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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #175 on: January 04, 2008, 12:10:43 AM »
Yahtzee is pretty much right when he just says it is SS2 all over again.  I am perfectly fine with that though.  It has been many years since SS2 happened to us.  Revisiting it with different themes is just fine by me.

Yeah you can kek zerg the game with Wrench all the way up till the final boss fight.

Also I really love the stuff with the hooker in the early areas.  It really is more compelling when you know the twist.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #176 on: January 04, 2008, 06:47:52 AM »
Pokemon Colosseum: Finally started this up, just got through Phenac.

Also, I pulled a stunt of fail! Basically, unlike EVERY OTHER POKEMON GAME IN EXISTENCE, Colosseum doesn't have "Save anywhere" but rather, makes you save at computers.  Due to not realizing the latter, I figured the game might have just had some auto save feature...idiotically enough  Now, when I get to the "Choose your way out!" part of Phenac, the guy I fight has a Croconaw...

Naturally, I say "Fuck this shit, I want one of the others!" and reset.  This made me have to redo the entire beginning all over again <_<;

On the bright side, by doing this, I did bother to actually check the Gym, though, getting Quilava (yeah, chose him) turned out to be a pain due to some immense Hax.  Also, Hyper Mode kicks in too easily *shakes fist*
That, and Shadow Pokemon when enemies *CHEAT* When I get a Shadow Pokemon, they only have Shadow Rush...meanwhile, enemy Shadow Pokemon can do other stuff ;_;

In any event, yeah, can definitly see what Xer meant by Pokemon XD being a considerable step up in polish compared to Colosseum already.  For starters, you start with *2* Jeigan level Pokemon in this (and you don't even have a choice; its Umbreon and Espeon, not "Choose your own Eevee!"), so chipping on early enemies isn't the easiest of things.  Shadow Pokemon was clearly a not very well thought out at this point, as its a neat idea, but they did it moronically.  Yeah, playing this game after XD isn't the brightest of ideas, but what am I going to do <_<?

Also, I will give props to some things! First off, Miror B looks MORE ridiculous in this than in XD...I didn't think that was possible.  Next off, your main looks...evil.  I can kind of understand why (former member of Team Snagem), but...still, a Pokemon Main who dresses in this dark blue Trench Coat, with silver white hair, among a few other features...yeah, very much not a standard Pokemon Main Design, so it feels awkward.
MEANWHILE, the girl who travels with him? SHE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MISTY, go figure.

From what I've heard, it sounds like Espeon, Umbreon and the Gen 2 Starter you choose are like the only good Pokemon you'll have for a while...though, I'm already a bit skeptical on that due to the early gaining of Makuhita as the first Shadow Pokemon, and he's hardly bad as a filler Pokemon (he's not bad by any means really; a bit lacking on speed, granted, but if anything, his flaw is that usually where he exists, stuff like Machop exists too, and they're better)

MMBN2: In Shadow Man's arc.

The game wasn't really doing much different than MMBN1 for a while...ok, it had a few additions, but my general thought was that the game was going to suffer the same issue MMBN1 did, which is the same general montony of the battle system.

...this new "Change Form!" idea might help remedy that some, as it does add a new thing to the game.

Pity there are still some obvious flaws though.  For starters, the optional Navi Battles are just not fun.  Toad Man is a really stupid fight, for example.  Quickman V2 is similarly retarded.  Hope those two are more the exceptions than the rule.
The other flaw is plot progression.  No, I don't mean the game's actual plot itself (MEGA MAN PLOT and all that), I mean how you advance it.  There's too much "Go run across town to here! Now Jack into here, and run across half the net to here!" nonsense.  Half the time, I feel like I'm accomplishing nothing, or that I just don't know where to go anymore.  NORMALLY, the whole "Talk to Megaman/Lan" thing helps remedy this, but...they seem to make a habit of telling you useless stuff like "Lets finish the exam!" rather than saying something like "Our next task is this, why not try this!"  I seem to recall MMBN1's Help was generally more useful, and MMSF's was a lot better too.  Hopefully this style of progressing the plot dies down soon cause its so bleeding tedious and wastes more time than necessary.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #177 on: January 04, 2008, 07:26:38 AM »
.hack//G.U. Volume 3- Started this up. Mostly recapping at first. Didn't play through much before I decided to go to bed.

