
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing: 2008  (Read 472882 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3275 on: September 05, 2008, 05:17:40 AM »
Persona 3: The Journey speedrun

Tonfa is the devil. Really.

After what seems like months, I finally picked this back up again. I train for 3 minutes to get Yukari to level 5. Junpei is still ways off, but I decided to give the fight a shot. Battle plan? Yukari is full offensive, Junpei heals, Minato does both.

So we get going, Yukari's dealing 36 damage which is VERY nice. Junpei fails, but at least the medical powder + medicine help me out for the first 4 turns. Then he kicks the bucket. Meanwhile, I proceeded to set Yukari's tactics to Assign Target so she will never heal (this became crucial). Minato proceeds to use Orpheus and Agi every damn turn possible. Rampage Drive starts going for Tarukaja Assault Dives. Crap. That's a OHKO on pretty much anyone. Thankfully, the game gave me some misses as well as low variance hits so I made it through ok. By then, Junpei ran out of healing, but the bastard was down to half health. Battle continues some more, and once he started going happy with Mazio, I used Pixie to keep healing with Junpei dead. Yukari eventually takes it down enough I can finish it off with a single Agi. Win. 5 minutes total.

Levelled up Pixie to level 3. Now I have Rakunda, I can test the waters against Priestess.

<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3276 on: September 05, 2008, 08:56:36 PM »
Odin Sphere:

So, uh. I'm at the Cauldron fight.

...Am I missing something or is this incredibly stupid? This would have been interesting with, say, Mercedes. Velvet? VELVET?! asdf, people. I don't want to go back and grind Velvet more, but this fight is sickening.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3277 on: September 05, 2008, 08:59:29 PM »
I've been playing Civ4. I think my best moment in my current game involved me actually coercing the Greeks to become my buffer state by getting them buddied-up with me (including adopting the religion my country founded) and then getting them to stop trading with my rival on the other side of them from me. So they close their borders to them and now, if they want to go to war, they have to circle half the continent or fight through the Greeks first.



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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3278 on: September 05, 2008, 09:57:47 PM »
Odin Sphere:

So, uh. I'm at the Cauldron fight.

...Am I missing something or is this incredibly stupid? This would have been interesting with, say, Mercedes. Velvet? VELVET?! asdf, people. I don't want to go back and grind Velvet more, but this fight is sickening.

No, you're not missing anything, it's really just a giant pain in the ass. That's the worst of the Armageddon fights, though.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3279 on: September 05, 2008, 10:03:18 PM »

I hadn't even seen the entire-battlefield OHKO attack when I had posted that.

He's since nailed me with it three times.

Ahahahaaha gods this is making me hate the game where previously I was apathetic. This is just stupid.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3280 on: September 05, 2008, 10:37:09 PM »
If you run far enough, but not so far as to loop back over and wind up near it again, you can avoid the explosion.  Worse comes to worse, pop Invis.  Not like there's a shortage of photons there.  You can also get in a great deal of damage after knocking the thing down by hammering the broken parts at the bottom before it fixes itself.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3281 on: September 05, 2008, 10:46:38 PM »
Yeah. Finally just killed it with Invis + Phozon Burst spam. Stupid fucking cauldrons.

I think I kept running -into- the MT OHKO attack, annoyingly; it doesn't say where to stop, but.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 10:48:50 PM by Taishyr »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3282 on: September 05, 2008, 11:11:26 PM »
Aaaand...Subterannean Animism Extra beaten with Marissa C.  Only two lives left, though, not five, so I won't make Alex cry at least >_>.  (Though in all seriousness, I'm pretty sure five lives means not dying once.  That just flat out doesn't happen with me on any mode/game...except Mountain of Faith Easy >_>).

Suddenly noticed that beating Perfect Cherry Blossom Easy opens up Extra.  I can get up to the boss no problem by spamming bombs.  (Seriously, bomb everything and it's within reason I'll be +1 net lives by the time I get to Ran).  As soon as we get to spell cards I can't just bomb they're kinda above my skill level, though.  (Then again, the same could be said for a lot of PCB Easy spell cards >_>).

