Author Topic: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade  (Read 36154 times)


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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #225 on: October 28, 2020, 12:35:52 PM »
Draw Trick is better the more you get to use it. He deals a ton of damage thanks to the high STR and it pairs up really well with anything that buffs attack.  There are very, very good reasons why it's so damn hard to get a Ranger outside of Tommy.  The game gives that class line gameworst STR growth for a reason; even a few points of STR makes a major difference for the damage output.  Draw Trick also interplays very well with things like react, as you can use it 6~ times on average in a fight. It's the ultimate assassination tool in a game that is focused heavily on Rune Knight sniping. Have a high evade target or one with hit and away like an Assassin? Draw Trick's ITE and can pull them towards your line of angels/demons for murdering. I'll concede the thief mechanics are pretty useless, but every once in a while you can swipe a valuable item from the enemy.

Brig: It's the perfect game to play in the morning, as I can do one or two months in game before wandering off to work. Done various challenges including restricted summoning. The hardest one I've done to this point is the two knight challenge with MS. This challenge exacerbates MS's problems with really terrible knights and having a lot of borders to defend. I'm past the worst of it because I've I have only four borders to defend instead of five but it's still a struggle. Like every other challenge I've done to this point, MS is by far the hardest of the countries.


Rudo/Veyta- As much as I love Monica+Rudo, I needed to use her for defense. I also got super lucky and got a Malefic staff (+20 INT) from the first month of questing. Rudo still OP and Veyta's quite good once he gets rolling.

Kyle/Selena- stationed them at Alternia as that castle gets attacked all the time. Selena hit Witch pretty quickly which means Meteor Doom spam! Yay. I'm about to lose her which is less yay, but I should be past the worst of the game's challenge by now.

Emma/Titania- Put them on the southern border with Guimoule. The castles there are easy to defend. Mostly just using Divine Ray spam to assassinate.  Titania still isn't great, but she's at least tolerable to use. The gap between her and Reche or Jiu or Madessa is painful though.

Monica/Avril- Using them on the Norzaleo border. They've only been attacked once but they did fine, mostly because Ivona is dumb and poorly positioned herself via Curse Song. These four teams are all some shade of tolerable even if they're light on Rune. My last team is ugly. Katri would be wonderful to use, except that she has no Rune. Gilliam's never an option and Cyrus is a garbage fire. Allen has 189 Rune at L10 and bad stats so he's out. That pretty much leaves you one Knight, and that's Largo. IE Grappler time! *sob*

Largo/Frederico- THIS FUCKING DUMPSTER FIRE. I hate grapplers for a lot of reasons, but I had no one else remotely competent to fill in. I've held with them, but I keep burning through promoted monsters while holding with them. You just don't have enough Rune to to provide enough meatshields and magic users as both have terrible Rune.  I've been using Aisha to generate monsters via questing to replace losses. Grapplers are *so* bad. Their counter attack pushing away enemy knights is a huge negative; it will knock away enemies from your kill box and expose your grappler to getting hit more often. Thankfully both are on the bench right now; Stella being knocked out has lessened the number of borders I need to defend. I think I'll have to use them a few more times as I clean up Gustava, and then I can retire the duo of sadness for good.

Once I wrap this up, I don't know what I'll do next. Maybe a worst knight playthrough? That'd be a lot of sad ass bishops and grapplers seeing action.  Like seriously, here is what I rated as the worst knights in each country:

Worst knight in each country: Tim: Bishop, Grappler Rubino: Grappler, Bishop Eliza: Grappler, Bishop/Berserker, Rudo: Grappler, Cardinal/Fighter, Talia: Barbarian, Fighter Stella: Grappler, Barbarian/Bishop

Noticing a trend? Yeesh.
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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #226 on: October 28, 2020, 12:37:34 PM »
Country: Guimoule
Best Knight (not ruler): Darian
Worst Knight: Faye

Good: Lots of above average knights and monsters
Bad: Eliza's a bit underwhelming

Avenir-2.5- What the hell is it with Bishops and terrible MP/Rune? One shot of Holy Word does not justify this garbage.
Cain-7- His stats are good, but... he's an L12 Knight. It's too average a class to get his score any higher, and he spends a long time as a knight before promoting. Don't expect him to carry a team like Grados or Darian or Sid.
Conrad- 3- I like Knights, but the stats that aren't INT are just ugly.  The STR is quite bad and the AGI is a real problem; Conrad has trouble hitting anything with evasion. He doesn't even have skills like Berserkers do to offset the agility. He was one of the knights that had their score lowered the most from the first draft; he is so much less than the sum of his parts.
Darian-9-  The STR is the real selling point; it's more on par with what you expect from Berserkers. I would prefer if he started at L20, but it's cool to have the choice of which path to take him down. Otherwise... yeah he hits like a truck that's on fire.
Diana-5- Rune/starting level is kind of bad. She's a middle of the road Rogue otherwise. I tend to use her more with other countries; the AI will always level her to L10 and even an average Rogue is better than a lot of other units.
Eliza- 8.5- I'm not really impressed. Eliza lacks the physical power of Rubino/Rudo/Tim; the ruler should be focused on damage and not support skills. She is better than Talia but worse than the rest of the leaders.
Faye-0.5-  Gameworst Rune? Gross. Faye's fun in theory but 168 Rune is just not acceptable at L17. Also joins later into the quest for some insane reason. Also see my general complaints about Grapplers having really bad skills until Champion; the same applies here. If he was a Swordsman, Knight or Berserker with those stats I might consider it. Grappler's not worth that effort.*Punts Grapplers and male clerics to the nearest volcanco*
Kate-8.5- Good stats all around+good starting level. Rogue is a damn strong class as well.
Leanne-6.5- Decent low level sorceress type. Leanne doesn't have the same crazy payoff as Sugar/Leanne/Sophie but is usuable out of the box.
Marcosias- 5- See Jack. Basically the same thing.
Mu'ah-8.5- Dangerous offense and status. Solid's not as good as Meteor Doom but it can just wreck opposing leaders who don't bring enough status curing. Exablast is ST pain and Geno spells are as good as ever.
Patricia-6- Mind bogglingly bad start due to the Rune/level, but ends up pretty strong if you keep using her. Bard isn't a completely useless like some of the tier 1 classes, but it also isn't especially good either. Bards have no ability to get kills so it takes several seasons to get her rolling. It's a pretty painful drawback since you desparately want Cursed Song. Much as I love Brave Song, it isn't enough to carry the class on it's own.
Rose-4- STR is bad, but she at least has four rune area and starts with 200 Rune. I prefer that to Lucia. AGI is decent as well. Not a knight you generally want to use, though there is worse.
Sugar-7- Bad start like Patricia but she gets pretty strong if you suffer through the early levels. She has the benefits of leveling much faster than a Bard does.
Vayne-2.5- Berserker is at least a cut above Barbarian! But ugh. Stats aren't good and the Rune is painful.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2020, 12:41:47 PM by superaielman »
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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #227 on: November 09, 2020, 02:22:36 PM »
Best Knight (not ruler): Ginger
Worst Knight: Finrall

Good: Great draw of knights, some really strong monsters at the start
Bad: No Brigandine means Tim is easier to knock out than other leaders. Lot of borders to guard from the start

Alsin-8.5- Grappler to Champion is possibly the biggest jump in quality in the game; it's that or Thief to Ranger. You finally get attacks that aren't trash; the stat growth is really good.  Champion still has a few problems (Namely that their counter attack pushes enemies a tile back; this is a negative and not a positive) but they are quite good. It also just so happens that Alsin is the best of the Grapplers on stats and Rune on top of being the highest leveled Monk unit.

Coco-3- Tied with Finrall for gameworst Rune. Her INT's bad too.  Divine Ray and Halo are at least really good spells so she has some use in combat, but gods above. I was going to give her a 2, but Halo dovetails very effectively with Ginger and getting early Meteor Doom, so she has some use. (Note that this is a higher score than I gave several of MS's knights. >____________<)

Finrall-1.5- He starts with 200 and has enough AGI that he can dodge well enough. The bad is being stuck in the worst class line in the game and having gameworst Rune. Who the hell thought Bishops were any good again?!

Gaspar-2.5- Standard crappy grappler. That said, Gaspar does beat Largo in every single stat (-_-) more or less by a decent margin, so he's a bit better. Of course you can just use Alsin in this quest and not bother with this loser.

Ginger- 9- Gamebest INT, high AGI (helps with dodging a lot), super high Rune, amazing class line? Yes please. Ginger is stupid powerful. She also starts at a decent level unlike most every other sorc in the game. Pair her with Coco, spam Halo and watch Meteor Doom wreck everything.

Hazarov-4- So much worse than Ginny in both stats and level. Still can be used but bleh.

Ivan-5- Average filler knight. Ivan's not worth going out of the way of using, but he has enough for him that you won't regret having to use him.

Iyona- 8- Her Rune is unspeakably bad and she's got some of the worst growth in the game. Do I care? No. She starts as a Minstrel and has some of the highest INT in the game. She is deadly with both her supporting Minstrels skills and Thunder; like with Monica she far outpunches her stat/level combo because of how strong her class is.

Jazz- 3.5- I love Assassins. I don't love sub 200 Rune that far into the game on what's going to be a filler/quest knight.

Noll-8.5- Crazy evasion and high STR for a Ranger; only real drawback is joining a few months into the quest. Pair him up with Inova and watch the carnage start.

Rensei-5.5- Bad stats besides INT for a swordsman, but still joins at L18 and swordmasters are extremely dangerous if you can get one. The appalling rune and late joining cost him a point, but there are much worse options out there.