Spectral Souls- Around level 50 for Neverland. Souen kicked my ass the first time I attempted him. Need to retry.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #178 on: January 04, 2008, 12:48:48 PM »
Beat Phoenix Wright 2.

Got quite many legit gameovers so it's nice to see it's harder than 1 in that regard. Still arguably too many moments where I chose the right item for entirely wrong reasons, though.

Hum. I fully expected the in-play save system to be FE-style, so I never bothered using it at all in PW1, not that I needed to anyway. But... it isn't. The save is only wiped when you overwrite it with another one or it reaches the end of the segment, and you can save nigh-anywhere (and you normally have way more than enough warning before the parts it doesn't let you save it to do so beforehand). Now on the one hand, this saved me a good deal of replaying-things-I'd-already-done boredom, although whether that's a good thing or not depends on how ethical you are.

But on the other, it renders the life bar worthless. If you get too low, just save before every risky decision and reload if you die. Or if you're especially anal, save before every decision full stop so you keep perfect life despite the fact that does nothing for you. Life Bar only comes into things if you play without using in-play saves which is needlessly crippling yourself as far as I'm concerned.

As it stands, however... I don't see any way to solve that problem without them changing to FE-style saves (which the lazy part of me vehemently opposes) or introducing some sort of move-limit like some of the old Scott Adams adventures (which seems to be completely against the style of play PW is about, and wouldn't deter extremely anal people anyway). Of course this is all academic anyway. They need to at least let you fastforward text you've seen before gameovering instead of making you watch it slowly again ;_;

Anyway. Arguably better than the first, but it's not by a great deal. Psyche-locks sound good in theory but in actuality they're just a way for you to lose life during investigations (and also gives them an excuse to not refill your HP between segments). Caused some amusing lock break sequences at least >_> Being able to present profiles was something I had been wishing for in 1 so it was a nice addition, but it seems like they didn't really do enough with it.

Doesn't seem like it was copyeditted as well as 1 but it wasn't particularly bad or anything, mainly just several more spelling mistakes than you'd hope. Only point that really got on my goat was when you had to catch someone on a perfectly accurate phrase (and I ended up looking up what I was supposed to be doing on UHS, which decided to be not nearly as vague as normal ;_;). To try and be as vague as possible myself, if you're only naming a subset of a list of items and you want to imply the entirity of the list was there, 'all' is in fact the word you DO use. Tsssk.

Time to wait for 3 to come out over here.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #179 on: January 05, 2008, 12:40:36 AM »
Alright...lets start with Super Mario Galaxy then...

To be quite honest, I didn't expect much, but the gameplay...which, while similar to SM64 with a few new additions, is rather fun. Some of the stars are actually challenging to obtain this time around.


Currently almost finished with my Luigi 120 star run-through...

Then after that I'll probably go back to Trauma Center...gotta love making an anti-fanbase. XD

That, or start Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations. My girlfriend won't shut up about Luke Atmey otherwise. >_>


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #180 on: January 05, 2008, 12:50:31 AM »
Psychonauts: Started up a few days ago after beating G3, and I just cleared the security guard's mind. Getting 100% completion on all of these things is going to be a pain, so I'm not going to do it. The atmosphere is great. I'm a little underwhelmed by the gameplay, but that's all right. Definitely GotY at this point.  ::)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #181 on: January 05, 2008, 07:46:25 AM »
Pokemon Colosseum: Barely progressed, caught a bunch of Shadow Pokemon in a manner of like a half hour or something!

...I just want to purify them now damn it!  Well, Makuhita and Quilava anyway, since they're ready.

Why did I make little progress? Dunno, suddenly felt really damned sleepy...

DMC2: Just beat the Infested Chopper.

Ok, this game definitly improved upon visuals compared to DMC1.  More fun tricks to look at, more stylish, better graphics, etc.  Yeah, that's all well and good...

What ISN'T all well and good is how the game play is now far more simplistic.  Fights are much easier, as in, I was like "Wow, that was kind of hard!" after a fight where I lost half my health...and this was a boss.  I said that cause it was also like the FIRST FIGHT I GOT HIT.  Now, in DMC1, I said "Wow, that was kind of hard!" after losing to Phantom...about 9 times before finally beating him.
Basically, a boss in DMC2 is about equal to those swarms of nuisances in DMC1 it seems, um, yay?

Also, that Tentacle Monster was just a stupid fight in general.  Needs lots of punting.

