
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing: 2008  (Read 473120 times)


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4725 on: December 05, 2008, 08:43:12 AM »
Lucas Simms mysteriously died while escorting Mr. Burke somewhere, just keeled over and died.  I thought Mr. Burke did it but he just stood still the entire time.

Mr Burke is the cause of simms death. Though you can prevent it.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4726 on: December 05, 2008, 09:14:33 AM »
What???? I shot Burke before he could draw his weapon, and I found Simms randomly dead near the entrance to the town immediately afterwards :S

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4727 on: December 05, 2008, 09:18:49 AM »
I thought so but I saw no animation of him doing so.  The game is pretty clear when and who can you kill but that part is a bit stupid.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4728 on: December 05, 2008, 09:29:38 AM »
Glitch maybe? Because I had no problem like that. I killed Burke before he could point his weapon and then jacked his suit. Though I find it a bit weird that simms leaves without thanking you for you know. Saving his life!


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4729 on: December 05, 2008, 02:43:00 PM »
CTDS: In Ocean Palace. Whee.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4730 on: December 05, 2008, 03:14:19 PM »
Glitch maybe? Because I had no problem like that. I killed Burke before he could point his weapon and then jacked his suit. Though I find it a bit weird that simms leaves without thanking you for you know. Saving his life!

Huh. I wonder if that's the result of a patch or something? I don't have FO3, but I'm interested because I've read a lot about people being miffed by not being able to save Simms under any circumstances.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4731 on: December 05, 2008, 07:34:56 PM »
Glitch maybe? Because I had no problem like that. I killed Burke before he could point his weapon and then jacked his suit. Though I find it a bit weird that simms leaves without thanking you for you know. Saving his life!

I don't think you're SUPPOSED to save him, although they made it possible with prior knowledge. The fact that the reward defaults to someone else if he dies (unlike most quests, where if the questgiver bites it, you are screwed) seems to indicate that he's kind of supposed to eat it if you rely on him to take care of Burke FOR you.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4732 on: December 05, 2008, 08:52:16 PM »
Star Ocean: First Departure:

Up to Inner Purgatorium.

Gabrie kicked my ass a dozen times at L50. ._. Guess that'll be done later.

Super Robot Taisen Link Battler:

I don't know either.

Beat this in four hours of frameskipped play.

Dancougar solos the game once you get it. I'd explain why but no one else is ever playing this(or if they do they can ask me), so.

Mostly did this so that if I want to play 64, I can BREAK IT LIKE AN EGG AHAHAHAHA. No, really, your levels carry over to 64 from Link Battler if you hook it up(along with three good mechs you can't get otherwise, F91, Zambot and Goshogun) and you can get pilots at L30 starting in Link Battler. Plus L65 or so Shinobu in Dancougar should be entertaining.

Ketsui Death Label:

Ninteen stock goes in.

Two come out.

Death Label difficulty complete.

I'm not looking at Extra any time soon, it would make me sad.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4733 on: December 05, 2008, 09:05:56 PM »
WoW: Finally did Wrathgate and Battle for UC. Wrynn is a moron of the most profound sort. That is all.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4734 on: December 05, 2008, 09:13:47 PM »
Lyle in Cube Sector: Glanced at the LP of this, thought I'd give it a spin. Silly little indie game, not approaching Cave Story level of quality or anything but diverting enough for a short Metroid clone. Also, our hero's motivation is to rescue his kidnapped cat. You know I'm down with that. Anyway, got all the upgrades and am ready to hit the final area, but there's still one CP orb lurking out there that I haven't found.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4735 on: December 05, 2008, 09:23:08 PM »
WoW: Finally did Wrathgate and Battle for UC. Wrynn is a moron of the most profound sort. That is all.

It's worse if you've read the comics beforehand.  Have you?


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4736 on: December 05, 2008, 09:41:30 PM »
I've glanced at them and have a general familiarity with the storyline as presented.

While I can understand, from an emotional standpoint, his anger, he is pretty much making the single stupidest decision he possibly could, and it is pretty clearly racially motivated, which makes it even dumber from a strategic and a leadership perspective. The entire situation is... almost laughable. Wrynn isn't even angry at the Forsaken for being wholly responsible for the actual act of killing Bolvar.

While it is possible to logically blame Thrall for it on account of being an impotent leader (and there is a case for that, given the entire Horde has some issues), there are MUCH better solutions than screaming "FUCK THE ORCS" and launching an attack on the leader of the Horde while the Lich King is beating on your door. At the very least, wait until AFTER you've dealt with the Lich King.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4737 on: December 05, 2008, 09:59:25 PM »
WoW: Finally did Wrathgate and Battle for UC. Wrynn is a moron of the most profound sort. That is all.