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3283 on: September 05, 2008, 11:13:26 PM »
PCB Extra is a lot about memorization, is the thing. Learning the stage and then how a few key gimmick spellcards work get you through that.
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3284 on: September 06, 2008, 12:26:40 AM »
Ahahahaaha gods this is making me hate the game where previously I was apathetic. This is just stupid.

I'm impressed that you got that far without hating the game.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3285 on: September 06, 2008, 02:36:06 AM »
It was repetitive but not annoying enough to hate until then.

Also, Leventhan and the credits music were enough to give it somewhere around a 5.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3286 on: September 06, 2008, 03:46:28 AM »
Wild Arms XF - Beat. A while ago. Yeah. <_< Yes I'm slow.

The game was a joy to play. And why shouldn't it be? It's pretty much FFT2. Both the class and battle system, the map and towns... the game unashamedly draws heavilly on FFT for influence. There's quite a few small winks at FFT, even (such as the blonde-haired main character having three costumes). All in all, the game felt made by FFT fans, trying to improve the game's flaws while still creating something new and different. And overall, they succeeded. This isn't to say the game is better than FFT. Given my opinion of FFT, pulling that off would be nearly impossible. And as WAXF tries to do its own things, it inevitably lets in a few things that make it worse than the original. But damn if it isn't shockingly competitive. I never thought I'd see the day.

So what does it do better? Perhaps the biggest, most important thing, is that class balance was done much better. Sixteen generic classes, and almost all have some notable use. Possibly even all, although for some the use is narrow. And just watching the early XF players, it's very clear that there's huge potential for tactical variance. With a variety of oddball moves, there's lots of ways to succeed, and lots of interesting classes and setups to try out.

JP grinding is also less obnoxious. No longer do you need to scramble just to get your Monk to have Wave Fist. Instead, JP serves to allow you to move skills to other classes... to create combos. It's actually closer to FF5, except that instead of one skill slot, you have three... and the number climbs as you level. Forced random encounters are gone, and while I always found FFT random encounters fun enough, I'm sure this is a change some will welcome. They're still available for optional skill gaining.

The game also seems to put up a better fight for longer? While it's hard to say exactly, since I am about ten times more experienced a SRPG player when I played XF as compared to FFT, it definitely seemed like the game was trying to keep pace with the power the PCs had, and since the PCs had a fair bit, that's important. At worst, highly varied win conditions could always cause me to rethink my strategy, which was neat.

And then there's minor things, like the fact you can hire soldiers at a base level higher than 1, that make the game sometimes seem more polished.

So what's it screw up? Honestly, on reflection, the single biggest thing is the AI. Where FFT AI was sophisticated and picked the best move from a sensible (if exploitable) algorithm, and even FE seemed logical in its simplicity, XF's is kinda... bleh. Though there is some bias for enemies to attack weaker PCs, what they do often just felt too random. Challenge seemed like it was being held hostage to how smart the enemies were at times. It's no worse than the vast majority of RPGs, and even most SRPGs, but I expected better here, since FFT showed it could be done. Feels like it will hurt the deep strategising that leads to 20+ playthroughs.

The other big issue is the menu system was kinda unpolished. If you were editing Ragnar's skills, then you wanted to edit his equipment, you had to cancel out of the skill menu, go to the equip menu, watch it default to Clarissa, and scroll all the way over to Ragnar again. And you have to do this a lot, because the game unequips everything whenever you change classes. Very annoying, and so easy to fix. FFT's model was fine, right down to the not removing skills on job change (well, at the correct setting).

That's really about it though. Other big notable difference is XF is a substantially longer game. For me it clocked in at 60 hours, and it's 85 battles, over half again what FFT has. Battles are probably a bit longer on average, too - enemies are more durable, and there are often more of them.

