
Author Topic: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)  (Read 22519 times)


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #50 on: April 28, 2008, 04:49:55 AM »
Tom -

Quote from: Dread Thomas
LAL > random day 1 suspicion. Search your heart, you know it to be true!

You said this. Now you're demanding me and Excal explain our votes on GTAU, which are lurker votes, basically. There's nothing else to say about it; whether or not you agree with them will come down to these points-

1) If you believe we should, in fact, LAL at this point.
2) If you believe there is a case of significant weight that it outdoes LAL.

Now, the threat of modkill has changed things somewhat. But it isn't like Gate has stated that and we've persisted; it was barely an hour since he made it that you made your own. It feels as though you're jumping the gun and asking a question without any answer that isn't either obvious or already been covered.

You have done this before this game, when you asked me if I'm against discussion. In general, your posts seem to try and lead discussion down or away from particular avenues, and seem to set up a kind of... pseudo-strawman? e.g.

Though I have a feeling that this is how it will play out: Andrew appears, makes a summary attack on me (that only restates what other people have already said), and still doesn't say anything new.

Here you're basically saying "Andy will likely take this position" with an implication that it's bad and that you're being victimized ahead of time; before anything has even happened to you!

This on top of one of your earlier shots at Meeple; it seemed either really, really angry, yet your actions didn't match up with a vote (instead going for the LAL thing which you're kind of hitting me and Excal for now), leading me to wonder if it's genuine.

I don't really care about the tone insofar as how you write, as long as your actions seem to match the content. They haven't. The part that worries me is that several people have taken great issue with it, more than I expected. Nonetheless, I can't see much worse on other people at present.

##Unvote, ##Vote: EvilTom


Alex's shot at El-Cid: Meaningless to me, really. I don't see anything wrong with hitting Andrew in and of itself. Of course, now that Andy has spoken, Cid will have to show the interest he's talked about.

I have trouble making sense of Meeple. Reading his posts is hard. I remember, however, that his posting style has been used against him to great effect in previous games, and thus I'm trying not to hold it against him. He does, however, need to answer questions when put to him even if he's already mentioned a fact and take it with good grace as a result.

Andy, can you elaborate somewhat on why you think Meeple is worse than Tom, and what parts of Meeples theories you disagree with while elaborating on why Tom DOES seem Scummy? I.. dunno. Tone doesn't seem like enough to me.



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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #51 on: April 28, 2008, 05:17:52 AM »
You said this. Now you're demanding me and Excal explain our votes on GTAU, which are lurker votes, basically. There's nothing else to say about it
There's a big difference between LAL, and voting for somebody who is probably going to be modkilled.
LAL is voting for people who aren't putting out anything, like Andrew earlier.
Voting for GTAU is pointless at this stage.

Rat, the fact that you're being evasive over that and attempting to make it look like I'm contradicting myself is deceptive and worrisome.

But it isn't like Gate has stated that and we've persisted; it was barely an hour since he made it that you made your own. It feels as though you're jumping the gun
I wasn't making accusations, I specifically said so. I wanted to know if you were leaving your vote on somebody who was likely to be modkilled, and why. It was just a push to stop voting for the easy target of 'the guy who won't reply'.
It's concerning that you've basically turned around and done a 'No, OMGUS'.
I was expecting more of a "yeah no point voting here anymore, I think 'x' is suspicious".
But your reply was basically 'you hypocrite, I'm just doing LAL, like you said to!'

Ok, my prediction about Andrew's response was wrong. But that's good! He has content. So I moved on. However, when I pressed you and Excal, you jumped up in horror and went heavily on the offensive. I've seen you do this as scum in previous games, with a great degree of success. That's probably what concerns me the most.


Rat now looks very suspicious to me. The way he responded sounds a lot like a ScumRat(tm) response. The way it's structured as an assault-response and the tone.. sounds a lot like scum. It's subtle, but Rat does a great job of concealing his intentions, and he's leaning towards the scum side this time.

##Unvote: Meeple
##Vote: Carthrat
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #52 on: April 28, 2008, 05:44:09 AM »
Ciato is in a similar boat. She is also a bit odd for lagging in putting a vote down. Third point of contention is here off-handed handling of Meeple initially. Of course, she's stepped up substantially at this point and settled earlier concerns I was feeling.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean here. I basically said that I thought Meeple's logic is weird (which it is) and then voted for you for not existing (since you didn't). Honestly that post wasn't exactly meant to be an all-encompassing post of my thoughts, since well it was 1:30 in the fucking morning mostly. (I assume that's the post you are referring to?) The other point you made bothers me somewhat because it is the same case that was brought against me in WaDF Mafia, so um yeah I still don't understand why not laying down a vote on the first freaking page is a bad thing. <_<

Now I'm somewhat torn on Andrew. Him showing up and posty-posty is good, but he's pointing fingers in a lot of different directions, including building lots of little cases against people and... eh. I dunno, I will reread some of the points he had in post, including the one about Excal, which I completely missed.

