
Author Topic: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)  (Read 22563 times)


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2008, 04:12:21 AM »
Super Special Awesome Morphtastic Votecount!

(0) Sir Alex -
(1) El Cideon - Andy
(1) Evil Tom - Meeple Meeple
(0) Meeplelard - El Cid
(3) Guide To An Uprising - Excal, El Cid, Carthrat
(0) Ciato -
(1) AndrewRogue - Tom Carthrat
(0) Excal - Tom
(0) Carthrat -

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.

Guide To An Uprising is now at -2 to hammer.
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<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2008, 04:19:03 AM »
Haven't been in a posting position. Take of that what you will.

Anyhow, can't say anything on Alex, because he's not around to. On a positive note, at least he managed to post something before vanishing. GTAU, on the other hand, is kind of in a stupid position. I'll give him a little more time to post, but this is definitely not looking good.

Trying to get something else out of this, but we're still a bit lacking at this point.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2008, 07:45:13 AM »
Andrew lurking while looks bad, also makes him look like an easy target...much like GTAU, except as I said before, Andrew being familiar with the game makes him look even worse, so it makes him further an easy target. it's scummy to target suspicious people now? Because they're easy targets? I think you've got it backwards. Are you suggesting that I shouldn't vote for people who look scummy? Basically you've just said:
"Andrew looks bad, and eviltom called him out/voted for him, obviously eviltom is picking an easy target and is therefore scummy!"
That kind of double-reverse logic.. is dumb. You're attempting to punish scumhunting with WIFOM. It makes no sense and is bad play.

Eviltom, avoiding one train, tries to start another
Ok now that's absolute trash. First of all, I quote you:
2 Votes on someone felt like enough to get the ball rolling.
Yes exactly. I didn't want to apply a *fourth* vote to somebody who hadn't even posted yet. That would put them at -1 to hammer.
Are you seriously suggesting that I'm suspicious because I didn't put somebody at -1 on page 1 on day 1?
And how am I attempting to start a new train exactly? Am I not allowed to pressure vote somebody into posting without being accused of attempting to start a train?

Meeple, your points are terrible.

As such, only one I'm getting any sort of scum vibes from, even if minor, and its more than lurking at the moment, so...
Your attack on me is composed of logical fallacies, poor reasoning and bad play. I'm not going to move my vote from Andrew until he's posted something, but you've shot right up my list. Not because you've attacked me, but because you've done it so very badly, with little sense or reasoning.
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2008, 07:59:34 AM »
Yes, Andrew.  We are a bit lacking at this point, but this doesn't mean that we can't try and say something about people who have posted.  The interesting thing about what you're said, though, is that it's all about the people who haven't been posting much.  Why is that?  Certainly the people who have been speaking must be leaving more of an impression than those who haven't been, right?

Also, Meep, I think I'm going to have to agree with Tom here.  Going after someone because you think they look scummy isn't picking on an easy target, it's playing the game.  Picking on an easy target is purposefully going after someone who couldn't defend themselves regardless of the situation.  A good example of that is those games where the scum made a point of using ad hominin attacks on Ciato to knock her off balance emotionally, and leave her incapable of defending herself rationally, and in order to make her make mistakes.  That's going after an easy target, and is a very different thing from a scummy target, which is what we want to go after.

Let's try not to make that mistake, as sloppy thinking on that regard means that people can put forward cases to lynch based on pro-town behaviour.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2008, 08:31:49 AM »
I really strongly agree with the point that Tom made about Andrew; you can apply this sort of backwards-ass logic to anything. He... had made (at the time) a post of very very little content, so why should he just be brushed over? I'm not sure what you're striking at here, Meeple. Applying pressure to someone with a one-liner and no other content seems.. um... logical. In fact, after that second post being as equally lackluster as the first, his lack of presence is definitely bothering me.

##VOTE: AndrewRogue

Alex I know has an excuse but I'd really like to get a feel for him and soon, this game so far feels rather disjointed. There are about half the people talking and half not, which is annoying.

Excal, you wound me. Argh that game was so bad. ;_; Just... yeah. I really don't like thinking of myself as a weak link for town because of my crazy emotionalness.
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2008, 09:05:00 AM »
At almost every point in Tom's post, he states something along the lines of "I hate your post, Meeple," in various colourful (and repeated) ways. The lack of actually changing his votes, given the clear hate he has, is also kinda disturbing (especially as it was right after a post from Andrew, revealing that he is not actually paying the attention he should be in the least.), and in general leads me to think the entire post feels forced rather than genuine.

The post from Andrew may not have been substantive, but it was there and not referred too. Bad play is happening, but it's not just from Meeple.