Well that's gameplay. Defined in terms of FFT, yes, but the comparison is a natural one. Needless to say, the fact that I'm making this comparison? Means XF is really, really good.

Onto the rest. Well, getting into aesthetics. Graphics... the sprites are pretty endearing I guess? Don't really have any comments on the rest. Music is top-notch, once again. (Hey, something else XF beats FFT in!) Pretty good mix of tunes from the crazy number of composers the game draws on, and the WA tradition of all the major villains getting rockin' unique boss tracks continues.

Plot... hm. It's not really a great plot, but it has moments, certainly. Game spends two chapters milling around in largely a dull political plot, although it is saved by Charlton's charisma and overall thoughtfulness to some extent. Chapter 3 interlude is cool and the best part of the game from a pure story perspective probably. Chapter 4's... mostly about resolution for various villains and the rise of the main villain to that status, and works well. Final Act I have mixed feelings about but largely it is just an extension of Chapter 4 anyway. Core plot works pretty well, dialogue could be better though. Nothing unusual here.

PC cast is... eh, they don't really excel. Most of 'em are pretty likable (sans Ragnar) but none ultimately stand out. Villain/NPC cast is better generally, even including one excellent character.

Some spoilers follow obviously. I'm using class names for the biggest ones. If you are very sensitive you shouldn't read this at all, of course.

Clarissa- Is Ramza homage. Starts out decently strong in the early going, which is good, because the other characters are largely spinning their wheels then, but she doesn't hugely develop. Fake princess stuff was pretty well-done though.
Gameplaywise, high speed and magic are good, and her unique OC is awesome. Made her into a magic cannon who could do a few other things, and she was generally MVPish.
DL-wise, High Heavy. Woo Rob Turn Sacrifice Sacrifice. Spoiled easily enough but clubs Godlikes with this strategy, so it balances.

Felius- Has some good scenes early where he slaps Levin into line, but other than that just doesn't... do much. Didn't really feel for him strongly.
Gameplaywise, didn't find anything really interesting about his base class, and his stats are poor. Attack Support or whatever would be decent if I used attacks more.
DL-wise, Middle of some flavour I guess? Whatever.

Labyrinthia- At times rather amusing, but more often played as a serious character. Doomed to being outshone by Charlton, but aside from that, not horrible or anything.
Gameplaywise, awful stats but neat skills. Warp/Replica were both terrific, free Revive wasn't bad either.
DL-wise, most of those skills don't translate, so Light!

TONY- Doglike.
Gameplaywise, neat at first but eventually outclassed due to total lack of twinking. He's a lot like Boco, really, just a different emphasis (durability and mobility).
DL-wise, worse than Labyrinthia.

Levin- Okay, Levin I liked. Yes, he's an idiot, and a silly anime trope. But the writers go to great lengths to subvert and mock that trope. Instead of the cast's array of attractive women swooning over him, he swoons over them, and occasionally thinks they return the favour, when in fact they never notice him at all. Makes me smile. Poor guy.
Gameplaywise, Pretty awesome on paper really. Turn Cancel and Blast are both solid moves that can be twinked to do good things. I was kinda hard on Blast because elemental spells from someone with higher Mag work even better, but that doesn't make Blast bad, and the speed is great. Should work well at most things; Execrate and Rushing Beat are neat options too.
DL-wise, High Heavy. Can run out of MP, hates evade or counters, but too good otherwise.

Ragnar- Just shut up. Ragnar's constant nattering about his past, and then his rants about strength of humanity and all that just got on my nerves. He got less bad as the game went on, I felt, but I think that's just because I got desensitised to him.
Gameplaywise, Hyper and Orbital Ring both rule. Nothing else about him is special (Provoke's not bad) but it was enough to get him a spot on the team.
DL-wise, Heavy of some flavour. Feels worse than Clarissa or Levin definitely, but better than anyone else.