Alex! Hi! I definitely see the point on El-Cid, he's been switching his votes a lot and seems to be gearing the discussion into the into trying to make Tom look bad (while keeping his votes to lynch Andrew). I'm not really sure how I feel about this, his... being around but not really making an imprint is somewhat bothersome, but not enough to justify a vote on. I'd still like to see some more stuffs from Alex about the other things going on.

Well, while I was gone there have been some extra posts! Some interesting points are being brought up, but I don't have time to do more than scan them right now.  I'll read them more when I'm trying not to fail a chemistry test. :P Hopefully I'll have some time tomorrow to post before my test but I'm not sure.
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #53 on: April 28, 2008, 06:11:03 AM »
Voting for GTAU *wasn't* pointless until after Gate stated he was being modkilled. With three lurkers to choose from at that stage, I decided on the most egregious candidate; the fact that it's day one did make me reticient to snap at people who were being active over those who weren't.

I don't think I was evasive at all! No amount of underlining will make it so. I wasn't going to keep my vote on him after Gate's threat, and you barely gave us a chance.

Your original post, looking over it again: it stated both "I'm suspicious of these people" but also contained "I'm not making accusations"; well, suspicion is suspicion, which connotates badness, which is what I took from it. I'll.. uh, ignore the right words next time?

While we're talking about being evasive you didn't respond to the rest of the stuff I said about you.


And the whole last line... geez, man.

Quote from: Dread Thomas
Rat now looks very suspicious to me. The way he responded sounds a lot like a ScumRat(tm) response. The way it's structured as an assault-response and the tone.. sounds a lot like scum. It's subtle, but Rat does a great job of concealing his intentions, and he's leaning towards the scum side this time.

i.e "Rat looks suspicious 'cos he, uh, sounds like scum. Yep, totally sounds like scum because it was a shot at me based on stuff I said. It's subtle but there, trust me! Rat is good at being sneaky, and as such, he's probably scum!"

It's filler. It's dropping ire on me based on... what, exactly? My tone? Previous games? Whatever, either way it's metagame nonsense.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #54 on: April 28, 2008, 06:26:08 AM »
Tom, you keep asking about this question I asked you to respond to and you can't find...

The thing is? There is no question I have.  What I said was that you completely ignored my point of how one of the points I held against you initially was implying that Rat was stifling discussion, which I noted, he clearly was doing the opposite, in that by ending one discussion (if you can call it that), he was starting another that could probably go further.  Your responses to me were all about how I went after you instead of a lurker based on faulty logic of how you voted for a different lurker and tried to start a train.

Yes, I admit now that was faulty logic, but the tone you responded in, and how you only dealt with one of my two points (again, If I have to spell it out for you, its claiming Rat is stifling arguments.)

Your recent posts haven't done much better.  Now, your vote against me? Fair enough; you brought up some points and voted against me.

...but right after, you do something really weird.  You talk about GTAU.
Now, I can understand why you'd bring him up, however, the way you did it, it sounds like you were questioning why Rat and Excal had kept their votes.
The reason was obvious though:
Neither had posted since Gate indicated the Mod Kill verification scenario.

Now, yes, I'd agree something would be weird if the Mod Kill was announced, then Rat/Excal posted something, didn't change his vote, THEN you questioned them, that'd be reasonable.  But that wasn't the case.

Did you mean to do something like "Rat, Excal, given the mod kill, are you going to remove your votes?" as a simple question regarding the scenario, then yeah, I wouldn't see anything wrong with that.  You're basically questioning if they still think there's a case when they finally decide to speak, and not accusing.  Notice there's no "why" in this case.

BUT what you said is this:

I'm suspicious of those who still have their vote on GTAU. The way it's going, he's going to be modkilled. If he doesn't (and returns with an excuse like "I was in hospital" or something to that ilk) then those votes are unjustified. Either way, I really don't see the benefit to town of voting for GTAU.
Therefore, Excal and C-Rat: Why are your votes on GTAU? I think it's time to look at other suspects. I'm not making accusations, but it's easy for scum to hide with a vote on GTAU right now.

The bolded parts are the ones that stick out to me. 
First off, you state the word "suspicious" quite blatantly.  Then you claim to *NOT* have accusations?  How does this work?  You state you're suspicious of votes still there, even spell out who still has them...then claim you're not making accusations.  I don't follow this logic.
Then, the way you question them: you use the word "why" as in, you think they're keeping their votes willing.

Again, had Rat/Excal posted between Gate's warning and your post, then yes, that question is justified.  But that's not what happened.  You claim to not accuse, but you still say you're suspicious, and say its easy for them to hide.

I'd be willing to go with the why scenario as a miswording when you meant what I said earlier (the whole "Do you plan to keep your votes?" I mentioned.)

Now Rat speaks and...then you vote on him cause he is suspicious of you?  Your reasoning seems to fall under "OMGUS!" in the grand scheme of things.


Rat now looks very suspicious to me. The way he responded sounds a lot like a ScumRat(tm) response. The way it's structured as an assault-response and the tone.. sounds a lot like scum. It's subtle, but Rat does a great job of concealing his intentions, and he's leaning towards the scum side this time.

