One of the mid C.2 scenes between him and Laby also worked out. Out of all the villains, he was the one that didn't make you want to take a 2 by 4 and smack them in the face with it. Lots of charisma from him as well. Owns Edna...pretty much the best villain out of the entire set. DL wise...depends which form I think? His last one has MT 2HKO with disease attached to it. Its nasty as hell in game. DL wise probably works out the same. Or he goes with his second to last form, which has the ability to summon cronies everytime he's hit (I think its like an auto 40% or something). And those cronies don't die unless you hit them with Sanctify (auto regenerate everytime and get stronger). So either way, he's a threat, which is nice.

Edna - Utter failure. Gets owned by pretty much all the other villains except Rupert. Also gets owned by spoiler PC, verbally and physically. Fails in that, she's the type of person in real life who you really want no association with. Her death is at least comical though.

Weish - Um...let's see. He starts off too much MYSTERAE, but gets better. The Death Merchant concept was nice, since he wasn't a typical assassin, but merely one that produced vastly dangerous merchandise. Of course, when his scheme was revealed, it was kind of cool in that hey, it makes sense! And then the Final Act came in and everything that the game has built on him crumbles apart. To sum it up, I'm just going to C+P my convo with Pyro. Don't read if you don't like spoilers.


<Pyro> Also.
<Pyro> "..." to his stupidity.
<Pyro> Yes, begin the armageddon BEFORE YOU HAVE SECURED YOUR ESCAPE!
<Pyro> Brilliant!
<Tide|lastone> ...
<Tide|lastone> Y'know, here's something else I was wondering
<Tide|lastone> If Weish rebuilt the Lombardia
<Pyro> Yesss?
<Pyro> Why didn't he change the pilot system?
<Tide|lastone> Why didn't he just override the fact that he needed Fierce's biopatterns to run the machine
<Pyro> Don't ask me.
<Tide|lastone> Yes exactly
<Tide|lastone> ...
<Tide|lastone> BRILLIANT PLAN
<Pyro> Weiss ain't the brightest fucker on the planet.
<Pyro> He based his last strategy on beating the people who whupped his ass... 3 times before.

He becomes a total, complete joke of the villain. I think the game designers realized this too and had him killed off comically. His in game variant was also very unimpressive in the end, since he lacks the move/jump to do anything. DL wise...fairly nasty. OHKO charge move and he has a good chance at pulling it off since he won't die to a hit! Depending on when you take him. His last form might since the durability fails (less than Charlton, but Charlton had better gimmicks). But he's still fast all around, so he's likely sitting around the middle/heavy border.

Chelle - Interesting conversations between her and Ragnar. She needed those since she's not much with out it. With, at least there's a hint of development and you develop sympathy towards her. I wasn't too impressed however. Felt like she still needed more screen time (ironically, she gets a lot, but ends up doing not much with it). DL wise, has Jeremy 2's gimmick, combined off the ability to kill someone in a single hit (battle cry --> Move --> wait --> Predator Barrage = splat). Also with his non fail durability at that point. Chelle might be worse thinking on it (she has 1500 HP or so, which is REALLY low for a boss that late) but still wow. Let her live and you're in trouble. Luckily though, no Hyper Weapon (which is the Ragnar variant).

Persona 3 FES - The Journey
Yay! Restarted this. June 28th I think now. Maxed out Magician and Emperor. Chariot is at 7 or 8. Moon is at 6. Strength is at 5. Everything else is kind of low. But I'm thinking working on Heiro/Hermit over the summer and Moon can be worked on during exam week. Need to start Preistess and Fortune really. I also have a sword of 340 power fire element thanks to the weapon fuse system, at a point in the game where only +80 attack weapons exist. Smash. But the challenge before hand was still there.

The Answer
Also started this. For some reason, Aigis feels a lot weaker than Minato, despite having the same ability. I don't recall my physical attack being that important in the journey, so I have no idea what happened. Bosses are now harder, not due to increased damage or hard mode BS. But rather they removed the fact that you can go to a save point, reheal before fighting an area boss. I question this decision (feels like a sloppy polish issue to me) but whatever. Game is still decent. I died at least 3 times now though. Yay random criticals.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1903 on: May 19, 2008, 06:26:29 AM »
Also started this. For some reason, Aigis feels a lot weaker than Minato, despite having the same ability. I don't recall my physical attack being that important in the journey, so I have no idea what happened. Bosses are now harder, not due to increased damage or hard mode BS. But rather they removed the fact that you can go to a save point, reheal before fighting an area boss. I question this decision (feels like a sloppy polish issue to me) but whatever. Game is still decent. I died at least 3 times now though. Yay random criticals.