Royal Fencer- Having Edna for a foil would make most anyone look cool. Generally wanted to see more done with her, though, and she has the second most screentime of the PCs after she joined so it's kinda bad that I'm saying that? Oh well. Seens with Hrathnir when the party travels back to the past are probably her high point, and round her out as a character some.
Gameplaywise, First strike is nice, and her speed could be remedied through Strong Heart pretty nicely (Trail, etc., help here). Very strong but has some trouble using the strength properly? Fortunately Drop Kick exists.
DL-wise, high Middle I guess. Auron with a worse skillset.

Rupert- Small-time scumbag, but pulled off very well. He was suitably despicable, and suitably nasty for what he was. His fate is delightfully fitting and awesome.
Gameplaywise, Generally found him one of the easier bosses to fight. I can totally see how the last fight can get crazy out of control, but it didn't happen for me. Was one of the harder bosses to test though!
DL-wise, Harken Plus really? Doesn't like evade, but good lord the limit damage makes Indalecio's look like a summer breeze. Godlike of course.

Edna- Generally a lot of fun. Yes, we've all seen the arrogant screwup villain, but she screws up in such creative and fun ways. (Most of her screwups actually help the good guys, with one notable, big exception.) I didn't see her biggest plot at the end of Chapter 4 coming at all, and I kinda wish she'd made it out of the game for that. Her end was ultimately a waste, though somewhat fitting I guess.

Charlton- Outstanding generally. Charlton belonged in a stronger plot game, since he seemed more like a decent Suikoden villain. He's not especially nice or sympathetic, but he uncompromisingly sticks to his hardline beliefs, and in doing so builds himself into a worthy adversary for the party. His ability to whip his loser flunkies into line, and profit off of them even when it was clear they weren't fully on his side (Weisheit, Rupert), was fun to watch, too. His final scene was memorably stylish. He could easily have sought redemption at that point (he and the party do have ultimately similar goals), but I don't think his pride would allow it. Like Labby's other foils, the Tormenta Triad, doing so would be a betrayal of his belief system. I also suspect he didn't want to take responsibility for the creation of the main villain, which isn't especially noble of him, but it is human.
Gameplaywise, goes from unremarkable yet decent to a boss with a very scary trick, which is ultimately controllable. Butchered me once in-game but wasn't too hard to test.
DL-wise, only boss I'm not totally sure is Godlike. Fast, and has some decent status options, as well as a decent limit, but nothing about him is truly overwhelming. At worst, Heavy champ material, and I might be underestimating him.

Samille and El Jackson- I can't believe I didn't notice the pun in their name until after their plot concluded. Holy crap, that's awesome. I did notice Belia Lugos, at least. (Which is weird since I'm far more familiar with SLJ's work than Lugosi's.)

Eisen- I liked some of his scenes with Levin, I'll give him that. The last one they have in particular just clicked. His honourable warrior shtick was terrible, taking that archetype so far that it just felt moronic.
Gameplaywise, whatever. He wasn't notable really.
DL-wise, I didn't even bother to get his stats, so I dunno. High Heavy or something, probably.

Hrathnir- I generally liked him. He was personable, got good scenes even when playing opposite RAGNAR, which is impressive. My only objection to him is the game pulls WA silliness with him shortly before his death. His best scenes come later, though, redeeming him in my eyes. Cool.

Chelle- She's hot. And vaguely insipid, but being played beside Ragnar kinda dooms her to that. Gets a lot of screentime but doesn't find time to make much of it good; yes we feel sorry for her and her people, but she's still stupid for getting jerked around by Charlton like that.
Gameplaywise, found her one of the nastiest bosses in the whole game in her final showdown. Generally had awesome support and she herself is very dangerous.
DL-wise, doubleact OHKO damage. I don't mean OHKO over a double, either. And fast. And yeah, good Godlike.