Whatever, so far, the game isn't offensively bad, but the game play is definitely a step down compared to the first.

MMBN2: Just beat Snakeman.exe. 

All I can say is the game needs punting for the whole "You need a Guard * to advance!"  Ok, if you had a full set of chips, that'd be one thing, but you only get them back RIGHT AFTER you give it to him (well, no, first you beat Snakeman but that's minor.)  I was lucky that the randomly generated Items on the Net managed to cough one up pretty fast, and this was after beating up many of those Red Mettaurs and basically deciding that they cant' drop them the way Yellow ones can.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #182 on: January 05, 2008, 08:09:16 AM »
More Supreme Commander for me. I am playing through the third UEF campaign mission and god damn, campaign missions are epic in this game. Objectives change on the fly, your OA expands, the front line's location moves around... fucking awesome. This mission is an island map, so I have to put together a huge armada of ships to sail out and level the enemy base. Fortunately, boats have a crapton of life and so I ended up just massing a bunch of the ones with deck-mounted artillery and shelling the hell out of the enemy until the ACU lit up their whole base.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #183 on: January 05, 2008, 04:26:27 PM »
P3 - Beat the Table of DOOM.  Someone in chat suggested Tarunda, and I added Makarakarn from a fusion accident.  Also got lucky that he didn't use Ghastly Wail.

All my stats are level 5, Chariot and Magician S. Links are maxed.  Just had an unexpected death in the party.  Hopefully the game won't take the easy way out and bring him back to life like Aeris.    :P

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #184 on: January 05, 2008, 08:43:52 PM »

So Mimes suck.

I remembered reading a while back that there was some way to get an infinite Counter-Flood loop.  I suspect it was just the FFT board being full of it, though, since I tried a few things, and didn't get the loop.  Wouldn't be the first time (I've also been told that you can teleport further than +9 beyond your move range, which is false, and I have about a thousand intentional "teleport on spot" moves to prove it).  Oh, another fun fact: being poisoned triggers MP Switch.  I wonder if poison triggers Auto-Potion--if so I might start thinking of it as a positive status (pretty sure it doesn't, unfortunately).

Anyway, back to Mimes and how much they suck.  The file I booted up was the file where I had done a bit of experimentation with level up-down.  So...I decided "why not: I'll do a quick Mime 1-20-1 cycle".  Even though my party was already set up for it, I spent about five turns wondering how the hell I was going to get her 20 levels in one battle remotely sanely.  I had actually switched one of my party members to Dance, but that was an abysmal failure (for one thing, she acts every 3-5 clockticks, for another thing dance animations are long, for a third thing, Wiznaibus clears out the battle very quickly due to the Mime's 90ish PA, and every other dance is a once every 8 clocktick with a 50% chance of not even gaining any exp).

It was a while before I realized (probably by accident) that Staves were the answer.  The Mime, despite already having done a couple Mime cycles for MA, had only 5 MA.  This meant 24 Wizard Staff damage (appparently the Mime equips the Wizard staff while attacking, hence gets MA+1 from it).  Otherwise, Summon Magic was impressing me even at level 99--Shiva/Ramuh/Ifrit from Ramza were dealing about as much as Muramasa (I mean it helps that Ramza has 97 faith, of course, but...).  The enemies were generally fast enough to avoid Short Charged Meteor, but SC Leviathan did alright.  Granted, Draw Out did okay for itself just because it's instant, which means three people can charge Quick on the Draw Outer, then have her teleport into a group of enemies and Muramasa, Muramasa, Muramasa (die you freaks with 999 HP--granted, I'm not using Magic Attack Up on her (or anyone right now, actually, so that would reduce it to two hits).

