Author Topic: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty  (Read 1159 times)


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Shania(SH:FtNW) vs. Worker 8 (FFT)
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)
Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H) vs. Zio (PSIV)
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Mewtwo (PKMN)


KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF)
Lyndis (FE7) vs. Rufus (VP2)
Maya Schrodinger (WA3) vs. Geno (SMRPG)
Lady Elmina Harken (WA:ACF) vs. Ernst (S5)


Mitsuru Kirijo (P3) vs. Jude Maverick (WA4)
Anastasia Romanov (SH2) vs. Karsh (CC)
Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Stocke (RH)
Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC) vs. Clive Winslett (WA3)


Marianne (FE3H) vs. Marcus (FE6)
Squire (FFT) vs. Mustadio (FFT)
Hubert (FE3H) vs. Peco (BoF3)
Queen (S3) vs. Nina (S2)

Voting ends this Sunday.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2024, 09:08:58 AM by 074 »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

Random Consonant

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2024, 07:05:23 PM »

Shania(SH:FtNW) vs. Worker 8 (FFT)
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)
Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H) vs. Zio (PSIV) - Ok so Zio sits at ~2.82 PCHP to me (lower under standard scaling and higher under Elf's 3.5 PC scaling, and arguably should be taken a bit lower anyways since this figure is just a standard 3-turn average that doesn't account for Zio giving you free turns for Gryz to put up War Cry and such) and 25 agility to a 29 average.  So, first question is do we have Brave Axe quads?  I don't know, Brave Axe puts Edelgard at +2.4 AS and I don't actually know what the SDs look like for Zio off the top of my head, it seems like it's possible but I would really need to look it up.  HOWEVER, Edelgard still doubles with a silver axe (+5.4 AS) so we use that instead.  So we have 1.18 PCHP damage off of Raging Storm + the opening double, with a silver axe double accounting for 0.67 of that on her own turns.  Zio... 2HKOs on his own turns with ST damage but not in a way that I'd see as melee counterable so he does that... and he has 3HKO MT backup which gets around Edelgard trying to play cute with Wrath so that doesn't really work (and makes the counter argument irrelevent anyways) so in the end Edelgard needs more uses of Raging Storm than I allow in the DL to take this under my boss HP views barring highly unlikley crits going that route.  So it's Brave Axe quads or bust since that's the only way she puts out enough damage fast enough to win and the fight hinges on whether or not Zio is slow enough to give Edelgard the +1.1 AS needed for that and again I'm leaning in that direction but I'm not actually confident.  e2: ok actually did run the numbers and and Zio shakes out to -0.67 SD which yeah probably is enough for that, this puts out 2.96 PCHP total assuming everything hits and honestly I'm leaning towards everything is probably going to hit even without me leaning towards giving out phantom accuracy bonuses for linked attacks to make hit rates look more like they do in game.  But hey I got to do the it's so over/we're so back yo-yo routine in the process so there we are.
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Mewtwo (PKMN) - Probably.


Maya Schrodinger (WA3) vs. Geno (SMRPG) - I'll bite.


Mitsuru Kirijo (P3) vs. Jude Maverick (WA4) - Honestly I buy Rapid Attack giving Jude a 3-2 here.
Anastasia Romanov (SH2) vs. Karsh (CC) - I agree that whoever gets two turns first wins, but Euthanasia is a laggy move and means Karsh gets it first regardless. e: but Euthanasia does something productive turn 1 to people who don't have status resist or magic evade anyways so it doesn't actually matter.
Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Stocke (RH) - because Stocke needs all three accessory slots to block petrify he can't actually do enough damage normally to overpower Earth Pulse/Iron MQ damage reduction at start so you *know* we have an amazing slapfight here... I actually had a despair filled rant but I removed it because jesus fucking christ I have a problem with gazing into these abyss-like matches.