Piedras Blancas- Totally didn't care about him until his last scene, when he finally talks. And you realise he's the biggest loser in the game (a game with Ragnar, mind). I get this amusing image of Chelle's translations for him up to that point muting all his horrible baby-eating tendencies, and it's hilarious. Other than that, overshadowed by his Dragon, and I already commented on her.
Gameplaywise, neat gimmick (killed me once), but easy aside from that.
DL-wise, awesome speed and durability makes for a Godlike, even without that gimmick. I could pass on ranking him, though.


Weisheit- Mm, I really liked Weisheit at first. Felt like what Lezard was aiming to be. Despite his Felius lust prompting a "what", he had loads of charisma and was amusing in the way he screwed around with the party. Very neat backstory, too, mostly - you have this total wanker who, given time to be patient, embarked on a rather cunning manipulation of an entire world, leading to the cool-and-collected personality we see in the game. Ultimately, though, as he nears his goal he gets less and less clever, choosing open combat with the PCs one time to money and finally eating it to the one villain with more plot power than him. And it'd never have happened if he hadn't possessed Edna, either! Oh well. I disagree with Tide in that he actually DID have a backup plan, just he gets killed in the middle of it. He still blew it, generally. I'm not sure if his reappearing in the final act was necessary - while it did complete his downfall, I think I'd have preferred if he had just stayed dead after Part 3 - that was already a fitting conclusion to his story. And then you could just have the ultimate Threat to the World being a TRAP CARD activated by his death or something, since he is vindictive and scheming enough to destroy two worlds if somehow Plan A fell through. Also, thought his voice actress was probably cast-best.
Gameplaywise, once he finally started being serious and having competent support, he was quite nasty to deal with, and made for some creative fights. Found the one in the desert the hardest, definitely.
DL-wise, awesome stats and OHKO damage make for a respectable but certainly not high Godlike.

Disaster Maiden- Someone else I liked a fair deal ultimatly. I spent the first half of the game largely wondering what her point was, and the point of her being unable to experience fear. So when she finally goes off the deep end (thanks, Edna!), it's neat to see her character come together and prove that yes, it was all setup. It means we have a main villain with a character motivation that is at least unique (feed me your fear, bitches) and adequately explains why she is willing to embark on a plan of suicidal world destruction, though the game takes the time to work her up to that point through Part 4. All in all she was brought along very deftly. "Possessed by an evil god" doesn't leave a whole lot of room for a truly excellent character (but we have Charlton for that), but like Aira and Lyon, she really puts her own unique twist on it and it's a lot of fun. Also gets bonus points for keeping zombie Belia Lugos from being the final boss like I was expecting.
Gameplaywise, moderately scary but I think my party was pretty well-suited to her. I understand why some people have serious issues there though, but hey, she has a big weakness which they can exploit.
DL-wise, Xorn variant (durable limit boss). More durable, but not as offensively gifted (goes from lower speed to lower damage). Pretty badass Godlike. Altima wishes she was this good.


tl;dr version is that I roughly agree with CK. I remember nodding as I read his post a few days ago. And also reminded me that I needed to write this! So I did.

Of course, for a fan of gameplay-first SRPGs, it's a 10/10 game. It's FFT2 (EDIT: Unless you are OK, then it is FFT with all the suck drained out and replaced with awesome. Also more noses), with enough advantages to make up for its disadvantages. A lower 10, to be sure, but it too clearly beats FE7/FE9 to me to not make the highest tier. PLAY XF.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2008, 03:53:23 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3287 on: September 06, 2008, 04:14:50 AM »
GL5: Rufus chapter = the Ho Yay is strong in this one. Ziekwalt chapter barely exists, though at least it proves that Grangalians werre always assholes.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3288 on: September 06, 2008, 04:38:07 AM »
Rufus and Ziekwalt chapters matter mostly so you can have fun tracing the path of the Friendship Medal!

Also, Rufus/Gaerik exists solely for GL's legion of Japanese yaoi fans.