Anyhow, so getting back to how much Mimes suck, Ramza accidentally stepped on the degenerator trap as a Summoner (you'd think I'd know where that thing is by now).  I decided I should go back from 98 to 99 as a Mime (cause Ramza was the guy who spent about level 50 to level 99 as a Mime, so he was supposed to be "Mime growth guy" or something...not that the level from 98 to 99 really matters at all, since level 1 is where key growths happen).  First of all, the loss of versatility in the party was pretty cataclysmic.  We lost Summon and Yin Yang, and Yin Yang was definitely needed (make the last enemy confused or sleeped, and get out of its range).  So...fine, forget about Summon, replace Item on a third party member with Yin Yang, and pray that nobody needs to be revived.  This turned out to be a real serious problem (because Mimes suck).  I was used to the 700 HP level up-downed beast-mime, not so much the 400 HP slower Ramza that needs to fear Yellow Chocobos due to no evasion or reaction.  I did still win, but watching some crappy monster deal 300 damage to Ramza was a real heart-stopping moment (though hey, at least Ramza got to mime Muramasa on that monster).  And once we got to the "Mime staff beats for 99 exp" phase of the battle, the fact that Mime Ramza slowed down the process by 30% (due to the extra animation for his staff beat) was annoying I put him to sleep.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #185 on: January 06, 2008, 12:19:33 AM »
SRW OGG: Finished Stage 29. Dear God, the sheer amount of ridiculousness this game hands you, well, ridiculous. G Compatible Kaiser is absurdly powerful and has one of the best subpilots I've ever seen, the final Excellence frames are great, Dygenguard is now versatile in addition to having really high power, Folka can solo the world given enough time...I could go on, but instead I'll just note that not only do I not have space in my party for Gespenst MkII-S, I don't even have anybody decent who's free to pilot it. Yeesh.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #186 on: January 06, 2008, 01:47:10 AM »
mc is the best.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #187 on: January 06, 2008, 03:23:02 AM »
Grim Grimore- Up to the sixth or seventh plot battle. Pretty much wonderful across the board so far- VA is great, story is charming and so are the characters, and the gameplay is a well done RTS. On the PS2. Yeah, I'm as shocked as you are. The most shocking thing is the worthwhile Fairies though- a first in RPGdom.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #188 on: January 06, 2008, 04:05:10 AM »
HL2:  Got it working again, got up through Nova Prospekt, and... crash on the teleport load.  Grah.

Not much else to write on.  HL2 and the rest of the Orange box have pretty much taken up all my gaming time.  Which sucks for S5, but whatever.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #189 on: January 06, 2008, 04:20:23 AM »
Grim Grimore- Up to the sixth or seventh plot battle. Pretty much wonderful across the board so far- VA is great, story is charming and so are the characters, and the gameplay is a well done RTS. On the PS2. Yeah, I'm as shocked as you are. The most shocking thing is the worthwhile Fairies though- a first in RPGdom.

Are you sure your fever is gone? Because I'm pretty sure you're in delirium right now.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #190 on: January 06, 2008, 04:44:07 AM »
No. Amazingly, Fairies in fact are nonfail. Vanilliaware made them not suck at combat and.. useful. Fairie is sitting in Duran's head right now and sobbing over how wrong this is.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #191 on: January 06, 2008, 05:33:24 AM »
They're useful in some cases, but they tend to die in droves once you start fighting Alchemy on a regular basis.  The game can, and will, fry the lot of them with Psi Storms on a regular basis if you don't take the extra effort of keeping them well spaced, which isn't always an option.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #192 on: January 06, 2008, 06:28:20 AM »
MMBN2: Finished.

Run Down of the dungeons I did today!

The castle dungeon wasn't too bad...until near the end.  Being caught often by a Vampire surrounded by Zombies on two sides is not fun, cause there's no way out of that situation.  They needed to limit it to 1 of each Monster type, as Zombies catching you = repeat part of the dungeon, and 2 of them means potential cornering that you can't do anything about.  Annoying, but as I said, was mostly just the last stretch, so wasn't TOO bad.  What was annoying was the enemies.  Shadows being immune to everything but Slash based damage = fail; that's basically saying "You must use swords or Protoman, OR YOU LOSE!" and frankly, getting the swords requires some luck.  Good thing I always have some sort of Sword weapon around, and the game has a reliable run feature, cause that's just a stupid fight.  Those Domino Men guys weren't much better; hey look! We take 1 damage from everything until we attack you, in which case, you have a second to get out of the way and shoot! 

Knight Man was a fairly easy fight.  Nothing stand out one way or another about him, albeit, felt a bit too easy, barring his one little "Crack your entire side!" strategy, but that's not used often, and frankly, it screwing you over THAT much is your own damn fault.

The Airplane was silly, but the actual dungeon itself? While I'm not a fan of the whole 1 Way Path type puzzles, the dungeon didn't do it too badly, since you were slowly removing each of those paths and such.  The Magnet hazard wasn't such a big deal either once you figure out how it works.

