Author Topic: Season 42, Week 1 - In Godlike! Lovely ladies and Citan thrash some bishies.  (Read 6628 times)


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Yuna (FFX) vs. Malik Benedict (WA3)
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG) - Okay, this is a kind of close one. Sure, it'll be slow as hell, but I suppose the healing and haste could get him by. I forget if Magus has more damage than I peg him to have, but nevertheless, I believe who'll win this one.
Gades (Lufias) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS) - Zelos wishes he could take the hits better.


Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs. Jeremy Non (WA4)
Canas (FE7) vs. Sharon (Legaia 2) - o___o
Largo (TotA) vs. Zalbag Beoulve (FFT)


Ramza Beoulve (FFT) vs. Rikku (FFX) - Scream/Yell/etc. takes the cake. Ultima isn't really a necessity here.
Lani (FF9) vs. Ayne (Legaia 2) - Uh... Um... What does Ayne have that could give him a chance. He's slow as hell! >____>
Miranda (LoD) vs. Venusaur (PKMN) - Venusaur's bulky. Miranda wants that damage so bad.
Yuki (G3) vs. Vincent Valentine (FF7) - Weeee Flash.


Flonne (Disgaea) vs. Gobi (BoF1) - Since this is D1 form, Flonne only has a load of healing, and loses the benefit of several things that her OTHER forms grant her (D2 and MaK give her Flonnezilla, which is a form of DAMAGE, PB gives her insane AoE). So, what happens is people generally tend to lean towards Gobi. However, personally, I allow semblance of equip twinking because for one part of the game forces you to use the Item World to proceed in the game, meaning I allow use of that though it is limited to what the plot forces you to do (level 10). A level 10 storebought rank 39 item is probably enough to make Flonne eke out a victory.
Algus Sadalfas (FFT) vs. Fu So Ya (FF4) - You're joking, right?
« Last Edit: April 06, 2008, 03:47:56 AM by TranceHime »
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Yuna (FFX) vs. Malik Benedict (WA3): Goes first. All she needs, really.
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG): Could change my mind, but I think it's a distinct possibility that Citan will run out of EP before winning.
Gades (Lufias) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS): ... (Gades in godlike = I am speechless).
Ramirez (SoA) vs. Lady (SH3)


Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs. Jeremy Non (WA4)
Farah Orstedd (ToE) vs. Drachma (SoA)
Canas (FE7) vs. Sharon (Legaia 2)

Largo (TotA) vs. Zalbag Beoulve (FFT): Equip-changing for Zalbag = hell no. Pretty much just a slugfest and Largo's better at that.


Ramza Beoulve (FFT) vs. Rikku (FFX): Stacks buffers, squishes.
Lani (FF9) vs. Ayne (Legaia 2): Lives long enough to build AP and do something that makes Lani go splat.
Miranda (LoD) vs. Venusaur (PKMN)
Yuki (G3) vs. Vincent Valentine (FF7)


Shana (LoD) vs. Riddel Viper (CC)
Flonne (Disgaea) vs. Gobi (BoF1): Um. Barely ekes out a win, I think. It is a sad day when Gobi deserves to win a slugfest (especially over someone freaking awesome, like Flonne).
Turnip (CC) vs. Kiwi (SF2)
Algus Sadalfas (FFT) vs. Fu So Ya (FF4): Gets a turn. All he needs, really.


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Yuna (FFX) vs. Malik Benedict (WA3) - MALIK SILENCES HER AND KEEPS HER FROM HEALING HERSELF!!!!!  Yeah.  Can't hype this.
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG) - Magus.  Godlike vs. maybe a low Godlike at best.
Gades (Lufias) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS) - Zelos.  JUDGMENT HYPE!  Gades is a big target (look at his battle screen size!  Huge!), so he gets mauled by it.
Ramirez (SoA) vs. Lady (SH3) - Lady.  Hah to any other outcome.


Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs. Jeremy Non (WA4) - Jeremy. 
Farah Orstedd (ToE) vs. Drachma (SoA) - Mirage hype!  She technically has enough damage to possibly kill before HoF?  Eh...not sure. 
Canas (FE7) vs. Sharon (Legaia 2) - Sharon.  Simple enough.
Largo (TotA) vs. Zalbag Beoulve (FFT) - Largo.  Can't see bosses changing equipment. 