Scymerius- 7.5- Amazing physical stats and good enough rune.  Has the highest STR in the entire country unless she gets RNG screwed on STR. 3 Rune area is a bit of a drawback, but you be using her a lot as Gustava. Her and Sylvie are definitely a cut above the usual join when the country is defeated types as well, so you use them both a fair bit in other quests.

Sin-7.5- Availability's a problem (Like Della) but he is still damn strong. Physical durability isn't good, but the evade and magic barrier/sidestep skill really mitigate the worst of that.  He's got crazy physical offense.

Sylvie-7.5- Solid Archer. She doesn't have the crazy Rune of Elena or Ratka, but her physical stats are good and she has more than enough Rune. Also starts at L9, which is a damn sight better than the average archer. I'd bump her up half a point if she started at L10, but no such luck.

Tim-9- Lack of a Brigandine hurts; his durability isn't quite as high as Rubino or Rudo's as well. That said he is excellent at all three stats, has high damage of both types. Of particular note is that he has both a free ranged physical and a strong ST physical that can be used after moving.  Dimension is really dangerous off his INT; nothing like warping out Grados on the other side of the map so you can pick off his monsters at your leisure.

Looking forward to the patch in December whilst shaming people for not playing more Brig. Shame, shame, shame!
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Bobbin Cranbud

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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #228 on: November 09, 2020, 04:21:01 PM »
To escape shame, I'll reply for the first time in... let's call it "a while..." and say I have, in fact, been playing Brig! And availing myself of your knight ratings as I do so.

First playthrough was Norzaleo on Medium, second, currently ongoing, is Mana Selesia on Hard. Despite bumping the difficulty up and agreeing with you on the quality of most individual knights, I haven't found the latter noticeably tougher.

Seems like a playstyle difference. I basically didn't quest until my borders were stable, which resulted, yes, in a lot of dead monsters, but also in faster stabilization, more XP, and perhaps most importantly, the AI constantly on the back foot.

The in-battle AI is improved from original Brig, but the strategic AI still seems to get completely shellshocked by constant aggression. I'm at the point where neither of the remaining nations (Norzaleo and Shinobi) can reach the other and during the whole campaign, I think the only time a city changed hands from one AI to another was a single Norzaleo attack on Gustava, prior to my having a border with Norzaleo. (The AI did drive also me back from one city where I had weaker defenders, and take one I had to cede to retreat to a chokepoint; I'm specifically talking about them fighting each other.)

I also used Selena and Gilliam extensively for attacks. Granted, I didn't know why Selena would be a lategame issue and was initially caught off guard, but in the long run it still seemed like the right choice to use her. The late and even midgame was already a steamroll; losing a little steam still left me with plenty of roll. Gilliam looks absolutely awful on paper, but I found him useful because he has so much HP for a mage. The AI loves to attack him when he's on the front line, but he's more or less unsnipeable (in the earlygame) and lives off his own Loopheal, which is % based rather than caring about his terrible INT.

Any word on what's supposed to be in the new patch?
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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #229 on: November 09, 2020, 08:04:31 PM »
You get at two  free months of questing even on hard mode; the AI will not attack even if you leave a town unguarded.  I got in the habit of using that when playing as Esgares in Brig GE, because they had so many borders and you had to so carefully divvy up troops and resources to deal with all the attacks. IE: I hope you like getting attacked by Cai and Dryst separately in the second or third month! Better not have Paradoll anchoring your defenses.  Towns tend to change more on hard mode. Just not when you are playing as MS. They're too centralized. It's the same thing in Brig when you play as Esgares.  Beyond that MS just don't have a lot of knights to spare for questing. 15 knights=5 borders is exactly three knights per border. You get Jaden to help with that but still, only one to two float knights is pretty rough. The flipside is that MS border problems won't get any worse.

You can definitely break the AI with constant aggression. Attacking, then retreating to an easily defended town will chew through the AI's supply of monsters and get them gashed on other fronts.  One very easy example is the Guimoule border town with Norzaleo and Shinobi. You can take that, completely screw over Guimoule's defenses by making them defend two extra castles, and constantly attack the nearby towns over and over, only to retreat the next month since there's no point in holding it.

New patch? New game mode I think. Beyond that there haven't been a lot said. Hopefully some more knights. It's possible they'll do some class rebalancing. Largely consider monster and class balance better than Brig, but there are some notable exceptions.  The Brig website did an update a few weeks ago explaining the quest mechanics. Unsurprisingly the best match is by far the best way to quest if you're looking for rare gear. I knew as much just from casual testing, but glad to see it confirmed.

Gilliam can do that re tanking, but even really bad warrior knights get more milage out of that due to heavy armor and physical evasion. He also just doesn't benefit from experience like other knights. Every other class gets dramatically stronger through class level ups; the male cleric line does not. On top of that he's already at L20 and and has terrible rune. Using a knight with marginal utility that is already outclassed before you factor in levels up and skillset differences is a pass. It's the same reason why I briefly had Finrall with a decent score, then realized that the AGI tanking just isn't enough of a niche. Every single other knight in Gustava offers way more payoff.

That said Gilliam does offer pretty high value questing. 20% chance of nailing a tier 3 item in several spots is amazing. He also has a pretty damn high chance of getting things like the Eternal Hellfire (Dragon promotion item).  Selena is an amazing knight and you are going to be using her all the time as MS, but I did dock her some points for leaving for a while.

Speaking of! Ratings for Mana Selessia.

Mana Selessia Theocracy

Best Knight (not ruler) Monica. Kyle is great but her+Rudo are better than most three knight squads.
Worst Knight: Cyrus. Dishonorable mention to Largo, Allen, Aisha, and Gilliam for being absolutely awful and somehow not in the running for worst knight here. MS Knights: Bad

Good: Rudo. Fucking. Marco. He's a pretty classic 10/10 PC. He's the best character from start to finish and no one really gets close. Lots of strong monsters at the start.  Border situation only improves as the game goes on. Unlike Esgares, they can get quest knights.

Bad: Not starting with enough knights. Almost half of their starting knights are complete trash in combat. One of their two L20 knights is the worst combat knight in the game.

Aisha-3- Not terrible Rune but her other stats aren't great. Her class/level combo is pretty scrubby, though at least she has Halo.

Allen-2- Take Jack/Delgan and give him worse stats and worse Rune. You also have no time to baby knights in this path, you have to use everyone *immediately* for the entire game. You have 5 castles to defend and 14 knights at the start. He is a really bad mix of low level and low potential which is incredibly annoying. He's not Cyrus at least.

Avril-6.5- Stats aren't good for a swordsman, but you are starved for decent knights on this path so you are going to be using him all the time.  Avril is the only physical knight who isn't Rudo in MS to have decent AGI.

Cyrus-0.5-Really good STR is nice! 40 AGI is not nice! His accuracy is low enough to be a real problem and he doesn't even have the tanking of Hazarov or Ginny going for him. Cyrus is trapped in one of the worst class lines in the game and has terrible non HP/STR stats. Also he leaves when Rudo promotes so *nelson laugh* if you actually use him and get him leveled so minus -0.5 for that. >_< Cyrus is the worst knight in the game, which says something considering how miserable a few of the other knights are.

Emma-7.5- She's not quite as good as Carla on rune or stats, but with this merry bad of losers you will be using her all the time. Really good AGI for a Temple Knight and Royal Guard is a lot of fun.

Frederico-5.5- Bad stats (Noticing a theme here with MS Knights?) and -1 for leaving when Cyrus leaves. That said he has weakness and magic down; that always has use. His Rune's pretty bad but 200 is at least tolerable on someone being used strictly for defense.

Gilliam-3.0-Gilliam is the worst combat knight in the game. Cardinal offers almost nothing and he has gameworst stats by a mile. I mean 65 INT at L20 is bad for a fighter line unit, let alone a mage. That said he is an A+ quester. The ability to reliably get high tier items (And you really, really really *REALLY* want some of those items) is extremely useful.

Jaden-3.5- I had him at 6/10 and then I realized I was curving him because he at least joins with 200 Rune and has okay stats. God MS knights suck (As do all clerics and grapplers). He's better than your average garbage priest due to bare competency but that's about it.

Katri-4- High STR is nice on an Archer and she is already promoted unlike every single other starting Archer. But 166 Rune is unacceptably bad on a knight of that level. She still has use due to the class but it's so painful due to the rune issues. Low AGI is a little annoying but that's mitigated by archer accuracy bonuses and Giga Shot.

Kyle-9- Worse Rune/STR than Grados, but better INT. Kyle is dangerous with physicals and magic and is going to anchor one of your teams the entire game.

Largo-2.5- Bad stats, bad Rune, bad class.  Good MP is nice but gods, Grapplers already struggle with decent stats and he doesn't even have that.

Monica-9- Minstrels are fantastic. There are only two Minstrels in the game at the start for a reason and both are excellent for different reasons. Monica is average across the board for stats but she is there to support Rudo. Untainted Path+Brave Song results in hideous things happening to Knights; it gets even uglier when you throw in Curse Song.

Rudo-10- If you've used him or seen him in action, you know why. Gamebreaking offense and crazy durability from the start; he pairs wonderfully with Monica and does bad things to everyone in his way. Rudo is balanced around having mostly awful knights, but man. Rudo is so much fun to use.

Selena-7- Gamebest INT is nice and so is the sorceress line; leaving for part of the game and having near zero mana growth is not nice. She rejoins at the very end but oof. You aren't going to need her by then and you won't want to use her for the endgame after missing so much time.