No Compendium or weapon changing makes Aigis sad indeed. Yay for subpar, shitty Personae and being stuck with a single attack type throughout the entire game.

I'd say the Bosses are more difficult due to the infinitely annoying habit of having the Dodge or Evade skill of the attack type they are weak against. That and they're actually mixed up this time, so you can't go around using Maxxxxdyne on them. Getting to them is easy enough at full HP/SP if you just beeline to the stairs and back-attack enemies so you get a 100% flee rate; granted, its really annoying waste of 5-10 minutes though.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1904 on: May 19, 2008, 06:35:01 AM »

Seriously, I used him in...oh, say, 10 fights, each one having me run back to the healing thing...and he's only just now getting through the first bar.  It doesn't help that he doesn't like to go Hyper Mode, which would speed the process up some.

Um, yeah, using the Celebi Flutes on the other two <_<

...yeah, I am so glad they fixed this Shadow Pokemon nonsense in XD.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1905 on: May 19, 2008, 07:09:49 AM »
JC2- Got playing this again. Finally completed the forests of light and got the orbs to Levant and to top everything off that bastard betrays me (As expected, when do you use a evil weapon for good anyway).
He seems to have transformed into some dragon-man thing. I like how frank he is though, convo goes like this

Kahu: I'm sorry, its because you tried to save me that you got possesed Levant.
Levant:No kid, you were just used.

He also tells you his grand plan. Get eaten by the QUEEN OF DARKNESS!!!


Castlevain Curse Of Darkness: After 7 hours of gameplay I have summed up that Issac is a knob (Actually I got that feeling just looking at the manual), while St G is awesome.

Everytime he appears though I get the feeling he'll pop out some old english on me though. Maybe its the hat.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1906 on: May 19, 2008, 11:40:28 AM »
DQ8:  Beat the Monster Arena.  Used Talos, Dumbking, Cybot for the dreaded B rank.  Dumbking never cast Oomph, but I got lucky and none of the enemies used their desperate attacks.

Used Skeledoid, Octurion, Talos for the S rank.  Came down to 16 hp Talos (asleep) and Skeledoid versus sleeping skeletal warrior.

Nice.  Cool to see other strategies for S rank (I just threw My Three Golems at it, which seems like easy-mode).

Clear Tranquil

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1907 on: May 19, 2008, 01:23:02 PM »
*reminds self (again) to read Tide's WA wiki stuff*

Suikoden IV- Finished. Game has Kiki and thus is awesme by default. Especially once both Kika and Viki have joined. Almost felt like giving up on the game at one point due to the slow slow slowness of sea travelling and the darn high random encounter rate. Glowing Hand Mirror fixxed that well enough though. It was still aomewhat annoying to go to forced places by ships but at least everything wasn't. Final boss went down to two *SPOILERs!* unites, two Judgements, two Falcon Runes with a rinse of Kindess Rain at the halfway mark. The spoilers unite along did around 3'500~ damage per use alone o_o

I have some things I want to say about the story but I forgot the spoiler code >_>

So final party was Hero L58, Ted L56, Kika L57 and Spoilers! L56.

Hero - Two handed damage is sexy! Useful early on with that and Punishment Rune then PR kind of faded out a bit compared to other characters then he came in strong again near the end with physical + Double Edge + Warrior's Rune and Punishment Rune's final spell which was useful for AoE damage and healing a couple of times in upgraded Obel Ruins. Solid overall? Kind of brown though (bland I mean) Spoiler unite is awesme though.

Ted - Enters your party Godlike by default! A mage who is fast and durable what. Powerful spells and a decent physical too. Comes with healing for extras. Not much else to say really. He's good and that's that.

Kika - Kika! Two handed damage with sexy Kika is even sexier! Is beast enough with that and Falcon Rune + Fury then becomes an utter demon with Double Edge. Solid stats overall too. Lowish HP gives the illusion of frailty early on but really it doesn't matter! Her HP doesn't hurt her enough to stop her being utterly awesme!

*SPOILER!* ... not really getting the anti hype. He was my Double Edge + Fury user for the final stretch of the game and was hitting regularly for 1300~ in the final dungeon. Did 2'500 on a critical once too ;o Obviously Ted and Kika are the superior choices but ... he wasn't bad. His physicals combined with the utter pwnge that is his unite with Hero ... didn't really scream PHAIL to me <_<

Thoughts on other characters later.