Ramza Beoulve (FFT) vs. Rikku (FFX) - Rikku.  Get up to Heavy/Godlike!
Lani (FF9) vs. Ayne (Legaia 2) - Ayne.  Welcome to Middle, Lani.  Now get booted, slut.
Miranda (LoD) vs. Venusaur (PKMN) - Venusaur.  Downgrade, Miranda!
Yuki (G3) vs. Vincent Valentine (FF7) - Mmm...Vincent wishes he had limits like everyone else.  Flash with physical spamming and Dragon Slash as needed makes this simple enough, I think.


Shana (LoD) vs. Riddel Viper (CC) - Shana?  Good fight.  We must have Shana vs. Miranda, though!  In later seasons! 
Flonne (Disgaea) vs. Gobi (BoF1) -  Flonne has crappy physical durability, but her damage isn't...awful.  She can switch equipment a bit to make things better in her favour, average to magic damage.  ...bleh.  Flonne wins by being cuter?  This match is...
Turnip (CC) vs. Kiwi (SF2) - Kiwi. 
Algus Sadalfas (FFT) vs. Fu So Ya (FF4) - FuSoYa.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Yuna (FFX) vs. Malik Benedict (WA3)
Gades (Lufias) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS)
Ramirez (SoA) vs. Lady (SH3)


Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs. Jeremy Non (WA4)
Largo (TotA) vs. Zalbag Beoulve (FFT)


Ramza Beoulve (FFT) vs. Rikku (FFX)


Flonne (Disgaea) vs. Gobi (BoF1) - <3~
Algus Sadalfas (FFT) vs. Fu So Ya (FF4) - I need to play FFTLW so Argath can get out of Light already~
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Yuna (FFX) vs. Malik Benedict (WA3) - Yuna is a whore.
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG) - Boss Magus damage respect is low, and Sazanami is a cheap spell.  PC Magus is not Godlike.


Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs. Jeremy Non (WA4) - Really, depends on whether or not Jeremy survives a Leopold turn.  If he does, he's got more than enough damage in two rounds to off most bosses.  Go figure that he just happens to face a boss with good offense and actually good durability.

Also, ARM-mutant forms of Jeremy are fail.  White Orphanage (Second form in the stat topic) is the good form to vote on.

Largo (TotA) vs. Zalbag Beoulve (FFT) - I don't allow equipment changing for Guests that don't join your party between battles, and bosses.  Largo smashes.


Yuki (G3) vs. Vincent Valentine (FF7) - Dragon Slash easily and handily avoids a limit.  Flash makes things annoying for Vincent.  Vincent's gameworst non-Aeris durability doesn't help this at all.


Flonne (Disgaea) vs. Gobi (BoF1) - NOT GOBI.
Algus Sadalfas (FFT) vs. Fu So Ya (FF4) - Algus versus someone competent.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Most of the other matches seem pretty well covered, but as an extra two cents...

Yuki (G3) vs. Vincent Valentine (FF7) - Vincent actually strikes me as the type who'd spoil Yuki, normally, what with his 255% accuracy weapons.  Flash is very very good evasion, yes, but it's not entirely perfect - Yuki can be hit while he's attacking, recovering, dodging some other attack, etc.  Yes, Flash gets considerably better in a duel, but it'd feel weird to have Flash that fully obscene - it's similar to spells that focus against one target but normally are used against multiple targets.  Plus, even with Flash unleashed, Vincent is from a game with complete wait control - theoretically Vincent can wait to watch Yuki's attack animation start, then quickly hammer "Fight."  Weird things in general happen with thinking too much about wait abuse, but the general point is that if anything can hit through Flash, it'd be Vincent's guns.  255 accuracy is an entirely ridiculous amount - it pretty much asks to be comboed with Deathblow Materia in game for free double damage, and I don't recall ever really missing even on the Deathblows.

That said.  Just because Vincent could spoil....  I don't think his stats are good enough to actually do so here.  Even though he's going to be in the backrow which does help his defense a good deal, Dragon Slash will still be enough to break through.  Even if Vincent does get a Limit off...  then he DOES have to deal with Flash's awesome evade, since I don't think his transformed moves necessarily ignore evade, though I forget.  Plus, I'm generally inclined to be nice to Yuki in other ways, what with him having the most skill slots in the game, even if deciding which skills are legal can be a headache.  Don't even think he really needs them here, though.