Rat looks suspicious cause he attacked your post with odd logic built around the parts not related to me.  Rat looks suspicious cause he's calling you out for being inconsistent with actions, which makes the post look forced.  Rat looks suspicious cause he ended up voting for you in the end, based on these points combined with your earlier attitude.  Rat looks suspicious cause he is playing like he did when he was scum!

Am I reading this right?   So we have...being suspicious over someone for bringing several legit cases against you and voting against you based off that, COMBINED with a pure Metagame "RAT IS ALWAYS SCUM!" point.  I...just don't see the case on Rat as very strong.  As I said before, and I still think this, Rat actually seems pretty townie to me.

You know why Rat seems very scummy at the moment? Its because he's Rat.  Rat has been Scum so many times, his play style probably has been associated with scum by default.  He plays all his games the same, just happens he's been scum so many times, his actions seem scummy.  So when he comes in as Town, and plays the same as always, externally anyway, he seems scum based on this.

(No offense Rat, just stating that you probably look scummy by default regardless of how you play based on your history of being scum; something that can't largely be helped.)

With his latest posts, Eviltom just keeps feeding my suspicions.  My original reason was shaky, but then he has the harsh attitude (which may have been overstated, I'll admit), combined with trying to call out people for keeping a vote when they haven't even posted, inconsistent play style that Rat has noted, and lastly, an OMGUS vote against Rat...yeah.


On that note, I'm turning in for the night.  There's a chance I won't be around until late tomorrow given I have school most of the day, followed by work right after, with at best two hours to spare, so if I'm gone for a while, that's why.

And then I get NINJA'D BY RAT!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #55 on: April 28, 2008, 06:53:45 AM »
There is no question I have.  What I said was that you completely ignored my point of how one of the points I held against you initially was implying that Rat was stifling discussion, which I noted, he clearly was doing the opposite, in that by ending one discussion (if you can call it that), he was starting another that could probably go further.  Your responses to me were all about how I went after you instead of a lurker based on faulty logic of how you voted for a different lurker and tried to start a train.

Yes, I admit now that was faulty logic, but the tone you responded in, and how you only dealt with one of my two points (again, If I have to spell it out for you, its claiming Rat is stifling arguments.)
Umm.. so basically your problem with me is that I ignored your differing opinion? Oh ok. Well. Your opinion was different to mine. That's about all I can say. I'm not really sure what more you've been trying to drag out of me all game :S

Did you mean to do something like "Rat, Excal, given the mod kill, are you going to remove your votes?" as a simple question regarding the scenario, then yeah, I wouldn't see anything wrong with that.  You're basically questioning if they still think there's a case when they finally decide to speak, and not accusing.  Notice there's no "why" in this case.
Sorry. Yeah, that's more what I was trying to get at. Looking at it again, I phrased it really badly, and I guess that's probably why Rat exploded. I should probably read over my posts or something >.>

COMBINED with a pure Metagame "RAT IS ALWAYS SCUM!" point.
Whoa, I never said that! Not intentionally at any rate.

You know why Rat seems very scummy at the moment? Its because he's Rat.  Rat has been Scum so many times, his play style probably has been associated with scum by default.  He plays all his games the same, just happens he's been scum so many times, his actions seem scummy.  So when he comes in as Town, and plays the same as always, externally anyway, he seems scum based on this.
That's... a plausible theory. But 'Rat always looks scummy so we should never vote him for looking scummy'... eh. I'm not sure if I like that train of thought. But maybe you're right on this occasion. But maybe not. Now I don't know what to think >.<
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #56 on: April 28, 2008, 09:17:29 AM »
LAL > random day 1 suspicion. Search your heart, you know it to be true!

A new angle:

I'm suspicious of those who still have their vote on GTAU. The way it's going, he's going to be modkilled. If he doesn't (and returns with an excuse like "I was in hospital" or something to that ilk) then those votes are unjustified. Either way, I really don't see the benefit to town of voting for GTAU.
Therefore, Excal and C-Rat: Why are your votes on GTAU? I think it's time to look at other suspects. I'm not making accusations, but it's easy for scum to hide with a vote on GTAU right now.

Tom, let's take a quick look at my post record here, shall we?  My vote for GTAU comes on page one, as a semi-serious hello to the game, and pointing out that he has yet to post.  I then don't make any major in-roads on that front aside from noticing that his reasoning for not showing up is getting flimsier and flimsier.  However, the last time I checked in, let alone posted, was several hours before Gate made his announcement of a modkill.

Now, I know you excel at managing to catch the wrong sort of attention, but between the fact that you seem to have been gunning for Rat in odd ways, have had an odd and somewhat harsh tone, and then you jump on something that has yet to become any sort of an issue.  Then to add fuel to the fire, you tear into Rat when he dares to take affront at your suggestion that we should be aware of all developments in this game instantly and be ready to reply as soon as they happen.

Hell, part of the reason I'm not voting for you right now is because if I do so, I want it to happen when I'm not tired and angry at you for jumping at me like this.  I want to do it when I've had time to think, and make sure that I'm not going to be leaping into another Town/Town catfight that we can't afford.

Oh, and...

##Unvote: GTAU

Excal's original reason for calling me out stands out a little bit, and I'm still not really sure I understand it. Not major, but its an odd thing to pick me out for. I also take a bit of offense at his comment that I'm "always a wild card." Care to substantiate that one a little more? That seems a little like a comment designed to make lynching me look more reasonable from a metagame prespective.