I do agree with the basic contention that Meeple saying 'hitting Andrew is bad, but hitting GTAU is ok' is not really very cool when both of them are functionally lurkers. Voting for Andy for lurking in general doesn't seem bad at this stage in the game. Nor does questioning me on why I voted for Meeple; I can see why Tom would think the way he did there. That didn't ting me, his latest post did.


Hmm. Ciato, what do you think about Meeple?


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2008, 01:43:19 PM »
The lack of actually changing his votes, given the clear hate he has, is also kinda disturbing
I'm not going to move my vote from Andrew until he's posted something, but you've shot right up my list.
Why would I change my vote? I specified my intentions. Changing my vote away from Andrew would be giving a lurker relief from the pressure that I'm currently applying. It's a lot more important that we scumhunt, which is why I'm applying pressure to a lurker rather than OMGUS-ing Meeple. Changing my vote to Meeple would be wishy-washy, and would allow Andrew to escape posting pressure. Are you suggesting it's better to let lurkers escape pressure? I'd argue not, based on playstyle.
LAL > random day 1 suspicion. Search your heart, you know it to be true!

The post from Andrew may not have been substantive, but it was there and not referred too.
Once again:
I'm not going to move my vote from Andrew until he's posted something [of any real substance or value]
I should probably have typed out that last part rather than just 'think it' and assume everyone knew what I meant. I didn't mention his most recent post specifically because it was nothing more than "I have nothing to say!".
I felt that it was self-evident that Andrew's post was insubstantial. My vote on him speaks louder than words.

Common Andrew, show us some substance! Seriously, that post was... lacking.


As time drags on though, I'm also concerned about Mr. No-show. Is there a time limit by which he must post before he's modkilled? I hope so.
Mr. Mod?

Also, note to self: can't forget Alex is playing.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2008, 02:32:26 PM »
I generally assume the worst when people omit important details, this being a game of paranoia and all, so... yeah, apart from that, it's fine.


I would like us to come to a consensus soon, though! Keep in mind that although these votes are 'pressure' at the moment, we must actually make good on the threat if it's not responded to satisfactorily; even if a lurker delurks, we have no intel on them regarding a particular period of time. This should generally be seen as a mark against them.

Therefore, tomorrow I'll be calling for pretty much the immediate lynch of anyone who hasn't participated strongly enough, i.e. Alex, Andy, and GTAU at present (and Cid, too, kinda.) Ominous threatening, yar. (If everyone HAS posted significant material, then it's a whole different story.)


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2008, 03:46:57 PM »
First off, I don't truly believe LAL is the best thing to go on day 1.  As I said, I feel uneasy with LAL unless I certainly know people are lurking, especially since LAL feels like its very much flipping a coin for lynching.  And on Day 1, sometimes people don't talk much cause there isn't much TO talk about.  No, I'm not saying this is good playing, just saying how some people don't really get active til Day 2.  Granted, my GTAU defense? Yeah, no to it anymore.  He's been gone for nearly 2 days already, everyone has posted SOMETHING.  So wouldn't oppose a lynch on him at this moment.

Regardless, Day 1 Suspicions are always shaky.  There's next to nothing to go on.  LAL seems popular on Day 1 for this reason alone.  However, if actual suspicions arise, there's no reason you shouldn't go after that either.  In the end, LAL isn't really that much better than Day 1 Suspicions.  I suppose the argument for LAL would be "day 1 suspicions can be defended, Lurkers cannot defend themselves" fair, but not total agreement about it...for all that at this point, as I noted, GTAU really has no excuse to not post, so I'm going to stop defending him.  Similarly, Andrew needs to post substance too on that note; he's in no better position.

End result is, whatever reason we lynch someone on day 1, its going to be shaky, be it LAL, random suspicions, what have you.  Day 1 is pretty much always "Pick a card, any card; if its a scum, you win!" situation unless someone screws up so badly in a way that pretty much screams "Scum" so you just have to go with something.
(well, no, its not "you win" but you can see what I'm getting at.)

That said, Eviltom, your post in response to me...says little.  You just kind of question my logic, then do various shades of "No, you're wrong" as Rat says.  Look, disagree with me if you want, question my logic if you will, those are fine; this is Mafia.  You can be civil about it though.

To Rat:

Nor does questioning me on why I voted for Meeple

Care to elaborate? I'm not questioning this action against me or what not...I'm questioning the fact that you brought up something that didn't happen.  Looking back, you made 2 votes:

One is a joke vote on Andrew.
The other is vote on GTAU with the usual LAL reasoning after you stated you disagree with me.

Did you mean "My motion to vote against Meeple" or something along those lines?  Cause you most certainly didn't vote against me.  You could call this nitpicking, but saying you voted on something when you clearly didn' to just elaborate why you used the word "Vote" there specifically?