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Yuna (FFX) vs. Malik Benedict (WA3)- I REALLY feel like voting for Malik here, even if it's just to see Yuna lose. Did WA3 silence prevent summoning as well? Summons and Force Abilities were on a different section than normal medium spells as I recall. If it does, MALIK HYPE IS GO.
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)- Magus.
Gades (Lufias) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS)- Where's the "Welcome to Godlike" matches committee gone? Pretty good luck there, Gades.
Ramirez (SoA) vs. Lady (SH3)- LADY.


Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs. Jeremy Non (WA4)- Finally not an evasion tank, eh Jeremy?
Farah Orstedd (ToE) vs. Drachma (SoA)- Looking at the new stat topics post on her damage, depending on your interpretation, she can do Raquel level damage or above, on second best speed. Personally I allow her that combo only if she's quite a bit faster than her opponent. I don't think Drachma lives long enough for Hand of Fate in that case.
Canas (FE7) vs. Sharon (Legaia 2)- HAR.
Largo (TotA) vs. Zalbag Beoulve (FFT)- Zalbag respect not high. Largo respect? Pretty near Legretta, which is pretty darn good IMO.


Ramza Beoulve (FFT) vs. Rikku (FFX)- NOT RIKKU.
Lani (FF9) vs. Ayne (Legaia 2)- NOT LANI.
Miranda (LoD) vs. Venusaur (PKMN)- NOT MIRANDA.
Yuki (G3) vs. Vincent Valentine (FF7)- NOT VI... Wait. Vincent ain't that bad. Yuki just needs that upgrade. Flash gets him A LOT of respect for me.


Shana (LoD) vs. Riddel Viper (CC)
Flonne (Disgaea) vs. Gobi (BoF1)- NOT GOBIIIIIIIIIIIII
Turnip (CC) vs. Kiwi (SF2)- MY HEAD! IT ACHES!
Algus Sadalfas (FFT) vs. Fu So Ya (FF4)- Something is wrong with me when I hate Middle more than Light.

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WA3 Silence shuts down all Force-dependent abilities, Summoning and Force abilities being included within. FFX summoning doesn't fall under those grounds, being typed as a unique skill that isn't affected by Silence. Don't see why it matters, seeing as Yuna is faster anyway, making the whole debacle not matter.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Dark Holy Elf

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Not to mention the fact that the Confuseward armour Yuna has also has Silenceward on it.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Yuna (FFX) vs. Malik Benedict (WA3)-Confuse/Silenceward armor means Yuna, once again, doesn't even need her Aeons. No way in hell Malik survives 2 Holys. hell, I'm skeptical about him surviving one...
Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)-I really don't know. Did elemental physicals get through his barrier or not? If not, then Magus' counters might win him this.
Gades (Lufias) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS)
Ramirez (SoA) vs. Lady (SH3)


Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs. Jeremy Non (WA4)-Even the good Jeremy form falls just a bit short here. Leopold has got the right blend of durability and damage to win thiz.
Farah Orstedd (ToE) vs. Drachma (SoA)
Canas (FE7) vs. Sharon (Legaia 2)-kersplat
Largo (TotA) vs. Zalbag Beoulve (FFT)


Ramza Beoulve (FFT) vs. Rikku (FFX)-I think that allowing common steals for Use and Mix gives this to her. I think.
Lani (FF9) vs. Ayne (Legaia 2)-Pretty sure she doubles, and can kill before he does because of that.
Miranda (LoD) vs. Venusaur (PKMN)-he's got the right mix of tricks/durability to handle this.
Yuki (G3) vs. Vincent Valentine (FF7)-I've played enough G3 to know that Flash owns Vincent easy.


Shana (LoD) vs. Riddel Viper (CC)-Even allowing small quantities of storebought elements, Riddel isn't winning when Shana immunes White in her dragoon state.
Flonne (Disgaea) vs. Gobi (BoF1)
Turnip (CC) vs. Kiwi (SF2)
Algus Sadalfas (FFT) vs. Fu So Ya (FF4)-I allow remake forms, generally.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG)
The boss's elemental barrier gets owned, PC form can't do much before getting shredded outright.
...actually. The stat topic specifies that elemental magic gets around the barrier. I'm inclined to give elemental physicals the benefit of the doubt, but does CT have elemental physicals to confirm or deny this with? Ice/Fire Sword, or maybe Slash?
Edit: Okay, checking the mechanics guide, the only pure physical attack that's elemental is Volt Bite, which doesn't help. There are a bunch of elemental doubletechs that draw on one person's physical power and the other's magic (the elemental swords and tackles, Flame Punch, Red Pin, Spire), but it doesn't say what defense they hit and if they avoid the barrier's effect on physicals. So...absent decisive evidence, gooooooo Citan.
Ramirez (SoA) vs. Lady (SH3)


Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs. Jeremy Non (WA4)
Woooooo Jeremy durability.
Canas (FE7) vs. Sharon (Legaia 2)
Splatter. Darkness halving makes this an incredible slaughter, as Canas can no longer 2HKO with a counter+regular turn and therefore can't avoid a Mystic Art.


