G3 - Gameplay continues to be excellent and just improve as things go. Since I have three skills for both Yuki and Alfina, and I've been getting Secret Methods at a good pace, I can guess I'm doing fine at the random growth thing, and while enemies kinda steered down a bit, they're still not total pushovers and the game's so polished in so many counts. G3 really picks up the pace with the gameplay potential Grandia games always had, but never fully utilized before.
The plot and writing? Continues to be anvilicious glurge that not even Pollyanna could enjoy. I'd do some sort of mockery of it, but, at this point, I don't even think it's a mockery case anymore. G3 writing is, so far, a case study for how badly a hack'neyed Disney story (as I mentioned before) can go, and it's just getting started. It's actually fascinating in a morbidly sadistic and masochistic way to watch.
EDIT: No, I lie. The "Alfina discovers hypothermia" scene is so laughably glurgy it's just too tempting to leave unmocked. Apparently, both the basics of human biology and mating were lost on her science classes. Also, late, but I can't shake off the feeling that Miranda pulled a Virgin Mary with Yuki when she was eight.