Andy, why shouldn't I find it interesting that in your only post of any substance at that point the only thing you talked about was lurkers?  As you may have noticed, I didn't find it that compelling otherwise I would have sent a vote your way, and requesting something with more meat doesn't seem in any way questionable.

Now, as to your true question, it's basically my way of saying you're hard to read.  I recall one game where the only reason I wasn't utterly convinced you were scum was because I had subbed in for you and I had been given your PMs.  So, read it more as lumping you in with Rat, someone else I classify as hard to read.  The main difference is that Rat's form of Hard to Read is also much harder to justify forming up a lynch mob for since he always looks so very helpful right up until the point everyone dies.

Moving on to other concerns.

Alex, I find your insistance that we move away from certain topics as not being terribly helpful to be somewhat questionable.  Certainly, I can see why some methods might not be seen as being accurate for finding scum on Day 1, but it's managed its job as well as anything else.  Moreover, while the goal is to find scum, and hopefully insure that we never mislynch, the more realistic goal, from what I can tell, is to have it that we have a lively debate where everyone takes a stand of some sort on the major targets, and then we end the day with a definative lynch.  The reasoning matters less than having everyone make a clear position paired with clear debate that we can follow up on the next day.

I'm also curious as to why you feel that one of the people on Andy is scum.  Simply because he has the most votes?  Or is it also partly to do with the fact you believe him to not be scum?

Regardless, this is all I have to say at the moment.  I'll be back tomorrow with more.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #57 on: April 28, 2008, 10:27:52 AM »
Annnnnnd.... I'm not sure I like what I'm seeing.  So far the discussion is ENTIRELY "X hasn't posted, lynch them," "X hasn't posted, they better show up and post something relevant!" and the like.  That second line especially ticks me off, because it seems like an easy excuse to keep a vote on someone who already has a theoretical strike against them.  But, thing is?  There is (on the whole) no such thing as relevant content day 1.  I don't think anyone's posted anything relevant yet.  LAL is not horribly relevant day 1.

I'm sorry, but how is this paragraph not self-contradictory? "There is (on the whole) no such thing as relevant content day 1." Then what, exactly, do you propose that we base our day one lynch on? Given a total lack of other information (which I'm not saying is the case here, as Meeple/Tom rants alone provide plenty to chew on, but you yourself just said that nothing relevant has happened), what else do we have to fall back on? Isn't lynching someone who's demonstrably being unhelpful by not posting much better than sheer randomness? If, as you say, no one has posted anything worth analyzing, then LAL is all we have to go on. What else do you propose that we do? This paragraph makes no sense.

More to come in a bit (got ~twelve hours of posting to read over) but this bugged me.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #58 on: April 28, 2008, 10:49:10 AM »
Alex seems to think I'm bouncing around between easy targets. I should note, first, that I wouldn't support lynching GTAU, as I've already stated. Lynching for low content? Sure, but lynching someone mysteriously absent for two days who looks likely to be modkilled? Futile and a waste of time. This kind of nonpresence is either the result of real life being a bitch or someone genuinely not knowing the game is in progress. In either case, it's an issue for the mod to deal with, not us, different from someone posting but maintaining a low profile, and this is why I switched my vote to Andy once that fact became apparent.

And quite frankly, man, you're falling into the same category that Andy was in when I voted for him. You think there's no relevant content? Fine, help us make it. I shouldn't have to tell you of all people this, but popping in after being absent for the first two days only to drop some general game theory musings and then vanish again really does not help us. Yeah, you had an actual reason to not be here, but that's not the issue. You said virtually nothing when you came back, and I have to assume you'd realize we were expecting something substantial given that you had two days' worth of posts to sift through. Yet you do little beyond say "Nothing of worth has been said." Does "relevant content" just not exist when you're not involved, or what?

More to come. I find it easier to organize my thoughts into a series of small posts (ADD. Also, less chance of being ninja'd).


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #59 on: April 28, 2008, 11:25:45 AM »
Tom/Meeple/Rat funtime happiness stuff: Okay, having reread this, I'm struck by the notion that the most vocal participants day one are almost never scum. This isn't any kind of blanket policy, it's just an observation that every time I've gone along with a lynch train in a case like this, where a couple highly chatty and argumentative posters are drawing all the attention, I have been dead wrong about both of them. This makes me leery about voting for either one right now (for all that Tom is the stronger candidate in this regard). Alex can say what he likes about LAL; in my experience it's caught more scum than any other method short of spotting someone involved in an outright lie. Which is not to say it should be used to the exclusion of all other methods, of course, but I'm more comfortable relying on it right now.

However, I'll note that Meeple is quite right in calling Tom out in regards to the GTAU votes. Attacking two people for not switching their votes when they hadn't been around since before Gate made the modkill announcement? It demonstrates that he's either not paying enough attention to the game (outside of Meeple and Rat, of course), or trying to divert attention from himself by building a case out of nothing. Neither looks good.