Ziekwalt's chapter was good for fleshing out GL5's backstory some? *shrugs* I generally enjoyed Ziek's chapter, but I guess by the time I got to it, I was already pretty invested in the game and anything in the story that didn't suck completely made me feel better about liking the game. So, yeah, a mostly inoffensive part of the storyline, I felt.

Suikoden II - I've never actually finished this game, so I'm taking this opportunity to mop up the last 2 bosses. Just finished retaking Matilda. Fuck you Gorudo.



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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3289 on: September 06, 2008, 05:05:07 AM »
Tales of Vesperia:

Just beat the fake final boss in what was a pretty hard-fought battle. Came down to TANK HEALER surviving with 39 HP and reviving everyone else following a devastating multitarget MA... that he pulled out 4 more times over the course of the battle.

I generally stand by what I said earlier. Outside of one *extremely* odd and isolated incident of bad writing, Yuri is a standout lead just on account of charisma. The rest of the cast benefits a great deal just by having interaction with him. Judy feels as likable as Yuri when she's out to have fun, and the two of them work absolutely marvalously together at times. The rest of the plot isn't worth talking about because it is Tales and we all know how Tales plot goes.

Gameplay is decent and I find myself enjoying it a fair bit. Its nice how the bosses make even the crappy movement skills from TotA really valuable (if you don't have mid-air recovering, some enemies will combo you with something very nasty to take advantage of that, for example). Being able to change skills on the fly is nice, but it feels like there are TOO many skills for everyone. Its hard to manage considering the complexity of the Combo chaining skills and how you set them up. I suppose it means you can get a completely different experience controlling someone else, but I'm sold on Yuri right now. PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE 20 TIMES is amusing on a swordsman.

Enjoyable enough game, but not really strong enough to warrant the kind of hype NEB just gave XF!

Go play XF.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3290 on: September 06, 2008, 05:22:29 AM »
MoF Extra: got it down to two stars left in the corner.  A few of the spell cards really have my number (like Frog Girl's first spell card.  Yeah, ok I dodged the right direction.  Now I need to get back to center moving very quickly along a curve through a miniscule gap).  Many of the cards are within my comfort level, though.

Also, yay for overpowered MoF bombs.  Enemies who drop power, you say?  *bomb for collection*.  Funny how most SA bombs don't auto-collect >_>


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3291 on: September 06, 2008, 06:12:07 AM »
Frog girl's first card can be cheesed, sort of.  The laser grid takes a single aim point at the very start of the battle, as soon as the dialogue ends and the red hexagram begins pulsing around her.  During the dialogue, move up to the top center of the screen, above her head.  Then forward it, and as soon as it ends and you see the circle, run back down around her.  Bomb if you have to, her first normal is pretty tough anyway.  The spellcard will then fire all its lasers overhead, and you only have to dodge the blue mass.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3292 on: September 06, 2008, 06:21:26 AM »
.hack GU series - finished up to the end of GU vol. 3's main game.

Man, where do I start? I really enjoyed all three games for a variety of reasons. The biggest reason, for me, is the -effort-. In the original .hack games they felt really half-assed most of the time and really could have stood for some improvements in a lot of areas. MMO gameplay a single player ARPG does not make.

But here? It really did feel like they cared. The plot moved much faster[even GU 3's somewhat fetch questy first half was much faster than any other .hack original series game for pace]. The gameplay stopped pretending to be an MMO and they just left the MMO stuff to plot/out-of-battle things. Leveling was fast, grinding was barely there unless you really wanted it, the action was fast and varied[with additions in each volume. Good way to handle having multiple volumes, really.]. I can't think of much else to say here.

The plot... honestly, I found it kind of neat for the most part, but my plot standards aren't high[I mean c'mon, I play Tales and SRW >_>;]. It did have some issues in GU 3, but the cutscenes still held my attention.

The music was kind up and down. A bunch of it was kind of bleh, but there are some standout tracks here and there.

Graphics... It was a very good looking game for the most part. The lighting stuff kinda reminded me of TotA[in towns], and generally it just had a nice style to it.