It's worse if you've read the comics beforehand.  Have you?

It actually starts to make sense in the new one. He's starting to remember shit, and Varian just recently recalled the time an Orc cut his father's heart out while he was in the room. But, yeah. The Orcs are just green Klingons anyway. You have to fight them or they don't respect you, and they attack anyway. It's "dealing with generic Warrior culture 101."

But anyway, I'm about to start playing Fall From Heaven II, which I've heard is quite good. Probably won't do so well to start, as I've heard it's a big break from how you play Civ4.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4738 on: December 05, 2008, 10:26:57 PM »
Note: WARCRAFT PLOT applies.

Uh have you played any of the horde side before Rob?  Pretty much the entirety of WoW (not to mention Warcraft 3) Thrall has pretty much not given a shit about the humans.  The Forsaken are pretty much the only part of the horde that was really gungho about the war effort for the sake of killing shit.  All the other horde races now are actually suprisingly docile unless they are on the defensive.  Brutal warrior culture, sure, but under Thrall they don't start wars.

Wrynn is just a giant gaping arsehole with no sense of perspective who needs to grow a pair and stop being an emo fuck pretty much.

Generally speaking though the plot can just burn for all I care.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4739 on: December 06, 2008, 12:12:01 AM »
FE10 - Endgame, yay. Realy enjoy Part 4 maps in general, although I screwed up on the mansion level and badly missed its BExp cutoff. Oh well.

So, looking at an endgame team now. Besides the obvious six, probably going to go with...

Volug: He's a few attacks away from SS Strike, and has an A support already, which is cool when you're an Earth dude. Wouldn't mind giving a regular laguz an endgame spin, and he's... actually probably a bit better than Janaff/Ulki due to that SS? Wow.

Jill: Volug's support partner. Jill just seems to have the right stats for Endgame - loads of Str and Spd and good enough everywhere else.

Elincia: Well duh.

Marcia: This hasn't really been the best playthrough for my lance-users and offence. Not that I chose a high-Str group, with Danved and Oscar... or high-Spd in Aran's case. Anyway, Marcia has the best offensive stats of the bunch (best Spd AND best Str) and she has Canto and the Wyrmslayer option to boot, so in she goes! Obviously token Wishblade user.

Shinon: Speaking of token users of broken weapons, this guy.

Mia: I used Mia last time, so I'd kinda like an excuse not to use her again... but it's just not going to fly. Absolutely murders all my other SS swordsmen on Strength, except Renning who will have some doubling issues. (I don't know why I have an easier time not using Tibarn or Nailah again than settling for an inferior swordsman, but that's the way it is!)

Titania: Well, she's already capped both the offensive stats, has an A support with Ike, and is certainly durable enough. She and Jill can fight over Urvan.

Pelleas: Fun story time! Pelleas went into 4-5 at Level 16. He came out at Level 18/9 (crowned him when he capped Magic+Speed). He only got 10 kills. Apparently the combination of Paragon, high-level laguz, and Physic staff use is sick and wrong. Also, YAY for Pelleas starting with B in staff instead of E. Didn't realise that before this playthrough and it makes a huge difference. I think Calill's a better magic user than him (35 Spd vs. 31 is hard to argue with when endgame enemies hover around 28-31 speed a lot) but he may well be second best. Depends on how badly underlevelling hurts him compared with Soren.

Caineghis: Because I didn't use him last time, and I want to hear March of the Lion King, and he's broken beyond belief.

Naesala: Well I've used him before, but not in Endgame. It'll be interesting to see if and when he reaches SS strike.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4740 on: December 06, 2008, 12:29:47 AM »
Kimi no Yuusya: Finished main story. First off, final party rants.

Tio - Since she was the first character I saw and had to "put" up with, to put bluntly, it seemed like I was going to hate her guts for most of the game, but the way the character development was going, I was really able to see her become a better person, especially with the things that happened before the final encounter and during the ending. Gameplay wise, she was an extremely powerful nuker, doing 2nd gamebest damage (gamebest damage is reserved for another guy) and having the resources to maintain that damage. Her only major weakness is craptastic durability that is only salvageable through twinking. Her unique skillset is also very much catered towards her nuke aspect, with Magic Missile being great ST damage and you can choose between Drive Flare or Magicuran for MT damage. Of course, there are also storeboughts and treasure chest finds, especially the Starbook Highgrade, which gives Blasts of all the elements (Heavy ST damage of a particular element, Freeze Blast inflicts SLP). I dunno, probably high middle. Or low heavy.