Going to back to reread Andy's post before deciding whether or not to switch my vote. Him *posting* is good, yes. As Ciato noted, though, what he actually said was all over the place and doesn't really do much to build a case, which makes me disinclined to let him off the hook. More in a moment.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #60 on: April 28, 2008, 12:10:14 PM »
Reread the Andy post. Responding directly to a couple particular points; my general thoughts will be at the end.

Excal's original reason for calling me out stands out a little bit, and I'm still not really sure I understand it. Not major, but its an odd thing to pick me out for. I also take a bit of offense at his comment that I'm "always a wild card." Care to substantiate that one a little more? That seems a little like a comment designed to make lynching me look more reasonable from a metagame prespective.

Bothered about AIAS popping up again? I guess I can understand that, since it's something totally beyond your control. On a related note, though, you question a couple people for what I basically think are fundamental personality traits, which I don't think carries a lot of water. I think this is more misguided than scummy, but here's what I was referring to:

Meeple's original vote for Evil Tom is... questionable, to say the best? He kind of wavers around on potential reasons, wall of texts the game and then basically votes Tom for voting a lurker. Rather silly.

As it stands though, I'm a bit bothered by Meeple. While I realize it is a particular trick of diction for him to post walls of text, they are surprisingly difficult to use, encourage skimming and look like a lot of content without actually saying anything. Furthermore, his original attack on Tom really bothers me, as does his original reluctance to put votes out there.

This is just how the Meeple operates, sadly. I wish we could rebuild him, BetterFasterStronger, but some things take more than just six million dollars. The Meeple will rant, it cannot be helped. I admit that it can be difficult to discern the point in the Blocks o' Text sometimes, but...we can't really force someone to overhaul their writing style and I don't think that in itself is something it's fair to hold against him in Mafia. Which is not to say I disagree with your questioning the particular argument referred to above, of course.

Ciato is in a similar boat. She is also a bit odd for lagging in putting a vote down. Third point of contention is here off-handed handling of Meeple initially. Of course, she's stepped up substantially at this point and settled earlier concerns I was feeling.

Again, this is pretty much just how Ciato works. I think you're hitting her for a playstyle difference here, and I'm not sure that's a good idea. Ciato only puts down a vote when she's sure about something; she does this in most every game I've seen her play. I don't think there's anything particularly damaging about it and I don't see any reason to call it suspicious when I know it's pretty much just a personal trait. Now, if she voices extreme suspicion of someone and still doesn't vote? That's different. But I don't think that's happened yet.

Wandering off on a tangent now:

Alex should be making an appearance soon, right? I'd definitely like to hear stuff from him at this point.

You're not alone in that regard.

Tom, not for bad arguments, but for a shocking shift in behavior that I have not seen out of him before. The snappiness and cynicism in his posts is incredibly bothering and damages argumentation.

I remain irked by this as well, but see my previous post for my reason for being hesitant to add a vote to that messy argument. My instincts have almost always steered me wrong in this game, so I think it's about time I ignored them.


The impression I get is that Andy is at least paying attention to things. I do wish he'd talk some more, but this is enough for me to back off for now. So:

##Unvote: AndrewRogue

And because I like to have an active vote at all times:

##Vote: Sir Alex

Now, I've gone on about Alex already. So before someone responds with "Gee, wasn't that a random voteswitch at the end of Cid's post," please refer to the previous series I made for my reason for being dissatisfied with Alex (and I've already stated why I have misgivings about going after Tom right now, despite him not looking good). We wait for two days and he gives us virtually nothing. This doesn't sit well at all.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #61 on: April 28, 2008, 12:21:14 PM »
Excal:  "I'm also curious as to why you feel that one of the people on Andy is scum.  Simply because he has the most votes?  Or is it also partly to do with the fact you believe him to not be scum?"

Because he has the most votes, yeah.  Half gut, half what would scum do metagaming to give me a place to start looking. 

El Cid's response is exactly what I was talking about and the reason I voted for him.  This is basically entrapment - there's no such thing as relevant content day 1, and he's picking the people who couldn't or wouldn't post as much early on and then pinning them with "Better provide something relevant!"  when that's impossible.  It's day 1 and there's nothing to go on except vague impressions, which I did lay out.  I have two days of day 1 posts to sift through, and all of them are based on LAL and sniping at people for low content or sniping at people for sniping at people with low content or not doing so. 

Meeple says there are other points raised - I don't think so, I haven't seen any, with the possible exception of Tom being uncivil, which I don't currently agree with as being enough reason for a vote.  The LAL stuff at this point is all meaningless and I can draw nothing from it except the thought that those who are pushing the meaningless day 1 LAL the most are scummy.  LAL is great when applied to actual cases and with flips in hand, and I'll definitely be for it past day 1, but right now it's meaningless. 

What isn't meaningless?  Honestly, nothing, on day 1.  Pressing town into seizing on specious day 1 cases and keeping them going was how I won Clue Mafia as scum.  I'm not going to do it and I encourage others not to do it.  Nothing day 1 warrants Meeple-megapost level commentary, seriously.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #62 on: April 28, 2008, 12:46:54 PM »
The problem I have with Alex now in general is that he essentially states everything today is virtually meaningless and we shouldn't discuss stuff much. But that's silly. Even if the actual discussions are on totally frivolous matters, people should debate them out as much as they can; in doing so, more things will develop, right? He's talking about spurious cases.. but... like... whenever people bring this up, the question is; where's the line between 'not serious' and 'suddenly important'?