Titania-4- Tolerable starting Rune and level/class. I'm not a huge fan of the Saint line but she makes for okay filler. It says everything about MS that there are so many knights worse than her under Rudo's control.

Veyta-7- Low INT and starting level isn't great, but he's the only non Rudo knight with high Rune. Wizard's a solid class line as well.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2020, 08:14:40 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Bobbin Cranbud

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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #230 on: November 10, 2020, 03:06:30 PM »
No argument that Gilliam is worse than a halfway decent fighter-class knight! However, if your goal is to attack and mostly win on every front in every season (or every other season in areas with awkward chokepoints), his ability to lure the enemy into making bad decisions is good enough to make him useable. Better than the knights who are both terrible and low level, at least!

If the AI could handle aggression better, or if it were multiplayer, he would indeed be essentially unusable outside of questing.
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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #231 on: November 11, 2020, 06:16:22 PM »
I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one. That said!

Best Knight (not ruler): Grados? Elena? Depends if you prefer the crazy endgame or overpowered start.
Worst Knight: Ferrick, with Klaus hot on his heels.
Good: Best draw of knights in the game, super easy expansion path, good mix of starting monsters
Bad: Rubino, Pick and Elena all start at low levels and take some work to get rolling.

Ariana- 5.5- Good Rune but the rest of her stats aren't amazing. She also faces a more competition than your average Temple Knight as Norzaleo has a ton of good PC's.

Brendan-4.5- Meh version of a standard Knight. He's an okay placeholder at the start of the game, but you can do better for knights as Norzaleo.

Elena-9- Crazy high stats+archer? Yes please. Starting at L5 slows her down a little but not that much. She also pairs up really well with Pick.

Ferrick- 1- Bad stats even for a grappler and starts at L6. Absolute trash.

Grados-9- Really excellent stats and starts as an L23 Paladin so he is ready to smash from the getgo. Grados can stymie enemy assaults on defense almost on his own at times and he is extremely effective on offense as well.

Jack-5- Decent filler Knight or swordsman. He starts with enough Rune to make using him tolerable, unlike say Allen.

Jiu-8.5- Crazy high INT and MP. Like Mu'ah her Rune is bad, but you don't care. She is there to smash things and babysit lower level knights.

Klaus-1.5- 56 starting INT? 260 Rune at L30? God. No. He's bad even by the standards of Bishops in this game. He can at least quest.

Leonora-7- INT and MP are a little low for her class line but she has fantastic Rune. One of the better knights who joins after you defeat a country. Low level doesn't really bother me on a mage as they get a lot of EXP quickly.

Maximillian-5- Notably better than Brendan but joins later; it amounts to the same thing. You are only using Maxi for filler in the midgame as he isn't good enough to use on a main attacking squad.

Pick-8- This rating is assuming you pair him with Elena. Pick's a glass cannon type; decent evasion doesn't save the terrible concrete durability. That said you are using him for the magic sniping; he starts with 92 INT and Thunder which allows him to flash fry foes. -1.5 if you don't pair him with Elena; he needs the MP regeneration to offset his low MP and his durability is always going to be a problem. But man.  I had him pegged as like a 6.5 when I first started with this and he's up to 8. The offense is just so crazy and he levels quickly. Paralyze is great too; he has the INT to make it effective.

Rubino-9.5- He isn't !bluelance; Rubino fights much more like Vaynard than anyone else. He has excellent durability and damage of both types; he also can hang back and snipe things from a distance with front and his ranged physical. His AGI is a little lower than his other stats but that isn't a serious issue. He's the second best Knight in the game due to superior stats and high damage of both types; only one better is Rudo.

Schizler-6.5- More competent than I expected at first blush. He's got really high agility for a Paladin line, enough so that he doesn't have the same accuracy woes as most heavy armor types. Schizler is overshadowed both by fellow Paladin/Knight Grados and his daughter Elena, but he's very much a cut above the Ivan type of Knight.

Theodora-5- Theodora is.... okay. She's a pretty average Archer across the board with a low starting level. It's not enough, not in a country with Elena.

Will-8.5- Will is technically a quest knight. But! To get him you have to get Ferrick wounded in battle.  It basically means you aren't going to see him unless you are playing as Norzaleo or don't mind getting him pretty late. Eh. In practice he feels like one of Norzaleo's knights.

That said! See all the gushing I did about Tommy? Remove a little of the STR and instead give him extremely high rune and good stats across the board. yeah. He's scary good; only drawback is that he is super obscure to get. I docked him half a point for that.

"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #232 on: November 12, 2020, 01:14:07 PM »
Also: I am wrapping up my second playthrough of challenge mode. Did Gustava because Tim's fun.

It's an interesting concept but the execution is just poor across the board. Random events are not fun and I truly dislike everyone starting at L1. Starting level is too important to a knight's value and some of the classes (Thief, Cleric) aren't usuable until promotion. Stats aren't well balanced for starting at L1 as I noted in the last post I did about it. Hope you like the Ginny build because that's how 80% of fighters are built out! Rangers are screwed too due to low STR. I wish I could like it more but bleh. Scoring system's not something I enjoy either; it should reward more for beating the game quickly. Getting 25k score requires doing a bunch of questing instead of rushing down quickly.

I will say Romanov is delightful to use. An actual male priest that's good? Score. Of course I turned him into a Wizard because L1 clerics are not usable. Still, the thought's appreciated.

Country: Shinobi
Best Knight (not ruler): Sid
Worst Knight: Charlotte

Good: Sid and Dellah are great; super easy to turtle.
Bad: Talia isn't as good as the other leaders. Start with the lowest level knights in the game. Expansion's not easy.

Talia: 8.5- I think she's the worst of the leaders; bad start relative to the others and never gets the same offense that the other rulers get. The first two thirds of the game you are her for Halo spam. That's not good enough for a ruler. Holy Word is the only GT skill a ruler gets which is nice, but it's pretty late into the quest. The ST full healing's also neat in theory, but I've used it once and that was during the optional missions at the end of the game. Talia's about as good as a Cleric type can be in this game, but that's still not something I'm going to give a lot of credit towards.

Della-8- Joins late but is so damn good. I'm penalizing her for joining past the point of real challenge; she'd be a 9.5 if she was there at the start. Assassins have superb offense and good durability thanks to the evasion and she's probably the best one in the game.

Ann- 3.5- Love the class, don't love the bad starting Rune and joining several seasons in. She's not worth the effort but makes for decent filler.

Carla-8- Fantastic rune and good stats; she has killer AGI for a Temple Knight. She's the clear best Temple Knight (Poor Emma, always coming in second place).

Charlotte- 2.5- High STR/low AGI units need to be at a high level or have some other way to deal with the accuracy woes. Charlotte has neither of those.   Rune Power's awful as well.

Delgan- 3- Joins several months in as a fighter. High STR is nice, but the rune isn't good and he joins at a low level. He makes an okay swordmaster or knight, but you're going to have better options.

Jose- 7- Pretty competent filler knight. He's an average Swordmaster who just happens to be the highest level knight Shinobi starts with.

Medessa-8.5- Excellent magical stats, high evasion and some of the best Rune in the game. Also starts with Paralyze. Take notes, every single other non Jiu cleric in the game.

Reche-8.5- Great stats but is a cleric and starts at L1. You are best off duelling her over to Mage or Bard and letting her wreck havoc that way. Lower MP than the average of those classes due to Cleric class is a drawback, but she's still your best bet for a Witch in this path. Still, she's quite good and is worth using regardless of the class.

Roe-4.  Really bad Rune and below average INT for the Witch line. I've used her and I'm really not impressed, you are better off using Reche.

Shuna- 5- AGI is nice, but the STR is below average and she also has bad rune at the start.  She's okay if you level her up, but I found the start to be really painful.

Sid- 9- Best male warrior in the game. Outstanding stats of all types; he clearly outperforms his ruler as a rune knight for the entire game. Only drawback is that he starts at a lower level than most second in command types.

Toby- 7- Interesting unit, like Umimaru/Pick/Sin Toby has a very unique feel and handles differently from other knights. The evasion's great and so is the ranged offense, but Toby's not great at melee offense and he doesn't get any killer skills from his L20 promotion. He's worth using but don't expect him to be gamebreaking.

Xion-3.5- Generic lancer who starts at L9.  She's on par with Rose/Lucia; not really worth bothering with but she okay in a pinch.

Yura-5- Bad Rune stats which is unusual for an Archer; also doesn't have any outstanding physical stats. She also starts at a very low level. Bleh.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 01:24:07 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #233 on: November 14, 2020, 07:09:24 PM »
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Mage playthrough

Mages are an interesting class line in FE3H, since they play quite differently from fighters. I did this playthrough, using entirely mages, to get a pure sense of how good they are. My kneejerk is that while mages may not be quite as good as the best physical units (i.e. fliers), they're still pretty darn good, so I wanted to see how they would do when they had to shoulder 100% of the combat burden.

The rules are straightforward:
1. Everyone must be a magic user. A magic user is someone who is either:
(a) in a class that can use magic. Commoner/Noble is included here. War Cleric/Monk is NOT considered a magic class, because its main selling point is Fistfaire, which would enable physical setups. Trickster is probably fine.
(b) in a "physical" class, but all weapon attacks they make are magical, either via a magic weapon (Levin Sword, etc.) or a magic combat art (Frozen Lance, etc.)
2. Skills which enhance specifically physical damage (i.e. Str+2, Death Blow) are banned. This probably isn't necessary, but it avoids silly loopholes like making Levin Sword-wielding Brigand in order to hit things with a brave weapon really hard as a Mortal Savant or Dark Knight later... not very magical!
3. As is my standard practice, I'm playing Maddening NG, no free DLC rewards, no grinding or extra battles aside from quests and paralogues.