Ramza Beoulve (FFT) vs. Rikku (FFX)
Not Rikku.
Lani (FF9) vs. Ayne (Legaia 2)
Not Lani.


Shana (LoD) vs. Riddel Viper (CC)
Can Shana survive Riddel's mighty damage long enough to build up a couple turns of Dragoon?'s Riddel, so yes.
Turnip (CC) vs. Kiwi (SF2)
All of Turnip's damage is unexceptional at best and hits physical defense. Kiwi chips until firebreath kicks in.
Algus Sadalfas (FFT) vs. Fu So Ya (FF4)
Guess what the one Lion War battle I've played is.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 12:38:52 PM by Shale »
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

Dark Holy Elf

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Since there's some debate about it, elemental physicals most certainly do get nailed by the barrier.

I need to look at that match more closely, I think.

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Well. Hm.

Unscaled, it's 3333 HP to drop Magus to 50% HP and break the barrier, at which point Magus is meat if he hasn't run Citan absolutely dry. Endgame damage average is ~1500, so call it 2HKOed or barely better. Magus takes 25% extra damage from elemental weakness, but if you let him choose his element he's only taking that extra damage half the time because he's alternating between Shadow (which Citan can't hit) and lightning/water/fire, optimally lightning because Festive Wind is Citan's weakest elemental deathblow. So Citan's alternating between 1378 NE damage from Myogetsu when he can't hit the weakness, and 379 NE + 1360 wind damage from Festive Wind when he can. Barrier reduces physicals to 15%, so that's 207 and 312 damage, respectively, factoring in the weakness hitting on Festive Wind's elemental damage. Damage average for me is 1338 since I don't hold Yamikei's brokenness against the rest of the cast, so Citan needs to deal about 2700 damage to Magus, hitting for 519 total every two attacks. That's 5.2 cycles, so 11 attacks. Magus's damage output is ~160 per turn with counters, 60 per turn if Citan heals.

Yeah, he's not burning through Citan's EP.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 06:34:16 PM by Shale »
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

Dark Holy Elf

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Okay, for another look at Citan/Magus...

Citan uses his offence buff, bringing his damage to a bit above average. This is good enough to need only 17 attacks to burn through Magus' first phase. (Only.)

Now, Citan heals every other turn. He has to offset one counter on the turn he attacks, plus two Magus physicals. Does one use of healing quite do this? Nope. But it's pretty close. And Citan is way faster, so the doubleturns he gets more than offset the extra time or two he'll have to heal. Let's say he heals 20 times to get through this phase.

That's only 42 MP used. No Haste needed, since Magus' main offence is counters anyway. That's only half of Citan's MP total. Second phase of Magus is negligible, Citan just hastes up, gets to use elemental DBs, and blitzes Magus. Note that I've assumed Magus is allowed to spam Shadow barrier, it gets worse for him if you make it random or make him alternate. This isn't especially close.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2008, 04:42:49 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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And Magus is way faster

Did you mean Citan?
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Um... and what exactly is stopping Doc from just storing up AP and then blowing past Magus' phys defense wall in one or two major combos. Ether didn't wipe out the AP stocking, did it? Just curious.

Dark Holy Elf

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Meep: Yep, fixed.

Doma: That would be a great strategy, except that I'm pretty sure you have to attack to store AP (even if it's just a triangle attack), so it'd end up triggering the same counters.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Yeah, just defending doesn't store AP in Xenogears, you have to do some sort of attack.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Magus (CT) vs. Citan Uzuki (XG): Could change my mind, but I think it's a distinct possibility that Citan will run out of EP before winning.
Magus would have to outlast about 30+ Sazanamis, and that's after/with 3 Senkeis.
When antelopes cross a river crocodiles will eat some of them, but the majority will still make it through.
Because there are 500 antelope and three crocodiles. Not because the crocodiles are enviornmentalists.