Gref: I know, but my goal was to quickly level up, and SL got doubled up (10% increase per level). As you'll see below, that perk choice still wasn't all that good, and I doubt I'll be using it again.
Rob: Good character, remember? Even if it doesn't lose Karma, I couldn't justify killing somebody who wasn't attacking me.
Fallout 3 - When we last left our hero, he had just arrived in Megaton and orphaned a small child. In shame, I fled to the north and found a local school overrun by raiders and ants. Outraged that they would treat a hall of learning in such a callous manner, I cleared them out the only way possible - with continuous baseball bats to the head. Only then did I realize that this would be the perfect staging ground for my investigations. And it quickly pays off, as I find the city of Logan's Run Big Town and the big Super Mart. Ignoring both (I mean, come on, it's not like there could possibly be anything of value in either of those places, and certainly not anything game-breaking...), I go back to Megaton and talk to other people.
My good nature is quickly taken advantage of, as I get a letter to deliver up north, a book for me to ghost write, and a junkie to shake down. Taking care of the last first, I meet the drugged up ex-lady of the night and strike a deal, and along the way hit L3. Hello, Swift Learner 2. Paying Stereotypical Irish Bartender, I learn that my Old Man (who is definitely not a Death Whale) went to the radio station. Good for him. It's sidequesting time!
Continuing my exploration, I go far enough to find that I need to help some other kid find his dad, that the letter I'm delivering is going to be a lot more trouble than expected, and that dying a lot sucks.
So I pull back into my comfort zone and clear out all the items I hadn't picked up before. I really dislike cap limits for vendors (screw the rules of physics, I want money!) Reach L4, Educated.
And then I bother to explore Big City at night, and run into some Goth chick with a lame name who sleeps around. And then I speak to her ex. And then I speak again. And again. And again.
L5 - +skill book perk.
L6 - Toughness
L7 - Intense Training (Perception)
L8 - Strong Back
L9 - Intense Training (Agility)
L10 - Intense Training (Luck)
L11 - Intense Training (I think, can't remember)
L12 - Life Giver
L13 - Fast Metabolism
And with the pile of skills, I fix leaky pipes, disarm a bomb, and get a house with my own robot butler. Huzzah!
Yeah, I'm abusing glitches. Don't look so shocked.