Note that I am allowed to use physical weapons if in a magic class (it's a legitimate advantage of mage Edelgard or Sylvain that they can deal decent physical damage), and am allowed to use physical gambits (due to a limit on the number of magic battalions, this is kinda inevitable).

I'm playing with the DLC because that gives me two extra mages out of the gate, and some extra class options. I don't think this vastly changes the playthrough, just makes it more enjoyable.

I'm playing on Crimson Flower because (a) three student mages out of the gate, (b) Hubert is better than Flayn, (c) Edelgard is the best mage of the lords, and (d) I just like CF okay. However, the playthrough would work similarly on other routes, I'm sure.

Playthrough notes:
-In Chapter 1, I use Linhardt, Dorothea, and Hubert. Byleth and Edelgard are still physical units at this point. The map proceeds largely as normal. Being able to magically bombard Dedue to death is a big help! I do have to watch my offensive spell limits, and everyone occasionally pulls out a weapon.
-In Chapter 2, I recruit Sylvain, Constance, and Hapi, giving me a team of 8. I add Bernadetta for chip damage. I do the required seminar with Hanneman, because Reason is very important. Hubert gets Mire, Edelgard and Byleth still haven't reached D though. This chapter proceeds largely as normal and isn't difficult. Edelgard hits Level 5 and can unlock Monk.
-In Chapter 3, Byleth, Edelgard, and Sylvain reach D reason, so everyone is a mage in truth now. The map draws some divine pulse uses due to fog nonsense. However, I'm very appreciative of the fact that all my attacks ignore terrain evade bonuses. A straightforward map, everyone hits Level 5 and there's a mass migration to Monk. One annoyance is that there are relatively few +mag battalions; I hand them to the units with highest charm because their gambits are good, usually Dorothea and Hubert (Edelgard and Byleth have high charm too, but can actually benefit from +str).
-No problems with Chapter 4; with everyone's spell uses having doubled I can be very flexible in my strategy. I recruit Lysithea in this chapter, and use Marianne as Mission Assistance so I have a second Physic user.
-In Chapter 5, I build up the Cethleann and Macuil saint statues, and I do a pair of quest battles during one weekend, which is enough to get Edelgard to Level 10 with Draw Back and into Mage. The story map is perhaps the first that feels at all more difficult than normal, just because the Pass reinforcements can kill a large number of my team. Still, with three Physic users now (Marianne as mission assistance again, plus Dorothea), I have immense flexilbility healing. The boss poses no particular difficulties. Most of my units master Monk by this fight's end, but not everyone.
-In Chapter 6, I grab the Lance of Ruin at the start, and give it to Hubert. I also recruit Marianne (who backtracks to Monk immediately; Priest sucks) and Annette. Both participate in the story battle. I have five people with Physic now! Hubert and Dorothea handle the archer passageway easily, and ignoring the evade terrain in the west and northwest is very useful! No problems at all with this map. The last few mages I've had since the start master Monk here.
-In Chapter 7, I recruit Mercedes, completing my roster of student mages. I bench Sylvain (who isn't turning out well) and Annette. Gronder is quite tricky, mostly because of Ingrid and her pegasi. I realize I have no great answers for pegasi on my team: they have solid res and I have no bows. Lysithea's Luna, Edelgard's Smash, gambits, and magical combat arts are my most effective tools. Ingrid is a stat monster but I lure her beside one of her allies and gambit that one, then pick her off the next turn. Nothing else on the map is too bad, though Claude is noteworthy because he's a rare enemy I can't outrange (other archers can be hit at range 1, while those with 1-2 weapons like Hilda can be hit at range 3).
-In Chapter 8 comes a new set of battalions, very helpful! Empire Mages (+mag, huge gambit) and Seiros Archers (no mag penalty, good hit, good gambit) are the most notable new pickups, and Hanneman bringing a third D-rank magic battalion is also nice. I do Lorenz's paralogue for Thyrsus; a reasonably tough fight (I don't warpskip it) but my big gambits turn the tide; I mop up the map and even get both treasures, along with the real prize, Thyrsus! Gloucester Knights are great too. I also do Sylvain's paralogue. The low move is something I notice here, but once again, I'm still able to get all the rewards. Thyrsus gets passed around like a hot potato; it's great. Finally, the story map presents no difficulty. Turn 1 Stride gets me into the action, Physic reaches the villagers so they don't die. The Death Knight dies to a combination of a Dorothea's Resonant Flames (100 hit against his bad charm, and stuns all his allies as a bonus) and Lysithea's Dark Spikes, while Solon gets chipped from range with Thyrsus and the finished off, so no worries about his crit.
-In Chapter 9, I do Sothis's paralogue. Like Chapter 7 this also exposes a bit of a weakness of mages: they're bad at tanking bird and wolf attacks (only Edelgard and Byleth can tank the wolves, and a few others like Dorothea and Linhardt can tank the birds too). Some clever gambit use is needed to approach the three birds in the south, and to deal with the two that fly in from the northwest. I realize that I could have used a combination of Hapi's personal and the Impregnable Wall gambit to cheese part of this fight, but only realize that halfway through, and I didn't bring that battalion. I also do Flayn and Seteth's paralogue; with my ability to ignore desert and Thyrsus-trading to cheese the water sections in the west it's very easy, even if the assassins kill anyone but Edelgard and Byleth if they could ever reach them. Dorothea/Ingrid paralogue presents no problems. Hapi/Balthus paralogue is a bit tricky as I relearn all the nonsense reinforcements, but by this point Dorothea (northwest corner) and Edelgard (central area) are strong enough to solo significant groups of enemies. The story battle itself presents little difficulty as nobody is doubled, and nobody is OHKOed except Lysithea, and range supremacy + taking advantage of barrier breaks allows me to take relatively little damage, while Physic removes any doubt that I will save all the students.

This is a good point for thoughts on units so far, since we haven't yet hit Level 20 or picked up any A-rank skills (or, rather, this was true early in Chapter 9, at least). Pretty much everyone went Monk->Mage, except the later-joiners. I maybe should have made someone a magic combat art pegasus knight for move, but oh well. Most units have hit B in key skills, but not A, so the comments reflect that.

Edelgard: Got RNG-blessed on speed so just has... really good stats that aren't magic (armour knight certification helped), and even her magic is okay. Not being weighed down by Bolganone is fun. My best tank and very versatile with her combination of axes and reason spells; Luna is a nice pickup, too.

Byleth: Edelgard but with worse power/bulk (and speed, though that's RNG) and no Luna. Unlike Edelgard she doesn't feel that useful, though is the second person I tap if I need to bait a dangerous-looking physical formation.

Hubert: Mire is 3 range which is fast enough to not be doubled by many archers, very flexible. His Frozen Lance hits quite hard, especially with the Lance of Ruin in a pinch. Accuracy is something he needs (outside of Fire), he often uses the Accuracy Ring. My only unit who hasn't learned Heal, but has Rally Magic instead (more useful than normal, this playthrough!).

Dorothea: Thoron, Physic, Hexblade, and high charm to land magical gambits with are all good, as usual. She decided to get RNG-blessed on magic as well so is really good, pretty easily my best unit except Edelgard (who is different).

Linhardt: Also got very RNG-blessed in both magic and speed, which makes him more useful than normal! But since his charm is garbage I've largely stuck him with the Stride battalion, limiting his offence. Has had Physic since early, though, and is accurate, and will get Warp pretty soon.

Sylvain: Was supposed to play a tanking role with Black Magic Avoid, but he got defence-screwed so that didn't work as I'd like. Since he also got charm-screwed there wasn't much reason to keep using him over other mages, even though he had Physic... his magic is just too much lower.

Constance: Not too much to say about her, she hits hard (with either spells or Soulblade) but has few tricks. Rally Magic for a time, though I've since shuffled that out now that I have Heal and Ward to give her plenty to do when enemies aren't in range.

Hapi: Has 3 range, though unlike others she can't use it on enemy phase much because of what it does to her speed. Her stat build isn't too hot and I'd like a magical combat art but Death + Physic is a solid combo. She'll probably be my Dancer because of the riding boon, but I haven't decided for sure.

Lysithea: As usual, very versatile offensively: Luna is great against mages and pegasi, Seraphim against monsters, Dark Spikes against cavalry. Probably uses her magic combat art the least just because Dark Spikes hits about as hard anyway (for now). So far she's been pretty limited in what she can do if no enemy is in her range, but she's about to get Warp so that will change.

Marianne: Thoron for reach, Physic for healing, Frozen Lance for melee, a solid charm stat... plenty to like here, even if she's been playing catchup and won't have Fiendish Blow for a bit longer still.

Mercedes: I got her a bit later (like Marianne, I just got her to B support then rolled the dice on her asking me to join), so she's missing Draw Back, but she still has Physic and decent stats. Doesn't stand out at all and probably one of my weaker units as such (really wants HP+5 for her tanking role), but good enough to stay on the team.

I'm looking forward to Linhardt, Lysithea, and Constance picking up Warp/Rescue! This playthrough has definitely highlighted that Draw Back, while good, is not as good as Reposition, so I do want more positioning options.

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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #234 on: November 14, 2020, 09:23:49 PM »
Plugged in the GameCube again and resumed my Tales of Symphonia completion file.  The in-game Synopsis option actually helped for remembering just where the hell I was in the story.  Being an action-RPG and not having touched it in over 6 months, I was prepared to get my ass handed to me at least once by a kung-fu summon spirit and its hurricane kicks, NG+ bonuses or not.  Succeeded on first attempt, shockingly though the fight did suck a few items and one death.  Gnome somehow went even better despite me still feeling out of practice.  No deaths, no items used, 10.00 Grade so the game thinks I did well.  I'm doing this file for 98% completion (that last 2% is too much of a hassle) and there are moments that I'd like to turn on auto for all 4 characters and let the game play itself.  Think I'm getting old.  AI isn't really up to it in tough bossfights though.