Wanda - For a majority of the game (he is the second one to join) it is thought that he is the hero, well, some spoilerish crap happens at the end and you find out otherwise. Anyway, he's the typical happy-go-lucky kid who's only really serious at certain times, he seems more of a dreamer bubbly type than anything else. During the ending, though... Anyway, for the early-half of the game when Wanda wasn't doing enough damage I assigned him as a healer for a bit, then when I started completing his skillset I changed his role drastically, he became a side-attacker to augment the party in terms of damage, as boss durability in this game is nothing short of completely ridiculous. I think he's 3rd gamebest damage or 4th.

Tango - Alchemist dude who I've really come to like. He seems kinda cold at first but actually, he just likes to be rational. I like that in people. Especially in his riddle quest. He outsmarts the old man by giving him a riddle he can't solve. "GIVE ME THE ANSWER! I MUST HAVE IT!" and such. In game, he was hardcore support, using his Alchemist Wall for 90% of the game to provide MT Def up, then I replaced that with Armor Aura and Mind Aura to provide both MT Def up and MT MDef up, and gave him healing/revive and some attack in case he's not doing anything. His damage is pretty meh but then again he is a supporter/offense, not of one extreme. His stats are /extremely/ balanced and since healing is so damn cheap in this game he can afford to attack pretty often. Overall very solid.

Dranko - A dwarf who is not really a dwarf. Dwarves in this game are really cute things that resemble teddy bears without fur. Or something. I don't know how to describe it. Anyway, he's a silent guy, and through the 20 episodes I've had him he only spoke ONCE, and that was during a quest. He is also the chief of the Dwarves. In-game, this guy is absolutely brutal. Gamebest damage, gamebest pdur, and such. His mdur is less desirable, but he has the HP to pull that up a little. Buffs up his attack, then goes crazy with his skills. He has Armor Break to lower enemy DEF and it also deals considerable damage, a little stronger than the typical physical, which, from Dranko, is pretty damn high (4000~). Very very good. I've used him 100%.

I really didn't use the others much because simply put, I was too attached to the final four to really want to use any of the others. Maybe in my post-game exploits I'll talk about those. But anyway, these four together were able to mow the floor down with the final boss, who is a 3-form formchain. Total HP is 430000 which is insane really.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4741 on: December 06, 2008, 03:32:34 AM »
Note: WARCRAFT PLOT applies.

Uh have you played any of the horde side before Rob?  Pretty much the entirety of WoW (not to mention Warcraft 3) Thrall has pretty much not given a shit about the humans.  The Forsaken are pretty much the only part of the horde that was really gungho about the war effort for the sake of killing shit.  All the other horde races now are actually suprisingly docile unless they are on the defensive.  Brutal warrior culture, sure, but under Thrall they don't start wars.

Wrynn is just a giant gaping arsehole with no sense of perspective who needs to grow a pair and stop being an emo fuck pretty much.

Generally speaking though the plot can just burn for all I care.

Have you been to Orgrim's Hammer yet? Or... talked to Garrosh at all?


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4742 on: December 06, 2008, 03:47:21 AM »
Parts of Icecrown come to mind too.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4743 on: December 06, 2008, 04:21:31 AM »
MK-Chapter 7! The look that Muppy shot at Nikki at the end of Chapter 6 was priceless. Now, to deal with another alchemy recipe dump.

GH3-Beat Raining Blood! ...and am currently stuck on Lou. As has been said before, it's absurdly luck based. I think I'm basically stuck just hoping that A. I hit the first Battle Power phrase. B. It's a Whammy attack. and C. I remember to use it just as Lou goes into that green alt-strumming section, and this kills him off. This could take some time.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4744 on: December 06, 2008, 08:15:56 AM »
Talked to Garrosh yeah, Orgrim's Hammer is after Wrathgate where Wrynn pretty much declared open genocide on all horde races (An extremely logical response of course).  Not to mention everything in Icecrown area itself is suspect, the whole point of a large part of Wrath has been the ways that the Horde and alliance are being put up against each other to the Lich Kings advantage.

Garrosh generally runs shit in Northrend and Garrosh is defintately no Thrall and is just as stupid as Wrynn  (RARRR WE MUCH CRUSH HOMANS BECAUSE), but on a small scale outside of Icecrown the skirmishes aren't really a great deal more than an extension of the usual stuff that is always going on in spite of the uneasy truce between the horde and alliance.