In any event, Andrew posted again...and still said nothing.  He's basically said sort of what I said regarding Alex and GTAU...but with no content regarding anything else, then says "I got nothing."  Yeah, Andrew's not looking good either.  This is especially after there was some stuff to work with...

*HOWEVER*, I do look at El-Cid now:

His posts consist of a joke vote against me for not doing the Sandwich thing.
Then he has playful banter type speak with Excal eventually leading to a vote on GTAU, which while yes, has the lurker reason, feels semijokish now that I look at it since he uses the whole "Even look at his name!" thing.

*HOWEVER*, at the same time, I'd definitely want to hear from Andrew with more than a "these people are lurking, now I got nothing" post, as he's looking bad for those reasons, much like I'd like to see some post from El-Cid now that we're getting serious.  He started the GTAU train (if you can call it that), but did nothing since; he really needs to speak up.
I also want to hear what Alex has to say in the manner, if only cause he needs to speak up in general, I suspect he should do so soon?

My vote stays on Tom at the moment; don't like the tone of his post in response to me.  At the same time, I would not be opposed to lynching any of the actual lurkers (Andrew, GTAU, and El-Cid (yes, he's lurking, as far as I'm concerned), and to a lesser extent Alex since his shield is starting to wear thin at this point.)
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2008, 04:05:53 PM »
Question for the mod: Is there any kind of time limit in place for inactivity? Because GTAU really should have posted by now, and it'd be nice to know whether or not he has a modkill hanging over him (god, I hope not. Had too much of that in CC mafia). People have said he hasn't checked into the board since the game started; has he been PMed/emailed?

Other stuff in a few minutes, catching up now.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2008, 04:17:19 PM »
First off, thoughts on Andy: "Haven't been in a posting position" is an alarmingly vague comment that really doesn't help us at all. I really have to second Excal here:

Yes, Andrew.  We are a bit lacking at this point, but this doesn't mean that we can't try and say something about people who have posted.

We're not wholly without content here; I think enough has been said to make some kind of comment that's more substantial than "There's not enough out there for me to have an opinion." If you really believe that's the case, you owe it to yourself and your fellow townies (assuming you are one) to make an attempt to provide the content you feel is lacking. Even if there's not much to build on, making any effort is a damn sight better than basically saying "I'm waiting for other people to talk."

Alex gave us an reason for inactivity in advance. While it has been said, accurately, that legitimate excuses are great for scum, his reason is enough to give him a pass for now. Damn well better have something interesting when he comes back, though! Andy's reticence is enough to make me switch my vote now, though (especially given that I'd like the mod to weigh in on GTAU).

##Unvote: Guide to an Uprising

##Vote: AndrewRogue

I believe this puts Andy at -2 to hammer. Hopefully that'll be enough to get him talking! Thoughts on other people as they come.

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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2008, 05:14:33 PM »
Hmm. Ciato, what do you think about Meeple?

Well, I mostly think that his logic is pretty questionable when it comes to Andrew because I think labelling someone as an easy target is pretty dumb considering the position Andy is in, being someone who has posted um nothing. Other than that, he seems to be putting effort into trying to figure out where he stands on people, and he did put forward a case against someone new when everyone else was content with voting for a lurker. Even if it was with weird logic, but I don't think weird logic is... especially damning, considering how much weird logic has been put forth before where people have flipped town. (Which is mildly annoying because weird logic should be something you can look for, but in practice it's kinda... not.)

That said, Eviltom, your post in response to me...says little.  You just kind of question my logic, then do various shades of "No, you're wrong" as Rat says.  Look, disagree with me if you want, question my logic if you will, those are fine; this is Mafia.  You can be civil about it though.

I dunno. He did put some holes in your logic, and I pretty strongly agree with him that him not putting someone at -1 to hammer is a really silly thing to nitpick at him over, let alone for starting a train on Andrew. I think he definitely made some valid points about your argument that you didn't bother responding to. For all that I understand not wanting to respond to someone being rude to you, I think his points still deserve to be addressed.

In any event, Andrew posted again...and still said nothing.  He's basically said sort of what I said regarding Alex and GTAU...but with no content regarding anything else, then says "I got nothing."  Yeah, Andrew's not looking good either.  This is especially after there was some stuff to work with...

Is there any reason why you changed your stance on Andrew?

I'm interested in seeing if information can be gleaned from more Tom/Meeple interactions, because both are being more talkative than the lurkers, but Tom being rude to Meeple bothers me for basically the reason Excal mentioned; trying to get someone off their game like has happened to me a couple times. Meeple, on the other hand has very long posts! They are full of digression and nitpicking random points, and the case on Tom/lacking responses to Tom's inquiries is bothersome.