We can't define it. So all we can do is... talk.

I also get the feeling that Alex is cognizant of the effect this particular line of thought would have on discussion. What are your goals by pointing out the startling fact that day one means hardly anything at this point?


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #63 on: April 28, 2008, 01:31:31 PM »
Rat, you're conflating "Don't talk about LAL day 1" with "don't talk about anything."  There's way, WAY too much discussion on that one issue (which I don't feel to be a helpful one) going on right now.

My goal is to point out that that PARTICULAR line of discussion is unhelpful and single out those who have been promoting it overheavily today as possibly scummy.  That'd be El Cid, as I stated, and Meeple with his unnecessarily long megaposts on the subject. 


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #64 on: April 28, 2008, 04:01:55 PM »
Checking in while I have two minutes. Will post after I get to work.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #65 on: April 28, 2008, 05:24:12 PM »
Super Special Awesome Morphtastic Votecount!

(1) Sir Alex - El Cid
(1) El Cideon - Alex Andy
(2) Evil Tom - Meeple, Carthrat Meeple
(1) Meeplelard - Andy El Cid, Tom
(0) Guide To An Uprising - El-Cid, Carthrat, Excal
(0) Ciato -
(1) AndrewRogue - Ciato Carthrat, Tom, El-Cid
(0) Excal - Tom
(1) Carthrat - Tom

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #66 on: April 28, 2008, 05:50:39 PM »
Yay! Alex. He does raise some relevant points, of course. LAL on day one does have some problems. Not sure its quite as irrelevant as he says, but he definitely has a point. Lurking isn't always an intentional or controllable things, so lurking on a specific day (especially a day with limited content) can be innocent. Of course, it remains a better default than nothing, so hey.

Meeple... nah. No "he's not changing votes" stuff. I have no problems there. The problem that I have with your content (and I realize it might simply be your style) is that your word count is painfully dense for what you actually say. Obviously I can't unquestioningly fault you for an actual writing style, but it does need to be accounted for in my head. Much like real life excuses, personal "style" can also serve as a cover for scumminess. Your style really is useful for scum! Long posts give you content credit while simultaneously proving hard to read (I'll admit, even now, my eyes are kinda glazing as I read your post) and end up getting notoriously skimmed by DL players (recall the ease with which Lady Door snuck around because... well... people tended to only skim her posts). By the by, please don't turn it around me. As you say, I had a lot to catch up on and it necessitated WoT posting. I'd also argue that my content to word count ratio is a bit better, and that the overall density is a lot less given I've posted less.

It should be said that the hypocrisy argument is pretty weak. My mistakes don't invalidate those of others.

Anyhow, yes, I do feel your content is a bit lacking. I'm not saying it isn't there, but I have problems with the density to word count ratio. Furthermore, you are using that "new target, new argument" as a fairly serious crutch. While it is good, I don't think your move was particularly ground breaking or anything.

Carth: My problem with Meeple is his post style, as well as the pace at which he's moved. The entire initial attack on Tom was complete WIFOM. This is further hinged on, indeed, what might just be his personal style. The problem is that it is a style that is somewhat disruptive and can interfere with actual analysis. I can't fault him completely for it, but I can hope he sees the problem with it and takes some steps to squash his posts a bit.

My big thing with Tom is, indeed, the shift in tone. Its metagamey, but his diction is uncharacteristic which means something! I can't say what it actually means, but it is enough to raise an eyebrow for me. His recent bouncing isn't helping matters either.

I realize I'm skipping over some posts here, but have to actually work for a bit. I'll get back to this.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #67 on: April 28, 2008, 05:57:09 PM »
Alex, my problem here is not that you're disagreeing about the viability of LAL as method of scumhunting. It's that you give us nothing else to go on (well, aside from telling people I'm scummy, which I naturally disagree with). You basically go "Day one lynches are always specious, deal with it and move on." I've said it before and I'll say it again: this attitude does not help us at all. I'm fully in agreement with Rat here. There will always be an element of randomness to the first lynch, yes, but we can and should use the time available to talk as much as possible, otherwise we have nothing to work off of later (this is a pretty general comment, yes, but what else can I really say when your posts boil down to "LAL is useless day one" and "Cid looks scummy"--the latter point obviously being pretty useless to me since I know my own alignment?) I find it a little amusing that, for all your dismissal of LAL, this is actually what got you talking.

I should be perfectly honest here: I suspect you from early on in almost every game I play with you, Alex. You have your own specific playstyle and your own method of scumhunting, and that's fine, but you tend to view anyone who doesn't operate according to the same rules as scummy (or a bad player, which may as well be the same thing) and this bothers me even when I'm not the one you're voting for. I'm kind of wary that this noted bias of mine is leading me to tunnel vision at present, but it's hard to back off when you're not doing much more than saying "Yeah, no one's said much."