Dragon Quest VIII Started. Nice graphics, funky music, amusing fellow countryman. Bad item stock limitations + non fail randoms + tired CT = yikes. Heh I ran out of items near the end of the waterwall cave, Guv died and then I ran around with Yangus for a while and then he died too >_> Yep looks like this game is going to require concentration. No doubt I'll really like it once I have time to get into the gameplay though.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2008, 02:05:05 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1908 on: May 19, 2008, 02:30:59 PM »
DDS 2: Finished the Internment Facility and started to assault the Karma headquarters. I ran into an Omoikane encounter and managed to kill them all, so now I have an abundance of money. I won't be able to put them into proper use until I've gained the AP-Divide skill though.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1909 on: May 19, 2008, 03:43:40 PM »
I have some things I want to say about the story but I forgot the spoiler code >_>

We actually don't have spoiler tags in this forum. It is unfortunate. Anyway, I doubt anyone will complain about you spoiling Suikoden IV plot of all things, so I'd just go ahead.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1910 on: May 19, 2008, 10:01:00 PM »
SRW@3 - Dygenguard get! Banpreios get! Hyperlion get! Aussenseiter get!


Two-layer pathsplit get. Screw you, @3. ._.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1911 on: May 19, 2008, 11:26:35 PM »
FES-Finished the Journey. 18/22 S. Links completed, 97% Persona Compendium, level 99 with a maxed stat Helel. Actually let the bosses do their thing instead of just Armageddoning them into a fine paste. It didn't really help. High Priestess got Reversed when I was wasn't paying attention, so I ended up maxing Empress and Aeon instead. The extra stuff in the ending sequence was pretty awesome. Being able to talk to all the S. Links you maxed was a nice touch, and finally confronting "Maya" was hilarious.

P3 was already one of my favorite RPG's ever, so adding in a bunch of stuff was bound to make it even better. Making S. Links rank up faster was probably the best addition to the game, as it makes things move much smoother and gives a far better sense of progress. The extra requests were mostly entertaining and gave good rewards. The only ones I didn't like were the "Find the rare katana in ____Block" since I had terrible luck with the random drops in chests, but they weren't necessary. Going on dates with Elizabeth was quite amusing, and they had the sense to set it up so you didn't waste an After School peroid doing them. All the various extra scenes were well done. The whole "Revive *Spoilers*" thing was interesting, but not enitirely necessary and somewhat derails Junpei's character development.

Some things they changed were kinda bad. I can see why they took away the advantage of not getting tired on nights before the Full Moon, since managing your time effectively is a huge part of the game and the exploit subverts that. On the other hand, the first few months are overwhelming and having that safety net was greatly appreciated. I think that if they really wanted to get rid of it they should have waited until August or so until you have a larger grasp of the game and can manage your time better.  Another thing is having to beat the Reaper before you can go into Monad. It only really matters if you plan on powerleveling to turn your team into a walking arsenal of destruction, but it is annoying and unnecessary.

Anyway, great game, best RPG that's come out in years, etc.

Started the Answer also, just finished the first door. Everybody says it's way harder but so Faster Shadows are irrelevant since Aigis has plenty of range and sneaking up on Shadows is laughably easy anyway. Not being able to use a Compendium and no S. Links is bad, but managable. The main thing I noticed is that without Requests my cash flow is far less than it is in the Journey. I imagine that being strapped for cash, unless chest drops in the dungeons are kind, is going to be the main issue in the game. One really stupid thing they did was making it so that you can't jump right back up to a boss floor after you reach it. It's stupid because all it does is make you waste time running back through the floors to the boss, and if it's an attempt to make you husband resources it's pointless since evading Shadows is easy as hell. I have no idea why they changed it, but it was a bad, bad idea. 

Other than that it's the usual P3 formula. Curious to see where the story is going, no opinion on Metis yet.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1912 on: May 20, 2008, 07:07:26 AM »
I finished my second playthrough of Mass Effect. I have to say, I never bothered to take the "let the Council die!" dialogue option, because I thought it was the same as the "we have to hold back for Sovereign" option. Well, I took the former this time because I was just a hair short of where I needed to be to get the Renegade achievement.