Personally, though, I am very discontent with Andrew right now and my vote is definitely staying there. His posts have shown me he's not paying much attention to the game, and doesn't seem to be particularly interested in unrooting anyone. GTAU situation is bad but we hopefully can get a replacement fo him rather than having to waste a lynch on random chance. (Hey, it worked in Suikomafia! And VtM! But the odds are still pretty low, as Meeple mentioned.) Andrew, on the other hand, has shown that he is indeed around but still hasn't offered anything, which is... grah. That's not lurking, it's barely even playing the game.

Alex needs to show up soon, although I am sympathetic with him since this is a very busy time of year. Cideon... well, he's put in some content, but he also hasn't really made much of an effort to analyze any situations outside the limited scope of what he's voting for at the moment. Not sure about this one yet. The Rat seems to be putting in quality posts that are pro-town, questioning logic, trying to generally be helpful. Excal is in a similar boat. Not really much to say about these two since I feel both are giving off major townie vibes.

I'd really like to see Cideon comment on some other things, as well as for our mysteriously gone people to exist.
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2008, 05:52:47 PM »
Tom/Meeple stuff first.

Tom's callout of Rat on page one was misguided, as has been noted elsewhere. Meeple criticisms? Mostly warranted, regarding the Meeplepost in question.

I'm interested in seeing if information can be gleaned from more Tom/Meeple interactions, because both are being more talkative than the lurkers, but Tom being rude to Meeple bothers me for basically the reason Excal mentioned; trying to get someone off their game like has happened to me a couple times. Meeple, on the other hand has very long posts! They are full of digression and nitpicking random points, and the case on Tom/lacking responses to Tom's inquiries is bothersome.

This is a valid point, because I think Meeple's an easy person to get rattled and doing so really does make him harder to deal with (see Clue mafia, where my posts against him made his posts longer and more rambling than ever).

Now, Rat...Rat's always difficult to read. Can't fault him for postcount or content, as usual. I have to say that his citing me as being helpful here:
Excal seems to be on the level so far, as does Cid. Maybe it's just because they've both been concerned about the lack of discussion going on, which is going to be a pretty easy line to pull, given the circumstances of the game. Apprehension about this no-deadline business, rising.

was a little odd to see. Someone saying I look good perhaps isn't something I should be so suspicious of, but I really hadn't said much at that time. Perhaps it was all he had to go on, since it was so early? In any event, I haven't got a read on him beyond that. Certainly nothing else stands out as being suspicious.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2008, 05:55:53 PM »
Is there any reason why you changed your stance on Andrew?

Hm? I didn't really change my stance.  Andrew never looked good to me is the thing.  Its just that jumping on him with the reasons I gave against Eviltom (which most people seem to disagree with admittedly) seemed worse than simply lurking.

Basically, my thought is this:
Andrew is lurking.  Andrew looks bad.
But wait, that at the same time gives scum an easy target.  Why? Cause LAL is popular, attack him, he flips town, the person who initially attacked doesn't seem to bad since he's using standard play that's shaky in general, and is always a wild card (its pretty hard to deny that LAL is a bit of a wild card.  From where I'm sitting, its hoping to bag a scum, but if you fail, you at least weaved out a bad player.)

I guess the logic isn't that sound now that I look at it, but I never really thought Andrew looked good.  I just felt Eviltom at the time looked worse.

Anyway, El-Cid has started posting, that's good.  Still like to hear a bit a more out of him granted.


Looking over Eviltom's post...he missed my point about Rat though.
He talks *ENTIRELY* about my Andrew thing.  I had 2 reasons to go after him; one is that reason on andrew, the other is the "are you stifling discussion, Rat?" point which he made.

Its two points, not one.  He completely ignores one of my reasons as a result.

He called Rat out on something he wasn't doing.  I don't see Rat being against serious discussion at all, as I said.  Eviltom felt like he wasn't paying a lot of attention to Rat's points, and he voted Andrew.

He talks entirely about the "Voted on Andrew" thing as I said, but completely ignores how one of my points was his questioning Rat's behavior, who at the time (and still now) seems to be one of the primary people starting discussion.  Rat did say later that questioning his action was fine, but Eviltom still never addressed this part.

Regardless, Eviltom's response to my post, even if he did punch a few holes in my argument, was still not Town-like behavior.
Or rather, to elaborate, it was not Town FRIENDLY behavior.  You never want to get too emotional over something; that just gets all eyes on you.  Conversely, you never want to get too aggressive to start doing things like "Your points are terrible!" and just rave about it.  That's just attacking other people, and if anything, THAT is stifling discussion.

In any event, as I said, my point on Eviltom wasn't just the Andrew vote, it was a combination of two factors.  One of which was called out as being weird, faulty logic, the other of which only one person actually addressed and it wasn't Eviltom himself.