The cast... there's too many of them for me to analyze individually to be frank and honest, so I'll just say they were kinda up and down. Some were annoying[gaspard, atoli in GU 1 and GU 2], some were cool[kuhn, few others I can't find the names for right now], some FAILED[SAKAKI. DEAR GOD. At least he got his just desserts.], and then there's Haseo, who is one of the more better developed characters I've seen in an RPG in a while. They paced his growth pretty well through the three games, and he had some pretty good character interaction to boot. By the end i liked him quite a bit, even though in GU 1 he's a bit of a stupid dick.

Mmm. Overall, I give all three games an overall score of.... 7.5-8/10. GU 1 is a 7, GU 2 is an 8, and GU 3 is also an 8. Quite enjoyable games overall, and I don't feel like I wasted any money on them.

Now, onto the aftergame!

<@SageAcrin> Where you realize that, when you think about everything that's said about this person...
<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
<+Ranmilia> MEGA MAN PLOT


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3293 on: September 06, 2008, 07:13:10 AM »
To Elf: I don't think WeissHeart making it back in chapter 4 is unecessary, Just how he was killed was a waste. Instead of having him killed by the Disaster, they could have let him get back into the ship. And after the final battle, have Felius and Clarissa ran into him in the ship. Then instead of the cheesy excuse of killing Felius because someone has to stay, they could give Felius a more heroic death by blowing up the ship to bring WeissHeart down with him after ejecting Clarissa

Also, Rufus/Gaerik exists solely for GL's legion of Japanese yaoi fans.

Most of all, they never tried to hide it. There actually are BL art drawn for each of the Growlanser games outside for the third game, which nobody knows why. GL1: Carmine/Elliot GL2: Max/Waine (this one especially, cough MAx, your fingers) & Lyell/Reeves GL4: Crevanile/Rems GL5: Rufus/Gareik
I don't know GL6 has one yet or not, probably would be Melvich/Zeonsilt

Oh, and the Friendship Medal is so absolutely cursed, most people who had it all died horrible deaths.

I generally stand by what I said earlier. Outside of one *extremely* odd and isolated incident of bad writing, Yuri is a standout lead just on account of charisma. The rest of the cast benefits a great deal just by having interaction with him. Judy feels as likable as Yuri when she's out to have fun, and the two of them work absolutely marvalously together at times. The rest of the plot isn't worth talking about because it is Tales and we all know how Tales plot goes.

Hm, I actually find ToV's plot to be pretty decent until Zaude. They did rush arc 3 and left a few thing unexplained, but before the end of arc 2, things were done in decent pace and free of typical Tales plot garbage. I find how they try to mislead you in arc 1 is especially well done.
BTW,which specific Yuri plot you are pointing at? There are couple of occasions I can think of.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3294 on: September 06, 2008, 07:27:52 AM »
Wild Arms XF: I just did the first dog battle and unlocked class changes. The game looks promising so far. The overdone Wild Arms themes are already in evidence, as if it wants me to stop playing. We'll see how it goes.
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3295 on: September 06, 2008, 07:42:38 AM »
Niu: The conversation with Pharos, where there is a 180 on the "cut off a part to save the whole" business.

Part 3's plot degrades further? Such a pity. ANd no, the plot before this point was very typical Tales.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3296 on: September 06, 2008, 08:49:41 AM »
Niu: The conversation with Pharos, where there is a 180 on the "cut off a part to save the whole" business.

He said that? I thought his reason to defend Estelle int he first place is because he couldn't cut off anything?? The same reason he left the Knights. Yuri always was unable to make sacrifice for a greater goal.

And Part 3..... the biggest problem is they left what happened between Alexei, Chrome, and Duke completly unanswered. Especially Chrome, just... just why is she a part of all this?? Raven and Yeagar are the same in a less extent, they throw in a side quest that mentioned a connection between them, and completly forget to explained the rest, and that, again, get traced back to the Alexei back plot that was left blank.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3297 on: September 06, 2008, 09:15:21 AM »
Gaaah.... I'm shipping an American copy of this game to Japan. The Tales fan in me can't stand that everyone else is already beating ToV.