So, lemme ask you, in the interests of generating the content you feel is lacking (the fact that you feel it will inevitably be lacking on day one isn't really relevant; I don't, and I'm not going to play as though this was the case): Do you have any impressions on people not me, Tom or Meeple (since you've discounted their argument as irrelevant, and I've already stated that I interpret it as a townie slapfight)?

Ninja'd by Andy. I'll glance over that post in a moment.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #68 on: April 28, 2008, 08:14:04 PM »
Alrighty, it's noonish out in my part of the world, and as such, Guide To An Uprising is no longer playing this game.

I'm going to try to ask a couple more people to sub in, but if they refuse, the role gets whacked.
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #69 on: April 28, 2008, 09:05:17 PM »
Yay, test postponed to tomorrow at 11.

Rat, the fact that you're being evasive over that and attempting to make it look like I'm contradicting myself is deceptive and worrisome.

But it isn't like Gate has stated that and we've persisted; it was barely an hour since he made it that you made your own. It feels as though you're jumping the gun
I wasn't making accusations, I specifically said so. I wanted to know if you were leaving your vote on somebody who was likely to be modkilled, and why. It was just a push to stop voting for the easy target of 'the guy who won't reply'.
It's concerning that you've basically turned around and done a 'No, OMGUS'.
I was expecting more of a "yeah no point voting here anymore, I think 'x' is suspicious".
But your reply was basically 'you hypocrite, I'm just doing LAL, like you said to! '

This interaction between Rat and Tom I just find somewhat awkward for some reason; there's something about the speech patterns that is off, but I can't tell if it's Tom just trying to play the game as a better townie and he's coming off as awkward as a result or if it's something else. He seems to be choosing his words very carefully, I guess? Again, it could be just him wanting to improve his game but I felt it was notable enough to point out. The weird OMGUS against Rat is also mildly alarming. I'd also like Tom to explain why exactly scum would -want- to keep a vote on the guy who is about to be modkilled. This point just feels really weird to make, and I'm not sure if I follow the logic train.

Next is argh Meeplepost. Most of this post is saying exactly what Rat just said about the Tom situation, but I find the end more interesting.

Now Rat speaks and...then you vote on him cause he is suspicious of you?  Your reasoning seems to fall under "OMGUS!" in the grand scheme of things.


Rat now looks very suspicious to me. The way he responded sounds a lot like a ScumRat(tm) response. The way it's structured as an assault-response and the tone.. sounds a lot like scum. It's subtle, but Rat does a great job of concealing his intentions, and he's leaning towards the scum side this time.

Rat looks suspicious cause he attacked your post with odd logic built around the parts not related to me.  Rat looks suspicious cause he's calling you out for being inconsistent with actions, which makes the post look forced.  Rat looks suspicious cause he ended up voting for you in the end, based on these points combined with your earlier attitude.  Rat looks suspicious cause he is playing like he did when he was scum!

Am I reading this right?   So we have...being suspicious over someone for bringing several legit cases against you and voting against you based off that, COMBINED with a pure Metagame "RAT IS ALWAYS SCUM!" point.  I...just don't see the case on Rat as very strong.  As I said before, and I still think this, Rat actually seems pretty townie to me.

Rat's play seems more like aggressive townie play than scum to me as well, and he did make some solid points on Tom. I just kind of agree with these points, mostly.

With that said, Meeple is definitely bothering me with his regurgitation of Rat's points. Pretty much nothing in this last post says anything new at all, and the post before last is a lecture over why LaL is bad (as well as some other points, to be fair). I'm not trying to hold his posting style against him, but I'd like to see some thoughts on people besides EvilTom from him, since basically his last several posts have really only had opinions on EvilTom and Andrew (with some small support for Rat.) Now that we have everyone but our disappearing newbie around, what are your thoughts on others?

Okay, I'm going to take a break to play some WA4, I'll get to the Excal/Andrew/Alex/El-Cid posts then.
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #70 on: April 29, 2008, 12:42:55 AM »
Excal:  "I'm also curious as to why you feel that one of the people on Andy is scum.  Simply because he has the most votes?  Or is it also partly to do with the fact you believe him to not be scum?"

Because he has the most votes, yeah.  Half gut, half what would scum do metagaming to give me a place to start looking. 

El Cid's response is exactly what I was talking about and the reason I voted for him.  This is basically entrapment - there's no such thing as relevant content day 1, and he's picking the people who couldn't or wouldn't post as much early on and then pinning them with "Better provide something relevant!"  when that's impossible.  It's day 1 and there's nothing to go on except vague impressions, which I did lay out.  I have two days of day 1 posts to sift through, and all of them are based on LAL and sniping at people for low content or sniping at people for sniping at people with low content or not doing so. 

Meeple says there are other points raised - I don't think so, I haven't seen any, with the possible exception of Tom being uncivil, which I don't currently agree with as being enough reason for a vote.  The LAL stuff at this point is all meaningless and I can draw nothing from it except the thought that those who are pushing the meaningless day 1 LAL the most are scummy.  LAL is great when applied to actual cases and with flips in hand, and I'll definitely be for it past day 1, but right now it's meaningless. 