...what was a big deal was Magnet Man though.  Ok, fine, keep that hazard, and keep hurling Magnets at me, its annoying, but its fair.  What ISN'T fair is that little double sided charge he has with the magnetic field in the middle.  Well, ok, it would be fair...IF HE STOPPED HURLING MAGNET MISSILES.  Typically, this isn't TOO bad, as if you do well in the first half, you can just muscle out the second but...well, there's a reason its stupid, I'll get to it later.

The whole Undernet nonsense...argh.  Retarded.  It...really felt like that stupid Lens Fetch Quest that they idiotically hurl at you at the end of ToD.  Yes, the "We're ready to assault the final dungeon, but our genius scientist forgot to put in a lens, one that requires you to find the rarest of rare materials in this cave on the other side of the map!"  Continually running back and forth across the net is NOT fun, and it takes so god damn long.  There was nothing fun about "Ok, you did head to Netopolis! Oh, you got this! Now go back to Undernet!  Say, I heard someone has this item, go find him!"

Its freaking ridiculous, ESPECIALLY since half the time, they didn't give you very good directions.  When I found Kotobuki extension and such, I was genuinely going to punt the game for adding another dungeon in rather than going straight to the boss...thankfully, it was just a one room tease fest with a few forced encounters.

Freeze Man...COMPLETELY FAIL CONCEPT.  No, its *NOT* fair having Ice panels (its one of these "press one direction, slide to the end until you hit resistance" imagine that in an ARPG Battle setting), COMBINED with a shield phase, wind to blow you back to the back panels, where you only have 2 places to move (there is 1 permanently lost panel on both sides...not that it matters for him at all cause he's a stationary boss), and then a tracking attack which he can use WHILE HE BLOWS YOU BACK.  Said tracking attack is spammed too; now, I initially figured out that by alternating up and down, I could avoid it...but then the Wind move kicks in. Once that happens, dodging this doesn't happen.  The fact that he's either tossing wind at you OR under a nice shield is just not right.

Didn't help that Ice > Fire in this game, and my form of choice for most fights was FireGuts; was damned lucky I had ThunderGuts recently unleashed, and that managed to rip him in half.

The final dungeon was actually not that bad; looked a lot more intimidating than it really was, but once you figured out how it works, it wasn't too bad.  A bit easy to get lost, but the randoms were surprisingly tame, and the dungeon wasn't THAT big, so you'd ultimately find your way somehow.

Boss Rush #1! A complete joke; you're facing 3 early-mid game bosses in a row that aren't scaled up.  I was afraid they'd scale them up to at least V2's or something, but luckily, they were V1's, so it was just "Mock them completely!"

Second part of the dungeon was simple and such; a few minor twists and turns, but nothing big.
Boss Rush #2? ARGH STUPID.  Knight Man, Magnet Man and Freeze Man ALL IN A ROW?  *PUNTS* Ok, Knight Man isn't that bad; could beat him without taking too much damage, and if I took damage, a heal would bring me back.  Magnet Man...this is why taking damage against him matters.  See, in his original fight, winning was all that mattered.  Here? Winning isn't enough; you want to win with minimal damage so you can beat Freeze Man.  Unfortunately, that idiotic second phase with the charging and the magnets and everything makes it hard to get out of that situation without much damage.  And Freeze Man is just a whore personified.

Final sequence! clue why they bothered to add one minor joke dungeon in.  Not that it matters; guess they wanted the whole "NOW FIGHT YOUR FRIENDS! ...wait, just kidding! Your REAL friends kicked the imposters' asses!"  Bass...complete joke.  Guess that was kind of the point though; he's not the real thing, but a fake clone, easy fight.  Also, you're fully healed after him anyway, so you just need to kill him and no harm done.

Gospel...not that hard once I got the hang of him.  At first, there's no way to tell what he's like.  I attacked him, did 0 damage, went "Crap" then realize it was just a Quick Man situation, except wasn't as stupid cause he's a stationary boss.  Once I got the hang of things, I was ready to say it was stupid when he started pulling the boss clones...until I realize that the Boss Clones actually count as targets for himself.  Which is to say, smacking the clone he creates does damage to him.  Ok! Not retarded anymore, its just adding variety, so he's not predictable, instead of adding more "I can damage you but you can't damage me!" nonsense.  The last bit...yeah, that was kind of scary, mostly cause apparently he was hitting a weakness <_<;
Though, found the pattern, just a case of not fucking up on hitting him...which I did anyway, but managed to dodge well (and get lucky on a healing chip here and there)...yeah.