*ahem* anyways now that I've gotten that out of my system, some actual thoughts: there's no pressure anywhere in this matchup, Machias's S-Craft like 6HKOs Stocke so he needs to land a random status that RH doesn't block (so probably instant death here) and Stocke's doing the gently poke until Dead Fencer happens thing, and the Push Assault strategy actually hurts Stocke more than it helps here since Machias damage is pathetic to begin with and Iron MQ wrecks his ability to finish with it.  Meanwhile Machias starts with regen and can throw it up again 12 times, more if he sets an EP quartz in his orbment.  Considering how *long* it takes for Dead Fencer to happen, even if you, like me, take the gauge at half filled to start, this seems like it would be asking for Machias to just fish for instant death off of his S-Craft.  That said when it does land... it's still nearly 3/4ths of Machias's HP gone and considering how Iron MQ damage works it's very hard for Machias to recover from that.  So the question is, do I think Machias wins in the space of ~25-30 turns?  No, no  I do not.

Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC) vs. Clive Winslett (WA3) - e: sure, I guess the silence mace that we all forgot existed because of generally bad documentation works if it's really 50% as advertized, not like losing 6 points of attack is hurting Jess much.  Also generally agreed that there's not much reason to Force Commands as unsilenceable, Misery is a better silence but not in a way that affects skill disabling.


Marianne (FE3H) vs. Marcus (FE6) - FE6 Marcus doesn't really have what it takes to overwhelm 3H Nosferatu/Renewal.
Squire (FFT) vs. Mustadio (FFT) - lol
Hubert (FE3H) vs. Peco (BoF3) - Hubert probably doubles with Miasma which is likely enough for me to go la la not thinking about this further.
Queen (S3) vs. Nina (S2)
« Last Edit: July 30, 2024, 01:33:00 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2024, 07:09:10 PM »
Shania(SH:FtNW) vs. Worker 8 (FFT) - Going first kind of seals the deal here for Shania. Buff in Tirwana, then win the ensuing slugfest when faster, more damaging and more durable.
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG) - I think we've seen this in the main DL proper like years ago. Citan's shields mitigate Magus' counters and his Haste-Healing keeps him afloat
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Mewtwo (PKMN) - Pretty sure RBY Mewtwo just dies to Break. Gen3+ Mewtwo I think wins this since that form has Safeguard but yeah. EDIT: Oh, Break is learned at level 68. That's...uh...pretty overleveled! Granted, it's not Ultima, but still bad, so yeah, vote changed. I could even squint if it was like 55 or something, but given endgame levels in FF6 are like 40-45ish, being nearly 30+ is a bit of a tough ask.

KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF) - Don't see why Rob Turn just doesn't do its thing here.
Lyndis (FE7) vs. Rufus (VP2) - Blue Gale is both ITE (important) and ITD (less important), and there's a good chance Rufus one rounds with either Stone Decree or Might Reinforce into damage. Lyn does go first but doesn't ORKO reliably on the one turn she gets. So think this is his.
Maya Schrodinger (WA3) vs. Geno (SMRPG) - This would be more interesting if Maya had something that was more solid for damage at high HP. Without that, Geno can actually take it slower by delaying when he boosts - probably the turn before a double. Then he uses that double turn to burst out damage so Maya can't retaliate with Calamity Jane.
Lady Elmina Harken (WA:ACF) vs. Ernst (S5) - Think NEB's analysis is right on the money (but I think the highlight is wrong?). Ernst deals roughly 700 to a 1400 average or something so he high 3HKOs Harken. The other bits of good news here are that a) he doesn't get insta-doubled and b) tech ignore parrying/blocker so Ernst doesn't have to deal with her evasive bullshit. The bad news is that he has no way to chip (both L3 and L4 do the same damage) and going raw physical isn't a real option here due to the before mentioned threats of having a strike evaded. So he hits Harken right into limit range and then dies. Welp.

Mitsuru Kirijo (P3) vs. Jude Maverick (WA4) - Pretty sure. Attacking puts Jude into a perma 3-2 against Mitsuru and with Jude blocking Confuse, Mitsuru can't even opt for a hail mary status. She's heal-locked pretty much starting from Turn 1 because Attack x2 into Assault Buster would basically KO her.
Anastasia Romanov (SH2) vs. Karsh (CC) - Karsh 2HKOs so Ana has to win within 2 turns of her own, which I think she does. Granted your respect on Euthenasia varies, but Karsh' lack of blocker is likely enough.
Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Stocke (RH) - I tried so hard to think of a way for Mr. VSM to win this, but I think this match really highlights the problem for him when Petrify is blocked because what exactly does he even threaten Stocke with? POIZN? Stocke can heal about 33 times and while it isn't full, it also means Mr. VSM has no way to win this outside of the random status on his S-craft rolling the right status type (read: Instant Death), which is even *slower* than  Dead Fencer once you consider all the lag attached to it and needing to fish multiple times on average.  And yeah, I don't think Dead Fencer itself will kill but this is a case where Mr. VSM's resource pool along with being 2 Earth 1 Silver really bites. He would kill for 2 Silver / 1 Earth because then he can do EP Plus AND a stat down effect or something to further stall Stocke. As is, he's likely stuck running EP Plus here and STILL gets outresourced because his damage is just *that* bad.