Suffice to say, that ending is AWESOME. Udina was a prick, but now he's fucking sinister and a half. Eat it, you alien fucks. Manifest destiny all the way to the bank.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1913 on: May 20, 2008, 07:19:24 AM »
TF2.  Generally playing random class a lot on a variety of servers.  Spy has been doing remarkably little for me lately.  Pyro's been surprisingly decent, even against good players, despite all its weaknesses.  Sniper's okay as long as the other team doesn't have a sniper (causing my life to last about 2 seconds).  Scout/Soldier/Heavy/Demo are unsurprisingly solid, though I have room to improve with all of the above.  Obviously I'm good at medic, though I've been using random time to try and learn the Kritzkrieg.

Of note tonight though, was an amusing clanstacking.  Generally speaking when six people of the same clan hop onto one team they dominate--partially because they know how to play together, and partially because it means there will be few, if any, weak players on their team.  Tonight, however, this clan stacked a server that was kinda out of their league (CP#4), and got summarily crushed.  They can't really complain about the other people they had on their team, either, being Shinespiked (he's crazy good) [Ex] Everybodynoes (he's crazy good) AlleyDog (she's pretty good--certainly good enough to outscore every last clanstacker).  Well I guess they could complain about Zenny (Zenny's not bad, but not at the level of a harcore clan player).  Granted, if they did, then I certainly hope Zenny insulted them right back (in fact, now I'm almost sad I was on the other team--I'd like to have heard that had it hypothetically happened).

Clear Tranquil

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1914 on: May 20, 2008, 11:52:54 AM »
*nods @ El Cid*

Ok ... ready ... aim fire!

Suikoden IV-

So ...

Cray and Elenor what happened - did they die? Is Lalzo Lino's son? I saw a woman who I assume was the Queen of Obel in inner Rune of Punishment Land. Which Suikoden does Ted tie into?

Dragon Quest VIII - Just about to pick up Jess I think. First a boss stands in my way!  A game that is forcing me to level up to win fights nooooo. Waterfall cave I defeated the boss on the second try after not having enough healing the first. This time Guv has plenty of MP and the party has enough healing items but the boss does too much damage and has multi hit damage to boot for it to help. I really like Jess though so I will presevere!

The game's graphics have a very strange effect on me. Sometimes depending on my mood I'm cheered by the brightness and vibrancy of it all. After a while though my eyes start to hurt and I'm all like ughh I feel sick - my eyes the googles do nothing!

Weapons and skills so far -

Guv - Swords and Courage. Heal, Evac and Zoom are all nifty skills for me. Though it does seem a bit silly to have two spells *uses Zoom in a dungeon - Yangus hit his head off the ceiling!*

Yangus - Axes and Humanity. Yangus smash! Was clubs but that didn't seem to be doing anything useful so switched to axes for smashing purposes. Humanity gave me a wth first spell and then made up for it with Heal. Extra healing's always nice even if does come on a character with fail MP >_> Speaking to the woman in the port town revealed some information about Humity giving something called Underpants Dance which sounds like epic entertainment value so I think I'll be sticking with it <_<

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1915 on: May 20, 2008, 05:54:12 PM »
FF7: Crisis Core- about halfway through, doing a lot of missions at the point. The cutscene where Sephiroth, Angeal, and Genesis battle each other......maybe the best fight scene I have ever scene. Definitely nominating this game to be ranked.

Persona 3 FES- Just bought it a week ago, havent played it yet......will start it after Crisis Core.

Dragon Quest 8- At the very end fighting Dhoulmagus, very good game. Guv is the man
I think......I think I want to be forgiven. Mhhm. More than anything.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1916 on: May 20, 2008, 07:10:19 PM »
Ted ties into the first Suikoden, CT.

And I think it's canon that neither of them died, but I'm not 100% on that.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1917 on: May 20, 2008, 07:41:31 PM »
JC2- Faced Dr Gil again in the dark forests. His jealousy of you being the Chosen one gets hold of him and he turns into a massive beast to kill you. I soon beat the green eyed monster out of him though.

CCOD- Fought St Germain at last. Fight was excellent and his powers of time were fited into the fight well. His most deadly attack isn't time stop though. Its a poison slash followed by time advance. It causes the poison to speed up and it repeatadly stuns you keeping you open for atacks for a while.

Sadly thats proberly the last I'll see of him in game. I now can't figure where to go now. I beat the tower so what now? I'll have to walk around a bit I guess.

