Reicher Wallace (Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy) vs Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) - Seph's a High Godlike for good reason, but when it comes to pure slugging, Reicher is pretty much in his own class if you don't have an answer for physicals or Light resistance. Even with Wall, by the time Seph gets his 3rd turn, he's basically at death's door and there's no way 2 hits of anything he has is enough to drop Reicher.
Red Mage (Final Fantasy V) vs Merrin (Fire Emblem Engage) - Oh hey, I just go to the part with Merrin in Engage. And uh...not exactly sure how she answers Dual Cast lethal status of some sort here. Like the Luck/Res might even throw off one attempt but if even one casting hits, she's in pretty deep.
Cecil Harvey (Final Fantasy IV) vs Canopus Wolph (Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together) - Canopus gets a pretty big finisher for this I feel and there's not much Cecil can do about it. Cura just isnt' strong enough healing to outdo the regular bow shots.