  While I find Sheena OK as a character (about 5/10), good god she's awful as a fighter.  Reach so short there's a decent chance of whiffing even right next to the enemy.  Comparable to Noel of Star Ocean 2 which is not a compliment.  Feels like I'm handicapping myself every time I use her and the game has a lot of fights where she's forced so urgh.

And feel like writing about some of my small quibbles about the game.  One is not having full control over what ingredients to use during cooking.  Gets annoying when trying to preserve ingredients for certain recipes that end up being used in others as add-ons that I can't turn off.  The other is no in-gmae means of documenting the special Unison Attack combos.  So it's either get lucky, experiment with every possible combo out of thousands, memorization, and/or use a FAQ.  As this is a mechanic that sees use about once every 2-5 randoms and 1-2 times per boss fight, not that much room for experimentation.  Also a minor inconvenience that there is no way to check the status of the Unison Attack bar outside of battle.


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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #235 on: November 16, 2020, 12:19:47 AM »
Trials of Mana (original version) finished!

So this definitely shares a lot of DNA in both successes and issues with Secret of Mana, and where they overlap I think SoM actually comes out ahead?  SoM has a bit less backtracking which helps its map issues stand out less, the sprite work is a bit clearer and more interesting, and I think the fixed party does make the difficulty in SoM feel a bit more even, particularly the early game while you're getting abilities in ToM.  The main area ToM comes out ahead where they overlap is fewer "you can't hit the boss sorry" issues by a big margin.

Where they diverge though Trials wins like every single time.  I can see liking ability/weapon grind but god damn is selecting a party and having the class upgrades just much more interesting (albeit jeez the promo item for tier three is handled not great.)  Neither game has a good plot but that bit in the dead center of ToM where holy shit all the plots have collided is pretty cool.  Insofar as either cares about characters all six PCs in ToM feel like they have SOMETHING, whereas Randy is a bit of a void and Popoi is... there 90% of the time.  Purim of course would be better for not being straight but oh well.

Honestly what struck me towards the end of ToM is jeez, no wonder everyone loves the remake of it so much.  You could be very faithful to the overall design conceits and plot and simply clean up the gameplay, tweak how some things are handled, and flesh out the plot and get something REALLY GOOD, whereas a faithful SoM remake is... just a bigger and cleaner version of SoM.  I dunno that I'm invested enough in either of these to pick up the ToM remake, but I respect it sight unseen I think.

Anyway this version is a 6/10 I guess?  That feels right.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #236 on: November 21, 2020, 08:14:25 PM »
Final Fantasy Adventure- it was bothering me not having this collection knocked out so did this over the weekend.

Gosh, NES type sprites are helped quite a bit by the black and white format?  It's quite a solid looking game.  Also has that very old school thing where sometimes it'll just go extra hard on tragedy and stuff because it's drawing pretty heavily from short, punchy D&D adventure module type story telling and that has a way of translating decently well to 8-bit era game scripts.

That the game expects you to get very, very lost all the time is uh... well not surprising but also like hell I'm not deleting that with the advantages of modern technology.  I've played a lot of more annoying games from taht general era though, weirdly.  Still a 5/10 mind, but hey, better than I expected.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #237 on: November 22, 2020, 08:28:37 AM »
Microsoft Solotaire collection

   Go ahead and laugh, I play this.  Well, played.  Seems that since the last time I dipped into this, the periodic ads are now present in every game mode instead of just some of them.  Ugh, yuck.  That's enough to tip me over into quitting.

Tales of Smash Symphonia

  Picked up a tagalong kid.  In a shocking twist, said tagalong kid actually listens to the party's suggestion to not follow them into dangerous areas and is not useless.  Give the test tube bastard child of the Penguin and the Joker a well deserved beating.  An emotional scene (for me) soon follows and it's a part I don't look forward to on replays.

  Another thing I don't look forward to, Proto-Flonne stating the obvious and standing around doing nothing.  This is about the only way she annoys me; she's generally entertaining, sympathetic, or likeable otherwise.

  Finish a dungeon with an aggravating escort mission.  At least I don't need to worry about keeping the escortee alive.  Dodged every encounter before the boss fight so happy about that.  (I do fight one or two on purpose on the way out)  The last of the summon spirits doesn't go so well, ended fight with Lloyd down.  This is OK for me for the purposes of evening out EXP; I'm kind of odd that I prefer the main character to not be the highest leveled.

  After this comes the most filler of filler dungeons.  Capping off with a boss fight with someone with Samus' arm cannon but way less cool.  I dared try to do this without Raine and while I succeeded, it was a messy win with negative Grade to show for it.

On to disc 2 and it starts with a surprise.  A surprise by RPG standards anyways.  Some good story stuff here which I enjoyed more than the last 3-4 dungeons leading up to it.  Presea is my favorite PC because she takes care of what looks like another filler boss battle via cutscene instead.  This is part of a long story stretch without any combat and I'm OK with it.  Seems like I can only take so much Smash in a playing session.

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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #238 on: November 25, 2020, 01:48:00 AM »

After I wrapped up my Mana Saleesia playthrough I was worried the game didn't have enough teeth to remain fun. Playing Guimoule dispelled my concerns. Constant aggression is a lot easier when 1) you have Rudo on your side and not against you and 2) you don't start the game bordering Norzaleo. I think I lost more fights in the two castles on the Guimoule/Norzaleo border than I did in my entire first two campaigns, and even the wins took real work.

The AI still can't handle aggression on the strategic map, but on the tactical level those were some very engaging fights.

Highlight: Conquered the Shinobi capital with Eliza's team, but at the cost of Sugar and Kate getting wounded. Rather than stop my attacks for an entire turn, I risked trying to solo the final Shinobi province with Eliza and managed to pull it off.

On the one hand, I do agree that Eliza feels less impactful than Rubino or, certainly, Rudo. On the other hand, she was the only knight I had who didn't seem to lose repeatedly and her team did almost all the conquering - 50% of Shinobi, 100% of Mirelva, 100% of Gustava, finishing off Mana Saleesia. Darian folded to status effects trying to lead a push into Norzaleo, got the Brigandine of Freedom, and then folded to warp. Muah and Cain got bloodied on the Norzaleo border, too, before being transferred to more productive areas. The rest muddled through against Mana Saleesia mostly by outlasting them and waiting for the AI to make poor summoning choices; even then I wasn't able to close the deal until Eliza's team got through Mirelva and attacked Rudo's final stronghold.

It feels like Guimoule has a bunch of "pretty good" knights, few who are terrible but none who dominate. Which isn't a great place to be when you get to pick 90% of your battles.
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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #239 on: November 27, 2020, 05:08:34 PM »
I dealt with MS by: A: sticking Dark Knight Darian on Alternia (awful town that borders Guimoule/Gustava/Shinobi, you get constantly attacked there) and B: having the troops on my southern border constantly attack, take a castle and then retreat back the next month. MS can't afford to lose any knights at all and it's easy EXP for weak troops.

Not having Rudo/Kyle be a constant headache is the best part of playing as MS.

Darian getting hit with Dimension is bad luck, unless it's either Tim or that obnoxious Mana Blessed L10 demon Gustava starts with. That said I agree with the general critiques of Guimoule, they are my least favorite country to play as. I'm doing a playthrough of them right now.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #240 on: November 28, 2020, 05:44:27 AM »
So I finally got around to finishing the main plot of Disgaea 5.  Standard Disgaea fare, absolutely ridiculous numbers available early (though not early enough).  This was a case where I picked up a file that I started five years ago, and I'd forgotten several of the plot beats until I looked them up.  This particular game suffers a *lot* from the story being too long, kind of if a Tales game had its filler third of the game right in the 3/6-5/6 point.

Killia - Bog standard protagonist.  Fists and Swords are both good, and getting a skill that lets him have some range on his skills with fists, while picking up a few single target nukes way later on.  Gimmick: stress eating.  Afraid of his anger issues.  He doesn't have very much past, "I want revenge, gotta get stronger, gotta keep my evil side suppressed." Eventually it changes to "I accept my evil side, and I want to stop others from being hurt."  He almost seemed like he'd be getting over Lieze, and then Void Dark brings her back for a happily ever after out of nowhere.  Just a generally forgettable character.

Seraphina - She's the driving force of the game, and the main reason the heroes are able to do anything at all.  She left home because she was protesting an arranged marriage to the main villain, and instead ran away to go assassinate him.  I'm going to be completely honest.  She gets a lot of my ire probably undeserved, because she's a fairly strong character in her own right.  She just has the issues of me seeing her being a more tropey version of Rosalin from D2, and her character chapter not really doing much for her in terms of character growth, AND said chapter coming in a point where I was already suffering from story pacing fatigue.  "Nooooo, I don't want to be poor!...  Wait, I don't give a shit about that."  She's all guns guns guns and damage, and a little bit of turn stun with charm on male units.  She honestly makes it work, since being out of range of counters with her durability is a very, very good thing.

Red Magnus - This is a character that...  I don't remember much of!  Seeing as when I picked the game back up I was already in Chapter 8, the very next chapter was Red Magnus's character growth, and he didn't do very much after that, aside from saying "SUPER" as his verbal tic.  Axes may be strong, but none of his moves felt like they had the power or range to really justify using any of them.  He wound up staying in the Capture Squad after that.