Marianne (FE3H) vs. Marcus (FE6) - Nosferatu...probably wins this? I'm not sure Marcus has a way to beat it - even with a Single killer crit, I don't think that's enough
Squire (FFT) vs. Mustadio (FFT) - Nevermind Thief Hats basically crap all over Musty's skill set, but Squire also has better damage, durability AND can Accumulate just for shits and giggles.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2024, 06:00:36 AM by Tide »
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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2024, 09:46:37 PM »
Shania(SH:FtNW) vs. Worker 8 (FFT)
Yeah, Shania's physical game is fine.
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Mewtwo (PKMN)


KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF)
I'm not inclined to hype up Clarissa wins when she needs 3 consecutive turns rather than just 2.  I think this comes down to damage averages.  You can argue that the weapons should be +6 rather than Penultimate ones which will nudge some character's damage down a little and make Clarissa look better, but you could also argue that Clarissa's own Sacrifice should be included in the damage average somehow given how potent it is in practice (her 2nd-worst damage in the average is greatly misleading), or that the generic damage average being higher deserves some look.  Anyway, the 3-turn naive average no accuracy is a 280 WAXF killpoint.  Sacrifice is ITD so you just want piles of HP to survive, but...  KOS actually has that, she has 1.28 PCHP in XS3 and 1.33 PCHP in XS2 (not bothering to check XS1 ATM).  2x Sacrifices is 309 damage = 1.10-1.20 PCHP depending on damage average used, so probably not enough.  Platinum Singer probably stops Sacrifice (it's not a def buff, it just changes incoming damage to 10%) and sets up an easy win if XS3 gets a turn, and amazingly, XS2 has an outside shot too off just stocking and hoping Rob Turn misses enough (but realistically no, XS2 KOS is too slow, but she should 2HKO with Air -> Boost).
Lyndis (FE7) vs. Rufus (VP2)
I am inclined to let Lyn get a Bow counter off if Rufus can't kill, so she probably wins if Rufus can't put this away in one turn.  So comes down to just how good Stony Decree is vs. evade.


Anastasia Romanov (SH2) vs. Karsh (CC)
Whoever gets 2 turns first wins.  I am inclined to punish Karsh's 9 Stamina vs. a 10.2 average more than Anastasia's 97.5% average speed, for all that Stamina isn't a perfect analog to speed.
Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Stocke (RH)
I'll buy Tide's Random's argument.
Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC) vs. Clive Winslett (WA3)
While I seem to recall Clive's Gatling as being kinda pointless, he's absolutely getting a good one here.
EDIT: If that silence hit rate was any good at all, then sure.


Marianne (FE3H) vs. Marcus (FE6)
Squire (FFT) vs. Mustadio (FFT)
Queen (S3) vs. Nina (S2)
« Last Edit: August 05, 2024, 01:13:25 AM by SnowFire »

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2024, 11:04:31 PM »

Shania(SH:FtNW) vs. Worker 8 (FFT): Don't think W8 has anything to put any sort of permanent dent in Shania; she gets way more turns, can heal, and has ranged physicals via La Sirene.
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG): Don't think Magus has anything to put any sort of permanent dent in Citan; he gets way more turns, can heal, and has haste.
Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H) vs. Zio (PSIV): Edelgard could do this with (edit:) 2 shots of Raging Storm, but I'm not inclined to give her that. Certainly worth considering, but eh.
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Mewtwo (PKMN): I think Terra needs her super-overlevelled spells for this one (Break or Ultima); with her Firaga/Cura/Drain set she's very vulnerable to having her damage shut down with Amnesia.


KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF): Rob Turn + Sacrifice x2 does its thing. KOS-MOS evade... isn't good enough to stop that, I don't think. You need at least 19% (assuming neutral Rob Turn hit rate).
Lyndis (FE7) vs. Rufus (VP2): Goes first and 2HKOs.
Maya Schrodinger (WA3) vs. Geno (SMRPG): I think the worst-case scenario for Geno is that he misses the 2HKO after boost, but even then he can boost, chip for the amount needed (his various geno spells charged to various degrees give him lots of choice), and 3HKO while only giving Maya one super-high-damage turn, so thanks to boost he can survive one Calamity Jane and two gatling guns, I think.
Lady Elmina Harken (WA:ACF) vs. Ernst (S5): Ernst gets one-shot as soon as Harken is below half HP, and he does less than 50% of her HP, if not by much (he has 51% damage with his best, Harken has 106% mdur). So there's no reasonable way for him to win.


Anastasia Romanov (SH2) vs. Karsh (CC): Karsh has no statusblockers, so Ana should land either petrify or paralysis turn 1 and that's that.
Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC) vs. Clive Winslett (WA3): OHKOs with Gatling before Jessica can kill. edit: turn 2 silence should stop Clive's threat and she has time to put him away thanks to his bad speed.


Marianne (FE3H) vs. Marcus (FE6): Marcus's low damage does not let him get past Renewal + Nosferatu.
Squire (FFT) vs. Mustadio (FFT): Not terribly inclined to consider kiting arguments against someone with 5 FFT move. Heck, Squire could equip a crossbow to negate any possible kiting arguments and probably still outslugs.
Hubert (FE3H) vs. Peco (BoF3): Hm, Peco has 1.25 mdur, and regens 5%. Hubert can do 22% with Banshee which prevents Peco from using his best damage, or 31.4% with Frozen Lance. Latter kills on turn 4 and overcomes Peco's healing. Peco trying to kill with damage seems like it won't work, he 5HKOs. Peco... may want to use Sleep Breath? Sleep duration seems really important and the stat topic doesn't say. But say, turn 2 sleep will let him do some damage with breaths (if those don't break sleep?), or get in some free healing... ehh, really not clear that this will let him win, though it's possible it might if the duration is good.
Queen (S3) vs. Nina (S2): Open and shut, Queen is better at pretty much every physical stat. (Dhyer's stat topic mentions Nina with a Fire Rune, but if you give her that she's clearly not Light.)
« Last Edit: July 30, 2024, 08:34:30 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2024, 01:23:34 AM »
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)

  Pretty sure Citan has the resource depth to slug this out.  The elemental shield spells do increase damage from the opposing element if I'm reading the mechanics guide correctly but it's probably better to ignore them entirely for more heals.

Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC) vs. Clive Winslett (WA3)

  Jessica has a mace that inflicts silence on hit.  It's not mentioned in the stat topic but it does exist, is not really hidden as long as one is thorough with treasure hunting, and seems to inflict the status around 50% of the time (per hit and she's getting two swings each use of the basic attack).  I see her as doubling Clive constantly so bop, heal, repeat until Silence lands.  Then bop, heal, repeat some more.  With Gatling shut off, Clive pretty much needs to run her out of MP to land a killshot.
  One could make an argument that he gets a regular critical first but nah, this is funnier.  That 6 FP per shot and 12 FP per dodge is also going down to 1 under Misery. which greatly lowers his chances of a Condition Green.

Squire (FFT) vs. Mustadio (FFT)  Don't they have the exact same base HP? (100 HPM and 11 HPC) My first thought was Mustadio kiting Squire with range superiority.  But Squire has better mobility and appears favored to chase him down with a Move-Wait into a double-turn (the speeds are rather close) and wins the slugfest from there.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2024, 02:27:54 AM by DragonKnight Zero »


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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2024, 02:39:09 AM »

Shania(SH:FtNW) vs. Worker 8 (FFT)
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)
Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H) vs. Zio (PSIV)
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Mewtwo (PKMN)


KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF)
Lyndis (FE7) vs. Rufus (VP2)
Maya Schrodinger (WA3) vs. Geno (SMRPG)
Lady Elmina Harken (WA:ACF) vs. Ernst (S5)


Mitsuru Kirijo (P3) vs. Jude Maverick (WA4)
Anastasia Romanov (SH2) vs. Karsh (CC)
Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Stocke (RH)
Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC) vs. Clive Winslett (WA3)


