SRWC3: Up to the second (and bizarrely, last) episode in scene 4.
Oh what fun was had in scene 3. First episode, 'Strike of the Omega Missile' or some such, introduces the Omega Missile as one might expect. Now it just so happens that SRWC3 has horribly scrubbified Scan, by making it a) limited range and b) limited to a couple of units you don't have at the time. So what you don't know, is that Omega Missiles happen to have 11 move, and a P-type 6-square radius stupidly powerful self-destruct move. So you end up restarting the level (or eating repair costs, I guess, but who actually lets units die in SRW anyway).
That's all well and good. Then it turns out that they lump one on you in EVERY EPISODE of scene 3 (probably. I finished the Preventer episode pretty quickly and I'm assuming one would have shown up if I'd left it a couple more turns. Definitely one every other episode). Furthermore they show up at the start of the enemy turn and consequently get a free move, so you end up ending turn at the start of every turn to see if one's going to turn up and so you know to hop everyone that could be in range away if possible.
At least the AI is so godawful that if you put a single unit in their range they'll blow up without moving, even if they could hit every other unit in your army by doing so.
Random nattering:
Nice to see that Sirbine has its _actual pilot_ for a change instead of being just thrown at you to put Show/whoever in. Dunbine in general is quite a bit more varied than usual, don't know if I mentioned this earlier... They have a REPAIR/RESUPPLY unit, and Marvel has some unit called a Dana O'Shay that I don't remember seeing before, and Keen has a Four which I also haven't seen before and it can combine with Dunbine, although Dunbine loses all its sword moves if you do that. Four's missiles aren't that bad though. Several enemy units I don't remember seeing before either, one thing that Burn was driving that I don't remember the name of, and some scrubby sub-Drumlo unit and some other scrubby unit that's presumably from the OVA since they were hanging out with the Zwauth.
Mechander Robo looks like a Mazinger enemy. Can't say I think much of it really.
Betterman has an enemy that shoots FLAGS of various countries at you. what.
Betterman player units seem pretty good, they both have repair/resupply on one form and reasonable attacks on the other, and they also both have godly C3 Scan -_- Betterman itself is ugly (as is the pilot) and consequently not worth considering.
Slowly fully upgrading Hairy-bot. I'm not even sure if C3 has full-upgrade bonuses anyway but I'll be somewhat surprised if it doesn't. Seems that the game gives you barely any money comparatively... I find myself wondering if it has any replay carryovers/boosts. PP is similarly really scarce, Volke is effectively the only person that's been able to afford anything worth buying so far and that's solely due to the fact I have given him ALL of the bonus PP I've gotten.
Advance Wars Dual Strike - My brother reminded me that this existed. I spent some time getting some more medals. Unfortunately I'm currently up to Piperunners Built which is god-annoying. Stupid boring, worthless & expensive piperunners -_-. All my people are at least level 4 now, what fun. Probably should get back to beating the hard campaign at some point.
Zork Nemesis: Which I have been wanting to play for the same amount of time as I had been wanting to play Normality, since I read about them both in the same magazine. So far ZN is shaping up to be considerably better than Norm despite having gotten a lower score, oh the ludicrousness. In any case, I currently have 5/9 points and am pottering around some cult church attempting to make whatever Fire's metal was again.
Looking around is a mild pain since it shifts far too quickly with the mouse and too slowly with the keyboard. And there's no way of turning shifting with the mouse off so half the time you stray too close to the edge of the screen while trying to do things and get perturbed.
I haven't been entirely sure what I've been supposed to have been doing for far too much of the game so far but it's been enjoyable nonetheless. My current tally of having-had-to-look-up-help is standing at four times, one of which was for the very first puzzle in the game because I didn't completely understand the controls -_-. Ah well.