...and then I get Ninja'd by El-cid! Well then, I suppose my request to hear more from him got resolved before it got addressed...if that makes sense.
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2008, 06:16:16 PM »
The lack of actually changing his votes, given the clear hate he has, is also kinda disturbing
I'm not going to move my vote from Andrew until he's posted something, but you've shot right up my list.
Why would I change my vote? I specified my intentions. Changing my vote away from Andrew would be giving a lurker relief from the pressure that I'm currently applying. It's a lot more important that we scumhunt, which is why I'm applying pressure to a lurker rather than OMGUS-ing Meeple. Changing my vote to Meeple would be wishy-washy, and would allow Andrew to escape posting pressure. Are you suggesting it's better to let lurkers escape pressure? I'd argue not, based on playstyle.
LAL > random day 1 suspicion. Search your heart, you know it to be true!

So you find Andrew more suspicious, then? I'm not 100% if I follow what you are saying here. You are saying that you'd be being wishy-washy because you'd have been switching your votes too much, or because any vote against Meeple would just being OMGUS? I think that if someone is acting fishy enough to justify a vote on Day 1 that you should lay the vote down. A good example of this would be in the very first Mafia on the forums, where Super acted obviously scummy in every way and got lynched for it, despite not lurking. For all that I agree with the decision to stay with Andrew since you didn't really build a case on Meeple aside from that his points against you are bad. I'm curious on how suspicious you are of Meeple based off of that post, since it seemed like you were clearly annoyed at his case, but you didn't lay a vote on him.

Don't worry Ciato, we love you! ##Hug: Ciato

^_^ Thanks! *hugs back*

Is there any reason why you changed your stance on Andrew?

Hm? I didn't really change my stance.  Andrew never looked good to me is the thing.  Its just that jumping on him with the reasons I gave against Eviltom (which most people seem to disagree with admittedly) seemed worse than simply lurking.

Basically, my thought is this:
Andrew is lurking.  Andrew looks bad.
But wait, that at the same time gives scum an easy target.  Why? Cause LAL is popular, attack him, he flips town, the person who initially attacked doesn't seem to bad since he's using standard play that's shaky in general, and is always a wild card (its pretty hard to deny that LAL is a bit of a wild card.  From where I'm sitting, its hoping to bag a scum, but if you fail, you at least weaved out a bad player.)

I guess the logic isn't that sound now that I look at it, but I never really thought Andrew looked good.  I just felt Eviltom at the time looked worse.

I understand the logic train somewhat. It's just an easy copout to vote for someone for lurking, which I do agree with. It's just that... after that second post, it seems like he isn't trying a lick to do anything other than pointing fingers at other lurkers. To me, that goes outside the realm of LaL and into the realm of "someone who isn't putting effort into finding scum" which makes me think there's a reason why he has no interest in finding scum.

Now, Rat...Rat's always difficult to read. Can't fault him for postcount or content, as usual. I have to say that his citing me as being helpful here:
Excal seems to be on the level so far, as does Cid. Maybe it's just because they've both been concerned about the lack of discussion going on, which is going to be a pretty easy line to pull, given the circumstances of the game. Apprehension about this no-deadline business, rising.

was a little odd to see. Someone saying I look good perhaps isn't something I should be so suspicious of, but I really hadn't said much at that time. Perhaps it was all he had to go on, since it was so early? In any event, I haven't got a read on him beyond that. Certainly nothing else stands out as being suspicious.

Rat is someone I find pretty hard to read myself, as well. I'm not sure if I'd ready too much into that comment about you looking good, for all that I see your point.
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #40 on: April 27, 2008, 06:26:34 PM »
Reread the Meeple/Tom/Rat stuff. What stands out? Tom's tone is pretty harsh, which does not foster a helpful atmosphere for town. A flustered townie is more than likely going to be an illogical one. We have to remain civil to get anything done. And Tom...the basic argument he made against Meeple wasn't wrong, but I see why people took issue with how he expressed it and I agree. I'm not changing my vote from Andy until he gets talking, but I'll be looking at Tom a little more closely in the meantime.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #41 on: April 27, 2008, 11:03:50 PM »
One of the reasons I'm insisting on LAL is that if someone posts very little, then there is the temptation to stretch the day out to eternity. Don't want that.


Meeple: Voted/related suspicions of, practically the same thing! Right? Well, no, but, uh, um... yeah. Mistake.

Cid: Mainly felt good about you 'cos you were saying stuff, in stark comparision to some others at that time. Take my compliments with a grain of salt at this stage in the game, because anyone who seems to be getting stuff going is going to look a bit better than those who aren't.

Although I originally made the point about Tom's post being kinda non-civil, I'm not that bothered about it. Mmph. Most of what was discussed since I last posted seemed fairly straightfoward, but I'm going to need to check the context of the poking between Meeple and Tom.