Christo - Probably the best written character in the game.  Starts out trying to manipulate the party into killing Void Dark for him.  Over the course of the game, he has his preconceived beliefs constantly challenged, and while he's frustrating and often showing off his racism to demons, he DOES get to a point that he's willing to consider this little dysfunctional group his allies and, more importantly, his friends.  In fact, his first real friends since he never really got to a point where he made attachments to anyone in Celestia.  I do like the running joke that everyone already knows that Christo is an angel, but goes along with his bad attempts to masquerade as a demon.  So in combat...  Staves and Bows.  He comes with a Bow, but I stuck a Staff on him and found I did fine between him learning the first three levels of Heal and his uniques.

Usalia - Hey, video game writers.  Need an example of a well written child character?  Here you go.  With (or despite) the writing...  Strength...  Of this cast, she immediately improves the quality of any scene she's in, even more than Christo...  Though I still say Christo is the better character.  Starts out a monster that you have to feed curry to restore her to her normal form.  Come to find out Majorita murdered her parents and she's at wits end because she can't eat her favorite food, and has to eat her most hated food to keep a curse at bay.  Really a scared little girl under all the cute.  Gets her power up once she realizes that yes, her parents really did love her after Marjorita attacked.  She's the token Monster-class story PC, which means she can Magichange into a Fist.  Combos really well with Killia.

Zeroken - Former member of the Lost.  Jealous of Killia because he got to train under Goldion directly, but he gets better.  Not very smart, but decently strong and very fast.  He's written to be kind of...  Softly blunt, just in a way that I like dealing with people.  Unfortunately, due to training mostly the same way as Killia, he's built the same way, which means they're competing for weapons for a while.  Zeroken is better with AoEs, but by the time you unlock the really good ones, you have enough AoEs that he somewhat falls short of the things you'd really like him to do.  The last AoE he gets is a little awkward as well, though the range is pretty wide.

I feel like for in-game use, it's...  Killia > Seraphina > Christo > Usalia > Zeroken > Red Magnus...
...For character writing: Christo >= Usalia > Zeroken > Killia > Red Magnus, with Seraphina going I don't know where under Usalia, because I have to admit I'm rating her unfairly.

Finished the game with a Sage at level 800 spamming Land Destroyer every turn to build up Bonus Gauge, then a L2000 Killia cleaning up the rest.  Got the trophy for getting 50 One Time Bonuses on the same stage as killing the final boss.

Just starting to get into the Postgame now, and I already have Killia at 4K, and a Rabbit at 3.5K.


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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #241 on: November 29, 2020, 11:22:56 PM »
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory- I apparently put 19 hours into this.  Also I think this is the only 2020 game I've played.

Anyway, missed 4 of the missions (out of uh... 354 or something), one for one of the Vanitas themes, one on Vector to the Heavens, and two on One-Winged Angel.  The Vanitas mission is particularly demanding, as is Vector to the Heavens, and OWA is probably the third-hardest (13th Dilemma and Dark Domination being much meaner) song in the game to start with and has easily the hardest mission list on top of that, so no surprise there.

So, this is a Theatrhythm game.  Like, openly, it's not called that and they've changed the presentation/terminology and mixed up the song types but in terms of how it handles unlocks, how it does scoring, it's from the same developer, it's really obviously a fourth entry in that series on top of being a Kingdom hearts game.  *in that light*, it's... a smoother play experience in the actual songs themselves I think, the quirks adapting it to Kingdom hearts introduced make some things make more sense in actual play.  It's also simplified in terms of party building, which I could see being a turnoff.  The biggest thing is, unlocks are really, really slow to account for the story mode and missions.  The missions themselves aren't meant to be hard, and are often a bit tedious, BUT they do add some spice in a few cases.  But mostly you just have to unlock songs one by one, and you don't really have any control over the order of it, so in that way it's a lot slower than even the original Theatrhythm.  Buuut "unlocking" also just means clearing once on any difficulty to add it to the free play mode, and the mid-game does let you unlock a whole bunch at once becase CoM and Days are both lumped in with KHII so you can unlock like 20 songs all at once once you actually clear out KH1.

... that's rambly.  Anyways, I feel like this game for someone who's not a KH diehard would suffer a bit for the story mode existing, but once you can actually GET TO the full game you'd probably have fun with it if you liked Theatrhythm to start with.

Since I'm both of those it's still pretty good, but also it can just hate you sometimes.  This does feel a bit behind Curtain Call for all that so... 7/10 but y'know I've played worse rhythm games in recent memory.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #242 on: November 30, 2020, 06:28:18 AM »
Talking about Three Houses plot made me realize that I need to play Three Houses some more.

Three Houses - Since it's been literal months in 2020 I decided I wasn't ready to play Maddening yet so I decided to do No Flying Ever on Azure Moon (also because I missed Annette's paralogue last time TALK TO YOUR DAUGHTER GILBERT FFS ahem).  This has also been the most restrained I've been on recruitment so far (this is also the first run I've done where I've elected to go without Thyrsus, for instance) and I've still managed to screw up on getting a non-consolation prize Byleth build because I am terrible at planning and have strange goals sometimes.

Team as of present (going into C12):

Byleth - Literally ran into this without a plan so just farting around to get Sacred Power for the time being, who knows, maybe I'll full stupid and ram her into Bow Knight for giggles but that'll probably fall short at the last minute.

Dimitri - Cavalier -> Paladin.  Probably going to try the Battalion Vantage/Wrath combo and then curse my own stupidity when I replenish it by accident.  Obviously with no wyvern on the table I didn't really feel like taking the plunge on a brigand detour for Death Blow.  Speed was starting off a little worrisome but being ahead on his monstrous strength made it not matter as much and he managed to turn it around.  HP could be a bit better but otherwise shaping up wonderfully.

Dedue - Brigand -> Warrior.  Warrior is just so I'd have him in something by the time he comes back for the sake of doing it, he's definitely not turning out well enough for him to be anything other than adjutant bait at this point

Felix - Archer -> Sniper.  Super glassy, 2 HP above class base and basically nothing else defensively.  Speed's a bit low too.  That said, 2nd highest strength behind Dimitri makes it really hard to care right now.  Headed straight for Bow Knight of course.

Mercedes - Mage -> Warlock, the standard go to Gremory plan.  Will probably monopolize Caduceus unless Dorotha needs to Thoron something a bit further off.

Ashe - Archer -> Sniper.  Gained as much magic as he has strength and also has gained all of two points of charm, one of which was from a tea party.  Yeah he's getting the bench soon.

Annette - Mage -> Warlock, somehow not only my fastest mage so far but one of my fastest non-Petra/Catherine people.  Naturally this happened on the playthrough where I ban wyvern.  I haven't used the boots yet but if this holds then BOLT AXE might actually be a plan anyways.  Assuming I feel like having her hog the March Ring while I'm at it anyways.

Sylvain - Brigand -> Paladin.  Thought it'd be funny to have Ingrid's str/speed growths at first but seemed to shrug and go eh effort and fall off some.  Lance of Ruin still good though so we'll see if he can turn it around.  Had toyed with the idea of eventual Dark Knight but since he gained all of two points of magic that plan obviously isn't happening now.

Ingrid - Brigand -> Paladin.  Thought it'd be funny to have Sylvain's str/speed growths at first but then settled out to saying por que no los dos?  Paid for it in defense, which actually needed some fixing because I'm not touching flying so no Alert Stance, but hey Death Blow means her player phase is closer to Dimitri's than anyone else's (except Felix as mentioned) even without Luin.

Ferdinand - Dancer because I like the guy and want to use him.  Also not choosing to go the evade tank route with Dimitri means Ferdie gets the job by default.

Dorothea - Mage -> Warlock.  One day I'll get a Dorothea with bad magic.  But it is not this day.  Will probably get the boots if Annette doesn't want to continue cooperating.

Bernadetta - Brigand -> Sniper.  Mostly here in case I need to use Encloser on something post-timeskip (probably incredibly likely).  Axe detour for Death Blow is painful but as has been mentioned getting good use out of Bernie is an eternal puzzle and the answers seem to occur arbitrarily and at random and getting better chip damage is at least something.  Will also probably head for Bow Knight due to being here more for Encloser than actual offense.

Petra, Lysithea, and Marianne are around as filler in case I need to replace someone along with the usual Church suspects.  Seteth is banned because I can't be assed to put in the effort to switch him to Paladin because of the riding weakness due to starting wyvern and Cyril is banned due to being Cyril.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2020, 06:30:28 AM by Random Consonant »


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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #243 on: November 30, 2020, 05:34:39 PM »
Note: With questing knights, they are hugely influenced based on when they join and the fact that LoR is a game that moves at a far faster pace than regular Brig. Even six seasons in you will have gotten a lot of EXP on your units and have less reason to replace them at that point.  It isn't 100% to get these knights either; their first recruit date is just the first possible month to get them. LoR also has adjusted stats for knights in general. In LoF, it was pretty uncommon for high level knights to have good stats; usually the Alsace/Kiloph types were much more common than Bilcock types. In LoR the reverse is true (I am guessing as a way to balance the faster levels+dual classing nonsense in LoF). I am very underwhelmed with quest knights as a result.

Best Knight: Yuiri and it's not close.
Worst Knight: Anemone. She's as good as Ginger on paper but whoof to her join requirement.

Unless you are playing as MS or just need a warm body, you aren't going to get a ton of use out of the Knights here. I don't think any of them are a good as Cortina, though Yuiri isn't too far off.