What isn't meaningless?  Honestly, nothing, on day 1.  Pressing town into seizing on specious day 1 cases and keeping them going was how I won Clue Mafia as scum.  I'm not going to do it and I encourage others not to do it.  Nothing day 1 warrants Meeple-megapost level commentary, seriously.

This post... um... wow. It harbors a lot of really bizarre Mafia cynicism. If nothing is relevent on Day 1, then how the hell are we supposed to find scum? Seriously, if you choose to not partake in any of the conversation and just talk about how LaL isn't relevent and THOSE WHO ARE FOR LAL ARE SCUMMY! And you brush off the Tom/Rat argument over Tom being uncivil, but you have absolutely nothing to say about their discussion? About Tom's points on Rat? About Rat's point on Tom? I'm not saying you have to megapost about everything. But acknowledging that other people exist would be nice. You say that talking about LaL is irrelevent at this point in the game, but you don't seem to be pursuing any avenues aside from your case on Cid... which is related to LaL. I'm not sure how to interpret this other than finding the stance really weird.

Andrew's lastest post doesn't have quite the fingerpointing feel that the one before it did, which is satsifying. He mostly lectures Meeple on his posting style and lacking content (which I've already addressed in my last post, I do agree with this) and makes some points about Alex and Tom. Right now... I'm not sure. The tone in the post is definitely more friendly but doesn't really add much, I guess? I'd like to see the points he has after work before I say much more.

Cid definitely has some interesting points as of late. Reading over his recent posts about Alex, I agree with his stance on Alex, although the reactionary vote is kind of bizarre. He seems to be thinking about the same things as I am about Alex, although I don't think that Alex's statement is worth a vote as much as just questioning. Also agree with his points on Andy. Aside from frequently changing votes, Cid doesn't look particularly bad to me.

Excal I have nothing on. Blah. There are no paramount interactions with people I can really recall like with... pretty much everyone else in the game. I'm going to read over his posts later and see if I see anything, but right now, not so much.

Back to studying! Woo hoo!
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #71 on: April 29, 2008, 01:22:56 AM »
Alex, my problem here is not that you're disagreeing about the viability of LAL as method of scumhunting. It's that you give us nothing else to go on
Yeah, that's my point.  There IS nothing else hard to go on, and while there's nothing terribly wrong with putzing around day 1, singling people out (me, Andrew) and saying "Give us something hard to go on or die!" is extremely unhelpful.  I don't have magic scumdar, and I'm not going to inflate issues I think are totally unreliable. 

Do you have any impressions on people not me, Tom or Meeple?
No, not really.  Save a bit on Tom vs Rat, which is nearly lost in the LAL flood, as seen in these two posts:

Rat's LAL stance seems to be the most protown, not that that says much.  Tom comes off as either slightly scummy or jumping around due to Tomness.  On the one hand, Tom's barking up trees.  On the other hand, it is day 1 and I don't much like Meeple's posting style either. 

Quote from: Ciato
I'm not saying you have to megapost about everything. But acknowledging that other people exist would be nice.
I'm not going to acknowledge stuff I feel is meaningless other than to say it is meaningless and promoting meaningless discussion is proscum.  Seriously, go reread Clue Mafia.  The unfortunately traditional DL style is for everyone to jump on pet cases and titanically overinflate meaningless stuff day 1, for fear of being seen as lurky, and then stick with it forever and never work with flip information or admit they're wrong for fear of being seen as flipfloppy.  Playing that way leads to certain death for town.  I'm not going to do it and I am going to say that promoting that playstyle is scummy.


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #72 on: April 29, 2008, 01:54:03 AM »
Ciato - It made sense at the time, I figured that that I'd apply Meeple's argument of "scum vote for the easy targets"... but I guess it failed just as much as Meeple did when he used it on me.
##Unvote: Carthrat

Some things that jump out at me:

Alex v El Cid
This has become the new big thing, and it's actually quite interesting.
El Cid is playing el helpful towny. In great contrast, Alex is playing Mr Gumpy. For instance:
El Cid - great walls of posts
Alex - refusal to give creedence to certain playstyles on day 1.

To be honest... Alex doesn't strike me as all that scummy. It's a bit WIFOM, but I can't imagine him taking such a stance if he were scum. It draws too much attention, when he could easily jump on a train.
But, El Cid has been playing well too. So I don't feel right about voting for him on WIFOM when he's being Mr Helpful Towny.
Basically, I don't think Alex is scum; and if Cid is scum, it'll come out eventually, because he's been contributing so much.

I'm going to revert to my vote on Meeple. Looking back, before I had that idiot-attack on Rat, my points against Meeple were quite solid.
And as Ciato says, Meeple has been focusing on me all game, to the exclusion of other issues. Not healthy.

##Vote: Meeple
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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #73 on: April 29, 2008, 02:03:59 AM »
Tom, I have a question for you.  What do you define as a 'easy target'?


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Re: Fire Emblem Mafia (Game Topic)
« Reply #74 on: April 29, 2008, 02:16:24 AM »
Somebody who doesn't respond - GTAU. That was my initial concern with voting for somebody who hadn't checked into the game yet.
There's no easier target than somebody who can't fight back.
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