No more time, must run to class.

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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #42 on: April 27, 2008, 11:56:13 PM »
Since Gate is gone for the day and all the people he asked to update the vote count FAIL...

Super Special Awesome Morphtastic Votecount!

(0) Sir Alex -
(1) El Cideon - Andy
(1) Evil Tom - Meeple Meeple
(0) Meeplelard - El Cid
(2) Guide To An Uprising - Excal, Carthrat El-Cid
(0) Ciato -
(3) AndrewRogue - Tom, Ciato, El-Cid Carthrat
(0) Excal - Tom
(0) Carthrat -

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.

AndrewRogue is at -2 to hammer.
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2008, 11:57:05 PM »
So you find Andrew more suspicious, then? I'm not 100% if I follow what you are saying here. You are saying that you'd be being wishy-washy because you'd have been switching your votes too much, or because any vote against Meeple would just being OMGUS?  [...] I'm curious on how suspicious you are of Meeple based off of that post, since it seemed like you were clearly annoyed at his case, but you didn't lay a vote on him.
Andrew's lurking was by far the worse. So my vote remained on the worse one. At that point (and still now) Meeple is just playing like a misguided towny.
My vote would have been wishy-washy if it changed with every post I made, yeah. Keeping it on a lurker is the only way to apply pressure. Your vote isn't worth much if it changes with your mood. And still, nothing [interesting] from Andrew, so I'm leaving it there.
since it seemed like you were clearly annoyed at his case, but you didn't lay a vote on him.
I've seen fa-too-often the whole manic town v town debate, and Meeple's fixation on me has all the same markings. So he's giving off that ultra-paranoid town feel to me, which unfortunately might drag us all down. I don't think we should waste a vote/lynch on him for that though. So that's another reason I didn't switch my vote.

Meeple: I'm not really sure what you want me to adress. Can you quote the question you asked me? As far as I can tell it's something like 'I disagree with your thoughts on Rat!'. I'm not sure how to reply to that.

I actually forgot El Cid was playing until he posted, but he's been posting lots so I'll forgive him for that.

As far as gameplan goes, I'd like to have No-show modkilled, and unless Andrew posts [something useful], lynch him.
Though I have a feeling that this is how it will play out: Andrew appears, makes a summary attack on me (that only restates what other people have already said), and still doesn't say anything new.

Argh gunna be late for work, gotta run.
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2008, 02:27:23 AM »
Okay. I hate to foot drag like this, but  given Alex's absence is due to a "legitimate" excuse, there may be some merit in dragging day one out to give him some time to clear through graduation and what have you. Running through days without a player being around gives us that much less information to work with on them.

GTAU should also be pretty viable for a modkill at this point, but could we get a confirmation one way or the other here?

Excal's original reason for calling me out stands out a little bit, and I'm still not really sure I understand it. Not major, but its an odd thing to pick me out for. I also take a bit of offense at his comment that I'm "always a wild card." Care to substantiate that one a little more? That seems a little like a comment designed to make lynching me look more reasonable from a metagame prespective.

Tom's original call out of Rat is a bit strange as well, and beckons a bit of WIFOM discussion. Scum can benefit from calling out the start of serious discussion, because then they get rep as happy good little townies. Tom overreacts a bit strongly to Meeple (not used to seeing that kind of bile out of you, man! :p ) which says something, but what is hard to say. His latest post is also a bit... hostile towards me as well. What gives man? You are almost as snappy as Otter this game.

Meeple's original vote for Evil Tom is... questionable, to say the best? He kind of wavers around on potential reasons, wall of texts the game and then basically votes Tom for voting a lurker. Rather silly.

El Cid stands out for actually having very little to say. More posts, but incredibly light content. Even his later contributions... still feel a bit lackluster.

Ciato is in a similar boat. She is also a bit odd for lagging in putting a vote down. Third point of contention is here off-handed handling of Meeple initially. Of course, she's stepped up substantially at this point and settled earlier concerns I was feeling.

Alex should be making an appearance soon, right? I'd definitely like to hear stuff from him at this point.

Generally speaking, if GTAU isn't to be modkilled, my vote would fall to him at this point. As it stands though, I'm a bit bothered by Meeple. While I realize it is a particular trick of diction for him to post walls of text, they are surprisingly difficult to use, encourage skimming and look like a lot of content without actually saying anything. Furthermore, his original attack on Tom really bothers me, as does his original reluctance to put votes out there.

While I would definitely like to take advantage of the loose time frame to let Alex jump in and actually start playing, if a lynch must be had, my current order would run something like GTAU > Meeple > Tom = Alex > Cid.

To restate, in brief.

GTAU for obvious reasons. No presence. Modkill is preferable here though.