Suikoden II: Finished it, Beast Rune battle was fun, but quick. I'd already seen someone else play the end, but it was nice having finished it myself. Going to get back to SuikoTactics/LoD/Ys DS/WA4 now. Hmm.. I multi-play too often.

GL1 pairs Carmaine/Elliot? Bleh.

The new BoF4 manga has pretty art and easy-to-read Japanese, I'm enjoying it.



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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3298 on: September 06, 2008, 09:30:18 AM »
Niu: The conversation with Pharos, where there is a 180 on the "cut off a part to save the whole" business.

He said that? I thought his reason to defend Estelle int he first place is because he couldn't cut off anything?? The same reason he left the Knights. Yuri always was unable to make sacrifice for a greater goal.

And Part 3..... the biggest problem is they left what happened between Alexei, Chrome, and Duke completly unanswered. Especially Chrome, just... just why is she a part of all this?? Raven and Yeagar are the same in a less extent, they throw in a side quest that mentioned a connection between them, and completly forget to explained the rest, and that, again, get traced back to the Alexei back plot that was left blank.

In the Danghrest scenes before all the Phaero crap, Yuri says that "cutting off and arm to save the body" was good or some crap.  Then he yells at  Phaero's cut off crap.  Struck me as ridiculously stupid, and I'm not the kind of person to have such a strong reaction.

Yeah, Chrome was random as all hell.  And all the stupid little plot holes that I have to fill in myself are annoying, for once.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #3299 on: September 06, 2008, 06:31:18 PM »
Oh yes, Meru/Haschel banter is quite possibly the best-written part of the game outside of Rose. That's not really saying much in terms of quality, but I'm enjoying the story well enough. The fact that I like the timed-hits battle system is probably coloring my opinion of the story however.

Same. If I enjoy the gameplay I'm usually mellow towards the story. Same with SO3 though that has scene skip if there is anything in particular I don't want to watch/or if I'm doing a speedthrough. I usually play through disc one asap anyway since I don't get my favourite team set ups till later.

In the game's favor, there was one or two little neat details that they added into the story that I liked. One in particular was the 'Spirit Tree' and how each of it's 108 fruits developed into the species of the world, with dragons, humans and winglies being numbers 105, 106 and 107. It makes me wonder if I counted up all the monster types in the game if I would end up with 108 living species? This kind of natural environment would immediately fail without some kind of 'it's magic' plot device to blanket any problems, but it was still an interesting addition in terms of story.

Agreed. I always enjoyed it whenever a town was reached that had an fmv with exposition, like the priest, Minister Nosh, Fester, etc.

What was up with Divine Dragon Djinn - didn't want to do attack item abuse with Miranda?


Defeated Faust and moved on with the game. Completed Zenebatos and started the final wingly city. Doing the optional "bosses" there. First one, Speed Down, Speed Up, Power Up, Power Down, Blue Sea Dragon Special ... 9999 from Blue Sea Dragon - OHKO >.> Second one I tried a number of different strategies against it, best damage was with Dart - Power Up/Down - Red Eye Dragon Special - Final Burst - 6000+~ Bah Blue Sea Dragon only did 9100~ to the final one ... Going to see if I can get a higher % on Pysche Bomb X for a 2HKO though.

Also on another board someone asked for a LoD challenge and noted the restrictions he was thinking of - no dragoon, no repeat items (like the stat ones!), no attack item. I told him to try the no dragoon and no repeat items with an Albert/Kongol/Dart team adding in no bandit's equips, no powerlevelling and no uber equipments like legend casques as well ... vs Faust >.> I am bad <.<

Another "challenge" someone is doing is no physical attacks ... ... ...
« Last Edit: September 06, 2008, 06:38:58 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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