Marianne (FE3H) vs. Marcus (FE6)
Squire (FFT) vs. Mustadio (FFT)
Hubert (FE3H) vs. Peco (BoF3)
Queen (S3) vs. Nina (S2)
« Last Edit: July 30, 2024, 07:28:34 PM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2024, 03:21:16 AM »

Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG) - Assuming the best-case scenario where Magus just stays on Dark all the time and isn't forced to swap, Citan probably still outlasts.  It's even worse if Magus ever swaps to something not Dark, because then Citan has answers for three of the four elements.  Haste healers are right bastards, especially ones with reasonably deep healing pools.  And who are fast before the haste.
Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H) vs. Zio (PSIV)
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Mewtwo (PKMN) - I really don't feel inclined to invoke Yamikei clause nowadays.


Lyndis (FE7) vs. Rufus (VP2) yeah, I'm not respecting the idea that Lyndis will get counters here without her having to spend her turn attacking with a bow.  Who gets first attack is up to debate, but Lyndis probably really needed to get a turn 1 kill, and doesn't.
Maya Schrodinger (WA3) vs. Geno (SMRPG) - Another limit boss done in by their own unlocks.


Mitsuru Kirijo (P3) vs. Jude Maverick (WA4) - Jude can block Confuse and Charm, and I definitely see Jude 3-2ing her at worst off of his attack.  Mitsuru can't one-round and as mentioned, will just get heal-locked.
Anastasia Romanov (SH2) vs. Karsh (CC) - no status resistance?  Euthanasia is go.
Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC) vs. Clive Winslett (WA3) - right, forgot WA3 force commands sucked enough that they could be hit by silence, that's my bad.


Squire (FFT) vs. Mustadio (FFT) - hahahaha holy fucking shit you lost to a squire.
Hubert (FE3H) vs. Peco (BoF3)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2024, 07:06:09 PM by 074 »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

Random Consonant

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2024, 03:36:52 AM »
Edelgard could do this with a full Aymr, but I'm not inclined to give her that.

The only way she'd need this to me is if brave quads don't happen (or math stops working and a 115 damage attack OKHOs someone who works out to be more durable than a 143 HP average but that's clearly not the case) and I'm legitimately curious as to what kind of AS disadvantage you see -0.67 SD working out to because it doesn't like it'd take that much to get an extra +1.1 intuitively.  Not trying to change your vote since you probably see Zio as durable enough to require two Raging Storms and I'm pretty sure neither of us still allow that, and she does need either multiple uses of Raging Storm or brave axe quads under any reasonable interp, but the phrasing of the argument just strikes me as odd.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2024, 03:52:57 AM by Random Consonant »


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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2024, 05:50:29 AM »

Shania(SH:FtNW) vs. Worker 8 (FFT)
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)
Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H) vs. Zio (PSIV)
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Mewtwo (PKMN)


KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF)
Lyndis (FE7) vs. Rufus (VP2)
Maya Schrodinger (WA3) vs. Geno (SMRPG)
Lady Elmina Harken (WA:ACF) vs. Ernst (S5)


Mitsuru Kirijo (P3) vs. Jude Maverick (WA4)
Anastasia Romanov (SH2) vs. Karsh (CC)
Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Stocke (RH)
Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC) vs. Clive Winslett (WA3)


Marianne (FE3H) vs. Marcus (FE6)
Squire (FFT) vs. Mustadio (FFT)
Hubert (FE3H) vs. Peco (BoF3)
Queen (S3) vs. Nina (S2)

Forum ate my post, so you just get votes instead of commentary.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2024, 08:32:21 AM »
Edelgard could do this with a full Aymr, but I'm not inclined to give her that.

The only way she'd need this to me is if brave quads don't happen (or math stops working and a 115 damage attack OKHOs someone who works out to be more durable than a 143 HP average but that's clearly not the case) and I'm legitimately curious as to what kind of AS disadvantage you see -0.67 SD working out to because it doesn't like it'd take that much to get an extra +1.1 intuitively.  Not trying to change your vote since you probably see Zio as durable enough to require two Raging Storms and I'm pretty sure neither of us still allow that, and she does need either multiple uses of Raging Storm or brave axe quads under any reasonable interp, but the phrasing of the argument just strikes me as odd.