Actually interesting final boss, though not really what I'd call hard; showed some effort and was not stupid and retarded like half of the Navis in this game were *punts Quickman, Magnet Man and Freeze Man*

Overall thoughts? Game was better than MMBN1, and I was considering it giving it above average marks...but argh, that last stretch of the game left a bad taste to leave the game with.  The new stuff was kind of neat, as was making battle areas actually start differently (or at least, did it more often; can't remember if MMBN1 actually did stuff like Automatic Cracked Fields and such), but that one fetch quest near the end of the game, and the second Boss Rush alone lowered the game a point.  Probably a 5/10, I guess.

And yes, looking forward to the epicness of MMBN3 <_< >_>.  Outside of "DO NOT PLAY MMBN3" which version should I grab?
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #193 on: January 06, 2008, 08:12:47 AM »
Loooooong update, here.

Phoenix Wright: Justice for All- Most of the way through the final case. It has had some frustratingly obscure moments (I even resorted to a FAQ twice, out of annoyance), but has been great fun. Waiting to see how the whole mess plays out in the end.

Portal- Beat in about two sittings. It was hideously awesome, as expected. Best game I've played in a while. GLaDOS is an amazing character, the dialogue is killer and the play is stupidly fun.

Assassin's Creed- PRETTY. OH GOD, SO PRETTY. Also, NOTHING like the commercials made it look. It is really bizarre. Only got up through the first "stage" though, so we'll see how it goes. Quite fun so far.

Rock Band- Stupidly fun, no matter what you are playing. Guitar is generally easy compared to Guitar Hero, but not really easy per se. Bass is... well... really repetitive, but challenging in its own rights. Drums are insane and difficult. Singing is... well. Singing. Only problem with the game so far is that the world tour mode makes you replay songs a LOT to get through it, which can get irritating protracted sittings (we played Should I Stay or Should I Go about 7 times in one night). Guitar Hero still remains champ for solo play, though.

Bioshock- Got through Steinman. Remains quite sexy, even with my aiming issues. Annoyingly easy in a lot of ways, but the atmospheric stuff makes up for it.

Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles- Like House of the Dead, but more enjoyable. Quite fun! I'd recommend it to anyone who likes the series, but don't expect a lot of plothole resolution. Hell, it is creating far more problems and forcing some weird retcons.

WoW- Level 31. Combat Daggers as a rogue is fun.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #194 on: January 06, 2008, 08:41:37 AM »
MMBN3 Blue version has a more broken unique Giga chip if you're willing to grind for Bug Fragments, beyond that it really doesn't matter, unless you'd prefer a GENIE NAVI or a BOWLING NAVI[white/blue versions respectively].

<@SageAcrin> Where you realize that, when you think about everything that's said about this person...
<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #195 on: January 06, 2008, 10:26:49 AM »
You think OG Gaiden will come stateside?

Also, any word on OG3?
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #196 on: January 06, 2008, 03:31:55 PM »
MMBN3 Blue version has a more broken unique Giga chip if you're willing to grind for Bug Fragments, beyond that it really doesn't matter, unless you'd prefer a GENIE NAVI or a BOWLING NAVI[white/blue versions respectively].

I think we both know the answer to *THAT* one then <_< >_>
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #197 on: January 06, 2008, 04:50:44 PM »
Combat Daggers is nice to use, less mindless than Swords, at least.  While C Swords is better overall, I'm not having any problems with Daggers at 70.  Heck, I'm usually within the top 3 in raid damage despite the handicap.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #198 on: January 06, 2008, 04:53:43 PM »
You think OG Gaiden will come stateside?

Also, any word on OG3?

Doubtful at this point. There's no legalities stopping it, so nothing preventing Atlus from chaning their minds later on, but so their lack of interest in OGs makes me less than hopeful.

As for OG3, no actual word on it, but OGG is very clearly setting up the next round of plotlines, so it's pretty safe to say it's not all that far off.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #199 on: January 06, 2008, 09:36:50 PM »
Is it wrong that I saw that as 'next round of plotholes' the first time I read it?

Metroid Prime III continues to be winsome. Just got to the Skytown East landing platform.