Meeple's entire posting style, as well as his initial attack angle, seem distressing. They reek of WIFOM and actively challenge some accepted methods that are definitely decent patterns.

Tom, not for bad arguments, but for a shocking shift in behavior that I have not seen out of him before. The snappiness and cynicism in his posts is incredibly bothering and damages argumentation.

Alex clocks in if we absolutely refuse to wait for him, or he doesn't show.

Cid clocks in for feeling a bit light on the content, but having just enough presence to show.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #45 on: April 28, 2008, 02:28:32 AM »
And, since I failed to vote, let us solidify that?

##Unvote: Cid
##vote: Meeple


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #46 on: April 28, 2008, 03:03:42 AM »
Thanks for the votecount Ciato.  Snow and CK both fail, yes.

As for Guide, he's been PMed with a poke that the game has started. Allowing for timezones/busy weekends, if he hasn't posted by sometime around midday tomorrow(PST), he will be modkilled. Was kind of hoping that I wouldn't need to modkill folks this game, but so it goes.
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2008, 03:11:14 AM »
Okay, okay, I'm here.  Graduation was boring, but the rest of the day after that was spent hanging out with Hal and friends here.  We had ham sandwiches, it was awesome.  THEN I felt sick and wound up sleeping all today.  Now, however, I am here.

Annnnnnd.... I'm not sure I like what I'm seeing.  So far the discussion is ENTIRELY "X hasn't posted, lynch them," "X hasn't posted, they better show up and post something relevant!" and the like.  That second line especially ticks me off, because it seems like an easy excuse to keep a vote on someone who already has a theoretical strike against them.  But, thing is?  There is (on the whole) no such thing as relevant content day 1.  I don't think anyone's posted anything relevant yet.  LAL is not horribly relevant day 1.

Looking at this, my first reaction is that probably one of the people on Andrew right now is scum.  Out of those three, El Cid's been pushing the LAL/"better have relevant content day 1!" line furthest, then also indicated a switch to Tom on civility, when... I don't really think he's been that uncivil.  That's about all I got so far.

##Vote: El Cid


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2008, 04:01:19 AM »
Rat: Noted. FIgured something simple like that, just wanted to be sure.

To Andrew...

Wait, are you saying that because I'm posting in my usual style, its a bad thing and worthy of a vote?  Me being myself shouldn't be held against.  I'm aware, at the same time, I can't use this as a defense, but saying "he's posting large posts with little content!" isn't something that holds much water at the same time.

I don't think I've honestly been that lacking in content.  True, my text would imply more, but as you admitted, my general posting style (Mafia, real life, etc.) is like that. 

Following that up, how can you say I have little content? I put a case up against someone who didn't have one, and backed it up.  ADMITTEDLY, most people didn't agree with it, but I did get a response to it from that person that only furthered my suspicions, and he even managed to ignore one of my points against him entirely.

If I'm reading this right, you're saying "he's also not willing to change votes!"  I explained why, however:
I would rather vote for someone I feel suspicious of instead of a lurker.  At the time, you were lurking, and so was GTAU (Alex was a unique case, blah blah he needs to post, his armor is wearing thin, etc.), who I held back on voting since I want clarification on whether he's going to get Modkilled for lack of posts without reason, or not.

I still feel suspicious of Eviltom.  Other people seem to at least think he deserves taking a look at (you even admitted he's a tad suspicious yourself), and as I noted, I prefer to give lurkers some chance.

If you meant before then...umm...there wasn't much of a case made.  I started getting the ball rolling, I stated that I didn't feel right about voting based on lurking alone, ESPECIALLY for someone new, and at the time, there weren't real any lurkers besides GTAU cause we were still somewhat in the joke phase.  You didn't become a lurker suspect until somewhat after my post that stated that.
ACTUALLY, first person to bring up you was Eviltom himself.  My next post is the vote on Eviltom.

How is this reluctance?  Cause I didn't vote the instant we got serious?  Sorry if I'm not one to jump on someone fact, you did the very same thing.  You come in, and say this:

Anyhow, can't say anything on Alex, because he's not around to. On a positive note, at least he managed to post something before vanishing. GTAU, on the other hand, is kind of in a stupid position. I'll give him a little more time to post, but this is definitely not looking good.

As far as content goes.  So you too didn't vote...and you didn't even give a reason why not to vote. YOu did the same thing; I'm sensing some hipocracy here.

Next off, you claim El-Cid hasn't said a lot.  I beg to differ.
Or rather, he hasn't said a lot, but his recent posts have at least some content.  I feel a bit of hypocrisy coming in, honestly.  You did the exact same thing in your post before this one; come in, say practically nothing, then leave.  Then you yourself form a large wall of text (I'll grant you did have some catching up to do), and call me out for doing the same thing?  And you claim I have little content, despite bringing up a case on someone new entirely, with reasons behind it?