Yeah you're right. I wrote up my post without reading anyone else's and seeing things again Edelgard is much closer to winning than I thought, agreed that even two Raging Storms is probably enough.

yeah, I don't respect Silence hitting Force Commands.  That's worse than trying to silence PSIV Skills or the like.

There is definitely a better argument for silence hitting WA3 force commands than there is for it hitting PS4 skills. WA3 force commands are hit by their game's version of silence, while PS4 skills are not. There's certainly an argument that WA3 misery is just 'better' than Lunar silence, but... on the whole, I'm not inclined to buy it? Since Lunar silence works on stuff like Sword Dance, which seems similar to Lock-On/Gatling (i.e. "better physical attacks) to me.

Clive still causes problems for Jessica, I think; he might reach Condition Green and then Gatling before silence can be reapplied, but... probably not, the speed just makes things too hard for him.

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2024, 01:41:20 PM »
Good point about Jessica's silence mace, missed that until I saw Elf's edit and I'm inclined to agree that messes too much up even if I'm a little hesitant to put stock in something so poorly documented.  Also largely inclined to agree that WA3 force commands are silenceable by other generic level skill shutdown statuses, the PS4 comparison or considering Misery a better silence (it is, but not in a way that applies to this) don't really work for me.

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2024, 02:46:54 PM »
Shania(SH:FtNW) vs. Worker 8 (FFT) - Shania just gives Worker 8 fits with how well-rounded her skillset is.
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG) - I have no idea how Magus could possibly outlast Citan.
Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H) vs. Zio (PSIV) - Oof, Zio is around 2.6x PC HP to me. Random's math works for me.
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Mewtwo (PKMN) - Oof, yeah, it's Ultima/Break or bust for Terra. Mewtwo can eventually get his damage to something like 4.8x PC HP with full Amnesia stacks, so there's no way she can handle even a second Amnesia.

KOS-MOS (XS) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF) - Well, yeah.
Lyndis (FE7) vs. Rufus (VP2) - Oof, that ITE. Rufus has multiple ways to clinch a win here.
Maya Schrodinger (WA3) vs. Geno (SMRPG) - Yep. Geno just chips too well.
Lady Harken (WA:ACF) vs. Ernst (S5) - Ernst not very happy here.

Mitsuru Kirijo (P3) vs. Jude Maverick (WA4) - Yeah, Jude 3-2s average speed with an opening RA.
Anastasia Romanov (SH2) vs. Karsh (CC) - Thanks, guys
Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC) vs. Clive Winslett (WA3) - L:SSSC silence also affects physical skills, so yeah I very much buy the argument here.

Marianne von Edmund (FE3H) vs. Marcus (FE6) - Oh dear.
Squire (FFT) vs. Mustadio Bunanza (FFT) - <mustadio>
Hubert von Vestra (FE3H) vs. Peco (BoF3) - I think any damage breaks BoF3 sleep from my admittedly blurry memory. This isn't an argument in favor of the onion.
Queen (S3) vs. Nina (S2) - Well, yes.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 1: Axes to the Face, and Hubert on Kitchen Duty
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2024, 06:37:57 AM »
Match Results:


Shania(SH:FtNW) ||||||| vs. Worker 8 (FFT)
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG) |||||||||
Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE3H) ||| vs. Zio (PSIV) ||
Terra Branford (FF6) ||| vs. Mewtwo (PKMN) |||||


KOS-MOS (XS) | vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF) |||||
Lyndis (FE7) | vs. Rufus (VP2) ||||||
Maya Schrodinger (WA3) vs. Geno (SMRPG) |||||||
Lady Elmina Harken (WA:ACF) ||||| vs. Ernst (S5)


Mitsuru Kirijo (P3) vs. Jude Maverick (WA4) ||||||
Anastasia Romanov (SH2) |||||||| vs. Karsh (CC)
Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Stocke (RH) ||||
Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC) ||||||| vs. Clive Winslett (WA3) |


Marianne (FE3H) ||||||| vs. Marcus (FE6)
Squire (FFT) ||||||||| vs. Mustadio (FFT)
Hubert (FE3H) ||||| vs. Peco (BoF3)
Queen (S3) |||||| vs. Nina (S2)

Winners move on to the Winners' Quarterfinals bracket in Round 4.  Losers move onto the Losers' Pools in Round 3.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.