Alejandro-5- Solid filler for when he joins. His STR is above average for the a Ranger, but it's not as good as Tommy or Noll's. Rune isn't great which is pretty discouraging; you'd better be Tommy or Ivona if you want to get a high rating with bad rune.

Amelia- 1- Good stats for a healer, but she's still a healer and not worth the effort to really level up as she joins several seasons in.  Her starting rune is appallingly bad which sinks her.

Anemone- 0- Similiar to Rain in that the joining requirements render them useless. She doesn't join until "Quest after season 9 with a Rune Knight with 300+ Rune Power." If you have the ability to send Knight with 300 Rune questing, you have already won the game.

Augustus- 3- Really bad Rune but has a decent class and INT. Makes for okay filler in the midgame.

Ba Jera- 1- Only joins after Shinobi has fallen. Basically only one country has the ability going to be able to get her in  a reasonable time (Guimoule) and they are not going to have spare knights if they're going after Talia early due to the extra borders. Statwise she's pretty good, but still inferior to Carla and Emma.

Ba'al- 3.5- Project knight with awful rune (144) at the start. Ba'al gets good later on but he is a very slow starter due to the Rune and taking a few months to join. Bad agility means you really want to turn him down the swordsman path. I've used him and he's good, but it's just not worth the effort you have to put in to catch him up.

Dyzenys- 1- Requires going down to three castles or less to recruit him. Not worth it. He's quite powerful but you are better off just advancing instead.

Hughes- 2- Thieves honor the OG scrub thieves from FF1; they are unusuably bad until promotion. By the time you get him to Ranger, you will be at or near L20 for knights on your main attack team and a good portion of the way into the game. He is likely the worst of the thieves on stat build/level too even ignoring that. *Flush*. He's a decent quester if you get him from another country as the AI will get him to L10 for you. Note that this rating is factoring in just how much I like Ranger and Treasure hunter; if you aren't fans of that class they flirt with Cyrustastic scores.

Lionel- 2- Unlike Hughes he has excellent rune, but the same problems apply with thieves being worthless and it taking too long to get him to Ranger. He also has less STR at L30 than Tommy has at L10 (and the same STR as Noll's starting level) which is just embarrassing.

Kara- 1. 138 starting Rune is beyond sad. I really like minstrels but this is unacceptable on a class that requires an an immense amount of effort to hit level 10. Her other stats are pretty meh too, in case she needed more problems.

Durius-0.5- Oh boy, it's the usual scrub Bishop who joins several seasons in! Of note here is that he has 10 less INT than Avenir and Lorzeno, neither of whom are any good.

Malek- 2.5- Ugh. He joins at a reasonable level for the time and while his class  sucks, at least it's not at a low level. I'd rate him higher, but A: his rune is kind of bad and B: His stats are bad until you trigger his stat up quest. He's decent if you can get him to champion but odds are you won't unless you put him on a main attacking team.

Matthias- 6.5- Great quester and filler for the late game. Wizard's a solid class and he has Necro Rebirth as well.  I'm much more inclined to forgive bad rune on a badass class rather than on the usual Bishop or Grappler.

Seth- 6- Good enough midgame filler. The fact that I give him a 6 and Malek a 2.5 shows how much I respect swordsmen vs how little I respect grapplers.  Though Seth is better at STR/AGI anyway because well, Grapplers suck.

Shiane-1.5 - Joins at L8 as a Lancer six seasons into the game and is unremarkable across the board on stats. Nope.

Shu Fen- 3- Clerics are pretty bad. She has no ability to actually get kills until L10 or changing her class; it means you are stuck with the basic level 1 healer class for far too long. Dual classing her has some value but it still requires a lot of effort for a not amazing payoff. That said I was overjoyed when I got her as MS, as she was much better in combat than Gilliam or Cyrus or Allen and *punts MS*. The payoff late is nice if you use her, but bleh.

Tilda- 3- She's okay. She joins early enough to be useful in spite of the level and she can get kills from the start. Really bad Rune at the start hurts a fair bit and she's just not great on stats either. But a sorcercess does have use.

Yuiri-8- Joins as a useful class at a useful level and has pretty decent stats to boot. She's probably the second best Archer in the game behind Elena.

Tomas-6.5- Really good stats once he gets his quest stat boost; second best swordsman in the game behind Sid. He does join 7 seasons in which is annoying, but the payoff is excellent if you stick to it. Tomas joins at a high enough level that you can use him immediately, unlike Ba'al or Shu Fen. Not being able to reliably get him and getting him later really hurts his score; I'd probably give him an 8 if not for that.
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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #244 on: December 01, 2020, 02:22:42 AM »
Celestian Tales 2 (Realms Beyond): Finished.

This isn't a good game. It has bugs, isn't too visually appealing, and the combat seems like a clunky continuation of the original's without much added. I still enjoyed playing it because I had really grown to like the cast and this game delivered more of them. With drama.

Lots of drama.

(Spoilers for the original game follow).

The game picks up where the last one left off, plus 9 years. The group has spent the intervening time effectively ruling Levant and the ~1/3rd of the realm that accompanies it. They've raised the young lady Levant in a happy home. The cast is scarred by the experiences they had (especially Lucienne and Camille) but they are pushing forward and fulfilling their dreams of making the Old North a better place. The cast dynamics really feel like they've become a family, with refreshing male/female friendships that don't force a layer of romance.

Then Very Bad Things Happen.

[The ruse behind little Alanna's birth is discovered by the subterfuge of Aria's nefarious family. Lady Sophia and Camille's brother Daniel are promptly executed by hanging, and everyone comes to view the main 6 heroes as villains responsible for the death of the realm's true hero Sevarin. They are stripped of their nobility and rendered commoners. They have to desperately struggle to find a place to go after losing the home they've had for a decade. Lucienne is furious at the now-dead Levants for making her betray her beloved uncle, and Camille is crushed by her brother's death and the realization the weight of 10 years of holding the secret. Aria is distraught over her (former) family's machinations, including the use of her beloved little sister as a seductress to get a crucial piece of evidence.

The group stays with Alanna and tries to find her a place to stay, but they can't make anything work and things get fraught as Lucienne starts demonstrating open hostility towards the girl, with nothing else to vent her anger at it. But Alanna has a spine of steel after having been raised by the band, and she keeps the band together through some timely words. The group eventually settles on a plan to take the long abandoned lands of Sophia's original family, using Alanna (who was held as innocent and allowed to retain her noble status). They start rebuilding, but there is a pretty big wound on the group, notably Lucienne is only around out of a sense of a sense of familiarity and a fear of walking away. The game's final arc involves defeating an ancient monster in the forest by getting together lords of the realm, effectively giving the chance for the group to do some real heroics even if they won't be as renowned for it. Ironically, this is the exact same heroics that Sevarin and Yliasse's father did before.

For all that I really enjoyed the story, the game's half-baked nature weigh it down painfully. The cast starts at level 40 and outside of one or two parts random enemies can be wiped out with a round of MT damage, Camille and Ylianna being ridiculously good at killing things (Camille got a massive bump up). The game had a good idea to split the cast a bunch (with good reasons specific to each PC given) but didn't capitalize on that with gameplay, as bosses and randoms get stomped into the ground. There are very few new locations (really those are just saner redesigns from Howl of the Ravager). The game gives you weapons and such by seeming random treasure pickups on the map. There is a half-baked crafting/cooking system that isn't easy to navigate, and the game has a VERY distracting glitch whenever scrolling the weapons menu using that crafting system. Menus are a little painful to navigate and even things like checking what different stats equipment gives you can be a pain. I'm not sure how that all went so wrong.

The game has a few points of challenging gameplay, notably the elven forest. And by 'challenging' I mean "Avoid randoms" as they are far harder than anywhere else and don't give great rewards. Not that the crafting system lets you use rewards that much anyways. There are a few bosses that are challenging, but 3 of them isn't enough. At least it has party-switching. Another bothersome thing is that the game doesn't last long or give you many new abilities to play with, and some of them are repeats of what the cast had from the last game.

The visuals aren't appealing, for all that the art style is unique like in the original. The music is sufficient but not impressive.

As a game it feels half-finished, and as a story it feels like a decent middle entry in a trilogy that will likely never be completed.

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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #245 on: December 01, 2020, 04:17:02 AM »
Made progress in Symphonia, more than I'm posting here.  Fetch quest portion up and I do mean that literally as the party is out to fetch plot items.  One is particularly long.  First, the party heads for the isolated elf village.  This takes a while because in the process, they end up fetching a different item to enter said village.  Once they're in, nope not done.  That's just a step so they can enter a completely different area to find the desired plot item.

  There's a neat bit of worldbuilding behind the scenes.  Just why did the isolated elf village help the party?  The game does answer that, though in a hidden scene later that's easy to not trigger.  I would not have known about it without an outside source pointing it out.

  The following dungeon is the most irritating one for me.  Lots of steps especially to get all the treasure, annoying timing tasks, and plenty of encounters that are difficult to dodge.  There's a boss fight too as well as a fairly tough optional one so the group is rather beat up by the time they're done.  I do better than normal avoiding encounters only getting into 3-4 randoms overall.

  Fairly smooth after that.  Win an optional plot fight for the first time ever.  Only one death and one Orange Gel used and high Grade so that was cool.  Slippery ice puzzles are less fun.  Lots of plot stuff.  I got the special Zelos variant of a big reveal scene, a pleasant surprise as even though I was specifically aiming for him for Flaenor (and using a FAQ to do so), I forgot to do both of his sidequests that boost his affection before this point.

