Bad idea: Bringing a sword to a gunfight. This so happens to be the battle strategy of Vincent's opponent this week, as Yuki will go against the oft-repeated proverb with a single-minded enthusiasm which can only be excused by his youth. Good idea: Bringing the dreadful ability to turn into a superhuman monster to a gunfight. This, in turn, is Vincent's strategy. Yuki lacks any way to deal overwhelming damage in a single blow, which ensures that Vincent will live long enough to turn into the dreaded Death Gigas. Doubling his vitailty as well as increasing his ability to shrug off physical punishment, this transformation will be Yuki's bane, sorely taxing his already limited SP reserves. A few Gigadunks, added on top of the gunfire Vincent will subject Yuki to early in the match, will show up Yuki's poor strategy, and demonstrate why Vincent Valentine was once, and will be again, a Heavy.