Meeple's entire posting style, as well as his initial attack angle, seem distressing. They reek of WIFOM and actively challenge some accepted methods that are definitely decent patterns.

I go primarily against LAL on Day 1 (for all that I've been generalizing it lately.)  People often Lurk Day 1 cause its hard to get a serious discussion going, and you are especially paranoid day 1 since ANYTHING you say can be held against you, I feel; as was noted in another game, Day 1 Lynches are always shaky, but are necessary to get somewhere.

Day 1 LAL doesn't do much, is my issue.  Its *NOT* a decent pattern like you claim.  On Day 2 and up? Yeah, that works.  That's a way someone can try to sneak under the radar.  On Subsequent days, ACTUAL DISCUSSION is happening, and someone can slip under without being seen, which scum would love.  However, on Day 1, there's no reason to lurk, beyond having nothing to say (cause frankly, there isn't much to work with Day 1), being paranoid, etc.  Not to mention the usual Joke Phase that occurs in the opening parts until someone decides to do something to get the ball rolling.

I reference NR Mafia on how LAL did nothing for us.  IHateMyCPU apparently had no actual access to a computer, and moments after he was lynched, he came in, saying he was about to post, and stated he had no time (he was lucky enough to be someone who was a death speaker so he could explain his reasoning, but still.)  THIS is why I give the benefit of the doubt often.  He flipped town, if you forgotten, and lynching him did nothing for us.  The next day was decided on a super fuck up (and me getting modkilled...not my finest moment) that was totally unrelated, based on role powers.
See where I'm getting at? LAL on Day 1 seems to be the lazy way out of Day 1; its "I can't make a case on someone without looking suspicious, better just go for the good old LAL!"  At least, that's what it feels to me.

So what about you then?  You actually came in, posted something...but had no content in it.  You clearly were available for some time, and even had a post earlier; what you did was basically pop in, say something, pop out, hope its enough.  Yeah, I'm picking at it pretty hard, but I seem to be not alone in this regard.  This is why you seemed worse than other lurkers at the time.  Shaky reason? Of course, but its Day 1; everything is shaky barring idiotic scum slips.

So why is Day 2+ LAL more significant?
As I said, REAL DISCUSSION occurs, people lose track of whose speaking sometimes, you can sneak under the radar as a result while people are sniping at others.  Dhyer pretty much tried this strategy in Rando Mafia, and it almost worked but Yakko caught onto it, and pulled him out.

No, I am not resorting to Metagaming for my arguments.  Yes, I am using past examples, but its merely to establish how LAL has helped and hurt in the past.  So no, I don't agree that going against LAL on Day 1 is a bad strategy; and given what Alex just said, I apparently am not alone.

In any event, we finally got some verification on GTAU's situation, so um, yay?

Also, Alex finally posted, though I don't think I agree with him on "relevant content" yet.  There's definitely been points made besides "He hasn't spoken, Lynch!" which makes me think he didn't really read the topic entirely, and just skimmed it.  Though, suppose his idea of relevant content might be different than mine.

And lastly, I apologize for the wordy post; I actually try to be concise at times, but I fail at it.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #49 on: April 28, 2008, 04:15:24 AM »
a switch to Tom on civility, when... I don't really think he's been that uncivil.  That's about all I got so far.
I honestly didn't think I was being especially uncivil either o.o"
It must be because I'm posting late at night/early in the morning, I'm naturally snippy at those times >.>

Anyway, onto business: ##Unvote: Andrew
His "I have nothing to add" post was really shocking, but his latest post pulled up alright.

I said I was going to move my vote to Meeple in the event of an Andrew-unvote, so here it is:
##Vote: Meeple

Reasons why: Meeple has been going after me with rather dodgy logic. I thought I managed to sink it fairly well, but then Meeple persists. That's not inherently bad, but it seems like Meeple has been focusing on me a bit more than is healthy, to the exclusion of others. As I said in my orevious post, it does sound like towny hysteria, but It's the best lead for the moment. And I'm no longer suspicious of Andrew (although he started off bad, I liked his recent post, so he's redeemed himself).


A new angle:

I'm suspicious of those who still have their vote on GTAU. The way it's going, he's going to be modkilled. If he doesn't (and returns with an excuse like "I was in hospital" or something to that ilk) then those votes are unjustified. Either way, I really don't see the benefit to town of voting for GTAU.
Therefore, Excal and C-Rat: Why are your votes on GTAU? I think it's time to look at other suspects. I'm not making accusations, but it's easy for scum to hide with a vote on GTAU right now.

Ninja'd by Meeple:

Wow, so much text.

Meeple, you keep saying that I 'didn't answer half of your questions', but I asked for clarification of what the question was.. and am still not sure.
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