EDIT: found it. Had to use magic circle in the town to get to some ruins.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 11:06:46 PM by Rozalia »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1918 on: May 20, 2008, 10:02:34 PM »
Ted ties into the first Suikoden, CT.

And I think it's canon that neither of them died, but I'm not 100% on that.

Did they ever bother to canonically define what happened to them? They're so far removed from any other game that it doesn't matter if they lived or not, because they're dead by the time the next-earliest game rolls around.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1919 on: May 20, 2008, 10:07:39 PM »
Final Fantasy Tactics: Lion War - Up to chapter 2 now, just got Guest Mustadio.

Persona 3 FES - Went further in The Answer, that is to say I levelled up and that's about it because I didn't get to the first checkpoint yet.  Metis's Orgia Mode is kind of silly.  It's basically Aigis's from The Journey except on crack.  It lasts longer than three turns and also removes the HP/SP cost for skills, meaning she can spam Fatal End as much the hell she wants.

So far, it seems like The Answer just takes out the best features that the game had (Compendium, S.Links, etc.) which is uh, bad, obviously.  I haven't even found a shop yet.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1920 on: May 20, 2008, 11:27:24 PM »
SRW@3 - Not much progress. But, since Sage and Xer want to know:

Okay, I got to actually see the Hyperlion in action. It's a pretty interesting machine, actually. You get a high-end, low maintenance Real for two one-point squad slots with three pilots, and its main notable aspect is the insanely high twinkability. The Begalion and the Altairlion's upgrades don't just carry over to each other, they're linked - so, upgrading the Begalion upgrades the Altairlion, and consequently, the Hyperlion. You upgrade two units for the cost of one. Ibis also starts with a monstrous enough PP pool to get you Ignore Unit Size, S ranks and maybe something else right off the bat, and Sleigh counts as a separate unit - so, you can twink Sleigh's SP pool for more pilot abuse. Speaking of pilots, the three pilots in the Hyperlion have excellent synergy: Ibis has Spirit, both Ibis and Sleigh get Focus/Valor and Tsugumi gets Rouse and Hope alongside healing stuffs. This is useful because of the weaponry: the Hyperlion's MAP and finisher are Will-reliant (120 and 130 Will, respectively), and the multiple-purpose pools mean that you can bust out the Spirits without fearing resource exhaustion on average. Speaking on the weaponry, it's rather versatile: you have a 3-4 P ALL, a 3-7 P finisher that caps in the high-mid 6000s, a 2-shot remote map (much like the Gunbuster's) and a 2-10 range sniping attack that should cap at nearly 6k, and a 4k base PLA. So, it can actually fill like damn near every niche you can think of for general utility and random-busting purposes. Its issues are the ammo reliance and the actual offense, which is fundamentally a bit on the lacking side (the P ALL is just at 4150 power at 50% upgrades, for an example, and the MAP probably doesn't even reach 4k on cap. However, the biggest issue is that none of the pilots in the triad gets Soul, which is the underlying problem). But the great versatility and the high twinkery for low maintenance potential make it pretty interesting. That's about it.   
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1921 on: May 21, 2008, 12:35:59 AM »
You get a shop after finishing the first area, Tal.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1922 on: May 21, 2008, 01:37:46 AM »
So far, it seems like The Answer just takes out the best features that the game had (Compendium, S.Links, etc.) which is uh, bad, obviously.  I haven't even found a shop yet.

What AAA said, but with the addition that the shops blow. The only way you can get cash is through lame Shuffle Times and by selling boss item drops. I suppose you might be able to get cash in chests, but I've yet to see that (yay for getting 50 bajillion Medicines through chests though!!!!).

The Answer is basically P3 with all the user friendly features stripped out. It's like an 80s Roguelike, only shittier and with PMSing bitches like Yukari!


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1923 on: May 21, 2008, 01:42:47 AM »
Joyful. Glad I pretty much just snagged it for the extra stuff in The Journey, and consider The Answer to just be something extra. I'll still play it, of course, I'll just go into it not expecting much.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #1924 on: May 21, 2008, 01:53:25 AM »
You can get money from chests, I've found, but so far they've mostly stayed in the 10,000 yen range, though I did find a ~40,000 yen one once. Shuffle Time is still your best bet for money, though, and chest in dungeons occasionally offer good loot. Wealth Hands are pathetic for money (3,000 a pop, you get more selling default weapons than that), but Treasure Hands might help out a bit. And it does seem like rare forms pop up more often, at least so far.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.