  Flaenor is one of the parts I was looking forward to the most this playthrough.  New content for me as I've never seen Zelos' scenes there (and by extension, the later ones).  It does reveal more about him than surface appearances suggest.  The other part I wanted to get to were costume titles that I couldn't get last playthrough.  I now have all the formal wear titles and with some affection manipulation all but Genis has a swimwear title.  (I'll get his on the 3rd playthrough which is necessary for a complete item collection)  I'm not sure I'll complete the item list but I do plan to build a file where it's possible.

  Costumes are amazingly fun to play with and goofing around with them does add enjoyment, especially on replay.  It is admittedly a factor in what would get me to try another Tales game.

  I do some fighting in the colloseum for glory and prizes.  Mostly prizes.  Presea conquers Beginner singles, a task only complicated by going for her Fragile Shield title so she was a low HP most of the time.  Regal took the glory for Intermediate.  I used an awkward set of moves that don't link very well so wasn't very successful at comboing but was enough.  Zelos took out Advanced because I wanted the prize for the next dungeon.  I did it at Lv 54 which is a lot lower than the FAQs suggest.  As much as I like to joke around about sucking at the game, I guess that's a false claim.  Understanding and manipulating the AI makes a big difference.  (I've done it at Lv 52 but don't really get additional satisfaction from doing so; would rather have more HP/TP)


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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #246 on: December 03, 2020, 05:11:51 PM »

Both the new monsters are quite good, but the big draw of this is the challenge settings. Yay infinite time!
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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #247 on: December 07, 2020, 10:20:17 AM »
Three Houses - Finished No Flying Ever.  Enbarr is a fun time filled with friends if you have less than 29 AS and can't take a hit (and sometimes even when you have more than 29 AS) which describes... way too much of what I had.

Dimitri - Of course who cares when you have noted strong boy just delete everything on enemy phase.  Getting the setup was annoying since he ended up defense blessed (and getting battalion durability down isn't very compatable with his post-timeskip passive) and of course this does nothing against balistas/their cousins and you typically can't crit monsters when they have their armor up so there's a limit to how much I can really like this over the dodgetank build but seriously, fuck Bolting assholes.

Byleth - Went Bow Knight after all.  Not very good without grabbing Death Blow but since she wound up one of my slowest units -anyways- it's not like she would've been in any danger of outperforming Bernie.

Felix - Or him.  Maintained Dimitri-level strength so who needs Death Blow anyways right, speed picked up towards the end.  Remained very frail, worst among the non-mages and borderline OHKO'd by the flame orb on Ch22 among other things.

Sylvain - Did not, in fact, turn it around.  Actually would've benched except there's this funny thing with Enbarr where Dimitri and Byleth are forced on opposite ends of the map, so I wanted someone with Dimitri who actually could use a battalion with a Retribution gambit because fuck ranged units so it was either someone with a D-rank battalion on Ch21 (lol) or someone else who could use Indech Sword Fighters without hamstringing themselves.  Was mostly useless outside of Swift Strikes/Lance of Ruin on PP (seriously don't do Paladin unless you can actually afford not to care) but eh.

Mercedes - Actually wound up the weakest mage offensively but who really cares at that point.

Annette - Didn't actually remain fastest mage, unsurprisingly, but still managed to tie Dorothea in at the end.  Actually ran axe Annette for a bit, obviously not a good idea without a wyvern (and I forgot to use the boots at all) since the killer damage is melee (and vOmIT tIEr AcCUrAcY lol god dammit why did i read that series of threads this is why i don't tend to interact with the fanbase) and BOLT AXE is sad with its 15 Wt when you realize you could've spent that time getting Black Range +1 instead but since I had actually-kind-of-good Annette I wanted to do it for laughs.

Ingrid - Remained overall solid but never really exceptional, which of course has to mean she was the third unit of three I could trust to not totally choke and die when faced with more than one enemy.

Dorothea - Space rocks, physic, you know the drill.

Bernadetta - Wound up with 52 HP for some reason, also took the place of fastest non-Petra/Catherine PC so she could actually double things that weren't armored and not get doubled by things like wyvern lords, amazing.  Managed to delete one of the husk's HP bars with relative safety and we are all very proud.

Ferdinand - Danced and sometimes dodgetanked.  Had no offense but couldn't die obvously.

Petra - Assassin after a bit of messing around.  Actually wound up pretty decent but with Dimitri being the center of attention this time around, well.  Also all the horses.  Can't forget the horses.

Catherine - Also Assassin after a lot of just using her as filler, basically the same as Petra.

Probably some route on Maddening next, see what the life there is like.

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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #248 on: December 09, 2020, 02:38:46 AM »
Dragon Quest 11 - In Act 2, party size just got up to seven.

The game goes on. It's not bad but 100% a game I'd be happier with if it were half the length. I feel like in order for me to like a game this long, it has to have a good plot. DQ11... really does not. It really doesn't even try. And that's okay, to be clear, for a shorter game. As is, meh.

Gameplaywise it remains pretty fun, although the start of act 2 obviously slowed things down a bit; the game definitely does best when things like party switching are an option (also fewer AI-controlled PCs). Though I will give game credit for having some pretty solidly-designed battles for solo+guest here and there, particularly some of the arena fights and the first Spectral Sentinel (though I'd fall short of outright praise of them since the bosses wasting turns attacking your invincible allies definitely adds an RNG element to the fights).

Randoms are pretty enjoyable. Bosses I kinda felt like were lagging a bit; after Khalamari 2.0 (who was kinda terrifying, four actions and "shakes the deck" being MT damage + turn cancel is potentially sick) I found the bosses had settled into a nice routine of "it's Dragon Quest, I can keep everyone alive if I play right". But the last few bosses (particiularly Alizirin featuring the return of "shakes the deck" and Gyldigga) have really started amping up damage output in a big way, forcing me into intense juggling acts of managing buffs, debuffs, and the fact that certain allies may die / be stunned / etc. Still a bit RNG but enjoyable enough. I didn't realize how much design space was opened up by letting Dragon Quest be free of its addiction to dispel-happy bosses, it's great (the only dispel I can recall so far was on a ST move which usually KOed me anyway. The best form of dispel is death, it appears).

That said I'd obviously have more praise for a more interesting turn system or less RNG gameplay overall. Dragon Quest is never gonna be a favourite for me for gameplay (and don't get me started on menus or sound or writing; in particular I could talk about how the game seems aggressively conservative at times but this post is long enough already) but this one is definitely doing a decent job at the style of gameplay it goes for. This is what I wanted from DQ9.

Brigandine 2 - Mana Saleesia playthrough, getting near the end. I'll say more when I'm done.

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Re: What games are you playing 2020: The true last year of the current decade
« Reply #249 on: December 09, 2020, 02:47:06 AM »
Maddening Classic, Edelgard and Hubert only run – Currently in Chapter 10.

Edelgard is a Wyvern Rider with Death Blow, Darting Blow, and very high strength. Hubert is a Dancer for the increased move with high Magic and Frozen Lance. Both are around level 24. Byleth is treated as a Convoy, like FE6 Merlinus if he could only take one hit ever.

Before I started, I identified some sticky points:

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 6, Chapter 9, Chapter 11.

-Chapter 1 Maddening is just a giga pain in the ass, and fewer units further compound this problem. I had a couple of false starts via making some strategic errors, but I ended up doing enough maneuvering and running away to win this fight. I did have one really good stroke of luck in Claude healing himself rather than going for the kill, which was especially hilarious because the heal did not save his life from the next attack.

-Chapter 2 I didn’t end up having any resets on, but I did have to move back and forth across the bridge a couple of times to lure enemies, and I skipped the treasure chest. Money won’t be a big deal on this run, I reasoned, so I didn’t go for it. I was right, incidentally.

-Chapter 6, as you might remember, is the map where Edelgard is missing and you have to either wipe out all of the other enemies or kill the Death Knight. So there are two options, but realistically, Hubert will not be able to kill all of the enemies himself, so killing the Death Knight it is! Hubert is Level 16, so no Paladin with Lancefaire. Sob. Because Lance of Ruin Frozen Lance is short of killing by a magic point or two (and Lance of Ruin Knightkneeler is lolno off of Hubert’s pathetic strength), I go with Killer Lance+ Frozen Lance crit shenanigans, which is obviously not a foolproof strategy. I decide to make him a Cavalier for the Canto and extra move. This takes a bit of tinkering with setup and experimenting. I end up discovering that if you open the door to DK’s room and don’t move in his range, he will not move. So I have to bait him. Great.

Thankfully, Hubert’s speed dismounted from Cavalier is just fast enough that the Death Knight does not double him and Hubert barely doesn’t die in one hit, so my not-very-foolproof strategy is to bait the Death Knight, hope he doesn’t crit, and then hope that Killer Lance+ Frozen Lance crits him. After three tries, I end up baiting the Death Knight and hoping for all to go right. Thankfully it worked on the first try and I didn’t have to do that stupid map again. I didn’t get any of the treasure because Byleth isn’t allowed to get treasure.

Next concern is Chapter 9, since dad likes to kill himself. I ended up not having any resets on this map because of a combination of Reposition, Gambit baiting monsters, Edelgard in Wyvern Rider, and Hubert having Recover to heal dad to prevent him from fucking everything up. I actually even got the Healing Staff! I haven’t gotten many treasure chests this playthrough so it was nice to snag something.

Chapter 11 is of course technically not part of the challenge since Edelgard and Hubert are not present. So I will be recruiting students in Chapter 11 and using them for just that map. Chapter 11 wouldn’t be very hard if I had Edie/Hubie so I'm not gonna sweat it.

We’ll see how the post-TS maps treat me. I’m really not sure.
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

Profile pic by (@bunneshi) on twitter!