I'd be potentially interested, sure, but I'd recommend figuring out what changes to mix things up are done sooner rather than later.
A few thoughts:
* Maybe lower power level? Either ban Godlikes outright (H/M/L draft? H/H/M/L?), or do something like ban Godlike bosses. (note that all 8 GL picks in the previous tourney were bosses, for obvious reasons)
* Maybe ban a few of the Usual Suspects That Break Open Team Matches. Tricky though since some of the "fun" is from using such abusive characters, of course. Tidus, Jane Maxwell, and Aika come to mind.
Also, note that there wasn't a lot of voting & commentary in the wrap-up thread (
http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php?topic=6821.0 ), which is fine, but I wouldn't get your hopes up too high on people voting the crazy challenges. The draft itself seems the fun part. (Also, if you DO want people to vote it, might be best to keep it to ranked-ish games, aka no PS2 hype. If you do include non-ranked games, maybe suggest that people throw out some provisional rankings openly of potentially interesting picks in advance so that people aren't blindsided by hey-look-I-thought-Cold Steel-Alisa-was-a-Light.)