Point being as soon as some shit came down that looked like it would escalate to a full blown war you can see Thrall try and stamp it down asap, it doesn't work because Wrynn is RARRR KILL ALL HORDE BECAUSE ALL HORDE ARE SAME in spite of the fact that it should clearly be otherwise with shit like the Argent Crusade running around being able to put up with them.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4745 on: December 07, 2008, 02:23:58 AM »
Honestly, I like Varian. He's basically the only character in the entire story who reacts like a character and not a plot device. That said, I don't see Thrall stamping anything down, considering that the majority of the Horde in Northrend consider Garrosh the man and don't really give a shit what Thrall says.

Also: fuck the Argent Crusade. Fordring is obnoxious and he turned the Silver Hand in to yet another generic neutral faction.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4746 on: December 07, 2008, 09:35:54 AM »
Persona 3: In the 4th block, stuck on the floor 135 boss in Tartarus. FUCK I HATE HIM. I need to levelsssssss. Can't even knock him over, and he has a damn target everyone skill that I can't block because it seems to have no damn element/attribute :(


Went to a walk through to see if he actually had any weaknesses, and immediately regretted it. I always happen to see little spoilers by accident, and learn shit I'd much rather find out on my own, yet I never learn :(

Exact end date of the game, relationships and such between characters, who ends up doing what and when they get every skill in what order, seeing a schedule for the game planned out ahead of time of who to talk to on what days, a summed up list of all the Personas (When the game seems like it has limitless amounts, and then you see them summed up into a single list that just fills your monitor, it kinda takes a little of the magic and wonder away), etc...
I know it sounds stupid, but all I wanted was a recommended level for fighting the boss, and I couldn't even find that, yet I come out with about 50 little tidbits of spoilers I didn't wanna know just LOOKING for the section on the bosses, and the damn thing didn't even have what I was looking for. Uggg.  :'(


Anyways, I do have to say that P3, Front Mission 4, and Dragon Quest VIII are my favourite games for the PS2, none of which I've beaten XP. One of these days I'll get around to making up my list of game ratings. Probably right after I beat every one of my PS2 RPGs. Which will be never XP

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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4747 on: December 07, 2008, 08:28:54 PM »
Next time, just ask here or in chat and we'll give you advice without spoilers.  Unless it is Niu, then spoilers are inevitable.  That sounds like Sleeping Table you're fighting, and it is indeed the most difficult fight in the game.  Use Tarunda on him to lower his attack.  If Junpei has Marakakaja already, set him to Heal/Support and he'll cast it on your team.

I'm also playing P3, specifically The Answer.  Figured I should beat it before P4 comes out.  Bulldozing my way through, just need one set of doors to go.  Funny how most of the difficulty is at the beginning.  Some of the later door bosses don't even put up a fight.  Of course that could also be because I made myself an awesome Norn with Wind Boost/Amp and Resist Elec.  Mwahaha.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4748 on: December 07, 2008, 11:11:29 PM »
ROTKVIII- Just became King. I also made my thoughts known to my subjects that I'm just using the emperor to get the top job myself. Currently I hold over half of the map and am clashing with three forces at the same time.
Liu Zhang in the west, Gongsun in the north and sun jian in the south.
However liu Zhang is quite weak so I sent my son who I have appointed to a very high rank (Viceroy) to take Liu Zhang out of the picture with 150K troops. So far half of liu Zhang's land is mine.

So far my biggest conserns is officers betraying me and Sun Ce coming for my head as I killed his sworn brother. I however got myself two sworn brothers in Cao Cao and Lu Bu who will help me if Sun Ce tries to and if they can't stop Sun Ce from killing me then no one can.
As for Sun jian. Well he has been a pest as his timed attacks with Gongsun caused me trouble, and I was scared because he had 100K troops hitting me in the rear while Gongsun had 500K at the front. I couldn't spare men to the south and I thought I would have to give up on the Liu Zhang attack, but I didn't have to though because one of my prefects in the south drove off sun jians 100K with only 30K. I gave him a promotion for such an act and appointed him Viceroy of the Yang region.

Gongsun has been difficult with his 500K army in the north but thankfully while Gongsun is tough his officers aren't. Three prefects gave up their cities without a fight and joined me. But I don't really care about them, I care about the 200K forces that they surrended to me. Gongsun is being attacked by his own forces while mine sit and watch.

I think I've pretty much won the game. Once Gongsun falls I will have enough resources to make at least a million troops. No one on the map can stand up to that.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« Reply #4749 on: December 07, 2008, 11:15:41 PM »
Idly, where's Liu Bei in your map? I may have missed you mention this.